Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, June 22, 1893, Image 4

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Thurtnlay, June 15.
The Borden murder trial went on at New
Bedford, evidence for the prosecution being
continued Ex-President Harrison was
among the visitors at the World's fair
Chief Justice Bingham of the district su
preme court refused the mandamus asked
for by Colonel Ainsworth and declared
the proceedings before the deputy coroner
in the Ford's theater case illegal In an
■ccldeut at the World's fair one man was
killed and several persons badly in
jured The firemen in the lluve
nieyer sugar refinery in Williamsburg,
N. Y., have struck for an 8-hour
working day. There are 2,800 men em
ployed in the refinery, and only 102 of them
have gone out The Brooklyn police are
investigating the mysterious death of lit
tle Katie Schilt The Infanta Eulalie ar
rived nt Niagara Falls The Baackes
Wire Nail company of Cleveland assigned.
A number of small banks in the west were
forced to suspend Commencement ex
ercises were held at Princeton, Vassar,
Miami university and other institutions
The New York clearing house commit
tee Is to ask the association for authority to
issue certificates There was a mild run
on the Irving Savings institution, New
York. Depositors were paid in full, and
further demands were provided for The
yacht Navahoe was reported to have been
In collision with a New Jersey pilotboat
The house of commons took up clause
4of section lof the home rule bill. One
amendment proposed by the opposition
was withdrawn, and the other was re
jected Count Kalnoky in a speech eu
logized the triple alliance and reaffirmed
the kindly feeling of Russia for Austria
Friday, Juno 10.
The prosecution rested and the defense
began lu the trial of Lizzie Borden at New
Bedford. Mr. Jennings made the opening
speech for the prisoner Wealthy and
aged Eliphalet Stratton of Brooklyn has
been arrested on a charge of starving his
Invalid young wife It is alleged that E.
M. Field's insanity Is shammed and that
he is practically free Royal Phelps Car
roll's new yacht, the Navahoe, was dis
abled by collision with n pilotboat
Several persons were killed, and
considerable damage to property was
done by lightning in the west The
heirs of Jay Gould will contest in court
the payment of 1250,000 Inheritance tax in
addition to the 1500,000 already paid The
Rev. Charles B. McKenna, a priest of St.
Ann's Roman Catholic church. New York,
was drowned with his cousin in the Hud
son river The New York Clearing llouso
association authorized the issue of certifi
cates Ex-Minister Charles Emory Smith
addressed tho Republican county com
mittee at New York The elections
In Germany show a remarkable increase
In the strength of the Socialists
James Henry and George W Carter,
escaped from Sing Sing prison during tho
last 10 days, have not been recaptured,
and the prison officials have no clew to
their whereabouts The French court of
cassation set aside the sentences of the
Panama defendants. MM. Eiffel and
Fontane were set at liberty Charles do
Leaseps must serve out a concurrent sen
tence for bribery The official bulletin
says President Carnot's condition is slight
ly improved. It is .believed iu Paris
that his illness is serious Sir Rich
ard Webster continued his argu
ment before the Bob ring sea court
The heavy fog caused several mishaps
among the shipping in New York waters.
The steamer Monmouth was badly dam
aged by collision with the steamer Kara,
and the ferryboat F. J. James and the
steamboat City of Richmond were sunk on
rocks Judge Ingraham of New York
authorized a lawyer to represent Mme.
PhilipinaMilhuu in a suit brought against
her by her sou, Edward L. Milbau, who
alleges that he is insane.
Saturday, Juno 17.
The taking of testimony in the Borden
murder trial was finished, and the court
adjourned till Monday. Emma Borden
gave strong evidence iu her sister's favor
——Bunker Hill day is being celebrated in
New England with unusual ceremonies
Harvard authorities decided upon
new requirements for admission to
the law school The militia was or
dered to be iu readiness to repress a
threatened outbreak among the striking
lumber shovers at Tonawauda, N. Y.
