Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, June 09, 1955, Image 2

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So ! . - - - o - : EE ii I oe ak | —- pitti pois _
BY ret, DO RECEIVES FIRST CAMPING AWARD | Kifach, danghise of Mr. and Mrs EINE And Di Fiheir respective
Mre. Morris Getz, president and gp em | oy Mr. ang Mra. Charles Dums | hotles
‘fcht, publications and magazines;
were Monday evening vistery al Mir. and Mrs Kenneth Kiine |
the home of Mr. and Mrs Marland sons and Mr and Mrs Ur!
i Mrs. Herbert Janke 1st Vice tin Hoppe! ban Kline mid Lizzie Kline were
| President of the County Council; . | | ; | Mr. and Mrs Darrell Krug] recnt visitors at the home of |
Pres mo sunt) publicity | | | were Saturday svening visitors Mr. and Mr Clarence Kariheim |
f " | | | |
tvice president; Mrs. Charles Sch-
at th Be f Mr and Mos of Patt pa t
and Mrs. Rupp. membership al € hom ir. a " of Patton RD. to help celebrate
Talks by officers of the South! Registration began at 10 a
Ivan Lobe in Johnstown { Toramy Karlheim's Ind birthday. |
rict of PTAs. the an. | m.. Saturday. The opening cere Mr and Mes John Marr and! Atty. Randolph Myers of Eb | SERVED NIGHTLY
| Drist Pe an bb RS 3 3 3 $e
Bancement of standing commit- | mony was conducted with Mrs
Family of Puzzietown were Sun- | ensburg was a Sunday visitor in | Except Monday
for the Clearfield | Marshull Beightol's offering the -
ty Council of PTA, and a!invocation Group singing was di-
v% al the home of Mr | town ! php and
Rube Fresh Nir. and Mrs Alfred Kline and | Priced at 73¢ Up
Ste and My red Mossel of | Mri Wm Bekenre of Carvoll. |
POrL by the auditing committee rected by Mrs Janke The min-| SE dey WtoTs in toan elten md, of, Cuerlt 1} CARROLLTONN
ed the morning session utes of the meeting held at Du- | : ae I. . 7 Tr town Lieb resitience : ; AMERICAN LEGION
Of the School of Instruction of Bois were read by Mrs. J Leon |@ ~ # pid Nl of a i ae Rev. Fathers Demetring Dumni Miss Mary Grace Kirsch of Al-
the Clearfield Sounty Council of ard Adam, for Mrs. Clyde Neviing | B ol. fo 5 of a £ a : EY e SE Wilfred Dumm. OSB: Ger | tools was a Sunday visitor here |
“Teachers Associations held the county council secrsiary BB TE rr. ! % : ; a 4 : main Last SH. and Joel lash
a the Clearfield Junior High Sch u ; » | —— oh gh " SB. all of St. Vincent's Arel
on Saturday, June 4. The af : v | : a _. bg vent Randay with Fath
prmcoe session was Mghlighted RTON | A AE A A BR ' 5. BR | sobs. Spent Sunday with Fah | - “
the Presidents message by BAKE i E 5 : ’ ol 3 i SE BR CG lie : DANCE AT .
R. O. Rupp, county council R : : ) ™
nt, and the workshops dur oy HES. EA Lane a he ; : ' 5 1 a | a AE § 7. ER Krug and Mr and Mis Stoite of
A the remainder of the day's , : 8 ! ai I. . ! : Altoona " ore a nda 3 Vind tors iw
A . : i oni " ; § | the Pree Rt ar 3TH SOTRe ri |
pogram. Cinch Party Next Week |§ A Fred Phster a ‘ |
of standing commit.
