SN ————————— UNION PRESS COURIER Largest General Weekly Newspaper (lreulstion in the Ares THE UNION PRESS-COURIER Established In October, 1588 ursday Ae Prank P. Cammarsts, a rer ave Patton, Pa. 3 Smutied! 4 Beco sll Batter May 7. 1538, at the oe a8 Ps., under the 3, 1879. ’ * Thomas A. Owens BEiitor P. CAMMARATA A. OWENS JR. J. OWENS Bubgeription: $3.00 yearly NATIONAL EDITORIAL $3.50 Outside Chunty |AsEpchyr fan Advertising Rates Furnished Upon Application MEMBER OF PENNSYLVANIA NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS’ ASSOCIATION aa, Beaver of the Union Press-Courter is to tincersl t org. abhor in all efforts 10 obtain economic freedom. 4 for pub- ust be signed by the writer as an ovidente of good faith The Union Press-Courier circulation district covers all of Northern Cam- Business Editor Circulation anager Coslport-Irvona Bditions Ei Punt) sna part of Southern Clearfield County Published in “| Too Many Women Jurors? Are there too many women jurors! The June term of court At Ebensburg seemed to disclose that two-thirds or more of the Bhlismen drawn from the jury wheel were of the feminine sex. The Bhtural conclusion is thst the Jury Commissioners have been far Bore favorable toward women than they have been toward the men Eat there may be a reason for also the Jury Commissioners It rests with nen are willing to serve on juries of work, and the stipend paid for pen with jobs command it and a the For many ane for LOG IMeRANsE | than compelling that far men it factor few Hoss jury duty is far en ust And there's a decided inclination on the part of business men, of merchants, and of lots of other males whe really could gerye if they were honest with themselves and with their Beighbors, te shy sway from jury duty. Practically none of them: want on jury panels. Most of them, if drawn, seek to be . There's no intimation on sur part that women are less enpable of being jurors than are the men. Maybe they are a lot better. However, it would seem fair to hive the sexes more evenly balanced. On some of the cases trivd last month entire panels were made up of women only. In this connection an article of Mrs burgh Press columnist, recently states tentimental than men? had just finished jury service in a municipal court. She came away from the experience comvinced that male jurors are softies “ihe got her first jolt when they had a young man Waiter Ferguson, up for drunken $ t drop by t i the : YOro@ek {| apprOa g {width i mi t the Pits | "Who said women are more | This question was siked by a woman who | She sald | {Up To Top of the Rock titiving. Accomding to the evidence his cur was weaving all over the! itreets at two o'clock in the morning. The cop who made the arrest testified that the driver had to hold on lo the ear to stand up “There were no witnesses called to defend his character or to support his own statement that he was sober. What surprised the indy most was that he asked for a jury trial 1 voted for conviction, she sald. | believe a person who drives while drunk is a menace to public safety and should get some kind of punish ment. Well, believe it or not, the ke fomale on that jury ales was the lone dissenter, The men voled unanimously to It Bia off. | was so upset, | went to the Judige afterward to see # he could enlighten me. He gave me a pitying look, as if he coulda’t magine se much ignorance in ons human being, and . C. . . , this young man has been before my court many drunken driving. That is why he asked for a jury tris his record and would give him the works | be able to crack down on him the next time, and you oan be be one -he'll be back before long. or 1 miss my woman juror, I'll bet when he comes in f another trial. | never saw a mere sofl- than those male jurors. | sgree that the accused = very chance te prove his lInnocener. But 1 also foul the public merits protection from the law.” our or Maybe it's well that Cambria County has a pre pondersnce of women jurors. What would have happened to this habitual drunken driver if he had been tried before a panel of all sales ago? If all the women jurors folt the same as did the one lone woman juror on the Pittsburgh case. then there wouldn't have Been any “soft hearted” men to protect the menacing driver. Any- way, n Our County women are Sugniingly asxipus to serve om our The long Fourth of July week end is over. The toll of deaths is it is on any American jong holiday week end Despite that is dome to curtail the terrific accident toll, it com- wotp-old roads and the human element in connection with vehicles are deficient. People still leave home at odd . r Hike mad after working all day, to make the most holiday. Many of the appaling accidents happen because drivers . Yet, the man wt the wheel is the most safety on the highways long as we've had the motor car, , Carvolitown, Spangler, and for that matter most all of s in this section, hive established what are commonly known traps”, There isn't a single one of these communities that 5 speed enforcement without Jutifiable reason. It law. ath Sui aves fo VedscIAN Ang Par towns with straight strests have been inviting to to “step on