for infants and Children. THIRTY years' observation of Castoria with the pntrnnnge of millions of ( :-[ ;.i s, permit us t pe. lout j-arnsin?;. It is nnqiin ttionably the best remedy for Infants and Children the world ha* ever known. It is harmloi 4 U lite given thorn health. It will savo their 11 res. In it Mothers ha something; whiok is absolutely safo ancl practically perfect aw a child's medicine. Castorla do a troy a Worms. Castoria allays Fevorisliness. Castoria pT-oconts vomiting Sonr Cnrd. Castoria euros Diarrhoea and Wind Colio. Castoria roliovoa Teething Troubles. Castoria enrew Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria neutralises the effects of carbonic acid gas or poisonous air. Castoria docs not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulate-, the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria iw put op in one-size bottles only. It is not wold in bulk. Don't allow any one to sell you anything else on the plea or promise that it is "just as good " and " will answer every purpose." See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fac-simile f ■— 9 is on every signature of wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. tip We Impart a thorough knowledge of the <"OMMFRC! AI. STPI tIF.S at the cost of less time and monev ttian other . T! I' M--AN Its < \\ • their - m-cos in life (so they say I to the training they received here. We made III;!-: Al l- WI N M ills of them. We want >Oll to know us; write and we will tell vou all about thi> 1.1 VK si Hi nil,. N. 1;. We assist grad uates to positions. I'AUCS BUSINKSS t 01.1.Kt.1i, 170S-1710 I'llCKtllut St., PIIILA. Wlieeler & Wilson l-TE'W HIGH ARM No. 9. l§®l§S C' ) 1* RPLE X SEWPTG MACHINE. SEWS ErrnEK CHAIN OK LOCK STITCH. The lightest running, most durable and most popular machine i , in the world. Bond for catalogue. Agents wanted. JLk*jt goods. Beat terms. Address Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, PA, TO THE OPPONENTS OF THE KNIGHTS OF LABOR. You Judge our organization without com plete understanding l u cum nf i|in slions. There is ONLY UNI', authorized organ of the (jenerui Order ol the Knights of Labor uiid that is the ' Journal of the Knights of Labor. The best reform weekly paper in America. SUBSCRIBE FOR IT. RI-:.\l> IT. THEN CRITICISE US. Price, $1 a year. 811 Nortli Rroud street, Philadelphia, Pa. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a proTopt. answer and an Ip-ium opinion, write to M ( N N iV ('(!.. who have had in arly ill ty rears' experience tn the patent. Lusme CoiriniunirA tlons strictly A liuui in formation concern!tii: I'arcnis and how to ob tain them sent free. Alfo a rataluue of mechan ical and scientific hooks .-eat free. Patents taken through Munn A Co. roceivo special notice in the Scientific Aiiiciinin. and thus are bromrht widely hotorethe pat in-with out cost to the invent t. Tins si h i i t imp-r, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated ha hy fur the largest circulation ot Din si . nt,' .- work in tlio 1 world. $3 a year. . v u: : • i. > Uuilding Edition, monthly, > u a year. BlnplO copies, VIA cents. Every number ront ni- heuu tifill plutes, in colors, at, l one -ruphs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show tho latest, designs and secure contran Address Ml/NN A CO., Ni-'W YOIIK, 301 liUOAHWAY. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Tp° K sipervisor- JOSEPH MYERS, of East Foster, Subject to the decision of the Republican convention of Foster township. Fortunes Made and Saved by following the advice of the Wall Hired Daily News, (established 1879) in speculating or investing in Railway Slocks and Bonds. Subscription, £•' per year. Sample copies free. Address K. .Martin Ulack, editor. No. 49 Exchange Place, N. V. JI Caveats, and l rade-Marks obtained, and all Pat-1 4 ent nusii.i: -s >i.< i a tci Moderate Fees. # J Our ORR.CE is Opposite U.S. Patent Office * J and we can secure patent in less lime than iliose J * remote from Washington. 