NEWS IN SHORT ORDER DOMESTIC HAPPENINGS TOLD IN A FEW BRIEF WORDS. Interesting Paragraphs Condensed from Many Redundant Columns, —A fire started ill the barn of the Unekett House at Ballston Spa, and consumed P. A. F in ley's furniture store and barn, A. W. Pad dock's paint store, L. Garlich's tobacco store, ami Gruminater's fruit store. The loss is $25,000. —Prof. William Ifydo Applet on lias been elected temporary President of Swutlimore College, Swutlimore, Pa., to succeed I>r. Alegill, who tendered his resignation recently after a term of eighteen years. Prof. Apple ton is a graduate of Harvard University, and has been professor of Greek in Swurth* more for seventeen years. —A small body of Presbyterians residing at Gait, near Toronto, who are believers in the doctrine of sinless perfection, were brought before the Hamilton Presbytery and found guilty of holding tonents opposed to the Scriptures niuj subversive of the unity of the Church and of teaching said doctrines. The case was appealed to the General Assem bly; the appeal was dismissed by a vote of 128 to 7. This has the effect of expelling the appellants from the Presbyterian Church. —The estate of the bite John Amory Cod man (Boston) whose will was contested in the courts by his wife and daughter, has been appraised at $521,077, of which $514,- 900 is in real estate. —The Doarborn observatory, a magnificent struct uro just erected nt the Northwestern University nt Evnnston, to hold the great telescope of the Chicago University, was formally dedicated. E. B. McCagg delivered the dedicatory oration. —Selry Johnson, a colored citizen.lias sued Eugene Robinson, proprietor of a river show, nt Keokuk, lowa, for SIO,OOO damages for refusing to permit Johnson and a party of friends to enter the show. The Bhow people say that they will sell no tickets to negroes. —A dispatch from Wiunepeg says: Tho report t hut Burke has made a confession in connection with Dr. Crouin's murder is a canard. He has made no statement what ever. excepting to deny all complicity. —A committee ot citizens ol Juliet, ill., wno visited the lockcd-out miners at Braidwood, found many of them in extreme want. Tho committee has issued un appeal for aid for the minors. —Ex-Gov Hnrtranft. of Pennsylvania, has been appointed a member of tlio Cherokee Commission and has signified his intention to the Secretary of the interior of accepting the office. This tills the Commission. —The storage shed of the Delaware River Chemical Works at Morris street wharf, Philadelphia, was consumed. The works were owned by the Butigh & Sons Company, who cstiuiuto their loss at $12,000. -—The mooting of the States-General 100 years ago was commemorated at Versailles by a gat hering of Cabinet Ministers, Senators and members of the Chamber of Deputies. Senator Lnyfnyctte delivered nn oration. Tho meeting was followed by u banquet. —A deed was recorded nt, Baltimore whore by the Baltimore und Ohio Telegraph Com pany conveys to the Western Union all its telegraph linos und property of every kind. The consideration named is $1 and the entire discharge of the Baltimore and Ohio Tele graph Company from the obligation to issue the $8,000,000 of bonds provided for iu its contract with the Baltimore nnd Ohio Ruil road Company. —Whales are very numerous along tho Boston coast just now. On the Inst day trip of tho Penobscot, Cant. Ingrabam says it looked at one time as it the boat were about to run into a bed of rocks over which the sea was breaking. Tlio rocks were whales. —Zachuriuh McDnniel, tho oldest citizen of Bnckinghum county, and a pensioner of the war of 1812, died near Elk ton, Va., aged 102. —The Board of Regents of the University nt Madison, Wis., re-elected George 11 Paul, of Milwaukie, president; Herman Smith, vice president. —A fearful storm visited tho southeastern portion of Crawfordsville. it extended over a scope of country ten miles long oud one mile wide, and ended in n regular cloudburst. The dnmngo to property was great, fences and bridges being washed away and barns torn down. Growing crops in the storm's path were destroyed, and where turnpikes were crossed the water cut them down to the level of the country on either side. —A dispatch from Rochester, Minn., says: Two desperate attempts at suicide were made nt the Olmstcad county jail, by Bob Robin son, the 25-year old horse thief. lie has already served terms nt Joliet nnd at Still water, and swore ho would nevcronter another penitentiary alivo. He first tried to hang himself with the rope from hiscot, but slipped nnd sprained an ankle so badly bo could not stand to try hanging again. Ho next tried to cut an artery with n lend pencil, but with out success. When his cell was opened ho mnde a savage onslaught on the turnkey, and was secured ufter a hard tight. Tl© Wolclon Bill Retroactive. The Dominion Government havo decided to put the Weldou Extradition Bill of last session into operation immediately it is rati fied by the British Government and to expe dite its going Into effect. The Imperial Gov ernment have been requested to deul with it at once. The omission of o: word has mode the bill retroactive. The section defining the apn'i cation of the bill reads: This net shall apply to any crime men tioned in the schedule committed ufter the coining into force of the art. It should have read: "Shall only upply,' Ac., and the omission of the word "only,' the Minister of Justice says, makes its appli cation retroactive, which will bring John U Eno nnd scores of others within its scope The bill slipped through both Houses with out the omission ami effect being observed Sullivan and the London Times. Mr. Labouchere, writing in tlio London 'i rutll about tlio charges against Alexander Sullivan, says thnt everything that the Times (nlurh line nn agent and bunking amount in Imago) can do to prejudice the public iw" , | l Bn ' liv ,n ui " effectually done; first, because Mr Sullivan advised Patrick Lagan respecting information sent to Eng land regarding II,„ l'nrnell forgeries; nnd scroll, l, Immune he selected E„t her Dornag to whirl, y ,mn C s r in"l .he Tim™"™ J'" dl,cmn ™ tß Mr M "eeertion that liin, i. Ln m '"eppl"d funds intrusted to ■amis known to he absolutely false. He been l" Hint tliese charges lIUVe been brought aguinst Mr. Sullivan in order Vie",'" 1 " , P'' ion of the books of the Ami Niain League, just us the forgeries wero the Irish LeagueVfinnmwl'" "" i "' |Ui '' i ' iuto Maritime Conference. In the House of Commons .Sir James Per guson, Parliamentary Secretary to the For eign office, in reply to un inquiry, stated that the Government were -onsiderii.