FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. VI. No. 33. FROM SUBURBAN POINTS. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE OF NEIGHBORING TOWNS. "Correspondents Find News Kxceedingly Scarce for This Issue, and Highland is the Only Town to Send In Its Usual lludget. Special and regular correspondence from the surrounding towns is solicited by the TRIBUNE. Communications or items intended for publication must be accompanied by the name of the writer. HIGHLAND DOTS. Mrs. Peter Keller is visiting friends at Pittston this week. The vacant houses are being filled rapidly for several weeks past by families from nearby mining towns. This week six more were occupied, the majority of whom came frfim Ilazle Brook. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snyder, of Ilazle ton, were here visiting on Sunday. The metnbers of the literary club have commenced to furnish their room and will have it completed this week. The boys propose to make their quarters the very best of its kind in this section. William Keller was on the sick list last week. Miss Maggie O'Donnell is lying very ill at her home here. Koberet Oliver visited his parents here on Sunday. The work at the strippings continues very brisk. Last week the collieries worked five days and there are prospects of this being continued until the end of the year. A large number of our young men at tended the excursion to Wilkes-Barre on Tuesday. The majority of our residents are now busy getting their stoves in order for the cold weather. Christian Stallz and wife called on friends here on Sunday. Mrs. A. Snyder, of Sandy Run, was in town on Sunday. UPPER" LEHIGH NOTES. Dr. 11. M. Neale and wife returned from Chicago on Saturday evening. James A. Meehan made a business trip to Ilazleton yesterday. Mrs. John Leisenring returned borne from the World's fair last week. Stilcidu to End Ills Troubles*. Last Saturday a handsome and well dressed man entered the Bristol House, Wilkes-Barre, and registered as 11. Brown, Kansas City. He acted in a gentlemanly munner nnd retired rather early on Monday night. The next morning the clerk detected a peculiar odor, the door was broken open and tbe man was found dead. On his person was found a bunch of keys and eleven cents. It is thought he was in trouble and was too proud to ask assistance. On a piece of paper lying on a stand in the roqm was the words: "Am a Mason and an Odd Fellow." Beside the bed was a box containing morphine. The man yesterday was identified. His name Howard Brader and he was horn and brought up in Wilkes-Barre. He leaves a wife and one child in Cart hage, Mo. MrH. Hunker and a Cow. From Today's Speaker. Mrs. George Hanker, of Harleigb, narrowly escaped being gored to death by a maddened cow yesterday. The animal strayed into a field where Mrs. Hanker's cow was grazing a short distance from the house. The woman was engaged in the kitchen when she discovered the animal in her field. The dog was sent to drive the animal out of the field, but Mrs. Hanker seeing that the dog failed to drive it off, decided to dp it herself. After getting within the enclosure she had not advanced very far when the animal dashed for her. The woman ran for the gate but she barely reached it when the infuriated animal caught her on its horns and tossed her over the fence. Being unhurt, Mrs. Hanker again entered the field, determined to drive the cow from the pasture. When the cow again cuught sight of her red dress it became wild and raced for the woman, head down. The latter ran into a house on the opposite side of the road which was being constructed. The crazy animal did not stop at the door, however, but rushed in. The woman, thoroughly frightened, crouched into a corner beneath the staircase. The brute was unable to reach her here, but tramped and tore at the structure which threatened to give away. Fortunately a carpenter, who was on the roof at the time, heard the women's screams in time to save her life. Meeting of Lutheran Patitora. The monthly meeting of the Lutheran Paßtoral Association of the Upper Le high Valley was held on Monday at the residence of Rev. E. A. Bauer, Lehigh