SOMEWHAT STRANGE. ACCIDENTS AND INCIDENTS OF EVERY-DAY LIFE. Funny Episodes and Thrilling Ad ventures Which Show that Truth is Stranger than Fiction. f/'rA NEVER get to talking abou; v snakes without thinking of a trick a big fellow and 1 once played on some neighboring young men of about our Pges," says a resident* of Hcranton, Penn. "The}' had built a weir to catch eols in, •ft and one night my friend and .1 went there to rob them of the catch. The other fellow waded in with a bag, and I was on horseback close by waiting to take the bag of stolen goods and dash off at b oak neck speed, lie to cut across lots on foot. He had the strongest jaws and the finest set of teeth I ever saw, and after he had poked in the water awhile ho spoke low to me and said : 'AI, I've got hold of the biggest eel I over handled, and he's wound himself around rav arm. He's a whopper, and I can't get him loose. I'm going to bite his head off.' And ho did bite it off with one snap. I got home all right with the bagful, and when lie joined me we dumped the eels on the barn floor and tinned the light from ihe lantern 011 the heap. The enormous eel proved to be a great slug gish black-back water snake. There was nothing poisonous about it, and it was as clean and harmless as an eel, but he turned pale as quick as he saw it, and for half and hour his imagination had complete control of his stomach." TIIF. (Jape Town Argus prints the follow ing story of the funeral of a native Afri can King : From Old Calabar c lines the account of the way in which the king's grave was prepared for the reception of his body. The hole was a large one and deep. Lying in the same grave were ■ nine of the king's youngest wives, and their deaths had been brought about in the most cruel manner. Each of the poor creatures had both her wrists and ankles broken, so that they could nei her walk no' crawl. In that stale, atid suf fering lie most cruel pain, the unfor.u nate be balanced. I The next morning the clerks of tho ! various banks get together, checks are I interchanged and the accounts of tho | various depositors are s jiiared. These ; banks are also expected to loan money to their d qios tors, and a man is sup posed to have tho right to draw on his ! bank for loans equal to double tho I amount of his avorago deposit. 'a r rinse j J* bnt the stepping-stone to those divine instl tut ions, tho family and the hum©, which oon i Btitnto tho very foundation on which our na tion rents; and upon the health and gtrengf, of the wife, and mnthi r, depends the sunshine and enjoyment of t e home, an t the pr sp ci ty of the family. Thousands of wives, and thousands of single ladi- s, drag out aweary existence in consequence of perplexing "fe male disorders," in total ignorance >f the fact, that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a positive cure for the ost complicated and ob stinate eases of leucorrhea, prolapsus, weak bnck, "fomul.- weakness," anteveraion, retro- Version, bearing-down sensations, chronic congestion, inflammation, ulceration and kin | died ailments. Guaranteed to give satis ac tion, or money refunded All druggists, I I)r. I'ioroo's Pellets—cleanse and regQluto iJio stomach, bowels and system generally. \ One a dose; purely vegetable. I Heidelberg College, lit- Tittin, has been pro | sen ted with n museum valued at $60,000. Entire freedom from injurious drugs makes "Tunsill's Punch' sc. Cigars most popular. , Fuel gas made front oil for dottiest ic pqq j sumption will be supplied to residents of I Canton and New Lisbon, before the close of lht,your - Home FOOIIHII People Allow a cough to run until It gets beyond the I reach of medicine. They often say: Oh. It ; i will wear away," but in most cases It wear- 1 S them away. Could they be induced to try lb* j I successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam ' J which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, i I they wo ild Immediately see the excellent ef- ; I feet after taking the first dose. Price 60c. ami j j sl. Trial sue free. At all druggists. | An intelligent horse in Rome, (in., starts i j the hydrant going whenever the water in the , troughs gets low. ; "The race is not to him who doth the awiftos' run, Nor the battle to I ho man who shoots with the longest gun." I "All the samee' a long gun does count, and I the iallest pole gets tuc persimmons." if you i .ironot satisfied with y ur equipment for the i j race for financial success .or position in the hat- I I tie of life, take our advice and write to B. F. i . Johnson .V Co., Richmond, Va., and our word : | for it they will show you how to get afresh start, with the best possible chauco of winning some of the big prizes. A woman mid her husband are master and engineer respectively of a trading steamer on | the Columbia River. Washington. Oregon, the Pm-iidlsc of Farm em. Mild, equable climat .certain and abundant erops. Best fruit, grain, grass and stock coun try in Ihe world. Full information free. Ad- . flress Oregon Im'igrat'n Board, Portland, Ore. A rustic bridge just completed in Houston county, (ia.. contains fifty-seven different kinds of wood and vines, and all were grown in the country. Those who use Dobbins** Electric Soap each week ( and their na me in ley ton ), save their clothes and strength, and let the noap do the i work. Did you ever try it? If not, do no next Monday ure. Ask your grocer for it. Since ISOO the population of Furope has just doubled itself Then the population was J ] 75,000,000; in 1860, 21(5,000,000; in INGO, j 289,000,000; in 1880, .EH,000,000: in 1888. I 650,000,000. IJ4O. The Liver,,. "V' | And kidney* ur organs which It is important should be kept la good condition, and yet they arc over worked and nbusod by nearly everybody, until they beoome worn out, clogged up or diseased. Hood's Sorsaparllla euros all dlfllcultles with theHO organs, rouses Uiciu to healthy action, uud tones the whole digestive organism. "I have been using Flood's Sc.rsnparllla for Indi gestion and liver trouble. It has greatly benofltcd me, and I think it Is fully as good a medicine as claimed."—K. S. Ciixrkuro, chief eugiuoer lire dept., Stonington, Ot. N. B.—lf you dcnldo to take Flood's Saraaparilla do not Ixj induced to take any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla bold by all druggists, ft; six for $5. Prepared ouly by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Muss. I OO Doses Ono Dollar MMPOPHOSPWES ffiiUHyr almosias palatable ~ AS MILK. HK; uij "IsTITIT! Ao disguised that the most ||i- . JM A'Heutostomaohcau tnkoit. Vt-" L ,"** Remarkable as a 'IF'/ Hfß| , FLESII PRODUCER. W Person* g in rapidly JttA wlitle taking it* Is acknowledged by Physicians to bo the FIN ESI aud BEST preparation of its class for tho relief of coy SUM r TION, SCROFULA , aEN Kit ir. DEHILITY, WASTING DISEASES OF CHILDREN, awl CHRONIC COUGHS. au. DituaoKjia. Soott & Bowne, New York. Ely's Cream Balm 153551 IS Ml'llE TO CI! UK P^f- OmHE^ 0 ] Cold in Headr^il qiacKCY. Apply I'.alni Into eaoh noHti'il | ELY BItOH.. 6.1 Warn n St., N V. IKjL£2L§B3 OPIUM HABIT. A Valuable TreatiHc Giving full information of an Easy and Speedy cure free to i gigaCMcU'd. Dir. J. Q. HgrrKAN.Jegorsou,Wisconsin, j If you era thinking of building a bouse you ought to buy the new book. Pnlllser** American Arch* I tor litre* or every mau a complete builder, preuartd by Palliver, Palltser A < o..tbe well known architect* Tlier* is not a Builder or any one Intending t build or otherwise interested that can afford to be without it. It is a practical wort and everybody buy; It. The best, cheapest and most popular work ev*f Issued on Building. Nearly four hundred drawing*, i