Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, June 27, 1889, Image 4
Uaetirg aitfe ItlioftUann. .7 :ii THE HIVEII. Through winding valley, and by upland farms The river sweeps with many a foamy crest Until it falls into the meadow's arms And sleeps with scarce a dimple on its breast, - Save when the wheeling swallow dips its wing, Or leaping minnow leaves a widening ring. The silver osier leans above its brink, Weaving a checkered screen of sun and shade; And here the Hhy, swift lizard comes to drink, The dainty-footed snipe and heron wade, And, like a chain of emeralds and gold. The silent adder's glittering coils unfold. Tho water-lily dips its vase of snow In many a shallow cove along whose edge The graceful reeds and purple flug-flowcrs grow, And dappled river buds, and tufted sedge; And in the stream beneath their image lies, Mirrowed like beauty in a lover's eyes. 0 river, was it for these shadows dim, The cool, pellucid deeps and rushy fens, 1 And flowers that, bend above thy grassy rim, thou dost fret among thy mountain glens ? O happy river! is thy turmoil past, And hast thou won thy perfect peace at Inst? Ah, no: I hear a low continuous voice, Impatient ever, from thy broud, deep breast; Thou hast not found the haven of thy choice, Nor yet is it permitted thee to rest: O river, fhero is no repose for thee Till thou art lost in the oblivious sea. O river, rushing river of my youth! Bright turbulence that over bears mo on To seek somo higher good, some truer truth, Shall not repose bo ultimately won In some calm haven where my toil shall ceaee And till my days bo locked in perfect peace? Ah, no: the sleepless voice within mo cries, "All things flow onward like this restless There is 110 rest on earth or in the skies, Nor any ceasing in that strong endeavor Which whirls tlio ponderous planet on its pole * And leads man blindly towards 6ome un known goal." —Charles L. Hildretli, in Lippincott's. PAINTED FEATHER. A SOUTH SEA ADVENTURE. HAT do you think of it? Jf'£\A / jp Isn't it a beauty?" quel*- fw \I f ' et * lG mun * n 10 ll&v \#V/ nrm-ehftT, when I turned Y b°ni the window whore I had been examining in Vthe worm afternoon sun tlie most beautiful feather I had ever seen. jjm length, wavy and graee- JT ful, and so light that F tho beholder would have guessed at once that it would; float on tlie air. The combination of colors which I have no language at my command to describe was so de ioate and rare that I said, in roply to Old Davy's queries, that Nature must ha\o made but 0110 feather of its kind and then broken tho moulds. Tho old man—a sailor and adventurer from boyhood, who had but lately quit the sea—smiled at my praise, and took the feather from my hand. "Jt would have caught you, too !" he laughed. "This feather has 110 mato iu the wide, wide world—none that I kuow of, at least," he added. "Now what do you think it cost?" I had to say frankly that I did not know. "It cost nine human lives; nino brave men and a lot of friends," answered Old Davy, with a momentary flash in his eyes, which his seventy veal's had not, dimmed. "Having gone thus far I think you must have the story of that wonder ful feather. I don't tell it very often because I dou't show it to everybody. "I was the youngest soul on board the Pearl when she sailed on lier lost and ill-fated voyage to the Am Islands. It was then, as now, a long voyage, and the vessel that came hack with none of her crew lan co-pie read or arrow-slain was reckoned fortunate. "Tho Aru group lies south of New Guinea ami abounds in many articles of commerce. Fifty years ago there was a demand among the markets of Europe for pearl shells and tho feathers of tlie bird of paiadise, and Captain Dustin, who had a huge interest in our ship, resolved to load her with the choicest of these commodities. "We reached the Aru coast after a long sail, and came t > anchor in a little cove sheltered by high banks, but not at tho point where wo expected to do our trading with tho natives. Though wo had dropped into tho cove without any warning of our presence, in a short time the surface of tho water was cov ered with canoes, filled with the dark and wild looking inhabitants of the country. They climbed upon the dock by means of the chains, and in a little while were everywhere, chattering like a lot of monkeys. "Captain Dustin was always on tho lookout for something rare. He had colle tod on former voyages to the South Sea some of tho most beautiful bird skins I had ever seen, and nothing Mould excito him so much as a raro feather. I believe then, as I do still, that ho wonld have rowed a thousand miles in an open boat for a peculiar plume such as he had never seen before. An old and enthusiastic genius was the captain of the Fearl. "As the people who swarmed tho ship Mere given to pilfering, Captain Dustin stationed guards about deck and these kept the dusky thieves at bay. But somehow or other Jan old man, who ap peared to be a person of authority, man aged to reach the captain's cabin, and before he could be ordered out 110 placed 011 the table theniagnifl ent feather you have just, examined. "I do not know what effect