UNION PRESS.COURIER 2 SECTION 2 Page 1.8 nA SS AY cortege . or ioto - aR, - ee A mio nd ear 1954 In Northern Cambria dent. Patic chutes fails to open: ammouner through loeal commilecmen, and SE per Freer pains in pew contract 3 | yy lus ten Aen will Boast N ws Line state meh . i officis FoR] bi £5 : Flow sary & faenl mn cOBnty | wer tnd Wien Mary wherdeam, Fatfion provements at Patt RG X % C le ati ne g Nt Patt x 4 3 he a , air rid drill In aves acess RP. wins county Vales of j y «ry raved at Patton 2 4 : Par xan in om ; I. Tigs 7 : " F ) fol, “all game season operas Premor rgey comtest 5 comcts of Barr Twp. wins EY nih alt). gu a : a | 5 a reer nail nN. Sa i " , i Nes d for mext yoar BY enin = Of All Kinds : Cries Band. john, 4 ‘arroll Band | » t |=: | AB | : M WV EMBL R N.C. Seowt District? Christos £ Chiorus hold «¢ . 3 Rk ¢ Fam : 5 | ip: 44 File 2 : L% ed / . : er M on — or sleeted ms lighting. displays, bit wi theme SPT | “8 of Penny) | peak in this district: all district NIA as NATInCID Cam | men's Aman a [letien af new hailing: vw BMA SEY EAN TVS a -., vamia. John Saylor renamed as; CM ther Sr. Burnesbore. aty was concerned was | uadling surplus food distrib. “WO RIUVA BRIAR NRL Fp : BP Shabana samed president of | dies 4 on after Delng : S of the Hoxsey | Harry's Place in Flastings = tion for county corhriissionsrs: : LH VLE
: : pt plored Seon! (i Directors: State Farm College i fans comstruction of 3. 5" g SEArRAUGD at Bakerton |= A Tad alert : (2 Hoxsry visits county to inspect . new buildings. : ; ra brian fa re fark Brown Patio sites for olol Bey Father nh Bas eevee : gh : ) = ‘gt Harrisburg: plans ; damaged in fire; mass North pa 3 : Amar auf . WE mew’ Flows g NE ; . ¥ AL Say thohc Ea eat’ pied for repovation of St ‘ Westrick Maton Ce. Cuerali. Cambria industrial mest held at | Bae ORY Petes of Fotos Maneny Do bey TE naive, | sing: Hotme fat 1 dom Ls ion Ca 8 May t M g Church. Hastings own, becomes Wo separaie Carrolltown: “Club 54° provides J" don Babap i a ln a oy 1 an oa 5 & 3 5 . y : ‘ & dealerships — Westrick Pontine sfter - prom entertainment at | | 0 1 5 Fe &1 Laat Kemaeth F Launtl, Cowpom, 7° iy A William + w eaidiand is, of Friday, New Year’ $ Eve and Switzler Budek; coal out Patton: Coslporl gets new fire Valley | Sportsmen's be Aiea drowns in small dam near Bis | DORE PTE a Sn Chent Springs killed when dke on " - put in 15th Disirict shows "538 trwek Bold 1 bed rh : borne: Barbara Semmthers, 17, TOP0T i - 42 it. RE. straek by env. Patton Youth oo pe Pr = X11 Ins oad Sh. drop of $12,134 toms: Dr. EK. P Spe 34 eg | lopped] {81 21% comtracts i # Fhenibmrg. named Sesgpil goeen gio pier debit a Py nen {enter opens at Eagles’ Bldg stholics may oi me we Nw o ” orig Ted he He (ry y wad . , 4d eR ok tor rr that it ! Thai bod Bed as $4 compete Patton Carden | ; . aut ot SEE h i ydier apemesorship of PTA 4 Vem : ‘ 4 PN a dinner after retired from IR jE is © . FA : ata : 3 ry ge ! {vi k git Stady (Jab makes annual tony LE cE ¥ fai ming BT an MM Bearer, Hostings, whe bat = 3 vibe ears’ service os Patton School } La sng Kittanning Pat? SREY. | rity Cambr ny fection ] : 4 eas page. | SHAR g Bl i spat en: Pat arey carly in year. shoofs bear 3 v : Wood gubernatorial nominee Fil giianis atatom 3° 4 i reer SG attend Pruniceel { a ril; Bock of 106 robbins seen : SOCHELY ELRLeS ‘> : 2 be : Pri Sets 8 oh : Pog : * q dan . aE ig . She FP iol a ‘5 i 5 , Vv hs : ; ki @ aH Ls wy fy RD 2 ih hp ; EY ¥ } ¥ in Hastings. aS Pathe TH wd LL bo. 9 Hoxney's) | SY TOURER. 