FBELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. 11. No. 1. BRIEF ITEMS. —The glorious Fourth is but one week distant. —The recent rains did considerable | damage to the street. —The tfext issue of the TRIBI'NK will be o" d-...0'nw VI T ,fb- i. Freehold and Bhenantudi clnl s n);iy ' ai. the park on the 30th ins'.. —June goes on record as tie- "wettest' month ever known in history. —An interesting letter from Eeklej I was received too lute for publication. —The Ft. Patrick's cornet hand en livened the town on Saturday evening. —Excursions in this vicinity appear to he numbered among the things of the i past. ■ The Knights of the Golden Eagle will hold a picnic at Lorenz's garden on : July 4. —The regular monthly nicotine of t borough council will be held on |,, u ,l 1 evening. —Many of our merchants h; • ... closing their business places mt r than usual. —County Superintendent Coughlin ex amined a number of applicants for . rti flcutes here yesterday. —A delegation of the Loci it Dale, : Schuylkill County, band were the iruests ' of P. J. Hodman over Sunday. B —July lis the last day for • i;-i—hunts to pay their mercantile tax-s. Afietvj that date the expense of collating will . be added. f. —A picnic will be held bvthe mem- v I hers of the Church of the fnniaculitc Conception of Eckley on Jijy 4 at the . , grove above the town. f —Jacob H. Zeigler has neigncd his position of tioiet boss at NVf 5 Eckley. Mr. Zeigler will probably (/remove to!*: Philadelphia in a short while. —One of the participants in that j "affecting" scene at the 1.. V. station on Monday requests us to stale that not between lovers, but cousins. —Sir. and Mrs. John Molly, a paniod by their grand-daughter, M Gallagher, left Ereeland Monday I 1 ing for an extended visit# through - land. —llugh McMonigle has opened an com mod at ion stable in tlje rear of Valley hotel, where he is prepared ti tend tnall horses and teams placed un his care. —Hugh Mulloy on Monday last c. veyed by deed to the borough of Fn land 9x150 feet of ground on C'en) Street for the purpose of a public sik walk. Consideration, $185.00. —FOR RENT.—The restaurant, ep ner of Centre and Walnut Streets, edi taming ten rooms with all modern Si provements. Possession given inn|i dint. I pply on the premises. —The breaker i-inph -of ( ..xe Hi. At. s N —— a. 1.1 contributed to 'iL'joiwV-i'.'.v ferns I!. to the proj lcr ithorities tlnoug gjjwaur, aucob H. Zeigler. : Tlie property of situated on the east H Street (between South and ? The house is a location and will he sold ct, to Mrs. Ann Quinn on the —From present indications it loc V if council would have considerable " to do this summer in putting dowi ters and sidewalks. The time fori >.„ r the same will expire on July 12, ai far very little has been done by proj % owners. —At St. Ann's church on Sq j morning nearly three hundred pel J received the sacrament of confirm} i from Rt. Rev. Bishop O'Hara of S<. ton. In the afternoon similar sell were held at the Church of the Inn lute Conception, Eckley. —The shooting match at Ha: Saturday afternoon between Louis messer of West Hazleton and < Oliver of Highland for SIOO a si suited in a victory for Oliver, he 1 seven out of eight birds shot at Landiucsser killed hut throe out ofj —The St. Patrick's cornet had .11 hold a grand hall at the Opera H<j >?, Thursday evening, July 4. N K I bands from neighboring towns havi . u invited to be present and assist if ik ing the evening a pleasant one in attendance. First-class dancing and refreshments of all kinds will n hand. —Mrs. Phoebe Giles, wife of j Giles, residing on Burton's Hill, <1 Monday morning, aged 51 years , leaves a husband and four child n t. mourn her death. The decease .• s born in Pembrokeshire, South The funeral took place yesterdar noon at four o'clock, intermeii I made in the Freeland cemetery/ —John Mcßrierty, aged ti years, an old resident of South H died on Monday afternoon disease. The deceased had be< . r health for some time past, Ir <u , , take to his bed until Satur funeral took place yesterday the St. Patrick's Beneficial which lie was a member f<r t ,\ seventeen years, attending in Interment at St. Ann's comet i > —A double wedding to- k .a Hazleton on Saturday, the In Misses Rosa and Katie, lan; 1 Peter Soloman of Freeland, ac and thirteen years. The giv - V c an Italian from Tomhickeu m.' ~ |, from Drifton. One of them teen and the other more tinu.it,, older than their res])ective hridUi D* was attired in a handsome dresfciJ silk and lier sister of lfiuj su t) UKATILS. I GALLAGHER.