the first sight of the feather had on Captiu Dus-. tin, but when I met him soon afterward, | his eyes seemed to dance with excite- j mont. He called a number of the ship's officers and crew togothor in tho little | cabin, and for tho first time we gazed on the fatal feather of the South Sea. "There Mas from the first a slight difference of opinion among us. It did not seem possible that a feather of such beauty had grown from tlio back of a bird, and some of the officers said that its exquisite hues More the production of a skilled native artist. To end the dispute Captain Dustin submitted the feather to tlie Pearl's naturalist. This individual put the prize to various tests, one of which Mas immersing it iu a solution which he prepared for the pur pose, but it came from tho ordeal as light and beautiful as the old jMiativo presented it to tlie Captain. "When the Paupuan was questioned about the bird from which tlie feather had boen obtained, lie begged a private interview with Captain Dustin, and when this had been grautod and had, wo were railed back into the cabin. Never shall I forget tho eager tongue with which tho infatuated Captain of the Pearl told us that the roosting place of the raro birds was in the forest, not far from the very cove in which wo woro anchored, and that the old native had promised to guide a party to the spot lor a few trinkets, which a trading vessel always carries. Again there arose murmurs of doubt and suspicion, and some of the men said openly that tho feather was a painted decoy, and had been used for the purpose of drawing us into a bloodv ambush. "Captain Dust in laughed at this. He believed that we laid discovered a new species of the bird of paradise, and said that a little risk would enrich every man on the ship. It was that very risk that held us back, still deferring to tho captain, whom we loved, wo left tho matter to him, which meant that the wonderful feathers would be sought. "After the old native's departure every oauoo vanished as if by magic, and a strange quiet settled down over sea and shore. Although night had come it was not dark, for tho sky was studded with stars, which were reflected in the water and seemed to render it a vast diamond fie'd. "Meantime, we made rapid prepara tions for our hunt for the feathers. Tho native had said that the bird Was es teemed sacred by his people, but added that wo could reach its retreat and se cure a number of the species before being discovered. " It was near midnight when the cap tain's boat, containing twenty picked men, left the Pearl and pulled for shore. Tho oars had been mullied so as not to alarm any natives who might he 011 guard, and the utmost precaution in every way was taken. Wo reached tlio shore at the spot suggested by tho old i Paupuan, and to our surprise found him on hand to take his place as guide at the head of the column. Hinglo file wo managed to climb tho cliffs to tho high ground, when we started off through a lot of stunted pines, guided by old Ombu and a boy. his son. "As wo advauoed we plunged doeper and deeper into a south sea, terra in- j co'inita. More than once I wished my- j self out of the muddle, and would have given everything I possessed to have ! been back in my bank on board the j Pearl. But wo were 'in for it,'and I there was no going back. "At last a low command from Captain Dustin halted us. 'Boys,' said he, and at tlie same timo I felt my hand taken and pressed hard in the darkness, ' Hoys, our guide is gone!' " A deep silence followed the Captain's words. We were in tho Stygian heart of a forest of screw pines and palms, and our surroundings were of such a shade that. 0110 could not sec his hand before his face. Alone in such a wood, find deserted by the guide ! We knew what that meant. "For five minutes wo stood together without oven so much as a whispered word. No one seemed to break the stillness, and 1 am sure wo pitied rather than blamed Captain Dustin. " .Suddenly there came through the forest, the long and plaintive cry of a night bird, peculiar to the Am islands. "'lt is a signal!'said the captain. 'Let us attempt to reach the beat.' " With heavy hearts we started back. No one spoke. Captain Dustin held my hand, and every now and then a fervid pressure told 1110 that I was occu pying bis thoughts. All at once the wholo forost resounded with hideous cries! Weapons which wo could not | see—lances, arrows, and missiles of every description—hurled through the air, tearing the largo leaves of the palms and bruising the heavy trunks. " Forward!' cried the steady voice of Captain Dustin. 