4 * Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-# Jtion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of t 4 charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. 4 * A pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with# J cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries £ 4 sent free. Address, 4 :C./i.S^OW&CO.: 4 Opp. patent Office, Washington. D. C. 4 Complexion Preserved sm?*. DR. WF.BRA'S VIOLA DREAM Removes Freckles, Pimples i Liver - Moles b!ackh.;ad9, Sunburn and Ton, and re- \ Stores the akin to its origi- 1 --*?(■ nal freshness, producing a MEgy , clear and healthy com- MJEr. plcxion. Superior to all face preparations and perfectly harmless. At all druggists, or mailed tor 50< Ls. Bend for Circular VIOLA SKIN SOAP 83 , " rlv;il 'lilr Uiu'^nnrs< ry. AlmoluH-ly j.uro uJ dciiouieljr luudi i-au-l. AtdnißKlatA, Prico 25 Cents. G. C. BITTNER & CO., TOLEDO. O. and * aesolut£ly SAVE\ / 'vV The Best pVOvI SEWIN3 MONEY Jn ' ■ \ m ~ E MADE WE f)R OCB DEALERS can sell yon iiMicliliieN cheaper than yon ran K t clNcwiiorc, Tho NEW IIOIHK la our bent, hut wo mnko cheaper Kinds, Mich us the CLIMAX, IDEAL mid other High Arm Full Nickel Plated Sewing machines lor $1.5.00 and up. Fall 011 our agent or write us. We want your trade, and If price*, terms r rid Nijnare dealing Will win, we Will have It. Wo challenge the world to produce a BETTER $50.00 Sewing: machine lor S .10.00, or a better S2O, Rowing machine lor $20.00 than you can bu/ from ns, or our AgontH. THE FEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. Oauroi, M*BS. Bonos.Mass., n Uinoir Bqgkaa, N. Y L'IUCA JO, TI.Im St. Ia II 11, M. IMII.AH. TULA*. Dan FoaK(.tsco, Ci. Atlanta, Oa. FOR SALE Bf I>. S. Kvving, general agent, 1127 Chestnut street, Pbila., Pa. Freeland Tribune. PUBLJAHKD KVEIiT MONDAY AND THURSDAY. TIIOS. A. EUCKLEY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE: MAIN STREET ABOVE CENTRE. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year $1 50 Six M0nth5............. 75 Four Months...... 50 Two Months 25 Subscribers arc requested to observe the date following the name on the labels of their pa|>crs. By referring to tills they can tell at a glance how they stand on the books in this office. For instance: (rover Clevelnnd ZSJunctV) means that Orover is paid up to June 28, 1895. Keep the figures in advance of the present date. Kejiort promptly to this office when your paper Is not received. All arrearages must bo paid when paper is discontinued, or collection will be made In the manner provided by law. FREELAND, DECEMBER 31, 181)4. WASH IXGTON LETTER. Washington, Decembet 28.1894. 1 Although there have not been at the | outside more than seventy-live members ' of congress in Washington at ay one j time during the present week, that has ! not prevented those industrious gmilie-' men, who make a business of mauuttu turing Washington news for sensational papers, sending out detailed programmes —each entirely different from the other— of what disposition congress wiil make of the Carlisle currency rcf nn bill. A that distinguished philosopher, Josh Bil-1 lings, used to say, "It is better to be' ignorant than to to know so darn much that ain't so." While President Cleve land and Secretary Carlisle ,as well a> Chairma 1 Springer, who is in eh rge of the currency bill, hope and belli ve that the bill will pass the house in some shape, neither of them would attempt to positively say that the house would or would not pass it, although these irres ponsible scribblers do it daily. As a matter of fact, 110 man living is in a position to state with a reasonably de gree of certainty what will he the fate of the currency bill, and all attempts to do so arc but guesses. It was well under stood by the Democrats of the house when the adjournment for the holidays took place that the recess would he de voted to a study of lio.v the bill might be improved, and that 110 conclusion was to he reached until they came together 1 again. Jl is believed, but even that has not been definitely determined upon, that the fate of the currency bill will he set tled at