UNION PRESS. COURIER i TR —— Phone Your Classified — Call ORange (Patton) 53161 thc EE CLASSIFIED RATES: : fT with a Change of com. 2 “lor one Average 3 outs Tog to = Display A upon Reo DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIEDS — TUESDAY AT 5:00 P. M. For Sale $-P{. LIVING R gitle. In good condition CRapel T-6067 bh fee omeoet pe 1952 Buick Soecid 4.-Door Sedan, two-tone green paint, heater, radio, dynaflow transmission. low mileage Main Street Garage Phone F1-4-6151 CARROLLTOWN, PA, ———. A ROOM st ITE for Phone *9.22 TWD HOUSES & GARAGE to Bit torn down from premises Call CHapel 7-8220 after 6:00 pa m 8-29 ann AR | CHEVROLET STATION agon for sale A- 1 condition sai Ki Phone ORange day or ORange Hrs 30 »- F. S$ DELTA MACHINERY: : presses. band saws, bench floor model saws, jig saws ; ers, planers, lathes. Also electric saws, electric drills, routers and sanders. Authorized dealers for all sbove items We also have on " ands Pa. Phone i ALSO BUY lumber and logs: pard maple, cherry, oak, iar, and birch. Logs are to be 1 chase and over. un booty yom sell. tf NEW 2.PC. LIVING ROOM Suite fior sale Also 12x14 rug with rubber mat, one-year-old piano, Philco refrigerator, Boviuom furniture and other ) items. Inquire at 308 Patton, or phone 9-22 1952 Chevrolet Deluxe T-Door Sedan, © pate ana Tos oF wnt . mileage, good @ paint, beater, ‘extras; jow rubber BT Sarenint Main Street Garage Phone Fl1-4-6351 CARROLLTOWN, PA. * For Sale A ———————_ BIL API 1049 Chevrolet Fleetline S al 4 Door Sedan, black puint, heater, good tires Main Street Garage Phone F1-4-8251 CABROLITOWN, PA. EZ TERMS, LAY-AWAY PLAN on all Toya (uns, Winter Auto Needs. Marino's Home & Auto Supply. Phila. Ave, Barnesboro, t HEN NESTS for “sale galvaniged steel, 10-hole hens nests in excellent condition Will seil all or part. UE Fallentimber, Pi. Phone Glasgow 20-R-14 ‘47 CHEVROLET 1%-TON Dump Truck. Good bed and hoist. Rea gsonably priced. Ideal for Inguire Cordon Kirkpatrick, Pat. ton R D. 1. Pa 4-5713 SAVE $104.85" BU Y ALL Three Frigidaire Automatic Washer Frigidaire Elecirie Dryer. Frigi daire Delaixe [roner Free nor mal installation Pay only $1207 each two week Bender Co. Carmiltown, Phone Flreside 4-68532 “0.22 "MERTENS Qu ALITY BREAD.” goods C—O MAO SHO AIOE, rs except Wednesday. ORan S- man ertens, Patton, Pa 21 for service Nore 02 Cowher Ave, tr ANS 1946 Chevrolet 2-Door Fleeimaster, heater, radio . A tp bargain! Main Street Garage Phone F1-4-8351 CARROLITOWN. PA. MAGIC CHEF, CALORIC and Chambers Gan Ranges for sale. Automatic water heaters. Com- plete (Pyvofax) botiled gas ser- vice. Hopkins Gas Service, Bar. aesboro. Phone 473. tu $8. INCH CABINET SINK with faucets and spray, including an automatic electiic dishwasher. No down pityment and only $829 w month ir Electric Co., Car roiitown 1. 4-6532 “22 8 C C. ALLEN OCOMBINA ATION Cash of and Adding Ma- Shine or sale. In condi. A bargain at $199.50. Worth Hon niore. Fecha's Hardware, Bamesboro, Pa. SPEC IAL—ONY ONL Y! ' 86-Ga)- lon Electric Water Healer $95.50, relivered. with warranty. ! Bender Electric C6. Carrolitown Phone Fireside 4-8512 hoi 22] a = EMERSON & SYLVANIA T. V. Bervite on all models, makes | need TV .