Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, February 20, 1890, Image 4

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Published livery Tiiur- hiy Afternoon
Aililress all Communieutious to
OUtee, Ilil'klii i k Ili'ick, !kl lloor, Ci sir, el.
Entered at the Fir,' mil I' •''"and
CI, IKS J fuller.
FUEEEANU, I 'l.liltl'AßY 20, 18!"t.
THE complete election returns of
Foster township anil Freehold 1 U
ough appear on the first page of t! is
ANOTHER State heai'il from, Gover
nor Fleming, of West Virginia, in his
inaugural address makes an earnest
plea for Ballot Reform.
IT would gratify a great many Peiin
sylvania Republicans who tul- .• tin ii
politics at second hand if Hemd■ >.-
Quay would let theni know whether
they ought to be in favor of Bullet
Reform or against it.
BALLOT KEFOBM is making progress ;
in various sorts of ways. The newly
elected Democratic (I', ni
Jersey is in favor of it. in so a
the l'eti ing li'epul)!, 111 (i v r i . . oi
lowa, whose party had been voted out
by the old plan.
EDITOR MEDILL, of the (Tiicago lr!
Imiie, bos not been given a foreign mis
siou and is at liberty to till the admin
istration some win>ldsome truths. Edi
tor Medill say tlie taritf must I
vised or the Western funnies vi'l
upset the Republican wagon and dump
its riders.
THE resolution congratulating the
people of Bfnzil on "their yet O
peaceful nssum])tion of powei s, dutie
and responsibilities of free Govern
ment" passed the Sen . ; it sllOlljo,
by unanimous vote lin • mi.Jit In
differences of opinion as to tie m
of saying anything on the -id e <•' lni
on the question itself no true Vim i
can couhl vote ni i.
THE exports of coal from the United
States to Canada amounted to about
2,(IOO,tl(K) tons last year, while the ■
ports of coal from (lann la to tlii
country were about half that, quanll".
With untaxed commerce the exports
of both countires would belai 1 > in
creased, thus giving mm, aiuin
supply of fuel to manufacturers, mm.
freights to railroads, and mole employ
incut to miners.
KENTUCKY is the latest slate to pro
liibit the sale of cigarettes to mime .
The law is a good one but like many
other laws on the statute books, it
don't seem to prohibit worth a cvnt
Small boys experience no difficulty to
secure a supply of their fuvo itelnaml,
nor will they have while licah ha\.-
so little respect for the law as to vio
late it openly. An example ma ■ i i
one or two of the violating ileal
would he very beneficial not only here
but elsewhere.
AMERICAN fresh beef, which has
found a profitable market for years
past in the Canadian Proviim , In,
ing that vantage grmind owing to tie
competition of the fresh beef from
Manitoba which can b deliver, 1
St. John, N. 11., at the sunn figure
the American article and no dnala
a shade lower in the event-of aw
of rates. The Canadian capitalist)
evidently mean to find out whet lie; tin
"home-market" theory will work oi
that side of the boundary line.
IF several Democratic states do not
adopt ballot reform hills during tl
Winter and the coming Spring it will
not be for lack of opportune i The
Legislatures of New Jer.-oy, Del :
Maryland, West Virginia and Ken
tucky all have ballot bills before tin 1
based on the An-1 ,w Jin ■ em. Ili
hardly possible that all the i a-nsur
will pass, but some of them aiepieity
sure to, and in the other eases the i
cussion they awake will n suit in fav
orable action in the near futin i. .la
present Democratic Legislature, "I
Ohio, will probably do nothing town;
ballot reform, and the result, in New
York is doubtful on account of the • p
position of (I ivernor Hill, so that th<
most of what is accomplished in that
line this year wi.l prolm!.h 1-rii. a;e .
the Sunt is lut next winter, when
nearly all the iortln rn L islatui.
will be in session, a harvest of ballot
reform laivs is confidently , . pecti 1
IN commenting on the .ili u
fore the Mew York Legisiatun i i
requires that nil employes shu I i
their wages weekly, flie Indiana) ■
zveuw has the following to say, and i
our readers will only change the st.-i!.
they will find that every word it e ni
tains is applicable to this locality.
