Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, May 14, 1894, Image 3

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    In England there were formerly 223 ofTens33
punishable with death.
Br. Kilmer's SWAMP-ROOT cures
all Kidney and Bladder troubles.
Pamphlet and Consultation fr<;.
Lahrat (>ry Bi ngliani pton. N. V.
Of every 100 miles of railway iu the world
#1 are in the United States.
Catarrh Cnnnot He Cured
With local Applications, as they cannot, reach
the *eat of the diae ise. Catarrh Is a blood or
constitutional disease, e*d in order to core
it you must, take infernal Hall's
Catarrh i tire is taken Internally, and arts di
rectly on tho blood and mucous surface. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not n quack medicine. It was
prescribed bv one of the lnst physicians iri this
country for years, and is a regular prescription.
It 1* compose 1 of tin-best tonics known, com
bined with the best blood purillers. arling di
rectly on tho mucous surfac a. Tho perfect
combination of the two iiurredients i< what
produces such wonderful results in curing ca
tarrh. Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CUFNEY A Co., Props., Toledo, O.
Bold by druggists, price 75c.
Over 21.000 patents on inventions were
issued in this country in 1889.
The Skill and Knowledge
Essential to the production of the most perfect
•nd popular laxative remedy known have en
abled the California Fig Syrup achieve a
great success in the reputation of its remedy,
Syrup of Figs, as it ia conceded to be the uni- !
T.rnl laxative. For nnkby „11 druggists.
"Bnows'B BRONCHIA i. TROCHES" arc widely
known as an admirable remedy for Bronchitis,
Hoarseness, Coughs and Throat troubles. Hold
unlu in boxu.
Hhilah's Care
Is sold on A guarantee. It cures Incipient Con
sumption; it is the Best Cough Cure; 35c., 50c., jl
IF afflicted wlthsoroey JBUSO Dr. IsaaoThomp
tpp's Rye-water. Dru< t .lets sell utTio psrbottle.
I 1
! *
: ;
s ,
t ll" ll Hill '| ,# I
: ♦
S 5
8 All other powders are
\ cheaper made and in= *
\ ferior, and leave either jj
J acid or alkali in the food i
" '<!•' &M*i3P4* t
What They Are For
Biliousness indigestion sallow skin
dyspepsia bad taste in the mouth pimples
sick headache foul breath torpid liver
bilious headache loss of appetite depression of spirits
when these conditions ate caused by constipation ; and con
stipation is the most frequent cause of all of them.
One of the most important things for everybody to
learn is that constipation causes more than half the sick
ness in the world; and it can all be prevented. Go by
the book.
Write to B. F. Allen Company, 365 Canal street, New
York, for the little book on CONSTIPATION (its causes con
sequences and correction); sent free. If you are not within
reach of a druggist, the pills will be sent by mail, 25 cents.
If iTanifold r,;rr.r,r 1
SS9 f \ • •% poverlshed condi-
H Disordersn
Kjjfl Slight Impurities, if not corrected, dovolop Into serious maladies.
ggg To Cure Scrofula, Kczema, Rheumatism wot
other troublesome diseases is required a tafo and reliable HB9
remedy purely vegetable. Such is S. S. S. It removes all im-
Htm P urit * B from the blood and thoroughly cleanses the system.
RvM Thousands of cases of the worst forms of blood diseases have been JPcftj
O$S Cured by 5. 5. S. Egg
Itffil 8 " d tor ° nr TrftlM, sent ftt, to toy sddri-.l SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., (Mini., Bi. LfcVtHl
"I Good Tale Will Bear Telling Twice." Use Sapolio.
Mint null Its Culture.
In some gardens mint is regarded
as a weed; It grows SJ luxuriantly
and spreads so much that It en
croaches all over tho ground. In
large gardens It is often g veil a great
deal of latitude, but in small ones it
has to be restr etod. This is gener
ally done by nailing four boards to
gether like a frame and planting it
inside this. A piece from eight to
twelve feet long and four feet wide
will furnish mint to n-.eet tho whole
of the demand or a large family.