a Democratic caucus to be held a> soon as congress meets again. At any rate it can be set down as certain that the Democrats, and not the sensation! mongers will decide the matter. If Spain persists in making the duty ui on Canadian Hour shipped to Cuba 75 cents a barrel less than the amount charged upon llour shipped from the Cnited States, she may wake up some tine morning and find herself reading a proclamation issued by the President Cleveland that will shut Cuban sugar out of the United States markets./ There is no doubt about the president having ample authority for this retaliation, and little that* he will exercise it, if the Spanish government refuses to favorably respond to the representations which Minister Taylor has been directed by Secretary Greslinm to make on the subji ct. Governor Dates, of Alabama, is spend ing the holidays in Washington, but his visit is one of business as well as pleas ure. When asked brought him to Washington at this time, he said: "My chief aim and ambition is to help con tribute to the material development of Alabama, which is so rich in natural re r es. National legislation is needed to help on the good work. The people of the south are short of the capital re quired in building up that section, and so I hope that at the present session 0 ingress will do something to relieve the necessities of the country by some kind of financial legislation. The Car lisle bill may not be perfect, but it is a way of relief and should be passed." They are making things lively for Representative Ashi r Caruth, of Ken tucky, around his usual Washington haunts, because of his having told a guileless reporter for local paper that he had no use lor a present sent him from Philadelphia. The aforesaid present was in the shape of a hook and had a title reading: "Chips that Bass in the Night; by Jack Pot." Inside, instead of reading matter, was a poker layout, including cards and ivory chips. The colonel is r.c sed by his friends of try ing to bunco that poor reporter and through him the public, and the report ir is said to have been discharged for accepting as e the statement that a Kentucky congressman had no use for a j poker layout. S. PLEAS U K E CA LKNI >A R. December ftl. Fourteenth annual hall of St. Ann's T. A. It. Pioneer turps, at Freelund 1 opera house. Admission, .Hi cents. January I. Opera hy TyrolcseSociety. Ad uiisssion. adults, 25cents; children, !•" tints. , January 17. First annual hall oi the Kttil j mailers' Social uiul beneficial t 'luh, at Free -1 Admission, ftti cents. JuiJWiu j 21. Sixth annual hall oT Timers Ath ; letie I'luh, at Fn-oland opera house. Admis sion, at) cents. j 11 uliters can timl a complete stock of Roods I in their line at A. A. Uachmun's. There are some great barguins. If you want to get a nohhy suit or overcoat to order call on ltefowioh. La it bach has line holiday confectionery. D2RAILSO BY A DULL. tie Charge J Upon the LucornotiTe and Two Cars Went Over. The man who drew the picture of a : wild bull madly charginga locom. tlve, j and followed the first-page illustration with a companion piece showing how ■ disastrous was the result to the at | tacking party, evidently was not ,ic quainted with the Arizona animal, lie : is not built on that plan at all, and the seventy-five passengers who were on the Santa Fe overland, which was j ditched near Williams the other day have elevated the monarch of the des ert to the position occupied !>;■ the king 1 ! of boasts before Sandow vanquished | the lion Commodore. 1 The product of the Arizona sands ! challenged one of the Santa Ee'a big I ■ I! —V. ; & |'A ■ L' ~ .-7~. * rnr: BULL ONCK MOU;-: CHARGED TIIH ! ENGINE. I . passenger engines attached to the ! | overland, and when the dust of con flict had lifted it, took a wrecking crew to clear away the damage ! i wrought in loss than half a minute, j The train was speeding along when the engineer discovered the bull standing on the track half a mile ahead evident- | > ly having just become aware of the fact that lie had a rival in the vicinity. As the train approached the bull, nothing loath, started t.