Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, August 20, 1891, Image 3

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Wandering for More Than Twenty
Years Through Western Wilds,
Planting Apple Seeds—Consider
ate Toward Everything Alive.
One of the quaintest, queerest, and
most original characters that ever trod
the trackless wastes of the Western wil
derness was Jonathan Chapman, known
as old Johnny Applesecd. Pioneer, phil
osopher, philanthropist and poinologist
is he, taking 110 thought of himself und , 1
living for others only. Ho would not, j
A could he prevent it, suffer the slightest
•harm to be done to the meanest of living 1
creatures. In tho groat Western soli- 1
tudes he led the life of the primitive -
Christian, tuking a thought only of the <
hour and letting a wise Providence look i
out for the future. He thought hunting <
morally wrong, and he would let amos- <
quito sit on him and suck his blood un- ,
til the insect was satiated to bursting.
This odd old man was the pioneer or- 1
chard planter of the West. For over
twenty years ho wandered over the States ;
of Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, and Missouri, <
planting apple seeds, and selling and
giving away the seedlings. Many of the j
great apple orchards of the West owe <
their origin to Johnny Appleseed. Old
Johnny was born in Boston in 1775. 111
1801 he appeared in the Territory of ;
Ohio with a load of apple seeds, which
he planted in various places in and about
Licking Creek. The first orchard orig- ;
inated by old Johnny was on tho farm of
Isaac Stoddon, in what is now Licking
Acouury, Ohio.
such a widespread ignorance of old
Johnny Appleseed in the West," ob
served a friend of the writer recently.
"Even among horticulturists his name is
scarcely known. There certainly was no
character any more fully identified with
the West than he in his day."
Thus it is with all who have ever heard
anything of tho quaint old man. The
wonder is that his name is not a byword,
and his history a part of tho common ■
school curriculum of tho day. One of the
early histories of Ohio says that Johnny
Appleseed was originally from Massa
chusetts. Some years ago Harper's 1
Magazine published something of the
man, but uothing like a detailed or com
plete history has ever appeared.
Tho early Western pioneers who knew
him but slightly considered old Johnny a
vagabond. From cursory observation it
would appear that their views were pretty 1
p well founded. A moro uncouth individ
ual it would have been difficult to find.
His garments were a bundle of rugs.
His shoes, when he wore any, could
scarcely bo held on his feet by bits of
twine, so dilapidated and worn wore they.
liis pinched and grizzled features were
covered by a growth of very shaggy
beard. His hair was quite long and very
much faded by constant exposure to wind
and weather. But old Johnny's crown
ing glory was an old tin mush pot that
had a long handle. This battered old
culinary utensil he wore for a hat. When
he was tramping through the Western
forests tho old man always cooked his
meals in tho old mush pot. The cravings
of hunger satisfied, he would give the
pot a careful washing, put it on his head
and tramp on. This was his practice for
over two decades. The old pot was
bright enough on its inside, but its ex
terior was a sight to behold, so bluckencd
and battered was it.
£ With all his uncoutlmess of personal
ity, however, old Johnny Appleseed had
an intellect as keen as the most polished
scholars of tho day. His ideas wero far
in advance of his time. Those who have
received personal impressions of the old
man say that ho was a philosopher whoso
purity of thought was as clear as a
perennial spring and whose life was as
simple as that of a child.
The name, Johnny Appleseed, was
given him by tho early settlers with
whom he came in contact because he
nearly alwnys carried a bag full of apple
seeds with him. These seeds, by infinite
toil ho giftherod from the cider presses
among tho Dutch farmers in Pennsyl
vania. Frequently the daughters and
wives of tho farmers would assist him iu
his task, but most of tho time he pursued
his work alone. When a sufficient quan
tity of tho seed had been gathered, old
Johnny would load the fruit of his labor
in a canoe and start on a voyage down
the Ohio River into tho great wilderness
of tho West. 111 Indiana and Illinois,
wherever there was the faintest suspicion
of a settlement, he wont and planted his
apple seeds. Sometimes he would select
an open pluco in the forest, his judgment
telling lnin that some day the white man
. would bo there. The discovery of fruit
* bearing apple trees in the woods in these
States has led inany to believe that the
apples are indigenous to the soil. When
Ind iaua and Illinois became well
settled, old Johnny extended his wander
ings west of the Mississippi River und
planted his apple seeds on Missouri soil.
