I 0% DR. W. A. RI EG EL, t THE LZEC-ALDIZESTGr j Specialist tin i all • Chronic t Diseases,? y WILL BE AT ™ E " I I IjjlgSrl X ©ENTBAJb IIOTJKI4, j [ ' FREELAMLJ PARS J [ FROM 8 A. M. TO I P. M. AND FROM 8.30 TO 10 ' FRPF Tfi All 1 PM. DAILY, AND ALL DAY THURSDAYS, ? riXDIJ 1U " ALL . AND FROM 8A.M.T02 p. M. i SUNDAYS OF EACH WEEK. READ. CONSULTATION, EXAMINATION AND FIRST TREATMENT FREE. J ! REFERENCES AND TESTIMONIALS. ? f UII i nILUCL U READ THE TESTIMONY OF ONE WHO SUFFERED YEARS AND j PDCAT nCCCD TRIED MANY PHYSICIANS BOTH OF PHILADELPHIA [] II LN I Urrtn AKD NEW YOKK WITHOUT GETTING KELILF, ( AND IS NOW CURED BY DR. RIEGEL. y IHL 1 liave been a sufferer for a number of years with catarrh in its worst T) AAI n Li„ nn lnii,l forms. Had constant headaches, matter dropping in the throat, dizziness, h ' X COOIC 01 X' 1 COltll HI nose stopped up, difficulty in breathing and no doubt would soon have been a ' .> consumptive, had I not met Dr. Riegel. /, t AND VICINITY. Before that time I had tried every well-known remedy and doctored t f ' with many physicians, not only of llazleton but of New York and Phila- \ ( .> delphia, but could get no relief anywhere. As soon as Dr. Riegel began treat- /. fill ii'lin nrmhi ™ -novenri in K m e i felt relieved and continued to improve until now I feel like a new y /i 11 luriu a/i/jiij in /il l ,>yit man, and knowing that there are many others suffering as much as I did I " 0 during the month of Jill- write this for publication, so that others may avail themselves of Dr. Itiegel's ll ' llL t .in ua mil, 1 am willing to answer any letters of inquiry from persons wishing to << j> prescribed for Cllld trecit- consult him. James McCool, IS9 Nortli Wyoming Street, llazleton, Pa. I. „ ed upon their first visit J fpop n-Pnil nlmvrtae This is tocertify that I was treated by Dr. Riegel for catarrli and corn )/ee 0/ nil inn/ *, to. pletely cured in less than four months'time. y For five years I suffered untold misery. My symptoms were dizziness, T)r Tiiorrpl . im Imi 11 imp nf difficulty in breathing, purulent matter, dripping in the throat, and ) } ~ xviegel announces one OL I felt weak aud tired all the time. The least exertion was fatiguing and pain- " L the greatest opportunities ever ful, and I would get so melancholy that 1 wanted to die and end my misery. 1 offered to the sick and suffering } consulted dozens of physicians, but none did me any good till I met f Viv onv ,-iViireiptori ,I; ft Dr. Riegel. After the first three treatments I felt very much better and now '' ►> . 41. A' 1 * (in less than four months' time) lam completely cured and never felt better J, f in the world. i„ m y life. f The offer is that of a free test 1 will be pleased to answer any letters of inquiry from persons wishing " > of his method of treatment for to consult Dr. Riegel, if a stampis enclosed Respectfully, I iv the cure of Catarrli, Bronchitis, A " J " Cor ° e "' r ° st °" ,oe ' llftzletol1 ' Ptl " '' \Ti'l'l IT'i ,r 1.^'.7-'IV . V.A 'TV '!•' Editor Sunday Leader.—Dear Sir.— I wish to announce through the " v euraigld, OICK lieaaacne, JJeai- columns of your paper something which may be of benefit to many of its readers. A ' ness, Sore Throat, the beginning About six years ago I was attacked with that dreadful disease, chronic f of Consumption Etc. llasal catarrlj > and latter on it ran into bronchitis, and still latter 1 had slight " *r All wlm ~ l attacks of asthma and suffered untold misery, and had headaches nearly all ( v p. • il'V 1 pel soil at the time, constant dropping into my throat of the vilest of matter and had *> IllS Otlice in the Central Motel also a cough. My hearing was affected. In fact I felt indisposed to do any- ' >y during this month will be EX- Diing. 