Largest General Weekly Newspaper Circulation in the Ares { THE UNION PRESS-COURIER I ————— shed ursday by Thos. A. Owens and Frant P. Cammarats, ry Boling. 36 Mages Ave. 5. F2- $d entered us ssoond class 0 matter 7. 1998. at the ice &t Patton, Pa. under Aer of 3. 189%. 3 ¢ . Thomas A Overs Rditor FRANK | P. CAMMARATA Business Manager A. OWENS JR. wine MEA Editor . Circulation Manager DITOPIAL ign MEMBER OF PENNSYLVANIA NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION The sndeavor of the Union Press-Courier is to sincere represent org- Snined labor in all efforts to obtain sconomic freedom terial for pub- Heation must be signed by the writer as an evidence of goof faith The Union Press-Courier circulation district covers all of Northern Cam- bria County and part of Southern Clearfield County. Publibed in N Cambria and Coaiport-Irvons Bedi : It’s a Big Week for the Democrats Tuesday of this week was inauguration day in Harrisburg George M. Leader, at high noon, took the oath of office as Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He is the first Democrat in 20 years to assume that high office. His friends and well-wishers by the thousands converged on Harrisburg to witness his inaugra- tion. Cambria Countians were well represented in these numbers and asitle from the many that went by automobiles, a special train took a great many more Cambria County has been fortunate In this now Democratic administration. The speaker of the House of Representatives, Hiram: (i. Andrews, stands high In administration councils. Our Demotratic county chairman, John R. Torguato, is a member of Governor Leader's cabinet, being secretary of labor and industry. His bi an important assignment—one of the mowt vital of alt the cabinet positions. Cabinet posts for Cambria County certainly have een something of a rarity in the past. And State Senstor ~ John J. Haluska is Senate caucus chairmmn for the Democrats. Chrtalnly, Governor Leader dide’t forget the 21,600 majority vote Gimscing through the “Pennsylvania Manual’ we find that ¥Y Torquate's departmental organization includes the Work. Compensation Bureau. the Workmen's Compensation Board. the of Inspection, the Bureau of Mediation. the Labor Relations ihe Bureau of Employment Security, the Bureau of Women liven, and Hours and Wages. the Bureau of Industrial Stand. the State Board for Vocational Education, the Bureau of ibilitation. and other similar activities Very obvious, too, that Cambria County, al least In Br. has been more or less a stepchild of the state as fot of matters. Whether or not politics has been We are not in a position te state. Particularly in the rentional activities bas this county been given the fo just about every county that borders ns in The State Fish ‘mary-s-ose in Cambria County. : Barr Township, did construct the Duman Lake In at Harrisburg wilt take us with Mr. Andrewc and Mr Torquate both in key I Harrisburg it is not Mkely that Cambria County's i Will be Neglected at the state capital Aside from the Mion Center in Johnstown, which Rep. Andrews had 5 le government's attention for many a year the Democrats in Cambria County, but the Repub. Hl. are looking forward 10 a Better deal than has been i past. Certainly the handsome majority that was had is Borial might be erected near the ‘North Pole. Admival Robert E generally accepted. However, there still are ares who will always stand ready to dispute rials that the Peary family had lived in Gallitzin, | W. Peary. father of the Admiral. died there ig 1550. and that his widow and fom went to Maine to Sinployment consid Gefinitely of Cumbria County gave i pranches of infustries in portunity to conlacl hose § “As | See It” UNION PRESS COURIER By ... STATE SENATOR JOHN J. HALUSKA Weill, Tuesday of this week was a “red letter dav’ in Pennsviva- ‘nia. Thousands upon thousands of people poured into the capital city from the four corners : Pennsvivania and wiinessed of the greatest cerem times while George being this great mweait? Special plied # er $31 paris aryl wr TERE : {ondey BWCrN LAOvVerno: wt afte & } railroad = Harris i Haluk a Passengers Sen vidal ilies It was CIP ressions mi by the who wi Hope that this give Fennsviy adership thas alate is rightfully Hope tha! the snemplovins world Bec oop inrrea sed § £m ¥ read ¥ $3 SOON few industry Ww fy settle in em ands of those who sre HE the streels vainly work. So therefors fer in Pennsvivania ebout to be writien However, the new tion starts of! wilh advantage and Fine hus left 8 sixty million