Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, July 28, 1955, Image 10

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eo, medrese} WAT deere ees EE ARORA AES Ws erm
4 By . ..
Largest General Weekly Newspaper Clrenlation in the Ares
Established In October, 1393
Th Thee A. Owens and Prank P. Cammarata,
gt Tr pb Ave Patton Ps. and stitersd ss second
mall matter May 7, 1936, at the postoffica st Pstton, Ps. under the
Act of March 3, 1879.
Thomas A. ovens, Bditor
Business Manager
Managing Editor
Circulation Manager
: $3.00 yearly NATIONAL
in C
S00 Omtade. Chunty di
The endeavor of the Union ZTsta-Courie is to sincerel 4 t org
ankwed labor in all efforts to obiain on eae Steal for PUD
Heation miust be signed by the writer as an evidemeoe of good faith.
The Union Press-Courier circulstion distriet covers sil of Northern Cam
Bris County snd part of Southern Clearfield County. Puldished in “a
Ontabris and Coaiport-Irvons
Not Just A Passing F
Not Just assing rancy
The movement that is underway in support of a proposed state
park and recreation area in White Township, with a dam breast al
what is known as the Glendale area, is nol justi a passing fancy
but is gaining the recognition of folks from ell over this section of
the state. Perhaps no other site in the stale can offer the advantage |
of cheap lake construction that the Glendale location affords With
really a narrow breastwork, three good healthy fresh walter streams
ean be dammed-up, so that in all a total shoreline of approximately
45 miles would resuit. Without question, a body of water this size
would afford bathing, fishing, boating, and perhaps also motor
boating. for thousands of persons. do
The land, we understand, that would be Invelved In construc
tion of this three-pronged lake is owned mostly by either state
controlled departments or the County of Cambria. Of course,
there would be private property land appropriations and damages
a8 well, and, despite all the advantages present, the cost of the
sompleted project necessarily would be great. However, it would
he cheap in the long run when the over-all result is attained
Fur ali these many, many years this particular section of the
state, and particularly Cambria County, has been ignored insofar
a8 state parks are concerned. Surely it In tiene: for action, and
witen all things are taken into consdderntion we feel that the
Glendale breast site and White Township cannot be easily passed
Civil Defense
There seems to be guite a lot of indifferwnce on the part of most |
all of us in the matter of civil defense SHomehow war seems far
away from us, and it abhways has because in the three recent oon
ficts the mainland of the United States never has been marred by
actual hostilities But we could be sitting on a powder barrel, and
if something should suddenly happen there are very few civilians
who would know what to do at all
The Russians sre talking pesce just mow, but Americans
ea never forget that 14 years age, come December Tth, the
Japanese were talking peace, too, when the bombs started falling
ott Pearl Harbor. Maybe the Russians do want pence, but the
government is taking ne chances. Day in and day out In many
stetions of our country men and women of the Alr Defense
Command are standing guard over the U. 8 to prevent another
- Pearl Harbor. But In this particular section of PFesnsylvania
here seems to be litthe, if any, activity slong this line
~ Allout the only practice we have is a mock air-raid alert every
ono Ih & while. Some of these have not been too successful, and
thet have been communities that haven't paid any attention to
thetn. However, the last alert was more sudcessfii than the previous
peti, and the county Civil Defense organizution under the direction
Max Bloomberg had resson for gratification. It is a known fact
i! the Russians ever do decide to attack the United States theyll
ve the pilots, they have tha planes, they have
Tver posls activated in the
been doing something along
had am siound-the-clock pro-
distances, create untold
surprise attack could well creale
life. Of coumise there would be
it all i» that ro one will win the
all will Jose it. Any victory will be hollow. Civiliza-
Wf it will be the responsi-
er nad greed
| Hoxsey Cancer Clinic,
i Benedict F
{ Washington D. C., and
D Rmorto of Barnesbhoro Pa
Fitzgerald Jr
A rnoid
leaMed in five doctors to the Can
bria Couanv Courthouse who gave
{ depositions pertaining 'o the
a knowledge y §
CAnCer and thelr
connect ions
E any \
E Pure Food
Drug A hry
tration who las
March "sia
an (WW tahiat
from the MHovasy
Cancer (line at
Mors about the
depositions wii
; v be maid in days
Sem. Haloska = How
eVey those Who Were: of nt ant
neamed first hand the aK
| % *
pertaining to the human Beis
and especially with regards
ingriciients thal sre used in
fous types of medicalior
None of those who testified had
ny knowledge whatsoever an 10
the ingredients used in the med
cation which i used al the Hox
soy Cancer Chinie at Poriage, Pa
but still they will go oul in pub
He and run at the moulh GisCuns
ing the Hoxsey treatment We
ourselves did nol appear becuse
we Were lied up at the State (Cup
tol, but we expect to study the
depositions very closely once (he
are transcribed by the ourl sien
ographer, especially to determine
whether or nol perjury was oon
mitted by those who testified un
der oath 8a while the Son a
tions have temporarily (nie 10
Now our Attorneys inform us
that the Federal Court is once
again planning fo serve subgroe-
pas on those mssociated with
The Hoxsey Cancer Clinle of
Portage, Fenmsylvania, to comes
ngain reappear fo give deposi
flons at the Federal Courtrooss
a Pittsbur Whether or not
we oan be forced to make a re
appearance is now o question of
mw, but that is of little import
ance. If we do go to Fittsbuirgh
to give farther depositions, we
shall be only too happy to tell
the boys there all they want to
know about the Portage ligie
and a few things that they
possibly don’t want te know.
