ke Use of “News Boxes” Laing’s, Phillips’, Leyo's UNI 16 Pages — 2 Bectiom Bingle Copy — T¢ ( oalport-Irvona Edition Vie No. 22 PATTON. PA.. THURSDAY. MARCH 17. 1955 - Subscription S.EES.0% 04% 128 Report Progress Being Made Lg | Meaning INR.C. | ua Sacir Wane i PTA ow aE Deepening Creek Channel Matnbarship tr Sac 4 TR Ce fit A vy Were a————— wis the wimmer of the beaut ol ful two-piece living room suite Work i : . wileh was awarded free dur 5 . . . . Rapp's Sth Amniversary Sale Dragline’s Next Job Is Eliminating Services Contimae With | ** 900 0 made at State Police Cor poral ‘ ’ Rupp's store ) Speaker On nesday 700-Foot Sandbar In Irvona Area = Beaver Valley Man's + hy LPT ‘Every Tick of Clock” | "20550" "m. with Margie I The Clearfield Creek, which of- miles downstrean). At Irvona, the Song Now On Market © ul y i = | Hith seery HR of he Stock a vu hey committee on om or : : - y SE pe iS Vim Ware there I hroagh hi ; 1 f 5 fen gets too big for its banks, is machine scooped mud and silt BCT area residents now eas : “> ¥ wo BF We - g" Red gh T. A. members fo the select auwite a clean-up in an from the ® of the stream and play msde written right Bere i dls 3 yr | : : oh ¥ ap candiiats fie _ effort to alleviate flood losses piled it up dirt taken out i= in their own home section, ES amuie of covery day on Fors he App rt Jeet eben to time graded by a bulldoser Another The selection is the “Rovieg | : extending a helping hand where f° school term, the now snail dragline is major project is the removal of | Hobe” with words writtesi by i ’ ; nd when it was most needed Richard Burmeister a sons | . »- up mud and debris from an old bridge abutment which Donald D. Nagle of Beaver : | . © be there is ont thing to " > Es. creek in Irvona in a served as a bottleneck in high Valley, and music composed by ; J : Ch : Have the Aecemmar) funds to make ree we drag - | The ni of ® Cin The piece i% being ; | Your volunteer neighbor will ask “hme ‘operated in Coalport, and has yooon, A in sheet music form by (he ; : | 3 you to contribute what you can | tivities i fhe FCI Joint. FTA PA oni stooping out a new channel | _.: be worked ¢n becuse sven Nordyke Music Publications of 5. sbi ” bbe there’ when she rings Cifizen ip Award 5 % throu a large sandbar and pil- an it 1 Hollywood and is available in : ! ; LTR EE Tour door bell this month She | March 13. in Coslport Fiementary ’ if water does apill over the banks % ’ § = L will ik you : , School audi Oo! fd dirt slong the side to no property damage would result mansie stores in this area. Sait | will ask you to Sweomp a member torium. rporal Rice y 8 pas Mr. Nagle bas ansnouitesd ey BE Te Of the American Red Cross and of the Clearfield Barracks, whe However, teniative plans call that several more seleciion: fo cs to share her with a Belief in ihe ‘gave a Nighly oconmendable re either Coslport or Irvons as for the dragline and bulldozer to | for which he has composed the an ; Cond Samaritan’ principle {port on an Delinquaney, High water for a number of vork in Witmer Run which flows words will be available within li E ie There is a =i ngalar weaning of [avy the defts A ad recently ded the drag- into the Clearfield Creek above au Tew months . ao : — membership in the irerican Rod ao stated t Ene from ito the stream ‘he Route 53 bridge Above Is the group of BCT Senior High Problems of Democracy roe to William R. Sherksl of is caused by = combination of 1 With BE ar : Miciently | Whether the clearing of the students snapped as they stood on the steps of the State Capitol © ET 3 sean Rad an many causes, and In Sany conse Tow, Engineer Floyd Dille of the stream along iti banks and the at Harrisburg inst Toesday, upon their arrival in that ty NEY raanter Vikan hen a is § the foremost ia the broken hots én : of | piling wp of the dirt along the were greeted by Rep Frank WM. ONeill of DuBois. and spent an Chapte Aa Te Ra a, pris ; ] Lor the home that |[acks harmony. ‘and os sald, the drag- sides to provide higher hans Ure es ‘Asked