FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. IV. No. 31. A CURE FOR THE GRIP. Some Facts About the Kind of Medicine to be Used. PURE LIQUOR URGED AS A REMEDY ANI) PREVENTIVE—THE REST IN THE COUNTRY CAN BE OBTAINED IN FREELAND. In order to stave off the grip and take proper precaution against the malady, it is the belief of many that the mod erate use of good liquor, applied inter nally in small decoctions, is a safe remedy, or at least a good prevention against the disease. This is the belief of many whom we have conversed with on the subject; and it is being used for that purpose, even by those who have not heretofore been using such. It is published in the public press that Duffy's malt whiskey will cure the Now, there is better malt whiskey in Freeland than Duffy's. There is malt whiskey in Freeland, imported by the writer in 1873 and awarded the prize at the Centennial Exhibition in 1876. so that is more than can be said for Duffy's malt, with all its celebrity as grip medicine. Somebody has said that "all kinds of whiskey are good, but that some kinds are much better than others." Now if this proposition be ad mitted. and it cannot be well denied, as it was decided in the affirmative over two years ago at the polls by over five millions of people in Pennsylvania, then good whiskey should be superlatively efficacious. We desire to inform the people of this community that we have in bond, under seal of the government, the best brands of rye whiskey in Pennsylvania, viz., the Gibson. Dougherty and Meadville pure rye whiskeys, part of which is in stock in this store. Now these are the best brands of whiskey in America, and they come to this store directly from bond; pure as they are distilled, as the com pounder has no chance of tampering or mixing them. The Gibson rye is dis tilled with 20 per cent, of barley malt, which makes it unrivalled in the market. We have also in stock the Hennessy French Brandy, the best brand imported, and nobody can say nay. Now we have no hesitation in saying that in no other liquor store in this county is such a variety of "straight" rye whiskeys kept, and looking for "straight" pure rye is like hunting for needless in a haystack. So it should he an accommodation in any community to have one place in which pure liquors for medicinal purposes can be had when re quired, but it seems like "casting pearl, etc.," in keeping such goods where they are not appreciated. Besides these whiskeys we have always in stock old pale ale of the finest and best quality, one barrel of which costs more than two of lager beer and intrinsically is worth three, and still some people prefer the lager, as it is sweet. Babies like candy—"where ig norance is bliss tis folly to be wise." One is the extri c of barley and hops and is consequently most nutritious and substantial, while t ie other contains 94 per cent, of water and six of alcohol, with a little sweetening and some other ingredients to give it a head. Like old whiskey one improves with age, while the other sours ami rots in a few days; "but in trying to convince a man against his will he is of the same opinion still." If people would use better judg ment and less talk in their dealings they would show better sense—even in a five-cent cigar there is a dilference in quality. Manufacturers and producers of all kinds in these days vie with each other in making the lowest grade of all kinds of goods, and although the in feriority be there yet many cannot see it, nor will they admit of it. It is not human to admit of poor judgment. Now we have diverged from the sub ject, but we shall state a few more perti nent facts thereinto. Some people there are who think themselves wiser than their fathers and who have all their grip medicine sent by express from a large city and from a large establishment, such as Smith, i Jones deed, but was acquitted at a hearing 1 ' before Justice Buckley on Monday, there j | j being no evidence to show that he was < j ' implicated in the Murphy is re- ! | covering. < | | Fourth Annual Ball. The fourth annual ball of L. A. 335, K. of L., to-morrow evening, promises 1 to be one of the best ba'ls of the season. The committee is at work decorating the < i hall with emblems of the order, besides 1 \ the usual flags and bunting. The public \ : | can depend upon olt reliable 335 to give i i \ satisfaction and a good time. DePierro's . • ). Orchestra will furnish the music. i DEATHS. ! - r I BROWN.