In summing up ali of this we
can only state thal it ia a rime
{that the taxpayers of this reat
nation must fool the bill to pay
these governmental stooges raved
Hing throughout the country call
Ling upon Hoxsey patients, snitoh-
ing where they can Hoxsey medi
gation Of course, they have ihe
backing of a powerful monopoly
called the Amerscan Medical As
sociation, who take the position
that unless their brain-trusters
approve a certain drug or a oer
tain therapy, it is then placed in
the unorthodox class which rears
in plain words nothing bit
quackery, and that is where they
have placed those of us who are
affilinted with the Hoxsey On
eer Clinic at Portage, Fennuylva
Ho, in this respect, we now give
thease braintrusters a Hille news
that should really shook hem
{ One News fram Italy aver
{the wires of the Associated Press
came the following informalion
dated July 2. 1800. Turin, Italy
iAP) Prof. Mario Pongio, Jtsly's
Mac Arthur, We'll be
left wrm today for his Jilelong
studies of radium. It was the 70
serious operation for risdium
burns which he suffered in 1923
His arm was amputated today,
tojpether with the shoulder biade
and collar bone
Two -And this is most Amaz-
“Pope Plus XII recently wsuf-
fered an attack of heraln of
the as diagnosed by
iva men of the
Continent. He sunmumoned in two
s of the
Continent and they advoost-
od immediate surgery to relieve
attacks of regurgita-
. Netnanns
and stated that i, oe
forego surgery, that .
old for such a major ption
and that he was a poor surgery
risk, and that the {trestment
should be of a more CONSErva-
whereupon the Pept
in touch with Nemanns and plans
are now under way for an Amer-
fcan tour, Nemanns is con-
sidering a series of lectures in
thie principal cities of America on
his theory of treatment by injec-
tions of extracts from the glands
of sheep.
80 there, my friends you have
a case of Nemann's clinic, an un-
orthodox practitioner, in the
great country of Switzerland, who
practices the chemotherapy meth-
od and who no doubt will fill
tie rafters when he makes his
tour in this great country of
ours. However, you may bet your
last penny that the Americun Me-
dical Association will not sponsor
his tour in America. They will
without any doubt, endeavor first
th keep him from coming here,
and second, to boycott his meet
ings when he does arrive. Why
Because the braintrusters in Chi
ciig® have not approved his meth-
‘However, it is very gralifying
to us and to the peoples of this
world to know Lhat hone .
knowledge that medical men nave |
year-old scientist's 185th and most |
Last week attornevs for thelties are now turning pack 0
mamely, | and are beginning to believe [ha
of {part of Scripture which reads {
$ 4 h rn
§ 4 4 ww Tess ve
ties to forego man-made ren
| such ap deep therapy, radi
i hall bomb
be 1
tes {pnd
v #
used for the healing
Every honest effort is Le
by ourist gnding
reli aa
which ate noes $ i
p os gr cam eirsmis thine vil
a tresmt:ing varionu Hiseasaey, an :
go bask to Mother Nate andj
. 35 thea i
fpme Ph lea yes the A eg i
¢rhs the bark, els
eaombatl those
which is knowr !