—At Sandy Valla®,ion t 19th inst., Mrs. Hugh Gallaflidr, ag i 20 years. Interred at St. AMJS 'eer tcry on Friday. Brislin, viBBM]- GILBS. —At Freeland, on the Phcebe, wife of Jenkin years. Interred at yesterday afternoon. At South 1 inst., John Interred at is. av afternoon j J:> <I-N .e<l Mike Hanged. •'it in el 1 zzolo, alias "Red-Nosed M L-." .MI- hinged in the jail yard at I HI. Tuesday morning. It will .ell iibered that he was the no who on the 19th of October ; Paymaster J. B. McClure I •" tunic HOPS Hugh Flanagan on the | J i lain road at ove that city. His last i M • 11 on eaatli VM. Bspent in prayer. He j " ' i to pait.i -.e of breakfast, taking f lk, and saying to the | ii was ready and to hurry j bout any delay, as he was j !'i<! t<- lie. He was courageous to ! phi moment, walking to the :d .i t i nianied by the Rev. Father ' >'H ' \\ ilkcs-Barre; Father Clio-1 nfnton; Father Dunn, of I udl tther Christ of Scranton. j h i. nig his cell, Hangman At ; kn v York, adjusted the short! tizzolo's neck, ami placed 1 i11 upon his head. On being hanging rope from which I 1 1 ook, a few prayers were ' priests. Atkinson then ' i front of the murderer I In- loose coat, lifted the the use and passed above hid head. A sig ... <1 hand was given to the broughtasharp - ■ Jar ropesupport j i'C d weight, and, at 10. 1G tying to and fro in the I s> n vulsive moments were lid ; H , ! Hfe, though he died At 1 o'clock ho was pro ! r ,• a;' hvDr. Kirwan, the prison j ijjiv - Th remains were then cut ! d'W elin a coffin. Examina ;ti ii pii > sicians showed that the 1; \ hi and deatli resulted t n. His body was then Ul 4 in ortaker and removed to T e in cry for burial. ISt #' )RY OF HIS CRIME. which Michael Rizzollo, penalty was committed V 1 >f October 19, 1888. J. j'* e, paymaster for Clias. accompanied by Hugh -I , able boss, and was driv il' ' d-Barre to the railroad tV 8 " t i ner's Mills with $12,000 .d t pay off the workmen on the J ted job. Michael Rizzollo, Glu • ! 1 Beverino and Vincenzo Yellalli aii on the lonely mountain road ig the arrival of McClure and I. On their approach Rizzollo • out and fired three shots into 11. either shot doing deadly work. I i litened horse started to run away umi jeded some little distance when Bt vi with a rifle sliot McClure in which killed him instantly, e continued its flight until I;i ho was ambushed further un '■v < ite]ned out and shot it through f Ihe other Italians then the spot, cut open the valise the money and fled through o Mike's cabin, three miles \ e the money and guns were ■ "'ii |, Although Aiike and his com ic suspected and arrested r \ scharged, and soon after left j , ng t> Poughkeepsie, taking t i)u i; their plunder, $12,000. A ter Mike's eompanions took for Italy. Pinkertons : to leave with the money outed, though Mike was still kept .ml HIL-veil lance. Later evidence was ed by detectives, which frightened into a full confession, on January On February 7, 1889, Mike was i-Lt to trial, ami, after four days of i tie excitement in court, he was guilty. Though entirely without v or friends, he was ably defended ling members of the Luzerne bar. IE CONFESSION. 1' Associated Press representative been informed by one of the MCII who attended Michael Riz alias "Red Nosed Mike," in his hours, that ho had in his possession ' -non covering 50 pages of mnnus which the murderer gives a : and detailed account of the for which he was hanged Tuos ning. The confession is written n, and its contents have not been lslated yet, but it is learned that Its having shot both McClure and n, ami believed that his weapon the death in both cases, though I l is desperate accomplices. A Wife-lleater'it Reward. ley was until last Sunday blessed brute in human shape. There I at one of the shanties in the •ian quarters a Hun named Ste j )ushek and his wife. The lius as in the habit of going home to I -als at noon and evening, and it custom to take three drinks of \1 i after each meal. His next act v . give his wife a severe heating and i roceed to work again. This in trcatment continued for some and the wife always took her beat without a murmur. On Sunday one o'clock, while he was going _'h his daily performance, a few of nitrymen broke into tlie garret his Majesty was holding high ■ il, and determined to stop this •e. Rather than face his cijuals in h lie accented the only chance of e—the winnow—and jumped to the id below, a distance of sixteen feet, n he was picked up it was found his right leg was broken, besides •nil other injuries. Dr. Joy dressed wounds and he was conveyed to the pital at Laurytown. Cupid'a Work Acconiplirdiml. |rupid is a sly fellow ami many and iirsterious are the ways in which fie ac- I Implishes his purposes. The nets he ' ■ ' a: always carefully concealed, , nee a' victim becomes entan th< r meshes there is no escape, apture of the slv little archer ; oinanly n iio.ti.' the