New Thermometer. A now thermometer for registering extreme heat Is composed of a liquid alloy of sodium and potassium, In stead of mercury. The boiling point of this alloy is about 1,100 degrees above, and its freezing point 12 de grees below zero. Never Idle. "A million pooplo out of work," snya nowspapor writing of those hard timos. A-Modtothis raisfortuno nro tho physical Infirmities with which liavo to boar. But there is ono iking that is never Mlo ; always nt work, unceasingly in search of those thus detorrel, it seeks to euro such nnd help thorn to grasp a chniico whon it comes. This is tho mission of Hi. Jacobs Oil. Among tho millions thoro urn thousands Buffering with nourulgia. For this it is a positive cure. Uso it and thoro will bo a thousand sulT.-rors less nnd a thousand chanc's moro to Ret work and hold it. Bet ter times may como soon, and thoro is noth ing like tho greit remedy for pain to help you out of painful troubles ani into pluco again. Mrs. Winslow's Fonthing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 2&c.u bottle No Italian girl can marry without a dowry. Fr. Kilmer's KwAMr-BooT eur®3 oil Kidney and Bluddor troubles. Pamphlet and Consultation froa. Labrutory Binghaiuptou,N. Y. Compressed air is used to drive certain Paris street ears. Karl's Clover Root, the groat blood pnrlfler, Cves freshness and clearness to the complex n and cures constipation. St els.. U eta., si. BTATE or OHIO, CITV OF TOLEDO, \ LITCAR (-OUNTV. 1 FRANK J. CUKNEV makes oath that ho is tho senior partner of the firm of 1\ J. CHENEY FC <'o., doing business In tho City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said llrm will pay tbo sum of ON IS HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of C iinrrh t hat c innot bocurod by tho uso of H ALL'S < 'ATAMKII CURE. FRANK .1. CII; NKY. .-worn to boforo mo and subscribed iu my pro-enco, thuUlh day of December, A. D. litsd. . —*— I A. W. (JLEASON, ' —v—-' K it an/ Puh'tc. Hall's Catarrh Curo fntaken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces oi tho system. Send for monials, free. F. J. CHENEY Co., Toledo. O. tf Sold by Druggists, 75c. Whole Family Helped troubled with It tie - w mutism eo that ho \ could hardly lift his n ■ hand to his head, and HP i 1 also had severe pains \, I *'i kis stomach utter down and Hood's Job * Sar -- ,l iiarilla built him ■■■ ''''lJ up. and he gained 13 lbs. Our little boy Leon has also been given aiip. tite,weight and strength by tho medicine. Hood's Sarsupuriliu cured IUO of t.ri/siite inn, which I have had for 1") years and which Is now entirely drivon out of my system. Since Hood's 3 ;."' 10 Cures taking Hood's I am better in every way." MRS. H. K. JOHNSON, Lyme Centre, N. 1!. Ilood m Fills are a mil l cathartic. 25 cents. r N U 43 VfIHVFHAjj Y.'E WILL f/ifllL FOG THUD "MEDITATION " HBO n i for __ medicine, and derived no J- COLEMAN, ESQ. benefit. I get more relief in one. hour from you* medicines, as far as my stomach was concerned, than from all the other medicine I used. 1 f any person who reads this is suffering from dyspepsia or constipation and will use you* medicine at. I have done, he will never regret it." P N U 43 '94 W. I, DOUGLAS $8 SME.'SASR -"rw $5. CORDOVAN, /m- V FKLNCH& FNAMELLED CALF! Mt \ %:3.SPFINECAIF&IftNGAMI Hj£ '■) 53.5? POLICE,3 SOLES. M SO '2.V/ORKINGMENC rp i i | EXTRA FINE. u, *2A 7 -SBOYS'SCHOOLSHDES. 'LADIES- L.% / I „*'sas2.U.ZS | "EesTD° n o| -A. I \ SEND TOR CATALOGUE ! W-1.-DOUQLAS, 'WK PW* STOCKTON, /AAS3. I You enn save money by vrenrluc tho W. 1.. Donglao 83.00 Shoe. Bocnnse, wo aro tho manufacturers of | thisgradoofshoes inthowo.-lJ.andgucrantcotheil I value by stamping tlio narno and prico on the bottom, which protect you against high prices and tho middleman's j .• fit •„ Our f.hor9 equal custom work In stylo, easy li:;ing and wearing qualities, Wo have them s >l ! everywhoro ntlawor prices fo* the value given than any other make. Takonosub tfltutc. If your dealer cannot supply you, wo can. Tl'l " LTNKNF." are tho Best and Most Economi cal < ..liars und Cuffworn; they are mado of Una jdo.M, both sides finished alike, and lieiiiLr r**versk ble.'ne collar ia equal to twoot any other kind. /hen r,t trcll, year WfH an I loot wit. A ho* of Celts araop l ive Pairs ol Cuffs for Tweuty-Plre A Hamplo Collar and Pair of Cuffs by mall for fill Cents. Name stylo and size. Address REVERSIBLE COLLAR COMPANY. 77 Franklin St., Now York. 27 Kilby St.. Boston. at tho Invest c\ t. If.- Ithful: best Influences; e|t'ctlv| : tudlea. Superior instruction. Departments of Hot A keeninjanil lltulnf:* i-tudir*: >/.. thnndand Tj/po icri'fi.iy; As,,//./, ,<„