r Patiourc. Famous Chef In Detroit, | es Secret of Making German Stollen ‘Mike Roman's Product So Good It's Even Send Overseas: Now Head Man At Harmonie Chub I Roman. a former resi- of Patton RD, is an ex- ‘on Stollen the traditional coffee cake served at time Mr. Roman ought be- F's been making it at the Harmonie Club in Detroit, Mien. for the past 14 years In fact, his stollen is so good that members of the club even buy it to send to relatives in Germany to Mike has worked for the Har. minutes ‘1 cup raisins monies Club as a chef for the past | 15 years, and up until two years &80, when the head chef retired he served as his assistant He | now iw in charge himself The famous stollen is daily menu of the club In fact, Mike's stollen is so that he recently was featured in’ a half | story in a Sunday; edition of the “Detroit News” The — is made of a » with as large a quantity riits and nuts as is to Jrail inte it. It will as jong as the average fruit i# if you keep it in the refrig- Mike is = son off Mr. and Mrs i Roman of Patton BR. D., from Patton p 135. After a hitch in COC, he took up baking. and bis wile, the former pet Swartz of Michigan, | sir four children reside at # Park. Mike has hobbies | Painting. bowling and at. | grmes, and is ae- church work stollen fanciers ike their stollen at least month old, “but I prefer mine than that ore the coffeccake, he | also is 8 controversial mat. ag . tke with in thin white icing | ER a confectionery Ar Juice. Al least haf of | Ca fin orders are unfrosted dough is ¢ te handle and i hammer hoi have Be trouble ing it. Becanse Ra rich , 1 requires The dough s stored in the re tor overnight are it is a} It is quite stiff when cold | ar much easier to handle if | is allowed to stand in the bowl | or on 3 SHSpaturY for about i recipe, says Mr makes one large cake! nesriy fill a cooltie sheet tan be made into two or smaller ones if you like Musing bow] 5 Cup sugar. SS SI PR i LA BR SN RIT A 08 OAR SHAR SA Asn on the | tasty rich Spangler stir in 2 stir in 2 1 teaspoon sal; cakes, crumbled; t: cup soft butter Biend in to make a soft dough that can be handled: § cups sifted all-purpose flour. Turn out on a ightly floured board and knead until smooth and elastic, about 5 veast eRES, Then blend in with the hands I cup of coarsely chopped walnuts, Cup currants 2% cups diced mixed candied fruits. % ou candied cherries | grated rind two lemons, and 1 tablespoon vaniila. Tarn inte hutfered bow! and store in the refrigerator over. night. Turn out onto a Hghtly floured boned. Roll out to a Teo tangle approximately i - Dot % of the dough with Spangler Couple Married 61 Years James Wagner Former Telephone Lineman Mr. and Mrs James Wagner of observed the Bist an niversary of (heir marriage on Sunday with a family gathering : at their home in the afternoon 3 # : i says | i i i { Wagners are i children, Mr W er and Louells Sebring were married on Mar. 8 1804 Mr Wagner who will be BS vesrs of age on June { 13, is a native of East Ridge, in Clearfield County For many years he was em ed as a Heaeman for Bell " ; Co. and Penn Cen tral Electric Co. He has been inactive for the past five years after he sufered a series of #8 he serves it fo strokes. Mrs. Wagne also is & native East Ridge. She will observe her 78th birthday on Apr 3 The Fh rents of elght four hom — Hving : They are | Spangler, Edna. wife of Marcellus Miller Lexie, wife of George i DeHaven, Detroit, Mich. Ruth i wife of Willlim Gregory, Hast. | ings, and Leo, at home i i They have 11 grasdchildren Frost grasa biidren. Ww * §8 a brother | Mrs. Elsie freft and