tees for the County Council were Te Benefit Pool Project
/ . '-
r. and Mrs Vines Shera and | Sat da Ni ht J 1 1 th
sinounced by Mrs. Ru They in- family visited Sundsy at the K ur y g ’ une
ide : y PP : Plans for a cinch party, to | 2 : | | : % I. McComble and Herman Kirsch | MUSIK BY THE
es . a held next Thursday, June 16 at 8 j ; : . hai ) Be Borne ; adi "
Mrs. Herbert Janke. program. the Bakerton Athletic Club, were] $ : 7 : Miss Dolores Kline and Mrs | & . . Eh
Mes. John F. Smith ubbieity loutlined at a regular meeting of | So a : Th p = 3 IL. Krun er were Mainday he Eddie ice Combo
3 i h Baadai® : MEW ROW: 1 i “ G 2 E 3 Lo i ATUun Er Were MONGHY |
Anthony Tocimak, budget and Baker Park Auxiliary onl EK & oo : Clsitors in Creensburs § New }
finance ’ : ae Takerton ar : i y , i 3 EF : : E vigitors in Greensburg and New |
Ne _ {Monday evening of Iie WeeR, | a : 3 2 : oh Kensington :
Mrs. Gurney Blogs, publics Jure §i. in the Bakerton Club Po oy Le : eh ¥ Mr. and Mrz M arty Smith of |
Al toral area residents are reds Were Sunday iRitors al
Mra. Joie rainy yer tordially invited 10 attend | 3 SE | \ hs : 2 a 4 | E ! the A fly : Peters none, ] FREL DANCING EACH SUNDAY EVENING
{the cinch party at which time 3 3 i ; Mr and Mrs MG Ragley of oy wh py MAES PAPAS +
Mrs. Herbert Janke, legislative |, of groceries will aiso be giv-| S oC 3 Lo | 3 ; Nanty Glo were Sunday visitors § {0 OUR Gl ANT UKE BOX
+ rx E fa Sl | ; : 7 ‘ : " i NE. 4
Mrs. J Leonard Adam, art ten away Tickets are only 5H0¢ Es id . v1 the Laws Ragiey hom *
civil ense 4 ved wed rill ora road 5 18 j C Side a ; 3 © $a Fllen Norton is ! . p ; 5 a A \ . 3 ——
Me Hileman, i def {each und prizes will be awarded Ri A — w lary Ellen Norton is spendiig | | REMEMBER . . . THE VFW ROME IR AIR-CONDITIONED
Mrs. Ruth Beightol, founder's | and a lunch served Proceeds of Crile PPro ots Kas Pivots Biss smear vacation at Ber!
day. : i the party will go toward improve- | Robert Steele, Barneshdre eft, congratulates Repine's Grove This was the first camp outing nome er in the fail she WH |
John Davis, study group | ment of the Bakerton Recreation! George Stanik, scoutmmstor of Troop 271, Barnes for the newly-formed Barnesbore unit. Explorer | Mosume her studies at Seton Hil
Shucker, membership Park and new swimming poo bora, after Mr. Stanik received the blue Profi Post 74 and Troop 74, St. Benedict, and Troop 71, wage in Ureenshurg i
Mrs. Merle Johnson, music i Plan lo attend’ i vient Ribbon award for top camping at last week Carrolitown, alse won swards, Looking on are PEE Janes Smith 4 student !
Mr. Drass, of DuBois, chairman $+ | end's North Cambria District Spring Camporese at boys and leaders of other units at the camporos nurse al Memorial Hospital th |
of the Suiting committee, made RECEIVES DISCHARGE : om Pans & Jow days win IL 5 U N S = T
the report, and the suditors’ re-| Robart Lamont. son of Mr &ad | : rents, Mr. andl Mrs. Mar |
PO ert pr of AHooh: Mra Thomas lamont of 1s 5 t Dh t t S tim Sr it " ek Eek io Ciomgmm
rst vice t of the South | hace. scharge from the U8 cou s 18 ric Camporee LUCCES8S "5 vi Romar Spangur ||| ROUTE 219 NEAR CARROLLTOWN
ict, of PTA, who Marine Corps on BOE i *
3 i dk i. # # 3 BE EILY i 2 : he tir y Na 40 5 Lg py :
on Parliamentary Procedure $6» Forty-five Bos : ¥ sight lead ontest and tenl-peg § Bim ment chalrosan, at a meeting k a E 5 as 8 he i i
“Parliamentary Procedure is uf Flora spent Sunday visi gltended the ans = y 4 we . mons ra ton af the district committer Jast !
