SCIENTISTS IN SESSION Interesting Meeting Con venes at Saratoga. Dr. liingNbury Delivers the Opening Address and Talks on "The Reign of the Luw"—l)o Those In Great Battles Know Anything of the Fight as u Whole? Saratoga, N. Y., Sept. 4.—The gen eral meeting of the American Social Science association convened at eight o'clock last evening in the Town Hull courtroom. The opening address was made by tin president, F. J. Kings bury. L.L. D., of Wuterbury, Conn. The subject was "The ltelgn of Law " Dr. Kingsbury's paper opened with , when askecJ if she could live on a certain annuity, replied thut she could live on half of t, "but could sj>eud double." CONDENSATIONS. Rome, Aug. 80. —The Syndic of Rome will start to-day for the United States. Little Falls, N. Y., Aug. 31.—There are iires in the Adlrondacks in the vi cinity of Canada Lake, N. Y. Fort Plain, N. Y., Aug. 31.—Naviga tion is being considerably Interrupted on tiie Erie canal because of the low water. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 81.—The Hon. Charles M. Pond, a prominent demo crat and buslnes man, died heru yes terday, aged 57 years. Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. I.—Robert J. paced a mile in 2:03 3-4, breaking the world's record. Alix covered the same distance in 2:05 1-4. San Francisco, Sept. 1. —It is reported on reliable information that the friends of Gen. Ezeta had laid plans for his escape from the officers now holding him as a prisoner in a hotel here, and that his guards have been doubled. Elizabeth, N. J., Sept. 3.—Edward Melvin, aged 13. died of typhoid fever at Alexian hospital yesterday. It is the fifth case during tho epidemic. His home is on Railway avenue whey the disease prevails and where pol luted wells were discovered. Paris, Sept. 3.—At the Velodrome do la Seine yesterduy the bicycle race for the Grand Prix de I'Union. 1,000 francs distance five kilometres, was won eas ily by Zimmerman. Ranker was sec ond. In the race for amateurs Edwards was first and the American Dunwoody second. Utlca, N. Y., Sept. B.—The differ ences between tho Typographical union and the Utlca Herald, which have ex isted about a dozen years, have been amicably adjusted and the composing room of the latter Is again manned by union men, the old force having Joined the union. Akron, Ohio, Sept. I.—While bathing In Silver Lake yesterday Prof. E. D. Conant, instructor in the gymnasium of the Chicago University was attack ted with cramps and sank. He was res cued while sf 111 alive but all efforts to resusclatnte him failed and ho died an hour later. New York, Aug. 30.—The Anglo- American Telegraph company an nounces the following': Tho Eastern company report delays us follows: Yokohama to New York, 7 hours, 20 minutes; Shanghai to New York, 2 hours, 59 minutes; Hong Kong to New York, 2 hours, 3 minutes. Portland, Me, Aug. 31.—A deliberate attempt was made to wreck a Grand Trunk train, near Fifth point in this city. An eleven Inch shell was found on the track just before the Montreal express arrived. Where the shell canio from is a mystery, unless from a fort in the harbor. It is believed to be loaded. Annapolis, Md., Sept. 3.—Examina tions of the candidates for admission to tho Naval academy will begin to day. Eighty-three young men have reported to the secretary of the acad emy. The examinations will occupy two days, and re-examinations two more. Physical examinations will bo made as each candidate finishes his mental tests. Buffalo, Aug. 31.—Movement is on foot here to organize crack cavalry companies to be made up of gentlemen riders who delight in the saddle and sabre. The formation of one company is already assured and there are good prospects for another, the two com bined forming a squadron. Each com pany will contain fifty men. liollidaysburg, Pa., Sept. 3.—The pub lic funds of Blair county are locked up in the closed Second National bank of Altoona, that is now seeking exten sions of time of payment from Its de positors. In consequence the county treasurer cannot pay off the orders for poor relief and other current ex penses. The tax collectors have been notified lo hurry the outstanding taxes into the county treasury. Sioux City, la., Sept. I.—lt looks very much like a light between Cor bett and Jackson. The Impression is that tin- Sioux Athletic a means business and has the money to back it up. The officials of the club say they will make whatever showing is demanded by the principals in the light, it is expected that representa tives of tiie club and the two princi pals will meet in Chicago to sign the articles. Anderson, Ind., Aug. 31.