> meet it.. , A succession of screeches from the j 1 j whistle only served to quicken the an- j 1 imal's speed. Hut by this time steam . had been shut off by the engineer and ! ' the train came to as' p, leaving the j J rampant tanrus master of the field. This was quit ■ satisfactory to the ' latter, and he 1.: v ; : i I walked with stately tread nor s tksands. The train started d vn the track and the bull < :\c2 more charged the ' engine. lie struck the locomotive just : between tlie driving wheels, the see- I ond one passing over his neck. The i obstruction lifted the engine into the air and sent it rolling over the bank, while the two baggage cars followed, I t tilling loose from the remainder of j the train, and clear off the track. I The passenger cars rolled on past the wreck, and the passengers were not \ aware of the trouble until they saw 1 the wrecked locomotive. The en- , gincer and fireman were slightly hurt. • and only the bull lost his life. SAVED THE BABY. Faithful Setter Dog lias a Terrific Hat* Ho with an Knglc. "A strange accident happened near Georgetown. Col., a week or ten days ago," said Mr. William S. Bradley to a Washington Post reporter. "Out in the , suburbs of the town the little child of a man named Kincaide was playing with a large hunting dog, who was very fond of the little one and was looked upon as a sort of guardian of the child in the mother's absence. "A big eagle suddenly swooped down on the little oneand seized in his talons to carry it off. The child was too j heavy for him to lift, and before lie , i could make a second attempt the setter I had fastened his teeth in tire eagle's body. Now, it is an extremely rare thing for a setter to light unless ho is crowded, but his fondness for the child made him conquer his dog nature and sail in like a terrier. "The mother heard the child's screams and rushed to its assistance, while the dog and the bird were turning the yard into something resembling a slaughter pen. It must have been a terrific fight. It lasted several minutes, but finally, ffiggs IT*®* -g" A TERRIFIC FIGIIT. though frightfully lacerated, I'onto got the best of the king of the air and gave him his quietus. One eye was hanging out of the dog's socket, his ' left shoulder was nearly torn off and ho received some frightful wounds in the belly, but the eagle was quite as badly used up by the dog's teeth. "The gallant animal is still living, and. with the care ho is receiving at the hands of the child's father and mother, and, in fact, the whole family, ! there is some hope of his recovery. The j strangest part about it to me is that i this was d' jio by a setter. If it had been a hound < r a terrier it wouldn't : have surprised mo." Maryland's Hunting Terrapin. A Maryland man has a hunting ter rapin. He has taught it to lure its fellows out of the soft mud, and lie says that by its assistance he made $6,000 laafc year. ■> ' M.q* ?. <£ Anthracite < ■ -11 n- <1 exclusively, injuring clcuiiliiiesH ami conikirt. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. NOV. IS, 1894. LEAVE EKEELAND. ■ 1.., MM,. M ~ Hi j. Lum . I t'lfc 11,1,1 ,l|,S6 h'tli. Mamh < in: ilk. A1:ail own, Rrthlohem, Philm, bust on and New York :!• 1,11 1 :l ,u - -1 23. (! 58 p in, for 1 !>q . ui'■> ( ii\, Mi- •nuitih inh and I'ottsvillc. it,' ", '' ■" . vv'i 1 -'. 1 "i, (via Highland u , • i- i'. Haven,<. leu Summit, U'iikeb - 1", 1 ItUton and L. and li. .huietion. SI NDAY TRAINS. 11 4|i atn and.! J.. prn f or Drifton, Jeddo, Lum ber V ard and Ha/..rton. 3 pin for Delano, Mahunov City, Shenun douh. New \ ork and Philadelphia. ARRIVE AT EKEELAND 726, W27, hi A1154 am, 1258, S 12, 4 34, 5:5!, ,P J l '"'" Hazleton, Stockton, i.UlU bet \ ard, Jeddo and Drilton. • 'J..i. Id.tii ji ju. 'j 4 21, 038p in from Delano, Malnmoy City and Shenandoah ivia i New HoMton branch). '2 38, •; ~fr oill N ,. w y ork Gaston i Chunk ' ' ' lll< Ul i A lien town and Muuoli 0 2t, id .i, a in, 12 38, 3 23, 0 38, 847 p in I nun East on. II ila., i'.et Ideliein and .Maueli < hini.x ..