Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, June 09, 1955, Image 10

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bo Blood Donors Listed and j ER On| Winnifred M. Keith Is pro eg ¢ Poi)
She following is the Mat of 74s For Local Community Sen Mend Ms iova Troxen | Bride of Joseph R. Dick aa Ra :
tients admitied and discharg- | x Tr arnt io Walf pints Mrs. Robert Rothrock and chil Rt Pasils Catholic Church at | Ey ahits hive changed “a full skirts, a double-duifie bag
at Mi H bi Twenty-seven an a Aalf pin Aran of Metuchen N J 3 Pe Vise | td Mat Tw u ho PF windg. Americans can gel there nik two zippered compartments
iners’ Hospital, Spangler,! \ hlood were donated by the citi. Rt thea Somme we Pack | CORiport was the selling for the | roster, stay jonger and go more od another duffie with a maga-
May 30, 1965, to June 5. | Ei 3 et) rons of Reads Township at the Ung at the home of Mrs Roh |g pia ring wedding ceremony of | oo ' Laggage fashions have) zine rack on one side, & sippered
S34 : - serdi-annual visit of the Red OCH s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max | Saturday, May 21, of Winnifited | kept pacts Sth the vear-‘round | bilifold pocket on the other and a
MEDICAL ADMITTED WR IE | Cross Bloodmobile at the Amen PVRS. lane Johnston is spending | Mae Keith and Joseph Richwrd |, uu trend and. in an age of | folding umbrella in an attached
Mrs. Emma Wiley, LaJose; Ga. penile : ? Lean Legion Home in Blandburg . hid 4 hp ation tt) ht Crt ¢ Dhck : ; “eRPry your own.” Ste ses are holster.
— Bul Yuhas, Barneshoro: SUES Re : : lon June 1. Dr. Ray of ths Mem ahd estda Ay and Mrs K anneth The bride is a daugnier of Mr Hier, en#y lo carry and sasy Molded luggage is gaining
Rizzo. Spangler; » ] arind Hoapital Johnktown was in Bendar "vv A hy le. avid Mrs Hirer ha Ba if toy back pularity, i's chief advantage jo
Frank Hooper . Westover: Rtiph : gail ce 4 : i charge He was aswisted by Dir , > | of Mr and Mrs Rober {rek Ba "A Soedigory luggage « news ing the absence of vantage COFRErsy
Doubt, Alverda, Mrs. Bernice M. bh aia ; a wv a if G Learn of Blandburg, and his | Ormer and her husband i & 80 | Lh adaptable cases or bags to to catch or break. This shape ells
Seollon, Cherry Tree; Mra Mary 1 | {staff of registersd nurses and { of Coalport match regular suitcases New minates waste space in packing,
Kisarda, Barnesboro; Patricia : | [gray ladies, and Ruth B. Learn FALLENTIMBER Rev. Father Joseph Meisinger bore and materials make them too
Schilling, Elmora: Duane Morgan | | IRN. of Blandburg : performed the eramony belo? | evacuate hing conversation pieces, | In 1955 travel bags a great deal
Emora: John E. Halusks, Pat- | | Mrs PFElizabeth Wilkinson, the fr and Mrs ¢ O'Hare | 30 altar decorated with While | p,q of white will show, to corrdinste
ton; Mrs Lena Morrison Johns ; Lohairiady for the dav, had as hey
fohair ' : wo family of W Boe nD and pink carnations Traditikmal Among the most popular ideas with fashion colors. New,
town: Mrs Eiaheth Keith, Bar- Bl | helpers the following: Canteen visited here on Tuesday
msboro; Cathy Lallemand Pat.
wedding music was played WY ape shoe bags with removabie clean treatments make N cols
V _ t {Mrs Annie Marks Mra ith My Williams V. Mackey an i Michael Bosick sedtions which makes the bag us. Ors more practical Ah jug
ton R. D.; Carl Ferguson, Mahaf- a — ns | I Teaxell Mrs Rav lLovail, Mes | ° .. Tek Su ree The bride was given in mar ghle for short trips, a giant hat. gage, too, will be washable and
fey R. D.: Steve Soinosky, Bar- | | Maude Van Scovoc, Mra Sarah deugihters Rs a ou argh "Mr riage by her father. She jars 2 bol te accommodate erinolines seuff-proof
__ mpsboro: Sue Babco, Arcadia: Mra Peanskey and Mrs Julia Conrad vie dunys a vig 0 | ballerina length gown of COA BY orn lids Firight reds in fabric, leather or
Marie Vermeulin, Carrolltown: | | | | Statf: Mrs. Marguerite Garman, | And Mrs Fangs Wabi ton | lace fashioned over ters of | coo. visited with Mr |Piastic and biack patent sre indi.
