UNION PRESS. COURIER Many Area Entrants Awarded Ribbons At County Fair Mies Nancy McDonald, 18, GRAND CHAMPION HOLSTEIN HEIFER | castrn a ting on GRAND CHAMPION CHESTER WHITE SOW | Victory oatsFirst, Jos Fen- Third Mrs | chak, Colver; second, John Fen- rout Carrsiitown : $ : | ¢hak, Peter Penchak : Fired : N ed T k | sd 8 : Babs fwea 1 sel. HOOT i ; i x : : 4 Common wekwhen . iret, am Sine urkey Queen ie : taraidine MeDonald Care Es i Hy i El eg : Lewis Cretin : third Mrs. Harty Trout. Carroll . he ; eid Logan 4 Hartary buckwheat First, Cy- . i ; ' ; Ww y I tivarn / Fg i it TE 5 a2 SR ril Cretin, Dysart, State Secretary of Agriculture Speaker Thursday; | i nell | RT Eo AL ie Corn Many North Cambrians Win Farm, Home Awards | BR | Afternoon dress. First, Bonnie! EB b # i | Silage corn Third, Paul Rieg, | i Ra r h 4 f : i i YF Spangler 5 : 1 | | : a ‘yg . nent IAprings train. new Firat Miss Naney McDonald, 18 of the high-guality livestock, he } | | | i {‘hild's dress Ne ita RE ! 3 hn i ; & Ww od Ha ty Ebensbur second. Stiwardstown York Count vy, was! saw in an earlier tour of the | 1 ' » sh Niektows? 3 | : m arteis E- i " ve @ ) ] ; ohn HH. Fenchak: third Peter Seliteted as the states 1955-58! Cambria Connty Fair Thursday i Miscellaneous TE i ia | ; : : ; Turkey Queen at special activit-| ., "ry 4 Tork ¥ Raul ol ; ! : joins . : i & 0 Tha b i | Fen hak; fourth, Mrs. Irvin Hite, tos. Mehl eht oh il wr ‘s| 3 ongressmiin Jahn P. Say TT | iininam travs. Firs Svalir £ ; gE yo. : ® ; : | Ebensburg: fifth, Joe Fenchak Shlighling las ral ay Johnstown, paid tribute to the | | cGough, Dysart 1 a | Hybrid, any strain, old First, MEgram at the Cambria County | meritorim job done by LAT | | : QEWing Hor x. Vien fq ’ be. Er i | Lewis Cretin: second. Cyril Cre- nr, Ebensburg . | Leiden during her reign as the} | | BN | © McGough, second, Evelyn M Bao § 1 tin, and third, Peter Fenchak Miss McDonald succeeds Pat i queen. le said she averaged one | | : i Gough \ 4 2 : ; : Vegetables risa leiden of St Lawrence | appearshes i week These tool | a ; | 1 Raed basicets First tra J yo ks hed” ; Ke Cambria County the 1954-58 per over the state and into nes y | 4 LE Me Gough apni Breive 1 z : Hla] { Globular beets First, Peter titiYaolder I be statis i | Gougn third Florener. Dictrich Ta. hy | | Fenchax, second, Mrs. Mary Fen. __ Miss McDonald was crowned at In spite or rid st frow : —— ' Patt mn ; Ee Ty chal sm : cetemonies prior fo the start of Patton i hest F'wp. High Schoo i a : $-H Home Feonomics Clubs : Fiat bests--Firgl, Mary amen the prefessional show Thursday | 1h, congresenan aad Miss eid | : J EF = . : py : : | Sour ri night in the main arena at the | on finished ohith straight A fo. B. 3 : othing art) Spangies : : a { White sweet corn First, Peter fairgrounds cord and war val dretorn of tor) | R firsl year! group. sixth Nic 2 i “di re | Fenchak, second, Joe Fenchak cord and wall valedictorian of he | ‘1 town; ninth, Carrolitowr th : ; | Slicing cucumbers First, Peter The blue-eyed, blond young | class He adiled that she will en | , | Hastings: 13th Carrolitown * : iE : | Fenchak: second. Joe Pench. Miss was chosen at a dinner (roll at Stale Teachers College | {ty 17th Spang BY : : | : Pickling cucumbers. First, Ray sjlonsored earlier in the evening Indiana this month br Outdoor chakery First oy alll | Cronaner, Patton R. D.: second. by Penn's Best Turkey Grow- | The eattle of twe Cambria | | ter : h i | ie John Fenchak A agerativy, a satewide | County boyy wom breed champ ; B Additionnl winners In FFA a Be I Egg plant First, Mrs. Mary lonshign at the ninth annual } . cil Bl § | | breeding (tubs for pigs, live a . § | Fenchak: second Ravmond Crone Bhe was crowned a! the fair Southwest District &H Dairy | | 1 stock judging, dairy judging, | Ss | aver: third, Helen Cronaver by Dr. Harriet! Henning, wife of | Show at the fair, also a high kL | agriculture were listed this : . 