* tho pro gramme for the proposer conference nt Wash ington of representatives of maritime coun tries, but ho did not think it desirable to ro veal the subjects to be discussed until they have been agreed upon by the countries which take part in the conference. He would say, however, that England desired to nar row the issues to bo considered so that they should not include questions which should not be regulated by municipal legislatiou. THE house that Sunset Cox built at Columbus, Ohio, forty years ago is in tact. Its front iloors and windows aro arched like tlio entranco to churches, and it was in this house that lie wrote tho editorial that gave him tlio sobri quet of "Sunset," when ho was editor of tho Statesman. IT has been calculated that the rail roads of the world are worth nearly £00,000,000,000 ($300,000,000,0Wfr or about ono-tenth of the wealth of the civilized nations, or more than a quar ter of their invested capital. At this rate all the ready money in the world would bur about one-third of them. MARKET PRICES, Highest Market Quotations in New York—Cattle Market. June 25. ISS9. BUTTER. —State Dairy, h. f., new, faucy 17% StatoDairy.h.r.,new,fair 17 Welsh Tubs', extia, pur 1b... 16 Welsh tube, medium to choice, lb 15 Western Dairy, fancy,por lb IS% Western Dairy, lair to prime, por lb 12 Imitation Creamery, fancy, per lb.. 15 Imitatiou Uieamery.fair to choice,lb 14 Western Croamcry,faucy, por 1b... 17% Western Creamery,good to ehoice, lb 17 Factory, fiosh, per lb 12 BEANS AND PEAS.—JJeans,Mar., choice. 1.95 Beans, medium, choice 1.95 Beans, Bod Kiduoy, choice 2.50 Beans, white kiduoy, choice 2.50 Fcas, Green 1.25 Lima Beans, California, por bag.... 8.50 CUEESE.—State Factory, fancy, new.. 9% State Factory, choice, new, per lb.. 8% HtatoFactory, fnll cream, good, per lb. 8% Full Skims, per lb 4 State Creamery, part skiuis, per lb 7 Western Fiat, per lb 8% DIUED Fnurrs.—Apples, cvaporatod.. 6 | Apples, sun-dried, per lb 3% Raspberries, evaporated, per 1b...- 20 Bahpbcrrios,sun dried,new, lb 18 Cherries, per lb .. 14 Blackberries, per lb 4 I'JUlUH,Southern,Damsons, per 1b... 5 Eons.—Eastern, fresh-laid, choico 15 Canada, fresh laid, choho 14% Western, fresh-laid, choico 14% Fauns.—Raspberries. Aid., Red, pint 12 ltashcrries, Aid., lßack Cup. per qt.. 14 Watermelons, Ga., small, pur 100.30.00 Strawberries, Long Island, quart.. 12 Strawberries,Stateu Bland,per quart 20 Gooseberries, per quart 6 Cherries, dark, per quart 15 Cherries, largo, white,per quart...„ 10 Huckleberries, N. C., per quait..., 8 Peaches, Ga., por %-bu-hel crate.. 75 HAY AND STRAW.—Hay,No. I,per 1001b 85 Hav, Clover mixed 70 Hay, Salt 53 Long Ryo Straw, 70 Oat Straw 80 Wheat Straw 50 Poui/rnv, ETC. —Live Western Geese.. 1.25 Turkeys, por lb 10 Ducks, Western per pair DO Ducks, Southern .per pair 85 Fowls, State, N. J., and Pa., por lb.. 11 I Fowls, Western,per lb 11 Spring Chickens, choice, per lb 18 Spring Chickens, Western, per lb.. 15 Drussed Turkeys, Toms, por 1b... 19 Drossod Turkeys, mixed, per 1b...„ 10 Chickens, Phila., small, por 1b.... 18 Chickons, Western, scalded .per lb.. 14 Tame Squabs, white, per uoz 3.25 Tamo Squabs, dark, per doz 2.25 Livo Pigeons, per pair 40 Plover, Golden, prime,per doz 2.00 VEOF.TAREKB— Potatoes, State, Roso.. 1.75 Potatoes, Bermuda, new, prime,bbl.. 6.00 Potatoes, Suva-mall, now,por b11.... 4.00 Potatoes, New Orleans, por bb1.... 3.50 Onions, Bermuda, por crate 1.00 Onions, Now Orlcaus, per bbl 8.00 Onions, New Orleans, per sack.... 1.50 Cabbage, Norfolk, por bbl crato.... GO Squash, Fla., yellow, perorate 1.00 Turnips, N. J., white, 100 bunnches 3.00 String Beans, Norfolk, Hat, per crato 60 Asparagus, prime, per doz. bunches 1.00 CATTLE AIARKETS. i NEW YORK Good Steers, 9%c. J Fair do, 8%t08%c; Oxen, 7 to B%c; Dry Cows, livo weight, $1.f>0@53.75; Bulls, do.,<® $3.75. Sheep, 4 to 5%c; Lambs, 6 to 7?.iC.; Veals, 3% to 4' 4 C.; Hogs,city-dressed 5% to Go per lb. WATF'.UTOWN,AIass. —.Market Beef,a few choico SO.OO to $6 25; extra, $5.50 to $5.75, Istqual.; $5.00 to $5.25; 2d quality to $4.75; 3d quality $4.00 to $4.25. Swino.—Western, fat, livo, 4% to 4%c; Northern dressed hogs 5% cents per lb. Sheep and Lambs.—ln lots, $2.00, $3.00 $3.50 each; extra, SI.OO to $5.25; Spring Lambs, $2 to $7 each: Veal Calves 2 to 4%c. lb Murdered By Mistake. Pr. Y. Foutz was called on n profeesional visit, to a lady some miles from Floresville. Ho found her condition so serious that, he Btnrted hack to town to get some necessary remedies, and soon after his departure the pat>ent grew rapidly worse,und a messenger was sent after the doctor to hurry his re turn. The messenger overtook the physician near the negro colony 'when they were 11 red upon from the roadway by threo or four men. Doctor Foutz was shot through the breast, and Popped, the messenger, received a bullet in the right thigh. The latter, seeing bis companion fall from his horse, clapped spurs to his animal and made for home as quickly as possible, leaving l)r. Foutz help less ami dying. The shooting occurred in front, of the residence of a negro named Wliiffer and Jin the hearing and sight of a colored preacher, Rev. Holmes, who heard the wounded man groaning, but. said he was afraid to go to his assistance. The doctor bled to death. The