Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, January 19, 1893, Image 3

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Of all the words of grief and woe where mis
ery doth dwell
The saddest Intonation lies within that one—
It serves to sever souls for aye, for who is there
oan tell
If hearts will ever meet again when onoe they
say farewell?
It carries not A tone unkind; no wrath does it
'Tis breathed from out the bosom's depth, that
deep, that long farewell.
The aching heart is rent in twain and lies a
shattered shell;
Then, with a longing, anguished cry, it says its
last farewell.
—Sir Walter Scott.
Tom Barrett and I had been chums
almost as long as we had been cousins,
which I must confess was nearly twenty
four years. Tom was six months younger
than I, and I ruled him with a rod of
iron. But one day—the day when I
became twenty-four years old—the
worm turned. He told me that he loved
"Of course," I remarked coolly. "I'm
your relation, I guess. got to."
And then he burst out with a lot of
stuff about his not loving me as a rela
tion, but as a wife.
"Tom Burrett," I said sternly, "do
you think I would ever marry a man
six months yonnger than myself? I have
brought ycu up, and you know it. If I
ever many anybody it will be a mature,
ready marie man, who will guide and
control and make me respect him!
Don't you ever say another word to me
about this as long as you live." *
And I went up stairs and cried because
my old Tom was gone.
One of my birthday presents had been
a check for twenty-five dollars with
which "to take a little trip," my blessed
old uncle said, and I decided just to run
down to Ann Arbor on that excuse and
stay as long as I wanted to with my old
friend, Orpha Reynolds. I might join
some classes or do some reading and be
contented there for a long time—until
Tom had forgotten. And with a tele
gram to Orpha the next afternoon I was
Orpha was delighted to see me.
"I am so glad you came just now," 6ho
said as we sat together in the half dark
after supper. "I shall need you to help
me manage Ed."
"Ed who?" I inquired with some sur
prise, wondering if Orpha had been
adopting ail infant. My friend seemed
a trifle embarrassed.
"Why, E 1 Rice," she answered slowly.
"I guess I haven't told you about him,
have I?" No, I guessed she had not.
"He is a young boy in the la w depart
ment," she went on with a conscious air,
"who rooms next door. His eyes have
given out temporarily, so that Dr. Car
row has forbidden all college work, and
I have just been trying to amuse him
and keep him out of mischief." All this
was certainly very nice and philanthropic
and quite like Orpha, but what on earth
was she blushing al>out? I waited for
her next words, She spoke very fast
and would not look at me.
"1 wish you would take him off my
hands for awhile—you won't have much
else to do. I hate to be yrith him much
my* elf, he ha 3 been acting so for a week j
or two. I'm afraid he is beginning to
think he cares for me—especially, you
know. Ho doesn't of course—such a
kid!" with scornful emphasis and an al
t< gether unprecedented lapse into slang.
"How old?'* I inquired concisely, with
mental visions of a big headed, owl eyed
infant prodigy bearing i law folio under
each arm.
"Oh, twenty-two, or maybe twenty
three," she returned nonchalantly. "But
that for a man is mere infancy. Now a
But this valuable philosophical disqui
sition was abruptly cut short. A sub
dued stamping and shaking was heard
outside—it had been snowing all day—
and we set listening until some one
banged the p.treet door behind him and
started up stairs three steps at a time,
whistling under his breath. "That's
y Ed," said Orpha and rose to light the
lamp, but she had only just scratched
the match when there was a fdiut
knock. The sitting room door was <
slowly pushed open, and a clear, boyish
voice exclaimed:
"Just lighting up? You're late, aren't
"Yes," said Orpha, turning up the
wick. "Just wait till wo have some
light on the subject and I'll introduce
you to au old friend of mine who came
this afternoon from Grand Rapids. Miss
Barrett, Mr. Rice," she concluded.
Ho bowed stiffly and murmured the
conventional happiness; then, with a
sudden, frank impulse, walked over and
shook hands heartily, showing as he
smiled two unmistakable dimples in a
sensitive, extremely attractive face.
Ho had been there an hour, though it
did not seem half that, when Orpha sent
him home. She had to bdhn out a
French grammar lesson-for an eight and
a quarter the next morning, so I went to
bed and left her swearing at Dupy in a
pious sort of away.