ton. The ministers present were: Revs. H. H. Brunig, White Haven; J. J. Kuntz, Conyngham; J. H. Schmidt, Freeland; J. H. Kuder and W. H. StraussJ JLehighton; J. H. Longacre, Weissport. D. H. Siebolt, Summit Hill, and L. Lindenstruth, Mauch Chunk. Two sermons based on' Matthew 12:30, were discussed by Revs. Kuntz and Brunig. Then followed the reading of Malachi, chapter 4, in Hebrew, with grammatical and exegetiesl remarks. In the afternoon Rev. Kuntz read a fine paper on the Levites. The remain der of the time was occupied with the serious consideration of the Sunday question in all its various bearings. Rev. Brunig presented a carefully pre pared paper on that subject. The next meeting will be held November 6 at White Haven. Six Men ISurned by Gas. An explosion of gas occurred in the Columbia colliery at Duryea, near Pitts ton, on Monday, injuring six men, two of whom may die. They are: Thomas Joyce, 35 years, wife and three children, Duryea, dangerously burned and back bruised, may die; Martin Tigue, 28 years, wife and three children, Upper Pittston,' seriously injured internally, may die; Patrick McNulty, 34 years, Duryea, painfully burned; Dominick Mullin, 32 years, Duryea, burned on head; Thomas Hall, Plains, and Jere miah Ilogan, Duryea, slightly hurt. The six men composed a shift and were engaged in driving an opening when the accident occurred. The cause of the explosion cannot be accounted for. Permanent Certificates. The Permanent Certificate Committee of Luzerne county will hold an examina tion on Saturday, October 28, in the High School Building, Wilkes-Barre. Applicants must be present promptly at 9 o'clock a. m. J. F. Santee, examiner in spelling, geography and civil government. B. F. Meyers, examiner in grammar, algebra and rhetoric. D. M. Hobbes, examiner in arith metic, geometry andjpenmanship. W. 11. Gillespie, examiner in physi ology, reading and drawing. T. M. Conniff. examiner in history, theory of teaching and physics. Farewell Sermon Next Sunday. Rev. C. A. Spaulding has resigned as pastor of the Bethel Baptist church, and will preach his farewell sermon on Sun day evening, October 15, commencing at 6 p. m. This date is also the thirty ninth birthday of Rev. Spaulding, and the friends of the church and pastor are cordially invited to attend the services upon this occasion. Rev. Spaulding has been an active and earnest worker in the cause of re ligion since his coining here, and largely through his efforts the|handsome church at Ridge and Walnutstreets was erected. He goes from here to Ilazleton. Tuesday's Parade. The parade of the societies connected with the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of the Scranton diocese took place at Wilkes-Barre on Tuesday. It is estimated that over 7,000 men and boys were in line, and the demonstra tion was in every way a very creditable showing for the temperance people of northeastern Pennsylvania. The lower end societies turned out strong, and with their good music took a prominent part. The weather was perfect, and the 103 d anniversary of the birth of Father Matthew, the apOßtle of temperance, was fittingly observed. ■ KcfiiMoil to TranHport a CorpHe. Leander R. Austin died in Allentown of typhoid fever and his family, in order to fulfill a desire of tbe dead man, ar ranged to have the body interred at Mainsburg, Tioga county, the birthplace of the deceased. The Lehigh Valley Company refused on Tuesday to carry the hody for fear of contagion. The family had no other alernative than to take the body there by team, and on Tuesday morning the corpse of Mr. Austin started on its journey. It will take until tomorrow evening to reach the destination. TViilit Cameron to ReHign. Indignation among Scranton business men over the speech of United States Senator Cameron on the silver question culminated on Monday night in a repeal bill meeting under the auspices of the board of trade of that city. Hot speeches were made in favor of repeal and resolutions were adopted de manding that Cameron either place him self in harmony with his constituents or resign. FREELAND, PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1893. BUSINESS