A hill 1 1- pending in till New York In .
islaturc whiih requires that all cnipl.g
shall he paid tl , d v, ; - weekly. It ii
similar to a law which h.n been in oj era
tion in Massachusetts f. rl . . v ,. ra |
and has proved itself a good and bene
(ici il requirement. Sin . „ ;
bo in force ill ether i itii , \.p ~p.
arise from monthly paym ~t
and wherever the system : in
there will he found the great'. ■ e..
wostofillness and woe among tin
ing classes. It makes running hi ' •
necessity,and thattendstoexti :
The person who buys on credit will :
more than if cash is paid for every ] tl
chase, and those who ni ■ uipelh I i
usk credit become prey of the imscrupu
"us dealers. Credit pries are higher
than cash prices. There is some reason
why they should he. The advantages
the system given in profit making have
led to the establishment of .stores by
employes, where large numbers of work
ing men and women are given work.
The well-known 44 phi. k-me" stores of
the Indiana coal regions are fostered by
the ,-ystem. AVo have a law in this
! state requiring- tie payment of wages
every two Weeks. The time of payment
should lum i V weekly. Aside from the
had results • f forcing a poor man into
I debt,, it is in away ch moralizing to him
j to huve MMeli in nicy placed in his
handi '• time. ; ml makes him lcel
l hat lie : inueh ' -It- "if than lie
l : k- !;• :• j ' :
I money extravagantly; Ilis money is,
>• ii gene, he may 1 still in dedt, and
self-denial; if notsui • ering, following un- '
til another pay-day.
I rotcctlng tin* Farmers.
'i'he Si. 1 .<i*.is (■ I> , /oc/ 't tells the .
AVeHein Pinners th d the duties on all
important agrieultui d products are s •
high as to be practically prohibitory:
These duties are not merely prohibitory: j
they are futile and absurd. With agri- j
cultural pivduct-absolutely free of duty, 1
their jii < • Id 11 : lie affected in the
slight •-! d 1 "'j• '* in a country which is a
' exporter of these articles. Hut '
duties are impose - on wheat, rye, corn,
and other pr<■ 'net •• of the farm, to amuse j
\m fan ith the belief that
the. d while they are under- j
!•; jo f i: i iff extortion.
he w. y t . protect the fanners is to i
i lea th" u: aof commercial freedom,so 1
th: t they may have wider markets for !
their rphi! - products and obtain the!
e< i:11lp dities they consume at fair prices.
-Q lotia as the xisting system shall en- i
dure tlu I innei- of this country will be
• Mi.. d to -ell their products under con- j
diti us ef 'i et tra le, and to buy what !
they i : im.• at prices manipulated by !
t- . ' sheltered combinaticms, trusts and |
lure j'MH Iciirr rom ill*' < e.pitol.
AVa -iii n < TON, 1 eb. IS, TO. j
J. ll e rules of the Ifoil-e are adopted j
in the -f.;ij•;• n ?.r: dby the majority oi J
the com mi ■- e..! th y probably will he. j
the responsibility o! the>e rules, for good j
r < ii. mi thew th the Republics!ns. j
1 f tlu yar found t> oj eiate unjustly n> !
i t:u i' ids of :if mim , ,:y or n iudivid
ti nu nihei -,by shutting off meritorious !
mo and restricting legitimate dis- j
on im, it is the intention of the Bemn- j
era'.- to make good use of their oppor-;
funiti* and turn the situation to their;
own political occount.
The I V.i! "Tilt.- ei.a :ge witll a god (leal I
of i:i tai-r .-that rules are unfair, obn< xi - j
ous in main part ie-ilais, contrary to well ;
shed precedent, and that they con-1
t in allthe i ;i li.a; 1 violations of precedent j
whii■!i tin speaker indulged in while
niauaging the ilnusi under what he
t-rined ' i icneral Parliamentary Law.'' \
iM will >' wye during the forthconi- <
. :■ - n and endeavor to procure in- oi roucessioiis. It
is t Sic is undoubted province and privilege
to do audit i- their li.'lit to protest, i
bai if a. / w i-'.ng i ■ oinmitted over their
I.ea■' iit is not their w mug. The Repub
li ;o : ma <• the i su . All the 1> in -
e. ii -• i .Hi <!• . i t•. 11 • t it e inane, .usiy :
and if the lie Inbiire.n -i ie of theeham
-1 - t hall commit it *•!:' to si serious blun- ,
d-Ttiie'. -by. Mr. t . 11; he, Mr. Crisp and
tl eir a eriaie.-. sln-io i remember that it I
i - a leu.: lain wlii' b . is no turning, and
it i u.'i a iong hi ue frotu one (dongre.-si n- |
al < 1 ri ion : o another.