aul % ¥ ¢ 8
Bo to teeing rh | i i pai "| Empress Ea DR 14 Mote Con's Sry | Tr cman | rt 23 Soon” "ll SATURDAY NITE, JUNE 11
any phases of the PTA work | Jouph Farabaugh of Akron. | irict of Adm Robert E Peary radio unit &v the Explorers me A ny ane]
| i | : \
| | iz i a @ | : 1 Menace Rer homes
§ |
f |
6 pics unl hy that a district board of review Y apant Sis
erhill spent Sune |
pre- Ohio, spent Sunday here at the Coum Boy Scout E Amdrica Approximately 58 pareats will be held tomorrow cvening
proper : f ¢ ; a : we fay with Mr and Mors John 3
, home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs | 1h past week end al Repine’s gud adults attended Saturday Jone 10, at 7:30 p mm. in Bar oO h :
Betis of every president” | A E Farabaugh Faro radian Ceninty nea evening's camp fire which was | #eshore American Legion Home Mr fd Mrs Clirences Tobin | §
stated that Parlis-| Mr and Mrs CC Williams of herry Tre conducted by Michael Michirins, A district court of homar will f Cresson were Sunday n crming |
ty law is an sccepled set of | Cresson spent the week end wi thi "our units of the distrit! were soontmaster of Troop 71. Boys follow om Friday, June M at | o00en in town : Dancing from 9:00 to 1:00 Adm. $220 tax ime.
fe of the PTA have as Mrs Raby Williams of Bakerton | Ie] a io Ane oun “i fromm all wnits participated in 1380 pom in the same place. fre Bede Lantzy and childien :
Roberta Rules of | Mrs. Flo Benden of New Cum | Uirst distri frnpares in (he 8 the event with stants and Al gi are expected to al [Spangler are spesuling a few i For Reservations Phone Fbensburg 1052
: € respec! Ihe herland Pa, spent the week snd flew year MEL yea evint wa ODL tend the review bid vr } fr and Mrs MH CG § y TR ! and Ave, FE ,
Ainitt of the minofity. the rule of | with her meirn ie ax ol ancelied due maist Wan a bu a : Clatisn: § ahsnier : diateict sraant. 1 lot or Wilte SUNSET, 510 W. High Ave. Fhensburg, Pa.
ibe majority, and partisfity to! Strong ther conditions dan wars Waki at {ha & ait tivity | head. re id (rug. Mrs. Lotise | Ream won —— w——
M, One of the basic principles | Mr and Mra Paul MeCoy and | Units attending the owing Rav Searle secritmaster of Troon ported # amine meeting thal Westri nd daughter. Kathy
ys Procedure is family of Johnstown spent Sun-| were Explorer Pevet 1%. St ; birnr-lin : wr on fa § \ RE : iy i BEeew he were Sunday visitors at the Pred
and courtesy to all iday hers al the Arthur MoCov| Bemodiet: Troop 74. St. Bene Ji 1 Pa ve iae : ;
Charles Schucht of Lewis. | residence | abet:
: Troop 71, Carrolftown and ert Divieshi TOR. scien: new units will be organized in isaes Zelda and Mary Flea . . . no 3
mresident of the South Cen- | Ming Gee Gee Sample, daughter Troop 271, Barneshoro. Wichael dructor at 2 raneiz Collie RAR abit r Kirsch spent a few days at FOR WEEK-END EN ] ER TAINMENT!
