BSR Largest General Weekly Newspaper Circulation in the Area THE UNION PRESS-COURIER Established In October, 1593 Published every ane 8 Mages hos. AC Buliding. 2 he pas a pad igi 2 oo a8 matter Ma May 1. ene at Thomas A Owens Bditor BA CON fn ag A . tor FRED J. OWENS Circulation anager ht: 0 1. Yearly NATIONAL EDITORIAL $4.30 Outside Coty Rates Furnished Upen MEMBER OF PENNSYLVANIA NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION The endeavor of the Union Press-Oosrter i 10 Sanders) Shised labor in all efforw to 8 Obtain economic freedom terial for pub Foe Un Prees-Couier cre Tritér as an avidencs of good faith Union Prew-Courier siroulstion Slstrict covers aii of Northers Cam. County and part of Southern SHartel er tisk in Northern Cambria and Coaiport-Irvona Bdittons . uy. in -_ A Plaque for An Outstanding Native | A couple of weeks ago the writer had the privilege of being invited to a private showing of a fim depicting the medical life of Dr. Lawrence F. Flick, a native of Carrolitown who has imprinted | Bis name and memory in medical history as one of the prime pro | ponents of what tuberculosis. It the ravaging “consumption” spelied dooms to those so affficted longer is that the case The fim is in the possession of Dr. 1. A. Wenner of Johns town, who is promisently identified with the Society for the Prevention of Tuberculosis. We had the privilege of seeing it at fhe home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Flynn of Carrolitown. Dr. Wesner In of the thought that it would be fitting and proper that & permanent recognition of Ms birthplace be marked with a plague of some enduring marker. The house fn which Dr. Flick was born is still standing—about three-guartery of a mile south of Carrelitown. The thought of Dr. Wesmer likewine will have the support of a host of others in this aren BOW. are the methods followed in the comtrol is within the memory of manv of our ed readers that Nagi Assn “As | S STATE SENATOR JOHN 4. HALUSKA Weil fa really the Hoxesy (Hr naking world ie Pure Food & 1 backed hy the Aner Fama They Etre The Hoxvwey Cancer Clink is open as asuxi and will continne to operate for many years The Americas Madical Assn really hwgonning iS eHdesvoring ar Drew ie they Cn HS OWT shel earn , AECRE treat ed Wilh pparent Thal : the S35 BYR en before (Goud records show gated I Thaee have been huts (and then sent There may be some guestion as to which Northern Cambria mative during his lifetime actually our belief that Dr. And we'll take an active part in helping promote Dr did the most for mankind It i . Lawrence Flick should be sccorded that honor Wesnor's thought. Dr. Flick was born Aug. 10, 1906, and twas graduated from | the classical course at St. Vincent College. Latrobe the Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphis in 1879. He died Philadelphia in 1937. at the age of §1 years Pr. Flick spent the greater part of his Bfotione in the study of the disease that has been such a» plagues on manking—tuber- euloslis; and In his research made for himeelf a vince In medical history among those of the great. Ble died of heart disease. ¥et os a youth be had cured himeell of the “white plague.” Other physicians at that time were siutptical when be originally in 1875S. and fron if: hope We can wave the AMA all of this esmbarressment of soting like schoo! children boy ive i bag raids upon this astitation smd show them first-hand how can eer is being treated Any doctor who has a age © fh hos heart x he wWikhes Tex which i» great hee very | Hoxaey approved chased ont ry the formuls Bg* Nala | corned eal It . Following gradustion as a medic, Dr. Flick practiced for a yeas 18 Philsdeiphin. and then had to forego practice becuse he wail! stricken With the disease. With little money and few prospects of | f Much Because of his weakened condithm, he set out for His In an effort to conquer the mulady and regain his health | that trip that put him on the track of u treatment for TH | | and led to international fame as a physician. esd of a plague or some Sitting perinanent memorial to rote i should be the of ‘and his brother, {8 law i i i i i i bein buried at the old ist where ican see Ris marker in he By MARLON BAUMGARTEN Ebensburs. Ps COUNTY JUDGES, AND PATTON BORBOT GH Judge Franciz J O Commer. who signed the petition to divide Car : roll Twp inte WG few pe malin was boon in Somerset (dainty. He John B.. opened office In Johnstown, and while riding in Johneown be was elected a judge in (B01. He | defeated Incumbent Judge A. A i Barker and died in office later Bee Yar i You CER he was | tery near his home is dumes W. Leech, whe repre. senied the petitions, win born in lcdiana County and moved to Conemaugh Borough. He was first a sehonl teacher and hater was elected