-radic technicians | ip. Phone Phone | 8-ROOM HOUSE ranted 280. Ayers CHapel 7-8350. * Hasiings, Pa & Servite, Bulag 'S1 Willys tation Wagon dark faint heater And Main Street Garage A . | C-PRIME COAL FOR SALE st |’ * Origisal No. 33 Mine, located one mile from Patton on 8. Law- i Union mined For br Se {Patton) ORange CABINET SINK with wall cabinets. No 2 Ae a FF , Pa. Telephone FI {14-6532 o-22 PLAYERS WANT Touehowne, You're after bar- te ou dhe host of host of hargaina | ASPHALT PAVING: Driveways | Ave, Patton | areas | Get Gur i Work I Rtate specifion i | a Land 0 sets of | BULLDOZERS & Ri Plesstinger and “5. 26 | land Bros paris | sn Phone ORangs | i | ment, | yum cleaner | details AUTO INSURANCE E RATES “now | Electric | Home delivery | wh Phone | | ange 5-2371 TV. ~ | Sot { sotion of upholstery fabrics Suis Natson : iL, “Charles, R For Rent FOR RENT: 5 -ROOM HOUSE Beth Fun mirnishad Pattom Hewrh “9.22 L& 5 1 ut NOK K ery Avi 5 ¥ Inqpiire of Ed Jenkin A uted Services - re walks pizygro YT fa Hive us do a pro lens than wi gutimintes Ni PEYRINE | oo sl f ennicmal FOR RENT: \ rrient fota tad i think ! ohligation i Ave, Patton, > .. . ¥ oy § » wding to Penna F ition Pa M GLOVA, | 56831 Phone Fireside 4-8140 tf IND FLOOR Apart- at 312 Melon Inguire V. A Huber, Telephone ORange of job It cisels doaie = Wis Benedict, Pa ET aie S-ROOM BRICK HOUSE located iin Carrolitown for sale or rent Modern ¢on Phone Fire. : side 4-6230 tf ROOMS gr ind FP Bide. Patton tving Aim ree LOTAEe nrtnect Atty Pattsn veaniendes PONTIAC §- Dorr, heater Peluxe “8 radio and AUTO GLASS (LUT Iristall ed for all ford HK &hiie ving wast A Err plete line of and makes of raArs tr FOR RENT: 8 regulators or! A & RQibwpertn sR rge {Can ah sane Foy CHupel tf waitin E pasty Wandeliar ORunge §- i DECORATED ROOM and Bath: also tw 3 FEMI floor above Phone | Murtha Furniture Store, Ebens tf | burg Phone Fhensburg 263-7 for inns information ef. SHAMPOO ov rR L RUGS in your IAMPO0 3 atl ng! the yout ‘4 ROOM APARTMENT Rent our Clarke Shampoo Equip: fire? of Ow tober Pri ; b as simple to use 8s B elect tove, private Write or call Bacha's Hardware, Phone 43 hannels ben! glass | Hastings Pa 71-6502 # oy PONTIAC Prelirge “8” hydrirmmtic, hester { hieftain §-Daonr radia rs Phone Sad 8 Hl OTeronm Jie PY £3 Phen ther Moun 8-2 for Hire. Founda- chide hings excavations of all kinds Reasonable i Satisfaction guaranteed Bameshboro, Pa i 936 or A41-R-3 1852 CHEVROLET Styleline Deluve 2-Door, power glide, radio and heater ted Bhovels : NEWLY Mh fire rites KYasent Weak- | Qasr cmd BUKEK Special Deluxe 2. Door, dyvnaflow. radio Coane heater ensh (CHEVROLET Styleline Deluce 4 Door, power. glide, radio and heater PONTIAC Deluce 8” hydramatic heater PONTIAC Peduxe “RB” hvdramalic heater for wg ¥ ¥ Pm ¥ Be as. § Witesl for VRC 18 for Etar- | Aon tris $256 {Chieftain §- Doar. radio and entrance and & x $00 cal Wanted Fog! forr Magee Aloana tf ! fished neshoro Streamiiner 2. Doar, radio and reduced] for drivers age 23 or older. Premiums payable on mon- | : ] thiy installments. Paul J. Shar- | WANTED — JUNK CARRS and baugh Insurnince Agency. Carroll "Prucke any kind We also uy Phone Fireside 4.6620. Uf hatterion radiators. strap and lead Fast End [pang ler Prema 27h “1-12.56 (CHEVROLET Phetline Deluxe $-Door. radio and heater T CTHEVROLET Fletline 2. ane, radio and heater Finance Through GM A ( or Carrolitown Bank WESTRICK PONTIAC Phone Fireside 4-8526 CARROLLTOWN, PA. al FOR ALL YOUR "INSURANCE Wi pay Needs Paul J. Sharbaugh In: seis surance Agency, 8t Benedict BL. 1ynine Carrolitown., Pa. Phone Flreside 4-6620 tf GARBAGE HAULED — $1.00 per month: ashes only B80¢ exira per month Keep your premises clean. 