-—At Philadelphia, January 13, i Edward, son of Patrick and Unity t Brown, formerly of Freeland, aged 1 I 3 I year. 2 months and 1 day. Interred 3 at St. Ann's Cemetery on Friday. ) 1 SHARP. —At Jeddo, January 18, Annie, 1 i daughter of John and Bridget Sharp, i aged 10 months. Interred at Hazleton 3 1 on Tuesday. ' HEWS OF THE WEEK. Paragraphs From Freeland and Nearby Towns. LITTLE ONES OF INTEREST ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW AND YOU WISH TO HEAR—SHORT NOTES FOR HURRIED READERS. Markle A Co.'s collieries have been idle considerable this week. No sale for j coal. A hall at Audenried last evening was I attended by a number of young folks from Freeland. Remember the hall of L. A. 335 at the Opera House to-morrow evening. It is going to be a large affair. Patrick Gillespie, formerly of Upper Lehigh, is lying seriously ill with the grip at his home in Manyunk. W. D. Kline fell upon the ice near his residence Saturday evening and received serious injuries about the head. White Haven Lodge of Odd Fellows will celebrate the fortieth anniversary of its organization on February 22. It is likely that St. Ann's Dramatic Company will make its appearance in a new play before the season is over. Foster Republicans will hold their delegate elections on Saturday evening, and the convention at Highland on Tuesday. Dr. John L. Wentz, of Drifton, and Miss Ada Stecker, of Ilazleton. will he married at the latter place on Wednes day evening. James H. Carrigan, a Lehigh Valley brakeman of East Mauch Chunk, is enjoying a week's vacation with his parents at Jeddo. A marriage license was granted at Wilkes-Barre on Saturday to Evan John, of Mahanoy City, and Miss Mary Knoss, of Upper Lehigh. In case of hard cold nothing will re lieve the breathing so quickly as to rub Arnica A Oil Liniment on the chest, j Sold at Schilcher's drug store. Work was suspended at the Drifton collieries to-day and yesterday on ac count of the breaker machinery being frozen by the severe weather. The P. O. S. of A. Band ended its fair on Tuesday evening with a ball, when all the articles were disposed of. The fair was a big financial success. Mrs. Ann Burns, widow of the late James Burns, of Sandy Run, has been granted a pension of $8 per month, dating from November 20, 1890. All those who have used Baxter's Mandrake Bitters speak very strongly in i their praise. Twenty-five cents per bottle. Sold at Schilcher's drug store. DeComale, who was acquitted of mur dering the little girl at Lattimer, became insane from the disgrace attending the arrest, and he was taken to Danville yes terday. Up to yesterday there had been filed in this county 840 applications for li cense. The total number last year was 1050. Monday is the last day for filing ; applications. "Muggs' Landing" was given before a large audience Monday evening. The piece is a well-arranged series of comedy sketches, with the semblance of a plot running through. It took well. The will of the late Mrs. Hannah Moore was entered at Wilkes-Barre on Saturday. The personal estate is valued at $350 and the real estate at SI4OO. It is bequeathed to her son James. Rev. John O'Donnell, formerly a stu dent with Rev. J. J. Marron, at Auden ried, was last week ordained to the Catholic priesthood by Archbishop ltyan. He celebrated his first mass at Auden ried on Sunday. The name of N. H. Downs' still lives, although he has been dead many years. His Elixir for the cure of coughs and colds has already outlived him a quarter of a century, and is still growing in favor with the public. Sold at Schilcher's drug store. Three breasts in No. 2 Highland caved in yesterday, making quite a large hole on the surface and taking down part of the Foster turnpike between Jeddo and Highland. Several of Contractor King's teams had just gone over the road before it went down. The struggle for the control of the I Democratic State Committee at Harris ! burg yesterday resulted in the success of | the Cleveland faction and the election of J. Marshall Wright, of Lehigh, as chairman by a vote of 44 to 32 for Mr. Kerr, the late chairman. Ilarrity was j ; elected a member of the National Com- j i mittee in place of W. L. Scott, deceased. I Happy and content is a home with " The Ro chester; a lamp with the light of the morning. Catalogues, write Rochester Lamp Co., New York. Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, Posi tively Cured by ad mini ate ring Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It is manufactured us powder, which can be given in u glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea, or in food, without the knowledge of the pa tient. It is absolutely harmless, and will effect a pi rmanent and speedy cure, whether the pa tient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of eases ami in every instance a perfect cure has fol lowed. It never Fails. The system once im pregnated with the specific, it becomes an utter j impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. I I Cures guaranteed. 