ember Band t County Fair Next Tuesday All 21 Cambria High School Units To Appear In Afternoon, Evening iPleture, if you can, some 1,400 misicians seated in a giant audi totum before an expectant audi ®inte of several hundred persons A est conductor strigdes ficlently to the platform He motions for silence and Btiins the sea of raised trumpets relied clarinets, poised arms of thie drummers Then, down snaps the baton sind a Hiting march bursts from L490 Instruments. Beores of thundering drums Mindreds of flashing horns, trum pets, flutes and woodwinds blend ahd merge skillfully as the stir rig music explodes through the Wditorium and engulfs the audi etice From start ormed euphony Yet, until this very moment, tihese 1.400 musicians have not had a single practice session to- ether. Neither the play nor any on the concert rehearsed once Only relatively few members of vast band know each other 1 the conductor is a stran gir to wost of the musicians Bounds like a wonderful for- mila for pandemonium, doesn't in all that traditional such Just a Vacationer on to finish. the rofesstonally piece and is wit march they number remaining program has been hy this group Tikities now | §Cambiia Joint: : onl Come Marchine In” | Puri a concert should eript to sical discord from the first m downbeat Yet, more than 1.400 brightly- uniforined musicians and white booted drum majorettes from 21 Cambria. County high seh- ools shiceessifully defy all musi- eal rules of the thumb on Tues day of next week, Sept. 6, That day for a pgigantu highlig i iClivities i 5 wd B8T vif 1 thev w hand oun 1 festival ie ambria County Fair The olorful and play, both group, during the rate rgck bine in the #& concert And Mithun will PAVING and mad a bawdy for the first time afternom exhibition and BITARY Wil as units and as a the if terrdoaan paid ing oO ERAS dyens bi Bt then Com ¥ in th ! t heae Fri fing Both noeert will be rendered Wilh pre elsion ine Roumnils to (arrbria gress These combined band fest) vities have been a standout at tractiim at the American 1» gion Fairgrounds each alr week for several years, The band program wil highlight (hildren's Day Sept. 8 Ra Kw together the largest high school minsicians ettes for i RETO hart ounty Fair fur as is an. they group of gmt ma lor sich a performance in the stale The ROCCE ES ful planning plus of the Cambria (in to pick up the tab pcre] of such is (ooperation and care willing ness nity Fair Assn the Next Tuesday's festival a iy rid ist! exif t bon dis stage vnriy last fall At Daniel 1. Auchenbach superiritendent of and chief plinnes program sent Lo varius high school superyv sors ballots on indicated their choice of seleciiens for the 1955 Whin the ballots were re turned, tithes of the most-want- ed selections were turned over to the fair authorities, who in turn purchased the music. The orchestrations then were sent to the music supervisors During last winter each shoo! band working alone practicsd As Testival date ap proached. final details were work: ed out by the air association. Mr Aucher bach and two assist ants Joseph W. Hoes supervis- ing principal of John Carroll Joint, and Richard O'Connor musi SUPE YYisor at Franklin East Tavior Joint The fair mys all bills ipcurred in transporting the bands by bus to the fairgrounds Tuesday's event will get underway of 2:00 mm. on the race (rack, where the bands will have asseinbled half an hour cartier, They will march enmusse to a point above the grandstand and then “peel off parade past the bleachers and spectalors. Each outfit will be al lowed five minutes to perform as it pases by After all units have moved past they will rijoin us a single body and parade back to the grand. stand site LU) play the “Star Span gled Eanner Stuclents will be free to roam the finigrounds until 6.45 p m when they will reassemble ut the arena for the 7:30 p. m. concert Participuting bands and the directors of euch are as follows: Adume-Summerhill Joint, LIL. C Amps; Blacklick Twp. Mra. Rhea Taylor; Greater Conemaugh Jt tual | th it asasist ant Cotntly. schools of the Frail h they rusicsl festival wh ie and spring his gsm iation 1 Kite into units to | Steve Bingel: Cresson Jt. Paul Flinn: Dale, Kathryn CGorvis: Eb- ensburg Cambria Jt. William Gruverr; Grater Johnstown, Chas. LI Alkey. ; Gretiter Ferndnle, Lou® Glusto: Frankiin-Esst Tavier Jt. Ellen