The Infanta Eulalie arrived in New York
again and went to the house of J. M. Ce
bullos, which has been placed at her disposal
Chicago was chosen as the place for tho
national headquarters of the Republican
National league The congress of tho
American Sons of the Revolution met in
Chicago A reception was tendered to
ex-President Harrison in the Ohio build
ing at the World's fair Joseph Jef
ferson was taken ill on the Pilgrim
aud is now in Fall River. It is
thought to be only indigestion
The Socialists have made enormous gains
In Germany Gladstonians have lost a
seat in the house of commons Barou
Alphonse de Rothschild, head of the great
Pari9 banking house, has been obliged to
have one of his eyes removed Serious
apprehensions concerning President Car
not's condition are entertained in Paris
District Attorney Nicoll of New York
wrote to Superintendent Andrews of the
state hospital foi tho insane in Buffalo to
see if Edward M. Field is sane again
Captain Magnus Andersen of the Viking
ship arrived in New York from Newport
situation President Cleveland, it is said
ou the authority of a friend, will call an
extra session of congress before Sept. 1
The house of commons passed a resolu
tion favoring the settlement of Interna
tlonal disputes by arbitration. Embns
eador Bayard listened to the debate.
Monday, Juno 10.
There were many murders committed in
different parts of the country——A tramp
steamship is expected at New York with
800 contract laborers on board—The law- i
yers on both sides in the Borden case were |
busy preparing for the submission of their
cases to the jury It was said that the j
pope's letter on the American school ques
tion indorses the position taken by Mgr. ;
Satolli The Rev. W. W. Page preached
to the Seventh regiment in the state camp
at Peekskiil An unknown man com- j
mitted suicide by jumping from tho
Brooklyn bridge News was received
that tho Rev. Dr. Thwiug was not
dead Walter Besant arrived at New
York Crowds visited the Viking ship
at anchor in the North river
A revision of the returns of the Gorman
elections shows that of the 215 successful
candidates 101 will vote for the army bill,
and 114 will vote against it The Par
nellites and Sextonites threaten to with
draw from parliament should Mr. Glad
stone grant any more concessions to tho
Unionists The bodies of the Prussians
who fell at Stall in 1870 were delivered to
German troops by French regiments and j
were taken across the border aud reburied j
Baccalaureate sermons were preached i
0i in&iiy colleges, Dr. Raiasford preached at
Harvard and Bishop Dudley at Lehigh
President Cleveland has decided to take
another course of the Schweninger treat
ment for obesity. He now weighs 298
pounds, or only nine pounds loss than
when he took the treatment before
Newark, N. J., has a mad dog scare,
and since the warm weathor has set in 84
vicious dogs have been shot by the police
The body of a man who had evidently
been murdered was found iu tho woods
near Volnntown, Conn The Danbury
(Conn.) police are searching for J. B. Paige,
n well known resident of that place, who
mysteriously disappeared on May 10
Joseph Jefferson, who is ill at Fall River,
Mass., was reported as comfortable The
town of Myers Falls was completely de
stroyed by fire; loss, f 10,000 The Benev
olent and Protective Order of Elks will
hold their annual reunion iu Detroit
Max Meindel, who was accidentally struck
with a baseball near Altoonn, Pa , died
soon after There were two more breaks
in the levee near New Orleans.
Tuesday, Jane 20.
In an interview Willie Wilde makes a
general denial to all charges upon which
Mrs. Frank Leslie recently obtained a di
vorce from him in New York Ex Gov
ernor Robinson summed up for the defense
In the Borden trial at New Bedford
The coroner's jury which has been
investigating the Ford's theater dis
aster brought in a verdict of criminal
negligence against Colonel Ainsworth,
Superintendent Covert, 1 Engineer Basse
and G. W. Dant, the contractor
| Fourteen-year-old Lewis, or George, Wood,
| accused of shooting and killiug the 3-year-
I old son of Farmer Wagner of Howell, N.
