Ha and BN ers h ariday. January 27, 108s on bria County Starts New | " Year With $225,000 Balance |. Receipts for 1954 Are To $2,957,384 In 1953; Cambria County began 1955 a cash balance of more than 5.000, according to the annual . of the county's financial by Controller srvenak Jr, pub- lished elsewhere in this issue Of the total 35192733 was in the was in the treasury of the tution district. Last year. for the first time, the mmstitution district account WaS teparste from the generz! fund district includes the Cousity Home. Children's Home “and child welfire The setup is administered by the county com missioners. Total receipts of both funds last vear amounted to $3.261918 insti tneral fund while 334 580 “fAXes were $3,216,918 Compared Two Separate Funds an increase of $304.534 as com Jasna to 1953 county revenue of 2.957 384 Total expenditures of both gen- eral and institution district funds last vear amoutited an increase of $252.25 compared | te 1953 When set uD the institution fund was | fast year, two county levied four for the institution district The total is the same levied en tirely by the county in 1853 Be fore, the two hinds were separ ated, transfers for the institution district provided its funds A comparison of the incomes and expenses for 1853 and 1954 is shown in the following table COUNTY FUND Income Casls on band Current taxes Pres taxes Friis Liquid fuels tax Department earnings rellaneous Testiporary loans Trassers General Administration Judicial Jails, corrections Charitios ! on indebtedness fre 1953 $ 252.844) 1854 $ 182.733 1.350.790 $15 886 141.734 126 R33 1.34! 1.517 28 O84 23.754 205.94" 220 972 122.751 145.711 14.160 1.130 476 00m) 414.000 184 * 728 3688 534 170.966 411.2318 288 82) 210.519 $ 420.183 286 O68 205.113 4.2%} 3833 58 8a 30.057 “213.8510 297 B38 27.671 23.904 633.0015 571.060 208 508 176.666 INSTITUTION DISTRICT Income kh om hand trent taxes Sh from geners] fund 1853 1854 3° $§ 34580 579.044 567 08} Payments by Torrance State Hospital for patients in County Home 20.514 29 (RR Payments by individuals for County Home inmates ince welfare payments by stale ¥ fiscellaneous j# of farm and garden product 25.208 26.356 15.55] 14 847 4.577 5512 % n52 1.132 Expenditures ; oe fa tion : aintrict pot set up Jan. 18 in $ 315273 104.342 56 585 128 187 $ 412.217 120.019 83.018 122.126 15.997 a8 separate account until 1954 North Shang! ler school Cleon Wyland, presi in charge Fifiy members Anna M. Falger teaching reading 10 her second grade Miss Falger wil Mrs dent, i explained the leps taken in pre. | paring silent and oral meeting of sachers As i Wis nee Paver Hast _Tpesday : | } i | a8 the preparatory book and word arills and phonetics, In her talk ‘Reading At Home Mrs. Esther M. Krug emphasized | that teachers do pot ¢ t the (parent to teach the children to read, dul rather that they wan! them lo help them enjoy reading. | near She stressed the fact that the | teacher and the school are justi a tree. She was Imposed were | six mills for general purposes and | rand family : und reading. | : Bailey Spangler Firemen Called Te Douse Two Blazes Spang e Voluntee BPW ETNe : weak Runday y 9 tinguish 8 shght i above M I» ford store was shghliy land on Monday hey 10 exiinguish a Mage owned by Charlies Swellic) | Spangler-Nickiown automobile biaze caus sive damage firemen to $3618 90% | EXPRESS