Thomss and Richard O'Connor: Grater Callitzin Jt, Peter Gal lace: Hastings -Fider Jt. James C. Gelz: John Carroll Jt. Mich- asl Kurolehik, Lilly-Washington Jt. Barbara Balthaser; Nanty Glo - Vintondale It. Michael Mastovich: Northem Bamesbhoro see- tion, Jlober| Gobirecht. and Span- gler fection. Daniel DiCiccs: PHL. ton-Chest Jr. John Semonich. Portage Jt. loonard Colelli: Richieénd Twp. Kennard Gaston: | South Fork - Croyle Jt. Phillip Mollets. apd Summerhill Twp. Edward Nezneskl. The romecert program will in. clude these selec 3 “On the Bquare." “Military Es tort,” “Hebma Polka.” “Washing- ton Post.” “Our Director.” "Am- ericans We" “Booster March” “His Horr" “Neerold March” “Camitria County Fair March” “Pensnvivasia Polka,” "Officer of the Dav.” “Band Jive" “Star Spangled Banner” “When the “E tus Unum™ and “S1BA" Followinjr the concert, a st show will be presented. Age Musicians and directors for only moniihs off werk-—a crowd big enough te warrant such a spec- As Mr. Auchenbach put it | “whet those kids start to play they just about tear the roof off.” into a riot | FPO § tis of | march | at | present = students i ns the | evening i f healia ve nit not | Registration At |S. Francis College a speciae emi fIEsiOn | imme § PF etlo jing freshmen class bnen to Play PEGGY KING AT FAIR ~ PEGGY KING, lovely young singing star of the Geo. Gobel Show, will help lannch Cambria County Fair activities Monday with a guest appearance Bf the Follles Revae which will be presented at the indoor arena at Ebensburg Falrgrounds on Labor Day evening. To Exceed 1954's New District Students Asked to See Dean As ne|rer, the registration date draws Bt Francis College, Lov prepares to nest The OROON week HII ET Ax of this IRS freshmen afd wi siudenias have made reservations fo reside on the campiss and 85 men and women freshmen from the aren have been approved for admission 10 the toliege bringing the total to 256 freshmen already approved for enrollment this month The total of IRS new residents will lax colleges 10 almost the fimit in spite of the new dorm tory and dining facilities. Of the 185 students, the majority of them reside in the New York | New Jersey areas and several] sre from Eastern Pennsvivania The trend. the spokesman from the Dean's office slaled, stems to indicate more and more jtudentia from those sections are enrolling al Francis College Dean of the College sug gested that all student who wish the =i The I and {| Baturday UNION PRESS.COURIER IIR NICKTOWN Recent Bride Honored At Shower In Nicktown A shower home of Mr. and Lieb recently in hon Helen Long of Patton The shower was given by fred Kirkpatrick and Rose Attending were Mrs Krag, Mrs Martin Hoppe! Waiter Dumm. Mra A P sich, Mra Margaret Plieater Minnie Dumm. Mrs Annie Kir. sith. Mra Chester Lieb Miss Mar tha Kirsch Miss Betly Kirsch Miss Rose Lish Mrs PFEdward Kirkpatrick Mrs George Liek Mrs (rir ge Kriuymensc ker & nd Mrs. OO RR Lovettse Mr and Mrs | iam Ki allendled 8 "ionic in i day afternoon Mr and Mrs William were in Portage on Fr MM Consuslla whe Weel n Ni Purtage Mr heid at the Mrs George nor of Miss WAS Wir Lieh Darrell Mrs Kir Mrs rach re Nun “ap . _nirsn pinay Sister spent the 3 ovary ref ir head with wrecd and family fir the Ira of 1 Hisler Bister tiem Men alls employees wf [darrell Krug nddedd the rrr Hearings Sunday (eli ne HSM snd Ie Sales PRM. of and Mrs Evelyn visitors the Hagiey home last Wednesday Mr and Mrs Fred Ludwig family were Thursday vis Summerhill a2 and Mra Ken Mr and Mrs daughters HAPS Mr Mnstown on M Frances Chest Springs Ager were at Louis fi reid tory in the home of Mi Long Louis were visit Sunday and Mm Herman K children Mark snd Mr and Mrs Nulty and children y Sandy. of Ebensburg motow allay Sunday t with M Hermine the farmer Kirsch of this and Mrs proud parents of » recently in Hagley and FR iv A 3 ramet Mariivs MW freed Cha ries Nal tH Via: ter ine Mr the pin Irvin Peters Baby gn hry Hom jrital, Bpar ler Mr and Mrs Alona are days with Mir Kritzpr Mra Bisir Jr [» YWere Reade Brown Pvt Norm Knox, Ky, spent Bile home here Taos Kirsch in Cleveland, Ohio, spent week end with his sind Mrs Pius Kirsch Mr and Mrs children of Now Toesday callers st lena Schlersth Mr and Mrs ind mons. Tom Callers in . f SONY er {Maren e Krit sped ng Hk We ru af and Blair Brow anv Keith recent visitor hime Kirsch of thy WEE who