►, id n a "1,2 08pm troin While ilav. n, (•leuMiinmil, \N ilk*.<-lhirre, i'itlston md l an 0. Junction (via Highland branch). SUNDAY TRAINS. 11 :il H 111 1,11,1 :i ill inn, I'rimi llu/lvtim, i. ulll . be)- ) ard, Jeddo atid Drifton. anil Eu'it'un? 0,11 Uoltt,l "i "H/JntOß, PhUadulphid I 331 p m lroin Delano and Mahatioy region. i ASSSJ I " FUNM,,;O " !U *" OF CHAS. S LEE, Gi u'l . una. Aiteotj J lt< H.1.1N 11. w | : A. u. in.n, iA , ! S' o li i'i • alehem, Pa. I liE DELAWARE, 8t -QUEHANNA AND SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in effect June 17,18i'4. Trains leave Drii ton for Jeddo, Eokley, Ilu/Je Li <)ok. Mode ton. Heaver .Meadow ltoad, lioaii and iii:/.i. r• .ii Junelion at 0 (X), old a in, 12 (if, 4 1 p in. i ii': exeept Sunday, and Ui a iu,goo p m, Simd-.i>. 1 rains leave Drifton for llarwooU,Cranberry, i' suhirken and Dei inger at odU u m, l2(i:ipin, d.ul> < A'n pi >nii in. (iaiiv except -• a ay; and 703a m, 238 p ui, Sunday. > rains leave 1 lazietoii lor Harwood, : i'liin ierr.\, lomhieken and i•. inijier aliioi a in, I 49 p m, daily except Sun ; and 8 41 a m. 4 18 p m, Sunday. Trains lea\r ifa/Jeton Junction for Oneida 1 Junction, ib.rwooii Koud, ilniuladdl Road.' Oneida and Seep; ton at r- 57, 9jm „ i„, | : . m j 4( | p ui, dad.v except Sunday; and i 40 a in, 3 0b p j Trains it ive Deringei for Tomhiekeii, Cran berry, I aiNVootl, lia/Jelou Junelion, Roan, 1 h aver Meaiiou Road, m.., kton, Razle brot.k, I I'.ekle), Jeddo and Drilion at tin, p m dailj exeept Muulay; and a;,, a in, 5 o*. n m' ' Sunday. leave Shoppton for Oneida, Humboldt Road, ii.u wood ltoad,hieida Junction, Ha/le- R.u Juliet ion a l Roan at 8 31, Id it. a m, I i., a 2a p in, duils exec pi Sunday; and 8 ]• a in, J 45 P HI, Sunday. J mills lease Shcppton for Denver Meadow no; n. "Mneivion, Hazle brook, Eckley, Jeddo and I m-.i ion HI mh, a in, . p in, daily, except 'ii.uaj; and 14 a in, 343 n in, smniav. 'I rains leave llazleton Junction tor Reaver Meadow koud, Mioekton, lla/le Drook, Eckley •H u.i.. ill", 1.nit.,,, ui lu:,s,ii r ,,:l HI, .Hi, u; p >b dad.v, exs rpt iMiiialay;aiul 10 08a in, 5:18 pm, 1 , All iruiiis connect at liazleton J.uiu tion with electric ears for Dazleton, Jeauesville, Auden- - I'ied and otiier.poiuls on Lehigh Traelioii 1. o's. '1 rains U u\ ing Di il bm at tt !0 a in, and Shepp lon el • .1 a ni, and 1 l.> p m, eonnecl ai Oneida w itn R. \ . R. R. traius'eitsi ami west. Irani leaving Drifton at amm a in makes eon ii' ctioii jit Dei inger wilh P. R. R. train for M likes-barre, iSuubury, llurrisburg, i tc. A 1.1 RED WALTEH, DANIEL COXE President. Suporluieudeut. DR. N. MALFY, li JK; IX TIH T t Lncilli'il ptTimiwntly in lllrkliuck's Uuilcliiiß, i ami urccml lHtiir. S[Hmil utu-ntluu paid to nil tiinnuhi-s ol Uoatutry- A LL OPKItATIUXS PKItI'VH.VED WiTll CAM). All work Kiiariintecd. offloo hours: 8 to 12 A. M.i 1 to o I'. 41.; i to D P. 41. F RAH CIS BRE AIT'S 151 Centre street. EXCELLENT LIQUORS BEER, PORTER, ALE, CIGARS, Etc. All I,fails ol' TEMPERANCE DRiNKS. COTTAGE^HOTEL. Washington nnd Main .Sireeta, FRED. HAAS, rrop. Flrt*t-chifl nccoinodntlon for permanent and transient guosta. flood l'uir rules, liar ttnely stocked. Stable utUu hed. IDoff s\LL. A bay hor.-e, trengand healthy, l suitable tor single or doiil>le driving, can Ibe bought cheaply. Apply to Jolln Shigo, Freeland. YTTANTED. A boy i<- learn the watehmak- VV ing and jewelry trade. Ap . Mil ham Wehrnian, r'reoland. stoa Reward, SIOO. Iho readers of this paper will bo I'leased to learn that there is at least one Traded disease that science has been a> :o to cure in all its stages and that i> catarrh. Hall's catarrh cure is the oniv positive cure now known to the medical t rat. rnity. Catarrh being a const it n- i tional disease requires a constitution t : 1 tre'iiment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken " internally, acting directly upon tlie i •• nnd mucous surfaces of the sv . •) j thereby destroying the foundation ( the disease, and giving the pa:i.