Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, October 20, 1955, Image 19

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    Thursday, October 20, 1055 UNION PRESS. COURIER | Pige 3.0. 30
_— — tte
| Mes. Howard Gwin, Mr. and Mrs | ited Mrs. Rose Reese at Juniata | | Mrs, Florence Irvin of Bland. OV TSIDF. THE U. fof the medical services on duty | serving outside the United —
| Exiward Scott, Mire. George Gard- on Sunday | burg and Misses Cora and Mar Phres out of every ten officers 'in our military departments are | and in al parts of the world.
. iner, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Scott, Lewis Burkholder of Motint Class had a delightful visit pi % dri ih - a aii ha .
The following local folks at-| Mrs. Robert Duke, Mr. and Mrs | Union spent Wednesday with the | Miss Carol Van Scoyoc of Van Saturday with the David Schirn RL ;
fended the banquet for coal in-| Alfred Frank and son, Arthur, | David Nash family. {Ormer, Misses Cora and Mary | family in Tyrone (Political Advertisement)
dhastry at Jaffa Mosque Thursday | Mrs. Clifford Wilkinson and dau- Mr. and Mrs Charles Mills of | | (ase and Mrs Howard F Cilnss | Mr and Mra OG Edward Budde ;
evening, Oct. 13: Mr. and Mrs | ghter, Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Luther | Altoona visited Mr. and Mrs Hon- | ded f Pittsburgh spent the week end §
. . . ; Aube Bh “1 fittended a regular meeting of the of Pittsburgh spent the week ena § .
Jolin Scott, Mrs. Emma Scott Troxell, Mr and Mrs Donala Fev Hollen on Saturday evening | IETlen Wilson eDehan Loe No. | visiting at the homes of Mr. and i -
| Troxell, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 1568 of Coalport on Monday eve-| Mrs. Upton E Flessinge:
Chileote, William Chilcote, Miss | ning Mr. and Mrs Fdward K
n” {Connie Michaels, Mr. and Mrs : dla Fit
more Gav ; oh ad 3 Miss Lora Lee and Master Billy | 9% Nba . ;
¥av Riggle | ean Baers of Utahville ape Misses Cora and Mary a3
. as oe Of tahv spent :
| Mr. und Mrs. Edward Scott Jr By MRS. JOSEPH FALGER Wednesday visiting with Mrs Ka. | Visited Monday in Altoona
land sons, Garry and Gregg. spent 3 : : | thetine Beers ” LE
inthe FALL by Joie end Wits Mz. 34 Mn 100 Freshmen Gather | um: ind Mrs Joseph Matis =
$2 3: 8 Te 154] - > i :
a : land sons, Joey and Larry, of Owners ators
. The American Legion Auxiliary For Get-Acquainted Event {Dysart viited Wednesday eve | ’ Oper
| te Post 822 will hold ita regular Over 100 freshmen gathered in| Ning with Mr and Mrs Michael ®
oni meeting" Tuestay CO | ine igh kon wanes ar | Mah Must Give Bureau
Bach nnibo will Thay ng | Eot-acquainted party on Wednes-| ‘Mrs. Bdna Campbell and son.
I hav Mama omnaiatine v hpi day, Oct. 12 The party, the Billy Gene, of Frugality visited i
| Ive lunch consisting of sandwich first activity of the new schoo! | Thursday at the home of Mr. an h! Fess
ake und pickle or fruit. Ali erm was sponsored by the stu- {Mm Carl A. Campbell I
| members are asked to be present | sunt council. The evening's fun. | ‘
The “58 membership drive is now which inehaded Ri A ’ | : Miss Mary Belenski it : 1 State Revenue
ad and wy Er 8 a eS oy rnd t fl oalport on Thursday 41 i A (sieeann
# CEETIR Y ee . ™ si a y ms Sun
Mr and Mrs Wallace Maines | crown ian of Mr and Miss Frosh m Biss. Bartha gon x e Gl 9 Jow Panny sia ] rs 5 3
arid dinghter Tilt of Altoona man By the vote of their tefiow | hy 3 Many at mn in An # Pe amd oper af Oe y \ wy rid 1 J : h a No
vigited Mr and Mrs Lioyd Maines classmates Pauline Previte dau i ™ Oem bo Cing as ht : Ng a idresnes i ney } 3 C bl } ! iol
at. Bundav hter of Mr. and Mrs Don il Misa Betly tes, NLE? : } reau 5 motor veo ! $ apa e
E INNCinr and Mrs William Fr afcis | risburg of the v2 Hl a
Mr. and Mrs Harold Lightne: | Previte of Spangler, and Allan | qotes is a patient in the Philips . A: ae $ | N ; Eo :
and daughter. Carol, of Encla | Kirsch son of Mr. and Mrs 17e- | marge Qtate Hospital, if we donl have the correct ji | J aati 2 Entangling
and Mrs Fisie Malehorn and Har- [ban Kirsch of Nicktown, were] Mo. snd Mra Glendon 13 Kough dives hh eannot vay X35 a) . : ;
vey Shannon of New Cumberland voted the most outstanding frash- land Mrs. Emma Gallaher visited plication for a 1858 operator i j |
spent the week end at the Clif- [men of 1855 They were crowned |. patton Friday Jk el jeense.” Gleeson said ! Allian es
ford Wilkinson home by John Gach president and’ Me Yon iin : Michael R Ma i (hairless M Dougherty fp Fo } . J HE g yi 1 C
Mrs Glenn Boom spent the Ruth Bechel vice president of |, 0 and son Robert were 8 ator of . motor vehicles TEPOTa : Experience
week end visiting her sons Bill the council day shoppers in Altoons processing of over 3.000.0R ap] Th
Kenneth and John students of Arrangement of the party vras | Hon G Mulhollen Mr and Mrs ations for 1058 operator Ceres i ! ; 2 »
Miiton Hershey School by the social commitiee of the | Robert Mulhollen of Altron, O ROW Wunder hi aren =i i | ; :
i Mrs Clair Yingling and Mrs ri Babin ae Delarre snd {and James 1. Mulhollen of U7 8 4 dg oy guns ST Eps caked : .