'Let every man draw his pistol, and if the foe is seen pay him back for the work of the false feather!' I "Fortunately, 110 one had been in- 1 jured by the Hying barbs, which bad been aimed too high ; but this good luck could not be expected to last. For ! some distance we forged ahead almost entirely surrounded by the natives, j Presently the enemy closed in before us, and Captuin Dustin dropped my hand. On every side there were now long fine-tipped reeds held by the Pau puans, whose black, naked bodies and frowsy beads we could plainly seo. " When the captain left me lie raised both hands, and the next instant lie was ! tiring at our foes. Straightway all of us began to pepper the black figures, ! which lively work drove them off, and ; wo mado another dash for the shore. A : perfect rain of spears fell upon us in turn, and Captain Dustin pitched for ward and dropped on his face. "'Don't leave the captain!' cried some 0110 behind me, and in spite of the shower of death that interposed, wo seized his wrists and dragged him along, whilo we confronted as best wo could the black demons yelling at our heels. From the spot of the captain's wound ing it was a desperate hand-to-hand light for life, and when the few of us left of the original twenty reached the cliffs, wo plunged headlong down toward the lights dancing on tho waters of the cove. "Tho rest of the Pearl's crow had heard the firing and come to the rescue, and amid a shower of iron from the banks we gained the bouts with Captain Dustin, but left eight men in the hands of tho natives. The next day the cap tain died from his wounds, deeply de ploring the enthusiasm which had let a rascal deceive him, forayoungPaupaun whom we took prisoner told us that we had been drawn into the snare by a painted feather—a device which, accord ing to his story, had entrapped others before us. "Such was tho cost of the feather whoso beauty forty years have not tarn ished. The Pearl never went back to the fatal cove, for she was burned at sea soon afterward, and the only bit of property with which 1 escaped was tho feather which has the strange and thrilling history I have just told." — [Diake's Magazine. BURNED OUT. Grigson—l've lived in all kinds of houses in my time and I was burned out only once. Fledgling— Where wes that? Grigson—'Win*: 1 li>cd in a fireproof building. A. VANISHED BAOE. Queer Sculpture and Painting on tho Bocks in West Virginia. Tlie erection of the now government dam in the river near this city lias hid den from sight the famous "pictured rock," one of the familiar landmarks of the Kanawha Valley and one which has occasioned much wonder and fruitless speculation, writes a Charleston (\V. Va.) correspondent. The rock was lo cated near the mouth of Paint Creek, and, while the river was in the natural condition, was visible at low water every summer. Some years ago a part of the stone was removed for building purposes, an act of vandalism which should have been prevented at all haz ards, and now the remainder is sub merged at all seasons of the year. When whole, the surface of the "pic tured rock " was about twenty by thirty feet in extent, and was covered with representations of animals, fish, and fowls, carved deep in the smooth sur face. On one side were the figures of a man and a bear, tlio latter being about life size. Near by was a buflalo track, and a short distance away was the rep resentation of a largo fish and a number of footprints, evidontly representing the imprints of a child's feet. The work was evidently done by prehistoric people, as the traditions of the valley are that the representations were on the stones when tlio first white man visited the region, and that they then bore un mistakable signs of great age, being water-worn with age. The vicinity of Paint Creek is rich in aboriginal and prehistoric relics, and a volume might be written of the discov eries which have been made there. Almost every excavation brings to light something of interest to the antiquarian, and there is every evidence that in past ages the valley was thickly peopled by an unknown race, probably contempor ary with tlio mound builders of tlio Ohio valley. At Moorefield, from the timo of tlio first settlement, the cliff known as the Gap Rocks, in the Petersburg Gap, has borne the gigantic representation of a common fox. The picture is upon the sheer and inaccessible face of the rock, somo thirty feet from the top and nearly one hundred from the bottom, and being colored a dingy yellow, in sharp contrast to the brown stone, has been visible for a long distance. Last Tues day, Glen McGill, of Ohio, who was visiting Cell Beans, near this place, went out to view the fox, accompanied by Mr. Beans. After an inspection from the bottom of the cliff the two men ascended to the top, and making a rope fast to a tree, McGill lowered himself down to the fox. He describes it as being about twelve feet long, and paint ed or plastered upon the cliff with a substance resembling earthenware glaze, which is as hard as tlio rock itself. The surface of the fox is quite rough, as though the stuff was roughly smeared on by hand before it hardened. There was a high wind blowing at the timo McGill made his venture, and ho ran considerable risk. He took along a mallet and chisel, intending to cut his name 011 the fox, but was prevented by the force of the wind, which swung liim about at an alarming rato. Uses of Soapstone. A writer in a London journal calls at tention to the unappreciated uses and preservative qualities of soapstoue, a material, he says, which possesses what may be regarded as extraordinary quali ties in withstanding atmospheric influ ences, those especially wlueh have so much to do