In the wigwam of the Indian and the
cabin of tho pioneer ho was known and
always welcome. He must have made
twenty such unnual trips as the one
above described. When his seedlings
becamo large enough ho gave them to
tho settlers or sold them for food and
clothes. Ho generally made a soriy
bargain, tho garments he got being of
tho very poorest variety. During the
summer he almost always traveled bare
footed. One enthusiastic historian says
that the old man even traveled barefooted
when tho snow was 011 the ground. One
person calls him the "John in the Wil
derness" of the Now World.
One of the most peculiar characteris
tics of old Johnny Appleseed was his
religion. He led a simple, moral and
harmless life. Ho was the follower of
tho now church, a Swcdenborgian, and
he never lost an opportunity to expound
his doctrines. He carried with him al
ways a little bundle of tracts. These he
[* distributed among the early settlers on
the border of civilization. When he
would make his return trips ho would
take these tracts up and leave new ones
in their places. His advent in Ohio in
the early days created a sensation. The
simple-minded people of tho towns and
villages know nothing but the old faith,
and their belief was strong in supersti
tion. The settlers could not understand
his religious views. Some thought he
was crazy, and therefore treated him
with compassion) others thought he was
possessed of tho devil, and would not al
low him to enter their houses. At this
time, however, a mombcr of the Baptist
Church of Richmond County, Ohio, a
school teacher, und the best read man in
the county, invited the strange pilgrim
to his homo. The Ohioan said afterward
that ho found his guest to be one of the
best posted and most brilliant-minded per
sons that he bad ever had the pleasure
of meeting.
Those who know the old man say that
ho was in constant fear of hurting some
insect or animal. One night he built his
camp fire in the woods and prepared to
cook his evening meal. The mosquitoes
were very thick about the fire, and some
of them flew into it and were scorched.
This so worried old Johnny that ho took
old mush-pot hat, filled it with water and
quenched the fire. "God forbid," suid
he, "that I should build a fire for my
comfort that should be the means of de
stroying any of His creatures."
At another time, it is said, he made a
camp fire at the end of a hollow log. He
intended to sleep in the log, but just as
he was about to crawl into it he found
his prospective bed occupied by some
cub bears. Rather than disturb them, he
removed his fire to the other end of the
log and slept on the snow in the air.
Once, however, the old man was forced
to put aside his sentiment in regard to
injuring animals and fight for his life.
He was frequently lost in the wilderness.
On one of these occasions ho came face
to face with a black bear. The auimul
was on mischief bent, and at sight of the
old mush-pot bedecked pilgrim it rose on
its hind legs and advanced toward him,
evidently anticipating an easy victory
and a good meal. In self-defence old
Johnny picked up a long pole uud ad
vanced to the fight valiantly. At every
blow that bruin received, however, the
polo broke. Finally it was but three or
four feet long, and the old man was in
despair. However, by the help of the
Lord, he said, ho eventually slew the
animal, had a good supper, and carried
one quarter and the hide into the next
Old Johnny had love for all men but
landlords. He said that their charge of
124 cents a meal for victuals was extor
tionate. Iu the early days one meal and
a night's lodging could be had at the set
tlement inns for 18J cents.
The old man was never known to be
sick. He would sleep on the floor, and
if no better could be had, ho would be
satisfied with the scraps that were
usually thrown to the dogs. The old
man was very fond of children, and he
always carried presents for them. These
were generally bits of bright calico and
ribbon or Indian trinkets, but the chil
dren of the early settlers prized the gifts
highly. However hungry he would
never partake of food until ho was as
sured that there was enough for every
child of the family.
It is said that the strange old man to
whom the West is indebted for most of
its great apple orchards, died in Allen
county, Indiana, near Fort Wayne. A
person who knew him says that his death
was a triumphant passing into glory.
He lay on the grass with his face toward
the setting sun. His countenance was
wreuthed with smiles of rapture, and as
the last beams of the great luminary died
out of the west the vital spark left its
abode of flesh and passed into the great
unknown.—[Chicago Herald.
Japanese Supplant the Chinese.
A great many Japanese are and have
been working in the hop fields in Sacre
monto County. The Restriction act has
had the effect of transforming the meek
and lowly Chinumun from an humble and
submissive servant to a proud and im
perious dictator. A whim is enough to
throw a gang of him into a strike, and
to cross his purpose is to invite his ex
pensive displeasure.
The Chinese on these occasions have
the best of it, because to permit them to
abandon a fruit or hop crop in tho midst
of a gathering is more costly than to
yield to their demands. Chinese labor
is scarcer than it used to be and the cun
ning Mongolians art; taking advantage
of their position. Tho hop growers have
had experiences with 'the Chinese last
year and the year before, and flow to
Piutes, and this season to Japaneso for
Last Summer the Chinese discovered
that hops had advanced in price, and
the coolies were quick to take advantage
of the opportunity to boost their wages.