Mrs Pearl Bennett Marsteller: } . | ; | i Mrs Annie jander Mrs Frances B Harlan i a i + MSNIRgLOn, PPR $1 was 1 A te with for fi jad al Mra go es Wi Hamilton mr vidual and sasy to identify in the
Carrie Steir, Patton; Mrs. Grace | | Mrs. Robert Rosensteel. Typista | ¥1R U3 PRISER 00 ay OW ie 4nd NRC Lhd recently st the home of Mrs Sst
Baker, Patton; Peter Cihan, Pat- | {Parabaugh Studie Photo, Carfolltown i | pers Beers and Dorothy Westov Mike ¥ os ro ¢ Guamaa] TNC J al (Lf nite x eT Torasph Trick ; : MIRROR ADDS HEIGHT
fim; Mrs. Anna Buydos, Barnes | Above is the new statue of “Our Lady of the Trees,” located slong | or Custodian: Pat Stanton, Jam. Mra Ber Cou Brgy aS ed RE I : .. ; Bill Glasgow. who is emploved A rectangular mirror
re: Mrs. June Shields Indi-| the Carralitown-Nicktown road on the tree farm of Robert F. loc Stanton and Carl Sible, Jr spent several qays iy 08 ce 1 The bride's sister, Mra Laster n Harrisburg visited with his horizontally in a high-cell
sha | Pruner of Johnstown. Commanding an inspiring view, the shrine | yoo: Dorothy Yingling notes of Mr. Jind Rath Lome | Weld, was INALION of honot She papints over the week end room, will seem to lower the cells
SURGICAL ADMITTED is becoming a favorite — 2 for repine lle 4 eon- | Donors were: Donald Lovell {Mb Bisck and Mrs. Ruth ng wore a Sve Salierine length Mr and Mrs Henry Lovell and | Ing. Says a home 4 tor. The
i ‘ erete statue was en recently to replace a former Image | prod Wikinson, Dale Garman, | ©0C + .8 y ed. | OW wt was of red | 30% visited with Mr and Mrs same mirror, hung vertically, will
leant" Sa Amp Sh 4 an Sant 1 to he vere ie Bran, shige po: and 0m le. ght | 08 ef Soe vaso ue Sot Sin iy Ge site gh Lo + rv
Patton; Mrs. Laverne | rage, a ~ as
Lynn Hollen whe ifs dtationed
Flirabeth anmiv rorsary, Thursday June 2 Robert Dick Jr. brother of the .
Rien dt {3a rahe! : ad { with the 17. BR rines i Firs p b
‘ Patton: Mrs Mary Pa ! | Bloom Card Cathagan, ey. ir Mra Evelyn Martinez Af Ball bridegroom, Was hast PRAT Nn > ah DA nes in ¥ r ohm ond travels ¥ the Rrape-
,Bamesboro; Cheryl Jean es, - Fr A aot Ro. | Calif, is visiting at the home of | A family supper for about 40 ghia. Visited WHR Na. params | Vi AE ae ATA carried
Barnesboro; : erite Garm . .
A 3 RR A WeR end i faster over 8 sour vine
Mrs Mary Ea her parents, Mr. and Mrs Blair | guests was given ir ww oheeh ha.