THANKS Members f.vr Post 588 American | lary wish to thanks and apprecial those who coniributed tn the Eafe cara pearly CoTies WEE awarded 4 @ Whaler Diariene [Donald pent a8 few day visiting her grangparenis and Mrs Fussell! Straiton Mr and Mrs Rober: gnnounce the of ter inena Fran £45 a! hospital Thursday Mrs George Nicholson ed the funeral f "y in Elmira, NY. ~ Allen Flory, wh un Buffalo NY : week end al hiz home Mr and Mrs Arden SBhoves'u land Mrs Mary Guthrie visited [relat Nanny Glo Sunday | Colleen Kelly, Girard Caldwe ‘and Joseph Falger have returned it Indiana State Teachers Col- | hege after spending the semester | vacation at their ve hom. fag here A iarge i fonts dd ov jan Here Ys Nn reget number « 5 FOR &! tended the guguratior (yeorge Leander in Harris res. | tn rg last Tuesday MM Sgt isiy 17. 8 Marine Corps visited at th Horne of Mr and Mrs BR EE Stratton on Saturday Mr and Mri George Polio of Indians were Sun day visitors atl the home $ jady's parents Mr and Mis Btratton £ (aston:s Mr. and Mrs John Stine 6f A Iona vised (Ver Mr relatives in Cow the week end and Mrz Don family of Nanty dinner guests #1 the home of Mrs. Frank Dowey wr Thursday REILLYS By LAURA DELATTRI | Sister of Local Lady | Dies Following Accident observed Miss Mr. and Mrs rick motored to Lewistown day after Mrs Kirkpatrick re teived word of the death f her sister Mrs leoma M Boles who died 81 the wheel of her car when ihe and her mother, Mra Josenh were returning from Dry Run, where they Mad visited Mr and Mrs P. E Hockenberry, an iother daughter of Mrs Bailey ‘Mrs. Soles’ car left the highway Honey Grove and came to after hittin Gordon Kirkpat. Wir a hat a porch and 4 when re eager for Lhe child's Sets; Miaved from the car. The cause of | an the parents themselves The altendance banner was wor | by Miss Falger's second grade Plans were discussed for hold | ing a dance fur the pupils of the, Roll for the tl | Senior High School. Becond ersile children partici. da. Kine at the ineeting were: Wan. ne, Jane McCrystal, Rosa) SBha:on Pellas, Hop! ind Pom anet Mitchell, Billy Na gle, Barbara Corio, Joyce Bern. ard, Carol Ann F an, doyen| K h, David Arotin % a, Kenneth Pompa, Carole Powels, and Linda LaMagna. . ® For Spangler Elementary The followis six week period of the Spangler Elementary School: aul or SEES The regular monthly meeting of Lynn Wetherson Post 589, Ameri- can Legion Auxili last Tussday in the with Fryer, president, in c Obligations paid were Child Welfare, $12; Junior Base- ball, $5.00 and scholarship, $5.00. Plans were made for a spaghut- ti supper to be held Sunday, Feb. 8 from 4:00 to 7:00 p. m. jekets are $1.00 and the general public is invited to attend. The Spangler unit will be host to the county council in April The membership this year is 79 to dete. Thuse who have not as yet paid dues for the year are reminded thit they are now pay- able. The business meeting was fol- Hone imined, but it is {Boles may have suffered a heart Judy Westove! | ‘and daughter, | the home of Mr. and Mrz i Delattre of Ebenuburg on Satur | day evening : is the A-B Honor | * | transferred the accident has not been deter. believed Mrs (atisck. An sutopsy formed Mrs. Bailey was seriously in ‘jured and is a patient at (town Hospital. Her injuries ‘aint of a fractured jeg. none tebrae and severs! fractured and cuts about the head and | Funeral services for Mri Soles were heid on Wednesday after. noon, with burial in Lewistown ® * ® and Mrs! Alfred Dwlalire Louise, visited a! is being per Py yer ribs, face Mr Mrs. Pete Ropp visited at in Hastin Mr. an Altoona Mr. Baturday Mrs Pete visited al the home of and Mrz. Frank Delso evening , i Sunday Jules Degremont, for an eye operation this week Morris Roman, who I a stu ‘1 dent at Lock Haven Teachers Col- . | lege, spent the week end al the home of his parents, Mr. and Mm. George Roman, was held | mand on Sunday Wilkinson Elected sit | To Tenth Term As Fair President James A. Wilkinson of EbBens- successive term as president of The election took place atl & mee- {ting Friday evenihig in the asso- | ciation headquarters in burg. Mr. Wilkinson has headed the Other officers, also reelected, are retary, and Joan PF. G R. D., treasurer. The association sponsors annual fair under a lease agree ment with Cambria County gion Recreational Association Evensburg. Dates for the event were agreed upon si meeting. As usual, the 1855 fair will op- | 5, and will continue for week through Mr. Wilkinson said a similar to | that of last year is being Plamen, £2 and protect them from snags, | en on Labor Day. Sept Sept. 10. diversified program Be sure to > get a jpood but keep the hands in the when you are lifting. UNION PRESS. COURIER You Always Do Be rere ha rdine et OTe long lime stinee PEPPY s Worth Cambria yeEre Poll CAPR See & Fresier Kime Arg ung rip Rare more vi 3 WR EY Your whole famaly Evervthing for everybody . hand. can shop better mn hess tune and for the home as well . Befause you can choose from larger selections in wider price ranges m North Cambria! 1s close at vou can get exactly what you want at exactly what you want {o pay. Be- cause vou can values . La You Buy At Home” Cambria nrand see more merchandise, check more prices, compare more you can always get the MOST for VOUr money. stored specialise In mgrehamntise and. be new The mend hant berson- wow Bia reputation for henest Woubie assnrance To WEEK END Specials! Ground Beef Bb 35¢ Spare Ribs Bb 43c Fresh Sausage 1H 55¢ Sunerirat, 215 cam 16¢ Premier Chicken Broth can 22¢ Premier Mint Sauce = bottle 28¢ LITZINGER’S MARKET 404 Magee Avenue PATTON, PA " CLOSE-OUT On Rubber Footwear Men's Work Artics $4.95 Men's Dress Arties $395 1" and 16° Boots = $405 Boys’ Artics $2908 $339 Ladies’ Btadium Boots $3.45 Girls Stadiom Boots $2908 Ladies’ Heel Rubbers = 98¢ Children s Insulated Boots $229 Other Children's Boots $1 50 CHILDREN'S CotioN DEESSZS . fs 49 BIANCO & CARNICELLA Magee Avenue PATTON YEAR-END CLOSE-OUTS! Trade-In That Old Bathroom On a Modern Gleaming White Ortfit f x : or (Colored Ax Little As $3.00 v... Installed rst Payment aa March STROLLO'S i % jut BARNESBORO FRESH GROUND BEEF Bb 35¢ ‘I. Bone Steaks Jean Bee! Shank Boneless Stew Bee! Plate Boi} Whale or Hall Jumbo Bologna Home Urredued Stewing Chickens I erelin’s Special Blend Coffee I» 80¢ Franklin Bugar ™ 38 BD 4c ™ 85e ™ 25¢ 48c 10 bs $1.01 Whale sr (ream 2 No. 308 cans 33¢ CHURELLA’S MARKET Fifth Ave. Patton Pa Pond §.iy Corn A TOP QUALITY USED ) CARS 1963 Chrysier New Yorker Deluxe Club Sedan 18% ? BUNK Special Riviera -Danr Sedan, Hike new, fully rquipped FORD “¥V.8" 1. Dour Sedan PLYMOUTH Cranbreck Olah Coupe FORD (ustom 2-Doar Sedan CHEVROLET Dear HALUSKA MOTORS PATION, PA/ 1848 195) 