1 tried all means to get rid of this dreadful malady but all to no avail. „ ( nuxvr, PBvconiiivo ,*,, i I eonseled with Dr. Riegel and he treated me two months, and today I feel T ' . like an entirely new man. << y GIVEN FIRST TREATMENT FREE 1 would not, for any consideration, go back to where I was two months , ( of charge. ago, and I feel as though I could never repay Dr. Riegel for the good lie lias ' THIS is a test a patient can Jonei t'®- , '• Tiiilro ,io ,f un'tlimii t u• Please publisli tins, as I know tliere are many suffering in the same , ( 7 , Wliuout llSKing a way, and tliis may be the means of bringing them where they can be cured. !' Single penny. Yours respectfully, " L J. D. Thomaß, Kingston, Luzerne County, Pa. ~ { This Offer Good ~ y About eight years ago I began to be I, oublcd with chronic nasal catarrh, anil began " t n . / l/l i tnking medicine from u w ell known physician In Buffalo, N. V., ami continued doing jo '> for rUldllS UnlV 1111 , ,1, v. ,nu ' '>•"*'"US n"viy all to, vnll, for I continually grew woric, " /Ji .j. u\j itoi \/nij . and at the end ol that time I WHS so run down that I could not do the housework for my y Biuall lamily, iiiui my Iriends Ihought 1 had consumption. ( 1 then begun treatment with an emlneut pliyslciun In New York city, which I con- I 7 LtpmembfH' tln'u nftar ~.;n tinucd lor about one year, but still 1 found no roller, but grew worse all the time, had •' [( „J,,, 11118 ullel Wlll headaches all Iho time, anil iind u great deal of trouble with my throat. V airoi d 111 l skeptical and (lis- About the llrst of lust June 1 saw an Udvertisemunt lin the Lanier) of ])r. Riegel, ■< -j . ■* . cltiinuiiK to bo able to cure tiny ensu catarrh, mid thinking- 1 might irct sonic relief 1 f> couraged patients a chance to commenced taking liniiiucut will, iiini, IUI.I lilihi.iigh 1 Imvc only been trcuted by him for 1 iUftffP for tllPlllselves froo n f oil w ' v ''" ! V V V',) ">."* mn finrmitl> a. woli as ever; in fact, 1 '/ jnuge IUI iiteiiiaeives, liet Ol ,111 never lelt better in my life iiian Ido tiKlav, and my husband and myself both say that wo ' L costs. Dl' t lliegel offers this on"Shoum know'it!' Uic 'g"l lho Boud ' luui d°" c me > an< l wo aro anxious that every- I test as the fairest and surest , „It any lielj who Is suffering ill tlie same way will call on or address me by mall, I i t ra„ ~r ,1 _ 1,. shall be glad to give her further tnlormutlcm uu the subjeut. a ( ay Ol convincing the public Mrs. William Siekler, Luzerne borough, Luzerne County, Pa. f that llis method of treatimr llis lluviug worked in the mines lor the puat forty years and eontrueteil miners' asthma " k • v. . ° in such a severe manner aa to he scaruuly able to k-ave the house. I doctored with immv 7 specialties IS tile best known to lhyßieitttin previous t my ge and another, taking my money but giving physician can be subjected to permanent relief and apparent!) not even get ting ae'ear knowledge of what troubled If any of the following questions apply to u , avibo 1,11 , who nxx ' sullering lroin catarrli to consult him, for they will find liiin the A ( yon, you had better answer them at once. 081 Physician they euu go to. 1 cannot say too much for him. 7 Thouannh-ina i i o John Cough lin, 410 Eust Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa. /4 I ton.l wh ear. iSS liir'XVumK Wiikos-lliirre, Pa -llsd disease ef the J, t is the matter with them. Whoever reads this "" 11 li '; 1 uuUl I,L counseled Dr. Itiegel. who cured him in a few weeks. A will be able to determine if they have catarrh ~,. M'-s. •Joint Dawson, Lu/ernc, l'a. Had catarrh of the nose and head for nine years. for these be some of the prominent symptoms , neurl > everything, but eoulii get no relief. She counseled Dr. lticgal, and in a few of that dread disease, which means, if ncglec- weeks was entirely relieved lrom all symptoms of the droadl'ul disease. L 'thcaShZ"""" " Ud Uel " W " re Sl, ' c T,'- l'a.