ern parent % Keith Jersey th LIeOTRe © Rone DPuncho Hilly 2 Johnstown and Myr anda of Pittablurg! home of Mr. and Krumena: ker Paul and Fre Miss Agnes long Mrs Thomas Long visited at the Mra GG i. ‘Wednesday Mrs. Mary Krumienacker Minses saat Mra Soins i, to enroll at Bt. Francis us “day | hops for personal interviews wilh Dean in his office an the tampus | The Dean has office howrs from | 1600 a Mm to 12 noon and 2.00 to 3:30 p m Velerans who are interested in enredling should contact the Vet. erani Adviser J. Paul Melanson within the next 10 days if they are lo be approved for the Fall seasion of school The registration date for fresh- | men for the coming semester ia Tuesday, Sept. 13, for upperciass- | men, Wednesday, Sept. 14, School officially opens Sept. 15 next Thursday. A college spokesman! said that students who hive been approved should have, or will, re ceive shortly all the inlarmation | conoerning cedure the | ano + { Retreat League Heads Renamed George Minné of Johnstown on | i 1 Monday was elected to 8 fourth | term as president of Re board | of directors of Retreat League of Altoona Catholic Diocese. All officers were retalined and 1056 plans were mapped at the annual meeting in Alvernia Hall in M1. Assisi Monastery, Loretto Other officers are: J. Denny Stevens, Altoona, first vice president; John Fedell, Me- Kees Rocks, second vice presi dent; Atty. C. Randolph Ne rh. Ebensburg, third vice pr nt, Francis Young, Patton, secre tary, and Rev. Father Eimer J. Landser, TOR, treasurer and di- rector, Principal function of the board is to arrange and supervise the annual series of summer [laymen's retreats at the monastery, A ap A SAIS ~-Be careful of children. School $ Ss should make arrangements | Brown Land guests of Mr £8 Maxine and Zelda Kirsch registration day pro-! ; | Barnesboro | the home of Miss Lena Schiereth Fine, ! Mary Ellen Norton : Kline, | game in Pittsburgh Sanday | wed ing Ellen N CRieErs +N Kiine and Mary were Thursday i held Mr. nd and Mra Thomas (Capri daughter, Mrs Richard of lock Haven were week and Mrs Mar tin Hoppel Mr. and Mrs Darrell Krug daughters, Mary Ann and were callers in Johnstown day Ann Farabaugh fipent the week home here Mr and Mrs Paul and lane Thur % Cleveland end of at het Smego and Hers! Saturday visiting with Sister Mary Otto, the former Mary Ag ‘nes Kirsch Gray of floyd of al Mr and Mrs Oston Philipsburg and Mrs visited Balurday Herman and USIN, attended a My and Mra William baseball Plummer atlended the of her cousin, James Lieb and visited her uncles fo: several days recently She is em ployed at Washington, D. C Mr. and Mm John Ellat Shenandoah, Pa. and Mims Sue Soisson, BRN., of Cremso= were dinner guests Friday at the OG. L Krumenacker home. Mr. and Mrs Raymond Lieb and son, Henry, spent lhe week end with relatives in Cleveland Fr. Hilary Kline and Delores Jovee Of in Willamsport, Pa CARD SERIES TO BEGIN Bt. Augustine card series begin Sept. 11 and continue ¥ wil on p. mi. sharp each evening. Cinch nice prizes will be awarded A SAAN has opened! the Classified Ads. THE OLD HOME TOWN _ semvsssme= By STANLEY fun CLD Hace) Ri Kline spent several days recently Sept, 18 and 20 starting at K:30 and pinochle will be played and delicious lunch will be served. The public ta cordially invited *8-22 — Look for the bargains. Read | A t— MS S—— LABOR SPECIALS! | at WOLF'S i 8PC.' vet specially priced groups! The two-piece value at this price! a A RS AT NO CARRYING CHARGE with these two suites alone are 3 tables, 2 lamps and TV chair Basset, BEDROOMS! SALE PRICED! FIVE PIECE Breakfast Sets SALE PRICED 3 Pcs. Modern Blonde dresser with bed and 75 Double panel of drdwers! NO CARRYING (HARGE Pape chest All by fumious Douglas! All colors’ All myles! Compare anywhere! Innerspring MATTRESSES | You'll find them all by famous makers! Sealy, Simmons, Englander, ete, " and Box Springs wr 3% OFF EC, | IVING ROOM ROUPS COMPARE AT 5229.9% 179% x12 PLUS PAD 95 Free! Pleale Ensemble Choose from biggest se lsctions in town’ Compare ov $199.95 49% Mengel and Gluck 1) BR 3Pc. Genuine Walne! Made by Basset Bed chest, dresser With mirror. 139 3 Pes. by Mengel Moonstone grey, taffy ma- hogany, Americun wainut. Double dresser, mirror, bed, chest. No $ Charge J No Carrying Charge BLANKETS 25% Wool. Reg. $8.99 Tmperiacts! Wide, Dow bis Stitched Beatin Bind. ngs Pell @