Will the Widow Capture Him. Mlsi Madison Square— l hoard Mrs. Fisher say she wouldn't mind marry ing that young man of yours. Miss Sharpgirl—l'll never give her the chance. Tire man a widow would marry In pretty sure to make a go_d husband.—Texas Sittings. Trie two bridges ot Acrxes bad SUO and 311 boata respectively. *• I cordial'y recomincd Hood's Simnpnrilla ' to all suffering with indigestion, impure blood, humors; loss of appetite, or run down, or out of order generally. It trill stirelu he lit Ifou if ihere is any help fnlala, nnd hla TT I> 1 0? J. GI RRON*BROWN* Ij IJ I 47 Grand St.. JERSEY CITY, N. VTA NJII A NII IIK U .11 -Every player of either 19 the above ahould send for my pamphlet of useful Information. Atldreas JOSEPH ROGERS, Ja., HIOHVIEW, SULLIVAN COUKTT, W. Y. 7) 7 T VP \I TC TRADE MARKS. Examination I A I rjlN I O. and advice aa to patenUbll ty of Invention. Send for Inventors Oulde.orhow t a patent. PATRICK O'FARRBLL, WASHINGTON^D.O. Garfield Teas; Cures ConatipaMon, Restore* Complexion. Kavcw Doctors Bllis Sample free. OAHruci.DTiiA C 0.,319.,319 w.tfth SL^N.Y. J! u res Sick Headache . MOTHERS* FRIEND** MIKES CHILD BIRTH EASY. Col Yin, La., Deo. 2,1880.—My wife used MOTHER' 3 FRIEND before her third oonflncment, and say* sho would not b without it for hundreds of dollars. DOCK MILLS. Sent by express on receipt of mice. #1.50 per bot tic. 800k 44 T0 Mothers" mailed free. BHADFIELD REGULATOR CO., mm gata au onuaaiaTa. ATLAtITA* OA THE MERRY SIDE OE LBFE 1 ETOPIFS THAT ARE TOLD F.Y TILE FUNNY TIEN OF THE PRESS. It's Different Now—A Different Vo{bl cle A Victory —No Go ln* a World's Fair Restaurant, Ktc. *•- Time was when good old Boston WHS the literary town. But 'ts fame is slowly tailing j And its tone i 6 going down. For the West is now ascendant With its enterprising men. And Chicago bents the whole world With the product of the pen. —Boston Budget A DIFFERENT VEHICLE. '•Pnrslow is what you call a -hack writer, isn't he?" "No ; Parslow writes truck."—ruck. NO GO. "Why didn't you invite *Oholly to stay for lunch?" "We haven't a bit of baby/food in the house."—Truth. i ANGLERM ANIA. The rrofeefor—"l've efutility n pood mnny trout that weighed eeveu pounds." The Colonel—"Yes. It takes a good many to weigh that."—Puck. A VICTORY. "This is the proudest moment of my life." "Why, what have you done?" "I lmve at last absolutely mastered my vanity." MITIGATION. "How could Jnnette marry that old man ? The idea of being tied up to him for life!" "You must remember it's only for his life."—Judge. BOBHRA UNDERSTOOD THE USE OF WORDS. "Listen, Bobbie; this rich cake is very unhealthy, and I—" Bobbie—"Well, suppose we put it right out of its misery, Mamma."— Chicago Inter-Ocean. A SAD CASE. Vokes—"Gilleland is so stupid that many people think him wise." Meekison— "His case is even worse than that. He is so stupid that he thinks himself wise."—Life. I.AST RESORT. 'How did you ever manage to get into your trunk without a hair-pin?" "Oh, pshaw! it was too easy." "It was?" • 'Yes; I remembered I had the key." J udgo. IN GREAT DEMAND. Lawyer—"Do you know where that sign of mino is—-'Back in Ten Min utes !'" Boy—"Yes, sir; the lawyer next door borrowed it a few minutes ago. He said he was going to the ball game." —Puck. A WOMAN'S YE3. Giles—"A statistical fiend lias fig nred out that there are twenty-five ways of telling whether a girl loves you." De Garry—"The first, of course, is whether she tells you so." Giles—".ND ; that isn't nny way at all."