gas” The motorist who is picked up on Eat oats ah pois 8 beket, Dwerves what he pets {ask any of the policemen) all of the offenders aren't out-of- us the other day shout tr this and that cause. b yt chgejiics i to Lhe Lroci i snail Loe : ther | ng Ft what | held i row i ing i tirne cliffs of § i jow Maybe | i | | t i Len were ia i § P EX { at Wwitere & ral $f tO ihe {grotto was ocated. Here | that we saw a imber very muith smaller row bhosis 10 sing a pi ta SOMEWD piciure n Six Solid Weeks Touring Europe By MRS. THOMAS A OWENS SR This is one of 2 series of articles covering a recent trip to Eure by Mrs Tom Owens Sr, Mrs HN Sharbaugh, and Mrs John J Hal uska covering tem countries, spon By the National Iditerial Awmoviation. EHO, wild resgue, if and incigenia the td Fi ¢ alu No. 8 ISLE OF CAPRI primary p Borrento be & of ( BR pr i he mor we a The visit was 10 Ixie on iTpOse Italy {EW And ning the § oupie vf WO Us early Morclay, Cocumella of the (ily of tO the fs down a flight ther rough st ramp gt the port below lerrenean. boarded boat. for the sevente to the island The Monday eft rv Rarrento traveisd al; of perhaps ane wil gin on fool i the My #K1 Lin 8 oD 21 en boat was packed WES 4 holiday fur of the local inhabitants holiday-minded folks from ples. Sorrento and ing ry tien rE led) Wilh laasriss if HOG op Ein t the marr perhaps curson carried their Nches wil them ith Ey fastened FERALS WAN § raed the I nmatehed Anvwhere found again resy We 358 Beauty Was W Ee pried at ita Capri mil Ereatest { Ws jutting out of | meutiful cavern 175 Picturesque, indeed w high. with Marina Grande Large Forti | most beautiful indigo wheres our sxoursion boat | aginable The Ansa § Blige Crowds were great we | within beggars ol # had to wail for ‘he second »x-| ih ARLATE Were as oa cursion boat at : the oppogite the Bay of Naples oat side +8 foe! fa al the waler pe iu add that Light = as a o Rarrenio inst f Were the passage Rére The fi irst iv wp of ce and great EXis and son RVR However the wi the securing of &iMieult & rd 8 Char gable (04 Wir party were foriu in lRXis wae Hae ih one of the bums y But Ix the excur easy. Here the grea! ® ait of ng 10 G6 Lhe exnger gir Ha & rect We threatened Anciher ram) was affendants and we back at Port : EVANS ip he i Biut was $iffoult $ LCi Le tof the erowds a> while Mri | Bharbaugh was lucky and had » taxi Mrs Haluska two folks “kre the Rate Ff Wa sing ton rode in oan old fash the driver Gn a Mra Haluska iN 3 Ema Mrs Hal folks wat in It was » that will wh ring ng bia! Wasn't ton Sigh passenger : Were enguifed by ; ard él Bali day f The roadway, very nar TYOWas of Hany § Ad sind iy # XK aArge iriver Ww were endesvin Hines & share sr: a Ws ¢ THINK ng up alon Fie wir KiCHed both Mrs the ry int gin 4 Fi e on the legs & drop of hundreds the police the Mediterranearn sted by HE ey nally anded ever. all ang Bor NEAYY sions wall to five feel high The rod was Limes fre (RK A and with an the pide, foar the rot er nd the renta. Cemv Per ey very nar ane wanders how hicles ng Gown wens pass getling saad . &% i FTA Biir: it all were many folks seve] i ata and still othe . So limes when cyehist and two CLE hime bang myself with . tg 1 n do! oadent rin or | BAT beside hin i pa sing ven Lew | SEAL wilh my back io ail met toget Ber and 1 a ir iska and the Snr able yet Gutarin Errand Hi . aay pedestrians escaped inju I Ave Ag memories for al Visit Home of Axel Munihe Next week POMPEI We finally arr tL Anicapria te ROME G50 fesl above the port, and stop pad for our noon-day lunch at the Edin-Paradiso Ho tel. Raving our REVERIE mel on the patio, with an excell ent view. and where By FERDINAND B WHARTON flowers and follage and trees aug Chest Springs. Ps mented a beautiful day this Magy ori ed island resort . Raia ' world-fam ! inia x garden befonth food was excellent. This pow ay of our visit alone was well rahi are Rae ; y crowding into th the hectic time wo had them: in dire § § 4 a 4 % etting there Mrs Haluska peaceful and think their at the reRT & tO ihe vif ama on Hs vel at PB .¥ Pa EEE RY FE Fi 1 =i twilight in the lovely odd «im thoughts come my mm NOe of Clay het with beautiful setling of the selfishness hatred and The @ ind hybaugh and 1 saw fi! bit of shopping here, | The next highlight of our tin erary was a visit to Villa San Michele, highest point on the is land, built on the ruins of an cient Romdén Villa by the ale blind physician and author, Axel Munthe, suthor of the "Story of San Michele Munthe died in 19, and had created a bind san. ctuary at kis Capri retreal. He was a8 famosa Bwedish physician bad conducted fashionable medi. eal practices in both Paris and Rome. but spert his Inst years not on Capri, but as & guest of | the King of Sweden, whose | i ide palace he died ill Munthe's home and gardens] were beautiful bevond our word capabilities. The famous Cypress Then other thoughts come te Wilk on the Munthe property in! Ela hor eat y where waler aim eRch and lremchery Biooe! runs religions ETRE tA her ave lost gail thinner groups an whose bor unions their original objective Mn whose only purpose the methods building aman} spite fences salh other