1'se Ray Humphrey's Haul ing Service. Phune (Patton) OR- tf eOpher. hrass 3% highent pr Wreckers Hurnesbors Notices NOTICE! fdicwing atcthunls ned and passed DY Will remain on eA $e. of pariies interested eptions are filed be presented to tf abanhite Monday, x {os clock A House Ebensbhury the £ tnt 1 Ling £23 gOorraant iy tor of Mathilda on wy BRE The hve heen exami the Ragister of file in Ris s and ice for the # nse § § 54 For p Hek and fries ie efficient service on your T V. 16 will at reasonable rates, call! bp Maurer Bectrie Service, Carroll | town. Pa. Phone Flreside 4-6524 UE I and RL A A SERVICE theres the Cir Mars {enirt Et pon {7 18565 wt 10 rs wise h tear LAR I STA WA i the FURNITURE RE -U FHOLSTER- bt ed, Refinished and Reglued. All} work gunrantieed Also a wide sel | Sign estimates, time apd lo he & ] i Final i Bantivy Rey ari Matilda or) 59001. Bill | mise’ WM. Rantiv: fled - prrsaant orsberg's Ehop, Patton, Pa. te M. Hantiy Nac. urea] - + {ta Order of Court Attorney fon + {Abo tJ Irving Btineman CELLAR EXCAVATING & Grad- | Ateountan ving cl ing. Also ditching. loading. Hft. |L ¢ om ai, exes tf cof Cas sloughs off tainted outer skin ARB rio ; ties of &- » . y ing. drediint. an: coaring, wad. | Lovie Cet, 0X Ch 2, CLE | le tmiedacd germs ON CON Be St. Boniface, or phone | torseys for Accountant Harkint | poday at Patton Drag Co. Pst apel T-8811 (if no answer, call | | & Wharlon tom, Pa 5.22 | Chinper a 6342). tr! 3 ¥ fal #groeint iif re thy a ol — (rrimel, fixes Lillian Ged. | CLOTHING ALTERED Alters. Attorneys for A ouintant tions on all lypes of men's and & Wharton. A | ladies clothing Custom-rnsde | A. A. N ELS I=¥ clothing for ladies. Mrs. Rupert | President J po LE | H. 8harbaugh, South Main Street, | Orphans {ou | Carrolltown, Pa. Phone Flreside | | MICHARL J HARTNETT 4.6619 Real Estate uf F Repist or of Wills ang Llery of the On phans Ciemirt | Ebenaburg. Pa | September 10. WITH 5 Acres | In Memoriam of ground for sale 320th of SAMUEL O STEIR a mile from Patton on Kiondike In loving memory of our Road. Very good location and rgd who slept away very good spring water. Furnace. spo today Sept 24 water iri house, shower room and He bad + toilet. Two-car garage For fur | A Rome = ma ther information phone Mike Ben- The heavenly gates had Opened yitko, ORange 5-6822. $1 TTA lovely voice said "Come! §-ROOM HOUSE IN ELDER | And with farewell unspoken Twp. for sale. One mile fro mi He gently entered home ! Patton mn Route 36. Inquire Geo |Our dear Daddy sleeps in silenca Coles , B07 Beech Ave. Patton. | Wed not disturb Ris rest Tne OR 425 6.72 | Sad and lonely are the hearts P—————————— hucee FOR RIENT OR SALE: ROOM Who Bungalow House Bath hol air | fumace with blower Wired for electric stove. Also 22 rifle, bolt action, 5 shot clip. Inquire at! {846 Donnelly Ave, Patton John | Mikula. Phone ORD -6763 $106.18 OR AS HAs B-ROON! HOTU SE FOR SALE | Bath, hol alr furhace, 60 3 150! ¢ ft. Good location G. E. MM-Gal hot water heater. Call Ragina | Winslow, Patton, Pa. Phone OR- | 50303. “te FOR ATHLETE'S FooT GET AMAZING RESULTS! IN ONE HOUR, if not pleasind with powerful ker | stolytie funjfivide, T-4-1., your 4b¢ back at any drag