4S page book of particulars free. Address | GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, O. N'OTICE is hereby given that an 3lection for delegates will be held on Saturday, Jiinu- j nrv 30, to attend the Foster Township ! Deni- eratie Nominating Convention, which will be held at Cottage Hall, Freeland, or Tues day. February 2, 1892. Each district will elect three delegates. I'olls will open at 4 P. M. and close at 7P. M Convention will be called to order at 2.:*) P. M. By order of Township Com mittee. John J. McNeils, Chairman. KELLMEK'S celebrated world-renowned Pianos and Organs are the FINEST IN THE MARKET. For catalogue, etc., apply or address W. H. VORSTKG, 20 West Main Street, Freeland, Fa. Insurance and Collections. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. JpOB SUPERVISOK— WILLIAM JENKINS. of Freeland. Subject to the decision of Foster Township Republican Convention. jpoii SUPERVISOR PATRICK McFADDEN, of Freeland. Subject to the decision of Foster Township Democratic Convention LpOR SUPERVISOR HUGH McMENAMIN, of South Hcberton. Subject to the decision of Foster Township Democratic Convention. SUPERVISOR JOHN SCHNEE, of South Heberton. Subject to the decision of Foster Township Democratic Couventlou. rpOB COUNCILMAN NEICE McCOLE, of Lreeland. Subject to the decision of Freeland Borough Democratic Convention. TfTm TAX COLLECTOR CONDY O. BOYLE, of Freeland. Subject to the decision of Foster Township Democratic Convention. JqX)R TAX COLLECTOR NEAL GALLAGHER, of Sandy Run. Subject to the decision of Foster Township Democratic Convention. Jq'Oß TOWNSHIP TREASURER PATRICK CAREY, of Freeland. Subject to the decision of Foster Township Democratic Convention. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE- T. A. BUCKLEY, of Freeland. Subject to the decision of Freeland Borough I Democratic Convention. Lehigh Valley Railroad. ■ ARRANGEMENT OP PASSENGER TRAINS. NOV. 15, 1801. LEAVE FREELAND. 6.10,8.45,9.45, 10.85 A. M., 12.25, 1.50, 2.48, 8.50, 5.15, 0.05, 7.00, s.4T P. M., lor Drifton, Jeddo, Lumber Yard, Stockton ami lia/.leton. 6.10, 0.45 A. M., 1.50, 3.50 P. M.. for Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Pliila., Easton and New York. 8.45 A. M. for Bethlehem, Easton uud New York. 7.26, 10.55 A. M., 12.16, 4.30 P. M. (via Highland Branch' for White Haven, Glen Summit, Wilkes-Barre, Pitts ton and L. ami 11. .lunetiou. 6.10 A. M. for Blaek Ridge ami Tomhickeu. SUNDAY TRAINS. 11.30 A. M. ami 3.45 P. M. for Drifton, Jeddo, Lumber Yard and lia/.leton. 3.45 P. M. for Delano, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, New York and Philadelphia. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 5.50, 0.62, 7.26, 0.15, 10.55 A. M„ 12.16, 1.15, 2.33, 4.30, 6.56 and 8.37 P. M. from Ilazleton, Stock ton, launder Yard, Jeddo and Drifton. 7.26, 9.15, 10.55 A. M., 12. hi. 2.33, 4.39. 6.50 P. M. from Delano, Mahanoy City and Shenandoah (via New Boston Branch). 1.15, 4.39, 0.56 and *.87 J'. M. from New York, i Easton, Philadelphia, Bethlehem, Allentown and Mauch Chunk. 9.16 and 10.55 A. M. from Easton, Philadel- j phia, Bethlehem and Mauch Chunk. 9.15, 10.35 A. M., 2.43, 035 1. M from White ' Haven, Glen Summit, Wilkes-Barre, Pitts ton uiul L. ami B. Junction (via Highland Branch). SUNDAY TRAFNS. 11.16 A. M. and 3.23 P. M. from Ilazleton, Lumber Yard, Jeddo and Drifton. 11.16 A. M. l'rom Delano, Ilazleton, Philadel phia and Easton. 3.23 P. M. from Pottsville and Delano. For further information inquire of Ticket Agents. E. B. BYINGTON, G. P. A. Ws Arc ireadqiiftrtf)*^ FOR S © : i ,jjp £ I; I IPa r U r t v--\ b J| ; ®gk a p f J = i\ ■ /' And Hardware of Every Description. REPAIRING DONE ON SHORT NOTICF,. We are prepared to do roofing and spouting in the most improved manner and at reasonable rates. We have the choicest line of miners goods in Froeland. Our mining oil. selling at 20, 25 and 30 cents per'gallon, cannot be surpasssed. Samples sent to anyone on application. Fine Stock of Guns and Ammunition. I BiRKQECK'S, I CENTRE STREET, FREELAND, PA. SI.OO PER YEAR. JOHN D. HAYES, Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public. Lcnal business of all kinds promptly attended, ltoom 3. 2d Floor, Blrkbeok Brick. HALPIN, Manufacturer of Carriages. Buggies. Wagons, &c. Cor. Walnut and Pine Streets, Freeland. £HAS. ORION STROH, Attorney and Counselor at Law, AND Justice of the Peace. Office ltooms No. 31 Centre Street, Freeland. DANIEL J. KENNEDY, DEALER IN FINE CIGARS AND TOBAC CO, TEMPERANCE DRINK, CONFEC TIONERY, ETC. Centre Street, Freeland, Pa. G. A. SOLT, Plumber and Steam Fitter. I have just received an excellent stock of Stoves and Tinware. &T Estimates given on eontruct rooting and spouting. Repairing Promptly Attended to. Centre Street, Freeland, Pa. JOHN SCHNEE, CARPET WEAVER, SOUTH HEBERTON. All kinds of carpet, double and single, manufactured at short notice and at lowest rates FRANCIS BRENNAN, 181 South Centre Street, Frceeland. (Near the L. V. If. If. Depot.) The bar is stocked with the choicest brands of Liquors, Beer, Pcrter, Ale, and TEMPERANCE DRINK. The finest kind of CIGARS KEPT IN STOCK.