Mrs. Lacy Junod both of Kerrmoor, Mrs W ir fu a sister of Mrs i Myrtle bbe and Vermum Se. | bring. both of Westover H. J. Leiden Named To 16th Term By Fire Insurance Co. H J Leiden of Bt was ected th his 16th term at : | : i 3 i dor ‘way i lie . president of Cambria County Mo. tual Fire Itimurance Company, Patrons of Husbandry, at the unit's A0th unnual meeting in : Carrolitown last Wednesday Atl the same time, 0. H. Dumm rg. wis named to his 260 | term as secrelary-ireasurer W. A Waitrick, Patton, was reclected vice president and Don ald Dumm, Paul Strietmat- ter, Patton IR D., was named aiditor to serve for three years Four direcldrs were elected to three-year terms Miller, Pattan; RD 2; Joseph Drish-! art, Patton R D. and Bar! Karl | heim, Flinton R. D. Foster Cram, Bidmas RD. term of a Wilmere director who | died since Int meeting. He will Serve One year. Election of officers highlighted | session which got us- Church Hall in the morning | ; Stifiosts Separted “a gona year.’ ” NOVELTIES | spoons | make ! RA ir: "Ate the former of | of | and’ § Ben bBosneed, Lawrency Etensburg. elected as: | sistant secretiry They are 8 1. Michael Gres). 81. Benedict's Cathe | | up of soft butter Fold over haif of Fold the re hat Rind jottey rectangle - dough with Repeat folding dipscri bd Roll out to i inches the unbuttered hy | lengthwise ar to a Perit 3 nrge Place on greased baking shoot and Jet rise in warm phice antil doubled in buaik, Bake In a moderate oven (375%) tor 45 to 38 minutes 3 To make i FpOOnS ing ! table lesen mice and 2 of water and \ frostiey thin {eonfe tioners’ Froat cake when with candied fenits fifi fane fiir In 6 enon fo wUEar CO Ebensburg Woman Held On Issuing $5.741 Bad Checks Patton R. D. Man Is Victim In Pouttry Sale A Cambria 1 Etta Mae Chay pear Ebhensburg ged with in the Pation Faeyr PE RITEOLEn R tw het Al Pfadt Hee st ation Mra of happel waived prefim- inary hearing and posted bond of 85.000 for her a arpnce in court when the TEM Were brought before Mra, Flueabeth Row Ebensburg justice of the peace. Dretedtive Wills pell, trading as try. buys life piitey ers and ode therm ging firms The bad cheek ter said, arose ttions af a lLaoretio vaned by Paul ‘BRD In retarn for two ads of poultry picked up on separate dates atl the Loretto BK. D. form Mae's Hive Poultry, according fo Mr. Wills, Issned cherks on tench orension {ne was wint of man ager Send ifate Shurg shat gail Mrs Maas Live f ros to Chap Foul: firm Ivers Prim HW the off) Over Wo Lranisse- B 1D farm Yahner of Patton charge made out in $2100 to Leo of the farn war asad in to Mr Y the am LF Lapary nd the Lhe sins of Both off the gevordingl 9 shiney Leharge Hastings Rotarians Salute LOOM Lodge At Dinner Tuesday Note History, Progress At Special Program Hastings Rotary Club on day night saluted Haast L383, loval Order of Exar. An (part &f ite cont inguin Wl progr Hin "mark! ing the Hh son verssiy of Rotary International : Ten lodge members were guests iof honor at a dinner-moeting in| i Demento’'s Restaurant. They were i Joseph Galinia. governor: | rence Tobie, junior governor: Gor. Tues hiss Lodge [Past governors, John preiate. RBugene Euodier, were lary; George Chigas, Jr, treasury | ar, and George Bakaiza and Jos. ioph Huber, trustees The history and accomplish | ments of the Hastines Moons were outlined by three Rotar. inns, all of whom hobl nem bership in the Moose Lodge. BStovens 1 Speakers included Clair Urich l imi | $56.000 home in 1924 . ENTEETAINMENT! | supervising principal of Hasiings | Kidder Join! Schools: Donald "West | Over, and Mr Ender fable. i the | Ler and tof Alt F Mr [was 8 Monday cal af Tons Schiereth | spent Cdaughtiers Law: cussts at the John Springer home was named 4 fill the : od | Jon Hoover and Phil Crovaver. basketball game on Ling at (at the home of Cand children, L Jane. tCarvrailiown al the home tend Mrs. Vincent I was | bangh of Indi ANA Spent the | elevated to the office of Pligrim | ‘in the Moose last year The Hastings Lodge now 470 members, was Sept. 21. 