—James Fos ter. colored, an employe of the Amer ican Wire Nail woiks, who moved hero from L< xington, Ky„ four years ago, announces that lie is the rightful owner by heirship of Price Hill ad dition to the city of Cincinnati. He says liis father was a free negro and owned It. but was swindled out of it by fraudulent deeds. He will bring suit for recovery. He says it is worth $7,000,000. New York. Sept. I.—Again tho big Cunard ocean greyhound Lucania holds the westward record between Queens town and New York. The Lucania ar rived at the Sandy Hook lightship at 1:58 p. m. yesterday, aft r a passage of Ave days, eight hours and thirty eight minutes. Tli > Lucania wrests the sip renin.-y from i :&..r ship, the Campania, heating the record made by the latter two weeks ago by fifty one minutes. Auburn, N. Y., Aug. 30.—1n the championship contest yesterday be tween teams of trap-shooters from Rochester, Utlca, Syracuse and Au burn, comprising the New York Cen tral league, the Syracuse team won, the score being 89 out of a possible 100. Utiea was second with 86, Roche ster next with 84, and Auburn last with 80. E. I). Fulford, of Utlca; Glover, of Rochester, and Carr, of Auburn, made clean scores. Washington, Aug. 31.— I The famous case of Judge Long, of Michigan, against the commissioner of pensions will come up for final argument Sep tember 5, in the supreme court of the District of Columbia. Commissioner Lochren, through counsel, Assistant Attorney General Whitney, has given notice that he will move the court to dismiss the proceedings, and will op pose vigorously all further delays on Judge Long's part. Asbury Park, N. J., Aug. 30.—There is no abatement in the attendance at the great Ocean Grove camp-meeting. Last night there was a big turnout to attend the last evening service of the camp. Rev. Thomas L. Paulson, of Jumalcu, L. 1., adressed an audience of over 5,000. To-day is the closing day of the camp-meeting. The baptism of infants took place at 9 o'clock, and this will be folowed by the administration of the Lord's Supper at 3 o'clock this a/tetraoo*. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE. lioekport, September 4, 18D4. ■EDITOR TRIBUNE.—In view of the fact that you have often granted space in your columns to enable mine workers to ventilate their opinions of mine fore men and mine managers, I think it is nothing more than right to change the monotony of things by granting space to one of the latter class to have his little say about the other fellows. For many years I have filled the position of mine foreman in your neighborhood. I tried at all times to perform my plain duty as I understood it. My aim in life has been to do what is right irrespective of what others might think. I have always be lieved that in dealing with my fellow men better results could he accomplished by working on the line of least resistance hence where a simple request would suffice I have never given a command. How well I have succeeded is not for me to say, and it would be egotism on my part to attempt to discuss it, but the various letters and testimonials received by me are flattering in the extreme and deserve a public acknowledgement. On the eve of my departure from your neighborhood I was presented with a beautiful gold watch by the employes of No. 5 colliery, Upper Lehigh. The event was a surprise for which 1 was wholly unprepared, and while I may have said much to the committee which presented it, yet I realize that I have overlooked some very important matters, chief among which is to properly thank them, which 1 now do publicly. I am not vain enough to think that this testimonial is a tribute to my per sonal worth. On the contrary, I am fully conscious that it is a high tribute to the eternal principle of justice, paid through me, its humble votary. It is a specific acknowledgement that the divine injunction, "I>o ye unto others as ye would have others do unto ye," is the only true code to govern human action, and still holds a dominant place in the hearts of men. To the various friends who by word and deed have so honored me, I return my heartfelt thanks. The magnificent present I have received and the circum stance under which it was presented, has made a lasting impression. It will always be a source of pleasure to me to wear the beautiful watch, to explain whence it came, and in the evening of life, when the shadows commence to grow dim, to religiously transmit it to the care of posterity. To the men who have worked under my charge for many years I say good bye. Individually and collectively, I thank you. It will always give me great pleasure to hear of your welfare, and if many of you will only remember the advice I often gave you it will have a tendency to smooth your pathway through life. Should you Btray around Rockport at any time the latch-string