Tim i • f the id air bill by tin
iifty iir : Congress i k by no means a cer
t iint\ siit i;>■'! ii it- backet .in view "f ii>
pse . > tin -ciiftti two or three times,
an i .ts ha \ iug had a siih.-iantiully solid Ue
publican supp"it in tin* House sire full ol
eoofideUCC. A (leeidl d WiaknCKS litis
been dt v eloped among us supporters in
the Senate. . oine of the lie; übli am
who voted for it I i'.-ie will do so now
1 are quite pi c| ai e 1 to array themselves
again r it, ami the : enat- r. from the
new Mates are, to say the lesist, doubtful
> wluit e m • hey h mid take. .h-uator
Bh ir lia< utf ion- t■ dly impaired the pros
pects of tin.--one great .-eiieme of his by
becoming tiic pair.. n of so many erankv
proji et: , and of a.i leg! -hitive bodies the
(> Sensiti • full as it i of uu nof affairs sunt
ii able lawyers, is tin- lesist of all inclined
to tolerate crank-. Other things which
iniiitaP :■ ui;i •' the psis.-. ::e of the bill
sire the be i t ft Ist; the underlying prin
' eipie ha - b.-eii Hstpped by vote-eatebing
. - i m . ihe fear that the money will
[ i.e diverted by State authorities for po
i i; i; ;il pu; i ose-; and the feelingthat the
w ■ : Is .f the nati-jn are of age and ought
> to :ihh• to take care of themselves.
The Cuited States can burrow as much
i money it wants at h por cent, or less j
s old i: li. -urplus of .! hundred mil
.h.iis or ne-ie i'..r which it eels nothing. ;
. a the •\ e, nu: nt pays •• lif 1.700 a year
' rent to, the additional buildings it uses 1
sit Washington hocsiuse of the over
eio\\.i d <• ndition of its own. This
1 I i t in rent lepre.-ents a loan to
. ;iu e. Lan ..ito! - 1 .-' .'l ,2*> : ' sit eight per
1 eciit. wlb : i ..bout what is cmisi len d
1 a .fair return for money invested in real
v ■■■.tale in th" db ; <t, md which is ni
ne i tlm • time- wluit the government
, won! il.e. 'o jay f.r money with which
, to pieet it own buildill_! in case its
' treason wen empty and it were forced i
> to hoii -.w. \. r sue the buildings it se-|
i riire- umlet tin present > stem for its;
, pur| w Inn : he\' slioiild lie, since they
are put up I;s | iivsite psirties either fori
th' 11 own . . : t.. rent for business pur- '
1: i- unbusittesHlikc for the gov-'
: oil : t to re I s.t eight pt r cent, w hen !
it can build sit three,and build to its own j
l oiii i Pitioi and to the beautifying of
li - - id"!.
1 %' : '"
oeiftl season of i 890, so fa r as of
i - eiuicorned, is over and will
oi I as one of the most
n > Wa>|iington hsiseverknown.
nu ton close about two
M ' :i ibe sad tidings of
t lie i • i y in the Tracy home-;
'""Id le ... : ything to a sudden
is ,!l. 11: Mi ••• liuuserec(>ptions,
lS with the State dim: . . p .riven j
hi t Thursday, togt tin - | IC dinner !
to havo been given lit by the
' V iceTri sident have heei ;i. poned until
- after lent. The cnbim t. h will also
1 lie clo: e 1 until after lent,
s ''V :v
Pre iidi ;d 1! an ion has r:. i-. •! him f
c veiy much iu ll.e estimation of both!
friends and foe., by tl.e tendersyjmpsitby
' a ! n a dim s which he has .shown iii
> ■ ion-; I !ia( le ve fsdlei) Up< II
a C,io ill iue .m l Tracy families. He luis
c. '' nll : 1 rfe< f ministering angel to the
,y 11 . ' i . n and their families.
