FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. VI. No. 102. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. Synapsis or Local anil Miscellaneous Oc currences That Can He Iteail quickly. What the Folks of This and Other Towns Are Doing. The traction company feels certain that its road to this place will be in oper ation by July 4. A young child of George Fear, of Eckley, was buried on Thursday at the Eckley cemetery. Division 20, A. O. 11., of Eckley, will hold its fourth annual picnic at that place on Saturday evening. The public school at Stockton was pre sented with a largo American flag on Saturday by the Jr. O. U. A. SI. Workmen commenced this morning to piece a third story on the property of John Rngan on Centre street near South. John Spitko and Miss Annie Ilovak, hotli of Ilazleton, wore married at this place by Rev. J. 11. Schmidt on the 3d i 11 st. Joseph Wolfe, of Ilazleton, aged 45 years, was instantly killed by a fall of coal in the Ilazle Minos colliery on Sat urday. The pupils of St. Ann's parochial schools will give an entertainment in the basement of the church on Thursday evening, Juno 21. The Citizens' Hose Company will meet for practice at 7 o'clock on Wed nesday evening. All members are re quested by the chief to be present. Frank Mathers, of town, who is a pupil at the Washington art school, is lying very ill in that city. His mother went on to attend to him last week. Daniel J. Brady, a comic actor and singer of the South Side, was drowned recently at Ilarrisburg. lie was travel ing with a company at the time of his death. Dr. 11. M. Neal, of Upper Lehigh, at the last meeting of the Luzerne County Medical Society, read a paper on "Ery sipelas in Relation to Septicemia and Pyemia." The Freeland borough and Foster township auditors have examined the accounts of their respective school dis tricts, and their reports will be published in onr next issue. At a meeting of the prison commis sioners last week the contract for mak ing seventy-five regulation suits was awarded to Joseph Neuburger, of Free land, at $5 per suit. Waltor Leisenring, of Sandy Run, has been elected to (ill the vacancy in the board of directors of the Mining and Mechanical Institute, caused by the death of John I). Hayes, Esq. In a telegram on Saturday to the Wilkes-Uarre/>rfy a Broken Axle. From the Hnzleton Sentinel. A wreck occurred on the D. S. & S. Railroad at Long Run on Thursday after noon, in which a number of cars and about 500 feet of the track was damaged. . A coal train bound for Gum Run was running at a lively rate when an axle on • one of the cars broke causing the wreck, j J). S. v Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, ! ! Ohio. Wo the undersigned have known F.J. j Cheney for tho last fifteen years, and ! believe him perfectly honorable in all j business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by ' their firm. WEST & THUAX, Wholesale Druggists, : Toledo, O. WAI.DINO, RINNAN & MARVIN, Whole- I sale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Price,: 75c. per bottle. Nold by all druggists. Testimonials free. | Examine McDonald's $3 velvet rugs. | TIGERS PARK REOPENED. FIRST GAME ON THE NEW GROUNDS LOST BY THE HOME CLUB. A Strong Team from Hazlcton Sncceoileil In Capturing Yenterilay'ii Came by tlie Close Score of IS to 4 Other Itasc Ball Notes of Local Interest. The Tigers park was opened yesterday with an audience of about 350 people, who had assembled to see the game be tween tlie Tigers anil a picked club of Ilazleton. The visiting nine was one of the strongest teams that has been here in a couple of years, and several well-known ball tossers were on the club. The home team, however, put up a fair game against tliem, hut their lack of practice showed at times. The score was close all through tlie game, and there were several neat plays and some good hitting and fielding on both sides. The visitors succeeded in placing six runs to their