with tlio corrosion of iron and steel; it being a well known fact that the inside of a steamer which is not exposed to the notion of salt water, like the bot tom, corrodes much more quickly than the outside. It lias, too, an additional quality in this line, one which adapts it in ;i remarknble degree as a protective point for ships, and this is the extreme fineness of its grain; indeed, ground soapstone is one of the finest materials producible, and, from experiments made, it is found that 110 other material is cap able of taking hold of tlio fibre of iron and steel so readily and firmly us this. It is also lighter than metallic pigments, and on this account, when mixed as a paint, is capable of covering a larger surface than zinc white, red lead, or oxide of iron. 111 China, soapstone has long been largely used for preserving structures built of sandstone and other stones liable to crumble from tlio effect of the atmosphere; and the covering with powdered soapstone in the form of paint on some obelisks in that country composed of stone liable to atmospheric deterioration, has been the means of preserving them intact for hundreds of years. The Buffalo Tree-Hopper. This active little insect belongs to tho order Hc-miptera. It is one-third of an inch lonof a light grass-green color, with whitish dots and ft pale yellowish streak along each side. It gets its name from the curious resemblance of two points, one jutting out from each side, to the horns of a buffalo. Its body is three-sided, not unlike a 1 icech-nut in form. Like other hemiptera, it takes food by suction, being furnished with a sharp-pointed beak which it easily thrusts through tho bark into the sap cells. It feeds on the apple and many other trees from July until the end of the sea son. The winter is passed in tho egg state. Tho eggs are laid in rows of punctures made by tho femalo oviposi tor, which is thrust through and under the bark. Tlio young lame are of tlio samo color as the adults, and also punc ture twigs and leaves to feed upon tho sup. Before the young obtain their wings they may easily be caught and destroy ed; hut the adults are entirely too ac tive for this measure to be successful. However, it is not probable that it will ever become more than a temporary an noyance to tho fruit-grower. Twigs in which the eggs are placed may bo cut off and burned. Value of Dead Chinaman. A Chinamnn in Canton was in tho habit of stealing his master's money and swallowing it. At last 110 died of his bad habit, and when the surgeons exam ined him thirty-two ten-cent pieces were found in tho interior, and two of them had lodged so awkwardly as to cause his death. "Such" piously re marks the Chinese commentator. " are | the wages of unhallowed greed." It' j money-swallowing is a common lmbit of !Ah Hin wo can understand why, when lie dies abroad, his le'ntives are'so aux j ious to have his material envelope cent j home to them. A dead Chinaman may ; be as good as a gold mine to his sorrow i ing kinsmen.-— I [Bill Mall Gazette.; THE JOKERS' BUDGET. JESTS AND YARNS BY FTJNITS MEN OF THE PRESS. Occupation for a Clumsy Boy-~Goo6 Stuff in Blank—Mother and Daughter. OCCUPATION FOR A CLUMSY BOY. Proser—l am greatly worried about my eldost boy. I don't know what he is suitab'o for. Knowsir—Why not make an auction eer of him. He's so clumsy 110 knocks down eveiytliing he comes across. GOOD STUFF IN BLANK. Whippcr—Do you know Blank? - Snapper —The epicure ? Whipper—Yes. Snapper—Ob, yes, indeed. I know him well. Wliipper—There's a good deal of good stuff in him, in fact. Snapper—Yes, especially after din ner. NOT THE WORD SnE WANTED. Miss Whack (trying to bring out the word gourmond)—Now, suppose I went | to your house and ate too much, what; would your father call me ? Master Doolan —Ho wad call ye a pig. —[Golden Days. MOTHER AND DAUGHTER. Daughter—When I many, mamma, it will ho for love. Mother—Do not talk like a simpleton, dear. Daughter—As I was about to observe when you interrupted me, when I marry it shall bo for love of position, ease and display. Business before sen timent, mamma. Mother —Spoken like n heroine! (sot to voce) I must koep an eye on that girl or she'll run away with tho first beggar that looks cross-eyed at lior.—Bing liamton Republican. THE WRONG CREDIT. I dropped a song into tho poBt; It. vanished and 1 thought it. lost. For who has sight, ho keen nnd strong It can follow an editor's theft of a song? Long afterward, in a rural sheet, 1 found the pooni all complete, My wandering glances traveled on— ' Twos credited to that scamp "Anon!" —[Burlington Free Press. HE WAS BORN TOO SOON. Officer Houlihan —An' who docs this ripresint, Teddy'? Officer Rourke—Hercules. Officer Houlihan —An' is he dead now ? Officer Rourke (impatiently) Yis; these four t'ousand years, ye blamed fool. Officer Houlihan (sadly)—Pliwat a pity—look at the club av him. Sure it's ftfoino man he would have made on the foorce ! —[Puck. TnE AFTER-SUPPER DANCE. Mr. Clay—Reg pardin', but I wish yo' wouldn't breavo so hard, Miss lias kins. Miss Ilaskins. —Do it 'noy yo'? Mr. Clay—Ya-ns. Yo' done eat so much ice cream at d'table dat I's gottin' a cold in d' scruff ob my nock. —[Judge. HE TRIED DIAMONDS. "I can never win Clara Vero do Yere," moaned tho bashful youth. "Nothing can make an impression 011 her heart, it is as hard as steel." "Try diamonds," suggested his friend, who hud been there. "They will make an impression on substances even harder than steel." Tho young man tried diamonds and tho wedding day is now sot. STRUCK HIS MOTHER. Mr. Crimsonbeak—Never strike your mother, my son—never. Charlie —I never did, father, and I never will. "Oh, yes, my son; I saw you do it this morning." "What!" "Yes; you struck your mother for $5 this morning."