is always out, and the table will contain the farm's choicest gifts. Again, good bye, and that happiness and prosperity may at tend you, is the earnest wish of your friend, Thos. C. Sheppard. BASE BALL POINTS. The attraction at the park here next Sunday will be the well-known Catasau qua club, the strongest semi-professional team in the Lehigh valley. The club contains such noted players as Malone, Gilbert, Chambers, O'llara and others who have made records on the diamond in the past few years. Ashland has been admitted to the State league in place of Easton, the club there having disbanded for the third time this season. Catiirrli Cannot bo Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts direct ly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two in gredients is what produces such wonder ful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY iV CO., Props., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, price 75c. Home Comfort llangeH, People using the Home Comfort steel range speak-as follows: Whitei Haven, August 19, 1894. To whom it may concern. This is to certify that we have a Home Comfort steel range in our home and find it in every way, so far, as represented by the salesman, 11. C. Robinson. Our water tank boils quickly, it bakes nicely, takes up a small amount of room in the house, is certainly cleaner and neater than east iron stoves, no ashes flying, the closets are very nice and luindy to warm vic tuals in and for what time" I have used it, would not take two others for it. Mrs. Sarah Faircbild. .. Ziba Faircbild. Built by the Wrought Iron Range Company, St. Louis, Mo. When Baby was Rick, wo pavo her Castoria.' When Bhewoa a Child, sho cried for Castoria. When sho became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she hod Children, she gave thorn Castoria Advertise in the TJIIBUNE. 3STO EEMOVAL into DissoLUTionsr HUT UKIIID IMS SHE AT •JOS. NEUBURGER'S EnviopoxsiTJ'XvC, P. O. S. OF A. BUILDING, FREELAND, PA. Our goods must Ire sold regardless of prices. We must have ready caslx. We cannot afford to carry our stock over for higher prices for next season. -A. CS-exieral Cut of One-Half Xxi .A.ll 3Departm.eaats. Don't miss this opportunity. For two weeks we will hold ourselves bound down to sell everything at cut in-two figures. Men's clothing, boys' suits, children's suits, dry goods, fancy goods, hoots, shoes and rubbers, ladies' and gents' neckwear, hats, caps, furnishing goods, trunks and traveling bags. For two weeks only. Remember the place. JOS. NEUBURGER, P. O. BOF A. BUILDING, - - FREELAND, PA. LU r- CC I Q Philip Geritz, Corner Front and Centre Streets. lam the oldest jeweler in town. 1 have had the largest practical experience in repairing and will guarantee you thorough work. I have always In stock the largest assortment of Watches, Clocks. Silverware, Plated ware. Kings, Diamonds and Musical Instruments. I will do ENGRAVING FREE OF CHARGE ou any article purchased from me. HALLSSPECIFIC! REGAINS AND MANTAINS THE VITAL POWERS. Cure* NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOSS OF VIGOU, INSOMNIA ami GENERAL DEBILITY. United by I MI'III'DENT HABITS, EXCESSES or OVERWORK. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR PER BOX. Pamphlet and Circular Free. Sold fit/ wholesale and retail druggists in Philadelphia, Pittsburg and Reading, or sent by mail, sealed, on receipt of money. Address HALL S SPECIFIC COMPANY, if l Lexington Avenue, New York City. CITIZENS' BANK OF FREELAND; -—l3 FRONT STREET.— CAPITAL, - €50.000. DFFiCEM. Joseph Dirk beck. President, 11. c. Koons, Vieo President, H. It. Davis, Cashier. Charles Dushuck, Secretary. i ■ DIRECTORS.—JOB. Riikbcck, 11. C. Koons, Thos. B;rki>cok, A. Hudewiok, John Wagner, Chua. Dushcck, John Burton, Michael Zcuiany. fit*" Three per cent. lutcrofct paid on saving deposits. open d lily from oa. m. to 3 p. m. Saturdays Close at 1™ noon. Open Wednesday evoulngs from tt to 8. GEORGE FISHER, dealer In FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call at No. 0 Walnut street. Free-land, or wait for the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. NOTICE is hereby given that an application will be made to one of the judges of the court of common pleas of Luzerne county on Saturday, the fifteenth day of September, A. I). 