Really I iM not mean to relieve Orpha
of her young mission, but how could 1
help it. Under Orpha's orders he cheer
fully pointed out to me the professional
residences, the frathouses and all the
other inevitables; conducted me over
the museum, the library, the art gallery
and the laboratories; dragged me around
the boulevard to Cascade and School
girls' glen, to Lovers' retreat, and final
ly even to the sable fortune teller's on
the Observatory road. In return I im
parted to him all my little botanical
lore and allowed him to join my daily
constitutionals, so that every clay, wet
or dry—generally wet. in Ann Arbor, you
know —we sallied forth together in
scorch of " ecimens" and exercise.
1 got acquainted with Ed very fast
these days, and as I came to know him
better I grew infinitely disgusted and
enraged with Orpha for failing so en
tirely to appreciate him, but I dared not
say a word for fear of ruining w hat lit
tle chance Ld might still have with her.
Be fore a month had passed Ann Ar
bor had laid li*r npell upon me. I deter
mined to ?tay out the year anyhow, do
ing full college work, and it might be
that I would even complete a regular
course. So at the beginning of the sec
ond semester I entered as a "special."
Ed was now allowed, conditionally, to
attend lectures, and so on both sides our
time for walking and scientific investi
gation was much curtailed. We still
found time, however, for a short daily
tramp, and as spring came on for fre
quent longer excursions. The beauty of
May days was wholly irresistible, so that
even our sober minded and church go
ing Orpha was induced to spend one per
fect Sunday morning with us in a quiet
wood strewn thick with spring beauties
and adder tongue. She confessed after
ward that at first she thought it was
wicked, but when we got there she knew
it wasn't.
Well, with botanizing and tennis and
examinations the last days of this blessed
year slipped past.
The Saturday before commencement
Ed and I went up the river for orchids.
We found only a few yellow ones, but
could not feel much disappointed. The
sky and the river would have made up
for a much greater loss. We drifted
back almost in silence, listening to the
soft plash of the water against the boat,
the dreary whispering of the trees on the
bank and at intervals the faroff cry of
a hawk.
Presently Ed interrupted it all.
"I want to give you something be
fore you go," he announced suddenly.
"May I?"
"Why, yes, if it isn't too valuable," I
answered priggishly in a desperate at
tempt to be proper.
"I assure you it is absolutely worth
less unless you care for it," and he dex
terously tossed a long, folded paper into
my lap. Another of the legal jokes he
was always laboriously perpetrating!
Yes—a deed this time, carefully filled
out, except a short blank space near the
This indenture, mado this JJClli day of June,
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and eighty-one, between Edward
Mills Rice, party of the first part, and
,of the second part, witnesseth that the
said party of the first part, for and in consider
ation of love and affection to him in hand paid
by the said party of the second part, the re
ceipt whereof Is hereby confessed and ac
knowledged, does by these presents graut, bar
gain, sell, remise, release, alien and confirm
unto the said party of the second part and to
her heirs and assigns forever all that certain
piece or parcel of humanity situate and being
at present in the city of Ann Arbor, county of
Washtenaw and state of Michigan, and de
scribed i follows, to wit: An ordinary enough
piece of goods, reasonably well educated and
moderately well fixed; twenty-three years old
and quite alono in the world, with no eyes to
speak f, and at least two years of grinding
yet ahead, together with all and singular, the
hereditaments and appurtenances belonging
or iu anywise appertaining, to have and to
hold the said
I read no further.
"Ed, why don't you give this to Or
"Orpha!" he echoed. "She wouldn't
have it; von know she wouldn't. And
besides'' added the audacious youth,
"sli6 aas i t jtaid mo the 'consideration'
moi timed therein."
" Veil, goodness knows 1 didn't sup
pose I had, either, Ed. But—whatshall
I do with this?"
"You might just write your name in
the space I left for it," lie suggested.
I didn't quite dare to.