: Q ' lie i;i member of Con
, ' r , " 1: ) jf Sj ealu l Reed's
1 i ted reported to
tlx! Housi' tlx"* • | propriatinns will foot up
:it tin' ■ml of tlx* -.-ion a bout $500,000,-
O"iJ. At tliis rate the time is not far dis
timt wlieu tinericans ran no longer
point with pride to the faet that our sys
tem of rimient is cheaper than, the
monarchies and empires of Kurope.
Now that the Spring elections are '
over, and that tdl have buried their
local difiercncfcs at tho ballot box, it
behooves the Democratic voters of this
fourth Representative District to turn
their attention to tho contest of next
■ vemb< r. The time to prepare for I
the nest contest is now. Organise
lion e i nec-e- sary preliminary to sue
ci - With a Democratic club in every
. o lislriet in this county, much
< ii r 'il i Mii be done.
M .1 opportunities this country
oiu r to men of intelligence, industry
and thrift is shown in thestory of Jno.
bin ek, "the Hungarian King," whose
mysterious death at Wilkes Barre is
now being investigated. He came to
this con try a young man, with no oapi- j
tal :..,t a itroug body, an intelligent
mind and good habits. His first em- [
p! meiit in the coal regions yielded
him d <■ nts a day and his board, j
! litis -d n-lied languages and saved I
mo i v while thus working as a com-i
1., , 'oh >rer, and later in bis life used '
his knowledge of various tongues to !
io,l account in bis intercourse with
immigrants from various countries
who settled about tho mines. By in ;
dastrv, thrift and enterprise lie built
up a big fortune, and at the time of
his death was one of the leading capi
talists of his region aud a man of con
spicuous enterprise in making public
improvements. He no doubt possess
ed exceptional qualities that aided him ;
to success, but the thing to he noted
is that the possession of those quali-1
ties in this country enabled him to I
advance himself, while in Bohemia he
would probably have continued to lie
a day laborer to the end. Is it any j
w ; hr that villi even one such story
iin back t the old country the im
tiiigi ii'o to this home of the free aie
litiuibciv 1 by the hundred thousand !
every day ?
One w< aid tl ink that a jailer would j
I)? in ]>aiu ai 1 tin- limn with so many
felon on lii.s hands. luarneu Enter
/ri .
Tru genius much resembles a mus- |
The secret of its smart- j
i i- in close application. 11 — Terre j
Haute Express.
Vc:i i in m more judge a man by his
daily v i. :;nl conversation than you j
can an eleet ion-day siloon by its front
door.— Detroit Free Press.
It fortunate that a man learns the
"rule of throe* 1 when a child, for later
in life he never gets beyond the rule of ,
one.— Jii arncy Ent rprise.
'•l)o you suppose Vassal* girls sue- ;
ceed in after life. Mr. Smarly?" "Why,
of course. I hoard of one getting mar
ried the other day."- Epoch.
Prole- ional Beat (to hotel proprie
-1 or) "I there any danger of a lire
here?" Proprietor "Not if you settle
for your board in advance.' — Boston
"Re (by this is awkward. What did '
1 i nno !.•! •■ for? All. yes, I remember.
Aly di ar young lady, I adore you. Will
yon grant me your hand." — Ftfegende I
"jjlalt /*.
"I saw a goblet to-day made of
... . aw: I saw a tumbler
n a oof i! h and blood last night!"
"Win. At tin* circus."'— Harper's
Da:, or.
Our oh'nv-boy a- its that English
spai owa are like rubber bands, be- .
cause they are gntter-perchors aud have
it deal of a-tonsion. —
l'-iown—"How time flies!" Jenkins
—"I am not aware of its speedy pass
a * Ik -Then you have not a note
t • pay." J. "3S r o; I hold yours."—
Do-'on Ji i '-jet.
llu -band (to wife at the theater)
1 • i' ve \on l,i;, aght your opera-glass?"