store. T-4.L Rntin For : free e Hutton ORange Moxie Jic-Jac ALL POPULAR BEERS & BOFT DRINKS Hastings Bottling Works Phones CHapel 7.5831 utrix of { wal Harkins Fr 1955 Mar one Year 1954 farewell tO BROne ot loved him best : Mis Loving Wife. Children | an gd Orandehildren srl fsa oA BIDS FOR COAL Bid Approximately 36 tons oH | cond grade and location of mise requested Have bid in on or bar fore Friday, Oct 7 Submit bids | Clifford Miles, secretary, Richa ki Beers Post 7043. VFW. Coal port, Pa *H. 9 1955 Auditor's Report Patton Bore School District FOR THE ort, ENDING JULY 4, 1955 dry and bath, hot air furnace, | ~ Amessed valuation real estate, §1 388 360, iH; Number assessed with per tapita tax desirable location. Inquire OR. i Winslow, Patton, Pa. ane Re i imx, $6.00 dud Bigia of Behool Tax Other Taxes ange 5.5303. HOUSE IN HASTINGS for sale Arnott levied face of 1884 duplicate - wn Fins and bath: hot water £. BxiS0 lot. Located on Kirk Penalty adde Street Phone CHapel 7-6244 analtiun as 1 9-20 Total after 400 p. m HOUSE IN CHEST SPRINGS Exonerations (1804 tax: 1664 Tax retumed to oe sale. Five rooms In center of towr on corner lot. Cheap. In- Co, Commissioners Discounts D4 9.20 Net amount of 1954 tax collected Total FLORISTS GiFTs Patton, Pa. Olkange 3773 a S-ROOM HOUSE for sale: laun | Numer of mills levied | 1.332; Rate of per capita Per Capita Property Total | $41 936.10 244.21 $7 6880.00) 152 0) ya Had 10} $1,132 64 $1,132.84 TRIZ.0N 5 587 00 $42.182 31 $ 1LBRST1 887 / 5.0) Help Wanted WIDOW WOMAN, LADY or Girl wanted for housework. Good | EXPENSES home ind good pay. Call Altoona | Payments to Patton-Chest Join! Schoo! Board $147. 600,00 | 36562. Mrs Bere: 2134 18th St. RECEIPTS Altoons, Pa “9.22 | Balance on hand July 5. 1954 i ; tax 19 BOR 8 FALL BUSINESS OUTLOOK ex-| [tuperty tax 1954, $39.908.50; wiaent. Heed Hun ‘And Somes Delinguent tax {previous to 1843) / t tend 1 portation Patton. Excellent earnings. Credit | Biate Apptopfiation: teachers, LARsportation vorationa plan svailable. Beautiful Christ-| , pn Tora nat mas Gift Box line plus our regu- lar famous Watkins Products. | Wits e. C. Hunter, 74 Eas! Rob- | E80 - ¥ 0 n Ave, Barberton, Ohio. for! | Total Receipts details, . — | Total Expenses MAN WANTED to manage large | established business concern in | Northern Cambria County. Busi- ness #bility necessary, good op- | portunity. Direct ail inquiries, ving age. experience, recommen- | tions. to “Box B”'. c/o Union| Press:Courier, Patton, Pa. *10-6 Lost & Found Previcus to 1852 Duplicate LOST: BLACK COON HOUND, | Balance On Hand All Funds out towards Whitmer hunting h.¥ ¥ 95 camp. Name plate iz on collar Total Assets Finder please contact Walter] Amotnt of Tax Collector's Amount of Treasur. Kutruflf, Flinton R. D.. or phone er's Pond, $i0.000.00; Amount of Secretary's Bond $306.00 Richard Kutruff. OR-4-1373. 