Well-Dl.elpllned Ducks. Blackwood has a good account of a Journey of 1,200 miles up the Yang sc-Kiang full of description and leav ing on the mind the impression that China, besides being one of the most original of civilized countries, must be one of the most beautiful. The following passage may raise in some fowl-breeders a new appreciation of Chinese skill in disciplining their feathered flocks: t" "During our stay at Hankow we Visited a duck farm. The process of keeping the ducks is simple. A large wooden shed stands near the edge of the river, where the owner of the farm or an employe spends the night with his feathered friends. There must have been several thousand of ducks in the farm we visited. Before sunrise the door of the shed is opened, and out run the ducks, scrambling' one over the other into tho river, where they spend tho day feeding. As soon as sunset approaches, from all parts of the river they come, for they wander far among the rushes and islands during the day, and therein stilljmore hurry and scurry to get into the shed than there was to get out at dawn. The reason is simple. Im movable by the door sits the China man, a long cane in his hand, and woe betide the last duck to enter, for down on its back comes the long bam boo withja i pain-inflicting thud. In this way punctuality is insured among ducks." '''' 31 ins Mat He A .Cobb, of Providence, R. I. Undoubtedly many diseases may be prevented if the blood is kept pure and the general health-tone sustained by the use of Hood's ftarsaparilla. When this is ione, the germs of La Grippe, Diphtheria Pneumonia, Scarlet and Typhoid Fevers, Malaria etc., cannot lodge In the system. After all such pros trating diseases Hood's Snrßapnrilla has been found of Inestimable value In restoring desired health and vigor, and purifying the tainted blood. For example read the following from Miss Mattl A. Cobb, of Providence, R. 1., and her mother. Miss Cobb 1b a young lady of 18, a Picture of Heaith and Is In the front rank In her studies in tho High Jchool. Her father Is a well-known police officer: "I write to tell how much good Hood's Snrsaparilla has done for me. Sometime ago I had dlphtherju and was sick for a year afterward, being Weak, Blind and Helpless I used one bottle of Hood's Sarsnparllla and It mad? mo real strong." MATTIB A. COBB, South Chester Avenue, Providence, R. I. VJL ny ?„ ftU K |,tor wanted to write how well sho liked Ilood s Sarsaparllla, 1 thought I would say a few words. I think It Is tho Greatest Blood Purifier ever brought before the people. Some of my friends say 'go away with your medicine.' I said the same once, but sluce my daughter has taken Hood's Sarsaparilla My opinion has changed considerably." Mas. GEO. N. COBB, Providence, It. I. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and are the best liver luvlgorator and family cathartic. "German Syrup" Just a bad cold, and a hacking cough. We all suffer that way some times. How to get rid of them is the study. Listen —"I am a Ranch man and Stock Raiser. My life is rough and exposed. I meet all weathers in the Colorado mountains. I sometimes take colds. Often they are severe. I have used German Syrup five years for these. A few doses will cure thetn at any stage. The last one I had was stopped in 24 hours. It is infallible." James A. Lee, Jefferson, Col. ® Kennedy's Medical Discovery Takes hold iu this order: Bowels, Liver, Kidneys, Inside Skin, Outside Skin, Driving everything before it that onght to he out. You know whether you need it or not. Bold by every druggist, and manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY, noxnunr, MASS. NEUEIOIIL'H' II " W.MORHIS, RTBSIOIUN Washington. B.C. llAl 111 I 111 I'l 'I 111 111 J H Coßinnaptlvea and people H |H who have weak lungs or Aath ■ ma. should use Piso'a Cure for H ■ Consumption. It baa eared H IE thomanda. It has not Injur- H ed one. It la not bad to take. ■ ■ It la the beat cough ayrup. lm W Sold evervwbere. e. KM "I P GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 187£>. W. BAKER & CO.'S f| Breakfast Cocoa from which the excese of oil has been removed, Is absolutely pure and it ia soluble, affm No Chemicals m r If Ut\n are uacd In its preparation. It In A : U I'M has more than three times the ill I i H Inl strength of Cocoa mixed with N9I w || Mui Btnrch, Arrowroot or Sugar, Mi | j Ij nil and Is therefore far more eco kJM? I II if |\nomlcal, costing less than one MB* ( 1 1 111 II cent a atp. It Is delicious, nour- IshlDg, strengthening, EASILY DIGESTED, and admirably adapted for Invalids as well as for peraona In health. Sold by Grocers everywhere. - W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. WITCHCRAFT. A MJorily of the Citizens of the United States llellavo In It. Witchcraft is at the present time believed in by a majority of the citi zens of the United States. The larger number of immigrants from the conti nent of Europe are more or less in fear of such