BRIEFS. Try Fackler's home-made bread and rolls—baked fresh every morning. Farties supplied with ice cream, cakes, etc., by Laubach at reasonable rates. Arnica and Oil Liniment is the best remedy known for stiff joints. Sold by Dr. Schilcher. For slashing bargains in ladies', mis ses' and children's cloaks and jackets, call at Jos. Neuburger's. Call at JOB. Neuburger's and secure some of the big bargains they are offer ing during the next few days. "Orange Blossom," the common-sense female remedy, draws out pain and soreness. Sold by Amandus Oswald. The history of Downs' Elixir is identi fied with the history of New England for the last fifty years. It.cures coughs and colds. Sold by Dr. Schilcher. CostivneßS is the cause of the intoler able "bad breath" of multitudes. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bitters re move the cause and prevent the evil, and cost only 25 cents. Sold by Dr. Schilcher. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. *• To Whom It May Concern. Dr. E. A. Esterbrooke, the expert den tal surgeon, will be at the Central hotel, Freeland, on Monday, October 16, and remain a few days. Dr. E. is the man who gained such notoriety in Ilazleton a few weeks ago, and the Ha/.leton peo ple Btand by him and say, "He does just what he claims to do," namely, ex tract teeth without administering gas, other, chloroform, etc., "potitively wWunil pain." All those having bad teeth will do well to avail themselves of this extra ordinary opportunity to get rid of them without the suffering so universally dreaded. Money paid for extracting allowed ou new teeth. * Democratic MUSH Meeting. On Thursday evening of next week the Democrats of Freeland and vicinity will hold their first mass meeting of the campaign. The opera house has been engaged for the evening, and the speak ers will be Hon. C. Ben Johnson, of Wilkes-Barre; Assistant District Attor ney P. A. O'Boyle, of Pittston, John M. Garman, Esq., of Nanticoke, ayd others. All the Democratic county candidates will be present, and the citizens of Free land and nearby towns aro invited to attend the meeting. Voiuiir Men's llnll. The ball of the Young Men's T. A. B. Society on Tuesday evening was a great success in every respect. The selections given by the St. Patrick's and Mayberry bands were very good, and the large crowd had a very pleasant evening. Master of Cermonies, Charles F. Ha ganey and Miss Ellie Scott led the march, followed by more than 100 couples. Papering and Painting. * A. A. Bachman, having purchased the Gibbon property, near the Central Hotel, (Watkins' old stand) and fitted it up, has on hand a large and varied stock of wall paper, paints, etc. Wall paper from 8 cents a double roll up. Painting and paperhanging done on short notice and by good workmen. Call and see samples. * Look Here!' We work for the people. Have your watches, clocks and jewelry repaired at Meyer's jewelry store, two doors below the Central hotel. * PLEASURE CALENDAR. October 23.—Second annual ball of Divi sion 19, A. 0. H., at Freeland opera house. Admission, 50 cents. October 24.—8a1l of Polish cornet hand, at Freeland opera house. Admission, 50 cents. October 20, 27, 28. J. W. Macready and company, at Freeland opera house. Admission, 15, 25 and 35 cents. November 14.—8a1l of Eckley Social Club, at Freeland opera house. Ad mission, 50 cents. Subscribe for the TBIBUNB. I to rough',School He port. The report of the second month of the borough school is: Enrollment Sl4 Average attendance.. SCO Per cent, attendance 87 The following pupils were 100 per cent, in attendance since they com menced this month: Nettie Johnson, Annie Sachs, Acquilla Johnson, Mary A. Powell, Marple Moyer, Pred. W. M. Koons, John Weiss, Lewis Smith. Minnie Daubert, Jennie Vunllorn, Agnes Bechtloff, Delia Shelhamer, Mary Washburn, John Lindsay, Harry Van- Horn, James Malloy, JohnSlusser, John Geoppert, James McLaughlin, Frank McLaughlin. Priscilla Robertß, Ruth Fletcher, Mat tie Lindsay, Nettie Shelhamer, Katie Geoppert, Gertie Walp, Bessie Shaffer, May Johnson, Robert Bell, John Bocz kowski, Griffith Pritchard, Kdw. Slus ser, Patrick Donlin, Frank Van