Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, July 14, 1955, Image 5

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SA ft ST S—
FIRST CHURCH BUILDING, REILLYS net i St de Cootie Carnival to Open At a erie
a rs oung, re | he again took over as pastor, this
Ar Pp tt " ORage Be¥ons tas ir mh a i ih a a Fein to Norfolk yesterday. Ee te CI Father
oun d on a urter i ge le : til 7% | Robert Whiteford purchased the | Patton On Mon ay, uly 25
Thursday, July 1 1065
Ae —r_—t So bate dn
Mra. Frank Callahan
| Henry is 70 yours of age
| Sophie Pierson home on Mellon
| Ave, Patton
| ganization of the Velerans of Rides, amusements and socials
ucrke hag been called back
rat iretnent several times 16
| JULY 17.
Picnic Grove
he seer of services §
* ® » arti
Other Dinners at T5¢
Afternoon & Evening
| Coomes and Danice Fox in Balti- | Military Order of Cooties, fun or | and Patton Borough Office
1 R . | g | ie | Gretohen Rinder, Nell Sheehan | 40 advanced sala of ¢ | Satinval Socal games a he
ents A former pastor WW. be in the | | HF rb ; ry | Jean Winsko and Gladys Haluska, | rides at the Thompson Brothers held every night excep eanes- |
pit of Trinity Methodist {Church 3 § | A ER te ¢ ’ 4 Shows J :
: oy
iin’ from November, 1853, until
Set for Founders Day in’ from. Neve
’ | and Connie. and John Thomas Sr | Sons. It's a show for the entire the Cooties said 411 children
hi IR school in order to 1 o En serve Hopoirtments in the Meth bi je and Charles and Mr and Mrs | good fram now until Sunday. July jst for
: i enwvive oq Wir and Mi's Chi riem Walty I
Varied progra:
on subjects bol with ita first pastor, Rev. Ellsworth . Zwayer (lop row, center),
% 4 { 4 Pagal J wry x 4 { 4 ¢ a
Miss Doris Dunegan to be held at 7:30 p. m. this coming Sunday | Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hoover and| Mr and Mrs LeRoy Sufier of |
and many other fea!
The h I u | mer Bible School on Monday of | Vacationing for the past ten Plummer Harvey. STM. Minister. { A former Patton pastor. Rev
4 CO-CRAaIrTen ninegan
he the 414t | at 9:00 a wm and continuing until Petrush and Meru Norman Hry ¢ ay, hs dations to the Calvary Bap- | anniversary of his religious pro-
Gill, Mrs Ceo How Irs | Hiordan of Hastings :
ervigion of Christian teachers Aj, John and Bobby of Cleveland, OO | Calvary Baptist Church, Reillys .
Leslie Albright, Mrs Ralph Drs (8B. officiated at the dou y until about 1984, and a few years’
iP Honir and Ribble Study %
A mative of Covington, Ky.
i : Rijsan | Anniversary Service Bverypone (8 09.
' Sat v3 5 ¥ 4 4 : p ” . : : : ¥ wh i # in Fa EE Bs AER ert RL wes Ja ¥ § Fin A ith Mr LF]
irra dine Jaan | will be held at Pasta fn Park !
in : . k . He then spent two years in the
Rane November Mrs lu ; = he : ! Selec ting M A ‘re
rorerahiip Hour and Bile Siudy
n : onl be Sy za dE PA ‘ “ ' & Eb ty Md Ricky” Binder of Patlon andl day Chureh School iihere Progly Canevin of Pittsburgh and im
arch: Mra Gerald Cooderham THREES iy oY i ; V toy ${aitet mpd J
Benefit of
5.5. Peter & Paul
Greek Rite
at the Blessed Virgins
suf tha finiirieviinle BY
A Versus |
Ist Natl., Carrolltown
Its carnival time In Patton , will he able to gave 15 cents -
T $ i \ A PN oo \ {| are vacationing for ten days at] Hy 25 to 30 at the lot! day July 27.