J., has been arrested in the home of hl9
mother in Brooklyn There was a hear
i ing before a New York aldermanic com
: mittee on a scheme of the New York and
New Jersey Terminal company to operate
! a tunnel from the New Jersey side to a
great passenger station under Union square
I John J. Haggerty of Now York jumped
; from the Brooklyn bridge into the East
i liver while intoxicated and escaped unin
jured The New York rapid transit com
j missioners unanimously adopted resolu
-1 tions giving the Manhattan Elevated
I company the option of paying $715,-
; 000 a year or 5 per cent on their
net income for extension franchises
;It was California day at the World's fair,
! the building of the Golden State being ded-
I icated with formal ceremonies Thacom
! mittee appointed to draft a new constitu
tion for the Yale Athletic association pre
sented a report practically dropping tho
undergraduate rule The will of John
Crerar was declared valid by the supreme
court of Illinois The captain and some
of the crew of the Viking ship were arrest
ed in Brooklyn early in the morning. Later
I they were welcomed to New York by
Mayor Gilroy A New York police ser
geant made a brutal assault on a car
driver in the Jefferson Market po
lice court Oug Muy Toy, the last
Chinese leper on North Brother is
land, was found dead in his bed
The Cassell Publishing company, New
York, is embarrassed through the note
kiting operations of its president Rev.
Dr Wilton Merle Smith, pastor of the Cen
tral Presbyterian church, New York, pref
aced his sermon last Sunday by a state
ment favorable to Dr. Briggs, and conserv
ative elders left the church Herr Lieb
kuecht, the Social Democratic leader, ad
mits that the German government will
have a majority for the army bill by effect
ing a compromise M. Clemenceau chal
lenged MM. Derouledc and Millevoye to
light, as a consequence of a collision with
them in a debate in the chamber of depu
ties. Both declined to meet him -The
pope expressed his approval of Mgr. Satol
li's attitude on the school question in the
United States The lord mayor of Lon
don again declined an invitation to visit
the Chicago fair Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Carnegie, with friends, are making a coach
ing tour of Great Britain The czaro
witz will be present at tho wedding of tho
Duke of York and Princess May on July 6.
Wednesday. Juue 21,
Lizzie Borden was acquitted at New
Bedford. Mass., on the charge of murder
ing her father and stepmother. She was
almost ovorcome when the verdict was
read, and men and women cheered the
finding. Miss Borden returned to Fall
River, where she Is tho guest of Banker
Holmes Nine persons were killed and
more than a score injured by the derailing
of a Sheepshead bay train on the Long
Island railroad at Pnrkville Center. It
was crowded with persons returning from
the Suburban A dispatch from Wash
ington says Governor Flower of Now
York may be nominated for presi
dent to succeed Mr Cleveland
Cornell defeated Columbia in the freshman
boat race at New London by eight lengths
The West Virginia building at the
World's fair was dedicated. The caravels
are to bo received with great cerepiony
The Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott pronounced
the Phi Beta Kappa oration at Rochester
university. Commencement exercises were
held at Wellesley, Smith and othercolleges
Daniel Lord, Jr., of New York while
asleep walked out of u window in a
friend's house In Chicago and was killed
New York lodge No. 1 of the Order
of Elks was reinstated by tho grand
lodge in session at Detroit—Rus
sell Snge Indicated that, the Manhattan
company would accept the proposition of
the New York rapid transit commission
ers General Edward Jardine, a gallant
soldier who was frightfully wounded dur
ing the New York draft riots, is dying at
the Hotel Pomeroy, New York, from the
result of his wounds In a rear end col
lision on tho Ninth avenue "L" road, New
York, several pergons were slightly In
jured Mayor lfoody of Brooklyn apol
ogized to Captain Andersen of the Viking
ship for the way he and his men were treat
ed by the Brooklyn police Edward Mc-
Mullen, a lineman, was horribly burned
by touching a live wire while working on
a job in Newark avenue, New Jersey j
Eight firemen were badly burned by an
explosion of naphtha in t'&e cellar of a
Ninth avenue, New York, dyeing estab- j
lishment Frank Collins, a 6-year-old ,
boy of Keansburg, N. J., while playing
with a shotgun dropped it. The gun dis
