Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, April 28, 1955, Image 8

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    rm a pe ma . .
La a a
Rose Bishop andl Mrs
Mrs. A. W. Dumm Feted
(On 76th Anniversary
A birthday party was held one |
day lat week for Mrs A.W
Pumm who observed her 76th an:
: Aftending the event were: Mrs
Bvelyn Ager, Mrs Cecelia Ritch
Hi Mrs: N. A Biller, Mrs Eliza
Ege Kine. Mrs W. W. Kirsch
rs. Mary Soisson, Mrs. Emma
, Mrs Amelia Kirsch, Mrs
Cards were featured and Mrs
Damm received a number of use.
ful gifts
» . #®
The card party held for the
benefit of St Nicholas Church
Sunny was weil attended. The
rizes were Won by Mrs
Regis yumm, amd Mrs Thomas
Morris. Men's prines went to Joe
Kine and Merle Parrish The $&
gives award was won by Mrs
: alter Duman of Ebensburg
® 5 9»
~~ 8t. Nicholas Charch parish will
Sponsor a chicken and noodle sup-
ih Bel in the church hall on
¥. May & The affair will
Be held from 400 to 7:00 p.m
Tickets are $1.00 for adults and
¢ B68 cents for children
A meoting of the Blessed Vir
Mary Sodality was held Sun
afternoon in the school base
ment. Plans were made for the
to be hel
annual May Crowni
Many s will be
22 New mem
aecepted in the wyt at that {ime
8 8
; Rev. Norbert, OSB. of St. Vin. |
_eent Archabbey, Latrobe. corduct
~~ ta Mission here at St. Nicholas
Parish this past week. The Mis
= sen was well attended
Mr. and Mrs Martin He
Colleen, att
Ta ter.
Fe Fo the Wedd reception of Janeph
rg Stevens — Misi Greta Burkey
= Saturday in Patton
Mr. and Mrs. Stanton A
or Bru
of Blairsville and
r. an
. Mrs. Paul Ambriseo and family
« of Ebensburg and Mrs. Clem Ag
or and family of Indians were
gion at the Michael
oe Rowe Mary Niebauer of
Bae Rg”
Mr. and Mrs E J MecCombie
and children. Patricia, Randy and
BR Were recent visitors at the
joe of Mr. and Mrs Vincent
ro of Carrolitown.
5 Mrs. Kemneth Kline
sons, Mrs Clem Kirsch and
and Bernie Kirsch were last
; his dau
, Mrs Bernard ‘Neill, in
Ann Faribaugh of Cleve- | wa
Spssi-12s Week and at
A poirgy to Mra. Babe Kariheim
Patton, spent
visiting Jere.
rand Mrs C. A Buriey of
visited with relatives in
of Will .Degin as soon as the build.
— oo
In 1956 Predicted
At Annual Dinner
600 Attend Jefferson-
A Democratic victory in the!
1956 presidential election was pre-
dicted by State Secretary of La-|
bor and Industry John KR. Tor |
quato at a Jefferson-Jackson Day |
finner last Saturday evening in!
Oriental Ballroom, Gallitzin
“In 1958" Mr. Torguato said
“the people of America will say
they have hud enough of the
Eisenhower change and vote in a |
Democratic administration n
More than 600 persons heard |
the state official predict that
within the next two vears there |
will be “a completely Democratic
government in Harrisburg :
Mr. Torguato emphasized,
however, that it will require the |
complete cooperation of every |
Democratic organization in the |
state and nation to bring about
a change in the administration. |
Confining his talk ent te |
politics, the state official prai
work of young Democrats “in
Cambria County and the state in
genersl in bringing about the #
section of Gov George M. Leader |
L The affair was sponsored by the)
foung Democrats of Cambria Co
He also traced the advancement
oH the Democratic Party in Cam: |
bria County during the ast 20)
We are looking, sald Mr. Tor- f
to, who alse is Cambria (Co. |
peratic chairman “to young |
to carry out the work of
continuing te strengthen the
party both in Cambria County |
and in the state”
He urged the voung Democrats
to coordinate their activities with |
he county committee the pol. |
ey-making group if the partly
Brief remarks also were made
by the party candidates for coun
ty offices. All called for complete
unity in the party during the
SOMInE primary and general ef
Attorney William D Sheet] 34
Ebensburg served as toastmastier |
Rev. Father Bugens Bradley the
pastor of St Pair cs Mere 3
Safitsin, gan ve the invocation
Bamesboro Fire
Yolunteers Plan
Home Solicitation
A house-to-house drive ri
funds 0 help defray expenses po |
& new S100000 fire hall in the |
Way Mafday of this week
Bteele Sr. chah~ !