% Sunday Vie Ef i he $ 1 i pd i i
iat weal at fale Pap! nes fm. 3: om pann Brotisers Ehows a at {he badd fle Prizes plus {roe
1854 will preach = both |
The Program Comm ¢ “should bring thir pets no matter
t8kive plans for the progrs EL Church At the present time} i “- i fill f Gerald Crowell ly xk. | 44. Persons purchasing Uc chnts — win a prize:
nb ‘ t a Viti IP vy . » 4 ; OR t Ir | weal at the home of Mrs Mary |
he Methodist (Church, du 1 Ais 3 TWO | Be AVR a8 Ba and family, Shirley, Carol and! supn 3) a
I~ iT 3 ef " a Lk Ta 2 i ? ga fa r. iy pa * $ 8 “ in '
thly meeting of ompantiy ®clive In preaching is std scsi | Dick, and Mr. Charles Welty Sr Tn Renita has returned to
: thy i th om
irformative The church will observe ts $ist anniversary with a special service } ome last Bunday
P children, Craig and Karen of | Erie Mich. visited several days |
{ Tallmadge Ohio spent a few | at the home of the ndy's mother iversary
* I fav 4 &
ing to evervone : i
. eas nasrings iy n . Church of God Bible | ind »
| ence Albright. They sere accom- | Sulier's to Michigan. where they |
{ ! ve imughter of Mr and vo on . g day + ; . a Sunday, July 17-10 a mm, Bunifay | Falher Henry GO Schwener OSH
niittee are Mrs Robert Cassidy Mrs Ralph Dunegan of Patton REX! Week. UY J8. The athe Jays Mi the hoe M Mr. and Sehool, Waiter Burkey, supt. 1100 a | now? stor of St. Mary's Catho-
and Mrs Richard R : the bride of William Rior | will continue week days through Mrs Michhel Bisco and among | pa y's tho
; rs FCRATG FRAOUY { ; became the hrs of William ioe :
4 hs NO th ¥ Kk
| Anniversary Servi of {he Call 11308 m nehuk of Parma, Ohio, Mr. and! por nthe obmarvance of I fession on Monday of this week
frank Schwab, Mrs Kennet! The 1 A R Esip Ie “
pert hildren fromm the ages of three Mrs Susan Petrish. who had re Ber Merrill E Barter, Pastor
gan. Mrs Emery Ha
Harry | er father wore & | ier. pastor, aS TQEOWE 1 A Clark and Mrs. Farabaugh | her daughter, Mis. Norman Hry-| Sunday. July 17-9.00 &._m. Morsing |
Blauffele and Mis: Anna Homvak : Ei : Rua 8.2 HOEY avin hk danghiey [Mane of Naval nehuk at Parma Ohle Mra Sis | Forship sermon there, Two 1a THE | he entered St. Vincent Sehol-
Pet rian [dislly invited to Be prevent and! in June, 1964. He made Rin
Mrs Simon 8s
M ad Je BAne i wg Ray hub vg of Mary and Betly Je of nein | } 4
. Adith, Sth dul ! | Firs Baptist Church, Patton Bt. Vincemt Archabbey .in the!