I leaned my chin upon my hand, looked
into tiie water and thought. But Ed's
face floated persistently between me and
all prudential considerations. "He is a
year younger than you. What about the
mature 'ready made man' whom you as
sured Tom you should marry? What
will Tom say? And how supremely ri
diculous and inconsistent! Refuse Torn
because he wasn't old enough and marry
a man six months younger than ho and
twice as boyish looking! But, if I choose
to lie inconsistent, whose business is it
anyhow." I would not reason. 1 would
not "consider." I shot a swift smile np
into Ed's anxious face and then with my
fountain pen traced in round deliberate
characters across the space he had left—
Kate Marion Barrett.
1 have the old deed yet. Since our
marriage it has lain in state, the sole oc
cupant of a convenient pigeonhole in my
writing desk. Here I often run across
it and smile as I wonder whether in
dear old Ann Arbor, fragrant with the
memory of countless student romances,
the momentous question was ever he
fore or since asked and answered in such
unpoetic fashion. But Ed and 1 don't
care. We have had our poetry since.—
Kitty Carew in Detroit News.
SpidtTH* Webs for Telescopes.
The astronomers of the naval observa
tory have looked all over the world for
spiders' webs, bncli gossamer filaments
spun by industrious arachnids are util
ized in telescopes for cross lines extended
at right angles with each other across
the field of view, so as to divide the lat
ter into mathematical spaces. Threads
of cobweb are employed for the purpose
because they are wonderfully strong for
their exceeding finenen, and also for the
reason that they are not affected by
moisture or temperature, neither ex
panding nor contracting under any con
Specimens were obtained from China
because it was imagined that the large j
spiders of that country would perhaps i
produce a particularly excellent quality '
of web. However, it was found that the I
best web is spun by spiders of the United j
States, such as are plentiful in the neigh- |
borhood of Washington. Accordingly
expeditions are made early in June each
year to get from the fences and barns
hereabouts the cocoons of the big "tur
tle back" spiders. Each cocoons is com
posed of a single silken filament wound
round and round, though there are apt
to be some breaks in it where Mistress
Spider left off work for a time.
Attempts have been made to use the
cocoons of spiders like those of silk
worms, and exquisite fabrics have been
manufactured from them. Unfortu
nately it was found impossible to make
tiie industry a commercial success, ow
ing to the combative inclination of these
creatures. When kept together they
will always gobble each other up in a
short time, the final result being a sin
gle very large and fat spider and one t
cocoon.—Washington Cor. Boston Tran- j
He Had Been Flung at a Widow, and It
Was Ton Much.
There was a queer, little old man at
the Central market the other morning
who took a huckster into his confidence
after a bit and said:
"I'm a-thinkin of gittin married agin.
Seems to bo lots o' wimen in Detroit and
I didn't know but what you might rec
ommend me to someone."
"Purty old. ain't you?" queried the
"Oh, no. I hain't but four days over
seventy-two and that's only middle aged.
Why, fellers eighty years old are step
ping off every day!"
"Want a gal or widow?"
"A widder. No gals fer me. Gals
ain't settled in their minds, you know.
Just kinder fling mo at some widder
about forty years old."
"Might have a little, but her lovo nnd
society is the main object. Want some
one to kinder pat on the back when I
feel lonesome, you see."
The huckster gave him the address of
a widow on Champiain street who used
to have a stall on the market, and asked
him to como back and report how he was
"You bet I will!" chuckled the old
man. "Mebbe I'll have you go with me
to pick out the engagement ring—eh?
I'll be back in an hour."
He was back in twenty minutes. He
was carrying collar and necktie in one
hand, and holding his buttonless vest to
gether with the other.
"Hi! How did you come out?" called
the huckster as he got sight of him.
"Sir, are you talking to me?" demand
ed the old man, with great dignity.
"Of course I am! Was it a go?"
"Sir. I never saw you before in my
life, and you keep your distance or I'll
have you run in!" hotly exclaimed the
old man as 10 walked on and revealed
the fact that his coat was split up the
back and one boot heel was missing.
"How about the ring?" shouted the
But the other never turned. Ho had
been flung at a widow, and he was going
straight home to repair damages and
think over it.—Detroit Free Press.
None Could ISlame.
A pitiable figure was the man distin
guished by bushy whiskers who seized
the shovel with manifest repugnance.
It was apparent that he experienced a
great revulsion of feeling when lie fell
to digging a sewer.
It was honest hut hard toil, and there
was every indication that he did not
like it.
He was addressing a laborer with mud
on his overalls.
"is against me."