deceased lea vis a wife nnd two children. It is believed tliat the as sassination was the result of mistaken iden tity. The murderers, it is thought, intended to shoot a colored man who is accustomed to rido a horso similar to the one Foutz rode. A secret inquest is in progress. TEMPTED A MAD DOG. The Bruto Bit llim and tlio Man is Now Trying a IMailstone. . oflerof I)r. Ed N. Small, ofSedalin, Mo., to give SSOO to any one who would be bitten by a rabid dog of Dr. Small's, and trust to a mndstono for cure, wliilo not intended as a I bona tide offer, lias attracted more attention than the Doctor anticipated, lie lias had applications from several men by mail und in person to accept the proposition, but to all of them the Doctor lias replied that the offer was a joke, and that ho would not stand by it. One man, however, a stranger in the city from Arkansas, who refused to give bis name, was not to be put off in this way. Ho gained access to the place where the rabid dog was, boldly bared bis arm, and exposed it to the dog. The aniinul immediately bit a piece of tlesli out of the rash man's arm. The dog died in convulsions fifteen minutes later. The man applied a madstone to the wound, nnd he is still alive und well, but ap prehensions are felt for his future. It is thought the mun's iniud is affected. Ilavoc by " Green Midge." The complaints about the destruction of wheat at. Indianapolis, Ind., l>y u strange insect, are increasing. They come chietiy from the central and eastern parts of the State, but the ravages of the little bug have already spread to Northern Indiana, and the Secretary of the Stute Board of Agriculture regards the reports lis alarming. The insect is what is known among agriculturists as the "green midge," another species of which is the '• red midge." The hitter lust appeured in this region about flflcen years ago and did groat damage to the growing wheat. The " green midge," the little destroyer which iH now doing such alarming work, has not been seen by farmers since 1805, when it almost entirely destroyed the wheat crop of Indiana anil neighboring States. Millions of these appear in a field, settling upon the stalk, from which they draw the sup, causing the grain to shrivel before it is matured. But little is known about the insects, us their ap pearance is rare. Accepts All Liability, At the inquest at Armngh, Ireland, into the cause of the fatal railroad accidont near there, representatives of the Irish Northern Rnilwny Company, on whoße road the disas ter occurred, announced that the company would accept all liability for the accident, and iras prepared <> consider all claims for damages on account of loss of life or injuries that might be presented. Lawyer Kills His Soil-in-Law. A special to the Advertiser from Clanton, i n Chilton county, just above Alontgoniery, Ala., says, that W A. Collier,a lawyer there, shot and killed his son-in-law, I'liil Givhan. Givhnn had been drinking heavily for several days, and had frequently threatened to kill Collior ami his family. The Coroner's jury rendered u verdict of justifiable homicide. Demand for Compensation. The Soleil (Paris) says that Germany line made a demand upon Franco for compensa tion for the arrest of an alleged spy named Lochmer, nenr Belfort, in the frontier de partment of Huut-Rhin. The French-officials declare that documents found on Leckmei instilled bis arrest. FOREIGN HAPPENINGS. —The polico of Prngup have forbidden the Russian uuthor Filipoff to lecture there. —The Gprman Emperor has abandoned hie projected visit to Alsace-Lorraine. —Nine families were evicted at Youghal, Ireland. Among the tenants diHposspsed was an aged woman named Sweeney, to whom the last sacrament was being adminisiered when theevietors arrived Airs. Sweeney was sub sequently reinstated. —Mr. Strauss, the retiring American Min ister, will remain in Constantinople until the arrival of his successor, Mr. Hirsch. —The Harinonie, oneof Captain Wissmnti's steamers which was reported to liuvo beeu lost, has arrived at Zanzibar. —A revolutionary manifesto from Servia has been circulated in Bosnia and Herzegov ina announcing that Austria intends to an nex those territories. The populuce is great ly excited. —Mr. Balfour made a speech at a banquet given by the Constitutional Union, lie de clared t hat the new Gladstonian scheme of Federalizing i lie empire was inoro impractic able tliuu Air. Gladstone's lirst Homo Rule bill. —Lord Salisbury lias entered his defence in the libel action brought against him by Air. O'Brien, lie declares that the speech to which Mr. O'Brien takes exception was made in good faith and was a fair comment on Mr. O'Brien's course. —The work of eviction was resumed on the Ponaonhy estates, Ireland. Several tenants were ejected Iroin their homes. —The committee of the French Chamber of Deputies to which the government's Panama Canal Relief bill was referred, are still dis cussing the measure. Seven members of tho committee favor the bill and four ask more time in which to examine it. —The Emperor Willium will probably leave Kiel for Norway, shortly. His voyugo will extend to Hammerfest, and perhaps to the North Cape. —Count Torniello-Brusato di Vergnno, Italian Minister at Madrid, has been ap pointed Ambassador at London. "BRITISH INJUSTICE." Gov. Travet-'g Stinging Reply to the British-American Assoeiation, A dispatch from Lincoln, Neb., says: Gov. Thayer has received a letter from John Low, Secretary of the British-American Associa tion, Boston, in which they protest against the appointment of Mr. Patrick Kgnn to bo Minister to Chile us "insulring to the sense of decency of all true citizens," and then proceed to vilify Mr. Lgan. Governor Thayer replied in a stinging letter, in which ho says: •Suchatrocious sentiments nrciiisulling to every citizen of the Republic; they are abhor rcnt to every sense of justice nnd fair pin v. J hey are degrading to Immunity and are a dis.ionor to tho