ol ¥ iourehon 1s oof Eins setding two weeks al the hnme
te. December: Mrs Charles Swab a K Skisisas Carine andi H Hg % ui ¥
ny thers the Taye. 8 ho Wl 1 Mrs. M Lows g Mis cousin, David Lantzy. of New [tupt. 1100 2 m. Mo ening Worship | mediately assigned to Fourteen
April and Mra Peter Cossitor |" TOR Le area att iead 1 3A Lastrwer! tonsage. Fes r. and Mrs Martin Long andy. | sermon
ay. a : y i f ‘ p at amp Trinity Marviand } % Calvary Bart wr Churel foe the | Md
¢ Bal | ool rs | Burdiay at the Irvin Long Bone | #
thembers of he wn i ® My G hp
E & 3 5 1 § ¥ «9
x Ha a . : : i son. of Kalnmanos. Mich spent | (hureh of God Chapel mt 1918 and spent the next four
te announced at a later date treating colors osing hymn. "The Chur | Patton R. DD, announce the birth a
The muse 10 ETOMONY 1 Poandating A ¢ rena, | Of & daughter Anita Marie, July ! H Kirk oo
4 § HPC RFE A { EriT ER 3 4 : ; oa ¥ ve ¥ f Lovey pe 4 ge iby 1 oa "EF 1M " » ™ Lan 1 ir sug fe = 3 A Li # DAs
Fen re pe ix "1 dictio a ntivr Tou rts 12 H, at A Town iene ai H pital Haker They ware sccompanied| Monday May I--Summes ™ his sppoiniment as pastor
i ¥ & 7 ARTY REL 1H nan 3 wi ak w # be § $v g Py 4 va a ’ i Bhar i By “
’ as or S A i at the Offertor $s I Men. Bauer | . Rel. JIArY here by Vivian Lee Went, who | choot wil begin at 308 a 1 :
1 Penis Angeiious i RL "a i ui i
rsh = ar : ' Te . ' \ An Juty eh. The seasions will De under ta Re p> kk wo;
A M A \ gry Fin y when | i Mr and Mrs Bayvmond [Lafferty | gre | sGpervision of Christian teschers | tore transfer AR. J when
By Parish mr Feet 1m KAeeling . of ewis . oover andl daughter, Patricia, of Cress Mr. and Mrs Leroy Davis and | Yronesdays-Prayer snd Praise Ser — t——
fhe hide presenieG ®& DOLGUET OH : y usin
At the Ra is the week end with the lady's par. | Hon 1a tune in WNOC radio station |
On fiminn eke $ 3 ¥
[Cil, returned home Sunday of James Davis remained hers amd mm Tune 15 the
Calvary Baptist Church teiiive y al the (norunercial Hote Pa
" MM # : - Barnard Trinepan has returned | Also: Tutie in WVAM seach Hunday |
F we fre rev *
‘ and aon Ey
Belgian x At = H Hehood iM ds American Legion, Patton at at the home of Mr and Mra Den * wes the Way of Truth pm
Py rica : tan ih Rehond ang ere LA seting Taesd ; ’
. sored By the Chore |
Mellon Avenue He VET Bu
¥ i phn Pres] snd IW ene
£4 pastor, and with the coopers Hastitigs HH Bebred Frank Bruitt and son. Robert 5»
- Pri Bs . # pool oly Cd : ” i Sunday July 17-88 Sunday Alter
y i ie mi vy 5 y 1 erdiine Clhan, of Detroit, Mirh | pa. visited nat weed al the Con | hy i
In dition to the birthday Ocesn City. NJ, the couple are a Fuge i § : : 4 { & @ {on
{ding several days at the home of | Sunday guests at the home of | Wednesdays Chote retisarsal at Toe
. ‘a fding & week with Mrs Fanaa and daughter, Bevurly, of Al
| ing: Worshin: 343 a m Chee |
‘| ber and Pat:
Kenk | Barnett's mother, Mra Charles | ou parents Mr and Mrs Fred Me, Tose Preach at Ioah serviom
to thei ~ Rel
re will | » Fi Fourth of July week end vis
can legion, aiton at & dinner Officers $41 1% installed |e : y . .
rolllown - and Spang! er American | NINE after spending two Weeks | Pred Henniger were Mr and Mrs | Natalie Benzie Is
Ent Pusat with Mrs Wesirick’s son and william BE Feite Mrs Mildred |
r . nl ia
Other Uificers are Mrs. Mabel] Next meeting of the Post witjlipd Evans at Lesstarg
tL Fl \ 8 ; ¢ i a ’
Me Ada ender. treasurer; Mi last week with his parents, Mr.| ar and Mra Matthew Moxi| 4 nyille was the sone of a beau
ndson_ J Steve, | " 2
and their gra wn, Jimmy Steve. | Bill Duplease und daughter, Be hier of M
A of Mra Josephine a of |
| Thelnsa Steir, sergeant-at-arma | § phine Bena
Mr. and Mra Harold Scott of yey Jess Dubjak {
Seplember Doroth
the home of Mra. Mar-| cpiidren Dick. Jesn, Tom and|
hart of Beach Ave Pation at ie Volk
legge during | also visited with her mother, Mra | snd Mrs Wim FL Jones and other flowers and the !