3 ade at Eoensbirg) n DECEMBER Representatives of 8 Patton-4 Demakine. Rey ; § t ar 5 ¢ 4 A 4 ; MO mt hed § . : : : ® NPattas # Ke Picw . Carrollitown-Hastings area school | hth Hastings Cambs posrds plan meting to discuss | jie priesthood a wl pan v4 Industrial On v £ 1% Pres Lins in HOT 8 Suniet asks that _ big jointure instead of 3 smaller! purrchased by D $i EY Narth Cambria men started as distressed ones; Patton borough employees und John K | ndderson. boot ¢ growling beards with the offi : covered by social security. $10. Elenstorg sa 1m i i cial prochmmstion of “Brothers ; G00 fire at Cresson railroad office, | hids - 5 rig Bo bes af the Brash” orgamizations and hoolsi: { &3 § BVIn 453 BE Cam | and 3 buildings burn at lalose [ Ward, Patton nominated chair pregtess reported in plans for it) f assessment valuation | Jerry Yahner Patten BR. DD. nn CCasrmmbra to sy week-long crlebrations to mark 20-year k; Pal- wins first prize im state FFA | milles My Rosar 33 re A 150th anniversary of Cambria (citizens tub dag. competition for his poiate pro- | 1. Houck Hastings teoornes fa County: Patton Volunteer Fire Hospityl | Jeet: Jean Christofl termed as | OF te Marian Year hymn Co. lists 81.225 in convention " helpery; sane by West Virginia asathori- Original “Little Rod School priess painting projeel IR aii thes: dames Kelly to head Car atl Rt Bonifscer closes: Patton pleted at St. Beraard's Church ir Junior Firemen: Mardi Recreation Park opens Season: Hastings: constraction of dam fe Gras festivities at Patton help | Rickard home, Hollentown, de begin at Dysart; James Din provide funds for Firemen's | stroyed by fire: Memorial Day | ransky gets doctor of medicine Convention at "atten. marked by all vetersms posts: Segre j Ate # Panzak ol Span Emeigh mine (f Peale, Peacock | Dean Twp. School Board seeks wins secom@ prire ia Timte "pep . . 3 : s xd PE wi " . y A | & Kerr closes; Hobert Krise new | to quit Cresson jointure setup; wid 1 gion Ay may Stl TEMBER | comp owner Patton Lumber Co. John' 18th child born to Mr. and Mes : Contest; doctors demand Sen Cambrin Coonnty Fair opens | 8770 ‘1. Barnard seriously injured when | Walter Lich, Nicktown Haluska's resignation as sdevin- {| $ yr Bemsbur, wt Micha 1 pen struck by car in Louisville. Ky istrator at Miners’ Hospital due 8% Sisemn hurt Yu comtion Week 62 area high school musicians in UNE to Hoxsey controversy Hanyok. Barneshore, Killed a : : County band of ob ihe i . We steps om 10.006 voll Be: Bm Mr. and Mrs Martie Pas iak Adams. Summerhill 1 yal 1 Cerpinonies mark gesing © JUL Y i sttewnpling to atd wreek wie. | of st. Beavdiet avark Tind wed {bria Cx Medical! Society. in Tet. new mddition. installation of vet gs {thoes fledd voler registration is ding swsiversary. Paul 3, Wilk h i 2 ¥F. MH $t- 3 OF BARRA. HILAL =a — J 9 i fe massed roan? oo “Courier. Backs Haluska E50 Gi eg Aprnent a pei Epes Atty Benedict FilaGerald en- | held In county: HH { Meow of f.orett mused $Ty Gael | stand a tization: | Jones. Plant in Patton. making it | ters hospital controvery ka coins | Hamas resumed Co. Fomiona | He i Sf antat Avestan, ; ai Grange waster: Fosak Haba, $ surplus food sought for county only plant asbie 10 produ wie | sel jor Sen. Hiei i pendently a Van Heusen “Cen. | “Brothers of Brush old iitiad : B wftaee, haw 190 Re-— ”e ; oC TOBER 3 : Lary Undiar shart, show ter dmdy | meetings: Sterling 8 n p pha : inde Hosther 5. 