—[Statesman. IT WAS ON THE DOOR. "Whore did you buy your now dross, Bridget?" asked a lady in suburban Roxbuiy, tho other day, of her newly imported domestic. "At Push St Pull's store on Washing ton street, it was ma'am," replied the girl. "Push St Pull's?" queried the mis tress. "I really do not recall any such firm in Boston. Are you not mistaken as to the name ?" "I think not, ma'am, said Bridget, confidently. "At any rate, that's what it said on the door*"—[Boston Herald. HOW HE DREW. "Here ! What are you doing ? Hold up your hands!" "All right, Mr. Officer. I don't want to hurt him. I was only protecting my life." "How is that? He was not making any demonstration against you. I saw the whole thing." "Oh, that's all right. He hadn't rec ognized me yet." "What do you mean? Who arc you ? And why did you draw your gun on this man who was going along peacefully minding his own business? "Well, you see, it's this way: I'm a cattle man out in Montana, and owe this man some money. I ought to have paid it before, but waited till I could come to the city; and he wrote that he should draw on 1110 at night, and I reck on I got the draw on liim first." "But ho was only going to draw a check." "And I was only going to clioek a draw."—{.The Grasp. A STRONG LIKENESS. ?n the Polieo Court. "Prisoner, your five seems familiar tome. I think you were here before I left on 111 y vocation." "Your Honor should be careful not me mixed up with my sister. We all bear the most striking resemblance to each other of any family you ever heard ' of."—[Judge. " J NOT FAITH, BUT WORKS. Two well known clergymen lately missed their train, upon which one of uV *°°k ou ' his watch, and finding it to blame for the mishap, said lie would no longer have any faith in it "But," , °ther, "Isn't it a question not of faith, but of works?" WHAT KEPT HIM. Mrs. Tiptop (hostess) —Count Maca roni is late to- night. Mr. Manab outtown (envious guest)— Perhaps hip monkey is sick. —[New York I Weekly. THE ONLY CURE. "Lore is a fonder thing," Thus all the poets sing; So when you feel you're hit Go straight and tender it. —[Somerville Journal. NATIONAL PRIDE RAMPANT. Frenchman (proudly)— You liave not in ze German Empire anything so tall as zo great Eiffel Tower. German (indignantly)—No, mid you don't got lioddings so sthoud like Lim burgor cheese!—[Jewellers' Weekly. THH rnorEß snADE. I Blind Man (to tailor) —I am looking j for somctihing for a suit, j Tailor—Yes, sir. WJint color would I yon prefer f "Well, I should say blind-man's bnff would bo ns appropriate as any j filing."—[Boston Herald. HAD AM HE WANTED. (Solicitously)— Grindstone, stopamo ment. That's a fearful cold you have. Are you taking anything for it f (Hurrying 011) —Not in tho shape of I advice, Kiljordnu.—[Chicago Tribune, THE MILLEII's WOOINO. "Love me little, love mo long," Sang the dusty miller To his wheat art, and his song Did a maize und thrill her. "Bid mo barley hope; oh, give Me one grain of comfort; I would out 011 thee anil live, Holding on to some fort. "In you ryoe now love-looks shine, There lies cereal pleasure. Oh ! hoiuiuy joys are mine, Filling up my measure." Came tho maiden's corn-ful laugh At the miller's fawning. "You cun't winnow girl with chaff—* "Sir! to you, good morning.'' A DOUBLE BLOW. "I will ask you to state," sniil the lawyer, "whether you have any other children than this young man uow 011 trial for stealing?" "Your Honor," exclaimed tho wit ness, appealing to tho Judge, "do I liavo to answer that question ! "I see 110 reason why you should not," answered tho Judge. "You may answer it." "I liavo 0110 other child, but I had hoped it would not bo necessary to speak of her. She turned out badly," faltered tho witness. "She married an English nobleman."—[Chicago Tribune. NOT THE LIGHTNING CALCULATOR, Jones, who was an everlasting talker, was recently inveigled into betting two dollars that lie could not keep his tongue still two hours. Forty minutes lmd scarcely elapsed when Jones shouted out in great glee, " Three cheers ! Tho time's half up." AN ATTEMPT AT RESCUE. Ho (soon to sail)—l shall have com fortable nights anyway. lamtobo in tho aft saloon. Sho (who lias been reading "Tho In fluence of tho Saloon in Politics ") —Oh, John! Remember, for my sake, this is a business trip.