Free-; Dull elu k 11. j! j - The othei j•;r. ■ ial -J the , , a of Fret!n. stim iadlet, Mi The hni j ' nt was cel l -<iayatSt. Ann] I oh. The ;.i joins the ids of tl ;le in H i 'hem unb ule sueeess in tl'eill 'ey througu life A . Output of Co:. I total amoun NF tlira. ite oual MIIIJI TO N.arket foi ..NDING ■jkl 15th, as repoi'.'l I evcral cbmpsnlet with 741,F lor. *iu ill. rorrrs- week last veai A<h ' ine of L tons. The T. UL of an mined thug ear 1889 598,002 tons. FREELAND, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1889. NOTES FROM OTHER TOWNS. —The Ninth Regiment will camp -this ' vear on a farm near Tunkbannock. The corner-stone of a Polish Catholic church is to be laid at Pittston on Sun- ' day. —The C. R. R. of N. J. will open | Mountain Park for Sunday visitors 011 ! the 30th inst. —lt is rumored in Wilkes-Burre that Dominick Sweeney, proprietor of the | Plain Speaker , is trying to obtain posses sion of the Scranton 7 imee. —James Ross, who assaulted Docking Boss Stevens at Plymouth some time ago and who attempted to commit suicide last week, lias been taken to the Danville Insane Asylum. —The body of Miss Maggie McFadden j of Stroudshurg, who dieu twenty-seven j years ago, was dug up, and her mother j died from heart failure due to fright j from seeing the body of her daughter.— j —The L. V. R. R. is changing the | whistles on many of their passenger en gines. The new ones are of the bull" j variety. This is being done so that em- . ployescan distinguish approaching trains by their whistles. —The Bethlehem Tinns says there is j 110 truth in the statement that the Lehigh I Valley Company has issued orders to its freight agents to the effect that all freight : charges must be paid before goods are j removed from the depots. —Justjne Rudolph of Hazleton com- 1 mitted suicide in the Laurel Ilill rcser- J voir 011 Tuesday, lie had been out of j employment for many months, and being ! unable to obtain work, took that method ' to relieve his misery, lie was 51 years of age. —Tlie Reading Railroad engineer Corps has finished tlie survey of tlie 1 branch road from Lofty to Drifton. The j line follows the Lehigh Valley most of the way. This road will he used to carry the coal from Coxe Bros. & Co.'s collie ries at Drifton. —The corner-stone of the Dimmick Memorial Library has been laid at Maucli Chunk. Milton Dimmick, tlie last survivor of a prominent family in that town, at his death five years ago left $40,000 for the founding and endow-1 ment of a public library in memory of the family. —The dead-lock of tlie Nanticoke borough council, which began at its first meeting in March, has not yet been broken. The members meet regularly, ballot for a candidate for secretary, on which there is a tie, and adjourn. No other business has been transacted since its organization. —At Plymouth last week the officials of the Nottingham colliery, of the Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal Company, in which so many accidents have happened of late, discharged every Polander and! Hungarian, both miners and laborers employed in the mine, to the number of nearly two hundred. A notice was also posted that in future 110 man would he I allowed to work as a miner unless he had five years experience and was accus tomed to gaseous mines. RASE IMI.L NOTES. —Shenandoah vs. Freeland 011 the 30th. —Frecland's record so far this season is six won and two lost. —Upper Lehigh defeated Sandy Run 011 Saturday. Score, 19-17. —The Junior Ginilers have challenged the White Haven club for a game 011 j July 4, to be played on the White Haven grounds. —Freeland defeated the Actives of Hazleton at the park Sunday afternoon, j The visitors were unable to put up any ; kind of a good game against the home 1 club. The score was 18-5. —A close game was played between ! the Terrors and the Junior GimlcrsStin- ! day afternoon at Eckley. A remarkable | feature was the catching of seventeen j flies by the Terrors' left fielder, Shearon. j They won the game by a score of 14 to ! 13. —The strong Shenandoah team will try their strength once more against the Freeland club 011 Sunday. Ten innings were necessary to decide the last game. The batteries will he: Freeland, Me- Geady and Simmons; Shenandoah, Keenan and Reilly. —Can it be possible that a few of our local amateurs are suffering from a severe attack of that peculiar American disease, medically known as megallo cephulitiH, hut termed in base hall circles "swelled head?" We hope such is not the trouble, nevertheless it looks very much like it. —The Tigers and the Terrors played at the park Sunday morning, the Terrors winning the game by a score of 20 to 18. i Slugging was the order of the day, the ; Terrors making nine singles