8f 3 ghey | i 4 ; § : 3 § i | MARCH oe : Lf Fatima eveclied on Carrolftown ys - | erton comes opefelion Meterical| addition started for Biswind ; fhe dies of polic: thom Hoang Jess Bearer, Hastings. suffers! Micktown ral: Camprbiitoen sol. | pagesnt planmed for county Bes! : . classmates of polio-atricken cRD { joss of right hand in sccoidental | (ns seek widening of fairgrounds | Qui cbservance, Co American La w fren get gamma gloud lexpiosion in Flomda; Dondld turve, work progresses on re | gion celebration opens at Few 1 | tions. Eugene Endler Swanson. 8L Blenedict. member | (onstruction Patlengit. Lawrence burg] Patior Fire Co isle con | ; | nonoved ae Phgrin of Pittsburgh Pleate farm team, | road. : | venlion commitiees; 3.077 | Loval Order . : ; Killed in auto mccidemt in New | am ven In ares by Ca . , Pant Holts resigms an poste | . i —————————————— York State; high winds, floods | | & Pumith Anan nD TS A a | Ca master at Hastings: Frith Barn : : : oN TT hit North Cambria in freak wea- | : Poounly fre school. atl nenr Hastings destroyed by five ther period; Br gasoline trek | d {pon road paver additional : : o el 3 Iw appr! Say bor for § om: spills cargo on Patton's Beech | | siren neta ed " Patton Mo oF | fe Ee gress: RG Lieh honored for 33 Ave. Lent starts. dog license Bales Co. road, 410 05 JUL ¥ € EN , yours serviee sx officer of Bar checks gmade if district; plans | Hospital controversy fams in- | a sk | esbors K. of (.: Patton park advanced for Cambrias Sesqui- | to Bames: Walter J Kessler, | ha | ing weeters paid for in fell. i8 centennial orlebiraliony 15. Ebepsburg. killed whens five | . i | seek job a administrator at Bev. J. W. Skillington, pas. | cracker explodes empty gane F a 141 | Miners’ Hoaghtal: Dr. Dopaid © tor Hastings Methodist Church, | fine barrel: mew cond cleaning | a al | sharbangh, Carrolitown, leaves vibtater installed at SterBag 1 | — for Army Sevier S000 Hash mine, Bakerton: John Carrell 17 : bulb phote taken of Horseshoe wehpol Board plans to ndd room 3 : i {wrve pear Aleonss z | by removations: Mrs Ligouri | Hot lunch orog For & Nappy Mew | Lacey, Carrolffows, named as Hast a or, Y -) provident Cambria Co. Legion | Baaves na Te Yesr to all our Amviliary : official program for RE os ho Donna Joan Buck, 6 Bt : : | Sewpui asneunced : Ring out the old ane "Haze Paiion | ustine killed when hit by true friends and good | Carrolitown Barnesbors share} es ideas on teen-age in front of school: Patton y 1 dubious honors ss having salt = peevigion {ernie clamp down on speeding. { patrons. May you real estate assessments in county | ay cher and joy erat: § Republicans in Can Ann Dupriest. Glasgow, wins the | . (us compared with actual values. | bria Co. eligible to vote: complete | | WE DELIVER REAL COMFORT & Re | ible siwaits word as fo whether fil] the coming year ! fition stings Bell Tele 4 Es- | hove success and public will quit hospital: hear $ ves a TE Rs eae] 1 RIGHT To YOUR HOME " : a AhY be * Le pia ae ‘ pe 6 { oy Ful i ings xt Ebenaburg resuil in Min- for o. ‘for 3 rew biidings at | Fran ; Crar PG il Li ire APWEVE 4 eur frien 8 re EVE O86 ' 4 : beppiness slweys ters Hospital staying