| relatives in Pation | music and sang “Ave Maris” at | We've a wonderful collection of
reported to Fort Dix
fore Mass last Saturday morning leng™ gown of white nylon tulle
lof. Moose, Patton Chapter. vis ed for the honor by mecondary | home here
tient at Miners’ Hospital in| med with mother-of-pearl sequins |
ge | Ey : i Mra pheri Fox and iidren,
: | Helen Revert X dy and William, | the week of July 25 to 30. And | each ticket, They sell for 10 cents |
~ Program Group of Dr J. E. A. Bucke Ty | | | wpent a few days recently with | it's good clean fun for everyore each. Tickets sre now on sale |
| more, Md
i , | AAtlantie CNty NJ : adjacent the Patton Athletic | On Friday evening. July 20, a
» ® * ® =i WORE
Community Affair Is eke, 8
tario Canadas’ Mr and Mrs Paul | good ean outfit from Altoona | tickets for all who participate
i a 2
ning Warship services
: i gy . ¥ Ha FEE 4 “ Mesoungr § an Vi en Fy nent
the Patton-Ches! iP] A Also Mr. and Mri, William Crow. | and get free tickets)
and family, Jac
sev rv ey rif ha
irg panned hurches yroug hout | spent Inst week vachtioning atl Hampton Va
ent and prog:
lays at the home cf Mrs Hoov. | Mra Marion Huber Mrs Huber
A special Communi! Is Former Pastor At
| School to Begm Monday | panjed back by Mrs Hoover's | plan to spend some time visiting
wm, Warship Services The Od Paths » He Oh hn Erie. marked the Soth
Forty.first ARRiY ry .
he nuptial mass was sung A pA Father Henry was pastor of 8t
Ehody Mrs Andrew Benita Mrs
5 » t ritig ceremony § _ m =e An " : > thr 18 are inv fted to attend sided im Spangler for many COATS Thursday July 430 p Mm, cholr AR returned to this ares 1o serve
Nuss, Mrs Edwin : Re eal : #1
: f - arretebi ng PWT . i . Wh, oo Wy and el 18 $ my 8
The members of the Hospitality 2°" 1 Pisipartin } 3 ASLO iy MrLer. DYMO} Afr Station Chincotegue, Va 0 and Rtephen Petriiah are | Fislq. 1608 a. m. Church School saticate fn 1898 and graduated
Cloammitise 88 Annoinses ¢ ; : eh ea FECA : y rea ! - ie Is i ¥ {Fr .
: ; with : 4 Mrs. Irvie Long of Palmers Mr. and Mrs Raymond Nos] mer io ine a nr ent first vows an a Benedictine an
Mrs. Norman Mertens
Irvin Long, is NY. spent two weelts with their
parents, Mr. and Mra John Kr oad Rett Merrill BE Barter, Pastor study of philosophy and four
mnt “n Ye rnardin : ! of My ned Mra (Clark Farabaugh
January; February to be £1 et 5 , iy / {HY 4 fo hk Ef : Terman Mr. and Mrs (Clark Parabaug
York. are spending this month Tam o wm Tae eons The Field and | Hedy Martyrs Church, Bsitimore
daughter, Carol and Mrs Clara lg : gt
£ ow | anniversary service i He taught in the Preparatory
sind these additonal members MAS o RETERIIONS oy Miticiat - f ad nel Mr and Mrs William Baker of
the week end with Mra Baffer levi OQ CGorsued. Pastor LVeRrs AR an assistant in Sacred
r - » e 9
of the Patton church in 19%
| Kay Young I had spent seane time in Kalama RAL URL 1300 & Wm each
Vey visited Monday evening with We at T0 p m Te wy gr
i ents Myr ane *¢ Fal [maels Friday and enjoy the Comps |
fianal service 'cinducted by the A inner wan served for ihe and Mrs. Harry Baker 0
: » : m Tan i ihe sate siating oafh
ter spending 8 Week's vacalion will spend a few weeks with his | Sunday fram 500 io 230 2 mw and
at the Mike Senvitko home on pram rents hear the HNpedal Way of rath peo. |