charged and blew off the bead of his
4-year-old niece and playmate, Madeline
Carhart The Bank of Commerce, New
York, applied for $1,000,000 of clearing
bouse certificates to encourage weaker
banks to take advantage of the privilege
The Suburban was won at Sheeps
head bay by Lowlander, with Terri
fier second aud Lamplighter third
At Now York the temperature recorded by
the weather bureau reached 96 degrees,
breaking the record for June 20 since the
bureau was established Tho president
of the Behring sea tribunal sharply re
buked Sir Richard Webster of counsel for
Great Britain There wore reports of a
revolutionary outbreak in Barcelona
The Liberal convention in Ottawa was be
gun Heavy storms were reported from
Paris, Berlin and Lisbon A dynamite
bomb was exploded outside the house of
Senor Castillo, the ex-prime minister of
Eckley now has the iinest breaker in
the region. It will stand as a model of
ingenuous engineering. Many new
devices that are not in use anywhere
else for preparing coal are being put in
the breaker. The mammoth structure
has been built around No. 10 breaker
without necessitating the loss of a single
day. It is built of wood, lined on the
outside with corrugated iron. The
feature of the breaker is its power of
consuming coal. Instead of hoisting the
loaded cars to the top of the breaker by
means of ropes, all the coal is dumped
automatically into a huge receptacle at
the bottom, and from there carried to
the top by elevators on an endless chain,
eight of which will hold a earful. In
this way as high as 2,000 carfuls can be
carried in a day, and not in the least
crowd the capacity. The breaker is now
the centre for all the coal produced in
Eckley, and shortly the Buck Mountain
coal will be run througli it. The breaker
is lighted throughout with electricity, as
it is running day and night.
Barney Gallagher and Charlie Harvey
drove to Oneida on Sunday.
Frank McGill had his hand injured
by a piece of coal at No. 2.
Several young ladies visited Sandy
Valley on Sunday afternoon. Their
report on the prospects of crops can be
obtained for the asking.
St. Mary's T. A. B. Society has cn
gagud the grove for a picnic on the
Fourth of July.
The old reliable Terrors will cross bats
with the lla/.le Brook club on Sunday.
Eckley is now receiving a supply of
excellent water from No. 5. This is an
improvement much appreciated, as it
has long been needed.
Neal O'Donnell had his knee slightly
injured with an axe on Monday.
One of Buck Mountain's prominent
bachelors will shortly quit single life,
having chosen a bride from among the
fairest in this town.
Misses, Susie Gallagher and Mary Mur
rin, of Freeland, were with relatives
here on Sunday.
Miss Fanny Trimble, of Hazleton,
spent Sunday with her parents.
Miss Mary McC'ann, of Highland, was
a visitor to town on Sunday.
Miss Sarah Gallagher, of Freeland,
spent Sunday with Foundry ville friends.
Charles Farrell, of Freeland, was in
town Sunday.
The Stmalard says it is reported that
an electric road will be built from this
place to Buck Mountain to transport coal.
Nothing lias been heard of the rumor
Thomas Kennedy moved to Sandy
Run last week.
The town was enlivened on Saturday
evening by the picnic held here by the
A.O. H. St. Patrick's cornet band of
Freeland played several nice selections
through town. The affair also drew a
number of young people to town, and all
had a good time. The soeicty extends
its thanks to tlie band and to all who
attended for their liberal patronage.
Charlie Goodwall now has a bicycle.
Charlie is not any too good on common
feet, and to attempt to ride a machine
that has no stays on the sides is rather
risky. If Charlie doesn't get laid up for
repairs we shall be pleased to announce
liis success. MARY ANN.
Patrick Bradley, who has been suffer
ing with a very sore eye, is able to bo
about again.
Thomas Jones spent Monday at
Tamaqua among friends and relatives.
Patrick Gallagher, of Warrior Run, is
visiting friends here.
The stripping at No. 3 has resumed
operations again.
Mrs. Peter Kellar is slowly recovering
from her recent illness.
Hugh McNelis will remove his family
to Hazleton today. The town loses a
good citizen who was respected by all.
John Dwyer, of Freeland, has accept
ed a position as locie engineer at No. 2
Miss Bridget Uugan, of Bristol, is
spending her vacation with her parents
•"Samuel Singer, of Wilkes-Barre, has
secured work at No. 2 and will remove
his family here shortly.