1910. It Cia bali its char The lodge is credited with spon. | soring the first senior the original sponsors of | League ity. 1 | Bost “Bbenairg Cambria’ High Mr. Urich pointed out the Lodge often has cooperated in school activities and han dona- ted 3200 townrd the purchase of band uniforms. It donated $1000 to the War | | Memorial Building Fund amd pro- | vided use of its quarters for fund | raising activities. Dr. Morton J. Earley was nam- £ ® 3 § : At the meeting of the Northern Canina Kiwanis Club hell last evening in Commercial old tton. Dr. B. FF. Bowers, inglow, and Rov. Plum. | mer Hy were elected dele. gonvention to be held in June at | Cleveland, Ohio. | DATSKO ON DEANS Last State University Agriculturdd ahd Technics! Institute, Alfred. N. Mr. Datsko, a senior in farm po- wer And machinery, is a joradu- Michael Datsko, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Datsko has teen pilac-| #d on the dean's list of New York! baseball team in Hastings and was one of | Little i Baseball in the commun | cutive SPCretary of Cambria Co | Chapter, American Cancer Socie- gates to attend the international | i CE . UNION PRESS. COURIER TESTS POLAR GEAR AT 45 BELOW SAY RI BAS rroaY KEENAN GOES SLEDDING Lehing a good team o or pc Fluskies (top) ith Oscar Martin to pulde her in » test run at Chesterfield In slet, Nort hwest Territory wilh in March Peggy embarks for the Nort an American expedition with the hope of becoming the first h Pole woman to reach the top of the world The test, at » bilimy 45 degrees Pweivs of an Eskimo mother (bottom). NICKTOWN Ry BARBARA LIEB s- Mra gan oO 5 her ad were Mrs Harold Kirsch BR Duteh-Maid Those 4 Parrish Merle Fred Wenkiagd Mra Herm Kirsch Mes W WwW. Kirsch Marlin Kirseh Mra Walle a Mrs AQlirese Pe#lers Mre Joseph Eloyvath Prot Theodire K reach Belvoir, Va. ensoute to Wash. spent! the \weelk snd home ; After \reps wing Lewis. he will go| to Alask Mr and Mes Ry turned 1o me allen ing the winter monihs in ¥5 Mr and Mr: Raveaond family of St ware Raturday evening the Darrell Krug home Paul Byrne and Geraldine Kru vg sone visited al the hon Mrs Fred Plister Was host party Bome whe Bere their ho Lawrence Visitors and Bunday Joins and Bob Dum of and, Ohio, spent the aL (heir home here Andrew Peelers was & Cresson Monday Regis Miller of Dety 4% Woe ry ar at the Lieb of Janet leveluand the week end at Ber here Mra A Pp vid, were last in Carrolltown Mr. and Mrs Jack Cleveland, Ohio, spent the week end al Genevieve Huber home Mr and Mrs Lous Ragley were Sunday din Hirsh and Ra 3 Testa ah Hender nes Pattom BR. D Reginald Kirsch and MeNulty attended the Altoona Caiholic and Johnstown Cathollk Friday even War Memorial Mr and Mra (Clair Westover of Hastings were Saturday foun Schiereth and Mrs E J McConmbie Patricia, Randy were Saturday visitors of M: on Charlies Mr Bhero Misses Helen and Mary Fara Week Es dist Ww pero. was brightened by an invitation DPR 4 $1 BIS Vimiiors and in to Wa in the cory EoD {interaaibnal Exclusive) Pation sven ng atl home und Mrs Terry the Fuhr Fag Ran Diareall WwW {le week sud Hae Volk of Thursday agley home and Sandra wis o Jae Sunda Y 1 a Lrwight : v2 i Mia altel