District, told her audience i of Mr and Mrs. Anthony Sample | Bistransin, district field sxnen- | | ratio d a field mass for Ca Nex! tiet meeting be the Merle Kirsch home in Car-1} :
“You snd Your | of Kingwood, W. Va. is spending | tive, Sirected the amp with the holie seo out ; meld Thursday. July . p | rolitown. Lak i
¢ | I a vacntion with her grandparents help of nit lenders and SRE . ul oh . Pt a ab a 5M: anal Mera i i Fel WW eran |
: “1 Mr. and Mrs George Sample of bers of Post 74 on Ha Ey be o dt a Pr "will be announced hn > Rn A i M a na MD H Ra
ams, for it is} this place. A pIsAned Progra: of ACHIvIL- i sairmey, aud cP letam Ey A ap Soh.
points the way | Mr. and Mrs Richard Bassaro| i... Saturday morsis ng 3 Brat BE Eas re a ie oo e Clem Kirsch home. | | '
Sliftess in accomplishing ; of Indiana visited recently at the] Loe: the supervision of Fost 78 of ah fore res my 0 tee orem deb of the Fittsimirgh %
objects toward which all par- home of Mr. and Mrs. Michael | Who alts Were inn charg f Vin pen Dias mn vekail mink a a yu oe ate Mi L er Sy Be
groups work. The pro. | Websy, leamb's first aid station 8 il deh wn wvemt. Bach gil R Jarants, Yr. and Mem SH
chairman is vital | Mrs. Cecelin Lawrence, Mra | dav morning's orosess ACh Lat A yo pets WNL Pro BY BAASARA LIAR vert Viastaics. hia Hetarasd bith
- | Tom Venesky and Ruth Shirsky| wes partic ated hy ai tite. th] Als SNC SAID I Wan Mu Mee tov Father Jost } Bert bu as returned hime |
ivigitedl in Indiana recently with! Xe Foie: y. uo y - ET
Ee CR A ee eam eT
oH a oe
SSA Ba a
En to if FO 140 ANG BER 4fter spending # few weelts in a
; ) 20 ahaded knot ving costes vt Ain seh 89 award Yeo Lhe M n Led ANG Jeknatown hospit |
Mr. und Mrs. Richard Bassaro aid contest ree fentd ffmit h rw ¢ 3 Mrs. A. F. Kirsch and Mra R Mr and Mr . Robes Keefs and FRIDAY NITE
and ai the Indiana Hospital with! i i Bild WRT umber o OYE Lt eh silat €hie , : ¢
i Fe sulined Me wedling Of seam ERLE as Ra mseshor "
& ric £ a ¥ 3 Bis w ii . : » +1 Petey ¥5 a Mieshorn Were
Kim Bassaro who ia » patient | . and leaders allendir AE es | Mis MERCY [ieh and famed Qutarday ex ening visitors Mice
there, #
a were: Fost, 74, nine boys, Joseph po. both of Erie The bride is Cin > i |
; v v es he J - in upp wots of " % pride Herman Kirsch and son Mark |
lade Pog Paolites, san of Mr. and 133 Scouts Camp Roam. ay haat Ti di . o i daughiey pf a Fang Sen i. J WEEE Friday Svening callers in 1
y for year ns an example | M John Polites Jr. in visiting Pre] : od bova &¥ “ "¥ i 40% rf Fhenebury My Happ LN Ati i
So the importance of compiling ' at he home of his uncle and
i outs ve Ana i mes Hira £n wn of Mr. and Mrz Robert Mra KA Lieb and am Hen. |
Rn Pane budget ! aunt, Mr. and Mra Ray Filet Cher | a t : { a | are R PIT STOO ¢ 3 he: Hupp of he Bathe HLS AT yy oid Innghte Dhtwris Ey _— Dance Quiz Sa
¥ ty President also of Pa sisboro, New Jersey hs 4 : : md eS - . 4 Li a : wi es sfodd al 4 BLDIAA High mans Mogdan wid Basen nn {Cresson i k
Re of the afternoon session on: Mr. and Mrs Blair Robb and | Rier. ang 0) f
\ N i
ST & i
, Use the Experienced | family of Johnstown spent the
past week end at the John Shill-
& ¥ a Bove and oni dois ag ALE go Ante) ary Hermine FOC Jae Pender hall returned to
Soars en ded the nnn] STINE | a. ARG FRE SHATDRUER. ADE | cumied by Sister Mary Consuelio | Cleveland after spending a few . . ' y