open and ns 9 lends and cin College : : ; : on smalier sinks; controversy I poth staff. Sen. Hajuska, ordered ee EF po, pendy to A ar tank with Nes G * By Cat ¢ ; H hair § 4 Carvolltows Sceonts oaberiain rages over contruction of ito be quiet or be held In con sll their loved ones) parents at party: St Besedict school tor newly-formed sor G i | ten pr: 300 take Red Cross swim. Swi Cambria District. : ermaine | ming; lessons at Patton: whisker. Faplarce Sespte tule ungume Over 70 ing nid off at mine Niebaue i |g nag on hubs ih Bias pean A CORNER DINER fram trip » Fuarope cramty in 10 enrlosds sur i Tr forcement of rules: Geo A List POA ou -; food ! : mention st Patton pe . | Bary Purp electad supervising ks Fiastd os fo 3 ; & . : - Electrical Contractor | primes a nei Toird} TON. PA aetings gets mew fer Craek oover | iP Cg SOREN 3 i . 4 pind of Cambria Westriek Panflae ope ; PATTON, A oi at Rud at A © GPR EW A 2 é ¥ : sent Datrict Chest Springs | garage. Caevolltows Martane PHONE Barsewbors 88 | Grange asks Goeiors 10 SXPAMR | wmmcmmemm——— Phe. Paul 1. Davie, St Asgns NORTH SPANGLER | reversal of decision to back Hai | \ tine, plunges fo death as PR PR- usd in seeking invesugaliom of pas" Saad, Si earner frealrment as stated in | lel. | tery written Feb 0 "Rigters of Bwidh' organizations form in ob sevvance of Resg Work hastened on building of Hastings Park; “Conrfer begins puldlication of FiteGernld's re- \ port on cancer to UT. S Senate; Mtg, Co ‘ plans, reopens curved screen instalied at the “or Pepa repair. work; | JALOWIEC CALM Grand theatre: kangaroo kourt of Commerce | : % trinds begin In ares: Ashville i X Counell to repair poul st Ash ville Park: S$20.008 spent im prwing Dumas Lake: report MoCrery's to open new 5 & 16 at Patton i Mire Madeline Gregory lakes over ss scling sdministrator al Mutuen Hospital after Board of | Lr rostees ousts Senator HMaluska | A ; i : ban Poe moi other wilh approval et EERE oe y § . : RH ¥% ia hs Council voles to reconstruct bad | f : f ilinmanusaip of the master printer Taal ities wills on reservoir : Co. plans to enleriain 1.200 debe | ; gates during convention Rav | : Bryer b we do. You'll get the anton label printed Shortencarvier named state dep | : : bh if wi Nagi Y oie enim I mans: Sn uty of Knights of Columbus Mrs | is : > - ki fou won't see the dilfer- John Whalen new state historia | A | 54d eos whieh are never mare-—often less of American Legion Auxiliary. | : np > * AUGUST Dean Twp. rejoins Cresson | Joint District: Torin Booster | Jn oy fur 3 clings Clad formed at Hastiogs: Bar. | v sisbore flresnen to comstruct | to i the very best Thanks wall gur good friends £100.006 building: 108 girls en | for your prsansge during he tir contest for Sesgui roeen; | ; hack snd odin record crowds attend Flremea's | : fo Tone Sinha W Convention at Patten. see par. | be yours i he New Tou © sles Wednesday and Tharsday: | : come’ Miss Mary RKowalenyk, Coupon, | | : : representing Ashville Fire Ce, ERS DAIRY | wins frst county fire queen con : or | | fesil: Nanty-(de next year's site er fur convestion: Carrelltews is PATTON, PA. “hattie of Barrel” champion. i $ i k Rpecial historical exhibits draw | mich altenticn in 36 store win- | KY H. Kelly & Sons Westrick Pontiac S dows in Patton during convention] is ORange 563181 Lv al FHI wii a ns ry SPA CARROLLTOWN wi the dillerenee OF YOU!