Wrechio, Spangler; James Lu-| : Mr. and Mrs Dwight Gates of | bert Apple, Robert Newton, Like |. hall at Van Ommer fo
is Patton: Janet Cronauer, | Prominent Beaver (irampian were recent callers am- | - | Berkebile, Ethel hghsan, HiNan 1 Mr and Mrs Raymond 8 Con. | ceremony. The asides
on R D.; Louise Cropsuer | ; agins, Isabelle Rickard, Bi fenry
wear wend Fh va 5 ; é ¥ fallvvaring : DEY Were Mra Her
E eiatives here . a Rickard ravet | Fie} entertained the FOO Ng
i L Pie Yilme wkard Edward
Patton, R. D.; Francis Wysocki Rickard, Wilmer K
i g ; Taiy Ab the Mra Jack Keith
' § Mr and Mra Marvin Oates and | go. $ 4 Mae Thompason guests at their home ov r the Ad BN a Ait Dania are
€arrolitown: Susan Dindios, Carr i Valle Man Dead Mr snd Mrs Joseph Kendrick and ! = oh! 3 Rage Bears oy Pompe Memorial Dmy week end Mr. and The bride a Lf ah Svan fe Pwrp
! " § JOH Ed : ' 0 F th... nc ¥ i A Sigh Renews! and has Deen ¥
olitown Mrs Buria Riddle. Ma f 1 of (Qeveland Ohio ¢ J OETA » Of oti Qenith High On 3 a 3 8 i #
S50 Fost oof { ool mr Pid Cis ; § Py ; Mrs Howard Smilh and daugh : . py
i ; ’ ATES ? Millen Boyd Drxon " ! 3 » . Bifye ff oaiport The bride.
Bation . RD: Miss Rose Rhiner I Bore Bavhrul dava inf ‘vast | Lon ters Kathy and Sharyn, of Pauls | Ploy d a wr poy y
lS a 4 Vv 7 . Lomenst en], | © : A Fon wl OG at Ast BCT High School
R. D.; Sandra Wolf, Burn ' ‘ Larry Lovell, Robert Re : 1: Mr and Mrs Carl] §Toom atiended ¥ rage-in wance
Ha Opera ed due to the desth of their grand. | cetnay (alvin Owin and (boro, N Mr. ang J Som hearypt A ia oaeres bere '
Mrs Evelyn Nagle, Akron, d t Store flue & o 2 th of E | Esther Fortney, Calvin Gwin a DO aikifa. And son. Gordon, of} 10 Coalport and is employed by |
; ~3 ’ L {indy inghn 6 oi ith { ‘snbre t Yearfiaid Minin
Mrs. Pauline Olenchick For Over 40 Years Mr and Mrs Clark Forosy of Wie Yingling Pa Vestal, NY Mr and Mrs A a : 3 £
? 8 . v
Bpangter dg A swilt: This hitipshirg spent Sundsy wits Mr : Bernice Salle and Jack Orbine Bair Meyers of Fallentlimber : 0. The newly weds pian di nin On Frigidaire Refrigerators!
' \ i. heir home 18 Van Urmer
Donna unaret ; ! chad Nedimver y 3 y ; ¢ gr Paul E Edmiston s ta at Uh ined
Ey George M. Gates aged 75, ait 4 Mrs. Michael Neimyn have returned 16 Nyack NX Mr. and Mrs : Out-of-Town guests a he wed
ro Maha! neigh: {native of Beaver Valley, died a! Mr and Mrs Ford Trimbel and | jo. onending the past week | 4nd son, Paw Ri hard, Mr Ra ¥ i ding included residents of Pitts.
Janira . * Affey 9 10:10 p m Saturday, May 28 Mra Wendell Baird and Mr Pauw with their parents Mr arid Mrs | Stiffer and Patty ( onrad of | burgh Maw York Ramey, Coe
Jellier Westover. Ken. ‘ . pi : had | Baird of Mahaffey, were ‘Puesday | yor orb pa (Hien Rock: Mr and Mrs William | oor and Ohio
mith Kline, Hast M MM in the Altoona Hospital He had SrA Mahaffey eaday | roan Orbine Fhe EO Mra AUgh and Ohi
TL . Ings. : rs i heen in for several m withe and (aiiers here .p i ou ree Hunter a. Pearson of Ruffieia ¥ CH ti : a a 1 kh... TOLLE 3
Kline, Barnesboro. Doris Jean ge Lz. Lz. as ow Sfe. ang lseafg Ba i Dorothy Bender of Pallon Msi Mr and Mrs George Beers of of ; ult
Patton: Joseph Rudolph | ¥88 unable to be about Mr. Gates | : | Mr and Mrs G
yn Gates of Weslover wis 8 | - # : ; FY
L £4 # daughters Karen and Kathy, of ¢ and children En . -. a wl ’
i {emlier here Tuesdn ; . and Mra leo Beers an iGrey Craswm visited at he ome of |
was mimitted to the Hospital on C8IE7 BE FEHAN S31 * aivsar sterit the : § £48. . . : ;
Bush, Hastings: John Huber Eb. nel i i Mes Joseph Hollen of Pex Mount Raine Md spent [patty and Billy, of Namty GF Mr and Mrs Eimer Keith
ia th i 4 a y Lifts itin y a = |
Mra Virginia Forberg- 3 ¥ i Ohio s spending some Lime | weak ond at the Hifford Wilkin | tah Rilevy of Hos wre A Aspnemat ration party PIR 4 5.