It is something of a condescension now
a-days for Chinese to work at all. In
this condition of affairs the Japanese
are dropping into the places that used
to be filled by the coolies.
The Japs are a more docile and obed
ient lot. They are exceedingly polite,
and greet the "boss" of mornings with
doffed hat and a bow. They are quick to
learn, diligent, and not very exacting in
the requirements for their personal com
fort. In fact, very little satisfies them.
Whero they work by tho day they are
paid sl, but some of them contract in
numbers at $27 a month.
In all cases the Japs pay their own
board. Unlike the Chinese the Japanese
readily adapt themselves to the customs
of the country. They wear civilized
clothing and buy their food of American
grocers and butchers. Thus far they
have been generally confined in their
work to trailing and trimming tho hop
vines and similar work.
The hop men appear to be well satis
fied with the Japaneso experiment, and
say that they are unable to procure white
men to do the work that tho Mikado's
subjects are glad to do. It is not un
likely that the dollar-n-duy feature of the
matter has something to do with the aver
sion of the ordinary laborer to the hop
field, besides the fact that whito men are
rarely equipped with housekeeping uten
sils as the inferior races are, and they
will not herd together like tho latter.—
[New York Journal.
Tributaries ot the Missisaippi.
Total navigation of itself is miles
but small steamers can ascend seventy-six
miles further. Its principal tributaries,
with the miles open to navigation, are:
Alleghany, 325 miles, Arkansas 884,
Atchafalaya 218, Bartholomew 100,
Black (La.) 61, Black (Ark.) 147, Big
Black 35, Big Hatchie 75, Big Horn 50,
Bocuf 55, Cane 54, Chippewa 90, Clinch
50, Cumberland 600, Cypress 44, D'Ar
bonne 50, Green 200, Illinois 350, lowa
80, Issaquena 161, Kanawha 94, Ken
tucky 105, Lafourche 168, Little White
48, Macon 60, Minnesota 295, Missouri
2387, Mononguhelu 110, Muskingum 94,
Ohio 1021, Osage 302, Ouachita 384,
Red 986, Rock 64, St. Francis 180, Sun
flower 271, Tallahatchie 175, Toche 91,
Tennessee 270, Tensas 112, Wabash 365,
White 779, Wisconsin 166, Yazoo 228,
Yellowstone 474. Total, 12,858 miles.
There are ten lesser streams having an
aggregate of about 300 navigable
miles.—[Boston Cultivator.
An Old Salt's Sagacity.
There was a Maine boatswain who had
sailed with one shipmaster for seventeen
years. 111 that time tho captain had not
lost a vessel and had inado money as
fast as a man-before-the-mast can climb
a ship's rigging. But in tho eighteenth
year of his boatswain's devotion his
captain, 011 a voyage from San Francisco
to Liverpool, laden with wheat, lost his
vessel. Four months later captain and
boatswain landed in Bath, Mo. Now
Smith, tho boatswain, had always boast
ed that his captain could sail tho rotten
est ship afloat and not lose her. When
ho returned to Buth, therefore, ho was
greeted with: "Well, Smith, you lost
vour vessel, didn't you?" Smith, who was
hdlf-seus over, drew himself up. "Lose
her!" lie said; "why that ship sank fif
teen days before we quit sailing her.
We'd have suiled her right into Bath,
but the wheat was soaked with water, and
the captain says, he said: "To Davy
Jones' locker with the underwriters. I
am sailing this ship to make money."—
New Orleans Times-Democrat.
A Deposit in Monkey Anatomy
Highly Prized by Indian Doctors.
The "Bezoar stone" plays a great part
in native doctoring throughout those
countries where it is found. Tho true
variety esteemed in these days is found,
so fur as we know, in Borneo alone,
where the collection and export of it is a
valuable business with the jungle tribes,
as will bo understood, when a single stone
may fetch £2O to £25. Ordinary Bezoar
is extracted from monkeys, but from
which part of the body does not yet seem
assured. Some of the natives allege that
they find it only in tho stomach, others
in the intestines. Mr. Hart Everett was
told that it grows in the head, and also
in tho hands, while many say that they
expect it in any part of the body. This
seems most probable under the circum
stances, though somewhat opposed to our
The stones vary much in size, the
largest commonly reaching tho dimen
sions of a filbert, but vastly bigger
specimens have been found. Tho sur
face, though contorted, is smooth and
shining, of a pale olive £recn color. The
great supply comes Arom the upper
waters of tho Butung Lupar, in the
Knvnn country. This river is diverted
at one point by limestone hills, in which
presently it vanishes—so the natives
say. Salt springs abound, and tho
species of monkey which yield Bezoar—
one of the Semnopithecus genus—gather
in troops to drink. It is this water
probably, impregnated with salt and
lime, which causes the deposit, Hunters
lie in wait around tho springs. By ex
perience they can distinguish the i
monkeys which suffer most from the
disease—though they do not report that !
it obviously causes suffering. These
they shoot with blow pipes and arrows,
which are thorns of the sago palm, tipped
with upas poison.