1 | Sweet spanish onion First, Dr, Jill a Hatin , state Hght of last Thursday's pro week for Iast week's fair ; = Te Ravmond Cronauer: sscond Hel Setrelary of agriculture gram. : ge ; ‘63 : ! : i i Be a ¥ 5 en Cronaner ‘The crown was furnished by the Cambria County owners of th | ; | FFA BRE} Ne (CLUBS : | Aa y : California wonaer peppers Ist, A & P Tea Company champiting. are Lawrence Spring | Fe Berkshire ; Gp ee ¢ | Mra Mary Fenchak: second, Bet- The camorta CUounty entrant er. of Carrolllown for Holstein J a i Junior gH 1» Leona aw : , | ty Lou Kirkpatrick, Chest Springs Judy Probst, a senior in Johns and Emil Bfanas of Portage R 3 a ake ‘ation : ; and third Helen Cromauer ftotvn Catholic High, waa named ID. for Brown Swiss i | ] Benor ghis- First, Robert Ho 4 Bell type peppers Second, Mrs & princess for 1855-58. Six (ounties were represents | : Irvin Hite The state secretary of agricul- in the 4H competition Mem | bei ald Storm, Ches! Spring ae Be Hot peppers First, Mary Lou F ‘®, in a brief address. spoke of hues edhibiting ealtle were fron | : : third, Lavi Foge BAW ine, # r : Kirkpatrick Chest Springs: third tht great mutual bemefit that Cumbrin. Somerset, Indiana Hed Mary Fenchak eoines from industry and agricul- rord Blair and Huntingdon Coun atu Ta. Bh Hhiof Prass-Ootivier Staff Photo FFA or 4-H vegeladle dispiny tiie working together This is a8 Union Press pr Sig ® Pos iL, yaa 2 i Pictured is Ronald Hoover, sor of Mr and Mra. Gerald Hoover of Firsh Patton-8t. Lawrence 4-H particularily so, he added when n the dein sanes 1 Above is Lawrenes Springer. H-vear-old son of Mr snd Mra Geir Dysart B.D, with his grand champion Chester White sow of the Club; seventh Chest Springs 4-H eftiployment and earnings are a! ho hres he cattle wi & rated sid Springer of Carrolitonwn RR. D.. with his Holstein heifer, named Cambria (ounty Fair. In taking the crown. the sow won over last Club, #ighth, Patton FFA Club; 8 high figure in the state. How rib 2 Pr Bive red br white grand champion of South West Districr 4H rates Sew $04 Win your's grand champion of the MNiate Farm Show, Harrisburg. Rone | ninth, Carrolitoun 4-H Clad] 10th ever, he emphasized that the far i : aid's entry won first in the junior vearling class in both FFA and | Nickiown $#H Club ribbons. in th srder (Cambria | Pia County Fair last Thursday A freshman at John Caresll Chester While mir is not enjoying ail the pros anty winners follow High, Lawrence Is a member of Nicktown &H Club Me eniered A open class, thea took the tithe In FFA and open class. Four of Sugar or ple pumpkin. Second, purity that Industry generally , So toda 3 i ] Holstein competition for the first time this year lis heifer won fest In “or gt ° her offspring won the following: Fiend place in got of sire, first Peior FPenchak, Colver es today. oliste : : ; : open class, senjor call: first in the dairy show, and grand cham place in