—[Life. MY SHIP, She fell in love with tho harbor buoy; >Sho couldn't have loved him more; Y'et one day jealousy spoilt their joy- He cuught her hugging the shore! They fixed it up in the good old way, Ah you can determine with ease, For her captain wrote mo the other day: "She's enjoying a smacking breeze." —[Bruuonian. A HARD nEART SOFTENED. Young Lady—Father, this is scandal ous ! Tho idea of a man of your stand ing coming homo in this condition ! Old Gontlcmnn —Couldn't (hie) help it, m' dear. Mot zee young foller I wouldn't lot you marry, an' (liic) had some drinks wiz him, and bo's such good feller I said ho (hie) could marry you right oil, m' dear. " Mercy ! Where is he ?" "Duuno, 111' dear. P'licoman took 'im off (hie) in wheelbarrow."—New York Weekly. TO PARIS FOR TIIE HONEYMOON. Angelina—At last wo are togother, my Edwin. l)o get my feather rug from tho stateroom. You dear! you think of everything. Edwin—What would I not do for you, Angelina, my sweet wife! Angelina—Nothing shall come be tween us now, Edwin. Edwin—My cup is flowing over, darling. Angelina—So, dear, is—Oh, Edwin! fetch me a basin right away.—[Town Topics. ARTLESS INNOCENCE. Mother (gazing at her daughter's dressing-cushion)— Why, where did you get so ninny gentlemen's scarf-pins? Daughter—l don't know myself. I find one in my hair almost every night after Gus calls, and to save mo I enn'fc imagine how they get thore.—[The Epoch. A SUFFICIENT APOLOGY. A stout woman in a railway train sits down 011 the silk hat of a fellow pas son ger. "I say, madam, you really should he a little more careful how you throw yourself about," exclaimed tho owner indignantly. "Oh, beg pardon, sir. I thought it was—my husband's." SOMEWHAT PUZZLING. Bobby—Why can a man run faster than a boy ? Pa—Because ho is bigger, of course. Bobby (after pondering for a mo ment) —Well, pa, then why don't the hind wheels of a wagon run faster tlmu the front wheels ? Two minutes later Bobby was say ing liis prayers. A GENEROUS PHYSICIAN. Mrs Blinkers—Well did you goto the doctor to see about that bee sting on lit tle Johnny? Mr. Blinkers—Yes. He said wo should put mud 011 it. Ho chaw I mo $2 for tlie prescription, but t • me the mud for nothing. A SURE Hill v Smith—l notice that Siliib v I-. left oft'posing as a musiei ♦ niu . Robinson—What 11 -I c so? Smith—Why, hadn ' .11 that he had his hair cut oft SOMEWHAT STRANGE. ACCIDENTS AND INCIDENTS OF EVERY-DAY LIFE. Queer Facts and Thrilling Ad ventures Which Show That Truth is Stranger Than Fiction. AYS n dispatch from . y- Grizzly Canyon, C'al.: An exciting adventure \V in whicli a big rattle snake and Jesse Grigsby, occupied the chief ro'e.s near the home of the latter. Jesse was stroll- ing around the hills, when ho stumbled upon a huge rattler that nt once assumed hostil ities, and sinking nt the intruder, his fangs became entangled in a leg or his trousers, and there lie hung. About that time Jesse thought of some busi ness he had at the house, and being in something of a hurry, he started homo on the double-quick without taking time to release his snakeship. It was a close race between Jesse and the rattler. For one-lialf the distance the snake was in the lead, and the other half Jesse would pull ahead, and thus they had it until the house and ass'stauce were reached, and there the serpent was killed. It is quite safe to say that neither Jesse nor the snake over made any better time over the fame distance. OF the remarkable personages in New ' Haven, Conn.,one of those most worthy of note is a bov of fifteen years, the sou of Timothy })wight, J>. !>., Presi dent of Yalo College. At the nge of thirteen lie had acquired an education far in advance of the average nuin, was ■ lit ted to enter Yalo, and liud mastered all the Greek and Latin which is re quired at any college in this country. At that time his ago prevented him from entering Yale, but ho will enter the col lege this fall and among other things will study the Greek and Latin au thors for two years, with whom lie was familiar two years ago. The little fellow lias used up the two years which inter vened between the time of the completion of his fitting and arrival at an age which would admit him to college, in studying Arabic and Syriac, and ho has a goocl knowlodgo of these languages. To see the littlo youngster (for lio only weighs ; seventy-live or eighty pounds) going along the street in a roundabout jacket (.nd his saiuly locks sticking out from the visor of liis cap, 110 one would think that this youthful compendium of the classics was more than an ordin ary little grammar school kid. THE body of John Meyers, a passnger t**Mii engineer 011 the Wabash, was bur ied in Dubuque, lowa. He was stricken With paralysis while on his engine just beforo reaching the end of his run at Mo. Ho knew that his time had f omt y , and told his lireinan lie had only a fsw hours to live. Summoning all his strength, 110 pulled open the throttle of his engine, and made the great machine fairly bound in order to reach the sta tion of Sparta beforo 110 became perfect ly helpless. As the train dashed along Lie figor became more intense, and vhe-ji he dashed into the station he was almost completely paralyzed. His left 4tm alono was capable of action, and : \rith it ho shut of! steam and stopped his train at the station. Ho was carried from his cab, and before his wifo and children could