John Logan is suffering from a severe
attack of rheumatism.
The locusts have made their appear
ance here in large numbers. To travel
the paths through the woods in this
vicinity, in safety, it is necessary to
have u brush of some kind to keep them
away. NED.
June 24—Fourth annual picnic of Rob
ert Emmet Social Club at Freeland
Public Park.
July 4—Twentieth annual ball of St.
Patrick's cornet band, at Freeland
opera house. Admission, 50 cents.
July 22—Second annual picnic of the
Irish Liberty Club, at Freeland Public
July 22 Excursion of Knights of Malta,
of Freeland, to Mountain Park. Faro:
Adults, $1.00; children, 50 cents.
will make for the next 30 days ONE DOZEN
CABINETS f our "French Finish" (regular
price, $4.00) for $3.00. Make two negatives
and show proofs to select from.
13 West Broad Street, Hazleton.
Dr. H. E. Nyer's
H. W. MONROE, Manager.
Teeth filled and artificial teeth interted.
Painless extraction. Reasonable prices and
all work guaranteed.
dealer In
Call tit No. Wnlnut street, Froeliind,
or wit for the delivery waßona.
Helper's Steam Marble Works.
Monuments, Headstones,
sellinK at coat for next thirty daya.
Iron and Galvanized Fences, Sawed Iluilding
Stones, Window Caps, Door Sills, Mantels,
Grates, Coping, Cemetery Supplies.
LpOll SALE., A well-built dwelling, with
J- stable and Int. 011 Washington street,
between South and Luzerne. Apply to John
Valines, opera house building, Freeland.
TTXIIt SALE.—Fine property 011 Centre street,
J' next to Central hotel; storeroom and
dwelling; everything in good condition. Ap
ply at this oiflee.
| jV) 11 SALE.—House and lot 011 Centre street,
I Freeland; house, 32x28; lot 125x25. For
further particulars upply at tills oltlee.
Hazleton Hospital lias twenty-thrco
patients at present.
Andrew Markan was drowned yester
day in the Lehigh at White Haven.
Dr. Lees, assistant at Hazleton hos
pital, lias been appointed surgeon in the
U. S. navy.
Dr. Esterbrook, of Hazleton, has en
tered a SIO,OOO libel suit against the
Plain Speaker.
Charles Kelly, formerly of Hollywood,
was cut in half by a coal train at Lans
ford yesterday.
Arthur Phillips, 14 years old, was
drowned on Monday while bathing in
the Susquehanna river at Wilkes-Barre.
Charles Hughes, of Ilazle Brook, waß
badly beaten yesterday by unknown
men at his home. He is now at the
miners' hospital.
Jacob Dayis, ex-chief of police, of
Shenandoah, was fatally burned by an
explosion of gas at Packer colliery of the
Lehigh Valley Coal Company.
While bathing in a mine hole near
Shamokin Monday evening, Jacob Wer
lock dived to the bottom and His body
did not rise to the surface until lie had
been drowned. The pool is about fifty
feet deep.
A unique wedding was celebrated at
the court house at Pottsville on Tuesday.
The contracting parties were Edward
Klinger, aged 70 years, and MissPricilla
Dietrick, aged 19 years, both of Bat ry
Try Fackler's home-made bread and
rolls—baked fresh every morning.
Ticnics supplied with ice cream, cakes,
etc., by Laubach at reasonable rates.
"Orange Blossom" makes handsome,
happy women, because it-make healthy
women. Sold by W. W. Grovor.
To bake good bread only the best flour
should bo used. Washburn brand leads
all others. Sold only by B. F. Davis.
Survival of the litest. Downs' Elixir
has outlived every other cough remedy
simply because it is the best. Sold by
I)r. Scliilcher.
Every bottle of Arnica and Oil Lini
ment sold is warranted by the proprie
tors to give satisfaction or money will
be refunded. Sold by Dr. Schilcher.
Have you seen the new bonnet? No I
have had such a bad headache of late,
and been so bilious that I could not go
out—remedy—Wright's Indian Vega
table Pills.