county saprrinten- dent of achoode—being the first Later he studied law mitted 10 the Cambria County bar, and elected distric! ptlorney He was a candidate for judge on wan ad. feated by Marin B The Jutter died a bachelor a Bia homie with Bia brow ther, Johe MH. whe als) was a iswyer, the two practicing law together. notary of the county vihan his duties also included those of the clerk of colirts Frank. the Brel clerk of courtly of this : wits the first deputy clerk of courts. He had charge of | Hosnee. He had charge issnes of whieh there were | of these men have passed with the exception of the writer. many of you who read these arth | cles will ha erhind some history of which | you men or wey litte about the those hat were at Twps This was on Rept 5 prod We nu discus of Patten, hel , 1ormel Som. 4 1893. This was Slant 30 - rs prior te the the two townships. he the pefition way presen | ted to the court, there were no | more than 80 freehoiders residing | in the part that they asked the | court Uo pass upon. I have In my | files the names of the persons who =» d the petition 803 he tition was swom to b E C ¥n on May 31. 1883 before Justice Paul tioners were represented by | term of Quarter Sessions was presented with the petition, and rporation. The foreman of the jury was A A. Longaker ton Sept. 4 1883 the court direc ed of record Daniel A. McGough | Was recorder. of the limits i's boundary the Republitan ticket! and was de | itephens, Whe Alb wis bom in Indiana Co ‘This may be a diversion bat | Stewart Kinkead was protho. Dear Mr. Editor $ ve thelr memories re | tory p. Was erec. | ted into he Carrol and West Carroll | fn that the AMA wot Lins 0 nore levige For a shraple illustration, you may take an Als Selteer tab iet and place it in your moath It hax no effect upon Your ays tern. Or yous pay drink a glass of water, and 1 bas ne thera patie vale Bat drop the Aika Nelteer tablet inte a glass of water, and thes mmedia- tely a reaction Is created freatousnt of omibdnation wf ars § the Flropsey ! othe whole wy wed ahait. The AMA rE WD are gunly ghossid how thelr smd foal 13 Ff Bg wilh Lhe in op ¥ fe DoRirdn puniry Wy 4 oil 1 @ & dhs We shall be only too bappy to train doctors who are inter. sated in learsing our secret so that they in turn can go back for thelr respective Pomp Tale and take care of the thousands of people whe are dying daily having been afflicted with this dreadfol disease Agar are Temiing hewn t {CHAR i A NGE THEM Fa This proposition is being pla rll on the Bite to mule then “pat up or uhet up” ami the American people are demanding this showdown Res sitar They gil alent Care That ve and determine whether the AMA Aancey lle (8 treat UrInE geo | # IRB a * they Bgve Yo Palio is 8 bBustiiag tows snd | Ras EVAL réegling an CRE sphere Friel is hada bes obtain ox new industry Timber was ne of the print. pal industries, along with coll Some of the timber Was net for | making hamiies for preks ind for wagon abd Shggy poles whieh | vere in demand An fron foun. ry was a8 up To produce mining sguipment. and development of | coi brotight in the raliroad and! expanded the timber infuastry in 10 ProdDe amd mine Lies A Philips-Jones shirt factory in Patton employs over MED per sone, and several hundred men are employed (an the clay works There are many churches in town and their members sre a very liberal people. There bs a» fier fooling of relig toder- ance and coopera) nthe conwmanity Patton also car be proud of its fine public park and swimming poci, and its local administrations are Oo be congrauited on their of« | forts im bBaving Chest Creek straightened oul making the town free from foods ATTER TO EDITOR . Obtaining State Park Will Take | Cooperation of All April 34 jssue of your | paper was & greal imapimation to | fobh was | theme of us whose homes are in| the Noribern Cambria County county. and your writer of these | "708 The coverage on the proposal | ‘of & Mate park was a ovedit to all criminal cases. and before pro- | | the Saal and to your news hibition days received May there be many more However, it takes more than ic for this to be true His has taught us that it lakes cooperation and unified work by of un This i» & responst | BLY which can be filled by vou Let's ‘get behind this effort to | implove our communities. We are i not only thinking of ourselves but (of future generations May each of us dedicate our | selves to the bettirment of ow Sou, That 11 Facts for Farm Families Yahner. The | D. Swope, Bsg, of Clenr- | feild. The Grand Jury of the Jone | ig similar to the one for income. after a full investigation the ma- | ty of its members voted for! farm ted that the certificate be enters | i farm hands, JACEK HEMSBKEY Westerville, Ohio Social Security What Dees the Farmer