Those who complain that mint does
not grow frcelv with them should try
it in this way. The boards should
he from ten inches to one foot in
depth, and. if the soil is raised up
inside half this height andaquantity
of grit or sand, and manure is put in,
it will always grow freely, and by itover in early spring it will
lie ready icry early. Mint may be
raised from seed sown in April, anil
it may also l,e increased by lifting
the roots and dlvid ngand replanting
them at once. It requires good drain
age, and, where this exists under it,
a top dross ng of farm-yard manure
may be put ovor it every spring, or so
often as it shows signs of becoming
weak. As a dressing for vaious kinds
of meats, mint is a great addition to
the menu
United In Misfortune.
Tramp—Give me a dime, please.
I haven't had anything to tat in
three days.
Citizen—Shake, old man. My
wife's been doing the cooking, too,
about that long.—Detroit Free I'less.
When I'oKV Smiles According to
tho Calendar A Shield and
"Buckler—Expert Opinion, Etc.
When I'eggy smile*, the ilny for me
Is old an 1 dark an I elou led ov r.
* oil marvel flint this thinj cm bo
Since her I love, and only she
My heart with passion 's spell c ;in covar,
To make tnu bend a willing knee.
Yon ask me how these nroe?
Not far the answer to die -over •
The day Is cold. exceedingly,
When l'etfffy smiles -because, you see,
fcue smiles upon some other lover.
"What is so rare as n clay in Juno?"
naked Aunt Mary, quoting from her
i'avorite poet.
"The 29thoor. r February," said Aril v.
Brown "Had a terrible tinn in tho
office to-day. A crank called, ami it
was ali we could do to get him out."
. ones--"A dynamite crank?"
Brown—"No; a baseball crunk. "
Miss Gush —"Oh, Colonel, just look
at those magnificent elms. lam yuro
you leve trees."
Colonel Blank - "Dearly, Miss Gush.
I learned to love them during the
Nellie "Miss Sereleaf is very
Stella "Yes. She developed its
strength by Irving to remember
things that happened when she was
young."— Pick-Me-Up.
Mr. Kornblum—"Ho*,' do you like
'Looking Backward,' Miss Wrinkles?"
Miss Wrinkles—"Of course I am
aware that I am cross-eyed, but I am
not accustomed to have my infirmity,
Mr. Kornblum, made tho subject of
conversation by stran{*avs." —Truth.
"Here," the appreciative dime mu
seum manager, as he watched tho big
'longshoreman handle the great casks
of sugar; "why don't you give up
this dollar-a-day job and go iu the
Human Hercules bis? You're too
strong to work !"—Pt\ok.
Husband—"Jobsou wanted to know
to-day if you had any more of those
muffins you made yourself."
Wife—"Then you must ask him to
tea again. '
Husbftud—"He said his doctor
wanted to analyze one."- Life.
Van Goslin (after dinner) "Your
little wife is a handsome woman. I
should think you'd be jealous of her."
Host (confidentially) "To tell you
the truth, I am. I never invite any
body to my fiat tnat any sane woman
would take a fancy to. " Trade Mark.
Mrs. Hicks "Dick teased in vain
for two years before ho got his bi
cycle. "
Mrs. Dicks. "How did Ins Uncle
Ned happen to buy it for him?"
Mrs. Hicks—"l don't know , he took
a sudden dislike to the boy."—Puck.
Illy—"I don't sec why the doctor
has to come here twice a day. Ho
leaves medicine ou his first visit
doesn't he?" .
Mrs. Illy—"Yes; but he has to
come agaiu iu the afternoon to leave
an antidote for tho medicine he left in
the morning.' —Puck.
Sojourning Friend - "What is this,
Bella? You have been as busy as a
bird all tho week, and now this im
menie order to the caterer. What is
it for?"
Bella —"Hush, dear! Don't tell
anybody. We are making prepara
tions for a surprise part}'."—Judge.
The Publisher —"You say you are
aspiring to be a realastic novelist and
report things as they are?"
The Author —"Yes, certainly."
The Publisher—"Then what in thun
der do you mean by saying 'the beau
tiful Boston hostess gave her guest a
warm reception ?' " Chicago Record.
Wife —"I have a confession to make.
1 took your last ft >ry and sent it to
the Hightone Magazine, and here's
tlmir check."
Struggling Author— • What I Did
thev accept it?"
"Heavens! Tim is awful I I must
be getting paresis."—Puck.