ebro Jerry Magen, Bar. The deceased was born in Bea | — oo hore i son home Mrs Emma Riley of Cresson held Saturday evening at the i ] ar mn i
ver Valley July 4 1878 s son of >” Mr and a David Bennett of Willis Wilkinson of Temple | Mr snd Mrs Boassell Beck and heme of Mra Ivan Frye Thies ligt
lahnstanwn apent the past week oN spent several dave at the, hildren farce and Ricky of attending tne hide Mrs Vinld 2 a , a ’ 1
snd at the home of Mr. and Mrs | home of his parents, Mr. and MS [Tyrone and Mrs Wilbert Klein Mrs Henvy Lovell Mrz (ole
aa ? I dis a: . i + ¢ : x4 g aa 4 # 2H gr A 5 gree #4 #15 Ig Meg |
Philip Kutruff Fred Wilkinson, Sr sever. of Hollentown, V sited vr - | Btevens Mrs Frank Halus, 3 ;
n Mr Gates and Katherine Kruis Ms and Mea Junior Sneath and Ardell Smith of Dearborn, Mi- | cently with Mes WB Kough Loniine McMillen and Mrs lena
of Noel, Flinton; Marion Poss were married August 3, 1801, and pine of Buffalo, NY spent | chigan, visited his mother Mrs and Mra E J Coy Senh Uninc Wate. played uml A
: Jose Stitta,. Has they have resided in Beaver Val - | ibe last week snd and the Mem Mildred Smith last week i Mies Mary alana! visited if meh served LE
Bonnie orrow, Flinton, ley their entire married life The [urinal Day holiday with Mr and! sss David Nash spent several | Coniport on Saturday ; . Mr po M » a, A the
n Bosar, St. Boniface. De- couple marked their Hh wed Mra John Bneath Sav &t the home of Mr and Mrs | Mr and Mrs Francis W. Noel A y Ry
Morrow, Mlinton. Virgil (ding anniversary in Beaver Val | Mr and Mrs Bd Pe! 1 0! | James Brown at Bellwood {and children of Pittsburgh spent | CC
Flinton, Mary Louise|lley in August of 1851 Mr and Baltimore, Md, were Sunday vis Paul Benak of Cleveland, Ohio. | the week end visiting here . Mex Nellie Gasperi of Pitts
Bakerton; J Fe Mrs Cates were owners and op tors with local relatives lens 8 week ond visitor with his | Myr ard Mrs Frank Sigmund burgh visited rea tha otk Med 2 Quarters a Day
; fires eralors of » grocery glare in the | Sandra Kingston 3 Kay} Harents Mr and Mrs Wendell | of ChewwicR spent the Ween ena at the Rome of Me and rs :
community for over forly years Keise James Hamilton and Frank po.ok Sy | isting th Mrew. Ruth Young Jorany Basho i
: James Rit Mr. Gates hal been retired for Van Beoyi were 8 FRE he nth | Wandell Pier. Jr. of eveiand | un a8 os 5. Kata) Mr and Mrs Cash Cray Ji
Ansley, the past eight years grade students from here attend: op, spent 8 few days visiting | Mr. and Mrs A ihn yrdd farntly of Philadeliphin vist " WE SERVICE WH 1 WE S , ;
Barneshoto He Surviving are his wife, and daw | ing the school plenie held ut Lake: | oon his mother, Mra Stephen | visited in Altoona on Monday od at their home recently . ’ A Lt SELL
Cecelia i - ghters Tresss wife of J £ pani! Park on Friviay | pase | ” # MM and Mra Janek Hannah and
"Mrs Leona Kirsch. | Bemeluberger. and Buelsh. wife! Mr amd Mrs Everett McKee! mtr and Mrs. Robert Lovéll of | TIME NOW TO FLANT family of Johnstown visited with AD ERT SEY ARH AR
of Robert Barnhart, all of Beaver gnd daughter Kath aned Bud 54 Shssiiie :
| June 8 the month that all of $n y : ? ii EVE Fad FF ond I Fea Bees ITH FRIGIDAIRE"
. gs Pittsbufgh, were week end vis § C0 Lt... . -
Valley, and a son, Calvin, Johns Oates of leveland Ohio, 5pent | peu at the home of Mr and Mrs Leroy Hami
eintiives In toaen
town There are 18 gran hildren, ihe week onl with Mrs ert rade WwW " Levved! i Make mure yom use : a ! EP sre the syoud parents of a Baby
. 2 % 3 y iw ¥ ee 3 Cp Pasar Psu gh # 5a :
and teri great. grande ui dren Twos eK os as did Wen loseph Freah ! Mr and Mrs (Saries Morton : fertilizer re - ae Be ins the #3 Barn recently .