929 9-29 Francis X. Young, Harvey Mulligan, Gilbert Fregly, Auditors $1.132684 T1700) 30 90K 80 48.3211 “i $1.13284 $7 812000 $42.182 31 $51 126.95 $7 170.00 AT OTR 80 1.132 84 1345 0 Per capita tax TR 1817} i5310.71 Total Receipts. including beginning SUMMARY balance $183.157 54 147 000.00 | Balance on hand (to be available for school vear 1855-06 3% ASSETS ® and Bitea at Cost Equipment at Cost 48 157 54 School Buildin Textbooks a Unpaid Taxes 1054 Tax (current vear) 1883 Tax 18562 Tax $180 000. (0 $0 On 10 1.585 1 1.085.770 433 2 ; 17550 48.157 540 % & bond, £41 54.10; $288 407 65 Sl FE TIT NF lid $ 50.108 2% Classified Display as SHERRY BROS. ® BUILDERS ® CONTRACTORS FREE ESTIMATES Phones 2343 or Range 5-3464 Patton, Pa. ORangs 5 Classified Display FOR ATHLETES FOOT Use TAL for 3 to § days. Watch the old tainted skin slough off leaving healthy, hardy skin If not pleased with powerful, mitant-drying ' TAL, your 40c back at any ' drug store. Today at Patton Drug Co. Patton. 9.22 Sn Ec (lassified Display R. H. KELLY & SON (HRANITE WORKS ROCK OF AGES Authorized Dealer se OW EE Bridge 8t. Ph. CHapsl 7-6581 HASTINGS, PA. If no answer, CHapel 7-8347 SVU \Y JL [QUE Promos AVIA ISS, JOHN DEERE Tractors & FARM EQUIPMENT BAILER PARTS °F 3 Rp RERVH je 4-0571 Mohler’s Implement & Feed Btore CARROLLTOWN, PA. PAA NSS SIS TIY Phone ¥Flres EGER ERS RETTIG Wls tw wy tag uses LESS WATER Maas to $186.95 Easy uaa CONVENTIONAL AUTOMATIC for a full washing than any sither automatic washer Hea dou Kelvinator Refrigerators, Rangrn & Steel Kitchens Duteh Oven Gas Ranges |. J. BEARER APPLIANCES Ph. Flreside 48171 CARROLLTOWN, PA. eral 1 ariers for INTERNATIONAL FARM MACHINERY Parts and Service WEAKLANDS Implement Store CARROLLTOWN Fhome Flreside 46511 ®* Lumber * Millwork ®* Contractors — FREE ESTIMATES KRISE LUMBER CO. Phe ane (Range 58621 FOR HIRE! with a good i Ag ap erator, Sas D4 C tractor at a reasonable rate Sofi Comnervation pays pro towards a farms dam. Phose Flreskde §-6898 § 3 J LE DENNIS CARROLLTOWN, PA. FOR A TOF VALUE IN New & Used | Cars & Trucks | $193 157.54 | | GUYER MOTOR COMPANY Dodge-Plymouth Dealers HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA. % AMAR ARR R RR ARRA RS RAR ARRAN ayy 2 FFE rrr lL rs i _ LF a 3 i OLLTOWN BAN AUTO LOANS a iAP 2 Fred AANA EAS ARRAN PUBLIC SALE ROUTE 38 Between CHEST SPRINGS & ASHVILLE Hi-Way Inn, Holtz Farm SATURDAY, OCT. 1st 1:00 O'Clock, P. M Farm Machinery, Tools, Purniture, Antiques, Produce, Dishes, Kitchenware Automobiles, Ete BRING IN WHATEVER YOU HAVE TO SELL Terms {Cash COL. G. G. BLOOM, AUCTIONEER GOOD STOCK OF USED FARM MACHINERY 19562 FORD TRACTOR « 1850 FORD TRACTOR FARMALL MODEL F-14 1854 FERGUBON TRACTOR, Model Tv } Ad 1954 FORD TRACTOR with Wagner 1953 PORD TRACTOR PLOW, CULTIVATOR, CORN PLANTER. PULLEY & POWER TAKEOFY | NEW DEARBORN, WOODS BROTHERS CORN PICKERS ONTARIO GRAIN DRILLS COMPLETE LINE FORD TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT CAMBRIA § Tractor & E quipment x Eq 300 W. High St. EBENSBURG Phone $I ADS with Wagner high-lLift ¥ A ‘Armall B54 “Buy of the Week” . 1950 NASH $249.00 Want a GOOD CAR at a low, Then sire to see this Door Nash Statesman’ You'll agree IT'S TOPS low price] he in valine! Stop in today fc 7 le ma i NASH Rambler 3 Door Sedan heater NASH Statesman 2 Door Sedan, heater NASH Statesman 4-Door Sedan, radig, heater and overdrive transmission NASH Statesman 4Door Sedan, heater and over arive 1 1004 1952 1951 1961 FARSI sIOn MERCURY 2-Door Sedan radio and heater NASH Ambassador 4 Door Bedan, heater, radio, overdrive transmission NASH Ambassador 4 Door Sedan heater iS erdirive 1960 1048 1940 radia, transmission. four Brand new tires; in periect eond ition JOw mileaus NABH Ambassador 4 Door Sedan, radio, eriirive trameanision LODICO MOTORS | Route 2198 e ARMANTOWN 420 Daisy Street Very 1948 Beater,