Tho laborer stared and said nothing.
The party with bushy whiskers mopped
his perspiring brow.
"this is more than I can stand.
When my wife left me I felt brave to
contend against adversity"
Tho shovel dropped from his nerveless
"and strong to go forth into the
world to earn a living for myself and
children. But tho touch of selfish hu
manity has disheartened me. Who"
He turned an appealing glance upon
the laborer with clay on his overalls.
"can blame me if I get a divorce
and marry again?"
Well nigh blinded with tears, he bitter
ly contemplated tho blisters which had
risen on his hand.—Detroit Tribune.
Not Hardly.
"So," exclaimed the father to the
young man who had run off with his
daughter nnd married her and was re
turning to patch up a peace, "so you
and that girl eloped together, did you?"
"Well, yes," responded tho young fel
low in a businesslike tone; "you didn't
think we had eloped apart, did you?"—
Detroit Free Press.
"Oh, John, I've saved SBOO out of what
you gave me last year! Aren't you glad?"
said an up town housowife.
"Yes, very glad. I can cut your al
lowance down SBOO next year," replied
tho unappreciative husband.—Philadel
phia Record.
A Saddenlug Thing.
"Why does Steppson look so down ,
"He has just been reading a hlitlio and
joyous Christinas carol in a magazine." j
—Chicago News-Record.
Nothing Lea Than Death.
Dashaway—Staffer must bo dead.
Dashaway—l invited him to dine with
me at 7. and it's five minutes past.—Life.
So Kind of Ifer.
An old clo' man was called by a
woman up to the top room of a tene
After he had climbed the stairs and
was puffing away she turned to a whim
pering infant and said:
"Now, if you don't keep quiet the
ragman will take you. I haven't any
thing to sell today. I merely wanted to
frighten the child."—Chips.
A Christmas Killing;.
A young married man living on a
fashionable street who wanted to make
himself of some use in domestic affairs
bought a live turkey for the family
Christmas dinner and undertook to chop
off its head. As the weather was cold,
instead of killing the turkey outof doors
ho took it into the kitchen and with
block and hatchet heroically decapitated
it. The whole household had been sum
moned to witness his skill as an execu
tioner. No sooner was its head off than
the decapitateil turkey gave chase to
members of the family.
Out of the kitchen into the dining
room, and up on the table, and into the
sitting room, and into the parlor, and
! onto the furniture and against the cur
tains, and out into the hall, where, in an
; exhausting effort to climb the front yielded to the inevitable, turned
over on its hack, gave a few last protest
ing kicks, and died. But there wasn't a
drop of blood left in that bird's body.
It had bled copiously, and had literally
painted the lower part of the house and
a good portion of the furniture and the
carpets and the curtains and the wall
paper a genuine turkey red. That young
married man has a long life before him
and a lovable wife to share it with him,
but she has now this terror hanging over
"John," she said, "if ever you again
do such a thing as to cut off the head of
a live turkey in the house I'll—l'll look
for a more sensible man when 1 marry
again."—Saratoga Cor. New York Sun.
A Fine Collet-I ion of I'utterflies.
The California Academy of Sciences
contains one of the finest collections of
butterflies and moths in the world—cer
tainly the finest 011 the Pacific coast.
This collection was made by Dr. H. 11.
Behr, who began the work in 1844 and
who has been steadily adding to it ever
since. Quite recently I)r. Behr presented
to the academy, which means the people
of California, the accumulated riches re
sulting from bis labors of nearly half a
Previous to 1844, Dr. Bebr made an
other collection which he presented to
the Duke of Saxony-An halt. It is now
in the museum at Kothen, Saxony. The
oldest butterfly in Dr. Bohr's later col
lection was caught in Batavia in 1844.
Since this date tlie enthusiastic scientist
has pursued his researches in Europe,
the East Indian archipelago, Manila,
the Sunda islands, the Capo of Good
Hope, the Isthmus of Panama, Brazil.
Mexico, Australia and the United States.
By exchanging with other collectors he
has obtained specimens from all parts of
the known world. Some of the finest ,
and rarest are from the Amoor river, j
The collection includes nearly 20,000
specimens, of which about 0.000 are still
unclassified. The number of determined
species is 4.901. Of these 1,200 are Cali
fornian.—San Francisco Chronicle.