• "i o . but 1 can't use it.'' "Why !
in . "1 fin in to bring my diamond !
bracelet." V. is Hi)lings.
Fond Mother -"You should remem
ber. my clbid. that the little birds in
their in " Johnny "Butevery
once in a while one of 'em falls out.
Pin that one.' Munscy's Weekly.
• The lb v. Mr. Higliys— "I did not
see \ >u among the congregation yes
terday, Mrs. Au Fait." Mrs. AuFait—
'•i\o. 1w a i.!: but I 1 ent my card
by the coachman."— Latvrnice Ameri
Stranger (to bootblack) —"Can you
tell im mi little fellow, the best way
to g<i to*the station?" Bootblack -
"Dc best way is to take a hack; but if
you're broke you'd better walk."—N.
1. Dun..
A man who beats the gong at a rail
way eat My-station makes a l)ig noise
in ill wore I. but lie dues not get there.
. .line oilier fellow eats the dinner, lie
simply makes the din.— Xciv Orleans
Pirn yum.
"Going to vote?" asked tho furnace.
"1 ;,in registered ;iii over the house."
And tie I i mi er replied: "Wait un
til the ill man sees how much I have
n red if Mm want to hear music."
-—Boston Bulletin.
Mother Now you have broken my
Clip. Von deserve aw hipping; come
here." Fritz "No; 1 won't come."
Mother "Come, Fritz, till I whip you,
and then you shiill have a slice of cake."
—Flicgt tule Blatter.
First Juror "I tell you this bribery
of jurors is a crying shame, it's a dis
grace.'' Second .1..r0r 'You're dead
right. Tiie darn fool who did the brib
ing never oflcred me a cent. lie ought
to be punished." Epoch.
Wife (at church Y- "Thai man in the
second pew is acting very strangely.
Do you think he is crazy:'" Husband
- -"I wouldn't be at all surprised, my
dear; i see hi collar button has gone
down his back."— N. i, Bun.
When a woman clinches her teeth,
.shuts up her e and remarks in a
concentrated voice, "1 wish I was thai
man'- wi"" for about: live minutes," it
i mighty ltieky for "that man" that
e i-n't. 7i/v< llanlc Express.
li i- a i'.ici worth pondering that
tie a,h the night falls around us it
in r hi'c :iks. wher-MS the dav breaks
but iy \er falls. We oiler this deli
' '• \to some .struggling aspirant
for poetical honors, Harper's Bazar.
Barber- 1 think this is the first
time I ever shaved you, sir." Victim
••You're mistaken*there." Barber—
•strange i fail to remember, slr.'\
Victim "Von wouldn't be so likely
to remember it as I."— Boston Herald.
Visitor—- I hope, my friend, that you
now see the great error you have
made." Murderer —"Yes, I see it
clearer every day. If I'd only 'r killed
do hired girl, too, there wouldn't have
been no one left to peach on me."—
First Female Burglar—"Get your gun.
We are going to crack old man Gol
dollar's house to-night." Second Fe
male Burglar—"l wouldn't go into
that house after dark for the worid. It
is chuck full of mice."— Tcrre Haute
E. press.
Jones—"l believe in equal rights for
that fairest of God's creation—woman.
The gentler sex, so dear to the heart
of man, should have all privileges ac
corded to us." Smith (speaking to
his friend Banks) —"I wonder if that
man is married."— Kearney Enterprise.
Short-sighted gentleman chooses a
pair of spectacles. "These glasses,"
lie says, "are not strong enough for
me." "But, sir. they are No. 2."
"What have you next to No. 2." "No.
1." "And after that?" "After No. 1,
sir, you will want a dog!"— Ln Voltaire.
Deacon Jones (solemnly) "My
young friend, do you attend a place of
worshipP" Young mail—"Yes. sir,
regularly, every Sunday night." Dea
con Jones—"Fray tell me where you
go to worship?" Young Man—"l'm
on my way to see her now."— N. Y.
Artist—"l have brought you one of
my paintings that I think the most of.
Now don't you think it ought to be
bung in the coming exhibition?" Com
mitteeman — "No, 1 wouldn't hang it.
1 am opposed to capital punishment.
Sentence it to solitary conlinemeut."—
Crinkle—"l understand you own an
acre of ground in Blank Township.