Of late, however, this monkey product
has fallen in tho estimation of Hindus
tani doctors, who used to consume great
quantities. They put more faith now in
a variety obtained from a species of
porcupine inhabiting tho same region,
called Guligu Laudato—lunduto is the
native term for Bezoar in general. This
kind, though not perceptibly differing
from the other, except in its greater size,
is much more rare and proportionately
more costly.
As for the use of Bezoar in medicine,
in the first place it is regarded us an an
tidote to snake's venom. In the next
it is employed for fevers, asthma and
debility. Patients who can afford to take
a costly medicine receive the stone itself
in powder; others mast bo content with
wuter in which it has been soaked.
A Human Barometer.
Tommy Johnson, a fourteen-year-old
boy, who lives near Mascoutah, 111., is
able, so it is told, to predict tho woather
infallibly by looking at his hair. The
hair is straight and black as that of an
Indian ordinarilv, but at the approach
of a storm tho hair begins to kink and
curl two or three days before hand, and
it romaius in that condition until ufter
tho storm is over, when it again be
comes perfectly straight. If tho storm
is of any magnitude tho hair will curl
up into little balls. The boy's hair is
used as a barometer by the farmers of
that section. If a neighboring farmer
wants to haul hay to town, harvest
wheat, or anything elso that makes him
particularly interested in the weather, bo
calls at tho Johnson home beforehand
and looks at Tommy's hair. If tho hair
is straight, tho famer makes his ar
rangements to do the work, but if tho
hair is curled, then tho work is post
poned until after the approaching storm,
l'ho people of the vicinity havo seen
tho wuruing of rain storms verified so
often that they have implicit faith in
Tommy's hair as a barometer. For an
ordinary rain the hair kinks only a trifle. 1
A few weeks ago it was discovered that
Tommy's lmir was kinked in hard balls
all over his head, und tho news spread
all over the community in a very short
time. The next day a violent storm
struck that section, doing considerrble
damage. After the storm was over tho
people wore greatly relieved, until it
was learned that Tommy's hair was
curled up more than ever, and then an
other storin was expected. Tho second
storm was a cyclone. Houses wore
blown down and several peoplo wero
badly injured in the neighborhood. After
tho cyclone Tommy's hair becamo per
fectly straight aguiu, and the people
rejoiced thereat.—[Picayune.
Rough on Draughts.
A common source of cold and discom
fort in winter is tho draught from the
bottom of u shrunken or badly fitting
door. A simple device has been brought
out by which these currents of air can be
so diverted as to be made desirable in
! stead of objectionable. A slab of wood
! works on two pivot hooks projecting from
the bottom of the door and fitted at one
end with a curved piece of wood which
comes uguinst tho jamb 011 closing tho
door and presses a felt facing close to the
floor. On opening tho door an india
rubber spring draws the bottom of the
slab toward the door, and so clears the
carpet. The bottom edge of the slab,
being lined with felt, is absolutely
draught-tight. On the door being shut
tho air which rushes in strikes ugainst
the slab, is turned upward and goes to the
top of the room. In this way tho draught
under the door, which was before a con
stant menace to the health of tho occu
pants of the room, becomes a positive
advantage in promoting tho thorough
ventilation of the apartment. —[Chicago
A Cheap Cement.
A man who is in tho business says:
"Over a dozen kinds of cement ure made
which will unito the broken edges of
glass und china, and one is about as good
as another. The easiest and cheapest to
i prepare is made by taking two ounces of
j pulverized white gum shellack and half
Jan ounce of gum mastic. Soak them to
! gether in a couple of ounces of sulphuric
; ether and add half a pint of alcohol.
! After the wholo is dissolved, thepropara
| tio'n is ready for use. You heat tho
j edges of the articlo to be mended, put on
: tho cement with a brush, hold firmly till
tho cement has set, lay tho articlo away
1 for a week, and it will break anywhere
; elso than in the mended place."