sning Mrs $8050 § bind A858 Dg Hober and Mrs were Monday eve HE Fiaslings Thee Lieb and Mary d#lang, tadent nurses 5° Pittabnireh the week end ai Their Bones here we | Moant Zion Fvangelival Laotheran Chareh, Glasgow, Rev Jesse HL Wolf, Pastor Bunday--Morainig Ww i tm, And Sulidiay Me Woadnesday- Lesiien Vespers ai Blandburg Feangelieal Lutheran Church, Biundhary. Bev Jose IB. Wo » Wondny Mors dal om Moray Selhumt i Laithey Lesa Th rbiny Annan ¥ wR . | Week end. CROSSWORD i. Independent passa: 20. Provoke TREE were | and ehtidgren. Linda son and daughter, i Tuesday | Andrews of Buffalo, I & capaul i than, : Mr | Irvona, | and Building At Grove | Plan Testimonial City to Be Named Dinner for Torquato © For Cambria Jurist | At Gallitzin Apr. 8 The Gallitiin Young Des Clith, Lf with peat © heed [Day Judge Ivan McKenrick To Be Honored Soon A Cambrian Courly jurist honored Mar MM in a cere st Pemnavivania George Ju- | ator Republic. On that date Pres ident dee Ivan J MeKenrick will have a shop buliding at the Grove City institution aamed in his honor For many vears he mensber of the Re af directors the event, which | 2:33 p mW superintendent. sald sho building in| the leading oiti- paying our respuils fine citizens who the finest Amer in respect child Care ” 1 will 5p TONY naa public’ board In announcing ig srheduled D. fHiadden nn naming of ane ah we Bre fs tha many sve Stood for tricdition wiportunity and been a for 3 i 5.45 HW yf Can io The superintendent pointed out! that “it takes men of vision [0 give to a cause like the Raopubl i talent and substarice | the years” He noted that | iy 1940 the institut speed | inomed because of decreased f1- | nARNCes COUTRgentLs board | refusied to allow the Republic and | ta phil die” | With the help of members like Judge MoKenrik, Mr. Gladden the board in the years since 1840 has enhanced the pres. tige of the school wealth The of line igh thy yon but ® mOnDnY LO cintinted posrd alse hroadensd sohool's program ani capacity thousands of bovs In he pointed out. Today Republic is regarded as the best | school of its kind in the aurt of the nation the tendent stated BTR state Social Security Facts for Farm Families What De Farm Workers Have to I? f vou Go fann got cash Day sear from one employer avers by wir for card Or if i in a mocial sseurity ave never had one hast wit it et office, chnige il a t avast the = a $5 he can for COPY ber hig records back 29% or your security, add sroiint 38 his share of andl send the total amount ¢ of interna! revenue with seairity repon Shaw § fit Wael se ii the lax Lit drde fumber In in the common | the | to | the | the i eastern | superin. | t¥ others | of $100 or more | YOR) the Inw. You must Hi oY tone | fou will get | card to your «me the name! He pay i the sama | ~ Jolin R Epi er # on m nished by | bpd i burgh fot of a LE ang {and sisters | dstes will Arvin thy CGadlitein peters tov | at coinimititee paddent of #48 Mar Program Nivahgd ne POV Fyne Tie ket M sdnsicey init, with yvarned later fiak of the ialey Salis i2n era 16 he wt Ki the affair Mma any Young in The county x eels fo ree Mo fF the 3. of Cambie 0 purchased {Tpit Ceminty wil! aie of iperat ON the wi | ahs of the first annual Dinper-Dance 3 tha Hes fast will fini WR Jaf {eran at mn rales $4 re 3 t # worker mii a is OT \ oh Crib iE Thrauaio Thuis iMinCing aith Wally Oring diy This affair fies i be pte date ENLISTS IN TU, ‘nrg wn NAVY 17 ithe m Cm gery ah ¥ i ert mt be 4 )i Bs rts itil Be in Be sedltawn BR DL SiR : £85 4 3 [emacs of the gre wwii Sik ta th their spring Young with pre. Johnstown iicbey Wer | town High