powers. To these must be added no inconsiderable proportion of persons of English and Scotch de scent; for a strong vein of superstition is discernible in many Irish, Scotch, and some English, whose "folk-lore," diffused in nursery tales and neigh borhood gossip, has entwined itself strongly about the fibers of a sponta neous subconscious mental imagery. Among the more ignorant members of the Catholic Church of nationality the belief produces a mysterious dread, against which men and women cross themselves, and resort to various rites supposed to be efficacious Where colonies of immigrants have remained isolated, retained the use of their own language, the influence of witchcraft is more easily traced. Ihe interior of Pennsylvania affords bet ter illustrations of this, and on a larger scale than any other State. It has been but two or three years since suit was brought by a man against his mother, in one of the counties of Pennsylvania, to recover damages for a dog which he charged her with hav ing killed by witchcraft; and he not only brought suit, but obtained judg ment from a Justice of the Peace. Various witnesses testified as to their experiences in withcraft, and only one said that he had never had a friend or relative who was bewitched. In divers villages in Pennsylvania, some of them in the Dunkard settle ment, are women who are supposed to be witches. Some are shrewd enough not to apply their arts for strangers, but to those whom they know, as stated in an article in the Now York Sun some years ago, they will sell charms to ward off lightning from buildings, dry up the wells of the enemies of applicants, force cows to give bloody milk, cause sickness in the family, destroy beauty, separate man and wife, and reunite estranged lovers. In the interior parts of the South ern States, where a large portion of the white population cannot read, and there is a little admixture of so ciety, there are "witch-doctors," who, assuming that all disease is caused by witches, secure thriving practice in counteracting their influence. The Philadelphia Times, on the authority of a reputable correspondent, who gives many facts to sustain his repre sentations, says: "For generations the poor whites have believed in witches, and the belief is deep-seated and incurable." The African population brought this belief from the Dark Continent, and it persists among them to this day, though tho progress of religion and education is doing something to check it. I have recently noted in various parts of the United States more than fifty suits instituted by persons against those who they claimed had bewitched tbem; but under existing laws the accused could not be prose cuted except where money had been obtained under false pretense, or overt acts of crime had been suggested or committed. During pedestrian tours in Now England, in various parts of the West, and in every Southern State, I have frequently stayed for the night at the houses of poor farmers, laborers, fish ermen, and trappers. In such jour neys I have invariably listened to the tales of the neighborhood stimulating them by suggestions, and have found the belief in witchcraft cropping out in the oldest towns in New England, sometimes within the very shadow of the buildings where a learned minis try has existed from the settlement of the country, and public schools have furnished means of education to all classes. The horseshoes seen in nearly every county, and often in every township, upon the houses of persons suggested the old horseshoe beneath which Lord Nelson, who had long kept it nailed to the mast of the Victory, received his death wound at Trafalgar. —Century. Whore He If you can't get It aend to us. We mll elm rack inc. Five !. A2 H ill. ran 91.20. Sin. (A. Cx.ralll. /Vn'Ori/ /Ml.lnu Ouflfo, froe, with II oriU'l-H I & JOHNSON &UO.,X2UuU>m Uciusi t.L, 11. -lor., Uiuu BEECHAM'S PILLS enjoy the largest sale of . any proprietary mo iicine In the world. Made only in St. Helens, England. Michigan's output of salt in 1891 was 6,950,000 barrel H. JBTTC stopped free by DR. KLINC'S QTtMAS SERVE RBSTOKRK. No fits after first day's usa. arveloua cures. Treatise and %2 trial bottle free. Dr. Kline. 081 Arch St.. Phlla., Pa. There are nine per ceut. more men in Greece than women. For investments in Renl Estate for manu facturing, for merchandise, for almost any thing. writ© to the Land and River Improve ment Co., West Superior, Wisconsin. Valuable information will b sent those interested. The pin factories of the United States manufacture about 18,000,000,000 pins a year. How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of catarrh that cannot he cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable hi all business transac tions, and financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by their firm. WEST A TRUAJC, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, WALDINO, RINNAN A MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Canada bankers aro talking of placing a tax on American currency. U5 '/?x\i COPYRIGHT 1891 V Ward off disease by removing the cause of it. It's with the liver or the blood, nine times out of ten. A sluggish liver makes bad blood and bad blood makes trouble. Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery makes pure blood. It invigorates the liver and kidneys, rouses every organ into healthful action, and cleanses and renews the whole system. Through the blood it cures. For Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Biliousness, Scrofulous, Skin and Scalp Diseases even Consumption (or Lung-scrofula) in its earlier stages, it s a certain remedy. Nothing else is "just as good." Anything " just as good " could be sold just as this is. It's the only blood-purifier that's guaranteed to benefit or cure, in every case, or the money is refunded. Tho catarrh that isn't cured costs , S3OO. Not to you, but to tho pro prietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem edy. They promise to pay you the 1 money, if you have an incurable ■ case. They don't believo that you have one. 1 ELY'S CREAM BALM Is worth 9500 to Any MAN, WOMAN OB CHILD _ , # PW RTVTFLJY A/W'FL suffering from y 1 CATARRH.Jj^J Apply Halm Into each nostril. ELY BROS., 56 Warren St., JLY. —6oc] COMING INTO A KINGDOM! **•■*•" lamnwn*rofthepnlarliQh 11 _ " TTT" • *\ yiVllalWFj ASTHMATIO I CURED TO s" CUREO!| BU'"F>LO!M"."' ••get* th *w Ithout fee ling The per. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Magic Introduction Co., 821 Rroadway, New York. • • • rpHE RIPANB TAHULES regulate the stomach, • • 1 liver and bowela, purify the blood, arc picas- • • ant to take, safe and aj way a effectual. A reliable • f remedy for BUlousnetiH, Blotches on the Face, 5 T Bright** Diseaae, Catarrh. Colic, Constipation. 2 A Chronic DlarrhosTnpe paid. * O Address THE IUPANH CHEMICAL COMPANY, • 5 P. O. Box 572. New York. • rrjAcoßstm T " ADE REMed'Y^AIN CURES PROMPTLY AND PERMANENTLY RHEUMATISM, Lamb,co. n.tdnchx,Toothache, NEURALGIA, Horo Throat, Swellings, Frost-bite* BCXAT I c A . Sprains, Bruises, Boras, Scald* F CHARLES A. VOCELER CO.. Blltlmor,. MA ••••••sei •Tuff's Tim Pills* OThe dyspeptic, the debilitated, wheth er from excess of work of mind or W • body or exposure In malarial REGION*, will find Tutt'S Pills the most restorative ever offered the invalid. <)••••••••• NMILAI Morphine nablt Cured In 19 IIMLIIH to '.SO days. No pay till cured* VI I MOT DR. J.STEPHENS. Lebanon, Ohio. ▲ A(■ A MONTH for 3 Bright Young Men s FKHN LODLE® in each county Address P. W. ZIEHLF.It A C 0.. Phila., Pa. PATENTS ■ ■ W 4H-Dnce beak flrea, M ATULF A TAFT'B ABTHMALBNB THI 01. TAfT not. M. CI.,OCH[ST£I,A.T.r KbC PSUYSIONTH One all SOI.DIEBSI '4 disabled T2 fee for Increase. 30 YEARS I|. pertence. WRUS for Lawo. A.W. MRUOEMCSC BONA. WAHHINHTONJ), C. CINCIMNATI. Q. mas P A AM MAKE MONEY for you by Y/W EL L/MLL safe Investments In the pros- PERNUH State of Washington. Write us. GAMIYVELL A WARNER, Investment Bankers, Falrhaven.Waxh. iTffßLL^^iaig HOW TO MAKE MONEY. A PROFITABLE BUSINESS ON A LIMITED CAPITAL open to any enterprising party In every town and vlllage 1n the United States In which there Is no newsdealer. For particulars address THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, NEW YORK. GIVEN AWAY! 11l 1 FB J| EL tTf'U" NCW L KOME , °I WA P N ENTIRELY FREfc Wwt to onr customers of 1892. If you nre interested W W in HOWEMnd^ or C ATALOCUE offer,A. IT W VI L P A YYOU, 1 wHte C now' ROBT. BCOTT A SON, Philadelphia, PA. \ijbai Pi&po? Musically, it is of immense importance what one you buy. Its life will be many years; years that will make or mar your musical lie. Then don't make a choice that you will regret all these years. In the Ivers and Pond you not only get a first-class piano; you get all you pay for. We send on approval, at our risk and expense, or di rect you to a dealer who can supply you. Write for Cata logue. I very & Potjd Piano Cornpany, Boston. GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. {K-.yiai'isa 1 " SCN/JV *"? n "" our l.reakfa.t ■.]. with n hrlkutiTv n V,; "'oTvSTru.Tc'ro'im'o'i "'Il' r w^i^ , k l 'wh! , ,' a '"''r l, 'A. oro -a mA"z°Jv y bs„HS: SlSft S&SI&iBJ. • „„ii Blmply with l>oHlng water or milk Sold J AMES lffpSW n *& tohe " thnsf jAiits ei ISOOI F "; , \ , NR |)ATH,CCBEMIIU ' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a woman's remedy for woman's diseases,, has stood the test of many years, and is to-day the only successful and harmless cure for all those peculiar weaknesses and Diseases of Women, organic diseases of the uterus or womb, inflammation, ovarian troubles, falling or displacement of the womb, faintness, ner vous prostration, weak back, aches, etc. All DrugguU •ell it. or .nit t.y mail, in form of Pdla or Iximiirm. on receipt of | .00. Liver Pillt. Mr. Correipondencc freely anawered. Addrcva in ronttdenee 1 LYDIA E. I'INKIIAM MED. CO., LYNN, MAa*