-I had catarrh since I < a the the questions. Dr. itkl/t" liw tmuSl file. '* llud c " I, 8b 1,,t headache and dripping into the throat. r SSSL ,ifuw 'J L jJSS'S, nfter Ptt - Wa,dMl j ( is your appetite poor? , 'lhes-Harre, Pa.—l had ii.constant headache and gathering of mucous ) / Do vou hawk unit suit? Uie throat and head; my ears were atfected, causing ine to be iiartlv deaf I havn ✓! r Is your stomach weak? treated for a few weeks with Dr. Itiegel, and all symptoms have left me. ' ] / Are your eyes watery? / v Do you have headaches? / Have you lost ambition? A I Do you take cold easy? 7 l)o you have heartburn? A I 111€ DR. W. A. RIEGEL. v Are your bowels costive? 7 Y Is your hearing aireeted? to declare 1 am too previous when I question the secret bal lot, to say that he sought prop er and legal advice and knows 110 reason why their action of j the sth lilt, should not be sup ported, and to state that it is j not necessary to publish rea-1 sons for their law-defying 1 work. Men of this calibre, who do wrong and then de liberately acknowledge that wrong and refuse to make any attempt to right it, are entirely too large to sit as directors of the Freeland school board. They are above the laws of the j state, and are qualified for nothing below receivers or di rectors of the Reading or some I other law-breaking corpora tion. The people want direc-1 tors who have some respect j for the oaths of office they have taken—not men whose only desire appears to be to show how independently they ] can act and to sneer at the law I when it is shown thom. Saunterer. COUGHING LEADS TO CONSUMPTION. Kemp's Balsam stops the cough at once, j Lane's Medicine Moves tlic Howels Each Day. Iu order to be healthy this is uoeossary. ' |U§ | p y^Y * j bl n P ! ' '-—a SdLc $ I caretul investigation i* to cur rotponbibil* J jT g | Ci Cil LJ f\ Sapy Detail chloride of* Gold tablets #^vS ki \\ iHc-imn'rt'lT .lertroy thv .10-iro tor TOBACCO in from 3 tr> day 3. Perfectly linrm ■ S /jk .. j 3<"tl'e , p°Uß°ut°wUo , ':•''AAiU!!k'nwVwi,'":i^SwPtow?■ L; DROMEKHBSSSiiiIIORPDIHEHA3HTxf %* ! £-1 tho patient, by tliousn of our SPECIAL FORMULA GOU) CUKC TABLETS *" %\ S . {7" :,v;r ' or 1!l 1 fV/ A FEW ■ r j v/ Testimonials 13 V-J UoiiwUh|).Td)iiiwho!i:vob:'.aicar(!abythou"jofourTAm.OTO. Vgb ,T iunuiuwuuM g , J , KIS.OS TABLGTO nro i'OT calo i>y 0:1 pir.ET-cLASB x.>. ' vk from persons 1 am f¥ l " !I £ l -0 > |inr package. S %*v* >& ' / . , U It your (lr'.ifiri.'litdor.inot kn< ptlinm.fnclntrana SI.OO XL H> .X Who have been t-,4 5," '■■••■will iA."d you,by roturi.iuttll our *X ~ ~, ' - 51 .Jl Xuw-iA. ✓ T •■ X cured by the use of ■ til V\ riteyonr namo nr. a nilrtr-n plainly, nud st-.to \ l*. V f? V 33 S;Sar ~ro tor,i,ol '' icco ' Moi ' , " iuo or >£%>. mml S Hill q TaliMc N no NOT BS c-XEivrn into pHTchnsinß xr %•. SUM J 1 avivu, I otr?- t '-V : for' I "'til'"* "a-J'Vt.'r 3=m^T*Cl' 8 S vVJ§. X THE Onto CIIEMICAI. Co.: g i TA.BI KTR And tokßioS? S -f'&Zk' / OF.AU SIR:—I liavo Icon usinj? your W3 niHl tnKtjnouthti. 4jt- <:r euro for tobacco habit, and found it would Of Manufactured only by if v 'h nt y ou claim for it. I used ten cents ■ Bfl -r, sr OS *®v worth cf tbo btrongCßtchewing_ tobacco a day, M TIIJH j* vSSL. Jr r.nd from one to five cipars; or I would smoko I ySfr. y *T from ton to iorty pipes of tobacco. Have chewed fITITfI PnriUrTnAT pn . s nnd cmokod for twenty-flvo years, and two nackoget I UillU uilliJuluiiL IJUI. x&k S of your Tablets cured mo so I have no desire for It. RI ric re n TVT-\ S • M. JAY LOUD, Leslie, Mich. rf I| 1. O3 &G5 Opera Block, Donns FRBBT, N. Y. I IMA rum jr THK OMO CNEMICAL Co.: —GENTI EMEN :—Some timo ago I sent I ■ LimA, brlM). for 91.C0 worth of your Tablets for Tobacco Habit. 