and a two haggeroff Brislin, while the Tigers hatted ! Campbell for seven safe hits and seven ; doubles; and yet they lost the game. —Saturday was pay day for the Louis- j ville players, hut the fines imposed 011 I the team during the tour were all so I heavy that none of them received a cent, several owing money to the manager. I Such is the risk of a professional base ! hall player, j —Kaston, of the Atlantic Association, I has disbanded. Wilkes-Barre also came i near going under, hut, received financial assistance from the business men and j will play out the season. The club is | I second 111 the race for the pennant and j has good prospects of winning I —The Stroller in the < 'atasauqua Valley I Record says that "Stivetts of Ashland, I who has been christened the 'Sulphur j Diamond of the Coal Region,' has been ! bought by the Athletics of Philadelphia at a good price. 'Jack' is a great pitcher ami I have 110 doubt that the Athletics will fully appreciate his worth. He is a young man of probably 23 or 24 years of age, and has worked most all his life in the coal mines. He made his first ap pearance on the diamond with the Ash-1 land professional club in 1887, and was signed when that club disbanded last j year with last year's Allentown team, j This season ho lias been pitching for the I York, Pa., team and his wonderful Bitch - | ing and general playing attracted the , attention of the Athletics." Stivetts lias | since been released by the Athletics j and signed with St. Louis on Friday at j $250 per month. A Suspicious Death. Following upon tlie case of Mrs. Sarah Jane Whiteling, who poisoned her hus band and children for the insurance money she would receive at their death and who paid the penalty of lier crime on the gallows at Philadelphia Tuesday morning, comes another almost similar from Pittston. On Monday of last, week Mrs. Mary Craighen, mother-in-law of Edward Glynn, residing in Pittston, died very suddenly, under circumstances which the coroner deemed suspicious. He was not notified of the death, as is required by law r , and when he learned of it he immediately ordered an investi gation. On Friday Dr. Edward Barrett took the stomach of the deceased to Philadelphia to bo analyzed. Mrs. Craighen had been in the best of health until a few moments previous to her death, when she was taken with violent cramps in the stomach and died in the greatest agony. This makes the fourth deatli in the Glynn family within a few months, and all were sudden and attend ed with the same symptoms. When Dr. Barrett interviewed a chemist in Philadelphia he found that the cost would amount to upwards of $l5O. Upon learning this the county commissioners refused to bear any ex pense beyond S2O. Subsequently Dis trict Attorney Darte pledged himself to be responsible for the costs, and the analysis was continued, the result being that large quantities of arsenic were found in the stomach. Upon the strength of this evidience, coupled with the suspicious actions of the murdered woman's son-in-law and daughter, Glynn und his wife were arrested Monday morning 011 a charge of murder, and placed in jail. The Glynn premises were searched and in the cellar was found a earfully concealed bottle, which bore unmistakable evidence of having contained poison. When confronted with this evidence, Mrs. Glynn exclaim ed, "My God, has John told the coroner all?" but otherwise she refused to say anything. Glynn took his arrest coolly, but promised to implicate another rela tive before the matter was over. The two were placed in different cells, with a vacant cell intervening. In this were placed an officer and a reporter, who heard the couple make damaging confessions to one another, they being, as they thought, out of the hearing of the other occupants. This makes the fourth death occurring in the Glynn family inside of a few months. Glynn's father was the first to j die. His deatli was sudden and violent. 1 Soon afterwards Glynn's mother was taken ill and died in n few hours. The third victim was Mrs. Glynn's father. The lives of each were insured in the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, and it is at the instance of this company that the investigation was ordered. In each case the insurance policies were drawn by Glynn. All of these bodies are now to be exhumed and tlie remains analyzed for traces of poision. The case has excited general interest throughout the upper end of this county. Kll route for the Reformatory. Due of the saddest sights among the many that greet the eye of the lounger around the railroad stations, was that which came under the observation of the Scranton Truth Stroller at the D. L. & W. station a few days since. In the smoker of the through