produce of dam. second place in fat barrow, and third In Winter sqrraah BSecomd, Mra Dr. Henning also touched « on Tunior cif Lye Holsapnle plonship, and also was first in best of hread janior sow pig, open class snd FFA flenald, a @oadent at Patton. Mary Fenchak: third Raymond entries. He alo won first in senlor calf in 4H competition and . lunior vearling FP F2 oye {hest High, in a member of thie school's Fatare Farmer chapter Cronauer was one of four Cambria members to win first in couny group in 4 o ow " Summer squash Second, Helen iL A RIDE LAE TE Rostth - West Hetrict Shot, which included entries by HH , . ; dairy sre pionabiy For ” . criiots.. Piva wd . v- Finint - John nd ‘ronauer; third Betly Lou Kirk bt I RA KC ” | members from seven counties Sf rews Patios . Sumy 7 . in Vian patrick in show. which had 3H Potatoes : iu od . ail os : Cantaloupe First, Raymond Canned Fruit Howser a # » R 4 : } > 4. Rbk - aa an : re Cronaer: : end, Helen Pe . : ; : $i Eben ¢ hird air | er ’ Mary Fanchak Fou wir mR D Fggs (Opem) Max Lampenfeld Joe Wilt Cy ater Banari Fira Fit 8; moti RKacond Tar oT White shell Fourth Peter anald Hoover | Ron Fin i § { nivel (vihmayr Fenchak, Colver Pradry Judging : riia Firat, Of Rl Ropp Booth Display Bano Floss $10 w “ gx ‘ 3 * Fle le bie 4 et -s i Grange First Pleasant Hin of : ops ide Helen Chest Springs and second, Banner f Bradiey Junction a et a fdging MN wir} nes : ; Corminm FHA Schon First Patton. 42 River (IL) nd Lawrence Stringer Cambiia. | Cherries First, Mia A WE | other judges | James Pet : Nn Pe ret: SL] Poet. Secon, Ehenstueg Tam inkl 1 vis . i ‘ : t ' Fenech Cady thir bhria #4. Evening pic hol W vnin Berkosh AGRICULTURE Apples | Bashels Pete enc? ‘olver FFA School Third, Ebensburg- { poet.) CEE (Paice " Apples (single plate) i km a gr sion on ! . Cambrid and fourth Patton Chest 20. Puil handie A1. Dollaz (8p. 45. Soak flax Ranior call. Carl” Brana . Peni emt that 1a Naidwin.. Recor : 3 x rth, ton Che i 0 8 Foss bom iig'? Be Ta 3 Ny ol 4 o iinton " £5 Pippin Ber ahur im RRS, AE i i fi ii Gsuersme ¥ { anned: Vegetables Eo : ’ i Fob ! —— 3 . : . a y : § Land NedonG thre r | : Tumior all JEW Hilaopple Thise far variely First. Mis : a i and lrene Holsoppie, , Cambria. ann Berkoski Colver: third, Mi : —— Po # i A § a od maim so Saks Soa # a earth § BLY {ihmar Hopp blue J Ruth Harteis Ebenals i } i ¥ Rn i . 5 | . . . arid f & App gi TP Juiinr yearling -Bugene Fok Mrs Mary Fenchak Co : 3 : tits Ho 8 uy a I Cambria bib T otrid Le vt Reet (3 AE ra sy ; rr $8385. 7 ATES i ta Man Renior yearling Robert Hoover | Francis, Colve or RLY-O Ce MPP n Fur ht R. Ha " : wil Be Cambria, bi i Riring beans Firs irs Miwry en : o ‘il tH oo : id ; Fas 58% ak od a § ’ 1 Less-Financed By | Two-vear-old — William Hoover | Fenchak, Colver second, Mem | WL FATE Le BON on sini Calves er ; yk ¥ IVE; a Bigs Anns Berkoak) " f Sholled beans groups Edward Hoo id ; Ra : an [i ager, riot ows - Sa) Wealthy Pi 3 i r R pp Rong #ormnd q . Flom | Ist LEY WTO 1 Lobe rt | Lown {ann Third her § WDD Lawrente Bpringe: san Hartels, white Most everything was found thak, Ualw nt last week's Cambria (County Fo Falr. Winners in the hone Earet Davis, fakerion : 20 onantics department of the 1855 | © a0 Frat fr aie t i ern owner mm an fnir wore announced bast Fri- | oogrien Calves siebid rn | 1 0S run howls da) | Mary Fenchak, Colve: North Cambria ares folks who | pod & i= In hap