reach his bedside he was speechless, and died in a few minutes. A WAITER nt a Boston hotel says there IB ft rat of unusual intelligence which ta&iits the hotel kitchen, and, when oc casion offers, steals food from the cook. Ho says this rat ought to be caught and exhibited as a marvel nt the dime museums. Several stones of sagacity j are told about this rodent, of which the ' following is one: 4 'A few evenings ago," j said the waiter, "I had occasion to go ' down into the kitchen. It was dusky I when I arrived, and as soon as my eyes ! would permit 1110 to get used to the light I saw a largo rat walk deliberately up to I a dish of doughnuts and begin to take 1 them out one by one and string them 011 ! his tail, as you would string bends. | When ho had put on five and loaded his tail nil up, ho turned around, took the j end of his tail botween his tooth, and walked off as if 110 wore going to mus ter. " WHILE prowling around among the wrecked building in the vicinity of Main street, Johnstown, a Brnddock man dis covered a half-drowned cat that had found lodgment in a holo near the top j of a house, lie climbed up to whore it. j was at the risk of his life, and brought it down. Thero didn't seem to b) much life in it, but after washing the mud off j of it, and keeping it under his coat for I awhile it began to revive. When he ! brought it up to the station a great crowd gathered around him, and he was offered big prices for "Flood Tom," as lie called his pet. He refused all offers, and said that he intended to keep it as long as it lived, and then stuff its skin and keep it in a glass cage. As near as could be judged it was a Maltose, but its fur was so mud stained that its color was not well established. A GENTLEMAN living near Milwaukee, Wis., writes that he has a collie that is a gioat tree climber, and it is hard linos for a squirrel tackling a tree that the I dog can make his way up. Straight j trees are too much for liiin, of course, I but whore thero is a lean to it ho is nil right. Jack is what tlio collie is called, ■ and lie always had a crazo for squirrel hunting and was so eager in the chase ! that 110 got in the way of scrambling up j inclined trunks, fin ally becoming very j export. He lias boon known to go up a ' troo to a height of forty feet abo\e the j ground. When returning he hugs the j surface of the tree as closely as possible ! and backs down, digging his short claws into the bark until near the earth, when j lio jumps.—[St. Louis Globe-Democrat. ! EVEN carrier-pigeons seem to miss! their route now and then. Captain Mor- I ris of the schooner Galena, which re- i contly arrived at Charleston, S. re- I ports that 011 the second day after Icav- ; ing New York his vessel was hoarded by 1 a pigeon so exhausted from its long | (light that it could be caught without any troublo. On 011 c leg it still bore a : fragment of a rubber band with 4, 58" j stamped 011 it, but the message attached to that band had been lost. No land | and no other vessel were in sight at the tinio, and as thero had been no gale for j several days, it is supposed Had during 1 the night the winged messenger had I completely lost his way. CAPTAIN HARRIS MACKENZIE, who has I just returned from an exploring trip 1 through the highlands of Northern Thi bet, describes a species of deer only two feet in height, but having, in other re spectra, all the characteristics of the i Scotch roe, including a pair of pronged horns and an ever-wagging stump tail. Tlio littlo creatures inhabit mountain pastures nt the border-line <>f overlast- ; ing snow, and at. the approach of a vis- i itor race away with tlio speed of an an- j telope, but, in spite of their diminutive size, are as pugnacious as billy-goats, and in captivity often amuse the native hunters by their persistent combats. THE Newark (N. J.) News says Edwin Gorsueh, of Bank stri et, one of its com positors, had n strange experience with a ham. It had been nicely boiled and lifted from the pot to a dish, a steel I carving fork had been inserted, and Mr. Gorsueh was sharpening a knife to carve when a strong odor of sulphur became apparent, and lie turned to see the fork making a circular excursion toward the floor, whore it stood upright, while the ham, nearly skinned, started at a rail road speed for the end of the table. The labor-saving streak of lightning confined its operations to the ham and the fork, i THE official statistics read at the last : Mormon Conference in Halt Lake City I show that "the Church of Jesus Christ ; of Latter Day Saints" has now twelve ; apostles, seventy patriarchs, 3,919 high j priests, 11,805 elders, 2,069 priests, 2,292 j teachers, 11,610 deacons, 81,899 families, I 119,915 officers and members, and 49,303 children under 8 years of age, a total ; Mormon population of 153,911. The i number of man* ages for ' six months 1 ended April 6, 1889, was .. *mberof i births, 2,754; new in 'ised, | 488; excommunication , I MR. JOHN MAYO I y■ int I Ga., is a splendid sh : lid, and sits in the dooi shoots lizards from Lis £ j rifle. Ho shoots crows on the :t pistol. When lie has hogs k. negro man jumps astride of a