Clifford. Wilkinson attended thel o_o all ms co-chairmen | Navy visited over the week end a :
Cumbria County PTA conference Charles Bearer and Bill Lewar-| st the home of their parents Dotigherty said U Ale | mi dl Veteran
jchick headed the committee oft {Ms and Mrs Glenn W. Mulhol vehicles code | pT
: a! Sunimerhill! Saturday : n Mrs Olean Mulhoid- 1 rédjisires ov nery and
ea pi Tr gfe ay. a I arrangements and Pauline Taney | low sperators oo Roti bs op ATT ba Fearless
STRITTMA | Mrs. Luther Troxell, Mrs. Don | was chairman of the lunch com-| rashington | department of an address chang: :
MJ TTER i 83d Troxell, Mrs. Glenn Bloom and I mittee Dick Omorato ai Mop gyi T oxi ut v dap I ir ayia rg ue RI a Ty | 8 L TES or War I
: . 4 at tthe week end visiting | Within Bours o ET 7 We
Switzler Buick, Carrolitown, Pa [Mr Clifford Wilkinson were jsf the entertainment committee, | wien Re gx wh iting Et a or Lemur: i : A
(callers in Altoona on Tuesday emcesd the games and skits Mike F Moz a tification Bn ~ be obits an
Mra Alfred Frank and son, Ar The party was under the super. Mr apd Mrs Raloh Fratehford | an u : a hy
ithur, were callers in Altoorm on | vision of Miny Mary Margaret | or Gallit AL AL a DA ipmrod To - ; : So
Sh . - : i allitzin. Mr and Mra. Eugene peace, notary publi g iit ori hv - . ” : a:
Wednesda Flanagan, faculty sponsor of fhe | patehford and son, Freddy of Dy 1 git dealer, of wry his TH b RE IN 3 NO SL BS [TU IE FOR A( TU AL EXPERIENCE
! Mrs Harold Capion of Detroit student council Other teachers i wart visited Randay evening gt vd ; i hi ;
| Mich, is spending some time at | Present included Mr. Vivadedli {the home of Mr and Mrs M GENERAL ELECTION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 10586
the Dexter Fowler home MN DiCieco, Miss Gordon, Mise | hae BR Matish intr clinukifieds Bl Yantit :
a a 2 4 4 by i i i ann
sr. and Mra Robert Van Secoy Rodkey, Mrs. Hodgwon, Mr. Kline |
Buses Lesve Ebensburg: | oc and daughters, Ruth Ann and | and Mr. and Mrs Newell
9:55 AM, 2:15 PM. 7:15 PM. | Cheryl, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clar pa
$ 445 {ence Smith Saturday evening Home Maker Club
i Mr ind Mrs Ivan Troxell and ‘ ‘
PITTSBURGH, PA = 1748 | family of Jamestown N.Y. spent Organized Last Friday
. {the weik end al the Fred Troxell] The Spangler Home Makers |
EBABTBOUNRD | Rete at a B sof Club was organized jast Friday
! r 1 Mrs ay Bland of jwith ten members attending thei
Buses Leave Ebensburg i ny £
9:20 AM. 30T PM. 7 E PAM { Pittsburgh spent Lhe week ent | mesting which was held in the |
with Mra. Edna Bland American Legion Home Nis |
- 38 | Mrs Mande Van Scoyor Mrs Mary Jane Hull, assisitng Con: |
ATLANTIC CITY . | Robert Van Scoyvor and son, Bob | hrin County home economist, was |
STATE COLLEGE . i by, were callers "in Coalport on | ir charge. Mrs. Hetty Whalen will |
bs | Suturdny serve as lander of the group, with |
Tax Extra Savings On MM Trips | Mr and Mrs William Fishel ives Ray McComble and Mrs |
land duughter, Cindy, of Pills-ipgyl Artley as assistant leadmrs |
: | burgh spent the week end at the | The project the members dec fded | » [
¥ w * , R i Tahal hom ¢ sprees 4 i we
LEYHO Lornn upon is sewing dresses
UND | Mr snd Mr. Robert Thon and The next meeting will be bold | } | J’ Q
{ dutighters, Nancy and Joan, Vis jie the Legion Home on Fray. | | -
nt ssa n—asise els Oct. 35. at 1:30 p. m.. AR Isles}
I'he -_- viride dhl sire Th og od 1 , —- .