Bunker—"l understand your house
was burned down the other night.
Horry to hear it, old man. And you
had such a flue library, too."
Hill ' 'But most of my books were
Bunker—"By the firemen?"
Hill "Oh, no. My friends had
previously borrowed them. "--Truth.
Miss Crane—"l will now demon
strate to you how to make what, are
called French crullers."
Husband--"Come away, my dear
wife, you won't need to kuow how to
cook anything else after we've eaten
those crullers."
Wife "You flit right still! I might
get married again, you know."—
"Die," sai l Dismal Dawson, after a
I long drink at tho farmer's well, "re
[ minds mo of wheu I wos a little fel
I "Ob, you was raised on a farm, eli?"
said the good woman.
I "Naw, I wasn't raised on a farm;
but what I mean i.sdut it was the water
I was t'inkin' of. I used ter drink tie
j stuff reg'lar when I wos a kid." —lu-
| diauapoliu Journal.
A young ".Toulousaiu," who liad left
his native city to study medicine in
Paris, nud lmd been apply iug his time
and the [internal remittances to a very
different purpose, recently received
visit from liis father, who intended
making a short stay in the capitol t,
iuspeet its wonders. During an after
[ noon stroll together, the clay after tho
elder's arrival, the father and son hap
pened to pass in front of a very large
colonuuled building.
"What is that?" said the senior,
i carelessly.
"I don't know, but we'll ask this
sergeant de ville," replied the stu
On the query being put, tho official
curtly and distinctly remarked : "That:
The School of Medicine."—Galignuni.
A Noted Indian Fighter.
A short time ago William Gable, n iimu, was working near a big
rock in the northwestern corner ol
Morgan County, Ohio. He acciden
tally knocked some moss off it and re
vealed two or three letters chiselled in
the surface. He began to dig at once,
and removing tho remaining moss
found a message from Lewis Whet-do,
or Wetzel, na he is known to pioneer
history. On the face of the rock i
tho legend "Enjoy tho peaco which I
havo prepfired for you," and to the
right of this is the inscription cut into
tho sandstone: "Engraved by me,
Lewis Whetzle, lioru in Vir., Feb.
29tb, 1752."
The discovery of thin rock, long
lmried beneath tlie wood's moss ami
leaven, brings to mind once more tho
wonderful deeds of daring of Whetzle.
Close to this rock ran the old Federal
trail, which led from Gr.ivo Creek to
the Soioto towns. It crossed the Mus
kingum River at the present town of
Gaysport. The town of the Delaware
Indians was Duncan's Falls, five miles
up the river. The trail run close to
this lettered rock on the high ridge
just above it, and it is very likely that
Whetzle did the work while on one of
his scoutiug expeditions along this
trail. It was on one of these that
Whetzle, armed only with his knife
and tomahawk, attacked a camp of
four Indians. Three of them lie
killed; the tourth ran for his life and
Whetzle was a wonderful man in
j many respects, Not very tall, only
| live feet nine inches, he was a man
enormous strength. His shouldors
I were those of a giant and his chest
gave notice to all that he could run a
race with any savage and win. Tie
was as dark and swarthy as an ludial),
and his face was deeply pitted with the
smallpox. His hair, and this was hi*
special pride, reached, when combed
to its full length, to tho ealve.s of his
legs, and every Muskingum Indian
had sworn to have his scalp. His eyes
were black and shone with a fierce
fire. He feared nothing. His name
will be forever connected with the
history of the border uloug the Ohio
and through West Virginia.—Toledo
Is Ire Cream Milk I
The question, "Is ice cream to he
considered AS milk?" came up 111 a
Glasgow case of some importance from
a sanitary point of view, which was
recently settled in the British High
Court of Judicary. Its promineiit
features were these : During last sum
mer and autumn some cases of fever
were found to have been caused by
the use of ice cream, and at the same
tune some very unsavory revelations
were made as to the manner ill which
the manufacture and storage of ice
cream are carried ou in English cities,
particularly in the overcrowded and
dirty dwellings of foreigners, into
whoso hands tho trade has largely
fallen. In order to bring theso deal
ers under the sanitary regulations ap
plicable to purveyors of milk, tho
Glagow local authorities brought a
test case before tho Sheriff's Court
and won it; the Sheriff's decision was
reversed on appeal by the higher court.