Horn, John Bell. Mabel Johnson, Ada Ivocher, Emily Bolin, Carrie Smith, Grace Fletcher, Mary Halpin, Blodwen Roberts, Mary Philippe, John Hauser, Willie Yannes, Alphonso Boczkowski, Charleß Bell, Willie Drasher, NeiceMailoy. Schools move nlong nicely. Parents are invited to visit us. H. L. Edmunds, M. Zimmerman, Tillie Lindsay, Lulu Schmidt, Teachers. liiHtnllution of OrticerA. The following were installed as officers of Owena Council, No. 47, Degree of Pochontas, by District Deputy Mrs. Rhoda, of Weatherly, at the last regu lar meeting: „ Prophet—Jane Smith. Pocahontas—Elizabeth Hughes. Wenonah—Margaret Roberts, Powhattan—Griffith G. Pritchard. First scout—Lizzie Price. Second scout—Jennie Kischbach. First runner—Mary A. Reede. Second runner—Mary Paul. First warrior—Mary A. Davis. Second warrior—Hannah Ward. Third warrior—Jennie Davis. Fourth warrior Anna Schaub. First councillor—Annie Jenkins. Second councillor—Elizabeth Walters. Guard of wigwam—Kate Fuchs. Guard of forest—Ann Jones. Trustee—Elizabeth Schaub. A number of visiting members were present from lfazleton and Weatherly, and after the installation ceremonies lemonade, cake and fruit were served. Schuylkill Towns Without Water. A water famine prevails throughout the Schuylkill region. The Girard Wat er Company, which furnishes water to to the towns of Girardyille, Colorado, Lost Creek, William Penn, and all col lieries on Girard estate, has restricted the use of water to but one hour out of every twenty-four, giving the collieries water sufficient only to supply boilers. It is feared complete suspension of these workings will be necessary in a few days. Schuylkill Traction Com pany, whoso plant is also supplied by the Girard Company, are able to run but two cars between Shenandoah and Ash land. Knighti* of IVlaltu Convention. The grand commandery of the Knights of Malta will meet in annual session next Tuesday at Berwick. Delegations from Commandery No 0, of Drifton, and No. 8, of Freeland, will be present. They will leave Freeland on Tuesday morning on the G. 05 train, and will be run on special train from the Lumber Yard to Hazleton, where connection \Cill be made with the Pennsylvania Rail road. The question of amalgamating C and 8 will come up at this session. No lluco Yesterday. The second race between the Ameri can yacht Vigilant and the English yacht Valkyrie was won on Monday by \he Yankee boat, which beat its oppon ent at every point and in weather sup posed to be most favorable to the Val kyrie. The third lace was run yesterday, but the wind was so light that the boats could not get over the course within the six-hour limit. The Vigilant led by half a mile when the time expired. Citrbon I)oiiocratH. From tlio Standard. The Democratic standing committee of Carbon county held a meeting in the court room at Mauch Chunk on Tuesday ! and after considerable discussion re elected Michael Cassidy county chair | man. The candidates for county office on the Democratic ticket were present. | It was decided that the funds for the campaign be distributed by themselves instead of by the chairman, as was the custom. It was also decided that the candidates select the watchers for the different polling places in the county. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. LOCAL JOTTINGS GATHERED FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. Little Ones of Interest About People You Know and Tilings You Wlsli to Hear About—What the Folks of This Vicinity Are Doing. Rev. Bernard J. Dever, of Summit. Hill, was a visitor to town this week. The Lehigh,Valley Company will pay its employes on this division next Thurs day. Tim J. Gallagher, of New York city, is spending his vacation at his home in Drifton. Robert Scott, of Oneida, has sold his property on Centre street, in the Points, to Agnes Brady, for $2,500. The Hazleton Sentinel, it is said, has been sold to a company of Philadelphia men, who took charge today. A new Lehigh Valley Railroad time table will go into effect on the first of November. Several changes arc ex pected. Don't fail to read Neuburger's adver | tisement on the last page of this paper ! daring their fall