n i Sitnmed wm! N Ch COopnea Swarr i % TE Sranomics | p j os . aR Fi i Beef Third, Mrs Gilbert Far evVY et Task: Ice depatiment ar NOW : parim are as follows i baugh Carralilows ew 0 ! Spiced Fruit Three iar variety Firs! Fenchak Hg £343 Mra Fer Shortest stroke VE's of any lead- Tir ed regeialies Mas AS ing truck. The indusiry’s most ad- Nanak, oq aap 2 : gr wr a vanced Sixes! You get the mest Berkoaki (Calve ; ; Jellien and Preserves -_ , | Jelly 8econd. Yvonne Garrett, A ; : | Sh new Chevrolet Tasi-Force trucks! | Loretto; fourth Fin Elis Fara | J dg A : | A H ibaugh, Loretlo ; : d : i Baker Goods . : : ? | Chaat Ya Wiest. Ibken | A aa pon Most Modern Encines i Chocolate cake Firs Mrs : AS t Mary Fenchak Colver sed ond it ; | % ee ET VBor$ ( Mrs. Ann Berkoski, Colver i 0 Sama : ; | Lady Baltimore cake First | : : rl V8 is standard in new LCF. mod Mra Mary Fenc) hak, Colver; se | yr El Sain els, optional at extra cost in all other | ond, Mary Fenchak, Colver: ihird : hale Mr Ant Berkoskt. Calva: : ic Re lL “ except Forward Control models. New | Yellow or bultercake rst, | _—_ Be | ; Chevrolet trucks offer the industry's [Mary Penchan ae ¢- —— pe. a most advanced valve-in-head sixes, { Nut Cake Second, Y "en | v : n Wy, an ; ; | chalk.’ Calves too. All have a modern 12-volt elec- Bunshine op yellow Kponge | trical system, cake ¥First. Bernadelle Bpringer | Marble cake Firat, Mra Mary | Fenchak, Colves i : w fia Most M Chiffon os = tf M 1 » ; 4 E oder CaKe irat ra { | MeGough, Dysart de g—— Ee Cy hoe y om io : Styling Nite brea "rat ternadlett eo | 3 hs 3 ? I 3! a . i Sp oii afiat i g an is ; J 3 Work Styled with a fresh, functional | Filled cookies — Second, Mary | Wr Siti chs. Bei : appearance that’s tailored to the job! | Margaret Davia. Bakeries nnn " fen ei x oo Er : Two distine tly different styling treat . i eniate oo en “rat BEY | | 1 / 5 ; Ea 10 Full Swing { MATES TT Davis Raker ~ { A A oy . A j 4 x 3 la : ments are offered one for light- and R G d | Butterscotch cookies ary 2 roe ~~ : 4 fo medium ¥ dut y models, another for yon abat ine | Margaret Davis, Bakerton : pt : \ ; - : heavy-duty models. It's a Chevrolet F Candies ; Loam : exclusive! Po -Fist, Mary Jane Kirkpatrick, “a : | Chesl. Springs; second, Betty Lou | | Kirkpatrick, Chest Springs Mosi Modern $ 98 | Yellow Noodles | — : : Feaiures | Second, Mrs Gerald Springe: SS - oor Md i Springer. eo : p ; iw | Panoramic windshield, concealed { "1 Of BITOIILOWY } pr > i tay 2 + 4 A fopulat we cvs Bll swing Quilts tad ae PL 31 ” Safety Steps and new High-Level ven skirt, made with fw i or —— . Ne ation! N : tippy side closing. i as | Colton pieced -Third, Magy J | : —— ia pce ai : ; ail tation! New frames, BeW suspen- Pun rayon in black, navy we | Kirkpatrick, C he s1 Spr ings ] ) fr ae 0 SHE : A - . lps er oo son New tubeless tires standard on Sires 22 to 34, Rugs | tei ; | y 4 -ton models! Come in and see all 4 Drawn Fourth, Mrs. W er if A oH the modern features that put you Farabaugh, Carrolitown : TT head! | Crocheted Third, Mrs. W io : | =H ; - | Farabaugh, Carrolitown 8 Embroidery or Cutwork Buffet or vanity set First | Mrs. Mary Fenchak, Colver; four-| th, Mrs. Ann Berkoski Colver | i Crocheting Centerpiece Second, Mary M Davis. Bakerton. fourth, Mrs Mary Fenchak. Hats First, Mrs. Ann Reropski. Colver, : THE PATTON AUTO CO. MAIN STREET GARAGE ~~ McGARVEY CHEVROLET PATTON, PA. CARROLLTOWN, PA.