More people, adults and children, are
troubled with costiveness titan with atiy
other ailment. Dr. Henry Baxter's
Mandrake Bitters will cure costiveness
and prevent the diseases which result
from it. Sold by Dr. Scliilcher.
When Baby was etck, we garo her Castoria.'
When she was a Child, sho cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, sho clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, sho gave them Castoria.
VRV- \ \ V On Saturday, June 24, one Hat Rack will be
given to every customer that buys §2.00 worth of goods. I will have something to interest you in
the shape of bargains in staple goods. Please don't miss this special sale day. It will pay yon.
Yours truly, J. C. BERNER, corner Front and Washington streets. - FREELAND READY PAY.
g O S KLalbs %!p lErO^EHi" r H :::, ' / > *
H-Epu&l Double CJilorlde of- Gold Tablets ■
6s v w ill completely destroy the deairo for TOBACOO In from 3 tos days. Perfectly harm- S S m
§ y> JWx !
hRUNXENNESij anil MORPHINE HABIT Ss?ry c X , rt u ^^ h - / W/ + !
tHo patient, by the uso of our SPECIAL S'ORMULA GOLD CURB TABLETS. S ▼ y
va patients ftrenllowcd tlio frco uso of Liquor or Mor- " J? A FT?HF 9
jvjd P 1 * 1 "" until Bush time as they almll voluntarily give them UP. 6f A iLtf
ij . We send and pamphlet of testimonials frco, and dial! /Ai J? ni™4i.!. ■
g£S pißvo'fcufferers from auy of theao habits In commimicu- y vah vsh\ S ll SI 1111 Hill Jllß
tion with who huvo been cured by the uso of our TABLETS. \ vk *uouiiiummii
*|2 , KILL'S TABLETS nro for salo by all FIRST-CLASS 4 S from persons
T&!| at $ | .OO per packago. jr VWv Jr K ° a
If your druggfttdocs not keep them, enclose us Q | ,00 /a \2k nL jr Who have boon
* n tv ve will send you, by return mail, u package or oar \ . y V-X*k ... P 4
3 - "™ '• n.l state / W%W/n. °T V ° # !
*3 s,aar uro iur Tob,icco ' MorpWo ui ts/ Hill c Tatilotc 8
DO NOT BE DECEIVED into purchasing NrK Vtv 3*Bll J I (lUICILj, g
SJKr Va ß^ UB T 8 k U f 'or 9 V T ". °mo CHEMICAL Co.: g
ijJ r r/VBLET3 nnii tHkoa.-" t p?VsA f . A V SlR: —I havo been using your
t. £| ~ 7 . , , ! _X*T"V v.--- \a *1 . cure for tobacco habit, and found it would ri
.M Wuuuiuoturcd only by *tm . \X,. m~/ <l wkat you claim for it. I used ten cents B
MJ CT.TTT-. cat a' worth cf tho strongest chewing tobucconday,
H THE! ySbk. V®K m ° Rd ,' ro " l °"® to , Uv< '' ißars; or I would smoke B
va * frein ten to forty pipes of tobacco. Ilave chewed
61.83 A56 Opera Block. U. M. J a Wie. Micb. g
' LIMA OHIO OnioOITnKiOALCo.:— GRNTLIMEN:— Hometime'ag 0 isent B
■ LI/UA, uniu. \Rk NjWv "fy° ur ,'i>l'lt Ui for Tobacco Habit. I received ■
_, .„, ~ _ a . them all rlgrht tnui, although I \\'us both a bcavvsinolccrand chDwnr g
_ PARTICULARS wJr they (11(1 tho worlc in loas than tbrce days. lam cured '
CDCX Truly yours, MATUEW JOHNSON, P. O. Box 45. g
" :l " Cdßvicat. Co.:-tir.KTLBMKw:-It (rives mo pb!a"re D to°Hpcak'a a
n • x-tv' >£t2W of T.i.USF! tor your foll.iits. My BOU wns Gtronirly addicted to tho nnn nf
B *4* y\.nnßSnt ß <?H a friend, Iv aa to try your Tablets. Ho was a heavy find M
1 ufUir üßinpr your Tablets but three days he quit drinking, ■
I and wIH not touch liquor of any kint*. I havo waited four mouth beiore wrltinir m
m you ' lu ordr 10 Jtaow tho euro win pormauont. Yoaro truly, writing g
E CnrwiCAL Tablets have performed i%
NljCjfeJK , 1 have used morphino, hypodornilcally, for seven years, anOlutvo been entedbvthensoS &■
H y VO pacLu k rcS vS your lablolß - 1111(1 without any effort on my part. W. L. LOTEGAY. {l^
jr Address all Orders to IB
rin writingpleammentioa thin paper.) 51 63 and 88 OPO'a Block. LIMA, OHIO.
