Davy Crockett Proud Owner Of Old Pennsylvania Rifle Killed 100 Pigeons In | Row With ‘Old Betsy’ | Henry W. Shoemaker, Pennsyl- | vamia folklore chief, this week | told the tale of one of Davy! Crockett's visits to Pennsylvania Elected to Congress in 1834, the new lawmaker made a string | of visits which included Balu-| more. Boston, New York and! Philadelphia “In the Quaker City, he was first greeted by a reception com- mittee formed by the ‘Crockart or Crockett Society, composed of | Irish-born and Irish-descended | Crocketts who threw a magnifi- | cent party in 's | hemor,’ Shoemaker said “Their chief gift was a bronee | image of I their namesake's | i the Crockett coal-of- | arms from Donegal surmoulted | by a swan The frontiersman did | not understand heraldry bul re- RN EE | finishing his materpiece a replica | by | gun shop south of Lancaster city { and | Pennsylvania Historical and Mus. | ' pum | the frst i turn iat & stately reception held in the S: t ways the a (ing EK Arnie nRfine marked ‘that bird is lke a Trnm- peter Swan’ “Yet the Pennsvivanias Duteh or Switsers were not to be out done with a tribute and peli tioned Jncob Mylan of Lancas- ter Comity, and grandson of Martin Myln, the first maker of the so-called Kentucky rifle, to part with his choleest plece as a tribute to Crockett, “The Alpine gunsmith was just i gunner Warnook rising plause the flintioc of his grandfather's greatest rifle, ang the truest shooter, his first piece the way, at kis Jittle stone Belsy recently marked by the away Commission. He hurried by ‘bus’ to Philadelphia to over his prize package the great wilderness king's Dutch admirers I" was presented to the to: club the quest E Crockett Fracklin Institute's club house by one of the vounger Peppers. a member of that great family of Pennsvivania-Genman philanthro- pists and civic leaders “Crockett grianed brondly as the handsome T2.inch rifle was handed % him. ‘*This is the piece 1 have al Fr ———— Fromti the ia Rididie i Of the ot ence orator Other on : dreamed and seeing an aged huntress in| to special friend: whom wanted to the earlier eounterpart { Pennayivania shonk han Pepper in Cros preci Before fashionable at sehuyikill Here one side. and were sulogize Epenkers, indi . 3 iHence meet. Innes Oakley it for (Ha And its feat he the etsy th $ tis and cheers chairman, My dynasty Aa K Davy It was a ¢« fife re att ge is si} the The State In the hands of Mr real markasn their Fibs ty The &Fr as } his of ho & the her, wi d uding calied the in Pennnsvyl rocket, but overwhelmed he break awa wu re ned Vieux o hall about [niteh Wis with Uren ket! rowing and he bore the hu yt ey Phat "or King Was nor Brvem tats Mr ile hi Invitations felt after proving ‘Old Betsy’ ositdoor shooting mateh Gardens, said Davy he had of a worid Moses added greatest after later heat BIIAR I witli aay Betsy crowded room | shook with ap “Betsy was called forward by Rhea and handied the gun, Kissed the trigger and turned Crockett, amid a scene of tre mendous enthusiasm. “Then old examined it over to Mvyiin of nt reheat (Chairman and "Od Pree? proudly Be i POMS Soh Pepper an 1H Horse Wing ev oF tha \ # i Jian i ent A Col Fdward | dalle hunter 5 great {haries F pa” # HpLIen VARNIK peered in he was =O Ihe revoest the an the Poe at at wihere killed 100 passenger pigeons in a row with rifie shot. “Thi tin the Myvyiin $ pleased 