A New I'otttofllre Experiment,
Let no man Bay that St. Martin's le
Grand has not taken enterprise to its
bosom. That much criticised depart
ment has just begun to experiment with
a sort of automatic postofflce, and the
front of the Royal exchange has been se
lected as a likely place for it. It is a
further extension of the great principle
of tlio penny in the slot. You drop in
your penny, and in return you get an en
velope and a correspondence card. At
the Bame time a bell is automatically
rung in tlio nearest postoffice.
You write your urgent message on the
card, put it into the envelope with the
fee, at the rate of threepence a mile, and
drop the communication into the letter
box. A messenger arrives in a few min
utes and takes the letter to its destina
tion by omnibus, railway or cab. This
is a capital idea, likely to bo especially
useful in so busy a locality as the Royal
exchange. But if it succeeds there, it
ought to he, and no doubt will be, ex
tended to other places in London.—St.
James Gazette.
The World's Fair in England.
A foretaste of the Chicago exhibition
was given this week by Mr. Dredge, at >
the Society of Arts, when thisgentleman
gave a lecture, to the accompaniment of
the magic lantern,on the exhibition asit
is and will be. So many romancing tales
of tlio greatness of the show have been
exported from America that a feeling of
doubt as to where fact left off and fancy
began has been in many minds. Mr.
Dredge's lecture and Mr. Dredge's magic
lantern slides, however, put it beyond a
doubt t' it the show will he almost as
big as it is painted. The buildings them
selves appear to be even more substan
tial than all accounts have made tlioin,
and there is 110 doubt that the exhibi
tion will really be "the greatest show on
earth."—London Court Journal.
Sunday Opening ~f the I ttlr.
"How do you stand on the question of
opening the World's ftiir on Sunday?"
said Representative Butler, of lowa, to
Representative Crain, of Texas, on the
floor of the house yesterday.
"I am in favor of it, so as to allow the
worxingmen an opportunity to seo the
exposition." was Mr. Crain's reply.
"Well," said Mr. Butler, "X have been
making a canvass of the house 011 the
subject and you are the 275 th man I
have asked. So far the voto stands!)
mnjority for Sunday opening."—Wash
ington Post.
Maine's Winter Song ltlrdH.
Now that the mud digger has left Back ,
cove tlio gulls are left in peace, and they
have great times there at low tide feed
ing off the flats. There were thirty or I
more crows assisting the gulls yesterday,
and all together made the air full of
sweet music.—Eastern Argus.
A Londi in paper says that a worship
er of. the lato poet laureate, who lives
in the Isle of Wight, is planning to have
a Tennyson garden next summer into j
which sliall he garnered every tree or j
shrub mentioned in the poet's writings.
The barbers of Trenton, Mo., attempt
ed to charge Republicans twenty-five
cents for a shave on account of the long
faces they wore for several days after
the election.—Exchange.
Mrs. Hicks-Lord never had her photo
graph taken. The only picture of her is a
life size oil painting, which hangs in her
drawing room.
' Mrs. Whitelaw Iteid will soon he the pos
sessor of one of the largest diamonds in the
world. It is now being cut for her by a
famous Dutch lapidary,
i Mine. Ye, wife of the Corean minister at
: Washington, undertook to learn French
for conversational purposes, but has given
! it up, being unable to pronounce the nasal
, bounds.
Miss Gertrude Vanderbilt is a very regu
lar attendant at St. Bartholomew's church.
Her costumes are so simple they might al
most be called plain. She will come out in
a year or two.
One of the few women able to speak the
Irish language is ninety-year-old Kathleen
Huppnutn, of Philadelphia. She holds as
one of her dearest possessions a letter writ
ten by Robert Emmet.
When Mr. C. P. Huntington's adopted
daughter, Clara, became the wife of Prince
Hatzfeldt, drawn up wtth the settlement
were the monetary arrangements to be
made in case of divorce.
Miss Celeste StaulTer, to whom Samuel
J. Tilden was once engaged, and to whom
he left $-!(io,ooo, is a resident of Chicago.
She is still beautiful and is reported to
have refused many offers.