Something About the New Design*
—Some Private Hints.
"It is not likely," writes Rene Bache,
"that another competition will ever be
tried for the production of designs for
United States coins," said Assistant Di
rector of the Mint Preston. "The one
just ended was too much of a failure.
Doubtless it was the first contest of the
sort ever opened by any government to
the public ut large. The result is not
very flattering to the boasted artistic de
velopment of this country, iuasmuch us
only two of the three hundred sugges
tions submitted were good enough to re
ceive honorublo mention. So the affair
has been handed over to the engraving
force of the Philadelphia Mint, which
will produce the dies required according
to such patterns as its own sense of the
beautiful suggests."
The designs for Uncle Sara's coins
hitherto have been produced at the
money-making establishment in Philadel
phia, whero the dies for all the mints aro
turned out. Anticipating a severe pop
ular criticism, the Chief Engraver will do
his utmost to render the live cameo pic
tures called for as unexceptional as pos
sible, esthetically speaking. There must
be a substitute of some kind, represent
ing Liberty, for the Quaker City school
marm on the dollar, the reverse of which
requires a better type of bird than the
present buzzard. Also the unprepossess
ing female, seated upon a cotton bale, is
to be removed from the half-dollar,
quarter and dime. Plaster casts of the
patterns evolved will be submitted for
approval to the Director of the Mint and
the Secretary of the Treasury, and, as
soon as they have been pronounced sat
isfactory, dies will be made, and small
change of new and lovely mould will
thereafter jingle in the pockets of the
people. No alteration is to bo made in
the gold coins, because they are really
exquisite now and could hardly be im
proved upon. It is realized that the
money of a nation is expressive of its
art culture. Therefore, lest posterity
imagine the present generation to have
been barbarous, it is desirable that our
silver pieces should be as handsome as
may be.
It was for fear lest posterity should I
suppose us to have been heathens that
the motto, "In God We Trust," was put
on United States coins. The idea was
originated by a Pennsylvania clergyman
named Watkinson, who also suggested
that, instead of a pagan goddess, the ob
verso should bear an all-seeing eye, with
a halo around it and a flag below. "This
will relieve us from the ignominy of
heathenism," he said, "in the view of
future antiquarians."
Secretary of the Treasury S. P. Chase
took the proposition into serious consider
ation, finally selecting "In God Wo
Trust" as the best form for the legend,
which appeared first in 18G4 on one-cent
and two-cent pieces.
The history of the issue of coins in
this country by private individuals and
companies would make a very interesting
book. When gold was struck in North
Carolina, a man named Bechtler started
a mint of his own there, which was abol
ished by law in 1849. Half-eagles, quar
ter-eagles and one-dollar pieces issued
by him were largely circulated in the
South and West. Although of honest
gold they were übout 24 per cent, under
value on an average. About the samo
time Templeton Keid coined gold in
Georgia. He moved to California in
1849 and minted eagles and twenty-five
dollar pieces on a considerable scale.
Many companies and refineries in
California and elsewhere made a
business of striking gold coins during
the samo period. Naturally there was a
great temptation to make these coins un
der weight and of inferior fineness. The
Mormons in Utah issued eagles, half
eagles and double-eagles, which bore on
the obverse an eye, with the legend,
"Holiness to the Lord." There was
more holiness about them than purity.
Quantities of 25-cent and 50-cent gold
pieces were likewise manufactured at
Ban Francisco, the former containing
only about six cents' worth of the metal
and the latter twelve cents' worth. Eight
years ago a lot of these were taken over
to Germany and circulated there, which
elicited a formal diplomatic protest from
that Government. The private minting
business was finally put a stop to.
Where a face is used on a pieco of
money it is always in profile, because
the cameo is more readily struck with
the die in that manner, and, if a full or
three-quarter face were represented, the
nose of the gentleman or lady would get
damaged in circulation and produce a
ridiculous effect. Aluminum has been
suggested as a material for coins, but
there are objections to it. It has always
a greasy feel, due to the presence of a
slight but unavoidable film of oxide of
aluminum over its surface. Besides,
one-fifth part of the earth's crust consists
of it, and if a process for extracting it
readily should be discovered such cash
might be reduced within a few days to
about the same value, per weight, as
Traits of Turkeys.
Turkeys are restless creatures, but
free-spirited and cheerful in their way.
The young ones run most of the time,
bending their heads towards the ground,
piping plaintively and monotonously
with a rising inflection, and "nailing"
flies with astonishing swiftness and pre
cision. All their habits tell the story of
their comparatively recent domestication.