brothers, Ralph and Edwin, also pnd daughter, Susan, and (Ciara | dnt Work She eri nk Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rhomo. an.
rar vegetables ran Be planted Me > snd Mrs
and family of Cumbertand Md soil before planting it is SIEESS poonce f tot
mi vive The deceased was pre | M Ree, of Tyrone spent Sunday at the home of Mm ted tht E wile ea wi ie fer " ap. the Fonen iid COMPANY
ceded in death by a son Rhudell,| Mrs Charles Semelsberger of ypoion's parents, Mr. and Mrs | soo 0 soon as the plants show A, na Mr Lester Weld snd
who died Dec. 24, 1838, also his] Akron, Ohio, is vistifg with her | sean Kovolaski Sr ! signe of growth EAS tara a nite io Phone Fireside 4.6032
paresis, his aged father MRSSING | won and daughter-in aw, Mr and, Dans and Carel Johnston have ha al ak IA ha In Cn od
away in Juanunry of 1 Alun Mor frmenh Remelsherger $ Bus wea and at Ba hotve of
5.) ph Bemelsberges i returned home following 8 wealk's M rmt clone ka stevie FREY Wr #5 § Mr “ 5 . # hh sd C P
" ¥ i #4 § * 4 3 ¥ PF MecT] {ad i : 3 : A ns § Re * Fi ner Keith
prectdmy him in death were fou : Paul Shope and Jame RET ciglt with their grandpa her Mrs | hour of the day. Dut that doess’t Mr Ww itis ARR( nL i ( ) WW ! N, A.
the Inte Levi O and Jane (Span
gle} Gates, and had spent his en
tire lifetime here
Mrs Payment of
a! The Bone
(mmenr Lovell for several dave
i teln N ™ . and Mrs inter
fathers aut three alr vi ye eq in Belmat ne 3 And 14 Mary Bender and Mr and Mrs mean that the hands stop work raft and family and
Mr. Gates well known for his | hanon Pa. over the weet end | joonard Bender of Dysart, BD ' Mr rn ’ ‘
liking and knowledge of hunting | Mr and Mra George W. Gales | Leona Bender of Dysart, R 1). ng. a fry Blair Lamar and
and fishing, was always highly {snd Mrs Rhudell Gates visited |
respected, and his death was deep- | with Clarence Hobba, al the Al
i retied by ll Wh knew | toona Hospital on Bundiy even
ims. : Cos port 1 WwW fost Ee 3 ing :
No. TH, of which he was a mem Mr and Mrs Eugenes Hill and}
ber in good standing for as Yeas cdasighisr Banaras of Alona,
petformiad their lam service in a spent the past week end] al IB
y for their departed brother | {1.v4 Gales residence
gn onday ans. ny 30 a Pvt dohn Herman, stallioned at |
£04 m # Was also a mem | port Brag. NC. spent Lhe week |
her of the Packers Fink Hunting | nd hor EA his parents, Mr
Club, and Patton Sportsmen's AS yng Mrs John Herman
sociation. He had served as a) Members of the BCI High Sch- |
Whits Township School Director |. graduating class, socom panied |
and Road Supervisior. He was the | 1 teachers, Mr and Mrs Whit- |
Fores! Fire Warden of the RITE | taker, Mr Anderson, Mr Woonraed |
for a number of years : i ard Mrs Hrady were Off & three
Friends were received at the | Gy sighinesing trip io "Washing i
ate home after 6:30 p. m onion DC, last week White Twp |
Sunday. Funeral services Wer: | .udents on the trip were Blanche |
held at 20 p. m., Tuesday, May Gates Vernon Shope, Roger Tra |
31. at the late home by Pastor |, nv Vedas Boers, Rosalie iKngs- |
gharis w Reinert. oF loans. ton Anna Shope and Flmeda |
nternent was in the Yer Ya Frye i
ley £ U B Church cemetery :
Arrad nts were in charge of
Milk offers some 100 nutrients . visitors at the
a long lis of vitamins and mine« Recunt week end visuvs Raiph
high qual il George Hauret home were
a, igh ity protein, fals}posian and Mr. and Mss Ray
Rasian and daughter of Washing -
ton. D. C. Mr. and Mra Joseph
a R. Lan ter, Mav 31. | Stefanik of Elmora and Mr. and
acob Shaffer, | Mrs. Gordon Thiec and family of
Ba ar May 31 Hastings.