A man who sells ice cream, therefore,
which consists almost entirely of milk,
with a little Hour and flavoring, is not
a purveyor of milk iu tho sense which
the English statute requires, and is
consequently not amenable to the law.
—New York Sun.
Idaho's Curious Natural Ias Spring.
There is a natural gas spring iu Idaho
that is one of the most, remarkable
sights ever witnessed. It is about 10 )
miles from Boiso City, and it is nt tins
bottom of a canyon. The rock hero
seems to bo of a porous nature, and
there are innumerable small holes and
fissures. Riding along the canyon one
day prospecting I dropped a lighted
match, and immediately a bright blue
flame sprang up. This lighted another
and that another, and so on, until a
space of about an aero in extent was
covered with these flames, each arising
about a foot in height. It was >t
beautiful sight, and the lights were
still burning when I left there. Tho
find is of 110 practical value, as the
fact that the gas issues from the sur
face of the earth is proof positive that
the principal position of it lias escaped
and it 110 longer exists iu paying
quantities, but as a curiosity i have
never seen anything that equaled it.—
k St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
The Shy lock Quotation.
A good story is told on ex-Pension
Commissioner Hlack. Everyone who
knows Black is aware that he is one
of the mo t dignified legal | ractition
crs in the West, and that he is also
somewhat enamored of the class! s.
Not long ago ho was attorney it. a
usury case at Springfield, 111., and in
his address to the jurv he quoted very
freely from the ".Merchant of
Venice," aad wound up by saying
that although the plaintiff could de
mand h s pound of fe h the terms of
his bend did not cnaOlo him tc go be
yond this.
The attorney for the alleged usurer
seemed yery much amused at the fine
of argument Mr. Bla k was taking,
and when that gentlcmau's peroration
was concluded he rose and remarked
with somewhat of a pitying tone that
Brother It aek had recently held a
brief in a dressed-bcef case ana that
he had got the two cases mixed up,
concluding by assuring the jury that
there was no I'esb in the case at all.
hut only money. A legal friend of
mine, who solemnly asserts he was
in court on the occasion, says the look
of disgust on air. lHack's face would
have tireu worth a small fortune to
any artist who could have reproduced
it on canvas.
A Fish with a Corse t
l orost and Mroatu s caks of a cu
rlou; find in the Cape Ann fish mar
ket. at Gloucester, Mass. It was
nothing less than a mackerel with a
rubber band aiound the body. The
band had reen put on the fish when
quite small, ana stayed there in
••plte of the rapid growth of the
wearer. The fish's body under the
band did not grow, which caused a
depression in the full-grown body oi
about three inches in depth. The
depression was covered witn a healthy
skin in no way unlike that, on the
rest of the body. The ttsh measured
in length 14 inches, diameter or body
each side of the depression 71 inches,
diameter of depression 5 inches. The
I'sh was undoubtedly in a healthy
condition, and the band was strong
and could ho stretched like any other
' hand.
TIIR peacock throne of Shall Jchan
was sa'ued at $30,000,000, his crown
t $12,0c0,0n0, and when lie died
M." 0,00'),0'0 in gems was found in
his treasury.
Can Van l.oas Ilia Urinf
Losing ono kind of grip is worse than tak
ing allot loir, ant when thons oils aro in train-
In 1; for the hel l sports of summer mouths, it
Is well to be advised by those who know all
About it.
Mr. P. Ferguson. IGSS Atlantic Avenue,
Brooklyn, N. V., writes to ttie point March
1, 1395. lie says "I would like to add my
testimony to your aires ly long list. Willie
playing half 1 spralne I my ar.n at the elhow
an 1 shoulder, it interfere I with my playing
cousi terahly an I lost me many gool chances
professionally. I trie I everything I could
think of, but 1 could get no relief. A doctor
advised that the only thing to he <lon , wssto
give the arm a long red. A friend, however,
recommended St. Jacobs 0.1, which I tried,
with the result that 1 was completely cure I
and have since pitched a great deal wit's no
signs of my former trodbt", which, by tin
way. retires a > • -I play w. 1
i ; J,,, grunt power of the future.