eventful day touring places of interest ed Memb ah a i" ny Rg in | He tained the relat + will return and take oyt all will bs the answer to the pr generous cf of the school and Juvenile n- the 700 - foot mandbar lems is sith only conjecture. Th > F E : od a million quuney Ang The oly the sk § 5 next real flood threat will prot i N 41 t t lL | t stir raha ies teachers have on his phil Sresk Just below Nhe newt real flood t will § or as er News udents Jee egis aiure poe Seighbors in Smress —— of life He vividly explsined the Water to swing to the ersey At any rate pome Irvona res OMY of fot) ire) I A » A 5 " Mambers of the. Red Cross he a imposed of ranspqsition Sra SHS 4 ® y dents, ine i da in Council rn the BC i ESTE SHE SLIT AI t t t 1 i t Poed BC cpg vii G8 x * oul adel ah 1 i 3 mn > { Pe \ Bs = & ¥ Frank Tesi, “tent fhe grow yn furn ane ares are @ vf urag res n C ion a € api 0 rok oras : Hh e Armed . h Anal. | 2 | lo sif-digcipine 1m # Met ng will help conditions in genersl grams and services for their ve er-caused needs a ppl) nursing : | Vw javentte an mmm 8 1 expressed the same spective churches d Eup ¥enal : _ sieilin, teach an Peuy sieilis in na . re r me | spective shurehes 8 Take In Builders’ Show, Appear On Television skills, (each and apyey skills mw he | the promotion of self-discipline. Eilition representative ian y Y y wy 0 tha » or 5 et On _ : | ¥ | {The law-anforoer om, Smith. a Fant tro: works pt Program, Tour State Buildings And Museum Pruitt 1a Suis Rad, Crom | the point that protiems have bean a e | Editio mon Thursday peril APAS he ; fC \ herial, Ellen Diilen Phy. | stitutions and nearby itary y tioe " in . that parents to the voline of sting: up | the RCT Rez Chiat d ws ai Pomeia. Went] tax | Boats in addition to helping DEG ¢ iy | and teachers have less apporfun- the pr nL dati has Hine Cf sen |r tata Lr i a a Ni Samty other Ways © | ity of knowing and understanding | t is ROCORRRFY 1 , baa li nding of athagan, M iba sas John | ple in Fan y othe: RY ane anotler in ' line for #3 i ai : ! RBCESs Sain sho eh That Red Crouse services mins RICHARD BURMEISTER He said PTA EA are pee thelr ime rasntirces 10 County Council of PTA Pres th ol adil ion ¢ Easter Fd dent's report to her local PTA une the: recipient of the “Coed Cit ah! ; L i i 3 i CONV 3 fo BF | f Wig Wa, % ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ » & 5 4 i RATE ¥ ® 8 % 1% 5 1 # : phe TY | v B % Pe i #1 & eR 5 8 § 4 5 id i 3 Ve 3d JF ph wh ith Ey gaps ig er 4 +3 - ; op A dead ne ix next Thursday, Mar om ; nsdn pags EV ime TANIA Searle” Mande ! si " # and Re flichard PBurmelsier, a senior in mt wl undututanoing.o to the $# Cher Rim 8 10 make this issu Pp i : Bo sity arig dean Junod Rosalie Kisgs RSRars oo he: BCI Senor High School, was 3 ’ nee ating io 1 : of Ela Bnet b . Al ¥ & § The James Alexander Chapler {Dp A. BR. met in the recreation (room of the PRs sttan Chureh | | of Madera on Merch 5 with Mrs IV. E Shoff serving an hostess | iShe was assisted by Miss Verna | Hegarty and Mrs Fred Romese | {The dessert wap served by Mrs | | Elisabeth Wilkitwon and Mrs Ed- | Urge Minimum Pay ine Neviing. two ladies of the Church { Mrs, DR Morgan of Houts | ident regent. presided. The Pres- | nd ident i pandgals message Was pre. Miss Gertrude Heiman | i lpr ag regular order of busisess was Ara Asaated incloding { committee repolis. A pant was given on the D arf stiending the Cub Spout Pack 5 March < in | Miss Gertrude | Cre ge A R. on Nov. 2 1380, ation of the Jam- | wE Kbow ha &a Flay g aries MM Pe avr Ma 44] 4 Fog ran material 10 1 Clothing Workers ‘Rate of $1.25 Hour Coalport Local Passes Supporting Resolution Members of Loosl 547. Almas i muied Clothing Workers af Am iets, passed a resolution urging pussage of $1.25 an hour as the federal minimum wage In their resolution they pointed out how 2 higher minim wage would thine the standard of living of millions of workers and stimulate business by putting mare money irto the mands of conRumer: They further indicated thal 