2s gun 1 4 i Biddle Colani Killed ; who P Alps “ He &¢ thn! y the wo they rich a WAS as the the mm pear IEhty 3.060) aie The - among their very nt was handed 4 farm: ¥ Gea rihed Chamois WE Wr Had gi fiRQ i greatest h ty { “esl Or siperion Swiss nimrod : jr the | presser Vi ] # Yirvk rai! us CHtres Ripe | venirs ong | Betsy Warnock, | Camp Meeting On [ims Risa Bute Near Che the 1] Pepper on | feats t by a doen fluent | s } wT i were yan 5 i Published As A Public Servies Channel 10 Friduiy 1 Sun July 3 Sat July ? Men Juiy 4 | Westorn ¥ hes wr Harmony 7 Theater Pies B Sign On Th i Por I Ll A ats Tro Mack Pays Mervied Stars Purnsae Onl Proen Oubien -. Conference Play of the Week Christophers Beg oes Thrtiin Casas s Hour Sen oe [ES Sh Lv By ivi seid SA Toes July Wantern Theater Harmony T Baer rind Thester Hesith Fum Flynn's nn Fonpomos Ernie Hewy Movie Movie Mack Pays Married Bagras Parade Music Time Sehood ner Serial Theater Civic Clay News i A £&8n P {the Eastern fof God which they ge f pass § fom migrhont spas Mer 5 of 5 vite? sf the fsreny. Daston wk rr bly ry Tree [Eo x com FY aa Boy 3 Frimty ¢ & gags wi Ts eet Pog? orate op | Living Waters f'amnD ney i Tros It {ing aftern will continue won and evening [Qurniday Ae Mantyromery had x ard Joan 1 Robert hero and 10 RK xing 5 y fenoming Fide AG ¥r is ! Camp, Pa tha T° § Py § paul § SE ni in i Te teens y id Hetty Ei ined Nina hurd I Susan vr KD . Rickard Rlandburg | Edwin Kayden Barnes- | L toh Mov Leslie Bradley Thursday, June 30, 1968 very Hight last Oppose Props nationwide wheat Otpise £3 i Ratipydger y i | SATUraay in IN E. Bellotti, Brandy | referendum wind Bhirley Jean Er- | Klimek, Bar. Area voling was $ @ Farmers n district volenl against the program for SPE AaOn The ¥ Me A eourdties federal wheat 19556 growing ¥ or. Cherry Tree R Spangler J. Falduto, Barnes. A. Fryer, Span- 0D Lie 18 14-1 against the acreage and marketing controls iin Cambria County, where 889 farmers were sligible to vote Nationwide the voting was 77 percent in favor of supports Hastings oan Black, West. A ma ,, ,-. L SE ipa hs 2T HE FLOP FAMILY BET - 4 LAQED POKER TILL 3 A.A, Bsa —— HELENS FT To Ot ' ams ————— oe’ o “J No 80 3 , | LOCKH THe WATE | 1 WINDOW 15 UNLOCKED A nS. ; [I] | ay i wn \ i J t / HEN SEL) 3 eD) 4 ~ Oo a 4 Wed Julv 8 Wasters Theater { Harmony 7 | Serial Theater Haalth Fim Finns fin Tenens Ernie I Wewy ; Movie ! Movie Ma tire 8 Wiimms | Tea i Maek P Pars Married | Bua Parade Girl Prom Ciabien Raodioe Ede roy | Beriad Theater | Civil Clr i New § Outs Time Teint ien b | Koehler Sport | Roupy | Dmiy Nowe { Dissvrylaing Dianary ing Mr aah Masquerade i Paity i Peniy a 8 MEY Shun . : Wedtioniay i With i Paha | Hen & Rocky News Weather Rpt Late Ahow Late BEhow Sign Off Published As A Public Service San July 3 Mon July 4 |= Wied July 6 Toss Today sb Murray » . ¥ . on ; Summer © Thmter Dollar A Po . Truth or Con it's A Great Life Lullaby ¢ i VE DREA hil: rg MOST WADOSSHBLE. } TIT GEE, DOC’ | AIST MAL A Ni 1} TEAR DREAM THAT | 3 "SS WS a is c *d pT Neg YOU SELLE VE NOR \ \ a . £4 SAE ———— PELE VEG IN YES REE IM AF Ee EVENTS Easr \ > SATAN THAT ; SACOWS BEFORE | OR I I TLNGS ~ Tis 2 HBO ABT UKE THAT, TE HAPTENG D1 J pd mre | [OOMT EVER CHSCOLNT DREAMS” | | FE YE YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS aE YO OFF OJ Ft \ J ity Toil FLITLE Sp | \ wc S——— CRS SNA SORE SE is “TIPPING y