man of Hope Volunteer Fue
Company's ways and means con
: mittee, said the campaign will be
ieonducted this week and all of
rext week.
Cemnpany tracks began Mon.
day might to carry volanteery |
throughout the aren serviced by |
Barnesbore unit. Donation en |
vele will be distributed thi |
and collected next week. |
Solicitation of business firms n |
the ares already has netted ap |
proximately $1500, Mr SBisele;
suid i
Raging of the old Maita Bulls |
‘ng om indelphia Ave. is near |
of thie new fire ball is expected |
‘150 slart within the nex! two ur |
‘three weeks
sonstruction site. Gerald Kirsh!
of Nicktown, who holds the gen
wal comtract, sald eomstruction
Ag wile is Sleare).
The ansusl meeting of Cambria
City Bistokien Societ il le
st 7:30 p m
a No. 3 of the Ebers.
courthouse, Election of of
Sees wit follow Yeports on ac
Xi s-
a piclorial
| ~— Wor quick results, a want 3d’
Jackson Event Saturday |
Barnaaharo community got under |
ng completion and oonstiuctan|
A shiproent of steel and coma]
1 hocks already has arrived at te
on scores of items, Q instead of on just a few ¢
Over 650 Grocery Prices
Reduced Since Jan. lst
Libby's Peas. .2 = 3%
Beans ......2=2%
Corn .
Pineapple Juice2 =
Deviled Ham
2" "35¢
Crushed Pineapple "." 29c
Sweet P Pickles
Dill Pick Pickles
Red Raspberry Preserves
Grapefruit Sections *** 2M ten 7c
Apple Butter Packer's Label 2 Won Jors 43¢
Brand Name Coffees ®siamrer creer + 97c
Ann Page Beans * *"* 2" in. Com " 2c
12.00. Glass 29¢
fruits .
custards . cor ¥
be cream.
GREE a a
Lemon Pie ™™ ™ .
C'nnamon Breakfast Rolls ™ " * 25¢
White Layer Cake Sorom! Foden lcine £2 50¢
Raised Donuts **™ P*h—Sumr Clana . Pay. of 3 97¢
Sour Rye Bread Jane Parker Sliced 160s Lost 19¢
Sliced Pumpernickel ™° *** ©
Chocolate Marshmallow Roll '»~ "** ®* 35¢
White Bread Jone Parker Enriched 2 1.6. Jer Loaves 29¢
Potato Chips ™ > -- 1» 8a 50g t= Se 3%¢
Rindiess Cheddar Cheese ....." 3%
Kraft's Cheez Whiz : Son Jor 25¢ Lib. Jor AQe
Fresh Roll Butter *'* Hib. Roll £40
Crestview fggs “= = oo
Sunnybrook Eggs “= °* oor 53,
Waite Leghorn Eggs “+ or * P= 55¢
16on Lost 19¢
For Perfect Baling Results Tey .
Swift'ning ‘n. tim 39¢ 30. Cen g3
$ nooth or Crunchy 8; On
Pater Pan Peanut Butter Tr Gees
Gorber's Ovangs Juice . . . 2 3; on Cans Ve
Gerber’s Baby Foods *™"**
2" 65¢
22271 2 = 29
DY |
LIBBY'S . . . NO. 1 CANS
Ripe Olives ™
Lima Beans
Cake Mixes ‘rear
Spaghetti” Macaroni ~
Kraft Caramels >" ™"
Nut Sundae Cookies **"*"'*
Vanilla Wafers “> 2 Hw Vin Aly
Burry’s Oxford Creams Am fue 250
Instant Coffee Mees o Maxwell House 4m. Jor 1.59
Marvelous Meat Buys!