country, nnd 1 denounce thorn and their authors, with unmeasured in dignation, and they sliouid ho held up to public reprobation. Who constituted you und your associates judges of the motives and actions of men? By what authority do you arraign the President and Senate of the United States for the appointment, and oon °f Pat, ' r k Egon as Minister to Chile. Ihank God they are not rosponsihlo for such intolerably insolent bigots ns you and your associates have proven yourselves to be by the language used in this circular. "I have known Patrick Egan ever since he located in the city of Lincoln, years ago. 110 has always nroven himself to be nn upright nnd honorable man, a good citizen in every respect. Imi can no ipore tarnish his repu tation with your vile slanders than the foul bin! of night can assail t ho euglo. " You sny he is a fugitive from the power of British justice, (fli, von mistake; you should liuve written 'British injustice.' You say the conduct of Patrick Egnn is now under investigation by a special commissi'!!! of British judges as to participation in what every civilized State brands ns a crime against life and property. Have you so soon forgotten how completely and how overwhelmingly Patrick Kgnii shattered one of the most dastardly and damning conspir acies to blacken his own ami the good name of Pnrnell that villian.v ever concocted, which exposure sent one of the conspirators to death und left the others to the condemna tion of the civilized world? "The sentiments and tono of your protest smack more of tlio London Times influences and of the dark ages than the enlightenment and liberal tendencies toward Iree govern ment of the nineteenth century. I doubt not that if you bad lived in those times,the rack, the torture and the inquisition would have been your instruments for speeding liberul principles und seeuring home rule." NOTES FROM JOHNSTOWN. Gautior Wire Company's Works to Be Helm ill—Beaver's Mystery. Four bodies wore blown up in the wreckage above (lie railroad bridge in Johnstown, Pa. They uro horribly decomposed and cannot, on account of I lie offensive odor be identified. The blasting is still going on and the work seems to be systematized. The guards at Camp Hastings, near t'.io Prospect Mill burial grounds, report, that they uro having great trouble with dogs that are constantly disturbing tlio dead interred at that burial pluce. Ovorouo hundred dogs were driven from tho place und several of them killed. The Gautier wire people put a large force of men to work clearing up for tho purpose of rebuilding. They will puyjout some £300,- 000 in wages. Lieutenants Patrick and Reese, of tho reg ulnr army, who are here, have decided to erect bridges over Stony Creek and one over Nie Conemangh, just in front of general bead quarters, after which they will ret uro to their post of duty. Adjutant General Hastings und Superin tendent Piteuirn, left here in a special car east bound. Their movements were myster ious, and both refused to give out informa tion regarding their trip, but from reliable authority it was learned that the two went to ('rosson, where Gov. Reaver und his mil lion dollar commission is supposed to be quartered. Tennessee's First Governor, remains of John Sevier, first Governor of Tennessee, which have lain for seventy-four years in North Alubamu, were roi liter rod in Knoxville, Tenn.. with imposing ceremonies. The casket arrived from Chnt.tunoogn, where it had been brought from Alabama, accom panied by Gov. Taylor and his staff. State officials and a committee from tlio Legisla ture. The afternoon was beautiful. The pro cession jvns composed of State und city otfic- DIJH, descendants of Gov. Sevier, Tennessee military companies nnd civic organizations. The line of inarch was over two miles long. Twenty thousand people assembled at the Court House to witness the ceremony of rein terment. Prayer was offered by the Rev. I)r. T. W. Humes, nnd Gov. Taylor made an ad dress delivering the casket to Knoxville. The oration of the occasion was then delivered by the Hon. W. A. Henderson, and ( apt. J. W. AlcCalluin rend a poem. The ceremonies of reinterment, were conducted by tho Rev Dr. JUIIICH Park. The city was handsomely dec orated, and t lie ceremonial was the most i til ing ever witnessed in Tennessee. A fund has been started to erect a monument to cost "20,000 over Sevier's grave in Knoxville. A Railroad Wreck. A dispatch from Birmingham, Ala., says: A railroad wreck, resulting in the death of two men, nnd the injury of 100 others, oc curred near Pratt mines. Tho Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company runs a train every morning to carry tlio miners from Pratt mines to the different shafts. The train, carrying about 200 men, was running backward at the rate of ton miles an hour when it struck two cows lying on tho track. Bix of tlie cars were thrown down an embankement nnd piled on each other. Henry McCauiey mid Walter Beasley, car penters, wore instantly killed. On one of tho cars were about thirty convicts chained to gether, and strange to say they wero about the only persons who escaped injury. Tho worst injuries were broken arms and legs. A Bishop's Wrath. Birdiop O'Dwyer, of Limerick, has written a letter denouncing tho boycott aguinst the Knockea Chapel. The Bishop says that hav ing failed to turn tho people from their evil conduct, he must take all steps within hi? power to prevent God's house from bein# made the instrument of a wicked combina tion, ami that he alone Hhall determine who SIMU be excluded from the church. IN A LUNATIC'S VOW* K. How n Lawyer Saved Hlk Life With a Funny Sl^ry. John F. Burris' presence of mind pushed death to the and saw . the life of himself, of Dr. Hadden, aud of Mrs. Henry AVeibold on Friday night. They were all in the power of a mad man—one with that most dangerou£ mission, the ottering of his fellow-man on the sacrificial altar. Sir. Burris was attorney for Sirs. AVeibold