Greer three Rundred million in comm which fulfilled by the incoming ad gitration So all iotaled Leader four numdeed et thet mus ties before BURUrsiing any new plans However, credit most be gin rx Governor Pine because at lis last appoarascs speaking ithe Geaeral Assembly, he ack mowiedged these deficits and informed the Peansvivania pub he that they really existed, rontrary te Gov. Martin's de partare from the legisiadnre who declared that a two bund. re million dollar surpios was im the stale treasury at the time of his departure But the found that rather than surplus in the Treanu: par Martin actually lel ital with a deficit of aver hundred million dollars 80 Governor Fine was {ar rig the answer to problem as a Governor topespect Rim for Lhe splayed and being honest Ris conviclions e. Bad set the state back a! Wn years in sdvancemaen) The one bright personally like in Gov der's first proposal is that statet hat the Secretary of Commerce will gan who will take care of duties 385 dsys a veur job it will be 15 make known contact with industry and pitential manufactorers through out the ration and endegvor | sistice them 1a sel ug Pennsylvania, and in additin 4 thereto, the depuly 10 the Bed tary of Comumnerce will be cated in Harrisburg twiddiing Bis thumbs but his offices will bee set up in ihe nation's capilad ii Washington, ID C. where he will bave direct contact with all the #n the on people inform all He Pernsvivani the yiavment iQ thal & ¥h * eas the PEN BOiiar def tlmenis will find himself he &Ye iRCOMIing A Peoast , $F g Ww I »é en FHMIR ’ Ent that! we [2a he SNOT #3 few De a wis Whe every Bp Camb et tire country and have personally snd then | possible leads that he may pick (gp directly to the Harrisburg of. { fice It to me that Peon wylvasia is really setting the ork to make It one of | greatest industrial states is the nati's snd create em | for all those who are t and able to work. 1 feel i sonfindent that no stosw will be left unturned by Lead o's sdmisistration to help the people of this great Common- There will be a long past due bighway expansion program which will not only be a safety factor fir the motoring public. but in OI ne 4 o ON SAVINGS Gur hope that {pV er will cobperate with a public iS DOW Federal Govern public works proj unities where it. OL dl A TREE FERDINAND DPD. WHARTON {heat Npwings Pa tree. | not aran one wh dP LOR FL ad er nds HN hd ROY SW grow and ih RE oh eartl these things 4 & Lrese Isture at i Trealer aalince than seven miles | from the cenler of said county sy Arr! The SMART way to arrange your air trip is through Your “En | Known | very predominent men and inci- C some extent ) { Shawneetown was occupied by the Burt Cabins were devastated by the whites Shaw. | The Johnstown Motor Club Travel & Keservation Service 124 Main Street, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Dial $-6441 xr Facts About - Cambria County By MAMLON BAUMGABD SER Ebensdurg. Pa Lambria Lointy Came fre sedford County. whi Was a pari of Cumbariand Coun tv, which was erected from a part Gf Cheater County This county CAME inlo exisience because hes mintly CImIn tn 4 Was one of Lhe hres emignegl by [Onde of ; % Wiis Penn ts Pennsvivania Bedford County was formed the minth day of Msrek Wh Bedford County was ted 177} EE prised » portion of western Pennsvivana On the 3h day of Reptamber $787 & part of the county of Bedford was sel erect Hunt mEdon County ane biter orn AEae iarge ie Fig Somersel County was erected out of Bedford County on the 17th day of April 1795. It is from these we counties that Cambria County was erected on March 28 1804. ine 4 Crip fiom of the county. taken from the act of assembly ereciing il, is as follows: That 6 muck f of Huntingdon and Bomerset cluded following boundaries to wit: BEGINNING at the Cone MRLEN river at the southeast cor ner of Indians County. thence a slraight Hoe to canoe place on the west branch of Busquehanna: thence easterly SGng the line of Clearfield County io the westerly comer of Centre Coun- ily. om the head of Moshannon treek: thence southerly along the Allegheny mountain to Somerset and Bedford county lines: thence slong the line of Somerset and Bedford counties sbou! seventeen iiles, until a due west course and from thence will strike the main branch of Paint creek: thence down said creek the ®iferent tourses and distances {hereof 11 it empties inte Stonyereek Lhe tity se ee sonth- Lhence down the Stonycreek the ‘fimelf will create thousands of ona jobs for our working | people. different courses to the mouth of Mill Cresk: thence a due west fine Ul it intersects the line of Somerset and Westmoreland counties. thence uortherty along the said Hine tu the place of be ginning. be and the same is here- by erected into 8 separate county, to be henceforth called Cambria County, and the place of holding the courts of justice for said county shall oe fixed by the legis any place not at a It Is interest to note that Jefferson, aaa Clea were erected inte counties by the act of March 26. 