riii ■■■!■■■■ ii% ii ß , a , ivra' i CTwrgTwi^fl^y
Bargain Emporium.
SPECIAL SALE THIS WEEK, which is characterized by the greatest offer
ing of great bargains ever known in flic annals of this vicinity. Please note the
following few quotations, which is but a meagre account of the many bargains we
nave awaiting your inspection. Of any of the goods quoted here you will lind an
abundant supply to meet your wants, as we do not quote these prices as a hoax to
nnng you to our store and then not find them in stock. You will linda large as
sortment of anything advertised here in our stock.
Good lea toweling, 4 cents per yard. Extra line 4x4 unbleached muslin, 5
cents per yard. A handsome assortment of challie at 5 cents per yard. Extra
line 18-cent pongee goes this week at 10 cents a yard. Fine fast color dress ging
hams, / cents per yard. The best 04x64 skirt lining, 5 cents per yard. Fine cur
tain scrim, 4 cents per yard. Our line of organdies which we are selling at 121
cents per yard cannot be duplicated elsewhere under 18 cents.
In our line of dress goods you will lind many of the novelties of the season
which you are no doubt on the lookout for at low prices. In notions and fancy
goods it would occupy the whole paper to quote you all the bargains our enormous
stock contains so we herewith offer you the following.
Ladies' ribbed undervests, 5 cents each; reduced from 121 cents. Fine English
towels, 10 cents a pair. Misses' fast black line ribbed hose, 10 cents a pair; reduced
from 18 cents. Gents' line India gauze underwear, 25 cents each; worth 50 cents.
Boys outing cloth shirt waists, 20 cents each. Wo have just received the best 75-
cont summer corset oyer sold in this region; during this week we will sell them at
the unprecedented price of 45 cents each. We will also sell this week a Notting
ham scalloped and tape-edged Ecru lace curtain at 00 cents a pair, which will sur
pass anything ever sold around here for double our price. Having just received
another large lot of chenille stand covers we offer them for this week only at 75
cents each. We also offer during this sale an extra large Mexican hammock at 80
cents; actual value, $1.25.
Prices in our clothing and shoo departments are just as low as the goods quoted
above. Therefore if you want to save money attend this sale this week and be
convinced that what you read in this space in the different issues of the paper is
exactly what you can have. Double as large a stock to select from as anywhere
else in this vicinity at far lower prices at
Jos. Neuburger's Bargain Emporium,
In the P. O. S. of A. Building, - Freeland, Pa.
A F'lax Seed Poultice.
It is applied right to the parts. It cures all diseases of women. Any
lady can use it herself. Sold by AT.T, DRUGGISTS. Mailod to any
address on receipt of sl.
Dr. J. A. McGill <fe Co., 3 and 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111.
Sold, -by "XV. , GKE3O"S7-EI3, Preeland.
John Smith
lias the largest and best stock of
UTS tii SHIS, mil SdS,
Etc., in Preeland.
Everything New and Cheap.
"Our store room, which is the largest in Preeland, is filled
with the latest fashionable productions of the best clothing
manufacturers, :uid all our goods are at your disposal for inspec
tion. We give the best for the least money.
Wo tiro located above Meyer's jewelry store
: anil have on hand a fine line of unixls, wldeh
will lie done ii| in the latest styles at a very
moderate price. Our aim is to satisfy and
Repairing Promptly Executed.