in her suit for divorce against her husband. Cruelty and insanity wore the allegations. The lawyer, ac companied by Dr. Hadden, went to Aguew's Station, the residence of his client, where ho was destined to spend ft night of such terror as few men would have lived through. When the visitors reached the house they wore informed by Sirs. AVeibold that, her husband was in one of his dan gerous moods and that her life was in danger. The insane man had a revol ver, with which he had threatened to shoot her if she left his presence. Even as the women spoke the lunatic entered the room aud in his hand was the wea pon his wife feared so much. He ap peared surprised to see two gentlemen there, but recovered himself and spoke in a quiet manner, asking tliein how they were. Sir. Burris answered him, saying he hoped they would not disturb him by their presenee. "No, you don't," said Weibold; "I ex pected you. I have to kill you, and you came to be killed." As he spoke he advanced toward the lawyer, with the pistol aimed at his head. Ho seemed terribly in earnest, and tho story his wife had told and his presence in the room so unnerved Dr. Hadden that ho sank to tho floor in a faint. Sir. Burris knew there was no time or room for expostulation. In the matter of strength the madman towered over him like a Hercules. Unarmed the lawyer could not cope with AVeibold, nnd oven had ho had a weapon there was no time to draw it. "Better hear this story before you kill me," said Sir. Burris, as if getting killed were a matter of such ordi nary, everyday occurrence that five or ten minutes would not make much difference tQ the parties to the tragedy. "AVhat is it?" asked Weibold, watch ing his intended victim closely. Burris had no room for a story in his mind when ho blurted out the remark. His thoughts were filled with considera tion of the desperate position he was in. But the man's question aroused him, and with what calmness ho could com mand he began tho recital of a funny tale. Tho conditions were not favor able to tho happy telling of a humorous story. A man is not given to hilarity on the edgo of the grave. Tho hearer, when ones audience is a madman, may fail to see tho point, or ho may have heard tho story before, and tho Hash of the pistol in his hand may light the en tertainer through the dark valley. As Mr. Burris continued AVeibold retreated to a chair nnd sat down, but his eyes followed every movement of tho attor ney nnd his revolver never lost the point-blank aim at Burris' head. Em bellish the story as ho might, tell it with w hat skill for killing time he could, it had to come to an end at last. But it was received with commendation. "Good," said the lunatic; "fine. I liavo heard worse, and now I have to kill you." He again advanced on Burris, who saw his arm bend with the tension of his forefinger on the trigger. "Let me tell you of one of my ad ventures in the jungle after an" ele phant," remarked Mr. Burris, quietly. "I hail it printed, but it may bo new to you." AVeibold said he would listen and again took his seat. There was a sceno for a painter. Tho lawyer, apparently as cool as if in his oflice talking over the trivial matters of the (lav, talking to such purpose and for such an object as had never before called out his power of eloquence. It was a plea for life; rather a demurrer against the taking of it, and it was argued for hours. The madman sat with his eyes fixed on the speaker, quiet, impassive, earnest, be guiled for the moment from the ac complishment of his work, but never losing sight of it; his cocked revolver firmly grasped in the hand that (jointed it at his victim's head. On the floor lay Dr. Hadden, unconscious of the scene. Mrs. AVeibold had fled. So hour after hour passed, and Burris passed with the time from place to place, now limiting "rogue" elephants in the jungle of Africa, now spearing tho walrus in the frozen North, har pooning the whale as he slept on tho valleys of the waters, chasing tho bull buffalo across the plains, or encounter ing the grizzly bear on the mountain side. Tho night passed away; the madman's comments wore short: "Good; go on; another." The morning light shone through tho trees now, although it was only 8 o'clock in tho evening when this queer duel of wit nguiust pistol began, ■Story after story was told, and Burris was almost exhausted. He bogau on a tale he had told be fore; it flowed naturally, and had its effeot. AVeibold began to nod; his eves closed, but opened instantly, aud were fixed on Burris along tho lino of the revolver. But again he nodded; his head sunk down; gradually tho pistol arm weakened, the fingers relaxed their hold, and with a bound the lawyer jumped to his side and the weapon was secured. AVeibold did not stir, and I Hadden, who had recovered conscious-1 noss but dared not cause a sound, nroso | to his feet aud helped his friend to the j opon air, who, now that the agony was | ovor, seemed on tho point of fainting. I Tlioy walked to tho insane asylum, only a short distance away, and reported | AVcibold's condition to the authorities, ! who secured tho madman.