afternoon express were ten hoys ranging in age from twelve to twenty years. Two occupied a seat, and from the feet of each couple a chain attached went up over the back of the car scat and was fastened to the feet of the next pair. Thus the whole gang was chained together. The boys were enroute for the Klmira reformatory, and were in charge of an elderly man 111 the uniform of prison keeper, whose face did not exhibit any signs of an internal soft ness. While the train was waiting at the station, the keeper passed sand wiches and coffee to liis prisoners with the same air that an ordinary man would toss a bone to a stray dog. The faces of the prisoners were a study. Some of the countenances were of a cast that would indicate that the owners were not vicious and suggested that it was perhaps a first offence that brought them were they were. On others, however, and among some of the youngest, were plainly mirrored the reflection of their evil dis j positions, and the utter indifference to I their situation manifested by these boys wus painful to see. Union of the Knights of Malta. The Ancient and Illustrious Order Knights of Malta of Europe at the Im perial Grand Black Encampment of the Universe, now in session at Glasgow, Scotland, have agreed upon a basis of union with the Grand Gommandery of America, and hereafter both bodies will work the same degrees and have the same password the world over. This union makes the Order of Malta the only universal knightly order in existence and it is claimed gives the sir knight on this continent an unbroken line of grand masters from the time of the establish ment of the order at Jerusalem, A. D., 1048, up to the present time. All bodies of Knights of St. John and Malta 011 this continent, who have heretofore received I their warrant from the Imperial body, I are now under the jurisdiction of the I Grand Commandery of America, and en j titled to all the honors, rights and priv ileges which they had received from the I parent body, I'ilHt unci Future DamugeH. SOlllO mouths no a number of families living along tlie Mahnnoy Creek, in the townships of Butler and Barry, Sohnyl kill County, brought suits against the P. & It. Coal & Iron Co., for damages done to their lands by tlie washing thereon of coal dirt from tho mines. In April a compromise was affected, whereby the company agreed to pay each farmer at the rate of SSO per acre for all land in jured by the coal dirt wash. These claims, amounting to übout $30,000, were paid by tlie company last week. The amount paid covers past anil all future damages that may occur from the same cause. Weekly Roll of Honor. The roll of honor for tlie week ending June 21 is as follows: Bessie Shelhamer, Chrissie llelner, Carrie S. Shelharaer, Mazie V. Miller, Maggie Lloyd, Grete Kilslich, Maggie Branch, AnnfeC. Koeh ler John K. llartranft, Victor Oswald, Joseph McClellan, Freddie Koons, Al bert W. Seiple, William O. Koster, Louis Stoltz and Willie Marx. H. L. F.DMCNDS, teacher. ; The C. T. A. 11. Convention t Canton. I From the reports as published by the Scranton Republican we clip the following I account of t he proceedings at the seventh i annual convention of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of the Scranton Dio cese, held at Canton, Bradford County, ! on Thursday and Friday of last week: I The convention that assembled in Citizens' Hall ami resnondod to President Vaughn's call | to order 011 Thursday morning was roinposed of tlie temperate intelligence of the Scranton I diocese. Uev. N. J. McMonus, spiritual director of the union, made a few preliminary remarks j and then read the following' statement: Gentlemen, delegates to the diocesan conven tion: I am glad to meet you ngain in annual convention assembled, and I pray that wisdom may guide your deliberations whilst constitu tionally legislating for tlie best interests of the cause your lit. Kev. Bishop espoused and our Holy Father blessed, under that constitution you have grown in numbci's and 1 hope in grace. You will, therefore, here serve and res pect its provisions, knowing that these, and these only, not total abstinence as a pagan virtue, merited the encouragement the church lias given. Kesi>eet for tlie counsels of your clergy and frequenting tin? sacrament as a means of growth in holiness lias made and will continue to make you a society to be proud of, worthy of Christian commendation and unseen j blessing. Beware of man or motive that would i lower this moral standard, taught by exper > ience; distrust the blatant zealoiit 01- loud -1 tougucd demagogue; he of the "holier than j thou" class, for among- them you will liml trai tors to every cause. Among them you will liiul Carey's and I'igott's untrustworthy