an Monday ar bt the pastor of | Log and a reception was hed ; ¥ i
: i farwis 8B Hoover was sliected Mir. ar M Gallie of [ta Green Cove Springs. Florida [fom 330 ©» 1000 & mand hear
= ler, gave an address on his work | pon Home Pailon itandes RT wt Pee pring
as home hers i gram oar E BE Marquise and so.wurks
At ; fin C MeNulty of James
the close of Bis sddress the nitad School of Nursing
| of Chev in stan on the Pres "N18
towels Albert Coder lawr and danghliesy
21 of the Fregiy iat Bing Bilore | slaved! at Lycoming Bpencer AWG 1 . ad “ i ;
: ’ y . Wy offioets AtS vt r. and Mrs Faull Oihas and | of Pittsburgh | Primity Friscopal Church N
in Patton, he was presented wilh | Corporation, Williamsport i's ! Other officers a Robe L "
| Trinty Morning Prayer and sermon
take which was baked by Mra | residing at Wi iltiamaport mmander ’ i"
ahs officer their father, Peter Cihan Mr. and Mrs John T Nagle in |” wa
HN was, RE VET iparents, Mr and Mra John Mure iaena The Trinity Methodint Ohareh
The enjoyable affair was con | officer, reelected. and Albert . Ceo T Davis! Mv Fdwin H. Robrieck. Minister
Cabert rE. 4 ne | phy i Mr and Mrs George T Davia
tiuded by a solo which was very Gobert, sergeant s m
i Hr fet i tet, Doris Ann. of Detroit, Meh-i.0 pargaus NJ, spent a week's | Schont and 1043 am Morning Wor. |
Mr elie rawiey was eiecie
a Tussday July (9-400 wade |
prosgdency af the auxiliary Lo Varn ho "I Adams : g P81. Adult]
h tb | joint installation of Patton Car. |7CK returned home Saturdey ev-|uoes at the home of Mr. and Mrs |
mealing in Lhe post home 1 A allt and : 4 .
- teh 3 a ¥E hus ah legion Poste later this summer :
Catherine Marshall who was ef £ ” COTTE Ldaughter-indaw, Mr. and Mr yore of Harrtsburg, and Mrs | Brid At : h ill
Smith, second vice president; | be held July 26 James Fox, who is employed in| tre ladies are daughters of Mr € vi €
whom, “A y % CEs s :
* 1
and Mra Robert Fox i thdre ‘ackin and Adele | op ;
Mary K. Ward chaplain; Mrs Dorothy Airhart Mr. and Mra Charles Adama) 8 oh fu iful wedding on Saturday, July |
y visited over | y \ Wo] y si 2" :
Instatiation was conducted. The Makes Dean’ S List of Royal Ouk. Mich visited over | verity, of Detroit, Mich. visited! Foyt was united in marriage |
at ii sf
hy Airhart, daughter of | Providegee BR 1, were week end! str and Mrs R J Craft and! and Mrs. Patrick Malloy of St
ton te Vol | Janet, of Vienns Vii, visited for | The church altar was dethral- |
omen 0 ; ose tained the Dean's fist at Indi Miss Alice Volk of Pittsburgh | res weeks at the home of Mr | #0 With beautiful bouquets of |
the second semester of the aca-| Marie Volk over the week end
0 a
Mrs Ellzabsth Bobick of Put. | "he ceremony
her class and has no F" D's ori N. J. for overseas duty anes]
{near St ony Catholic and chantilly lace over white sa- |
i LS
ited over the past week end at] education department of the in- Mre. William Overberger and |
ipangier. where her condition is and had long light sleeves The |
there Friday, Saturday and Sun- Miss Airhart will be a junior in| Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, are wpend- ,
day the secondary education depari-| ing a week wilh the lady's moth- | husband John died mst week and! train Her finger-tip veil wan at.