Although they may become very tame,
as a lion's cub may, they have a great
deal of the savage in them still. They
hunt as long as they can see at night, and
then are fain to roost in the trees rather
than in the hen-house. The farmer al
ways says that a turkey is the biggest
fool that the Lord ever made, and declares
that the goose is wisdom itself in com
parison. The turkey is no doubt foolish,
speaking in terms of civilization, but she
understands the turkey business very
well for all that. She has not yet so com
pletely adapted herself to the ways of
hnman beings as the hen and the goose
have, and that is the whole story of her
foolishness. Perhaps she has her own
idea of the wisdom of these other highly
domesticated fowls.—[BostonTranscript.
The "China Tree."
The "China tree," so extensively
planted in the Southern States us a shade
tree, is not a native of North America,
but its homo is in tropical Asia. It is
sometimes called "bead tree," on account
of the use made of the seeds in Catholic
countries, where the seeds are threaded
for beads to assist in the devotions of de
vout persons, and for which purpose they
are peculiarly suited, having a natural
perforation through the centre. There
is, however, a tree of the same genus
found in the West Indies and another
in Japan.— [New York Sun.
Eacanaba, Mich., has the b'ggest ore
Indigestion, Biliousness,
And all Stomach Troubles
Are cured by
For Internal and External I'se.
Stops Pain, Cramns, Inflammation In or limb,
like inairfc. Cure* Croup. Asthma, Colds. Catarrh, Chol
era Morbus, Dlarrlua, Hh*iimatlMn, Neuralgia, Lame- j
back, Stiff jclnteund Stntlnn. Full itailicular* free. Price '
ttcts. TN~-naH. I. a. .tOHVMnv * CO.. Mem
Of Roxburv. Mass., says
Kennedy's Medical Discovery
cures Horrid Old Sores, Deep-
Seated Ulcers of 40 years'
standing, Inward Tumors, and
every disease of the skin, ex
cept Thunder Humor, and
Cancer that has taken root,
Price, $1.50. Sold by every
Druggist in the United States
and Canada.
Age bring* Infirmities, such as sluggish
bowels, weak kidneys and torpid liver.
Tuft's Pills
have a specific effect on tbeso organs, stim
ulating the bowels, given natural tllHcharg
ea. and imparts vigor to the whole system*
Mil ABOUT P.nat Tennens'e'n FINE
MM ■ ■ KNOXVII.LE SENTINEL; dally 1 mo.,
m ** 3oc.; weekly 1 year, <1; samples 3c.
ftlA|| WEAR, .NKRVOUS, WRETCHED mortals get
XHIgIK well and keep well. Health Helper
OFlWim telle how. COct* a year. Sample coo*
free. Dr. J. 11. DYE. Editor. Buffalo. N. Y.
" 1 1 w 40-a*e baak free.
A Sure Mark.
The tact that is born of true kind
heartedness is a thing for which its
possessor may well be admired and imi
tated. "I like your friend Grace Hunt
a great deal better than I do Ellen
Mayo," said 14-year-old Tom to his
sister Fanny at the tea-table one even
"Why?" asked Fanny in some sur
prise. "I'm sure Ellen is a good deal
brighter than Grace and prettier too!"
"She may he," assented Tom, doubt
fully, "hut I don't call her very polite.
I told Grace that funny story father
read us out of Mr. Black's letter to-day,
and she laughed and said it was a
splendid story, and that she should re
member it aud tell it to somebody else.
But when I tried to tell it to Ellen
Mayo, she interrupted me before I'd
got half-way through, saying, 'Oh yes!
1 reniomher all about that, now; your
6istor told me a week ago; it's about
that man who—' and she weut on and
finished the story herself."
"It wasn't polite, of course," admitted
Fanny, "hut I suppose she didn't think
how it would make you feel. And,
Tom, the fact is, I told the story to
Grace, too, at the same time Ellen
heard itl"
"I don't care anything about that,"
said Tom, decidedly, "except I like her
all the better for it. She didn't make
me feel uncomfortable, aud as if I was
an old newspaper, as Ellen did. I say
she's a lady!
"And I agree with you, my son,"
said his fathor, "and I'll venture to
prodiot that she's a girl who'll make
few enemies and many friends, as long
as she lives."