3» higher minimum wage would en phile their own SpioYer 16 Ohm {pete With runaway shops, shops which have moven ©» low-wage areas, particularly in the Bouth Locsl 547 represents 77 mem bers employed at Clearfield Spor tawear Co. at Coalpart, Pa They snnounced that coplew of their resolution would be aen! 10 their Congressman snd Semslors The resolution followp Wheresas, the present (edera misiman wage is obviously a adequate and unrealistic when leompared with the high cost of {Hing tod loday, and millions of familias are ill ot earning enough to finiy even the necessities of life | and this is & blot on the consi nce oF our nation; ans | Whereas, low wages ary & iihreatl to our standard of living, rly in the garment indus {try, where unemployment and at cuts have been the result : wwage employers undercut. Cat responsitiy manufactures workers are mot RE ny Ao Ia Alser- jen we need more customers to! op buy the many products and ser. vices were can today and will produce in the futary: there fore Be it resolved. that the nem. bers of Local 547. Amalgamated yo | Clothing Workers of Ammries |” urge their congressional repriden- tatives to vote for a bill raising the federal minimum wage Han Wile, wn of | Mr. and Mrs Walter Wile. Coals’ port. recently arrived at Fort) chardson, Alaska and is now & member of the Tist Infantry Dive’ ison, Soldiers stationed in the Alas kan territory undergo rigorous training for cold weather combat while guarding the northern ap- prowches to the United Status Pvt Wile, in the Army since | jast September completed basic | training in Fort Knox Ky. ! BARE SALE ON MARCH SE The ladies of St. Basil's Church | {of Coalport will sponsor a bake is | sale on Saturday, Mar. 36 hegin- ning at 9:00 a. m at Greinpder's | Stove, Coalport. The patronage ot | je | the public will be appreciatod | NEW MEETING DATE SET | The WOM, Coalport Chapter ud) 336 announced that during Lenten’ season the meetings of the unit and fours the Stat. # My ji . were gFresied preseniative O'Neill sandoetad aebhownd BCI 1 Seniors sR MoKen Ann 2 i, Beever Mae Peauciowk, Bo Lownie y Hudniek Serafini, Jane ssl, fhe B- $3 naar Pega Fig $08 1 ” ! ii ne Coalport Local $47 Holds Anniversary Banquet Recent i £ oarti «33 ay Co ol Coramipe 1 ah heated La signth ARBIVErsATY at & anguel Bold last Thuraday »ve sing. March 3. at the Coalport Fire Hall with 8 members god ave guest atlending Marie New Business agent of lhe Amal Clolking Workers, was Tae puant ainort Voluntesy Fire Aviary served ihe! f inner Flowers for the table for ihe event were conlributed by Morvan Bros, Smithmiil, and um gue favors were also Teslured The program was conducied by nanihers Mm Clyde Petarsaon, oresident, was presented a neck ace as 8 Lf Troon Ber mem Favors wars made hy the wing rommities. Kathryn wit, Rath Black med 3 Hiinosky. Eateritsinment Lae Wis doimposed of Mary Alta Vochinmky snd Jean ook. Weltha Miller gave an en terlaining resding The door prise was won by Ar vella Myers A guessing cake was made by lotlie Gresnawall and was won by Helen Greaco CUynih- | it Diehl wis the recipient of ithe pillow case pet and Anita Roeh- seo receiv the home-made dolls £2 id TO PRESENT HAMS AFR. 6 The Conlpart Community Christ mea Pupd Commities announces (that hams which will be danated to winners will be present on Wednesday, Apr. 8 at Dixie - Theater, Contport . -Press-{. onrier ada pay better! + ADpenr On TV Program the BH sppea | ign Kibler and Mes er best of Cloaipaat das en anid ndusivies a nd wt Hove ARV EE More Laure Harber for Comibaer Mis Hob Tie Filey ie Fey FONE 0 Ris ket! ® Ji far Becearia and 1 i eY iliae Mrs Bett ¥ Flhrk fing Utahvilte: and Mrs Jack Sinclair I 3 for Blain City Pt (Chairman Sherkel pxpreassd his appreciation to the area clergy meen for thelr mBouncemient of “Red Cross Sunday” durisg heir pEspeciive Serves on Missin Mareh 13 as Thy official opening of the fonceried rive Kibler Home, Coaiport, Scene of Obuervance Mr and Mrz Lambert Kibler of Main 8t, Coslport, entertained