The group stayed at Mayfair | ment at Indiana STC this fall er, Mrs. Walter Albright | was buried Friday :
Hotel and alan. saw Perforiances .-.. Mr. and Mrs. A. J Nagle and]! Mr and Mrs Kinsey Taylor of and irridescents. She carrisd a
by Victor DIRE an ohnny i Lewis Nagle are vacationing al: Roosevelt, Lon Inland visited white praver book on which wah
Raye. Harry Owens Honored : John Krise home on Patton R. D | over the week hd al the home of a i a while orchid and
The following made the trip. | (yp 17th . Anniversary They are from Jamestown NY. | Mr and Mrs. F. X Young | streamers.
Margaret M. Long, Laverne Sy- ; John Richard Young. EMFN.! Mr sand Mrs. Andrew Supp and | Miss Lucy Bensie, sister of the
bert, Anny Mae Miller, Fern Yea- A birthday picnic and party! stationed on the USS Destroyer children. Barbara and Lee, of pride was maid of honor The
er. Pearl Furlage, Christina | Was held at the Patton Recres- | Macon. Norfolk, va. After com- | Stratford. Conn... are Spending + & | bridesmaids were Miss Phyllis
fis, Madeline Caretti, Ann De | on Park on July 4 in honor of | —-— Im———— i | Malloy, sister of the bridegroom
| Mrs. Fox's danghter. Mrs. Carrol! The Chest Creek Pup Tent. at Leo OBfien’s Barber Shop. |
Ptfon-Chest PTA To reach Sunday reg Pe TO In Ba | lal oF ne Veterans of en envmtmente nd meine | NSS
§ & Arve * ow i
pa + The following ‘were vacalioning | Field On) "se ™ with be ‘held
Rh wr 1948 to 197 and AR
Thomas and family Judy Polly | features rides and small concts- | will be featured. A spokesman for
2 an : . i The necial ticket sale will Be what type”
all and family. Rilly. Sandy, Mar. | i Special we : FP
etntly in the lite | #ll and family. Billy, Hane n taking part And you
the coming yea: Hn 3 aia a ap. ERE EE | Sally. Carrie, Clark and Michael | Ja lm fabs
ra : : Abe Hii : tist hare | i oillvs, Patton BR. D., | wh, : after spending
known speake rar Above ix the first Baptist rel buikfing at Reilly R.D. gions Harbor. N. J. returning] week at the home of his father | ener
Andrew Senita Sr
the students of
i ar's parents, Mr. and Mrs Clar | nd son, Jackie, accompanied (he |
Will be arranged for "a h P Ni k
Bruasrye which ¢ ' A mammer wadding waa held In t i § 80 ud ln ’ et 1% . re i
BY fh FonruArY Which 18 An | ame A ny oA The Church of God of Patton | ¥ster. Vicki Albright, who wil Both Patton, Nicktown
outstanding event in the ; 3 MY 2 a eh “ Dor | announces the opening of Sum. | spend her summer vacation there | Patton Presbyterian Church
units evervwhere irdday, July when Miss Doris Ss : 8
nit b i f Mr and Mra Dennis i July 29 with sessions beginning | Other reiatives were: Mrs Susan | study from the Book of Jeremiah
&¢ members ar vi { RN. RON of MT 50 LTR. LENNS
is vet | Clases will he under the sup. Mra Stephen Petrushh and sons | «vs
¢ o'rloek and Rev, Father Ru iva, Pate . ; P Mary's Church in atton from
midike her future Rome with rehearsal abd 7.30 wm. Pellowwhip as pastor at Nicktown,
EF Miss Marvy Kollar, M
Air BISO § Allee Bobby upd and 18 ws.
returned hore after spending a daughter and son of Mrs f > from the classics] colirse there
Marry Stauffer, pres
Pl Saturdas tig 6&7 ¢ A ]
| Avenue and ohildren i he held ay HE Shyrdh Sime July 2. 1968.
Mrs Jesse Cogiles
of Patton RD. and Mr. and Mrs | Wofnesday July 3 730 p om. Pel mere years in theology and was
pounced Mrs. Randoivh ig #3 oh tiop were heides. | V0! ' LE 14 i TAS | oe Chineotague, Va and Owean Michael Noel at Van Ormer Sunday Faly 19 1900 a 1% Sane ortlained July 1. 1911. by Bishop
; congregation will join
h chalrman wil wie | Bearer of Fhenshtirg visite! on
and Mrs Paid Rafferty and | Ln | Behool at Bt. Vincent from 1914
ty's parents, Mr and Mrs Harry! 0 a | fuly 17--Mible School at! Heart Church, St. Marys, Pa. be.