-j strength by building up the cons'i.' t and assisting nature in doing its wor . The proprietors have so much faiih in Us curative powers, that they offer • • hundred dollars fur any case that it fai to cure, bend for list of testimoniais Address, E. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 75c. When Baby was nick, wo gave her Castorla. ! When sho was a Child, sho cried for Castorio. When sho became Miss, she clung to Custoria. When alio had Children, she gave them Custoria Daubach's for fresh bread, etc. Don'! Spare a Minute! First Come, First Served! A great reduction in prices. Call and be covinced. Bargains in all departments. The largest and most complete stock in lower Luzerne. IDry G-00d.3 Department: I lie very latest styles and shades in covert, broad and ladies' cloth A complete line of trimmings, very low in prices. Seven cent unbleached muslin, reduced to 4c per yard. Eight-cent bleached muslin, reduced to be per yard. Best, gray flannels, re duced to lSc trom 25c. The same in red mixed dress ginghams, very best quality, 5c per yard. A neat line of children's coats.' H>epa.rtmezrt: MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS. We carry a complete line of the celebrated "Star" style), at all prices, some ' Boots, Slices and BS-aTcToer OcccLs: r I hese lines are complete and as usual the best goods for the least money. JOS, NEUBURGER, P. O. S. of A. Building, - Freeland. NEW STOKEt NEWCOODS! (i ILL'S CENTRE AND SOUTH STREETS, FREELAND. BEFORE BUYING YOUR WINTER GOODS CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK, ALSO THE PRICES. YOU WILL BE CONVINCED THAT MY STOCK CONSISTS OF THE NEWEST STYLES IN DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, MILLI NERY, WOOLENS, Etc. RESPECTFU LEY YOURS, ban SKI. POllTl (AITS! Christmas will soon be here and you will need to make a present to your friend or relative. What can you give better than a nice portrait of yourself i TREVASKIS, the photographer, is making the best class of work that is King sent out from any place. .It is all high class and artistic. WHEN IN IIAZLETON call at his studio and see the fine display of portrait work. 11. T HE, V ASK IH, 21} West Broad Street, - llazleton, Pa. I! amess: I iarness: Light Carriage Harness, $5.50, $7, $9 and $10.50. j Heavy Express Harness. $10.50, sl9, S2O and $22. ; Heavy Team Harness. double, $25, S2B and S!JO. 3EB. WISE, Jeddo and Freehold, Pa. A new stock of blankets, lap, robes, buffalo robes, etc., just; arrived, are selling cheap. DePIERRO BROS. =CAFE.= Corner of Centre and Front Streets, Freeland, Pa Finest Whiskies in. Slock. \ Gibson, Doughorty, KauL fClub, Roscubluth's Velvet, of width we have EXCLUSIVE SALE IN T.WN. Muimn's Kxl ra IM y Champagne, Ilenne'sy brandy. blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordiuls, Etc. Imported find Domestic ('ijars. j J OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. ' ll*im and Sclnrei'r.-r t'herse Sandwic/ics, Sardines, lite. t MEALS AT - ALL - HOURS. ' Itullentine and lia/.lc-ton boor on tap. Baths, Hot or Cold, 25 Cents. Advertise in tlie TRIBUNE. J Philip derilz, Corner Front and Centre Streets. lam the oldest jeweler in town. I have had the largest practieul experience in repairing and will guarantee yon thorough work. I huve always in stock the largest assortment of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, I'latedwnre, Kings, Diamonds and Musical Instruments. 1 will do ENGRAVING FREE OF CHARGE on any article purchased from me. Single Tax Courier, NA TIONAL SING L E TA X NE WSPA PER. It gives the single tax news of the w rhl weekly, single tax discussions and the very best of propaganda matter. Foreign corres pondents in -Japan, Australasia, Fruueo, Eng land, Canada and other countries. Tiie emu i* r is a id-page, iil-cnlumn paper. In very clear print, on tine tinted paper. It is a valuable champion of the cause which Is at tracting so much attention throughout the world. W. E. DROKAW, Editor. Published by THE COURIER PUBLISHING COMPANY, 810 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. SI.OO PER ANNUM.