' Mrs. & A Ashley ' j
Hood's Cannot BeTooHigh
ly Recommended
"O. I. Hoot * Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"I linvo iHcd Hood's Harsnp irllla for years
nnd it Ims always Riven the best of satisfac
tion. 1 had little appetite and was troubled
with rheumatism in the left arm and shoulder
nnd back. As soon as I began to tako Hood's
Sarsnpnrillo my appetite increased, tho
Rheumatic Troubles Ceased
nnd I felt hotter tlmn for years before. I hnvo
used it in the family and would not do without
It. It cannot be recommended too highly for
Roorivs> Cures
worv *n In feeble health, nor for children when
teething. Any one giving it a fair trial will lo
well satisfied." Mas. fcj. I). ASHLEY, North
Richmond, Ohio. Oct Hood's.
HOOII'M rills act easily, jet promptly aui ELlL
cleiitl .on tne i.ver no t tiowi'l*. 25 conU.
Sips of Health.
You don't have to look
twice to detect them—bright
eyes, bright color, bright
smiles, I'TTim
bright in I TTI'TTTT
every ac- ° .4
lion. c SCOTTS
Disease is riAIILSION
overcome { L '
only when j ~:i |"| | f I
weak tissue
is replaced by the healthy
kind. Scott's Emulsion of
cod liver oil effects cure by
building up sound flesh. It
is agreeable to taste and
easy of assimilation.
p ■... 1,.-.I In- 5,..,1 A I'. y Y. All Anivairta
The subject of the above portrait Is a
prominent and much respected citizen, Mr.
Robert Manson, of West Rye, N. H. Where
Mr. Manrou is known "his' word is as pood
as his bond." In a recent letter to Dr. R. V.
Fierce, Chief Consulting Physician to the
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buf
fulo, N. Y., Mr. Manson sa3*s :
44 Dr. Pierco's Pleasant Pellets are the
lost pills I overtook for the liver. All my
friends say they do them the most good."
This opinion is shared by every one who
j onco tries these tiny, little, sugar-coated pills,
[ which ore to bo found in all medicino stores.
The (J. S. Inspector of Immigration at Buf
falo, N. Y., writes of thorn as follows:
44 From early childhood I havo suffered
from a slugpish liver, with all the disorders
accompanying such a condition. Doctors'
prescriptions and patent medicines I have
used in abundance ; they only afforded tern- !
porary relief. I war, recommended to try
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. I did so, tnk- |
ing two at night and one after dinner every !
day for two weeks. I have reduced tho dose !
to one 4 Pellet' ever}' day for two months. I
I have in six months increased in solid flesh
twenty-tiro pounds. lam in better health
than I have been since childhood. Drowsi
ness and unpleasant foolings after meals have
completely di
Assist nature a little now and then with a '
gentle laxative, or, if need be, with a more i
searching and cleansing cathartic, thereby
removing offending matter from tho stem- i
ach and bowols, and toning up and invig >- .
rating the liver and quickening its tardy I
action, and you thereby remove tho cause '
of a multitude of distressing diseases, such
as headaches, indigestion, biliousness, skin
diseases, boils, carbuncles, piles, fevers ami
maladies too numerous to mention.
If people would pay more attention to
properly regulating the action of their bow
els, they would hnv !••-•.s in qm-nt occasion
to call for their doctors' services tosubduo
attacks of dangerous diseases.
Unlike the Dutch Process
Q'h No Alkalies
Oilier Chemicals
mm preparation of
w - BAKER & (OAS
I 'MmkfssWom
Pfi ' ||j Which f.l nhsnlutrfr/
p|l ;•! tli Jtiirn and soluble.
BRH ! I, 7lf |j Ithax in ore th on three I iwr a
MH. ~ | the streni/th of Cocoa mixed
nominal, costing less Ihon one cent a cup.
It is delicious, nourishing, and EASILY
Sold by Clrorers everywhere.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Moss,
Jnnunrv '2, • • • , l'i per tcm.
4 * 1.1 10 44
February 1. . . . . 11 "
• 4 1-1 11 44
.lliirch !••••• !) 44
" 15, ... . _N 44
TOT A 1.. 11l icr cent.
\V v tin vc pn id In mi r iimf ooicim in ? .1 il.i y m.