opening for the next I ten days. The Democratic county candidates in tend to make a tour of the fourth dis ' trict next week. They will commence at Ilazleton on Monday. The Freeland Beef Company proposes to enlarge its building on Washington street. The present quarters are too small for the amount of business done. It is reported that the collieries of W. T. Carter & Co. at Beaver Meadow have been purchased or leasid by A. S. Van- Wickle & Co., operators of the Milnes ville workings. The Young American Social Club, which was recently organized, has elect ed the following oflicers: President, C. F. Paul; secretary, George Ilartman; treasurer, Harry Reifsnyder. The club will hold a ball on December 1. Two women of West Hazleton have informed Poor Director Monroe that they saw Fannie Siddons near that place Monday night, and her appear ance is described as wild and haggard. They say she wore scarcely any clothing. Constable Iloodmacher, of Weatherly, claims that Charles Conaghan, the mur derer of Brislin at Buck Mountain, is in hiding near where the crime was com mitted. He says he is too busy at pres ent to arrest him and will let some one else get the S2OO reward. Friday, October 20, will be Firemen's Day at Weatherly, where a new fire engine house will be opened and a pa rade and inspection will take place in the afternoon at 3 o'clock. It is ex pected that at least half a dozen com panies from other towns will participate. Two Jersey Central passenger trains, one of which was filled with excursion ists for the Wilkes-Barre parade, collided at Scranton Tuesday morning. The only person injured was Miss Florence Blew its who, in the excitement, jumped from the train and suffered a fractured leg. DEATHS. NAGLE. —At Eckley, this morning, at the residence of George Knyrim, Edith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ilenry Nagle, aged 3 years, 4 months and 25 days. The remains will be taken to Wilkes- Barre this afternoon at 4.34, where the funeral will be held on Sunday. Bach man. "CX)R SALE.— House and i<>t on Centre street, .1' Freeland; house, IfclxSl; lot For further particulars apply at this office. T OST.—On Sunday, October 8, between Free- I J land and Upper Lehigh, a lady's breast pin. Finder will please return it to this office. 1 OT FOK SALE.—One lot on west side of I_J Washington street, between South aiul Luzerne streets. For further particulars apply toT. A. Buckley, Freeland. T OST.—On Sunday, October 1, between Free 1J land and the L. V. U. It. depot, an open lace silver watch. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at the TRIBUNE office. T OST.—A young hound, white, with dark -1 J brown ears, black spot on tail, a scar under the neck, and answers to the name of 1 oby. Liberal reward will be paid upon its re turn to Charles Dusheck, Freeland. TpOK SALE CHEAP.—A house and lot. situate _L on the road leading from Freeland to Up per Lehigh, below Harmony hall. Sout h Heber ton. For further particulars apply to John Sohnee, Uirkbcck and Johnson sts., Freeland. rpo WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.—This is to _L certify wife, Susan Houisen, has l left my bed anil board without Just, cause. 1 therefore caution ail parties not to trust her on my account, as I will not bo responsible for any debts contracted by her after this date. August Houisen, Butler township, Pa. October 12, 18951. Keiper's Steam Marble Works. COR. LAUREL and MINE STREETS. Monuments, Headstones, selling at cost for next thirty days. Iron and Galvanized Fences, Sawed Building Stones, Window Caps, Door Sills, Mantels, Grates, Coping, Cemetery Supplies. PHILIP KEIPEIt, PROP., Ilazletim, Read - the - Tribune. IveijWf Is Talking about the great bargains in Fall and Winter Goods that the New York Clothiers are offering to introduce their One Price System. They all unite in saying that never before in the history of Freeland were goods sold as cheap in OYFR.CO ATS and SUITS for MEN, BOYS and CHILDREN, OEINT'T'S' O-OOIDS, Hats, Caps, Etc. Our custom depart ment has all the latest and nobbiest patterns for overcoatings, suitings and trouser ings at prices that can't be beat. New