A *5 book lu size uud style, bnt we nave determined to make it meet the popular demand, to suit tho times, | ao that it can he < ii-ny reached by all. This book oontalfiH B pages 11x14 Inches In at/*, ! and consists of litrgeOxl'i plate pnges, giving plana. < elevations, perspective views description*, owner# tames, actual cost of construction, no RUCKS work. In 1 instructions Hnw in Build TOCotV-gCH, Villas, Double Houses. Brick Block Houses, suitable for city suburbs, town and country, houses for the farm ana worklnsruen's homos for all s - ! A fanner in the upper portion of this 'w * fvS JTT -tiff coun y was aroused one liight not long ffPZtf} % If t '\J*+t\ XTMv since by the nulling of a hen on her WKn>. aTRA' roost in a cluster of vines near the house. ,1* \j a lining out the hen was, apparently, r I transfixed with fright, and helpless i'll 1 fix* "I — , |X\fill 1 her movements. A large snake was ' iT- .B OHI 11 found near by, with eyes evidently set O 1 flLW*- upon his prey. The hen continued her CurCS* squalls, without moving, as if in a night- avfrimV mare, till the snake was killed, when PTLYAND X £t\MA v NENTLT she fell from her perch, recovering and QfP-AIIJ. flying away but has since been in a TTUNDAA'STS ANdJfALERSEvirywiIeRE droop—[Dalton (Ga.) Argus. THE&f.sMIGELERfo Wo-Mth All the old potash, mercury I and sarsaparilla mixtures left far ' behind. S. S. S. never fails to cure. This magic remedy builds the system up instead of tearing it down. If you ever had blood disease, don't fail to take S. S. S. J If you have ever taken mercury I and potash, get it out of your ! system by using 8 tvift's Specific. ! The Best in the Worhl. I think Swift's Specific Ib the beat blood remedy iu the world. I have known it to make some wonder ful cures of patients whe -eraconsidered Incurable. D. M. Gkayson, Crowvillo, Ln. TreaUap gn Blood and 81dn Diseases mailed froo. Tmc SWOT SPMCIWO Co., Drawer o, Atlanta, Un. j p^m\ mEr hero who worked I Spending money, how unselfishly he j By spent it. How deter- poverty. A boy who j LT \l could think how to ! earn money in spite orobstacles, and could act nobly, even at a loss of ' his own pleasure. A pure story—sent free to any boy j or girl who will pay the postage—only a a-cent stamp j required. CURTIS PUBLISHING CO., _______ Philadelphia, Pa. nnilllJ HABIT. Only Co rutin nnct lIrIHIM Piny ('lit Fln the World. Dr. VI lUm J . 1.. ST Fl'll FN S, Ir.vwhere. ! M | j|jj m P* ,n ' tia>ti Wlii'teuiu fit flO ' •inph'ti'Htorfiw of Love, Daring Deeds etc..7.-, Scrnp Pictures inc. N ASH A r N KWH CO. , N USBBU , N.Y K. 11. Tlt FAT*H Catalogue of Send Tnr" 1 " "b*T!V < ' r 7 CUt;I®B i | Swift's Specific ontirely cured me of a severe case oi blood poison which obstinately resisted and re fused to be cured for over 90 years. Tho regular j medical remedies of mercury and potash only added f uel to the flume. I suffered during most of this long time with ulcers, blotches and sores of the mot offensive character, and was for a long timo practi cally an invalid. In less than thirty days uso of S. S. S. I was all cleared up sound and well. This j 11 us been nearly a year ago, and 110 sign of uny re turn 0/ the old enemy. JOUN li. WILLIS, } 6? Clark Street, Atlanta, Ga. I have seen Swift's Specific used, and known of I many cases of the worst form of blood disease* which have been cured by it. I know the proprte- I tors to be gentlemen of tho highest type and übnoat ; reliability. I recommend it as a great blood remedy, I unequalled by anything thnt J know of. , M. D. WIfAHTON. \ 1 aetor Ist baptist Church, Montgomery, Alp T . TWO BOTTLES. i Two bottles of Swift's Specific cured mo of 1 bad condition of my blood, from which I had suffered for ut months, I hud blotches and sores which wen painful and troublesome. 