Report As Expease ! The general rule for expenses Any cash or merchandise spent in any transaction which is con nected with he operation of the rust deducted from he | §T°% income be get the nel pro For example. a dairy farmer i vote was taken June 5 1883 five ‘has to show as business expenses | the cost of feed, veterinary fees fees for tests stock. wiges to cost of operati and maintaining farm equip He must also show as Business and farm bul (arriving st Bis net | thing Sis [or persons LAnY anesfiion Aol an expense shotild be led. comanil the jocal Revenne tice (liom Cut 3 slices of bacon [1 temspoon salt, | sugar | - | hiends well with ! foods milking nach w Hracior, Troe | farmer can include in | profit. The Io remember 3 (hal expen He are not fda. ducted The maintenance of the farmers (vn home or his medi. | tal expenses for example are not Business expenses If here (8 atest whether ow There that the Are many dodge | Internal LETTERS TO JANE... By A PAULINE ANDERE Fab rvanx Praseyivania Donr Jane Truly i i We are in the midst of Oring a oa Ena uf ge the Sin i. shining Birds are singing > AFErS are smiling al ua mingled with the heartening | a medley of child | mires at nery 8 ithe mest and {eer | en ¢ Almond Butter Sanne PR Tun 7 : FIER Mushroom Bott'r Sauce [frying 4 strips off bacon until wry Deon 1 St iis ruined conn tithills Add % cgi ces of this past chibi sawed, 1 tablespoon fined pled to add a stags about ‘hopped enjon. avid 1 tablespodi munity to Mabel Wilson's Bitter. Cover and sbmmer a few Happiness Instead mm mumutes fo bleed Severs It kr With just this “For by gf Place rolis in a shallow cassorole £904 with iny meat but is “spp little you gather a jot, In amt “Over with Lengy 1 yb iad with fongue or ham exchange Or ® sriide muce Sake until piping hot, Le Again wi have had the privi Yours for better bo vegetable diab all eye of sharing idens. times tal. PAULING in ome You mi prefer molling perscialities what a glor. the cooked stalks in ogR and CrS- ype experiisce Again we han: crumbs to be fried in a en what En ve Arie When ped. fat. Use to garnish a beolied oi pet toguther and give of thes. oF serve Wilk Hollancinise | selves for the colnmon good 2a I ponder ayer the Portiond Sxperiey Bere gre “ . eye re na ve There are so many ways fo serve this prize vegetable to the family Try rolling the cooked stalks I thin sltiess of Dolled lam ents Don't over The man who lacks to make a start has already “hed he anh. think i ace Rpealking of wanes several tricks: Rarrtm Yu“ Cup aii nN ou alomonds | margerine and call View 45 of sliced wisdsevnens and % OID Eri with 2 * 0 Bree and you Rave | A Ba a ie ¥ ny wnat ~S Ga Home: ? Use an FHA Morghgn Pan con & Read Simoes ia crisp. To 3 ialdespoons of the irippings add 5 cud Bread ‘rum and seat antl browned sirring constantly. Add crumbled base Afthe a igh fhe ney fed corn for the vitnent of can BG OR Bae Deed FErY pool, Iarge amplints rensie to be marketed Gers sfovksd from best supply of (anmed corp rears. IT is one of the best shiv are Bee tHe Deny > } ® Fight nw. Forlunailely (he B f n 3 SOI IAN bed By = rain In vary ng Spring is here To the young males mat Dee spelled | with capital | otters Il = the line when fo reams gerry inkle rediistls rusty facts of day life spring is spring gescieaning and garden maxing & time for necessary hard pe riding work Rog cleaning is one most I shaotild sof he toe hurd work we have observed the laws for rug car recomended by the National Tontitate of Rog Cleaning, They are: (1: Duily chenning with a carpet sweeper or vacuums slesper. (2 careful varmuming about twice a week, and (4; a thorough professions chaning al rast once 8 year Professional cleaning is recom wetidedd Dcause CRIPEL SWeRDeTs and vRCULGM cleaners cannnt a move sdherive aitmospherie soil ow prevent some traffic soll and dust from penetrating to the base nf rag nap. Clean Migs will give sdided] veurs of sxtisfaciion last ing a and remaining more beaulif fish Professional rug cleaning "| product of the scientific. commer. | Ml age nt which we Ive 8 ohe of the fastest growing service n- | dustries in the nation In 10 years ts volume has increased from “gd milton to $25 million annual Jane. I'm pot sire about you But te me spring means dandelion and asapargus. Dandelion may be | ioultivated or a wild green The | | euitivated 4 Pally are more tender, more bilan. i eh aml more Gpright in habit | of growth than wild plants Both | are on the marke! now Here Is an suthentic Penn. svivania Duteh recipe for Dan delion Sabad: Wash and chap 4 cups dande- te | places and fry until eis “ § move Baton bits from the drip | pings Mix 1% tablespoons Sour. | 2 SSianpoon of | Add I ogg 4 cup vine. | clips walter or mite Reir | Fanti] well bended with drippings | [Cook until thickened Cond slight- | = Ty. Pour over dandelion greens! and mix Hghtly. Garnish with t- | cod or ehobped hard cooked eggs. | ‘se 3 gs for greens prinkie bacon bits over | the top yard it in spring. Like the first robin, fresh as paragus swans the cold winter days are behind ws again. The stason for this vegetable is relatively short. During the 3 months of its season we should enjoy it to the fullest. The fresh ! Bavor felicate and delicious that of Could be thal it (s best of all when served in simple style {on a ple of toast with good LPS Bilsce, Or over & toasted roll or Mecuit drissled with but. i ter smuce In ancient times asparagus was credited with the ability to cure everyibing from toothache to drops, from heart trouble to calories what good news for us who walch calories rood should be tender. The should be round and compact, sot enlar- ged and spresd The stalks sould be straight and quite Cut or break off each stalk as far down as it snaps easily. Re move scales with 4 knife. Wash tho E using a brush. Tie 5 or 6 stalks in a bundle with & string. Stand L in the bottom part of a double boils er. Sprinkle with salt {about 1 teaspoon. Pour in 1 to 1% in- ches of water: Cover with top of doul botler, inverted Boil 13 to 30 minutes or ust { gredients can le i Tey? persons com FY FREFROLE 11 5 Yes! fo use cream Pad] That os a and I 1D | ahonst this amount of | other | distinctive favor Kernels Makes ng vegeladles Fried corn rates high both at the table and on a plenie. FI ix 8 “jast right” when the fansily goes finhing. The pepper prepared al hone ‘The Here i wher in arodinil Tor ard smios can be ne-slop service fur gardeners this and that afl under futher Wa have perryrt nese red und one Prad ail at iheifey hak you can't (0 better Everything for the Gardener! * WATER SPRAYERS * GARDEN HOSE * PRUNERS °* SHEARS * RAKES * HOES ®* SHOVELS ©* SPADES * DUSTERS * Etc. fh ad when it is {ime a Y r atl the camp fire ¥ 8 wy + labisipaeons margerine | ving pan. Add Y% coup (hope : a ped @ Bole. ls it and pebter (ook nil rege abies are ary and lightly of Add W§ cup milk or ard heat thoroughly Canned corn sands ready for all sorts of mean o8es in soups, Fritters, puddings. cold vegetable salads. and vegetable combination dibhes. Tu many of these it is a preference whether you aes creanmestyie ar whale. Reraed atvile corm Bat for CORN and TT Brown. i FAs Ase Beetle! gardeni.g begins wilh betler seeds and plants raine’ Omly tie BEST and Thalys the pale. Buy at Lieh's! ~~] GET REST RESULTS | | | with feld-grows Tomate and Owls Pleats. Maes be. AE ; That's i good emoush for our omy Rind of stork we Curry 8 wt - # oh $s | Were we S51 Ye & an : ILE % i i IRIPON Play ey {Hen x AH 4% TY dred DR raiey To with fREE In nesls gh irgt ded ham Ramil #8 8 ondeadish a Be pny oh "Race {roam mise will be potmilar Bate medium onion, (hinly whoa ' Sup chopped celery in ¢ tablespoons (driptangs or mar garine Cook 10 misutes Add 2 your arders at Lish's now, CRnE or 4 fUDs oroamm corn an I cup ham dervile Bary LOOK Over aw Real fine 10 minutes Turn Into & well-gresusedt casserole. Bread 4 agg over the top. Arrange hams bits mivound | iogEs to form mesty Bake in a i380 deg oven for 35.30 minutes or until eggs are done By the way, the asext Hime you make balied corn, sulbti tate cheese farorad erselkems. § nee about 30 crackers ar 3 Nips mith, | ean corn, te 3 eggs With these amounts of milk and SERS IT Is wine To sot casserple im a pan of hal water for Baking. The texture shoukl be Aght. (Cheese (rackiers add pro. tedn food value. A shirt com relish cas be, | made from I box or 1 cam of bits oF WE HAVE what it takes! Complete lines of laws sed snd Dur! bsiiders, as well as soil comditioners all top Law siesta anil olf guaslity LIME -- FERTILIZERS — EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR GARDEN & LAWN WOULD YOU BUY A BRAND NEW GOODYEAR + . THEN COME TO COLVER STORE CO. FOR FULL DETAILS! fit the wheels of your preseal car . . . cost more: thom « standard fis and tube MIX THEM OR MATTH THEM! No need to hesitate! We can put (Joodyear Tubeless Tires on ihe wheels of your present cag ~- no extras of any kind are neciisry. And wht! s more, vou don't have m buy a complete set all at nee Start changing over now! Don't lose any tim getting era blowout and puncture protection, pha : sifer mileage from Tubeless IDelyxe Super-Clshions. Best of all, they'll cost you no more than standard tires with tubes . . | and veu'll find our large trade-in allow ances make the mital cost low! We'll buy afl the un- wied miles in your present tives! USE EASY TEMS! MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND "NORTHERN CAMBRIA'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE” PRICE over--pat w { LIEB'S HARDWARE