—Judge. IN A WORLD'S FAIR RESTAURANT. Patron—"What's this item on the lull for? I didn't have any chicken croquettes." Waiter—"Ze gen'leman forget. Ze gen'lemau secure one gran-' ap'tite vatcliing ze oppozeet gen'lemen eat ze croquettes."—Chicago Record. SUSPICIOUS. "Mike," said one tramp to another, "the woman that lives in that house has just baked a pie an' sot it on the window shelf." "Hadn't wo better go an' eat it?" "I don't know. Maybe that's what she put it there for."—Washington Star. A VENGEFUL GIRL. * "Did yon hear of Miss Keedick's frightful revenge because Mr. Bkidds jilted her and married Sue Gaskctt?" "No; what was it?" "She went with Sue to help her se lect her house-furnishing, and you just ought to see it I"—Judge. INCURABLE. May— "Why is it that people really know so.little about love?" Frank—"Because it is a disease that leaves its victims in such a pitiful | condition of imbecility that they are wholly incapable of rationally describ ing their symptoms."—Detroit Free Press. GRADES OF QUIETNESS. Lnmmix—"lsn't a cemetery a quiet spot ?" j .Skimgullet—"Yes; but Egyptian cemeteries are quieter than those in j this country." Lnmmix—"How can that be?" I Skimgullet—"Because in Egypt mummies the word."—Judge. ENOUGH AND TO STARE. The question was once raised as to which was the more content of the two, the owner of half a million of money or the man with seven daughters. "The latter, of course," was the re ply,, "for the man with half a million is always wanting more, while the one with seven daughters has plenty."—La Croix. THE SEASONS. "Looky here," said Farmer Farweet in a Chicago restaurant, "can't I get anything to eat on this meal ticket?" j "What kind of a ticket is it?" asked the waiter. "It's a season ticket." y the creature are telzed by maddening pains, which rapidly extent to every part of the Doly. Loss of sight, convulsions and .ockjaw are symptoms which follow n rapid succession. To Treat Tired Eyes. Eyes that are tired from loss l, put up In boxes. Ask your dealer for litem, or send 40c. In stumps for a box ol luu, assorted sixes. Muu'fd by JUDSON L. THOMSON MFG. CO., WALTIIAM, MASS. s Wonderful Patch Plate A new nnil sclent I fir principle for mending Tin. IfrnoN. Copper. Iron mid l.eml.tvii limit Ihe liar of in-id or so ill" ing troll. One pinto costing 15 cent* will mend 100 oidluary leaks, which I would cost to repair at nuy ilnsmltti's from sto 10 cents each Price 1 •"> cuts, 2 for '2.1 nut*. I Anvonc can uw If. Full directions with each plate. AddressTllH PAT(!iI PLATE CO., 1111 4Wn huh chiinmi Ave., I li^iilclplil n. Pn. I llf r.ny one doubt* that tin nrlal I nching is lodldo potassium, surnap irllln or Hot Spring* fnil. wo gtn ran too a cure—and our Ma--lo t yphlleno tho only thing that will euro porimuicntly. I* Ml Ive proof sons soiled, free. C OOK KBMEDY C 0., Chicago, 111. FIENSION^^K?^ "Successfully Proseputes Claims. Lftto Principal Examiner I' S. Penaton Bureau. 