Twelve years later he returned
i children of Foclkvilie, Md, apen!|! We sxtend 5 you & cordial vite.
{Mr and Mrs Fred McQuillan
W LOMMANACT | cs san Grau of Clevetane | |
Song Rervice from ta IIE
Wwao Missionary Socisly atl Ih rietnbers f
v gram. Alvin A Ors seer
3 i ¥oy | Rpiy i I :
the church, Rev srriil BE Bar. the afternoon atl the American i0- | A
yituhairgh spent the week end ft ; ng fae Aa va ¥ Hwee (Na _Faahtoned Ohspel 18 asrtmon |
HE 8 former missionary in The bride 3 a graduils \ of After spending ten days at his
! Hecent guests al the homie | ra of Hagerstown. Md These pro.
3 : this wes 5 Ih fos 8d of on Me Galilee remained and Will Mr and Mim George Beriah of RES re
Sx Fe vinedis of the , ke} ! , 8 . i i :
Child held a birthday party for buaband la a gre wie of pop the week with her som-4n Pugton R. [. were Mr and Mrs {terme plan
fevers] gifts for his wardrobe | Following & wedding trip to Rowland, senior vice oon nand daughter, Satdra, and Miss Jon | Mary Amn Noakes of Library Rev. Jean P Jordan. Priest.in-ctarge |
treturped home Sunday After 2pen- Rertsh home ont Patton BD Pat 915 a
Fit mest th tern
: Joules Lauwarts, the Ghild mem : } Wedron ' or |
iat # Np a mn ay Jily Te snpnual |
“hers served « funch to the gn Ee - Jenne: W Cogiev hee ae Mra. Tay Yshner and son, Tim duded Mr and Mrs Raymond Na. | Chureh Picnic will be held at Patton |
~ Which included members and fri- a : rg REY. CMAFRAIR. FE latlly, of Detroit, Mich. is spend, Mr and Mra John Miller | Recreation Park
nds of the church and their elon ted: Gilbert | “reg Min | : ha ; 3 - .»
. § » sta i Bunda Jigdy 13 J) $ i
by the pastor Andrew Henk Mere H C Barnet! and daugh- | snd children Joann ind Maureen nny . 836 a mm. Mors
aa ry slo iat SERNRD
nk-You's 1o You " o he | flected trustees ligamn, spent last week with Mrs | vention at the home of Mrs Da. 89 Dr J EA Bucks. former pas |
fast Wedresday night to 1 Ahi
i Hennigor Bite Class Supper
Walter McC Past. 814, Amer Mr and Mrs Amandus West
Mri. Biawley succeeds Mrs
‘ ¥ al Bpangler i
ected first vice president pang {Gladys Ernest of Gevensburg, Pa
a pent f avs: 4 : " ? 1
Mrs, Margaret Long, secretary Detroit, Mich.. a few daysiund Mrs. FHlenniger St. Thomas Catholic Church tn |
. SRT ; se retar
: | of Youngstown, Ohio, and Mrs | :
Charles Swab, historian, and Mrs when Miss Natalie Benzie dau |
5 i a fw . & :
next meeiing will be held in the week end in Johnstown | recently at the home of Mr. and | Patrick Malloy Jr. son of Mr. |
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester W. Air-| visitors at Benedict. »
ana State Teachers Ounll choir prov ded |
* . . * ¢
Visit Atlantic Cit demic year just completed figt. Larry Veoik. son of Mrs | i
. . She is in the upper seventh of | Marie Volk, Mele or \ ton gpulfered a het attack be. The bride was attired in a Door
Rixteen members of the Women | incompietes and was recommend. spending & 30-day furiough at his
Church, Putton now a tin The fitted bodice was rim. |
Atlantic City, N. J. They visited | stitution children, Billy, Craig and Joe of
an fair. Mrs Bobick's skirt was very full and had a
| tached to a tiara of seed peari
the T7th birthday anniversary of | 3
gremont, Margaret Forsythe Le a yy * ) ! : and Miss Shirley Adams, friend
ona Humphrey, Madeline Fox, Hatry M Lens of Mellon Ave SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R . SCOTT of the Pride Miss Bengie wore al
Mabel Yahner, Mabe! McHugh, wens Tectived a number of | pit IG. gown of biue nylon net trinamaed |
a raswiey., Katy Zungsl and Those attending included Mra 7 w ies * 4g sosem, » | wiih matching net ruffling, and # |
Belle: Brawley. Harry Owens gnd Mrs Agnes | er a | head piece to match. The bride's!