1804. The territory has a history that is enviable. Before ine Revol. Uonary War ithe country was in have been visited by dents In Bedford County we have the oid Forbes Road followed 16 by Route No 30 Indians and nestown now is the home of fore mer Chancellor John G. Bowman He formerly was connected with | the University of Pittsburgh. The nresent Rhawnee summer resort is located there Various markers are alone the road showing where the old Forbes Road was in earlier years, Washington had planned that a road should be built in days running along the foothills the west from Fort Louder bes, who was the British gen- was in very bad health He direct Col. Henry Bouquet to proceed with the bullding of the Fortes Road named after the aiek British general. Bears of the id road are visible along the en- ¥ jie 1) the id road and i as eave Bed and enter Romerset Puart is still visi redoubts whieh Bit all else is short Gidtanee fhe the vemnants CFL of which {o- standing and which Casper Rtatler . Statlers of Vis} tha fost from SON part ihe TO JANE. .. By A PAULINE SANDERS PRD Irvona, Pronvyivanis Fennsyivania anid se mans hame masa ai ¥ event BOe limes wieder ¥ mn ph AKI Ze Fev en Farm Folks: i ike WU watch the Sanders ¥3 is? ihe turning of his plow - His tractors The sweat y watch him And {eed the pigs And wield far *¥ oP Mis Axe Ie se his wile And tend the Men flock Prepare the and srab And There is of greater those endearing folks wh Their Their Buarvest is the That the Fianild be 3 4. On which they 52 wos we iit he Le a SR 8 finer Worth BW ly Finda ib Op Fro no vie iving fron vimted And Sin red Are $i 9 tat Sg When the wintry winds blow, Ws cusentinl te Rave “protec tive foods” Bigh in vitamins and minerals. Fruits rank as very important in this group. Bas anas have an abundant supply of vilamvies and minerals, as well as high food energy, and Rrapefrall is known particularly for its Vitamie ( A tis fruit Heh " stamin OC fr : 3 0 fly active exireamely and Erase exonplion A modera- mam needs 75 reat thy 5 SERIES originally , §7ais of this essentinl nutrient a ay in order lo stay Meal rondition #Mred grapefruit daily reguiremen? . frus fruits in prime Rhy Haif a ine h mm will supply bene Biis are no Mi Te the health-giving Vit t L. however Theres is the add 4 Bemus of carbohvdrates Batural sugars hare snirces of energy This PR Bid rll Bigrtier which ‘ dm sch Won breakfast fooxd There are IT or more seedy Wea wd grapelmiis compionly growing hat the relatively seed less varieties are becoming more wprilar. Pink fleshed grapefruit 8 rapidly becoming a headliner Just now grapefruil is in peak production. the shipments being from Florida mainly. with some from Arizons and Texas The best grapefruit is heavy for its size, an indeation thet this fall of juser { a good point to observe in oranges oving purchased jor ju.ce aly). Th Reavy trolls wesually are thin shined and give more good eating for the money. Grapefruit often has hronse of fusset coor, af indication of fine eating guauiy. There is a wide range o. difference in Maver In different varieties of grapefruit Tartness amd sweeiness vary from mild to strong. Try the du ferent types to see which your family prefers ; nere Are More oranges than a year ago Florida is steadily in- creasing its Vilencia production | This variety of orsage ia not so round and not so rich in color as a8 RB Navels but is decidedly juicer A peculiar characteristic of the Val encia is that after ripening part tums & somewhat | of “tx akin freen again rare in ancien! times breaklast-lunch-dinner fruit. The supply is four times larger then Mise year. Use It often Presto and vou have a wide-awake : breakfast fruit cup made from ‘tangerine sections and sliced ba- nanas. For luncheon pile tanger. ine sections and into thirds. over sections of grapefruit and oranges which are arranged on salad greens. If vou want to keep this as a calorie (pointers salad use citrus juice as the dressing Wremach dressing is tasty if you dom't mind the cal ‘ories. 