i. .. catches hold of both ears of the anima. and turns its head toward Mr. Mayo, who will shoot it in tlio head with his rifle. J FOR several years there was a stand ' ing offer of $lO for a partridge's nest I containing more than twelve eggs, the J records at the Smithsonian Institute giving that as the greatest number of eggs of that species to a nest. A pai ty of Worcester girls recently won the money by finding a nest with fifteen eggs. NEWS comes from Taungu, Burmah, that Koh Pal Hah, a timber merchant there, has founded a new religion which is described as a sort of mixture of Budd hism and Christianity. The disciples, who number several thousands, keep the Christian Sunday and abstain from strong drink. A RECENT discussion about the height of trees in the forests of Victoria brings from the Government botanist the state i ment that ho has seen one 525 feet j high. The Chief Inspector of Forests measured a fallen one that was 185 feet long. AFTER being totally blind for fifteen years Mrs. Todd Lattie, of Bronson, Micli., was suddenly cured. The first person sho raw was her daughter, and her first remark was, "My! how youv'o grown." Two of the largest individual owners of sheep and cattle live in Texas, and arc women, (hie of thein, the Widow Callahan, owns about 50,000 sheep. The other, Mrs. Rogers, is worth $1,000,000. THERE aie five girls in one of the Humphries families of Fleming county, Ky., and their names are Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Florida and Vir ginia. KING OF PULL FIGHTERS. Story of Mazzantini, the Famous Spanish Matador. Bon Luis Mazzantini, who has been sent to the Paris Exposition by the Spanish Government to show Parisians how to fight bulls, is the king of mata dors. Several years ago he was a Gov ernment officer in the Spanish telegraph ic service. He received a good salary, as salaries in Spain go, and was alto gether as prosperous and influential as i an untitled Spaniard could hope to be. | He had a morbid desire for notoriety, i however, and gave up his job under the I (iovernment to join an opera company. I He sang in light opera with fair success I for a year. Then lie quit the stage, be ! cause musicians told him he could never i become a great artist, and took lessons l in bull fighting. His family considered | him disgraced, and all but disowned him, for from official life to a bull pit is : a ticinendons distance down hill, in ; Spanish opinion. The bull lighters are j usually men of the same education and ; social standing in Spain as the horse jockeys in America. The son of a bull I lighter generally follows his father's vo , ' cation, because in any other calling his father's reputation would bo something . j of a reproach to him and an obstacle •to success. The bull lighters in the big , Spanish towns are known lnoslly by j their nicknames only. The death of a skillful bull fighter is lamented priuci -1 pally because his skill in the bull pit j dies with him. ! Mazzantini thought ho could ri ! above most of these disadvnu' I ; his new business, and he ."! .i with m ! preoedented rapidi(\ v m. s,n | iard, who wishes i bull | fighter, serve, an pprenticesliip in the ranks of the p: I who prepare the bul by pricking him with <la it < 'ud waving flags before hi in. b. t appearing as a | full-iledged matador or killer of the bull. | Mazzantini served no such apprentice ship. After taking a few private lessons j lie made his debut as matador. Every ; one laughed at him at first. He was 1 ridiculed as the clown of the bull pit, : and got nicknames enough for a dozon j bull lighters. Oimo ho was so severely I gored by a bull that it was thought ho j was dying. As soon as ho recovered ho j was again in the ring, as plucky and persistent as ever. His grit won him favor. His pouplarity increased with I his increasing practice' and skill. Evcnt ; uully he got all the applause and fame | and money which he had despaired of j getting as a government official or light ; tenor. He became the greatest bull | tighter in the world. The people of ( Madrid even ceased to call him names. I He is now mentioned in the Spanish j capital only as Bon Luis. I The management of the bull fights, in | which Mazzantini will appear in Paris, i has been intrusted by the Spanish Gov j ornment to Count dela Pntilla and the | Duke of Venigua. The Count raises I the finest hulls in Spain. Hip are exported to all the cities t ! America and Mexico in wl j fighting takes place. The Madr tili. nrc urging the two noblemen I lo petition tho French Ministr Mazzantini to kill the bull at i each of his lights in Paris. Th \ it i regulations of the French Go j require that the lights shall be 1 THE unsnfest railroads in t I are those of Spain,whore land-i - and 1 inundations wreck a train < •• weeks, not to mention the rirK from bandits and insurgents. The safest arc ot. Western Germany and Eng i land. Statistics prove thut in 1888 and ; 1881) only one out of 05,000,000 passen j gers lost his life by causes which in uny ; way could bo ascribed to the neglect of j precautions on the rait of the railroad ! officials. In 1872 the ratio was one in j 18,000,000.