Thursday, arareday, May : 12, 1955 UNION PRESS COURIER RA We Acreo For You.. TO KEEP THESE FOUR PLANTS IN OPERATION Sportswear, COALPORT PLEA The Committee of Community Leaders to confer with Mr. H. A. Trichon, President of Clearfield Sportswear ond Officers of David D. Doniger & Co., New York: Philipsburg: fiportewear, CLEARFIELD CA US UP The people throughout the Philipshurg, Coulport, Curwensville and Clearfield arens were disheartened last fall when the Clearfield Sportswear Co. announced their int :ntions of closing its plants in these towns. It loo'ced then like nearly six hundred people would be out of work. A final date of May 1, 1955 was set as the closing of these plants Sportswear, PHILIPSBURG Sportswear, CURWENSVILLE Curwensville: Frank Eyerly Frank Hoffman Lewis Stein Samuel Bressler Coalport: Clearfield: Joe Helman Howard Stewart William Byers E. S. Shuck Negotiations, looking toward the sale of this industry to some group which would operate in this area were conducted through the past several weeks. The David DD. Doniger & Co., producers of the McGregor fine line of wearing apparel finally responded to an offer by the Clearfield Sportswear for the sale of the equ’pment involved. Competitive Costs Against A Southern Plant Operation THE MAJOR ITEMS OF INTEREST TO THESE PEOPLE FINALLY REVOLVED INTO THE FOLLOWING PROBLEMS: Cooperation of the Unions of the Employees Plant Rentals Permitting A Low Cost Overhead * The desire of the peopls throughout this area to cooperate with the Management in having a plant meeting . . . The Standards of Operations of the Doniger Co. The Company's feelings that the existing Pionts need Renovation to bring them up to standards of its other plants and that the local communities should share in the sxpenie. Happily ..~ We Announce The Successful Meeting Of All These Problems 1. Living conditions, home owning people, an 2. A pleasart and agreeable arrangement 3. The building owners have entered into a abundance of available labor, a record of was prompitly made with the operating lease arrangement for rentals satisfactory unions. to the proposed tenants. 4. Your committee, on your behalf have agreed to spend a total of $11,000 on these four plants to bring them to a condition guaron- teeing excellent working environment. Plant” — have no advantage over your ND NOW ...Will You Do This...Give *5 For Your Community s Future? WE ASK EVERY EMPLOYED PERSON, BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MAN OR WOMAN TO SEND IN $5.00 TO YOUR LOCAL TREASURER (LISTED AT BOTTOM OF PAGE) FOR THIS FUND. We Are Committed-Back Us Up... Let's Prove We Want Industry! baboon dh fo dh hth tonthonghs thon honcho theese tbsches hah cht dhughuthecho hosed: | Am A Booster For Industry In This Area . . . INCLOSED FIND MY CONTRIBUTION IN THE AMOUNT OF Mail The Coupon At The Right, Or Hand Your Contribution To The Following FRANK H. EYERLY 323 N. Front Street DEAN S. BRAUCHT FIRST NATIONAL BANK Coalport, Pa. MISS CELESTINE MALLON SANITARY MILK CO. Curwensville, Pa. ANDREW SUTIKA P. O. BOX 250 Clearfield, Pa. RAs asennaEEEannsns sen. EE Eh We EE Re A .