1 received enTTnrTi>o iT tliem all right and, although I was both a heavy smokerand cliewer. M PARTICULARS jT m. they did thework in less than threo days. lam cured. 1 ■ ■ PP££ Truly yours, MATIIfcW JOHNSON, P.O. Box 4fl. g ® THE Cnto Oo.:— GF.N*TLCMEN:— It gives mo PK a ■ BA. M W W -A v7ord of piv.idc for your Tabh ts. My son waettrongly addicted to the use of ■ •#• Wifcii .-<• liquor, ;.nd Ihroui; r. friend, 1 won led to try your Tablets. Ho was a heavy and M _ >SK conn tan t drinker, but after uoiug your Tablets hrt, three dnj'H henult drlnkinff. ■ ■ XA m y anl will not touch liquor of any kind. 1 havo writed lour month before wrltimr >£3L jr y° uia to know the euro was permanent. Your J truly, ® 8 C ,JW! jr Kits. HELEN MORBISON. g I Tnr, Onio CnnMIOAi. CO:-CF.KTLEUEN:-YOUV Tablet, have performed .nS'n'Ai 3 I have used morphine, hyp.slenuically, for seven years, aua havo boon cured by th© uce of ® two packaged of your Tablets, uud without any effort on my part. W. L. LOTEC AY. rm Ifr fill Orders to M JL zs EpFitiP THE ©HSO CHEMICAL ©O., *•' 53 and BSOpera Block. LIMA, OHIO. MIDSUMMER REDUCTION SALE. THIS WEEK AT Neuburger's Bargain Emporium. Don't fail to grace the occasion with your presence, as yon will lind onr large store overcrowded with bargains. We do not want to carry any summer goods over, so come and see how we have cut prices to make them go. If your are looking for DRY GOODS call and learn what we can do for you out of our immense stock If you want CLOTHING have a look at our stock, which is the largest in the region and our prices are always the lowest, but during this reduction sale we have cut prices to such an ex tent that they will surprise you. If you want FOOTWEAR you will find our shoe depart ment the most complete in town and our prices fuTly 20 per cent. | lower than any store in Freeland. In furnishing goods, for ladies or gents, hats, caps, trunks, valises, notions, etc., you will lind us to have what you want, at greatly reduced prices, at ' Jos. Neuburger's Bargain Emporium, In the I'. O. S. of A. Building, - Freeland, Pa. ORANGE BLOSSOM IS AS SAFE AND HARMLESS AS A Plax Seed Poultice. It is applied right to the parts. It cures all diseases of women. Any lady can uso it herself. Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS. Mailed to any address on receipt of sl. Dr. J. A. McGill & Co., 3 and 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, HI. Sold, "by Araandvis Oswald, Freeland. It will be to your interest to call and inspect OUR FINE* DISPLAY OF NEW NOVELTIES and reliable standard grades in Mail's and Boys' Clot hiii Hats and Caps. Our seasonable stock lacks nothing but buyers. They will come; they will be satisfied; they will buy at the l'airest prices | ever made for such qualities. JOHN SMITH. - BIRKBECK BRICK. OUR SUMMER LINE OF FURNISHING GOODS must be seen to get an idea of its many attractions. Expecting ah unusu ally active trade we have prepared generously for it, and show in greatest variety the latest and best in Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Hosiery, Neckwear, Underwear, Hankerchiefs, I etc., etc. Come in and you will iind styles, quality and price that hit your ideas of a good thing exactly. ff Mp cjSJPI I u ]V WEIBER & ZfING, THUOI^'* i Wo nro located above Meyer's Jewelry store I and have 011 bund u tine line of (foods, which 1 will lie done up in the latest sty les at a very moderate price. Our aim is to satisfy and WE ASK FOK A TItIAL. Repairing Promptly Executed.