credit, while the Tigers sent only four men around the bases. Tlie batteries were: Slayer and Fairhurst for Hazlcton, and S. Welch and SlcKinlcy for tlie Tigers. Although tlie home team lost, the game, nevertheless, was interesting, and a few more like it will bring hack all the base hail enthusiasm of former years. BASE BALL POINTS. The Tigers have one game won and one lost. The Diamond Stars of Ilazleton won a game at Eckley yesterday, 16 to 15. The Jeanesvillo club won from Shamokin on Saturday by a score of 10 to 4. , Phil Bachman, late of the Pottsvillo State league club, is playing second base for Jeanesyille. The Phillies havo signed Pitcher Lukens, who a few years ago was Lo highton's star twirler. SVork upon the grand stand at tlie Tigers park will probably begin this week. It will he located directly behind tlie catcher. James Graham, late of the Indian apolis club, lias been signed to play third base for Ilazleton. llazen lias quit the business and returned to his homo in I < >hio. At a meeting of the State league last week Eastou decided to stay in the league. Lancaster was to go in, but it was slow. Easton lias new linancin! backing. The playing of the Tigers yesterday was considered very good, inasmuch as they havo yet hail no practice, having all been engaged in putting tlie grounds in shape. The Silver Brook club was unable to come here yesterday as intended, and on Friday Slanagor SlcGettrick made tlie arrangements with the Ilazleton clnb for the gamo. Daniel Herron, of town, nnd John SlcGill, of Highland, are making records as pitchers. The former is with S'illa Nova college club and the latter witli Stroudsburg normal school team. Baltimore leads in the National league, and Shortstop Jennings is playing re markably good ball. The club will take the pennant if all the players put up a game like Freetand's old favorite. The Fearnots of Drifton and the Smiths of Freeland played a six-inning game at Drifton yesterday in the pres ence of a large crowd of people. The score was 13 to 2 in favor of the Fear nots. The Anthracite and Athletic clubs of Ilazleton will play three names for the amateur championship of that city and a purse of SSO. Professionals are debarred from playing. The dates of the games have not yet been decided upon. The Honey Brook club was to play yesterday and was to wear new uniforms. On the shirts, however, is the word "Rochester" (an advertisement for a brewing company of that name), and Pitcher Boyle, who is a strong temper ance advocate, refused to allow himself to be used as a walking beer sign. No other pitcher being obtainable, the club could not play. PLEASURE CALENDAR. June 10.—Fourth annual picnic of Divi sion 20, A. O. H., at Kckley grove. June 23, —Picnic of the Fearnots Ath letic Association, at Drifton ball park. June 23.—Excursion of Young Men's T. A. B. Society to Glen Onoko. Fare: adults, 80 cents; children, 50 cents. Train leaves Freeland, 7.30 a. in.; Glen Onoko, 0 p. m. June 30.—Picnic of the Shamrock Drum Corps, at Kckley grove. July 4.—Twenty-lirst annual ball of St. Patrick's cornet band, at Freeland opera house. Admission, 50 cents. N'OTIOE. Notlco Is hereby given that I have disposed of my irenornl hardware busi ness to my sou William. All parties Indebted ; to me fit connection with said business will please make payment to him, and all persons : hat ins claims will please present them without delay to William Birkbeck. I Junel, lstu. Thomas Birkbcek. 3\Q Barsa\n Sa\e JACOBS 4 BARASCH'S FOR T Days Orßu I MHLLM { I j'lk MM! LIGHT SUITS >4.11" I WORTH 9.00. IK 4MB: 37 CENTRE STREET. FREELAND. GREAT BARGAINS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Notions, Rag Carpet, Boots and Shoes, 'Flour and Feed, Wood and Tin and (Jueensware, WiUowware, Tobacco, Table and Floor Cigars, Oil Cloth, Etc., Etc. A celebrated brand ol XX Hour always in stock. Fresh Roll Batter and Fresh Eggs a Specialty. I My motto is small profits and quick sales. 