Mrs. Lavina Fillmore, of Clarence, N. Y.,
a cousin of Millard Fillmore, recently cele
brated her 10fth birthday. She has never ,
seen the telegraph or telephone in opera
tion and never been on a railrotul train or
expressed any desire to bo.
At Mrs. Lucien B. Chase's reception in
New York recently Mrs. Frank Leslie was
decidedly the most beautiful and charming
lady in the room. Her fine carriage, her
unconscious rhythmic movements, innate
brilliancy, which shone through her fine
eyes, and expressive countenance fascinat
ed everybody.
Lady Charlotte Schriber, who has just
been presented with the freedom of one of
London's honorary guilds, is said to he
the only woman, with the exception of the
Baroness Burdett-Coutts, upon whom has
been conferred the distinction of being a
"free woman" of a city company and of the
city of London.
Joe Jefferson has extended his season for
another dozen weeks.
Annie Pixley holds a reception for the
audience after the matinees.
Ellen Terry made her debut as Puck in
"A Midsummer Night's Dream."
Nordica will sing at Baireuth next sum
mor, the first American accorded that priv
The oldest living American actresses are
Clara Fisher Maeder, born 1811, and Mrs.
John Drew, who is seven years younger.
Mary Magdalen Tobiu, of "The Isle of
Champagne," recently married Harry P.
Fletcher, a New York reporter.
In Shakespeare's day there was no scen
ery used on the stage. The only decorations
were tapestries and curtains. Iti those days
the actors and actresses had to do more
than merely repeat their lines. They had
to supply t he scenic effect—what little there
was—as well as the action of the perform
Christine Nilsson attended a recent en
tertainment in Paris, and Lucy Hooper
writes that she "was lovely to behold in a
toilet of dark grounded brocade figured
' with small colored flowers and made with
a deep pointed cape in antique point luce
meeting the very full sleeves in brocade.
Her bonnet was in point luce and gold pas
M. Marius, who played with Mrs. Ber
nard-Beere in this country, had a theatrical
engagement in London when the Franco-
Prussian war broke out. He at once threw
it up in order to fight for his country and
was in Paris during the siege. He later
helped to put down the commune in Mar
seilles and served in Algeria unci •Corsica,
where he got his discharge and returned
to England. Ho was once *'e husband of
Florence St. John.
Removed I
has removed and is now offering
Dry Goods,
Notions, Rag Carpet,
Jioot& an d S hoes, F lour an d Feed,
Wood and Tin and Quccnsirare,
Willomca re. 2 'obacco,
Table and Floor Cigars,
Oil Cloth, Etc., Etc.
A celebrated brand of XX Hour always
in stock.
Fresh Roll Butter
Fresh Eggs a Specialty.
My motto is small profits and quick sales. I
always have fresh Koofis and am turning my
stock every month. Therefore every article is
Hort S&Wront Sinx* Freeland.
January 20, 'S3.
Concert I' Exhibition, j
This new phonograph Is capable of
entertaining inure tiiuu lUOU people at a
A Change of Programme.'
A New Cylinder Used
This will be the last time it will be in
Po.nLr Prices, 25 and 35 Cts.
Reserved seats on sale at Fans' store.
for Infants and Children.
• I Cant or iais so well adaptod to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." 11. A. ARCHER, M. D.,
11l So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"The use of 'Castoria* is so universal and
its merits so well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
New York City.
Late Fastor Efloomingdalo Iteformed Church.
_\Vith more fresh styles, low priced attractions and ser
viceable goods than ever. The big chance and the best
chance to buy your fall clothing is now ottered.
Our enormous stock of seasonable styles is open and now
ready. Such qualities and such prices have never before
been offered in Freehold A thoroughly first class
stock, combining quality and elegance with prices strictly
fair. Come in at once and see the latest styles and most
serviceable goods of the season in
The newest ideas, the best goods made, tlie greatest
variety and the fairest figures. Everybody is delighted
witli our display of goods and you will be. Special bar
gains in overcoats. Remember, we stand at the top in
style, quality and variety.
JOHN SMITH, bi,,bm f SN.
Wise's Harness Store
Is still here and doing busi
ness on the same old principle
of good goods and low prices.
" I wish I had one."
Blankets, Buffalo Robes, Har
ness, and in fact every
thing needed by
Good workmanship and low
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