Profits | Mi'i llVice cacli monlli: iiioi.c.v can be
withdrawn nny tunc; C-t' loflotoc.ui bo Invented;
write for informal on.
FISHKIC A CO., llnnlteiM n ml P i nker*,
1 S a ml
P. snirsoN,
pA I CI? I O Washington, I). No n ty'g fee <
I until Patent obtained.\\ rteft i Invent ir's Guide i
r,'. r.. nonoT.AFT rs: SHOP
I.WET, \la stamped on the bottom. Every J
lh ucaliless^:^:';;'; ;
iffi .
derby mail. Postage free. t
bargains of dealers who puJt bhueo.
TNpnoially for Farmers, Minors. Tt. It Hands an 1 otb.ora Pi 1 ! • . • '.'n *
<!<>n to the heel. 10 XT IF A WIO\R!Ni QIAIMtv j ... - n.S . f
Ktibber Hoot wearers t'stll'\ (Ins is Iho HKs t tho- <u l. '• ' -
YOUR DIOALKR UOI? 'MI 1011 ami don't be rsual 1 i-
That, of all known agents to accomplish
this purpose, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant IVU< ts are
uneaualod, is proven by the fact that cure
used, they arc always in favor. Their sec
ondary effect is to keep the bowels open and
regular , not to further constipate, us is tho
case with other pills. Hence, their great
popularity with sufferers from habitual con
stipation, piles,and indigestion.
Tho Pleasant Pellets " arc far more effec
tive in arousing iL liver to action than 44 b1u0
pills," calomel, or other mercurial prepara
tions. and have tho further merit of
purely vegetable and perfectly harmless i:i
any condition of the system ; no particular
care is required while using them.
Composed of the choicest, concentrated
vegetable extracts, their cost is much more
than is thut of other pills found in tho mar
ket, yet from forty to forty-four "Pellets"
aro put up in each scaled glass vial, as sold
through druggists,and can bo had at tho prico
I of tho more ordinary and cheaper niad pills.
! Dr. Fiorco prides himself on having boon
j first to introduce n Little Liver Fill to t' o
American people. Many have imitated them,
! but none have approached his 44 Pleasant Pul
lets " in excellence.
For all laxative and cathartic purposes
the 44 Pleasant Pellets" aro infinitely supe
rior to all 44 mineral waters." scdlitz pow
ders, 44 salts," castor oil, fruit syrups (so
called), laxativo 44 teas," and the man) tber
purgative compounds Eold in various" forms.
Put up in glass vials, scale 1. therefore
nhvys fresh and reliable. One little 44Pel
let" is laxative, two gently cathartic.
As n 44 dinner pill," to promote digestion,
I tnko ono each day after dinner. To reliovo
distress from over-eating, nothing equals
j them. They aro tiny, sugar--coated, anti
bilious granules, scarcely larger than mus
tard seeds. Every child wants them.
Then, after they are taken, instead of dis
turbing and shocking the system', they i. t in
a inikl, and natural wnv." There is "no re
action afterward. Their help lasts.
Accept no substitute recommended to bo
44 just cs good." They may be Iwtter for tho
dealer, because of paying uiin n bettc i profit,
but ho is not the ono Who nerds help.
CSood Paper*.'!c. andsc (nld I nner* 5c.
"i.iiml 1 tic. Wend sc, <inni|>< I•|- M.iiupio*.
.Ml Wood.Sir, ct. I'll tabu tub. Pi.
P N U it; *O4
COMPANY it; Minnesota. Send for Maps and Circu*
aire. They will be rent to you
'•"cd Co'nmisslonor.Sl. Paul, Miua
sl2 TO s3s""""'
tills nil except mini ojipor unity f r ~r > iu .
|t o.viUfnl. N, (ire iioiirs m.iv h,. ii4i* I i-> >.| i>•i; |.
tage. if. i .ioiinnon \
I f tli anil .11 uiii Ms., Kicliiim Vi.
PATIC N S, x ,;v,V^,V„-?
Of Invpiitlon. S.m\<l for l.i\cnim< (.iii'l .r ii' . •
patent. I'ATHICIC O'l AIIUKU., W.\ iiin .;.,|,' •.