MOTHERS re Proves Sco
e060 Here Proves Successful |
Mra Anse! Grybosky, who sary :
ted as chairman for Lhe Balvalion |
{ Army drive, wishes to thank the
strate. frosts
co-chairman. Mr
William Szaims. Mra John Guirsl,
“ 4 § | following who made the project | “Y o
A Beautiful Portrait | wet on bi werything aboul
: 3 i Miss Joyce Grybosky, Miss Murty
| Parrish, Miss Jt Kutsof, Mrs . .
of Your Baby $ | Michael Miklos, a. Steve Saly Y YLYRIYCY (OY
in, Mrs Frank Presto, Mrs Ar Sal S
$ iden Shovestull, Mra John Flad- Sh A / 4k
§liey., Mra James Whalen Irs e
Russell Stratton, Mrs. Harry V¥hi-
ted, Mrs. Geotge Schnabel, Mr
Robert Bone and Mra. Pete Mulan
A meeting of the 4-H club lesd-
ers of the county will be held
{in Ebensburg on Nov. 7 at 1:30
p. m. All looal club leaders are
ssked to make a special effurt to From the moment
a i Magw Toneh Control and you discover the distinctive ear on the road
FELLOWSHIP REORGANIZED ‘ a age thrill of push-button driving, youl will know
The Westminster Fellowship o , po
the loosl Presbyterian Church oy > Po
hag been rearginized and meet : ors ’ 1 the most exciting car on the road’
ps are held at 6:30 p. m. (ach Po ARESIDE :
; ‘ 4 .
Losey! #rge he Fourie
your finger presen the Jet Fins that make this "58 Dodge the most
There is the power of sucess in the surging
hreak-gway thrust of the new Dodge engines,
V-8 and 8. You command up to 230 hp.
that this daring new "58 Dodge is the newest,
t ia the rar barn of suee hisrn {or shoves
vy in the Shure. Ar Succes, Dorn [OF Hoos.
4 ma . pe a ts revolutionary advances are your revwands There is the fee! of suevess in the effortiess
HALLOWEEN PARTY of 2 | ’ ‘ - gf i in Lhe great Podge advanie.-~& dividend of one of Push Hutton an EFL oe the Magic
The Cambria County Counc] « aS | , i ; sods mile made pemuibiles hy the disk t Plt Tasch of Tomorrow
the 4-H Club will hold a Hallo ert due made possible by the jireatest
ween J gain in the nduascry pi : a ’
party in New Germany on Fain In Ina Come. see the new HR Dodge + . and el sae
Saturday, Oct. 20. All cub mem- fi : ,’ :
bers eare invited to atlend nere Is the wok of success in the soaring over Lhe rewards of Sirces,
ven i % f «gg wg? oy PY £4 ¥ - ————— ——— —y
Mra Willard Demi attended the THE MAGIC TOUCH OF TOMORROW Now Flash! New '56 Oedye a avery American sock cor record.
a Ce i ama pA ee a Ee ot
Leach, of South Fork, which was
held in the American Legion Post
Home in Johnstown last Toes
Sr and Mra Arden Bhoveutull
and Mr. and Mrs Donald Shove
stull and daughter, Kathy, vis
ited in Indians on Saturday. |
Miss Josephine Mekulsizx of
Hellwood visited her brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs John
§ | Mekuisia, last Wednesday
: i Mr. and Mra Lawrence Kihmsch
oH § | have returned home after spimd-
$ ling the past two weeks vistling
n Newton Falls and Clevelind
| o and rs. Thomas Groene
A Gift from Wolf's 1 My Mr. and Mrs. Joseph “Girvene
1 y
~ You Will Treasure a Lifetime! | ap, oe, eh iin
nis, Mr. and Mery.
& | Rusti” Stratton.
DAY & SATURDAY ||. i= eerie
00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. ||
Mr. and Mrs. John Zalisrock
and family visited in DuBois on
] y.
No appointment Becessary. Just eome in and have your | Mr. and Mra k Jos Hancharth of
by a photographer who specializes J ogi — uy! on|
You will receive absolutely FREE a {| Sunday.
4! Mrs Catherine gray ana
ghters, Anita and thy, aa |
visitors in Altoona on Saturday. |
Mr. and Mrs. Leo McTigue and |
son, Kenny, of Philipsburg vigited |
{1 | the former's uncle and aunt, Mr.
§ land Mrs. Willard Demi, Suniay.
| Mr. and Mrs. John Mekiisia
and sons visited at the Alex &i-
enko home in Sidman on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs Anzel Grybosky
family spent Saturday in
Corner Melloz & Park Avenues PATTON, PA.