HOW CHILDREN QUARREL. The llama of Urug a. Overheard la Ple beian Tompkins Square.' On one of the scats four little girls were observed the other day lndulg. Ing In the feminine—masculine, also —propensity for quarreling. Tno most self-assertive of the group was a diminutive damsel whose head was adorned with a hat of monstrous red plumage. Sarcastic comments on her part had evidently irritated her companions: "She's a sassv thing, Sally. I wouldn't speak to her no more," ob served a young miss on the right. The sarcastic damsel sniffed, but said nothing. "Don't let's'sociate with her no more," remarked a second. The three little girls arose, and the third one had her say. "You can just keep away from our party. Mary Raum," she said. "We ain't a-goin' ter look or speak to you no longer." The self-assertive maiden in the monstrous hat gazed contemptuously upon her whilom companions as they marched away. tjhe shrugged her shoulders complacently. "Huh! Dcre is oddors," she observed, with u world of significance in her tones. A short distance away sat two lit tle boys who were comparing notes on family mattera "Us folks has got do biggest fam ily," remarked tho llrst ooe, confi dently. "Hetchcr ain't," returned his com panion. "Yes we has. Dere's me, an' me two brudders, me daddy, me mud der, me aunt, and me uncle. Kin you heat dat?" "I should say," was the response. "We's got seven gals and boys in our family. An' deres free grown-ups." "Well, anyhow, me daddy can buy out your daddy." "Kin he'.' Oh, kin hey Me daddy's a hoss-cai- driver an 1 he owns a big stable wld two hunnered bosses." "iJat ain't nothin," retorted the Imaginative youth. "Me daddy's a janitor an' he owns a house on Kecon' avenoo dat's 11 bo stories high, and wi I a hundred people livin' in it. Bee?"— New York Recorder. Grisly Legislation. Two most extraordinary bills were Introduced in tho Ohio Legislature. The first bill provided for the abolish ment of hanging as a penalty incases of capital punishment, and substi tuted the use of amesthetics and vivisection. The murderer was to be turned over to the doctors, who would deprive him of consciousness by the use of anmsthics and then ex periment with liiiu to their hearts' content. The other bill was stmilai to the first, but less radical, and gave the murderer the choice be tween death by electricity and death by anaistiictlcs and vivisection. Dr. Kilmer's SWAMP-ROOT euros nil Kidney and Bladder troubles. Pamphlet and Consultation free. Labratory Bingham pton.N.Y. Mary Queen of Scots became bald in mid- Jlo life ami was forced to hide tho blemish ivith a wig. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is a Constitutional Cure. Price, 75 rents. Tho original manuscript of Justinian's Pan dects was found in a little town in Calabria. Karl's Clover Root, tho great blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to tho complex ion and cures constipation. 25 cts., 50 eta., sl. A double-jointed calf was recently born on a farm of a Hitchcock, Neb., farmer. 31 That Tired Feeling Is duo to an impoverished condition of the blood. It should be overcome without de lay, aud the best way to accomplish this re sult is to take Hood's Bardaparilla, which MOOd'S Sarsa -1 J. parilla will purify ami vital- Izo the blood, fcive A UJf strength nnd appetite nnd produce sweet and refreshing sleep. Be sure to get Hood's Barsaparilla, nnd only Hood's. Hood's Pills cure nausea and biliousness. W. L. DOUCLAS Ciier 13 THE BEST. WII VSTWICB NOSQUXAKING. /Sf FRENCH A ENAMELLED CALF! Jp \ *4*S.SOFINECAIfmNOAMII HI *3-- POLICE,3 SOLES. 4 oso.*2.WORKINGMEN? ttML J; \ j extra FINE. 1,4 Nk jflsvj *2.*|7_SBOYSSCHOOISHOES. TkJMirmL -LADIES- Wt&i, if Jt -yj. poNCQin SCND TOR CATALOGUE /^SW!P'W-L.DOUCLAS, BROCKTON/ MAS 3. You enn snvo money by tvenring tho W. 1,. Douglas 83.00 Shoe. Hern use, wo nro tho largest manufacturers of this grmloof shoes in tho world, nnd guarantee their value by stamping tho name and price on tho bottom, which protect you against high prices anil tho middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work In style, easy fining nnd wearing qualities. Wehavothera sold everywhere at lower prices for tho value given than any other make. TaLo no sub stitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, wo cau. wt YH LL MAIL POSTTftID' Mbl Wi LftidLd lajXlttroab 1 1., TOUEDO, oiuo. NENSIONKF pSuccessfully Prosecutes Clajms. ■ 3yri n l-i-I war, l-'>.nl,judi' al:;ig el, Gins, alt v Miicc. POT Trf'P Normal, 1 nsln.'ss, .Music. Art Dep'ts bUhbtlllbi 't ypewriter free to grari'x, Low rates. VJ VJiJiJUM Ai | p. fi Wcbstor.Pres., W.Farmlngton.O. 1/HAN KI.IN COI.I.KCH," New Athens clilo 1 Hoard, room and books +J p:ir week. Catl. free. TO-MORROW J ' Hopeful youth with rosy fnco, Struggling in the mortal race, Never worried, never tired— . Ever by the thought inspired, . That for evory pain wo borrow Comes redemption in the morrow j Snerifloing strength and soul Striving, striving for the goal ' That awaits the life to-morrow, Spurning flowers of to-day For the blossoms' rich array Of to-morrow, of to-morrow. Listless ago with witherod face, Drifting in the mortal race, Worn and helpless, lono and weary, Gazing through the shadows dreary Of the long, long night of sorrow For the sunrise of the morrow j Drifting, drifting to the soa Of eternal mystery, While the world repents "To-morrow." Thus it spoeds the soul from strife, Thus it greets tho new-born life, With "To-morrow," aye, to-morrow. —Clifford Howard. JOIINNY's'pUCHESa v k was not only a h A \L Duchess, but she A, ]?