—Nan Fran- i cisco Chronicle. Bend Better Money. Thero is in the United States treas ury vault a brown wooden box, eighteen inches long, a foot wide, and eight inohes deep, which contains paper money of the nominal valuo of several hundred thousand dollars. It is not worth a dollar. Tho queer thing about it is the manner in which it was collected. Every bit of it came from the dead letter office of the post office department. Somo portion of it is Counterfeit, but the most of it was gen uine money many years ago. Tho banks which issued it, and the officers who signed it, nro gone and forgotten. It was all sent over to the treasury de partment several years ago, au Assistant Treasurer AVholplcy undertook to trace up the various banks and get as much ns possible of it redeemed. Occasion ally ho found descendants of somo of these old bank officials, themselves bankers, who were willing to redeem some of the notes lor the sake of the signatures of their fathers, and in this way lie succeeded in get ing si veral hundred dollars'worth of ir red'( d. A little of it is Confederal mum 1 it most of it is of banks, State nd | . ate, that went out of existence i..y 'ars ago. The oldest notes are ated l ack as far as 1812. (lets No Credit. The Mayor of Louisville, upon meet sing an old negro, drew him de. nd. iu a voice by no means gent) \ the ad dressed him: "ltandsom, lam going to have you arrested." "How come dat?" "Why, for having obtained money under false pretenses." "I ain't done nothin' like dat; sail; I 'clar' ter goodness I ain't." "Didn't you come to nie yesterday and get a dollar?" "A'as, sail." "And didn't you say it was to pay t% funeral expenses of your son?" "Yas, sail." "AVell, but—you trifling scoundrel, I saw your son on the street just now." "Hah?" "You know what I said." "Yas, sail; yas, but I didn' tell you do boy wuz dead, did I?" "Didn't toll me he was dead! You infernal old idiot, did you suppose I thought you were going to bury him alive"" "No, sail." "Then what do you nieau by saying that you didn't tell me he was dead ?" "Now, jest liol'on, sali; jest wait er minit. Dat boy ain't been in good healf fur er laung time, au' knowin' dat I'd hatter bury him sooner er later, w'y I 'lowed dat I better raise do money durin' do busy season when do folks want hard pressed, l'se mighty kine hearted dis way, sah; monstus kine hearted, but er man doan git no credit in dis yere worl', o' sin fur being kine hearted. An', er gin, l'se er man dat doan blebe in put tin' off er thing dat he knows is gotter be done. Knows dat I'll hatter bury dat cliilo putty soon, and yere you come an' wantor punish me for takin' up de ereasion in time." "You old rascal, that boy is in excel lent health." "Who, dat chile? Y'ou doan know dat chile like I does, sah. Dat boy slitters wid de genstion, but it's jest ez I says, er hones' an' kiue hearted man doan git no credit in dis yero uin-cussed worl'. "—A rkansaw Traveler. The Monroe Doctrine. There appearing a disposition on the the part of great powers of Europe to assist Hpain in efforts to regain her American colonial possessions, the independence of which the United States hail formerly recognized, President Monroe called special attention to tho matter in his message of 1823, in which he said: "We owe it to candor and to the amica ble relations existing between the United States and those lEuropeanJ powers to declare that wo should con sider any attempt on their part to ex tend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety. AVith tho existing colonies or dependencies of any European powers we have not interfered and shall not interfere; but with the govern ments who have declared their inde pendence and maintained it, and whose independence we have, on great consid erations nnd on just principles, acknowl edged, we could not view an interposi tion for the purpose of oppressing them or controlling in any other manner their destiny by any European power, in any other light than as a manifesta tion of an unfriendly disposition towards the United States." This was an assur ance that moral support would be given by tho United States to the other American republics in preventing any further colonization on tho shores of the two American continents by Euro- I pean powers. This is called the"Mon- 1 roe Doctrine," aud has ever since been : recognized as a settled policy of tho llepublic. AVhen Napoleon 111. at tempted to plant a monarchy in Mexico, | aud actually placed Maximilian on a throne there, the United States recog- | nized in that a caso where the Monroe Doctrine should come in (day, and I warned France that if she did not re move her troops they would be expelled by force. The French troops then withdrew, leaving poor Maximilian to his fate.— lnter Ocean. lloiv Toothpicks Are Made. The Manufacturer and Builder gives some interesting information about the manufacture of toothpicks in a Michigan factory. The wool of the canoe birch is used exclusively. The logs are sawed into pieces twenty eight inches long, which are thoroughly steamed and then cut into veneer. The veneer is cut into long ribbons three inches in width, nnd these rib bons, eight or ten of them at a time, are run through the toothpick machin ery, coming out at the other end, the perfect, pieces falling into ono basket, the broken pieces and the refuse fnlliug into another. The picks are packed into boxes, 1,500 in a box, by girls, mostly comely-looking voung squaws, nnd are then packed into cases and finally into big boxes, ready for ship ment to all parts of the world. Abont seven and a half million toothpicks are turned out each working day by this es tablishment. How He (Jot a Verdict. It was a lawsuit over the possession of as 2 pig, and tho jury had been out nearly four hours. The Texas Judge was tried and impatient. "Bailiff," said lie, "the jurymen are doubtless weary of their close confine ment in that small room and would like a little change. Bemovo them to tho large room on tho cast side of the build ing." The room on the cast commanded a view of a refreshment bazaar across the street, in front of which was a largo sign inscribed: : RATTLESNAKE BILL'S OPENING, j : FIRST-CLASS FUSE LUNCH. : TWO GLASSES OF BEER FOR 5 CENTS. 1 111 loss than three minutes that jury returned into court with a verdict. — Chicago Tribune. Somewhat. Puzzling. Bobby—Pa, why can a man run faster than a boy ? Pa—Because he is bigger, of course. Bobby (after pondering for a minute) —AVoll. pa, then why don't the hind wheols of a wagon run faster than tho front wheels ? Two minutes later Bobby was saying his prayers.