who have Bad the eXeprien
ng these lines is the Chen
apy treatment
Six Solid Weeks
Touring Europe
This 3+ ome of 8 series of articles |
covering a recent trip to Fare By |
Mrs. Tom Owens Sr Mrs #
i #
3 end
| furies
| respected
IP Whs
ted The ic
| beneath
Pways been
{ with
I stantine anc
the weather
lus In
I ination of nature's refhedne WEE 4
> aa Sessa } J § from
s | take place withir Mr OVLVIR AME 1
{ interpreler
far end ¢
ant ralin
ge By tail
golden cross of Con od Rosaries for all
this was awe-inspiring ver loud speakers
spite of the fact that ih yy .
«1 i Basilica was crowded by tourists
i over, and with 8 mixture a
of languages. our gown guide and *' resounding And
was able to give us a’ [Beil
concise picture of A ’
visit. He took us lo
the ajwe |
inary of Nt
Here is the Tomb of Bt Peter's
and the surrounding Then our guide (nid us that
the Basilica house the Pope Pius XII was shortly to ap
of Popes through the cen- pear at His window in the Vati-
Peter's Tomb ix the can facing the pinzeza, and thal
thing which was scrapuously He would bless the people, as
when the old church well as any reiigiou
demolished and tle new might have Having sufficient
it It was never mov.
ime ahead before the
Wf His Holiness we went wu
had als ing to buy religious articles
the ages at the Vatican Stores |
Hi remain buried
earth as
the bronze aiah with my husband. my
nad been covered by the grandchildren The Pope
order to protect it from
o wnplly so # § vn gb
or by human agen wv. if @& RW Were
the Head of the
nn Earth blessed
contra] nave iz to he museums Orne Mass was being ’
majestic bronze statue celebrated al the Lime We were in
jriicies they
% ppea rapes
the: magni
Peter, men
Fd ghive If OGFder Hi» Cn md
| sent
| simple
! adorned
ar ¥ re
§ Liguary
fF greal
I Augustine
he, *catnadra” hich History
Frida Ty snort th pe | Chest Springs. Pas
They remreassnt (he :
Doctors of the Church
and Bt
Bince [I wrote the history
Chest S
: t Pu rT
Ambinge, for ° ave
ga a few weeks ago
obtained sorpe addilional
- - 3 3 . hut wh §. # ul “553 4 2
Sharbaugh, and Mra feohn FJ Hal ! the Roman Catholi marek and | SHALR WAK Bh ] in will be of
aka. covering ten couniries spon
word by f he National fditorial
Lente intion
No. ®
On the evening i BAR Y . |
Apiil 13th, we arrived in Rome |
Ralv Capital of the '
pire 4nd the center
ity, Rome offers the vinile
titude of atiraclion
f wonid take mont
f enlire ily
close we shall use the words of |
f Peugd
| abo all we
we Hd and
ayered ir
ities more
three nights
the Nuova RB
viii ia Lions
ellent 8a
fi the short
BEY Vie d Bog Fo ay ry i
abaya? Flor
Eo iridemn
ft 13th, we oft for Valics
and hisloen 1 Peter a From)
{ aarly childhood Bt Peters Calhe
iTRI ANG } # vy &° if were ngY
ig y § oat
However near our Hole! was
cated ithe beautiful N
fd #4 ¥ ¥
piisnal Ua
node Church SE Suzanne
which we visited and where
! sip
English language is spoken. Home
ia 8 ¢itly of outstanding and bes
H Cathedrals and churches
sculpture and ar Bn most a
i them is Devond desc riplion Mont
i of these churches, however, due !
Oiir lime esiemen! we saw
Lhe exterior
St Peter's Plazes Immense
Letters of introduction to the)
Church authorities from our own!
church pastor, Father Victor)
Lilli, OSE. and likewise a letter’
of introduction fromm a Benedic-
tine Abhbhotl. 4 X hired hey TE
member of our party. soliciting
an siadience wilh Hz #1
Pope Pius XI were without |
AVRIL, &8 Lhe ahs al Lhe lirne
was slill recovering from his
nent and waa not able to sustain!
the strain of public audiences
Ins a abort Lime after leaving |
thi hotel we were al Valican
City, Oulside we parked Herel
Pwe viewed the
{ elliplical oollonade
lending radiologist, paid wilh his |
imirnenee and the!