Bacusson, anid Mra Herman Camp Mr and Mra George Haurel |
Ebersburg RD. daughter and son, Ralph, were Saturday |
June 2. visitors in Barnesboro
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lalle Henry Rosian of Hastings vis
mand. Patton RB. D., son, June 1 ited Friday with Mr and Mrs
My. — Mes. Tony Veltri, Em- | Geo. Hauret and family
sigh. duuigh June 3. Mr. and Mrs. George Hauretl
Bin. Robert Link. Pat land sons visited Sunday wilh
ton R. D., son, June 3 Mrs. Gordon Thiec and [amily
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steir, Pat-| Mr. and Mra Clem Duattre
ton RD, son, June 4 and family of Ebensburg visit i
Mr and Mrs. Harry Puinter | Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred HERE scems to be some confusion about
St. JRenedict, son, June 5. Pulattze. t rn Tran lit and what a hardtop really is, and we'd like
; Ean re. Frank Pinali an ; v
ByR J SCOTT family of Altoona spent Sunday to set the matter straight.
’ er Mr Arad ire ol A hardtop is a car that looks like a Convert. You see one pictured here. it's the getaway and sizable gas savings of Buick’s
Kathy Lallemand, nine-month. ible with the top up — but has a solid steel 4-Door Riviera. And it's taking the country spectacular Variable Pitch Dynaflow.*
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs = :
Henry Lallemand returned home roof overhead and mo cemier posts in the by storm . .. And it's available in Buick’s two lowest
fram Spangler hospital where she side window areas. Because here, at long last, is an autemabile Reries - :
was a medical patient ¥riday. . a : Sh "a » @ g (asl, & ante priced Series ~ the budget-tagged 188-hp
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lallemand Up until just recently, it could be built in with the sleek and sporty styling of a rue SPECIAL, and the high-performance Z36-hp
announce the birth of a son on ; - we — hardtop — but with separate doers for rear- "ENTURY, |
June 3. The infant was named volume only with two doors — not more p wi J CENTURY, illustrated here.
Lawrence William. because it would take wholly new struc- seat passengers, plus the added room of a full- Come visit us for a first-hand meeting with
Mra. Archie Degremont arrived turn : cip les to hi size Buick Sedan. AY : i us I %i- ce w
home from Miners’ Hospital in } prin 8 10 hinge ariother set of the 4-Door Riviera—and see how quickly
‘ s doors without floor-to-roof center posts. : « .
Spangler last Friday where she post On top of that, this beauty is olf Buk — and how easily the last word in automobiles
har spent three wesks recuperatl-
ing from a fall and a Might eon- But Buick came up with those new struc. with the buoyant ride of Buick's allweoil can be yours.
vilsion. Her condition a is : : ta.a2 . = aa . : :
writing is greatly imprived. She tural principles and is now building in springing — the walloping might of Buick’s *Dynafon Dewe is tendend on Roadmaster, options @
also would like to thank her host volume — hardtops with four doors. record-high VE power — the whip-quick extra cost om oiber Sever.
of friends for their visits and
beautiful cards.
HERI Mr. and Mrs. George Roman | & 2»
erin Snyder on Bunday. ; En
Hit | Airman Second Class and Mrs. * MRYON JENE $1043 TOR QUICHE
A George Swisher visited over the : Show Attamany Tver Eopnings
—————— week end at the homes of their : mw
| HERCULES, parents, Mr. and Mri Michael WHEN SETTER AUTOMOBILES
A Kober and Mr. and Mrs. Norman
| Mrs. Gordon Kirkpatrick and :
BoBEALIS Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kirkpatrick
and Jails vie in Lewistown FOURTH AVE. PATTON, PA.
~Press-Courler ads pay better!