Guumtner. both "of Patton: Eu. | © Wi : maids were gowned alike in col
Margaret Ann Bender gene Sullivan and son, David of | : : SMG ar EE | 1 of pale green and Yellow
Baltimore, Md: Mr and Mes | 4 is ES | They wore matching sweelhear! |
Feted Un 10th Birthday [Richard Bills and children. Cyn i. ' headpieces and carried colomal |
thin, Randy. Rickey and Terry, | , | | bouquets
A party was hold in honor of | of Bpangler: ¥.7J Udoulch. Mary f . | BF: | Merle Malloy, Patton, Wuther
Marjaret Ann Bender's tenth bir- | Ann Sharbaugh. Mrs. P. L. Shar. f | of the bridegroom, was best man |
thday anniversary on Saturday, hatigh and Mr. and Mrs P LL Land Jack Emerick of St Bene |
July Oth, from 2 to 5 p. m, at Shirbaugh Jr and family. all of | { diet and Nicholas Card of St. Aug |
the home «6f her ier parents, Mr. and Alpona; delphi Ridouteh, RN. | | ustine were ushers.
a; Francis Udo
Mrs. Chesier Bender. student at Penn State, acute JApproximitely thirt paras
Games were played and lunch and Mrs F BE What ad | were served at a wedding break.
was served. Att ng were: Ca- family. of Cincinnati O m and fast at the home of Mrs Jose
thy Bever Carol Oregon. Cookie it « cg - fd { phine Bensie for the wedding
and ra A ie Jaitz. Bev . > party and immediste members of
: y i _ both families. A dinner foll I
er staral Cecnint:| Beverly Steir Honored | | Slower
: | f ‘at the Commercial Hotel Pat
1 Judith astriok, Rosem Hen : Seventh Anniv: srsary £3 | Bn . : .
der, Sarat Jane Mulligan. Mary On ¥ i : 3
Jo Capreme, Joann
Callahan, Sutton, Chyrie
Welshire, Cindy Stoltz and Joann
Bender, ey
Patton School Boar] this week
anncunce’| that it is seeking bids
gn the hard surfacing and grad-
+ ares al the Second
Building in Patton.
be in no later than
A birthday party was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken. |
neth Steir, in honor of their dau- |
ghier, Beverly's, seventh birth
day anniversary on Wednesday, |
July 6th, from ¥ to 5 bm. At.
tending were Linda Felgh, Judy
Femell, Phyllis and Philip |
hat, Mona, M Nawn, Mar
jon and Meade on. Paul |
il, lois and Psul Kane
Jane Weiland, Phyllis fue Eims
Karen and Keith Steir,
fog CRADLE & Pound
MOWER Swing mG
fo fin Of
fhe BABY 2
AED BA Bl Bn :
da REP ps BACK Soi
Se LU Bea Seas lpodua, Sin gis sak
CROP BE uaa Bb aan
| tional Buliding.
They will reside in Dean
{the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs.
{ Richard Martin, Pittsbu Mr.
{and Mrs. Robert Martin Sr. Mr.
| and Mrs Alfred Martin Rober!
ton and a reception in the sven.
ing wus held at Ashville Retrea-
Mrs. Malloy is employed in A}!
toona and Mr. Malloy in Raviee, |
Out-of-town people attending
| Martin Jr, and Mrs Mary Call.
Shar of Houtadale, and Mr andi
rs. John Loftus of Erie, Ps.