scr vants ana absconding cashiers. If our cause lias not suffered by such, credit it to charitable I silence of oblivion, but, do not longer permit them to drag you as an appendage to a Tallie Morgan kite or any other political night mure. Preserve untarnished your reputation and in voke witli 1110 the light of the lloly Ghost. A committee 011 credentials was uppointcd and reported eighty-two delegates present. The secretary reported the amount of money on hand to be President Vaughan read his address, which dealt with ex-Secretary Judge's dismissal, the Mud Bun disaster, tlie Father Muthew Chair, cadet societies, praise of ,J. N. ('ostello and in thaiiKiiig ail for courtesies extended him. Report of tlie President was accepted. Minutes of tlie Board of Government were read and u motion to adjourn was made. Mr. McCarthy of Freeland took exceptions to the minutes of tlie Board of Government. Ad journed tillp. 111. amid confusion. Convention was called to order at " p. m. and after further discussion order was evoked und everything worked harmoniously, nothing of special importance transpiring excepting tlie adpointing of committees. Revs. N.J. MeMunus, McMurray of Dunmore, Moylun of Scranton and Conierford of Canton are in attendance. Their entrance to the hull was greeted with ap plause. FRIDAY'S SESSION. Tlie convention assembled at 0.30a. 111. Vice President Buckley gave an explanation from tlie beginning to tlie culmination of tlie episode that terminated in tlie expulsion of ex-Neere tary Judge. Contractor Mulhorn of Tuylorvillc. Judge's brother-in-law, requested that Mr. Judge be heard in his own defense. The privilege was granted, and he read from the hulr.r tlie min utes of the hoard ut which he hud been exindled, and also claimed that it was not because he had failed to file a bond, but because he had assailed the methods of the Spiritual Director, Rev. N. J. McManus, for holding a picnic at which beer was sold, lie also called in <1 west ion the method of his expulsion from the Board of Government and from tlie Providence Society, to all of which statements, questions and asser tions the Spiritual Director made answers that satisties all fair-minded men that lie was not actuated by malice, but that charity had been his guide in all transactions t hut hud required ids offlciul interference. The constitutional amendment cominitte, Mr. McCarthy chairman, reported the following amendments to tlie constitution, which were unanimously adopted: First—Changing the time of holding tlie con vention to the third Wednesday iu Muv. Second—Signing a license or going on a bond for a saloon keeper was no violation of the pledge, but the committee on resolutions were urged to introduce a resolution deprecating the custom and also that id' treating. Third The unnual parade to be divided into five geographical districts, the limits to lie pre scribed by the union and all articles relative to the above to be repealed, it was left to the Spiritual Director to decide whether or not the liquid known as "Jamaeia Ginger" was an in toxicant. All interpretations of the pledge is to be the nrovinuo of the Spiritual director of local societies. At tlie afternoon session a resolution was passed, in the absence of the clergymen and tlie committee on resolutions, restricting tlie power of the spiritual directors. D.J. Camp bell of Scranton, whose whole aim Ims been harmony, moved to adjourn, which was car ried. Whut the result of this action maybe, time alone will determine. Tlie conservative element wore bent on sustaining tlie Board of Government, while the radical memlters were determined on overturning the work aud des troying their reputation. McCarthy was the leader of the opposition, and lie kept tlie convention in a state ol' fer ment. Their programme was to elect Judge, Scretary; Mulhcrn (Judge's brother-in-law). Treasurer, and Loft us of Pine Brook Vice President. Their design was frustrated by their own cowardly action. In the absence of tlie priests und four lay delegates they intro duced the resolution which has unconstitutional and then McCarthy used such intemperate lan guage that an adjournment was deemed advis able to udjouru. it is more than probable that this is the end of the Scranton L nion, and as no good comes from it, as the local societies can accomplish as much good without, it will hardly be lcsurrect ed. The persons who caused the trouble are sorry, while tlie conservative members are pleased that the rupture was brought about by an insult otfered to tlie priests who hud been invited. THE TROUBLE AND ITS CAUSE. The body that has Just adjourned sine <lie is the seventh annual convention in the history of the Soranton Union. They have invariably been characterized by harmony and temper ance in all things. That this one lias not been iu accordance with all previous ones, is owing to the intrigues of the ex-Secretary, James F. Judge. Notwithstanding Mr. Judge's protests to the contrary he lias represented himself as a martyr to the cause of temperance, and has sought by means of personal friendship existing between himself and individual members ol' societies to create a feeling of sympathy for himself. 