All the county rich tialent B ws bu present Longosky grit will set as gn CV Ney vigted aye as follow Progen. ABER a ” Md. fo her, Ray Nu Pred ule ¥t THe syed hairm BP is BUILDING Business Page 7.8 Robert ine Johsise assistants to be commits reassure Sher mem. Publicity: Gajlitein be OI iF NEW FARM BUILDINGS YOU REQUIRE, WE CAN SUPOLY _ WHAT YOU = DESIRE a H to the i Thin air names and be sure of gelting the craft toowarnis benefits BLANDEURG and Mira Rex a daughter of Cleveland visited at the Wyman dence over lie Weak #turned hone rpending he with his grandparenils Myr and Mrs Chariex Mills Aitoons visited Mir and Mr Henry Hollen on Wednesday Mr and Mrs Glans Fishel, arid Mrs Livan Fabel and Kenneth and Donnie Mrs Troxell and children and Nancy, Mis Chih, Brown 1 end. Son, with (Beni past mont T are § BRE aif soni, Rossel! ta and Rus sell Jr. were all ¢allers Runday at the Ro Mra Rose Resse of spent the week end al the Robert Thim home Mr. and Mra andy daughter visited al the home over the past week end Mrs Willis Lovell is a in the Altoona Hospital Mr and Mvre Dennis and children, My Lightner and chikiren mad, OO. and Mr and wd Lightoer and Marold 14 Carel, of hee Mrs. daughter Lightner | My. | Frail Freddie, Bill Loewrin | ¢ Fisher home in freon : Junin | | htner | not, | Clifford Wilkinson | J patient § Léghinur {8 and Mrs. Rai} Slew LE airs | venid | Gloria Lightner of Enola vishhad at pant week end Mr and Mra son of Windham 3. visited the George Lighiner home this Ivan Thomas and | witih | Mrs Mancy Thoms over the pait | Agnes Andrews Mrs Albeit | fowls and danghter Satna, Mon ! Addie Edmiston Connie. and Mrs and caliers in Altoona Haturday Mr and Mrs Guy Miller ed al the Fred Frank home Raiph charged Colwell bas from tho besn Army Rar, | Nord Vite. | Joyee, ware wii and | | Mrs. Rose Reese of Juniata visi|- || ni din | altir | § two years service, part of whioh | Was spent in (Greetiand Ralph ls] the son of i Colwell, Mr. and Mrs. Jamis Alber! Beck, Albert Buda. Jue N.Y. spent the week end al their local hon af here The regulsr meeting Caroline Rebekah Lodge held at the Glasgow Oxld Hall March 18 Theres Tupperware of will will demonstration of capsul neh will pals. A covered pnd and Mrs and Mr Mr pidiase Mr Paul and Flahel Mr and Ms children, Harry RAH ALS the | Joe Fellows | be &! aie {this will also mark an exchanje dinh | be Meld. Anyone having | remember | Rdwin Philigi, | ie | : Mrs. Wallage! | Maines and daughter of Altoona | all visited at the Lynn Fishel pits | _sidence Wednesday evening : Schmittle | Dale, Gillisu and! Rodger and Joan and Ralph Coil | well motored to Seward to visit! the George Scott home recently Mrs. Harry Waple and MeKinnen of Detioil, Mich visiting with Mr. and Mrs Seott Sr BOND SALES HERE DOWN Cambria County residents pui- chased only $776435 worth if Series 1 and tM. 8 Savings Bonds February. as conti § ps ved to roel worth during the month of January, : Mi | file | Na: § Advance pace and the ats limited. Other appointed =i son of My. x Hertzog of Care has enlisted in ivy throagh the Me assigned to recruit (rain is Se ade pay better! “BILL DING’S” Business BLATT BROS. GRAD oad Te PATTON, PA FRIDAY & SATURDAY — Mar. 11 & 12 wae FN IR GIANT SMOREEN! dn BSAA SSNS SHES NRA REN REST ER MCL FL SL HLL SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY—Mar. 13-14-15 | $8 -— THREE BIG DAYS! World News, Color Cartoon & Special CONTIRUOUE SHOW SUNDAY BEGINNING AT 2a WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY — Mar. 16 & 17 wee ON OUR GIANT SCREEN! Fox News, Color Cartoon & Novelty CASH NTTES EF a