4 s. s. s. \
% is the most popular remedy \
% for boils, pimples, blotches, etc. \
% Because, while it never fails to \
% It acts gently, \
% builds up the system, \
% increases the appetite, \
% and improves the general health, \
% instead of substituting one disease \
% for another, as is the case with \
% potash, and mercury mixtures. \
Books on Blood and Skin dlssasss traa. \
% THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. \
B -ELY'S CREAM BALM-< :l ™ n " 1U Ti l
Pa..age, Allu.v. l'aiii i""' InUammatlan,
tlio Sort's, ■ ■ ami Smc-11, mid ( ur. sW "-/ITARnVriI
Apply into the Aoatrug. It is Oiiickly Absorbed.
50c. I)ruggUta or by maiL ELY BROS., 56 Warren BL, N. Y
"Bobber oubofbhe oubofbh®
fas hilbis
Wffor hQuse-Glea.nini- Ibis a, s °lid -
c&ke of scouring so&pTry ih ~n^3l
Cleanliness is always fashionaole and the use
of or the neglect to use SAPOLIO marxs a wide
difference in the social scale. The best classes
are always the most scrupulous in matters of
cleanliness—and the best classes use SAPOLIO.
tp ISO'S REMEDY FOR CATARRH.—Best. En-lost To use.
■L cheapest. Relief la immediate. A cure is certain, lor nOB
Cold in the llead it has no equal.
"WE would all be good if oar broad
and butter depended on it.
How FEW people there are who havon'T
something "again" them.
WITH some people's religion, thore is
more hobby than principal.
THE most inveterate sober man is the
roan who was drunk the day before.
EVERY man is a suicide: he has some
habit that is shortening his life.
A MAN has six temptations to one day
for repentance: six week days and one
GIVE a man a dollar, and be will
finally hate you because you do not
give him another.
IT is very hard for a man to recognize
any genius in a man whose years are
less than his own.
THERE is ono consolation ia being
wicked: oppressively good people won't
associate with you.
A MAN might build a boat to tide him
over his troubles, while waiting for his
ship to come in.
SOME men who totally abstain from
the use of evil things, make hogs of
themselves in good things.
IF a woman has a good husband, she
should not fail to take good care of him.
Good husbands are so rare.
No MAN knows when be is acting the
fool, but he usually has a funny feeling
in him that tells him of it afterward.
IT is strange how much faster time
flies when you hear a man abusing an
enemy than when you hear hiin praising
a friend.
MANY young people become dis
heartened on discovering traits in
humanity that the world has always
You will very often tind it the case
that the man who is good in big things,
makes up for it by being very mean in
little ones.
DURING the earlier part of an affair of
the heart, tho man makes most of the
love; after that, the woman does a good
deal of it.
A GIRL should not marry a mau she
does not know very well, and the
chances are that she will not marry a
man that she does.
WHY do men never tell of troubles
or misfortunes without exaggerating
them? Are not troubles and mis
fortunes large enough?
No MORE truly does history repeat it
self than does human experience. A
life is but a repitition of some other
life that has gone before.
THF.RE is one time when every boy
doubts that his mother is telliug the
truth, and that is when she says it hurts
her worse to punish him than it does
THERE is no enjoyment in imposing
on others. You may think it a great
pleasure for awhile to receive favors
from others, but the time will come
when you will change your mind. It
is equally true that there is no enjoy
ment in being imposed upon by others;
there is very little enjoyment in any
thing, as a matter of fact.
Carrying Out Olrectlomi.
Mamma—Well, Tommy, did you givo
tho poor sick dog bis medicine while I
was away?
Tommy—Y'es, ma. I read the receipt,
and it said the compound could bo
mixed in an old broken dish. I couldn't
And such a dish, so I had to break one.
—Philadelphia Times.
The favorable impression produced on the
first appearance of the agreeable liquid fruit
remedy Syrup of Figs a few years ago has been
more than confirmed by tho pleasant experi
ence of ail who have used it, and the success
of the proprietors and manufacturers, the Cal
ifornia Fig Syrup Company.
Ihe Argentine Congress has voted a re
duction in duties on petroleum and rice.
Dr. L. L. Gorsuch, Toledo, 0., says: "I have
practiced medicine for forty vears,have never
seen a preparation that 1 could prescribe with
so much confidence of success iu> 1 can Hall's
Catarrh Cure." bold by Druggists, 75c.
It is said that there are 10,000 unem
ployed men in New York.
FiTL' stopped free by DR. ROUTE'S GKIAT
NERVE RESTORER. NO tits after first day's use.
Marvelous cures. Treatise and trial bottle
free. Dr. Kline. 081 Arch St.. Phil*.. Pa-
Montana is larger than the Empire of
Turkey. ÜB4
The end
of woman's peculiar troubles and
ailments comes with Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription. It cures
them. For all the functional de
rangements, painful disorders, and
chronic weaknesses that afflict wo
mankind, it's a certain remedy. It's
an invigorating, restorative tonic,
soothing cordial and bracing nerv
ine—purely vegetable, non-alcoholic,
and perfectly harmless.