York Clothiers, J JACOBS 4 BARASCH, ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 37 CENTRE STREET. FACTORY, - - FREELAND. GREAT BARGAINS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Notions, Rag Carpet, Roots and Shoes, Flour and Feed, Wood and Tin and Queensware, WiUovma/re, Tobacco, Table and Floor Cigars, Oil Cloth, Etc., Etc. A celebrated brand of XX flour always in stock. Fresh Roll Butter and Fresh Eggs a Specialty. My motto is small profits and quick sales. I always have fresh (foods and am turning my stock every month. Therefore every article is guaranteed. AMANDUS OSWALD, Northwest Corner TtV^lon/1 Centre and Front Streets, * "Clalill. DePIERRO - BROS. = CAFE.= CORNER OF CENTRE AND FRONT STREETS, Freeland, Pa. Finest Whiskies in Stock. Gibson. Dougherty, Kaufer Club, Rosenbluth's Velvet, of which wo have Exclusive Sale in Town. Mumm's Extra Dry Champagne, Hennessy Drandy, Illaekberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. Imparted and Domestic Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Ilam and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. liallentine and Hazleton beer on tup. Baths, Hot or Cold, 25 Cents. Fall $ Winter Stock JUST ARRIVED. Suits, Overcoats, Trousers, made up quickly, neatly and In the latest styles from the very large and season able stock of cashmeres, cloths, chin chillas, montagues, etc. Work guaran teed and prices reasonable. J. J. POWERS, m " cba /Allor. Centre street, Five Points. D. J. FERRY'S SALOON in the place to get a frcsli glass of RINGLER S HELL GATE or - - ROCHESTER BEER. Fine T.mperance Drinks. First-class cigars arc always kept in stock, also the very best grades of nunc, claret, brandy, gin, whisky and porter. and Soutli^ s 81.50 PER YEAR. j JOHN D. HAYES, Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public. Legul business of all kinds promptly attended Room 3, 2d Floor, Birkbeck Brick. jyj HALPIN, Manufacturer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, &c. Cor. IVulnut and Pine Streets, Freeland. QHAS. ORION STROH, Attorney and Counselor at Law, AND justice of the Peace. Office Rooms No. 31 Centre Street, Freeland. JOHN M. CARR, Attorney-at-Law. 15 8. Franklin street, Wilkes-liurro, Pn. All Legal Business Promptly Attended To. Alex. Shollack, Bottler of BEER, - PORTER, - WINE, and all kinds of HQ uo US. Cor. Washington and Walnut streets, Freeland. WASHBURN & TURNBACH, Builder of Light and Heavy Wagons. REPAIRING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. FRONT STREET, NEAR PINE, FREELAND. LIBOR WINTER, nnmiß i oyster miioi. No. 13 Front Street, Freeland. S&f The finest liquor and cigars on sale. Fresh beer always on tap. CONDY 0. BOYLE, dealer in Liquors, Wine, Beer, Etc. The finest brands of domestic and I imported whiskey on sale at his new I m and handsome saloon. Fresh Roches- & ter and Ballcntlne beer and Young ling's porter on tap. Centre - Street, - Five - Points. G. B. Payson, D. D. S., DeniisT. FREELAND, PA. Located permanently in Birkbeck's building, room 4, second floor. Special attention paid to all branches of dentistry. Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed. Office hours; 8 to 12 A. M.; 1 to 5 1\ M.; 7 to 9 P. M. GEORGE FISHER, dealer In FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call at No. 6 Walnut stroet, Freeland, or wait for the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. Cl. Goeppert, proprietor of the Washington House, 11 Walnut Street, above Centre. The best ot whiskies, wines, kin cigars, etc. Call in when In that part of the town. Fresli Beer and Porter on Tap. WM. WEHRMANN, German - Watchmaker. Centre Street, Five Points, Freeland. WATCHES AND CLOCKS FOR SALE. Ucpairing of every description promptly at tended to and guaranteed. Gold and silver plating. I FRANCIS BRENNAN, Restaurant. 151 South Centre Street, Freeland. (Near tho L. V. It. It. depot.) CHOICEST— LIQUOR, BEER, ALE, PORTER BEST GIGARS AND —ON TAP. TEMPERANCE J. P. MCDONALD, Corner of South and Centre Streets, has the most complete stock of FURNITURE, CARPETS, LADIES' unci GENTS' DRY GOODS, FINE FOOTWEAR, Etc. in Freeland. PRICES ARE BOUND TO FLEASE,