beautiful Baailica of 81. Peter's
In front of the church is an iy
| mene square surrounded by and
Constslin off |
four rows of 4 columns Moa}
{all of you have seen pictures of |
jof all our visits in the countries
i the wquare hundreds of times, bul}
no ploture can compensate for an
actusl visit there. An Egyptian
obelisk rises in the cenler of the
plazas and on each side 8 a foun
tain. Here we walked scroks the
immense plazzs Here it was thal
at one time the area Was known
as the Circus of Nero, and where,
if we remember correctly hurd:
reds of Christians suffered mur.
tyrdom, In 87 A. D. Bt Peler
Apontie, and first Pope. died on
a cross. Burely it was fitting and
proper that the Capitol Chureh of
Roman Catholicism be named {or |
Basilica Tour Thrilling Adventure
And 80 we entered the Basilica
of 81 Peler-the greatest thrill
of Hurope The edifice is not in
my power to describe. The build-
ing was started in 1508 and sev
eral famous architects such as
Bramante San Gallo, Peruuzl
Raphael and Michaelangelo, were
entrusted in succession in the
plans of the new Basilica. The
imposing dome, certainly the
mcat preponderent architecture of
modern Rome, was designed by |
Michaelangelo but he died before
it ow completed and his succes
sor, Delia Petes took over. Ma-
derna finished the facade In Lhe
vear 1828, 125 vears after it was
started, the Basilica was cone
craled by Pope Urban VIII The
time required in construction and
sculpture and painting. of a oen- |
tury and a quarter, may be suf-!
ficken! reason to my readers to]
abo my inadequacy of descrip- |
Lior i
From the time Mrs Sharbsugh. |
Mr Haluska and myself left the
States. all of us likely looied
forward to the visit @o the Vatl-
can City as the real highlight of
the trip. The Btale of the Vatican
City covers an area of 108 scores
The city borders are limited by a
high turreted wall which we had
particularly noticed on our plane
ride over the city some davs be
fore. Within the Vatican Oily
the Papal Policemen and the col
ofil Swiss Guards, who form the
Pope's escort, maintain erder.
Unbelievable Beauty Everywhere
fleally worthy of not only our
own admiration bul of all visitors
from over the face of the earth,
is the interior of Bt Peter's Bay
lice. Its wideness exceeds all the
churches of Europe The interior
of the immense dome is decorated
of mosaics representing Christ,
the Virgin, and the Doctors of the
Church. The main altar, which
stands in the center, is overhung
by a splendid bronze canopy, the
work of Bermini. Almost at the
| 81
i ("Burch
i ’ "
« | #1 the
pf Bins
i | ens
i Rie
1 ferent
The pictures over
tf ha
hapasias and 4 Joakn
Hitle advanturen we had
Capri and Pompet. now he reptied
inconsequential in Ais me that
ghia i i fen? et
¢ Bui
degrees of
eh rind
interest 13 ta
Pregs.- ogy
a . # ,
the Greek Cathol
| His Holiness Biesses Throng i had written to Arthur Sum.
readers with this detail Bul
4 Li ae
merfield the Postmaster
A BOTing some 34 4
ard the name of the first Post
3 ey " y A NY § . :
Spain. and i Nappies | master a 13¢d it a fow dave ag
the first Pogt OF)
Ww gahingion | J & for the |
| date Wf the (rat Phat (Wice here
Ler my jetler Informing
ha od
all Christiarity Our established May 4 183% and the
Andrew MeChuire
Beis Fi per
klican (aty f course name of the firat Postoantier was
8 Bev
Thevref Eo » YY wikel Bppear that :
there was a Post OTe here IX
¢ i
yf ihe foir great P ra A he redid
abheve which sUDDOT!