1 hut ids representations have been successful lust Friday's action proves. There suit was anticipated by nearly ail of tlie Scran ton delegates. His champion, McCarthy of Freeland, months ago in sj>cuking of tlie spiri tual Director Rev. N. J. McManus in public 1 meeting of the society compared him to u < 'zur, and iu Ids impassioned manner asked the mem bers if they would be governed by any such. Similar tactics wen; employed in the dliferent societies where they were possible and without the knowlege of the board of government and without giving them a chauce of making a statement that would have a counteracting tendency. Tlie result was that many delegates caiue instructed and determined to vindicate (?) Mr. Judge. Their first net was to limit the powers of the Spiritual Directors. The consti tution declares that, u Spiritual Director is ex otlicio a delegate to tlie Union conventions and t.liis could not lie changed excepting by a two thirds vote of all the societies and after a notifi cation of three months. The absurdity of the opposition's position will therefore be readily perceived and their meanness and abject cow ardice proven when it is stated that the resolu tion was introduced in tlie übsence of tin; l'itts bon persons and where of course tlioy could not I defend their position. When the committee on I resolutions bad entered and taken their seats, j Mr. Keating, of Pittston, called lor the reading ; of the resolution which was complied with and ' j the committee was made aware of whut laid transpired during its absence. The convention I then proceeded to the division of the parade ae ' cordiugly to amendment when suddenly Father : MeMunus advanced to the front of the stage | aud in tones of thunder declared the resolution I null. I McCarthy WHS on Ids feet in an instant with | his usual rapidity and commenced again a tirade defending liis position. The resolution was in Mr. Judge's handwriting. Father Mc- Aiulrews advanced to the front of the stage and requested to know how many societies were represented from Ids parish. Mr. Gallagher gave the desired information when the reverend gentleman declared that the constitution granted him a vote for each of those societies und lie proposed to exercise that right, adding that he wus proud of his societies and they would have no reuson to be ashamed of him. Father Moylun advanced ami in a vigorous I maimer said that the charge of "LeCuron," "Pigott," "Thief" and "Blackguard" were not i misappropriate, and he lio|)Cd Catholic young ■ men would not befouud so unwise as to follow such leaders. McCarthy got up to reply and I the chairman silenced him with Ids gavel. J McCarthy whined about right being denied ! him, iuul Father MeMunus asked him why he , was so eager to weur the cup If it did not lit 1 him. Then Mr. Campbell arose and iu Ids cairn, I deliberate tone stated that It Wi re better to d --i journ than to proceed in this disgrn."' ' manner. I Mr. Duffy of Hyde Park, moved fc . j ment, which prevailed. The feeling was so in- I . lt strong men were seen to weep, und u . all felt keenly tlie unfitting culminations of the , convention and the organization tiiut laid been -> productive of such good results in the Scranton 1 Diocese. 1! . bir is Mr. Judge from a vindication that it is more than probable that his paper will be condemned by the Bishop, he may probably IK; , , cut oil lrom all Catholic societies, and he has ; 1 iV? 1 the respect of all fair-minded Catholics. His abettors are equally guilty, esjieclully Me- I * liD . ol ' 9is stated that even did Judge want to withdraw, which was suggested to McCarthy 1 as a possible way out the difficulty, his II friends would not permit him >. j I 1 ELLING Folt SALE.—A two-story, ten n I room dwelling, with cottage front, situ- I . | ated 011 the west side of Centre Street, between 1 j Luzerne and South, 20x44 feet, containing all I modern improvements; with cellar cemented „ j sides and bottom. Also two-story stable on :l * reai- of lot. Parties desiring to purchase will _ I please call on Jacob B. Zeigler, 011 the premises, I j either day or evening, and examine the prop , erty. Terms very reasonable. 1 "TAEKJBA RLE PItOPEBTY FOB SALE.