camporee of Central Cambria Bog | B00f, TTL. nine boys George ing Sister Mary Lookes of Dalian, | dave visiting at the noms of Mrs MUSIC by “THE ACES OF RHYTHM”
ng hae here " Boout Distr £1 asl Frida / through | — ) ] ’ rnd . be Pl Lhe y e rad hid 5 ir. Bn - FVieve Huber. = :
Mr and Mrz Fred Tiribaas | Sunday al furan a J MeN Mrs Hernia Kirwd ERT ey FEN sid Hegrinakd Kissel
snd children of Ebensburg and near Nicklown Basil Dameron Fred Owens, din : ermine ia the former Celene John and Bob Lumm. Bernie
Mr. and Mra. John Valenty and} was camp director fai opi | ee atop tii lim AA Hac A ha mia . —— A Sa
childron of Hastings visited in| Stutsky was chief counselo J —_——— ——_— ——
town last Bundsy at the Bonfili Activities included t
and Columbus homes. by Post BS Fhensbary CORBET VR
Charlie Selby of York, Pu. vis-ltion Post 28% Colver cocking
ited here Sunday at his home demonstration Troon 84 is oi
Mr. and Mrs George Raynish town and ropemaking Post of
and children of Barnesboro spent | Ebensburg. There
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thom | chery and basin
¥ sever}
as Vallery and family r ima
ree hundred persons sllerdd.
Steve Stefanik & Post: ed a carpet ra Hat Grday Hi ght.
master, is currently atlending a pn.
EHEVOUS Servicer were held Ban
otert Lawrence, + in Erie y day morning for Catholic and
wrence, a member o Protestant boys Michael Bistrasn.
- 8 ir Horse sumed al ain, field execulive, Bled direct
NN visited over the past the outing
week end with his Jazents, Mr
abet ce pec | Three District Men ||
Ee iE ain Named fo Board | h THE N HASTINGS CLEANERS
BE Of Mining Group | 2 " RS De HASTINGS
#4 vere a1
| elected to the executive oon mit.
tee of the Central Advisey Coun |
cll, Mining Electro-Mechinicsl | I
| Maintenance Assn (MEMMA i , ol
Their election was announced |§ A
Saturday at the council's annus nn a Wy,
meeting in Pittsburgh Sepsions a RAL
were held in the offices of the UU
8. Bureau of Mines
R Wood of Windber sie. down as : Ba Ri. We're Sicpeati the Deane pg of Hastingp Cloaners at L- ud the]
roe 3 orev em The alll SEER VF . . . Newly Remodeled . . . Newly Designed to Serve You Better
represents: Eo Lal) ¥ Efficiently Than Ever Before.
Slate Uni-
lected to the sxeculive com-
AE Molinski, Johnstown, sue Ra bY | |
: of muintenancy for the § : : 3
! Division, Bethlehem >
y Cur poel. masts! mechan- Ey Eo — JUST COME IN AND REGISTER! —
ot ar. He is a mem of ne es }
| Johnstown branch Ie wry oo Fo .
[Srp Spa, gpiet £ J et Everybody Welcome!
sales representative of Cooke E
Wilson & Company, Pittsburgh. Ii wv | We invite you to come visit our mew quarters in the John Peretti Building, Hastings, Pa.
wg Sis i} em. Mr Young Mio EF» ; ji Come in and visit with us, regiter for the valuable door prise . . . We wish to thank
Sms 4 be all our customers who have mail our growth possible and we pledge quality and service
Bell Given Jail Term | in all your drygleaning needs.
For Attack On Son
William G. Bell of Mineral
Point, R D., was senlenced to]
ght months in the county jail
on Monday for sggravated as :
skult and batiery of his three}
and a half year old son. He was
convicted by a criminal dourt jury :
in March.
if Bell's wife, Eileen, ii indicted
[| for murder of the child, und is
H inal court.
wammiace arriicanovs || Phone CHapel 7-6553
| Hi. Skirsky, both of