What <k> you value it at?" Fickell—
"Well, it's worth about $l5O, hut if a
railroad company were to appropriate
half of it I suppose a jury would find
that it was worth about $5,000." — Nor
rislown Herald.
Jimmy Tuffborn (to minister who is
dining with tlie family)—" Didn't you
say in your sermon this morning that
there wasn't anything in this world
perfect?" Minister—"Yes, I believe so;
why do you ask?" "O, I beard niasay
before church time that you were a
perfect bore!"— Epoch.
Mamsboy—"What awful drunkards
those Romans must have been!" Pups
joy—"Whore <lil you get that ideaP I
didn't know tlic\ were particularly in
temperate." Mamsboy— "Why, over
the door of every Roman a warning
was hung 'Cave Galium'—beware of
the growler!"— liar card Lampoon.
"Maude," ho said softly, as he pulled
out the tremolo stop in his larynx,
"Will you marry me?" "No," she an
swered, with all the earnestness of sin
cere conviction. He paused as if in
deep thought, and then said: "Strange,
strange, how a simple word revives
scenes and impressions that have pass
ed away. lam almost certain that I
have heard that before."— Merchant I
"Do you ever receive contributions
written*on both sides of the paper?" i
asked a gentleman entering a news- i
paper office. "No, sir, never," em*
j.iiatieally replied the editor. "All j
right: 1 was going to indorse this check
to your order, but I don't want you to
break your rules." Then lie went out,
leaving* the editor in a deep-green
-.! v. Vonker s statesman.
Please ask your dealer for
Four medals received, each the highest.
An Engraving 20 x 24 without Advertising
BEAN & VAIL BROTHERS, Philadelphia,
M'f'rs of Peep O* May Perfume.
Dealers in
Groceries, Provisions, Tea,
Coffee, Queensware,
Glassware, &c.
We invito the people of Freeland and vicinity
to call and examine our large and handsome
| stock. Don't forget the place.
Next Door to the Valley Hotel.
and all kinds of
cannot be surpassed in Freeland.
G W, invite special attention to our line of
uruitiire, which is equal to any in Lower
J. P. McDonald,
S. W. Corner Centre and South Sts., Freeland.
C3-15-A.isr3 D
Musical Festival!
Freeland, March 1, '9O.
1. For choirs not less than 60 in
number, "Arise All Ye Na
tions," (Lloyd) $250 00
2. For choirs of same number,
"Wo Never Will Bow Down,"
(Handel) 100 00
3. For choir of children not under
thirty in number, and not over
16 years of age, tenor and bass I
to assist them, "He Knows,"
(Gospel Hymns) 25 00
4. For party of male voices, not
under twenty in number,
"Monk's March," (Parry) 25 00 .
5. Quartette, "Good Night, Gen
tle Folks," (Will L. Thompson) 800
6. Trio,"The Magic Wove Scarf,"
(Dittston Edition) 6 00 I
7. Duett, "The Two Bards,"
(Price) 4 00
8. Bass solo, "The People That
Walketh in Darkness," (Mes
siah) 3 00
9. Baritone solo, "The Noble Boy
of Truth," (Parry) 3 00
10. Soprano solo, "But Thou
Didst Not Leave His Soul in
Hell," (Messiah) 3 00
11. For girls under 16 years of
age, "I Love Her Still, (M. 11.
Itosenfeld) 2 00
12. Tenor solo, "The Missing
Song," (D. Emlyn Evans) 3 00
To the band (brass or reed, and
not less than 20 in number)
that will best render a piece of
music of their own selection.. .$ 50 00
Cornet solo, "Delecta," (by Hi
Henry, published by A. Squire,
Cincinnati, O.) $ 5 00 i
1. For men only, "The Falls of
Ladore," $ 3 00
2. For girls, "The Ship on Fire,"
(Oxford Junior Speaker) 3 00
3. For boys and girls, "The
Frenchman's Lesson," (Oxford
Junior Speaker) 4 00 '
1. No prizes shall be awarded without
suflicient merit.
2. All names of competitors to be in the
hands of the corresponding secretary
on or before February 5, 1889.