1450 1948 Lewin. | OUR BIG February Furniture Sale NOW IN PROGRESS SEE OUR AD ON ANUTHER PAGE SHEFFLER FURNITURE Magee Ave., Patton ANOTHER FIRST! Patton Drive-In Cleaners with its Modern Method system. will PICKUP AND DELIVER _ ON SAME DAY CASE OF EMERGENCY We aise will pick-up on their regular dave of Monday and Wednesday and sis will pick Up By your phone call on any day of the week We aim to Please our customers with guaraniesd guality and service PATTON DRIVE-IN CLEANERS Phone ORange 41481 HASTINGS CLEANERS Phone CHapel 6-4553 SPECIALS! WHILE THEY LAST! BRAS: Jubliewes | cotbos) Haldenform | cotion) Formuld (satis & nylon) ane $1.29 £1.88 NYLON PANTIES Bloe Swan (elasthr and band leg) HALF SLIPS Nvion- Dacron Ravom Crepe Farabaugh’s Ladies’ Shoppe Patton Ebensburg Big Savings On Shoes FOR BOYS & GIRLS MEN & 'WOMEN Inventory Shoe Clearance Sale! FRIDMAN’S SHOE STORE BARNESBORO BROADCLOTH ATTRACTIVE PRINTS PLAIN COLORS LOW PRICED! Make votivesif or vour friends a beaut ful stole WOOL, DACRON, ORLON YARNS IN ALL COLORS ALL SEWING NEEDS SHARBAUGH DRY GOODS STORE CARROLLTOWN {hem | the | tome of Mr and Mrs. Ted Kline Dandrea of on | whd has been | & medical patient in the Spang- | ler Hospital, is improved at the time of this writing, but will be | to Altoona Hospital | Mr. and Mrs William Conrad | and family of Bakerton visited al the home of Mrs. Clemence Lalle- HEADQUARTERS FOR BE MY GUEST CONTEST Advertised Om Studie First Prize ROUND THE WORLD Trip for Twe Persons Second Prize 3. WEEK TRIP FOR TWO to South America As One! Third Prize 7 DAYS IN PARIS for Two Persons 7 4th prizes of 7 Days in Nas san, Sth, Voth. Westin Color TV Set. 4 6th esting house Capri 21” TVs: 3 Tth 21" i" XV Nets. 5 Sth radio phono comb Over $25,000 Worth Prizes! STANDARD MOTOR SUPPLY CO. LOUIS A. HALUSKA $28 MAGEE AVE. PATTON Phone ORange 35-2081 OUR MID -WINTER SALE NOW IN PROGRESS E ing for Women, iidren, Small Boys FANNIE C. WETZEL STORE CARROLLTOWN ¢ YOUR HEADQU ARTERS FOR ALL INSPECTION NEEDS ® KING PINS ® BRAKE LINING ® TIE-ROD ENDS ® TAIL PIPES ® MUFFLERS AT BIG BAVINGS MARINO’S HOME & AUTO BARNESBORO THE DEAL OF A LIFETIME! ON THE FABULOUS NEW 1955 FORD FORD IS THE BUY STOLTZ 18 THE GUY! STOLTZ MOTOR CO. Corner Fifth & § Aves PATTON Ladies Fashion Sale!" Gives you quality as well as savings. Clearance of fine merchandise you have been waiting for! SUPER SPECIAL VALUES Leather Jackets, rod, pink and white “Senmpeule™ NHps. n while anly Orien Cardigan Sweaters, pastel fades | Bedroom § at only Sioa $1.38 31.90 Dreams fies 1.80 “E——. Form” Bras amas choosing apsures you widest selections $96 DEPARTMENT STORE FIFTH AVE. burg has been elected to his 10th Cambria County Fair Association | Ebens- sasociation since the snnusl coun- ty fair was revived in 1946 after s lapse during World War IL Walter Good, of Johnstown, sec- Bloom of the | Le | which owns the fairgrounds at | 1955 the | SEE STEELE BEFORE YOU DEAL! BEST BARGAINS ON NEW & USED CARN! STEELE AUTO CO. BARNESBORO FAMOUS . MALLORY HATS $6.95 _ 510-00 OTHER MAKES $3.50 C. A Sharbaugh CARROLLTOWN, PA. NOW . .. PICK-UP & DELIVERY SERVICE Just Dial ORange 5-3191 CODER’S Dry Cleaning FIFTH AVE, PATTON AND Electrical Appliances Mixers. Toasters, Waffle Irons, Irons, Colfeemakers, Etc. PATTON HARDWARE Magee Avenue ALLOWANCE for your old suite | on the purchase of 3 new suite! EASLY