1 always have fresh goo IS and am turning my | stock every month. Therefore every article is | guaranteed. AMANDUS OSWALD, Northwest Corner Froalon/1 Centre and Front Streets, J Ic citiiiU. DePIERRO - BROS. = CAFE. = CORNER OF CENTRE AND FRONT STREETS, Freeland, Pa. Finest I Whiskies in Stock. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufcr Club, Hosenblutirs Velvet, of which we huvo Exclusive Sale in Town. Mumm's Extra Dry Champagne, Hennessy lirandy. Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. Imported and Domestic Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. Ihillcntinc and Hazlcton beer on tap. Baths, Hot or Cold, 25 Cents. Dr. H. W. MONROE, Denti st. Located, permanently in Birkbeek brick, second floor, rooms 1, 2 and 3, over Smith 1 s shoe store, Freeland, Pa. Gas and ether administered for the pain less extraction of teeth. Teeth Jilted and ar tificial teeth inserted. Reasonable jrrices and ALL WORK GUARANTEED. gL. Goeppert, proprietor of the Washington House, 11 Walnut Street, above Centre. I The heat of whlaklea, winoa, irln clirurs, ete. | Cull In when In that part of the town. Fresli Beer and Porter 011 Tap. FRANCIS BRENNAN Restaurant. ir.l South (Vntro street, Frochmcl. (Near Hie L. V. It. U. depot.) ; cuoicEsr- LIQUOR, BEER, ALE, PORTER BEST GIGARS AND —ON TAP. , I TEMPERANCE DRINK. | §1.50 PER YEAR. I ORION STROII, Attorney and Connsoior at Law and Justice ct the Peace. Office Rooms, No. 31 Contre Street, Freeland. JOHN M. CAKR, Attorney-at-Law. All legal business promptly attended. Postofllce Duilding, - Freeland. J F. O'NEILL, Attorney-at-Law. 10.1 Public Square, - - Wllkos-llurrv. jy/j IIALFIN, , Mannufucturer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, &c. Walnut and Pine Streets, Freeland. ALEX. SHOLLACK, BOTTLER. I 2eer, ZEPoxter, "Wine, and. Iviq.-a.cr3. I Cor. Washington and Walnut Streets, lYcelaixJ. WASHCURN & TUP.NBACH, Ruiidcis of Light and Heavy Wagons. REPAiBiNS Cf LV.-RY CESOKIPTIO*. FUOXT STKKHT. N' Alt I'INF, FUEEI.AND. LIBOR WINTER, EATING SSUGN. No. 13 Front Street, Frooland. The finest lienors and cigars served at tho counter. Cool beer and porter on tap. COTTAGE HOTEL. , Washington and Main Streets. FRED. HAAS, l*rop. First-class accomodation for permanent and transient guesta. Good table. Fair rates. Isur finely stocked. Stable attached. ! SPEEDY and EASTING RESULTS. ©FATPEOPLE^X from any injurious substance. thin. M LA23E ABDOMENO SEDUCED. V/e GUARANTEE a CURE or refund your money, i Price AfcS.OO vtbottle. Sund 4c. tor treatise. ] TItEMONT MEDICAL CO., Boston, Muss. ' IJi;. N. maley, If K A T i S T. Located permanently in Dlrkbcck's building, rooms 4 and f, second lioor. Special attention paid to all branches of dentistry. Rooms occupied by lite late Dr. I'ayson. ALL OPERATIONS PERFORMED WITH CARE. All work guaranteed. Office hours: 8 to 13 A. M.; 1 to 5 P. M.; 7 to It P. M. WM. WEHRMAN, Practical )l atchmaker. Fight-day clocks, from $3.50 to $10; alarm clocks, 90 cents; watches, front $3 to $35; main springs, front 30 cents to $1; cleaning watch. . 50 cents; balance wheels in watches, 75 . cuts; glasses In watches, 10 cents; cleaning eight-day clocks, 30 to 50 cents; gold-tilled cases, guaran teed for twenty years, $11.50. Centre Street, Fire Points. CONDY 0. BOYLE, dealer In Liquors, Wine, Beer, Etc. The finest brands of domestic and imported whiskey <>n sale at his new and haiidsoiiif saloon. Fresh Itoches ter and ilalicntiuc beer and Ycung ling's porter on tap. I Centre - Street, - Five - Points. Philip Gcrilz,, Corner Front and Centre Streets. ! lam the oldest jeweler in town. I have had I the largest practical experience in rcpairie and will guarantee you thorough work. ! I have always in stock the|largest assort men f t of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Phifodware, Kings, Diamonds and Musical Instruments. | 1 Will do EN Git A VIM ■ FItKF OF CIIAItGIS lon any article purchased fnni me.