— Texas Siflings. IT is not interesting to have a man tell how rich he might have been if he had had good luck. It is betler to know what he lias been able to do agaiust bad luck. How To The immediate has wtthiu the vanning it for the 1 u elusion compels f] lo ™ hy tho mouth- : , IIM ■ " rnu-i , that of nece; tv < h the "••in health, causing nam premature decay of • , \ tile air supply Whoever bn invitespneum niu is fthegreuvst importance t 1 .it every inch of luiirffs sue should ... in a relet velj leMf ot condition. The sum of all the lill'" spaces where air meets the blood is equal to tho enormous area of 150 square parch'- Lack breath may be byingiag u. fif" tho external atmosphere all n ncr " 1 deleterious material, soekii spot to gain a foothold. T1 1 | place can not exist without d r j health. Tho entireblood-curro to the lungs to obtain from tin world the life giving principle 150 square yards of tissue rcj ! a supply of pure oxygen over 1.0 every hour. When cliildre p ■ j and romp the lungs are till 1 part, and this very exerois- • them strengthens tlieii Brisk walking, with deep .us and the mouth closed, helps r A the products of waste. Every i- | that expands the clieut, as tennis jl ing, rowing, etc., is an antid (J • J sible pneumouia.—I Medical ' Russian Prison Fat ° The meals in a Russian j '< nr ' simple and not conducive to 'U'l In the morning 1 had black tea, at noon cabbage soup, in ' en ing black broad and tea and . i i," ettes. Soup as tho only disl form a very substantial meal. f served to prisoners was simply \v 1 ( in which tho meat served to* 1 armes and guards had been Into this cabbages were cut. tained life, but that was nil. 1 ettes wore a boon. In Russ; body smokes. I used to save t arettes and smoke shem slowly the day like a child tlmtnibblq a 1 ' ' - barley sugar "to make it lot Sunday was a gala day. Wo li and beans for dinner instead Do not imagine tho Russian dk les the Boston one. Our b5 hard and poor, miserably cook with small bits of pork, tin? size buried in a wilderness of lentils. Whenever tho door opened u times two gendarmes entered w bowl and stood beside mo with ' revolvers while I made my frugal The food was served in a wooden i _. , ( ami both bowl and spoon were iiistaißy " removed by tho guards when the prison- ! er lind finished. There is no chance of making chisels out of one's table furtii- ! ture iu Russia. The abbe of Bitmap's novel would hardly have constructed ' that remarkable tunnel from my cell.— 1 [New York Tribune. 1 About 17-Year Locusts. Farmers from nearly every scotion iof the country are reporting the appearance of tho seventeen-year-old locusts in gniit numbers. More or less superstition lis attached to the advent of the locus,W, and many put full confidence in the be lief that tlu? fate of tho country for tine noxt seventeen years is decided bly whatever letter appears on tho locust p wing. In proof of this they cito the fuelt that in 1855, wl en they appeared great abundanoo, tho letter " W "couit bo p'ainly seen on their wings, which .signified war. As war followed in a few years, tho superstitious idea gained strength, and is very generally believed in throughout tho country. In 1872, the next regular period for their appearance, it is claimed the letter j "P" co lid he as distinctly seen on | their wings as the "W" of seventeen j yeurs before. Peace and plenty fol- j lowed their last appearance, which sat j isties the credulous that the locust is a true prophet. What letter will appear on their wings this year has not yet Leen discoveied, but the country folks are anxiously awaiting an investigation of tho matter. It is easier to make Ike ugly still than it is to make the beautiful more ItoJu tiful. Why are people so easily deceived by swind lers? Premise they take the truth in drops, like medicine, and swallow lies by the bud et ful. Oregon, the Paradise of Farmer*. Mild, equable climate, certain and abumlmtj erops. Best fruit, grain, grass and stock ooun-i Iry in the world. Full information free. Adi Iress Oregon Im'igrat'n Board, Portland, Ore. It comes hardest to ask a man to do what he ought to do without being asked. There are people using Oobbins's Electric Soap to-day who commence ! Its use in lStlft. Would this be the ca?e were it not the purest and mint economical soap made. Ask your groce.-tor it. Look out for imitations. Dob bias's. The windmiller lives with wife and children from the wind, but many do so that have no i mills. ' A Pocket Cigar Case and five of "Tansill's Punch," nil for 25e. The inono.v less nre poor, tho senseless nre poorer, but tho poorest aro those that have no heart. Make No Mistake Ifyouliavo made up your mlud to buy Hood's t Sarsnparilla do not be induced io tako any other. [ Hood's Sarsapnrllln is a peculiar medicine, pos sessing, by virtue of its peculiar combination, pro- ] portion and preparation, curative powers superior J to any other article of tho kind beforo the people. , Be sure to get nood's. i "In one store the cleric tried to lntfuco me to buy ' ' their own instead or Flood's Sarsaparilla. But ho could uot provall on mo to change. I told him I , j knew what llood's Sarsapartlla was, I had taken it, j was perfectly satisfied with it, and did not want b ' any other."— MßS. EIJ.A A. (Jorr, 61 Terrace Street, jj ' e Boston, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla h Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepared only \< by O. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. II , 100 Doses One Dollar J( n*. s llr I AMI 32dN.15th BJI ■ luyuij, phila PA. Twenty years' continuous practice in tlic We bnvo sold Big U fon^ mcnt and cure of the nwlul effects many years, and it Tier, destroying both mind and body. Riven the best of K treatment for one mouth. Five Dollare, meUon. rely sealed from observation to any address. D - 14 D\ C TTRA^^^H gt9X*lLggf3ltl PjgCM?.*.Say SI.OO. Boldbyjjj^^H A ric or nor MM. "I corrcaiKinrtont haa till, to say: . tain cinvß wi.