3s LT ow a ry, fore
= 3 ay There
balconies placed hall | Maple Sagar Camp Here
Wall statues Years hefore est Springs was
since the borough wae |
established May 16 1858 This!
the status of fon. ix some information that no one
Bikes ever Bean able 16 Miain bee
ART Coding if Au = 3 Als that about he year 1540
thers was a large mable sug
CAMP here IT was located where
the farm of Walter Meloy now |
nere Were an sBvircla nee
ple sugar trees in this jocall
that lime there were
Bre 8 n ~ BG fo Glslide the vilage Cn
trees bf ape Sagar
No wonder
ry TRrMS and just =a few
then he JARS Wis fav:
the kD 1 In YAY with ferme Wools Som
of |
rig Roman ( :
puitside, and
pew ry
were {arnplitown,
toons sind Johnstown
for Hd per quart
at $i per quart and the supply is |
quite Limited and most of 1 t is the end of the term and give Hf
availabe comes from Vermont (to the teacher probably
There (3 rractically none made | $20.00
around here now although Afty
years ago some families collected
Oren, Hees Both Plentiful
ily TRGT Father
A —————— -
EE ET — n —— En
The maple sugar water Was: salary
towns, which probably
Loretto, Al and ended Feb 28
Hens {lor thelr own use
I furthes
Chest Creek Was
rove hem with
the winler in making calls in and fall
Irn the eariy dave of the 1R4Gs literacy Was a
oii "gh wood x & i
th ¢ Bala OAS WL; HE
four ronds out of the oh write Of course This
y the woods and ait down prrely to conditions
I Xl B&B veRrs ap
r Lhe (aging
fundamentals of
y ¥
Aas not paid any | Od Days I wonder
Thursday. July 28, 1960
but the families who sent
boiled ut the camp in large cast their children to school id
fron kettles under blazing logs | room snd hoard the feacher free
marketed to the each keeping her for a month,
The school term started Nov. 1
months out of a year
Maplt svirup sold at that time the kids love that today?) Bome
today it sells of the families would collect &
few dollars among themselves a2
There were practically no roads
but only log trails at that time
sugar water from a few remain. | These were just wide enough for
ing tres in small amounts and i 4 wagon to drive
nade pome syrup in their Kit. ponds were used in dragging
from the woods to lumber mil
hence the name of log
cursed that at one | They were cut right through the
tithe $18 1 ¥ Fogh Visa y 1 R443 that 3 forest
oxen ‘Werte used more (Than horses
hailing and farm work And | stream of water around here and
Galiitein at Lor | it was about four times larger
sti Whd 4 voke of them and than it is today and
ig wodden sled | its banks regularly every spring
y In those early days of 1850,
common condition
Jand 1860s there were plenty of | and many families including the
it : { parents could neither
were no schools and the meagre
whool building was | writing were taught i¥ the home
me small room And vet theses were
ih Frxamination
All Lenses Groond Ja Our Own Laboratory
Optometrist — Simms Bldg... Altoona
Other Dave
te 3
Mominy ® to 7:30
® Your Choles of Any Style
#to 2
Ist Natl, Carrolltown
He A
this Hardtop is the
A —ang priced or action
KR his one you'll just have to see.
It’s a beauty. It's a brand-new kind of car. It's
# Buick Riviera with four doors. And to top it
all — it's g SPECIAL — the lowest-priced of all
Buick Series.
F -
Koow what that meang’
It means you can have the newest hit in hardtops
—the most advanced new body de yet—and
you can have it in the price range of America's
sinaller cars.
It means you can have a steel-roofed car with the
long, low, sweeping sportiness of a convertible
--with me center posts in the side window arcas
—-and with two separate doors to the rear.
And you can have all this bardtop beauty with
sedan comfort and convenience at the easy -to-
tnke modest extra cost of a 4-door model over a
2-door model.
Bu if you think that's all — listen:
This gleaming grace of sutomobile is a Buick
through sad through—a ‘55 Buick, from the
hottest-selling line of Buicks ua all history.
Thrill of the
So here you have the soft, firm steadiness of
Buick’s all-coil-spring ride and torque-tu
stability. Here you have Buick brawn, Buic
solidity, Buick handling ease, Buick styling and
visibility and mterion luxury.
And here you have the lift and life of vigorous
new VH power of record miyght—and cou to
the spectacular performance of Buck's Variable
Pitch Diynaflow.*
Way wait a day longer—when you can come in
right now sad try the first true hardtop with the
extra comfort, room and convenience of a full-
sted door sedan —
Drop in tomorrow, first thing — for a look at the
price, and an idea of the whopping-big trade-in
deal our huge sales volume permits us o make.
Vanebie Puch Prema ow uw ihe oady Dianafbow Busch busids
today. It ov sanderd on ROADMASTER, opsionsl @t modes
xing cod om sober Seva,
a —— —