8. S. S. is much better than potash and mercury mixtures, and I recommend it above all blood remedies. j E. D. Compton, Homeland, Vo. r ' FOR THE MILLION! diaries Mis' Worts, 15 VOLUMES for ONLY $1.50. ; Oliver Twist, Bleak House, American Notes, Little Dorrit, Doinbey & Son, Pickwick Paiera. Martin ( Imzzlewlt, David OoPperfieTtL nir .Mutual F rmnd, Burnaby Kudge, ' V.' 1 , 'l 1 !, 1 . 1 * Stories, Old furiosity Kliop. ,V' , n .V,' wo Citlus, drear Expectations. Bard I inn s, Sketches by Boz, N i.-iioii's Nmkloby, I ncommercialTravobir. Imprinted Pieces, Mystery of Edwin Drood GOOD PAPER! CLEAR PltiNV!' NEAT BINDING! I Over 5,200 Pages f Heading Mutter. Fifteen handsomely made, convenient sized boofts. I'b-entire, fifteen volumes will bcaoni , F ltl.F ol l'.xpress or Delivery Charges. The Peerless WAVERLY NOVELS. o will send the complete set of 25 NOVELS made into li handsome. lSmo, books. FOR ONLY $1.50. Good Print. Good Paper and Neatly llound. Wuverley, Tlio Pirate, lyaiilioe. Fortunes of Nigel, ly nilworth, Pevoril of tho Peak, 1 tiny Mannering, • Ouentin Durwaid, j Antiquary, Ht. Konan's Weil. Jit i\ y f 11. K : rt <{ auntlet. I ( , 11 Mortality, The Betrothed, . Brule • t l aniniertnoor, The Talisman, ! Black Dwarf. Woodstock, Heart of Mid-Lothian, Fair Matd of Perth, I h<* Monastery, Anno of (leiemteiu, The Abbot, Count Robert of Psrta. * Surgeon s Daughter. The usual price of the cheapest set of Dickens' Nov. Is pr \\averley Novels lias heretofore been $lO. Owing to the present low price i.f printing, paper and a very large contract with a leading book man ul.mturer \ye are enabled to offer the most extraor dinary bargain in good literature ever beard of. Not elieup.ti usliy.books.Not condensed or abridged. It is really a whole library of standard works &t tho price ot tii. commonest trash. If you wish to get c 11' 11 • 1 one or both sctsyou should send in vour order at once, lb lie inber, there are no additional ex penses, \\e deliver the sets FREE. Paragon Book Co.. i . V AND K WATER STREET, NEW VOKH, j r F YOU WISH A rN j JBSVWLJKH ® ' /.ra'l'e'l" S>llTm"a WESSON ever manufactured and the I Manufaet ured in calibres :rj, ftsand 44-uo. Sin- KB) | gle or double action, Safety llanimerlesa and I arget models. ( Vinstructed entirely or beat auul . Ilv wi ouu it steel. enivfulJj inspottod for work nintiHhin nnd stock, 1 hey nro unrivabnl for flnlNh. dii en hi 111 v n nil 11 ecu rue v. Do not bedtK-elvtsl bjr ~llt j'ho SMITH * i 1 ' ,rt n,Vall stamped upon the bar rels wiiii in 111 s n.'tiim, adtr* ss ano dates of patenta nnil are g 1111 in 11 iced perfect in every detail. In sist upon having tho genuine artiole, and if your I!eider cannot supply you an order sent to addrasm below will receive irompt and careful attentfooT jlescvptlvccatolpgiie and prices furnisho'l utou ai>. SMITH & WESSON, this paper. _ Hpviugtleld. lUaau DROPSY TREATED PRPF P HR i vieSjL C iS rt,,t Uh . Remedfca, Have 1 ured thousands uf case*, t 'ure p M iieuts nn> „ ho ß elosa h > boat physicians. From first TI'D V. BooL-keoping. Husiuesa Forma. MUIYIL l'>ninaiistiii>. ari Inn tic, short hand,etc.. I II thoroughly t *ught by MAIL Circulars frao. Itrvaiit' CM) I ear -Lit Main St.. Buffalo. N. Y. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS R TE.?r C ?? S ? DI *MONO BRAND. 1 \ L Jt ('tV , nmK? > "?r COUnlC, ' r^,U " Srn '' I XT* K* "KellcfTor lluillt H/' tn l' A'amtPaptr. 1 I hlhitr UKEM'L fo., MJUOB 84., Phlla., Pa. | H B Anr ALL otnera Or. Lobb,~k Twenty years' continuous practice In the treat ment and cure of the iniiul rlfi-ct* of early vice, destroying both mind and body. Mcdidne *nd treutineut for one iiiontli, Five Dollars, sent teourely sealed from ohservation to any address. Booh on hpeciul Dinea-eH free. A T prescribe and fully en- Die only o*umStrlouir*. Y.' ISM Mr <1 ooi/by (b* XVe have sold Big G tor D. It. DYCHF A Sold by Druggiftfti