3. Competitors can use piano or organ or
sing without any.
4. All competitors can use Welsh or
PRESIDENTS. —Hon. Eckley B. Coxe,
Drifton; Alvin Markle, Esq., Hazle
ton ; General 1). H. Hastings, Belle
fonte; Josiah Williams, Esq., Lansford.
CONDUCTORS. —T. J. Edwards, T. Mor
gan (Llyfnwy).
ADJUDICATOR. —Prof. J. W.Parson Price,
New York; accompanist, Prof. D. E.
Corresponding Secretary,
Box 82, Freeland, Pa.
Clothing, Groceries, Etc., Etc.
Agent for the sale of
From all the principal points in Europe
to all points in the United States.
Agent for the transmission of
To all parts of Europe. Checks, Drafts,
and Letters of Exchange on Foreign
Banks cashed at reasonable rates.
has opened a
ftt 110 Centre Street, Froelanrl, and is not in
partnership with any other establishment but
ids own, and attends to his business personally.
I Ladies' ontide garments cut and fitted to
| measure in the latest style.
Caveats and Itc-issucs secured, Trade-Mark*
registered, and nil other patent causes in the
Patent Office and before the Courts promptly
and carefully prosecuted.
Upon receipt of model or sketch of invention,
I make careful examination, and advise as to
patentubility/ree of charge.
i With my offices directly aeross from the Patent
j Office, ana being in personal attendance there,
it is apparent that 1 have superior facilities for
: making prompt preliminary searches, for the
; more vigorous and successful prosecution of
| applications for patent, and for attending to all
business entrusted to my care, in the shortest
! possible time.
I FEES MODERATE, and exclusive attention
given to patent business. Information, advice
and special references sent on request.
Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes,
Washington, I>. C.,
(Mention this paper) Opjiosite U.S.Patent Office.
| Chicago Dressed Beef
This Beef is from rigidly inspected cattle,
slaughtered In the most cleunly manner, and is
the cheapest and best animal food to be pro
cured. Wholesale only.
Freeland Beef Co.,
has opened a
at the residence of Archie Phillips, Chestnut
Street, below Washington, where all kinds of
Elnin and fancy sowing will be done in the
est possible manner.
Fisher & Cornelius,
and dealers in all kinds of
Fresh & Cured Meats,
Home Made Sausage, Pud
ding, Pon Hans, Head
Cheese and Blood
< tamer ( tantre and Walnut Ste.
Wt WMm*
Our Large Store is Full of Bargains.
Reductions in all Departments for the
Next Thirty Days.
Our Spring Stock Will Arrive Early. Room Must be Made.
Come to us before going elsewhere. Money will do wonders
for the next thirty days.
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shawls, Car
pets, etc.
Ready Made' Clothing for
Men, Boys and Children.
Biggest Inducement Ever Offered in Freeland !
Read Carefully and Be Convinced!
Silver Cases, F.lgin or Illinois Movement $ 5 50 and up
Silver Cases, I'.lgin, Wallliani or Springfield Movement 10 00 and up
1-adieu' 14 Karat Filled Cases, Elgin or Springfield Movement 18 00 and up
I,adies' 14 Karat Solid Gold Cases, Elgin or Springfield Movement.. 'J7 00 and up
Gents' James Boss 14 L'-IO Karat Filled Cases, Elgin or Springfield.. 40 00 and up
Also a large stock of P. S. Hartlett and Paillard non-mngnetie movements.
Also a complete stock of solid gold and band rings from $1.50 and up. Call and
inspect goods before purchasing elsewhere. Largest stock and lowest prices at
IE. ILvdl. Ca-IEIIxiITZ'S, XjeacLin-g- Jettreler,
Opposite Birkbeck Brick, Centre Street, Freeland, Peun'a.
A Large Stock of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, Etc. Also
A Special Line Suitable for This Season.
Corner Centre and Walnut Sts,, Freeland.
"tX7"liolesa,le a-nd.
All kinds of plumbing and spouting done ajt short notice in
tlie most approved style. We carry the largest stock of goods in
Freeland and extend tin invitation to the public to inspect them.
9 ftfi' % "GREATeFoN EARTH"
Job Printing* Done at the Tribune Office,