1804, at 10 o'clock a. m., under the act of assem bly of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en titled "an act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," ap proved April L., 1874, and the supplements thereof, for the charter of an intended corpora tion to be called "St. John's Reformed Church of Fxikley, Pennsylvania," the character and object whereof is the worship of Almighty God according to the faith, doctrine, discipline and usuuges ot the Reformed Church of the United States, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said act of assembly and its supplements. Chfis. Orion Stroh, solicitor. READ THE TRIBUNE— -ONLY #1.50 PER YEAR. I Harness! Harness! Light Carriage Harness, #5.50, #7, #0 and #10.50. Heavy Express Harness. #16.50, #l9, #2O and #22. Heavy Team Harness, double, #25, #2B and #3O. GEO. WISE, Jeddo and Freehand, Pa. Large line of summer goods, in the way of lly nets, dusters, umbrellas, etc. Anthracite coal used exclusively, insuring cleanliness and comfort. Arrangement ok Passenger Trains. MAY 13, 1804,. LEAVE FREELAND. 806, 3%, 9 83. 10 41 ft m, 1 OA, 2 27, 0 40. 4 55, ft 60. 6 68, 7 13, 8 67. 10 40 p in, for! Jeddo, Lumberyard, Stockton anil Ha* ton. 6 06, 8 25. 983 ft m, 186, 3 40. 4, 5 p n , for Mauch Chunk, Allciitown, Bethlehem, l'aila., Ens toil aud Now York. j 6 (ft, 9 Wl. 10 41 am, 2 27, 4 66. <1 6R pm, for i Mabanoy City, Shenandoah and P< ttsville. ; 720, 1060 am, 11 60,431 nm, (via Hlghlnnd Rranobjifor White Haven, (Hen Biimmlt, Wilkuw ! Barro, Pittetou and L. and B. Junction. SUNDAY TRAINS. ; 1140 a m and 345 p m for Drifton, Jeddo, Lum ; her 1 urd and Jluzieton. 045 n m lor Delano, Mahanov City, Shenan doah. New York and Philadelphia. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. fi 50, 7 18, 7 SO, 9 27, 10 60, 11 69 a m, 13 58, 313. 4 34,6 68, 8 47, 1083 pm, from ITazieton, Stook t -u. I.umlx r Yard, Jeddo and Drifton. 7 36, 9 19, 10 60 u m, 2 18, 4 31, 0 68, 10 03 p m. from Delano, Muhunoy City iujd bheuanuouh (via New Boston Brain h). 12 68, 6 10, H 47, 10 32 p in, from New York, Ens ton, Philadelphia, Bethlehem, Allentown und Mauch Chunk. 9 27, 10 56 n ni. 12 58, 6 40 0 58, 8 47, 10 32 p m, from Boston, Phi la., Dctlilehem and Mauch Chunk. 0 83, 10 11 a in, 2 27,0 68 pra f rom White Haven, Glen Summit, Wilkes-Bane. Pittaton and L. ami 11. Junction (\lu liighhuid Brunch). SUNDAY TRAINS. 11 81 a m And 331 p ni, from Hnzlctcm, Lum ber Yard, Jeddo und Drifton. 11 31 a ra from Delano. Haztcton, PhUadelphla unil boston. 3 31 p ui from Delano and Mnhanoy region. For further Information Inquire of Ticket Agents. CITAS. 8. LEE, Qcn'l rasa. Agent, Phila., Pa. UOLLIN II WILIIUR, Gen. Supt. East. Div. A. \\. NONNKMACHEK, Ass't (i. p. A , South Bethlehem, Pa. Dblaware, Susquehanna and X - Boihjy lkill Railroad. Timo table tn cltect Juno 17, 1894. Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Kckley, Hazlo Brook, Stockton, IJeaver Meadow Road, Roan and llazlcton Junction at 6 90, n Id a in, 12 09, 4 (JO p in, daily except Sunday, and 7 U3 u in, 2 38 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for Garwood, Cranberry, Tomhicken and Dcriuger at 6 00 h in, 12 09 p m, daily except Sunday; aud 7 oii a ui, 268 p m Sunday. Trains leavo Drirton for Oneida Junction, Garwood Hood, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Sheppton at 6 10 a m, 1209, 4 09 p m, daily except Sunday; and 7 03 a m, 2 88 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazluton .1 unctli >n for llarwood Cranberry, Tomhicken and Doringcr at a37 a Pa. 1 40 m ' d P ly exo ®P t Sunday; and 847a m. 4 18 p m, Sunday. Trains leave llazlcton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood ltoad, Humboldt Road. Oneida and Sheppton at M 47, 938 am L 2 40 1 10 p m, daily except Sunday; and 7 40 a'm. 308 u ni, Sunday. H Trains leave Deringnr for Tomhicken, Cran berry, Harwood, Hiucleton Junction, Roan Beaver Meadow Road. Stockton, Hazlo Brook. Ecklcy, Jeddo and Drifton ut 2 39, 007 p m' daily oxcopt Sunday; and 937 a in, 607 p m! Sunday. Trains Icavo Sheppton for Oneida, ITumholdt ltoad, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, lli.zle um Juuctiou uud ltoau at H ttl, 10 16 am, 116 • 25 p ui, dully except Sunday; and 014 a in, 346 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton. Ilazlc Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Ifrifton at 10 16 a m, 6 26 p m, daily, exeunt Sunday; imd b 11 a in, :145 n m, Sunday. Trains leave Haxleton Junction for Beaver Meadow Rood, Btockton, Hazlo Brook. Lckicv Jeddo aud Drifton ut 1038 a in, 310 &47 uto i> in, dully, except Suuday; and 10 08a'm, 5£H I in Sunday. ' All trains connect at Ilazletou Junction with electric cars lor Hnzleton, Jeanesvilic Auden rted aud other points on Lehigh Traction Log" Trains leaving Drifton at 0 10 a in. and 'l e- - ton at 831 a in, and 116 pm, connect ut One . Junction with L. V li U. tn.ins and wi',t! Vi 1 tou atftOO a in makes con nection at Derlngcr with 1' K k tiuin i.r Wlikes-Burre, Bunbu*j, llarrisburn-'etu. DANIEL CO\R, l'roaldcnu Bupuiiuluudcut. Soo McDonald's 75c lace curtains.