3yralu last war, 15 udj lulicatlugcluiuis, utty aitiee. big money article No Competition. Exclusive lorrltory,] Quick Hales. No Capital Hequlred. Painter Preferred References Exchanged. Address, • ,rererr VlfK PALM LKTTIt ., i 13 ana 17 llainiitoitd St., Cludnnatl, Olilo. . BOITRECUBED KB Plno's Remedy for Catarrh Is the jfl tfl Rent. Easiest to f'se. nnd Cheapest Ik tJM ■ Jiu iiii min JBi t Hold by drugfilhts or neut by mauT^B B WC. It 1 Hazeltlne, Warren, lit 0 Wo Cur* Rupture. No matter of how Ion*? standing. for fre treatise, tostlmon-aK etc., to r*. J. Hoi lens worth & Co-.Owego, Tioga Co., r*. *• Trice £1; by mail, $ I.lft. A Bombay curio dealer labels a golden sovereign "Christian idol." J. S. Parker, Fredonta, N. Y., M Bball rot call on you for the £10 reward, for I be lieve Hall's Catarrh < ure wil. euro any ca*of catarrh. Was very bod." W rite him for par ticulars. bold by Druggists, Vsc. The Bank of New York and the Bank of Massachusetts were both founded in 1784. Hatch's Universal Cough Syrup will cure that tough surprisingly quick- 25 cents. The "salt hath" is becoming very popular in New York and other cities. A wonderful stomach corrector - Berrlu*-*a Tills. Beeehuill's— no others. 2ft cents a box. The corner-stone of the National Capitol | was laid September 18. 1793. C$T Send 6c. in stamp* lor too-pege 1 illustrated catalogue of bicycles, guns, 1 and sporting goods of every description. I John P. Lovll Arm* Co. Boston. MassJ • Di You (leep Peacefully ? o "Coodj I Heavens,! I My Doar Fellow, ! •Mv constitution wan ail gone yean ago,and Inm • 5 living on the by-laws," said Mr. Choate, to n J o brother lawyer who lamented that be not only * • worked t-.o much, but bad no Just economy ol • • labor. Hut If. when fatigued, at the end of e ich • J 'lay's mental toll, ho had sought repoae and • g peaceful sleep on a * •PILGRIM •SPRING :BED •THE BEST BED MADE. j • How like men of narrower rapacity—who better • np recla'o the necessity f souud sleep ns a pre- • i • requisite to sound lie dth—might he not have • ; £ prolonged his II •• of usefulness fir many year*. 5 j • The "Pilgrim" Is made of highly icmurred 9 • wierl u 11 e i i" the pcrfecllott of case and will • • Inst n lifetime, Heware of cheap Imliatlons, • 5 " for they are not what they seem. ' * a Exhibited al No. ill Warren .Mrout, New York; ! • No. ii Hamilton Place. Ronton. • For sale ly all reliable Dealer*. • • Fee Bra** Tag Registered Trademark on all • m Genuine Pilgrims, * a bend lor Money Prvliw Primer. Free. a • Alius Tacit Corporation, Boston. • • WAttKifOUHßS—Ronton, New York, Philadelphia, 5 a Chicago, Baltimore, San Francisco, Lynn. a ' • Factohiks—Taunton, Mass.; Fafrhaven, Mass.; a | • Whitman, Muss.; Dux bury, Mass.; Plymouth, • J Man* $ Tho Davis Ilanil Cream Separator and Feed Cooker Combined, , Completest of outfits for a dairy farmer. This machine has an attachment which, when the bowl has been taken out, is dropped into the Separator so that a belt can run to the churn. Write for further particulars. 1 nvltt A; Ilaukln Hid*, and Rlfrr. Co., 240 to 2.11 W. I.ake St., Chicago, 111., Manufacture all kinds of Creamery Machinery and Dairy Suppliesi (Agents wanted in every county.) f A rTI DeVuTfa M I LYME dTc fNbl I For liullgcsi lon. Itlllouaae**. § Headache, Constipation, Itiul ■ Complexion, Offensive breath, § I and all dlcurdern of the Stomach, 9 I Liver and Bowels. i I RIPANS TARULES Wf fact gently yet promptly. Perfect I | digest ion their use. Bold| | FL/viala* T.V*. Package <4 boxes), GS. | I For free samples uddress . | LBUOIC* CIIKMIOAI; "I.- T -E J MARRIAGE PAPER Je * UUNNELB* MONTHLY, TOLEDO, OHIO.