™ a pi . ec ? ot , my rnln(l to a<ora coflt i suff?iil Ill W7 thl 5 wo . n t eost thorn a years with V W 'or nearly tm liSSSi^'fe Proscription, and it restored thAle^Jd 0 •k ica e dieeasos peculiar toXnmlos Read pi - ID ted guftrautoo on botUe-wrap" or. For all dcrangemen's of the liver stomach ; nl bowols. tako Dr. Pierce a Pellete? One a In time of need, many would take the worst man from the gallows to hung him ugaiu when the need is over. A new underground light, operated by com pressed nir, is to be introduced iu tho ziuo mines at Friedensville, Pa. I 'ivato Secretaryship, or first-class office tion, wanted by an experienced business (38) of superior qualifications, nctivo , 1 ts. honorable record, collegiate and law ( f- ol education, small, independent menus; '■ ' tubted references ud security given. U. j 1 P. O. Box 1804, N* fork. -t.bpf* orwretched is moro inwardly nu efresliing that that of the happy—the I i te rather tears than hopes. •r seven long years I struggled away Ing, running a mill, &c M until I was for* ly introduced to B. F. Johnson 6c Co., nond, Va., by my brother, and I went to at once, and in seven months I had made moi clear money than I had mado in the years before. They took me right by tho from the start and seemed to be very j:lßd of the chance to show mo how to do it." This is about what a young man said a year or > ago of the above-mentioned firm. Sines that time lie has been steadily at work for ' em, and is now one of tho happiest men In merlca. If you need employment, it would a good thing for you to follow this young man's oiample. \s long ns they lie to ench other, people • im] Stnjj s nre at pence; but. when they com • 'lTce tiling the truth it will not he long bo fore they tight- each other. IJ go. Peiraiatisui " ISi CURED BY I ihcobsQii^ ""Tbauomb TMGHAS-A-VOOEI£RCB' PEERLESS DTEB II T ] DBuuonok r." An I'lv.e <>f nm.Mle.i Th.- "Opcra rr ' ■ IValiz rtuig- 6cud name uu<l address on • Ml card. I'tVk k Sou, 216 W. 47tli St.. New York. ah . l|C -TIDY. Book-keeping. BusiueasPorioa# t J L rtlc Pcnmsußhlp, Arl- hmctlo. Short hand, etc., '• roughly tauKlit by MAIL. Circulars free. ' • it's I'elleMre. 437 Main Bt„ Buffalo, N. Y. Largo marriaue PAPKtt A. At. V J lI.J and particular.* of our oseoclatlon that pays over SI,BOB AT 31A It It IA (JR. Ad. drew I'IIK Tob-tio, Ohio. Cure for Consumption B,l>i8 ,l> id l lH liEa J? F A U" fj |P to SS a day. Samples worth S' t dte, Lines not under horses' feet. Write lfrew vU filer .Safety Roiu Holder Co., Holly,Micli. I AniCQ BAKAVIA, the Great Mexican Remedy L lulto positively and permanoutly cures all female irrogulqiitles. A valuable medicine. Belief iu.mediate. l'rice#l. Kend for t ireulars. YUCATAN Mi UICINJS COMI'A.N Y, 18 W. 14th Ht, N.York. 1a -* mATlfl Pfl y Plso's Cure for Con. fe IP Ail )\\\ Sumption is THE BEST It 1 for Keeping the voice )\J jj clear. 26 cents. tir* Get the (Jenuluo. Bold Evsrywbsrs. Y* \ N IIEeYTIXTIit E, prepared by Ctaas. C. vraemor, Apothecarv, 202 Morion St., Brooklyn, y.|l. tluarauteed to care Rheumatism, (tout, Neu iah'' and accompanying troubles. One bottle ren dfl> the blrxyl non-i-^ T ff *lc. Price refunded if not futi fi.cToryr $5.00. Clieapcr to dOctoi' 8 - ik ' nd CA6h > stamps or inonoy order. BjORTHERN PAiIiFIC. II LOW PRICE RAILROAD LABIUM i F .f? EE Government LAN^^H I t> M , V LI .9 NHof ACRES of each iu Minnesota, I Dakota. Montana, Idaho, Washington and ccun pnn r ,lbl Odious with bt-r I uds nnv u/'m! toKettl 11 '' tjra/i,IK and Tifl tDUTCHER'S FLY KILLER Makes a clean sweep. Every sheet will kill a quart of flies. Stons buzzing nrouud ears, diving at eyes, tickling your nose, skips hard word:) and se cures peace at trifling oxpense, bend '25 cents for fi sheets to F. DUTCHER, Bt. Albans, Vt. purehate one of the rele- ifeMrr: JTV" br&tetl BMITH k WESKON evor ianufai'tured and the V\. )/ )) fjs) rholoe of all experts. y (Bft| snufictured In calibres 33,38 and 44-1U). Bin- 1BS) sloorriouble action. Rafety Hammerlesn and Target models. Constructed entirely ol beat qual ity wrought steel, carefully insisted for work mansk n snd stock, t hey are unrivahd for finish, durnli'. 11l y anil accuracy. Do not be deceived by rjienp i;inlieable enst-iroa imitations which areofb-i sobl for the genuine article and are not onlv qi rMlable, but daiigerous. The BMITII k WKSSCs* Bevolvers are all etainied upon the bar rels wit L firm's name, address and dates of pat nta and •!> uaaranteed in every detail. In •bt ujkh havlug tlio genuine article, and If your dealer isnnot supply you an order e- nt to address below SmU recefvo prompt and careful attention. Doscrirt-lvoer.tnloguoand prices fnrnlshHl ujon ap- SMITH & WESSON^ ■T— wisiiion this Uiktx.r. Horina/ield. Men, flflf ftec'itre, oievefy man a complete builder, preparea l.yl's:Ler. lilliser k Co..tbe well known . ihf'l I fiJt a Builder or any one Intending to •Biol <af Mtrwlse interchted that can afford to be Jrillioul t. 7t is a practical work and everybodybny Jt. The >i"! cheapest and moat popular- work eve* isKUeu 01 iiu'lding. Nearly fonr hundred drawing#, i A 45 big,' in r-zeand style, but we have determined to make it A<*t he popular demand, to suit the timet, eo thut iv^tn be eMily reached by all. . TbLbcA rontalns H4 pages Uxll incliea In elrA andcoqtWßcf large 9x12 plate page, giving piaiis. elevation! pi rspeotive views, dewrlptlons, ownenr ftann s, ait' al cost of mm iu! InatnMiona How to Hnlld 70 Cott. gj's. \ illaa. Double l,o'i a. Brick Block Uousoil, eultablo fof city subufK town and country, houses for the farm and workligrien's homes for nil sections of tb# country, |iT'•oatiug from t-'-bO to also Barni. Stables, 111 ,ol House, Town Hall. Churches nnd Oinrr publl' bbildings, togotlier with speclttrutions, form ol coMtrn'-t, and n larve amount of informattoa on the ei2[ikn of buildings. Hclcrtion of atte. oi> Iployment li Architects, ft Is worth to any on* WVut we will Send It In paper cover by mail, post|alir, f n WHLOO; boujidiu cloth #2.00. \RCHllEtii'('().. 15 Vandcwater Bt.. Now loik
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers