Mrs, Frank © ORange 5-2652 Tinton Press-Courier Pa tton ORange 5-3161 Festival Mrs. W.L. Thompson Apr. 9 Has 85th Birthday A panel discussion on Juvenile featured a meeting | : t Twp. PTA Tues : RE in Patten Moose Hall | Marian Short was chairman for the meeting. Taking part in the discussion Were Cecil Jackson, member of - PCHS faculty and Lois Rogers, | : Young, Donna Lauver, Paul and Bill Schwab 22 The ftuud] aprons festival, sp- | unsored by A, will be bheid on | Apr. 29 at the High School witn | iY Seléirateg Ro Simon Smith and Mrs Ret | He Fo _JORA - ospital surgeon He also was ina Winslow, to-chigirman. Com- 3 ichserving Nis birthday Mrs Mittees will be announced later | Thompson's father, Andrew Jack. _ Nominating committee was &P- | som, was the first burgess of Pat. Fe as Gow, ot" Bite tom, sfter the town was incorpor- Barrett, Mrs Argaret 12 ated The Westniont resident was and Mrs. Paul born in New Washington, Clear field County ER | |e) Gregq Awards Sm Bi | At Patton School magazine, Mrs. Margaret The following students it was solicitor. only’ eed units in county received awards Miss Gills 6th grade home earned their Felnuary Gregg aw room won the award for month ards in the Jockl high school for baving most Jabunts present. Senior Shorthand on five-min- A social hour followed inte dictation Dona Gates, 120 & {words per minute. Ann MoConn- Saundra Straw Feted ‘eli, 100 words: Doris Chverchiko On Birthday Sunday | 30 words, birthda rt held ho of end Baran held IB ia MeConnell, Patty Lussier, Beverly ed Monday from 400 to Baranick 00 P m at home of her Senior typewriting. 10-minute 3 of The ftiowing item fron the Johastown Democrat. Mm. Grace spent a sizable iin Patton. last red-letter event marked at her nell Avenue A tea for hostess was her ‘Mrs. A. R. Thompson. brought to- Thompson, part of her week was BS which was {wice a8 dinner party Oris, ‘minute Elaine Anna Margaret Mary Lann Eileen Shenehan, Rae r » Lwriting Janet Bmith, 45 words UE ed Loretta Kutruff, 41 words. Mary tions were pink and blue. Louise Osio, #0 words: Ann Mi 4 were: Mary Ellen Connell, 42 words. Robert Little Couturiaux, Ellen #4 words, Janet Hoover $4 ka, Rita Haluska, Linda words 3 3 s Karen Mikula, Becky Ur Donna Weisko, Je=n Yatner.| Rev. Leo W. Burnett o Lenten Guest Speaker Campbell, Car-] The Rev. Leo W. Burnett a Wilshire and [tor of St. Mark's Church, Johnstown, Pa. will | the guest preacher at the regu- : ilar evening Lenten service held ey Plummer Harvey, | each dn day evening at Trin . othe the local Presbyterian | ity Church. Rev. Burn. 8 one of the the: representatives of lett was formerly Rector of 8t Presbyte attending | Matthew's Church in Homestead erence Pa having ecorhe to Johnstown held at The ina. Buck Hill last Noveniber oes | The Rev. Chiister A Weems the | {ecto of Christ Church, Greens was the guest preacher on y evening. arch 18th Hae THE WAY YOU'LL LOOK IN THE i and 8 reprinted Tribune | who i bie | the opening night Fey 1 batn Lirompliments hame, 330 Buck: | which the | daughter-in-law, | i gether 40 of her friends The fol. | lowing day Mrs Thompson joint. | ‘Open Special Meet Windber | Mocmehenrt {be held have ! | participating : ors ; is ip Junior shorthand, 60 words per Episcopal | De | night, P Well | parelte t hand this oom msn hey | YORTS i aretle {be Patton Airman i pd) Lon the west | land { Command, first {military sircraft fiving the North | iim California Youth Center to Open for Adults Beginning on Thursday evening | if next week, and continuing ov- | sry Thursday thereafter, the Put ton Youth Center will be open | both ex-high school stisdents | for adiliz Folks geverally | pre invited to they reside | the Patton The gil the Center Ayers rheckers, tow rome if " ares visitors will have adiCpan the Youth! en the Teen An ping-pong dancing, cards, ec. On adh Mur bottle of O ‘nia of the Wii ie supplied Donation is 25 cents Patton WOM Will ian of by facilit such bygred it 5 8 free OC dd {entlet The regular meeting of the men of the Moose way held Mir HY at the Moose Home This was (Chapler Night in charge of Bn ry MeConnell, Moosehaven chair man. One candidate was intbinted | Margaret! Forsvithe Senicr Fle | rent, received the calendar ‘aw | ard given bv Mooseheart This is. the first time the local aux iHary received this sward Plans have YEP We been made for aby Village [my in Johnstown on Mareh the followi Ing CRERDLeTY Johnstown, Nanty Bedford, Coal Ebensburgy and mesting. the first of he called the Patton messing. A this fund Al ¥. Ihe 0 with Barnesbhora, Portage Patton. This kind... will mw with the ven In ri al 1.30 pening was gin Pats EY are oo be snd refinishing thug ter i yP ips} ! MM pe § rae ran ri Anvone [rom pttend this {act the Pass mealing GF er ¢ red LAVErnD “berts $F » Former Patton Gurl In Akron TV Program Carol Mae Brown a Jurior Bt Vinrent’'s High Beck 3 Cun] Akron Dio, was among a WANs groan which appeared’ om F 2tal WEWS (eveland Saturdey Mareh 12 Carol and sevren | students danced san Irish ten nurnbers Wishing and “Come the Fair Card] will sdso appear as a ma With the Bt Vi ng summer While tion {nrol Was =» PHE band for 3 BecOrne a farnily wn ed Teer Jig in Ea ents Baal of the ang had when ARrem ving in asl by ¥ Sc John 1. Yench fom | Joseph G. Yencho of Highlind Ave. Pation presently is station with the f B Air Force af res! Harmon Air Porce Base coax of Newfound 1% 5 A key point in Northeast Aly the hase is one of the overseas refueling stops for Atlantic routs to Europe Alrman Yencho entered the ser vice last June. and received basic | training a! Sampson AFB NY : and before going to Newfound | nd was stationed at Parks AFR He is altached to! SONth Operations Squadron, Air! Police Bection, 5! Harmon i He sttended Patton-Ches! High | ard was Bakery, Patton * Jeanie Link Honored On Tenth Anniversary A birthday party was held in| honor of Jeanie Link's tenth bir. thday anniversary on Wednes- | day, March Bth, from 4 to 6 p m., st the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. J link on Mel lon Avenue, Atlending were Linda Hoppel Saundra Straw, Janet Hurkev Dunny and Mary Ann Davis, Polly and Kathy Wilshire, Mirgaret Ann Bender, Carol Satton, and Jeff Mertens Belay Swab, Bobby and Dotty Kibler, Peggy Ann Chase, Edith Blake Duane Weakiand Ruth Ann Wilshire Jiromy Toski, Christine Bianco Kenny BStasko, John Mertens Rammmy Link and Catherine Mar- | Surprise Party Held At Norman Swisher Home A birthday sirprise party was | held for Alce Mae Gers of Lew | intown at the home of her grand- ts, Mr. and Mrs. Norman . ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Joseph IL. Harris ‘ of Tulsa, Okla. formerly of Pat. announce the marriage of daughter, Miss Freddie Har- ey Richard Moore Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs D R Moore Sr. of Tulsa. * 9 FOOD SALE SATURDAY The Ladies’ Auxiliary of Trinity Church will hold a Food Bale in the C. F. Pitt Cu. Store Window (Snyder's) this coming Saturday, March 10th. Watch for it! ¥ EF ® Mrs. Margaret Fo Het president of the the installa the, dist A, was in of as followed bY a lunch and en- VFW Austiary will have hin Soo night this March 17th. Thana, chapter | | will i Al ‘mad Mrs [Edgar Eekenrode pwrere Monday ihe hon i Mes and Mrs employed by Mertens | Kim UNION PRESS. COURIER Girl Scout Organization Meeting Site Changed The organization meeting wet for this Thursday evening, Mar. 17, at 7:50 km for the aorzanization of rownie Girl Scout and possible other Girl Seout units in Patton, will be held at the Patton Chest High Sehool. instead of the Patlon YFW Home as was announced in last week's isane of this BewWspaper The site of the meeting was changed due to other artivities scheduled for this evening in the VFW Home. Parents of all girke from 7 fo 17 vears are urged to attend this evening's session fe be condocted by Miss Jonn Mitchell of Johns town Girl Seomt Connell Patton VFW Opposes Cats In VA Hospital Serves Opposite en ty $5 Hoapit Bi Services fenriuts yon ing in the post Letters will UV. B Bena and to Congressman UrEIng that py ontinued in Of Ber Lawrences Beunier man fo THEY FIP y fire Faken &% inter GOP CLTR TO MEET Fe rrow Mar MEETING SET FOR TONIGHT 4 Pitti nan » » oa their rete re ai? 19% M Ar ad £4 - gre requested gave a Somat RW ree? be held members tend Grou the Red Or Recent My and were Mr Guillen Ky grt MoQQuitien and ( Mra CHAArS MoQuillen af A kro Mr and ~N han of nie init Mrs art Wo HE BT Th Frad Mors Mou {Hest ar My * "Mant pr £5 BOT vd ow 4 BI {level ind week end with their and Mrs Michae! Frank Oa Sili Kimark of spent he week ond al the home of her parents and Mra Michael! Rise Mr and Mrs BB FE Washington D OC. were week end of Mr and Mrs Clatence of Melntvre Avenus Willred Conrad and gf 3 3 fe Mr Mugs vigitars Canrad Mrs Mrs Carvollloen callers at and Mea ar evening of My ence Conrad Baturday {Maren BR BC 4 nd vie Ny Ww ash H. A Camp visitors of Mr ¢ Conrad we ¥ MM Hale of inglom, Mra Romantic Ring Duos for the Bride We've added many exciting new dismond engagement sod wedding ring sets to our collection . . . priced them as low as their outstanding quality will permit. See them now — and kt us help you select the rings that will make 4 ba ; PILE : bell ‘Mra Cand i ANG son, : Baptist ’ Aree é heen stationed in France was calls RE 3B I PepoYyied i tal, {spent . Paul Harry Caspbell and dutagh- Gale, of Barneshoroe, Mr and ieogter Conrad and family Witham Conrad of Carroli- ter Co. Legion Essays ‘Reported In Hands Of Judging Team Expect Decision to Be Library” on Saturday Mary h 1b Made Yet his Week pt Louls Haluska's Rte All ba rod goods should be ght te The Ww hve gt By 8 8 ry Gnteat 5 Mr and Mrs Jesse Cogley Jr BJORN ce the engagement of their hi Hoberts Jean. of Jack Kendell Kuseh A summer wad own Mr. and Mrs Jimmy vizitors here Tames Chestnut of Williamsport Were recent The Young People of the First Church will sponscr a Bake Sale for the benefit of the nner the 1953 y SHsSaY wre why 2 § PTOI “i i 1 3 ton. tHe ianughier, Miss avant LALIIDTIA #8 a EEF aun The Edgewodnd, lo dR | dent | pregident Lary retary. dire ttor; [tional directisr: Colin Maxwell | | health director: chaplain, and Charles Roberts, aes’ Hatin? A NOT m aah A fies Widter Hagen ato ice | John Zawiskie sects Dave (ates. pasistant »ee William Smith safety Gevirge Shannon, sduca- | Willinns Side chapliin Joseph Dolpar willl serve as ded | ‘legals to Ebshsburg Council with whith Gearge Smith gata the chapter is affiliated is alternate dele Members of the executive com. ities are John Biako Erie Va Campbell, John Hulpus sh, Joseph Sasway Jones and Thomas 3. wea Stephen A. Andrefio Jr. fedora! mine inspector gaie a brief ot ‘tery of the Holises aa. ‘marks were ihade Yr oy sold Gehelli, District No. 7 field | representative. of {he UMW A. os a CARE POR BEES Cheek on your bees right aw. my. urges Wiliam Clarke, Penn State extension apiculturist, Re dott, | Sam Bolin, George Hughes move dead and weak Merle | Micrey MeKod Laurence OO clean the squipment, and feed | colonies (hal have a shortage of Beney for thetr daily det. Sor id irg that as ROW Re NOE essay statewide inner will and =iate hing M LL. Buck x iA af Hastings vigted the week ond at the home of and Mm E J ® Mrs E J [Dhetrick visited with Mr [Hetrick at CO [Het ric M and Stale and {. Buck Mrs Robert J “il ie My id a - Rigren Mr. ( ogiey alan reported that exams for the Legion's annisnd senatorial seholairebip, which is end a1 the home oF made available by Rate Sen. Francis X. Young dobhn J. Halosks, will be held regisiar meeting of the | Apr +3 The exam ls open to r. will be held evening | seniors In all high schools in } at 7:30 p m. at the the county, oi Maly Home Mr and Myre Paul Winslow faughter. Paula of Cosiport k end visitors at the and Mrs Harry Wi Reto snd Mr and Mra Raymond Rhu Mr and Mrs Curl Hiller Hiamsport aanounce he a son. Mark John, on Mar Hiller is the former & oi daughter of Mr. and Mrs ob Leaper AT 4 Mrs James on, Daany, of Wil weer the week ond at we of the lady's parents ind Mrs Jacob Leaper Mrs Rosary and and Mrs Paul All Gerard, spent Sal &t the John All fn Johnstown Mrs Norman funeral of Kable South Fork and visited Eliza lee of that gfternon. Mrs [ee 8 a ov Legion aiton resident hii oe Fa] n Duly at Eb Mra Dewey Anderson and rg Fairgrounds Membership ar Nettie of Hastings ! reported a4 callers the Raymond Pane Mra Paul Mrs John EVeRIng In THhompason of Mr and 4 of Me nedical patient af pital, Spangler and Steve Kopera in Cleveland end with their e of Sunday snd Mrs Fred Walllseh and | of Piltsburgh visited ox We I and Mra Can thie students from Norlh Cambria t Ebensburg in [Southern a #14 fast 2 thas In Johnstown anced that Mexiro, ydeyr, will planned n Were § ov, Hraries of Mr Seaborn nalodal et visit Fie aril TV rone 0 x $ of VET Ar Bernard Csllitein ron Fe CRD MBS he fom asking the | i] dleratyre harman. ex Es PBN Maney Ey Hy 5 ay 9 FIR TINE the My FEIEe) ¥ Fi Hew EN He suid a recent inspection by Legion officinks revealed that many stores have discontinued sale of obwerne Hterpture as » result of the Lejtion's stand. SE il sag his BOE And day af isc home Foabur SFT scans wd fiw the POETRY Bwisher attended Ha rey #5 with olace Saturday Hu bas Wise Services To 20a. (he | EAR Can i ’ {Fas recat i iat a ; envdorned ison and | 0 tAnuRE horse siiow of the spent | LAMbR Li Flecrea on and &t All Bosar Ailocns Se am r-okd proceeds Mrs Rober r ind fon Ave. 8 vext meeting will be held the Miners Pr. 8 al Pont fove veshoviredd Wee Litzinger to Head Holmes Safety Group At Cover RF BA Het rice spending in Jamestown Lg Pulia tear are elatives Mra dae i Fred Henninger spent last with dasighter Morn Erneat {yrapnabuy and Mr ¥ : Pack Johnstown ay Monday at Norman 8 john 5 Barnard in Pits Hey (xinays in Mr $9 Bran tad wa Fen : a 8s burgh wiih Ine a - FiEation of ih hewn The week end #7 ead 4 9 Gear whic} gifs 1053 red dent Wald FRE a May a Prot Ranaie ME ad LE whi Bas We heads | Hoth are El benis i] Ay t TE Ww A fey hers of the {lineas of | Ntonilz saraly. ANG is At & hanes herause hs mother, Mrs Harry wha suffered a alroke of weeka Ago OA serious Nise of Pan fow wmaition al The styles this season are adorably! Fashioned of the batter (rade cvothons you have boen reading sbout in leading magerines Both solid colors and prints to choose From. And what dainty trims . . . one pret. Hear then the othr 4% Co Dest. MM ners Haoupital, Spangler She'll be pratty aos a picture in. . . EASTER COTTONS SIZES 1003 vu 4 10 un John Churells suffered a me of paral last Friday and was Laken Miners Hosp Spangler, where she is Hated | a3 eritical But Bev ond Lion ng slightly improved. IE and Mrs John Possr and Mik ren, Cheryl, Rona and Nano oor Sunday at home of Mr and | Mra Michael Bamr of Altoona Mr and Mra Prank Williams f Johnstown spent several days at the home of DMek Baranick of | Herriman Ave Mra Williams and Mra Baranick are sisters Mrz Philip Gers and children Gregg and Allies Mae, Lewistown the week end al the No man Swisher residence : Mr and Mrs Bert MeConne! {f Bosch Ave spent Thursday af termoon al home of Mr and Mes Lombards of Barnestors . ® » Mrs slr YEE » wid be pT Methodist (hurch Lo F | Chow Mack's Charel, Job Edwin H. Rohrbeek Miolster 2 D8 48 ® WAS a =m, Mor Charen ih Our : Chlidren's Pellow. | ship and TI0 pp m, Bvening Worship | “Ist rasted With Much Serving - Wednesday. Maes B18 a ign 9 bd practies Turn one ltnoh to cool or heat. Breathe fnish air, Altered by the All-Season Aur C onditioning Svetem * Works owest-priosl. ® Pavesi y app tied far no a ae of Bs Purnets. who Rector nslows. La | “atten Presbyterian Chureh 3 i Sehool, Walter Burkey a { TO HOLD DANCE TONIGHT Merch 20-10 a mm. Sunday | ita om A Lenten Journey will be taken on Hour of Shar. Worship Services March 30 for One (hareh God Chaps! Levi O Clorsuch. Pastor Sunday, Nareh 0--Bibie School Bi nar Boomierg. supt. #8 19 8 wm Preaching Hervice # il a = Young | s ; § Another style scoop for Nash ~ New, Exciting Two Tone combinations in all models? : WNOC dio station | uch Pridgay fromm 1038 w 1348 p om | and emioy the Cospel Song Services Also tune In the same watice each | Sunday from $00 to $30 a om Ang hear the Special Way of Thith peo. | gram Alvin A Bpemier i Kindly tine In WY malin station in Altoona seach Bupday freon 900 to 99 a mm and hear the Old Pash. | weutyed Sent on the War of Treh | rogram E BE aaron and workers Bd Thess of Ag SPOTatred the Church. of God tn Putco i je Free Offering Flan. - the in eo | errs girders around [rassengers-—mafer, A round and square dance will he held in Chest Springs Church | Hall tonight, St. Patrick's Day. | March 17 Music will be furnished by Bud Moore and his Hillbilly Band Donation is 30 cents and all} are welcome to attend. Ean © y heat investment we know a of is a classified ad, tonger-lasting, it assures better resale, Yes, u chibi long. New we for Airliner Ruchining Seats. They aap the childnin, give driver a “break” conver! into Twin Travel Beds. {ASH GIVES YoU MORE! Years-Ahead Styling and 7 Amazing Features! settle for any less modern car, see Nash for ss st your Nash dealer's, ASH MOTORS, DOVESION OF WEMCAR MTOR Shae of Teoet 11 Wo, the dose eT extends ra tie-free, est of Wil. You see move, Tre the new JOR HP. Ame bassador Jetfire V-8 ot or choice of four “we, NG Ags Reson TRY THE Raa. >.reeronr [DEMONSTRATION RIDE