guests at Char deme Saimalay Mar 13 in Bosor of their aunt Mra Ben Willams in oliservance i her birthday. A cike presented by Meu Ged. Myer niece, Was feastare of disney lable Guests attending vere: Mr and Mra Ben Willlmme Mr and Mra Jeryy Fleck ani tao daughters Mrs Gladys Davie off Clymer, Mr and Mes Clifton Wilkinson and dagghter, Beryl of Altoona: Mr amd Mra Geo Myers and Donna Jane daughter of Mr and Mrs Kibler Lions Club Plans Chorus Project Plans were diasied for the ars ganization of & chorus composed | of Lions under the direction of | lion A B Brown Fund raising projects. These and other routine | huiginess mallars wire Uransas ted | aft the regular mewiing of the Lions Club of Coanllport, on ast Thursday. Mar 10 at the Centra Hotel. Coalport Primident Thom. ‘as Bell presided al the bDumness Besson Guests inchuied Dr Lawrence | i Brvin, physicine and sw Reon of { the newly established Coalport | Clinte, ant Joly FP. Smith, super vising principal of BCI Schools. | Mr. Smith. past secretary of the | wisted the Licos on their fine) accomplishments in their newly ( crganized civic club, and that they | had caught the covnmumity spirit | of Lioniem in such a brief Time Lthat the community recogniles | | them a8 a ve, civie-min- | { ded club whieh is doing every. zenahip Awird for Boys KOTO ding to an announcement made to far by Rusesi! Whittaker, princi pa of the mecondsry school Mr Wititlaker stated that this marks tha second annual award by the Janes Alesander Chapter of D A. BR no the boy possessing cer tain requisites of haracter aad peaonality. Like Miss Janet Sass this local senior gir! who won the Cltizenship Award” Richard was oh smert Dv the senior student body and spproved by the faculty, but anfike Miss Bass he did aol take thy siatle contest axamination The 10 A. BR hal nol set Up a gdivn By which & Boy student oan compete for the Nlate Citisenabip | Avpred Ale ordingt 10 the local DAR felt that some recognition be granted a bay stu dent. as wail 32 a girl student Bath Richard Burmeister and Mes Sass wore chosen as (he arson’ "Good Citizens” on the basis of these outstanding quali tiv: dependiability, which inclu dey truthfulness. lovalty, punt. ality. service, which includes oo i Eralion, Drourteay roansideration sf others: lpadership which nein. | den personality. self-control, abil ir to assume responsibility. and pat loti, which includes unsel fh interest in faenily, school ; ue rem ERALY, SOO’ | tae composed of Mra Dotts of community and nition Burmeister is the oldest son of Mrs Beas I. Burmeister of Cosi pert. His sxtra-corvieniae activi tisy in the school inchades mem sagraliin in the band president of | the senior class membership of the yearbook stall, DeWspaRDer uit of fast school ters. This wiamr will make His fourth year aif & participant in the county Band The young man, ha is an ac | whemie stuufent at the joeal sch Fanl, expects to matricaiate in the civil ‘engineering department at tite Ponnsvivania State University | upon Kis graduation from nigh : ws thool plans also wery diacussed along | with other cimmmanity service i Pat Andrews Has High Shoot Score Pat Andrews stored the highest | te was read bv Russell Doyle jos] president. Mm RO. Rupp, couimty president, nnounced dates of the Lesdershiy Training Gel onl scheduled wo! Pen vane Bist University July 18 8h also reported the annual Conference of the Distriet at oo v on Saturday. July 36 Th it committees chairmen were oe couraged to submit reports of their respective #anding commit teas to the council chairman of the same dommilies as 30080 a8 possible. The corespondence also mentioned the dcdication gift of 3 toward the new National Home Cicily will be dedi ol pe spewinl commitlons for RE ras production. “Jean. jie With the Light. Brown Hair" were given bY Wirious commitlee chairmen Wighty nine patron Mg kot sales have teen date te Mm 1iaroid lio co-chairman of (Be licket come mittee. Mrs Wallis Ruffaner of Irvons. and John FF. Smith, Coals port, siso are