1 call this Sonshine Salad Mavhe vou prefer the ever ‘available and often more popular banana. If so, arrange overlap ping grapefruil sections slong the ceniler of the salad plate Peel Danana snd slice crosswise into Pieces about 5 inch thick Ar range 2 rows of overlapping ban- | (Ana slices around the sides of the plate Garnish the center with crisp salad greens and berries or cherries. Serve with a tart dres- Sing or a sweet one if you like it better. Do try this and just see how smart this reversal af ar. rangement is orange sections are pretty, too Sometimes make the Zippy Salad Dressing’ ; Use fresh grapefruit juice as al substitute for vinegar in vour French dressing recipe and add % up | other i are using it on salad greens alone | such as curly endive then add icup of chopped tions also. § Pork Is in good supply snd {well priced just now, so bere is colonial | The spicy-scanted tangerine, so | im now a il dates cut | Pink grapefruit or crumbled Roqueford or an- | very sharp cheese If you | grapefruit sec | Tangy Tater Casserole ta serve with Use capped or fresh Save the waler in which they are cooked or the myrup ue the ean. Peel and section 2 lariger ines for one can or 4 to 5 medium sized swest potatoes futtny a casserole Pla invers of sliced potatoes and tan gerine fn Bprinkie with Brown sugar ls Cup and dot abot 3 tablegpont 428 Margarine BY rup over yg uy Mais other of friendiy and warmth friendliness home of ther evening 5 arvand As we wer Se rye felicioni it: swapta fre he gitarnale Syren De ia} SEery aig with for ou TIA . Fin Ven J Ae il dream It was a mederns version of the old-fashioned churnsd jee eream--churned 8 a Treorer operated by an electric mater I know you will want the for mula-—a good one to ase when fgEs are plentiful For I quart ated milk tablets 4 cantils flavoring arvd nutritious of i Ad & gation ~of Wf milk and yyy oO DARK arent THOT & Parti t and wone iC indy whe Oot QUIK SPONGE (AK Birr teat EF? Fie it * IEASDOOR Dating Dower tenapoom salt =f 1 sugar Break 3 oggs inl and tii colored A «hi ice beat % thick Add up cold ED Vania 1 # flour hard tx * Por t n ir wif at and inti and ixture all at Wye HigniY pan srs Masts Noakes WE xed in iid baking CTY TR Ne i odd oven FEMIAOvEe Dan thor or into sl 8 De Hage This Geil ted fore cooling | It may he se whipped foesn't need If you'd ra ft Hen why nat DBIOWT Le £ ¥ mas and bake stead of nto #11 a add ¥ with 15 min? PR lies MaRing period the oven [oy Spread sys Vey AS usiial take it coro nul for SOs ris? 3» Thursday, January 20, 1085 move from heat and add 1 tea spoon vanilias. Serve cold : For variety add 1 are or 1 ke 10 substitute nuts in the battler whieh 1 in the pan as for apy lrownie recipe Before baking ounce of chocolate’ ore DK» P with a mixtorve of 4 cup ing Use nuts. cocoanut, oF fit tablesponn sugar and as suggested for the baked wae melted nitter Fold in '. cup of a 4 cream to the chilled want a fully dennert. for better homemaking, PAULINE ROOK SELECTIONS give tary tale hooks ae children until they spe seven . years old sir weak the-rules It's fo fun Breaking the “niles unless "wou know them Yodng children h 3 things quite exciting the hk ¢ they really are, Marguerite Lo Dy: Penn Brate extension family iife specialist, stales i 1 Soinetimes | AOE pag afhirea dl 2 iatiespoins ety Jigs are sill plentiful, so | want te remind vou that the projortions for fhe baked cus tard can be asd Tor a custard. type pudding. that can be pre pardd ahead of tine, stored in the refrigerator, aml served at several meals in oa variety of os a ways. Cond be you have mis. =" °° add it, so here it is: ABOU pd tf a" # Der A aa RT ley (yingaHome? Use an FHA . Morigage Plan £ 5 1% iorms fo ol ip the routine of your office or shop ur suggestions. without obligation, n anything from a shipping lag to g coor dincted system of forms UNION PRESS-COURIER PATTON, PA po 9 from ———— your Sa 4 COOKING IS CLEANER ! ~ @ > J Taki 3 mew look at your pots and pans the nest time vou wash the dishes. No rubbing and soak: mg problems if you cook electrically. Bur my, how black and hard-to. clean vour kischemware can become with other cooking methods, A modern Electric Range is cleaner in other ways, ton, No blackened bumers. Swyclean working surfiices. Cleaner kitchen from floor 1 ceiling and wall to wall. Any way you look = it, an Electric Range is CLEANER. See the range of your heart and home . . . at your elecizic appliance dealer's showroom NOW! > PERNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC COMPANY