•&. iAA. looked like one, y) of tho best Du M " nrior type. Sl !f was lovel F' ' # n WALL ST., NEW YORK. An Alligator Story. "Of all tho inhabitants of the great rivers of India the alligator is the most formidable," said Captain L. E. Ballon, of London, England, at the Laclede iast evening, says the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. "While 1 was stationed there several years ago 1 saw a sight the thought of which always causes a shudder to creep over me. A lady noar where 1 had lived sent a little native boy with a letter to a friend at some little distance, with the request to send a reply. Being a trustworthy little fellow some surprise was felt when he did not return after a reasonable ab sence. After waiting several hours witn no sign of the messenger, a seaching party, of which 1 was a member, was mado up to try to dis cover his wheroabouts. After scouring the country for Bome time we came to the river bank, and a short distance away saw a dead alligator lying on the shoro with its great, Jaws extended to their utmost. On examining it to dis cover tho cause of so strange an ap pearance we found to our horror that it had devoured the missing boy, and bad attempted to swallow his head whole. This, however, it was unable to do, and had been suffocated in the attempt The boy's head was still covered by his turban, which, when removed, disclosed the answer to hli mistress' letter, which he was faith' fully bringing back. It was sup. posea tnat wnue attempting to swan the river he had been seized by tho alligator, as those huge reptiles are very clever in concealing themselves until their victim Is well within their reach, and then pouncing on their prey." a MOTIIERS are the only people In the world who novcr tlnd out that they have been proud without cause. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who livo bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by "more promptly adapting tho world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the valuo to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced iu tho remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is duo to its presenting in tho form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, tho refreshing and "truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ativo; effectually cleansing tho system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on tho Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is ptrfcctly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept auy substitute if otlercd. What to do with Milk Pails! J \ C1 l ean them with Pe arline. You can t ge T \ th< 'm so thoroughly sweet and pure in any other way. Besides, it's easier for you quicker, more economical. 1 "The box and barrel churn are not hard Vl \ to keep clean. A little hot water and a little V V V >7 Tearline will clean any churn or do awav Y J wlth any bad odor."— The Davy World, Chicago. Perhaps you think that some of the imita ° f Pearline ' that you'd be afraid to W X W USe ,. ln washin g clothes, would do rust as ' \ \ 7 ,n W ° rk hke this - Thov wouldn't v -.1 t hurt tinware, certainly. But they wouldn't clean it, either, half as well as Pearline-besides, "don't play with the fire If your grocer sends you an imitation, be honeot—send it back. JAMF ,s PVI.E, NEW v o rk. "Well Done Outlives Death " Even Your Memory Will Shine if You Use SAPOLIO Odd Church Collections. A survival of tho old custom of payment in kind exists in a village in Kent, England. One Sunday af ternoon in the spring there is an of fertory of fresh eggs at the church, j and last year tho number of contri butions amounted to 010, or an aver age of nearly one egg apiece from the inhabitants of the village. The I collection, carefully packed, is sent to the sick and the very poor of a ; London parish. LADY of the house—Welt, If your references are satisfactory, I'll en gage you. Applicant for cook's posi tion—Are yez goin' to look them up? Lady of the house—Certainly. Ap | pi leant—Then there'll be no need of me comln' back again.—Harper's j Bazar. MOST people have an exaggerated idea of modesty. j DOCTOR'S BILLS SAVED. Mineral Prtint, Thiscarawas Co., Ohio. DR. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. V.: J 1 l>c(\r Sir—l am glad to enythnt the uso o^f saved me many doci S|{n\ tors* bills, as I have for SftSsi thf ' rust elevon years, . A- T. Agt. | Biu Foutt ROUTE, CINCINNATI, OHIO. PNO3I '9l LINEN E CUFFS. i n r 11 ""'" * I" 11 " ' as <-ti. Sample eolmr an,l pair m , nil. l„ moll far n ccuti the 111,, an.l at. la ,1e,1r.,l and aitdreu me A, ..„V < O"AR Co.. 27 Kilbjtat , DO, tan ar 77 Franklin at.. New Turk. P A l l. \ rW 1 H AUK 11 A litis Examination r.l N I K '' I'aieiilal'llllJ , A pin,ml. PATKII'K I'T KALLKKLI,'\V X'S I'|7V PTO NJVC'