In the cure of periodical pains,
prolapsus and other displacements,
bearing - down sensations, and all
"female complaints" and irregu
larities, " Favorite Prescription " is
the only medicine that's guaranteed.
If it doesn't give satisfaction in ev
ery case, you have your money back.
You pay only for the good you
got. Can you ask more ?
The easiest way is the best. Reg
ulate the liver, stomach, and bowels
with Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
They cleanse and renovate the
system thoroughly and naturally.
Sick Headache, Constipation, Indi
gestion, and Bilious Attacks, are
prevented, relieved, and cured.
For Dyspepsia.
A. Bellanger, Propr., Stove Foun
dry, Montagny, Quebec, writes: "I
have used August Flower for Dys
pepsia. It gave me great relief. I
recommend it to all Dyspeptics as a
very good remedy."
Ed. Bergeron, General Dealer,
Lauzon, Levis, Quebec, writes: "I
have used August Flower with the
best possible results for Dyspepsia."
C. A. Barrington, Engineer and
General Smith, Sydney, Australia,
writes: "August Flower has effected
a complete cure in my case. It act
ed like a miracle."
Geo. Gates, Corinth, Miss..writes:
"I consider your August Flower the
best remedy in the world for Dys
pepsia. I was almost dead with
that disease, but used several bottles
of August Flower, and now con
sider myself a well man. I sincerely
recommend this medicine to suffer
ing humanity the world over." ®
G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer,
Woodbury, New Jersey, 11. S. A.
In tho Holds a broom either end
tV'orldV u i/ll | 15c. ixifitpaldl
NTS W^FTTEIL other ortitiles/TW
KNf.LE CI'N CO.. ilorleton, Pa. Stamp*taken
T.fiD st Improved and most perfect
>f all. Many GOOD COOKS do not
.S. know the value of this I'an foi
r dr "iIBF I,READ un(l CAKE HA KING.
sizes, made of polished steel. Am
ofs'A.OO. Circulars'free. Addrea!
.11. lvot-iiig tV Co.. Hocleton, I'a. Agents wanted.
Positively Cured with Vegetable
Hare cured thousands of cases. Cure patients JMT
nounced hopeless by best physicians. From first don*
ainptoms disappear; lo ten days at least two-thirds
I symptoms removed. Send for free book testimo
nial* of miraculous cures. Ten days* treatment
free by mall, if you order trial, end Ida. In stamns
to Day postage. OR. H. 11. Gates* A SOMH. Atlanta. Oa
A High Price tor £ggs
can le secure 1 ' >r preserv nc them when prices are
low until higher pries are o ered.
A Jormuln for iresciv ng eggs <ne year, bo that
they cannot he told from IreslVaid eggs, will be
sold to any person for il, upon receipt or agreement
not to fell or niulcu known the information toothers.
A. a, corn KK.
1 <i~> v. Y. Ave., * adiinrinn. IV. C.
nil I rL I til We want the name and ad
dress of every sufferer in the
D. h QTll M A U. an<l Canada. Address,
\X HO I 11 If in p. Harold Hsye,M.D, Buffalo, i.I.
tW Get the Genuine. Sold Everrwhcre.
■CiItIOiVIv tVKhln C ton, D.O.
™ S uccesi"enaiiS'Jul***"
3 vrain last war. 16 adjudicating claims, attvsinoa
x 4 disabled. 12 fee for Increase. 'JO years ex
perience. Write for laws. A.W. MCCOKMICK
01 C HAGE BOOK, the simplest an<l fairest
/ I II ovor written on the tariff question, for I 2e
u *■ u stamp*. U. P. CO., 1 6 YntnU water Ht., N. Y.
False modesty and procrastination are
responsible for much female suffering. Wo
can excuse the instinctive delicacy that sug
gests concealment to tho young, but there is
no excuse for those who reject the assist
ance of a woman.
is an out ire and permanent cure for the worst
forms of female disease, and instantly re
lieves all weaknesses and ailments peculiar
to the sex. It is sold by all Druggists as a
standard article, or sent by mail, in form
of Fills or Lozenges, on receipt of §I.OO.
I Plakhftn'fthook," finld* (A Health and r'tliyotUY*.'*
ii—iV' branlifYiMy illu%t rated, KPDI on rerlpt of two Sr.
| Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co.* Lynn. Mass.