Beef Steaks nr 75%
Sliced Ham
Ground Beef ......3™ 1.00
Frying Chickens ......" 43c
Sliced Bacon ..........." 39c¢
Veal Steak cr Suton Uh TO¢
Pork Loin +ib End I 33¢
Boiling Baef Pie or Brisket > 19¢
Beef Rump Roast & Sie ™ 75,
Boneless Stewing Beef Ls G0
Smoked Ham 1 fei. ggg So Sa 19¢
Smoked Ham Sor ®o Full Shank Holt... Lb [10
Pork Chops +: ce Loin 1b. §3¢ Sriein find. Lh. 43
Pork Butt Roast “**" espera ta 5
Diced Stewing Veal **** 4
Veal Shoulder Roast ***
Veal Breast ™ ™ on vr enanline
Skinless Wieners SuperRight ........ Fastin
Sliced Lebanon Bologna
Chipped Pressed Ham
3™ 95¢
- 49¢
a. Pep 35¢
7m Pun 95
Tasty Snacks With
Make Golden Crisp TV Snacks From Plain
Pure Vegetable Shortening with Cally inprover
Yellow Om on Cob "lo
Fresh Tomatoes ****'*
Fresh Green Peas <*"" ®~
Hh. Can 3c HB. Can S0¢
Haavily Wased :
Cutrite Wax Paper Res; Ae = 95¢
For Tasty Sandwiches .
Armour’s Potted Meats 2 6 Cam, LL ts Com 97
Meat ‘'n Eat
Armour’s Roast Beef “xtiesitansnes, He Can AQe
AA 5 1 i sis Al FR, IAAL iA A——————
... Bon Glass ' 45¢
_ Delicious
Amsur's Frarkfurters
——— HRI
Kern 2 Supsis on Your Paniry She'f
Armaui” $ Bind Biel Rye Gun 29 $e Glau 0g
Firs Many Manus ir
For a Luxury Finish en Cottons
Armour’s Cored Beef an = 49¢
+ es Phe. | 5g 16en Phe 30¢
2 - 97
Pa 7%
2% 49
4™ 35¢
2 bs 29¢
fellow Bermuda Onions ™** 4™ 25¢
Florida Bag Cranges U.S. No.1 Valencia gui. Bey 400
Florida Oranges Juice—Heavy— 150 Valencias Dor 39¢
Fresh Broccoli “"" Large Bunch 9G,
New Sebago Potatoes U * N° ' Whi
Broccoli Birds Eve
Birds Eye Cauliflower
Mixed Vegetables Birds Bye ...
Orange Juice **" >
Birds Eye Strawberries
Peas and Carrots * *~
Brussels Sprouts "<™"
Corn, Peas, French Fries oimcnar™ ~~ 2" 3%
Sliced Peaches "'<* 9 em Age
Pictsweet Spinach “eof or Choneed 7 Ten Flex 39¢
Corn and Lima Succotash "<= 2 "0 Pe 45¢
- on Bin 41g
: Hou Con 20¢
Wor. Pe We
q ‘ou Pe 300
We My 31¢
Cap'n Joba's Fish Sticks “t= *
Cod Fillets Prey nee eh
fealty Different
All Flavers
Keebler Club Crackers
My-T-Fine Desserts
Southern Star Bonito Flakes ™
Breast-{-Chicken Tune Fish
Swonson’s TV Diamer
WoC Orange Drink “vee (TEE
Grond Duchess Beef Steaks "™*
Soft . . . Absorbent . , . Strong
Kleenex Tissues 23" 4c 3M gle
No Roll Pie Crust With
Deliciaiis Puddings and Desserts With
a Ji i 5
Ne Conkiing Necessary
| The Guiat Big Ones With the Tender Skins
Greon Giant Peas Lrasbus sss ame