- 1 J J There will be sold at public sale on July rt , at 2p. 111. to the highest bidder, or at private 1 sale in tlie meantime, the property of Frank 1 MeShea, situated 011 Main Street, east of tlie - Cottage hotel, comprising one lot with three - dwelling houses. Size of lot is 4d feet 0 inches 1 xISO feet; one double dwelling bouse fronting - on Main Street 2rt.\-:ti feet; one dwelling house 011 I rear of lot 14x24 feet; one stable 14x14 feet; one - double cooking shanty 12x20 feet. The property • is in good condition and parties wishing to in ; vest in real estate should not miss this opportunity. For further information apply to FRANK MCSHEA, Freeland. FIRE WORKS! Wholesale and Retail. We are now ready to furnish the trade with lire works of all kinds. <LKO. CHKBTNUT, 93 CENTRE STREET, EREELAND. EXAMINE OUR PRICES: Brick, per set, 00 cents; put in free of charge. | Grates, 5 cents per lb, Stove pipe and elbows, 18 cents each. Wash boilers, 75 cents to $1.(10. Home-made cans und bottles, 121 cents each; by one-half dozen, 10 cents each. 50-lb lard cans, 50 cents. Wushboilcrs bottomed at 35, 40 and 50 cents. | Conductor pipes and gutter, 0 to 10 cents per foot. Booting from 4 to 0 cents per square foot. Blasting tubes, 2 cents per foot. Wire for tubes, made to order, 5 cents each. Miner's Friend cook stoves, No. rt, SIB.OO. Plato range, $22.00. Apollo range, $20.00; and other ranges from SB.OO to slrt.t)o. AT F. P. MALOY'S, 0 Front Street, Freeland. M. J. MORAN, Manager. ARMOUR'S Chicago Dressed Beef RECEIVED FRESH DAILY. Tills Beef is from rigidly inspected cattle, i slaughtered in tlie most cleanly manner, and is ! the cheapest and best aiiimal food to be pro- I cured. Wholesale only. Freeland Beef Co.. FREELAND, PA. JOHN SCHNEE, CARPET WEAVER, SOUTH IIKBERTON. All kinds of carpet, double and single, manufactured at short notice and at the lowest rates. i (iO TO i Fisher Bros. ; Livery Stable FOIt FIRST-CLASS TURNOUTS At Short Notice, for Weddings, Parties and Funerals. Front Street, two squares below Freeland Opera House. Oa.LL and See "CTs. XNISROR LEE, CHINESE LAUNDRY, AN ard's Building, 49 Washington St.. FRKKLAND, PA. Shirts one, to I Bosoms 8 New shirts to I Coats 15 to 60 Collars 3 Vests 2U Drawers 7 | Pants, w001en.25 to $1 I ndershirts 7 i Punts, linen.. .25 to 50 Night shirts 8 ] Towels 4 Wool shirts rt I Napkins 3 : Socks 3 I Table covers... 15 to 75 Hundk'rch'fsJ); 2for 5 I Sheets IU Cuffs, lier pair 5 1 Pillow slips.. .10 to 25 Neck ties 3 | Bed Ticks 50 Work taken every day of the week and returned on the third or fourth day thereafter. Family washing at the rate of 50 cents per dozen. All work (lone in a first-class style. Justus Troell, THE OLDEST UNDERTAKER , In the region, has removed his business cstuh- I lishrneut to No. 12 Front Street. Freeland. i: ' tS'-'Uiyltrtakiiq; in "II its Rrni olies i J will receive prompt .SI.OO PER YEAR. JOHN D. lIAYES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and NOTARY PUBLIC. Lckul business of ull kinds promptly uttended. Room 3, 2d Floor, liirkhcck lirick. M. HALPIN - Manufacturer of Carriages. Buggies. Wagons, &c. Cor. Walnut and Pine Streets, Freeland. £MIAS. ORION STROII, Attorney and Counselor at Law. ' Office Rooms over Schooner's Hardware Store. j Q F. TURN BACH, Justice of the Peace. Office over Schooner's Hardware Store. All Kinds of Legal Business will be Promptly Attended. FERRY, PURE WHISKY, WINE, RUM, GIN, &C Fresh Lager Beer Always on Tap. Corner South and Washington Sts., Freeland. ELLIOTT, South Heberton, wholesale dealer in Pure Wines and Liquors Also Ajront for Beracr & En gel's Premium Lager and Tunnhucnser lit er. Porter, XX and XXX Stock and Draft Ales, Etc. I sell by the quart orgullon the best quality of Beer, Porter and Ale. McNulty Bros., UNDERTAKERS Ml EIUALIERS. Centre Street, Coxe Addition. S®~The finest hearses in the region. Prices reasonable and satisfaction guar anteed. j. p. MCDONALD, Dealer ill— DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR, FEED, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. A very handsome stock of FURNITURE Always on hn S. ~r. Corner Centre and S v. 1 iveiund TF YOU ARE DRY \Nl> V\ M i- the worth of your money, jo*t givi 3Pa,tricis: Ocire3r a call. He keep? the best beer and the largest schooner. Fine Jlye Whiskey, Old Wines, Porter , Ale, Cigars and AHA RIO, the Great Nerve Tunic. Centra Street, below South, Freeland. Weddings. Parties and Funerals Furnished with First-Class Tun louts ot short notice, at HOFFMEIB & O'DONNELL'B LIVERY Centre Street, below Freeland. H. M. BRISLIN. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. ' AGo U iler FTJRNi CURE of every dvi>' : m t on. Centre Street, above Lnzerne, Freeland.
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