Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, December 30, 1954, Image 3

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    Barnes- Weakland, Hastings:
Mrs. Mary Kuskowski, Baker-
ton; Robert L. Bowser Jr., Cherry |
Tree R. D. 2; Hernan Yeckley,!
Putton: Miss Doria Mcliwaine,
Westover: Mrs. Alice Patterson,
[Cherry Tree R. D. 2; William
Randall, Ebensburg iL. D. 1; Mrs.
Leona Hambley, Hustings: An-
‘thony Poichito Jr, Ebensburg:
Mrs. Myrtle Dixon, Utahville;
Griffith, Westover R. D.;
Miss Antoinette Christoff, Bar-
nesboro: Mrs. Kathirine McCall
8 : Miss Eliznbeth Bailey,
Patton R. D. 1; William Becker,
St. Boniface; Mis. Virginia
Sinclair, Cherry Tree R. D. 1;
Andy Blick, Barnosboro; Mrs
Mildred Harvey, Nicktown;
ael Driskel, Loretto R. D.; Gerald
Tree R. D. i:
Mr. and Mrs. John Sottile,
Bpangler, a daughter, Dec. 29.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Searle, Car-
rolitown, a son, Dec. 20.
Mr. and Mrs. William Buck,
Carrolitown R. D., a son, Dec. 21.
Mr. and Mrs. Pail Breth, Bar.
nesboro BR. D. 1, a son, Dec. 21.
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Kelly,
nesboro, a son, Dec, 21.
Mr. and Mrs. Kesneth Stumpf,
Hastings, a son, Dec. 33,
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Yuhas,
Barnesboro BR. D.. a son, Dec. 23.
Mr. and Mra. Francis Gill, St
Benedict. a son, Dec. 23.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wojcik,
Barnesboro, a son, Dec. 24.
Mr. and Mrs. William Boring.
Tree | Cherry Tree R. D. 2, a son, Dec.
Mr. and Mrs Joseph : Blake,
Patton, a da ter, Dec. 24
Mr. rs. Clair Alin roft,
enIY | Barnesboro, a son, Dec
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas
. : ic. 25.
Mr. and Mg. Daher,
Barnesboro, a daughter, Dec. 26,
upon the roof on New Year's eve
80 as to have a jjood view of any
Notes of Carrolltown
To Be Visited Today |
Final plans for a hike, set for
today providing it doesn’t rain,
discussion of eandy sale, winter
camporee and a uniform inspecs
tion for nex! week's meeling,
featured a meeting of Boy
Scout Troop 11 Monday evening
of this week In the scout rooms
of St. Benedict's Parochial School.
Michael Michrina, scoutmaster,
was in charge.
The Troop, under aduil leader-
ship of Joseph Golmics, Donald
Gormish and Henior Patrol Lead«
er Wm. Hock, will leave at 12:30
gE m. today for Krumenacker
mber Mill, Barr Twp. The unit
will be transported to the site
by car and will hike home, tak-
ing readings for a detailed ma
to be made by each scout as well
as learning to track wildlife.
Mr. Michrina announced that
the Troop will attend the North
Cambria District's Winter Camp-
oree March 4, Bb and 68 at Blue
Knob. Each scout will be assessed
85 cents for the three-day out-
ing. money to be turned in at the
meeting next Monday so that re-
servations cas be made.
All scouts having a full or: a
rt uniform will report to next
onday's sessipn in uniform for
an inspection. The final account
of the current candy sale will
also be made by each scout at
the nex! seasion.
The scoutmaster also held a
discussion on map making and
reading for mefnbers of the troop
and two new boys, James and
Joseph Weakiand, will be enrolled
in the troop with the Pioneer
Patrol. ’
Monday's session was in charge
of the Racoon Patrol. Jack Sera-
fin opening the meeting with the
Scout Oath and Ronnie Klaswick
closing the session with the
Scout Law. Adult committees
members attending the session
were Mr. Golmicz, Mr. Gormish
and Fred Owens
es ¥W
2 Area Youths Hurt
In Crash On Friday
Into Veneskey Auto
Two area youths were injured
in sn auto accident lait Friday
syening Christmas Eve, Dec. 24,
near Kittanning.
Michael Veneskey, son of Mr.
N. A. Malloy. Mr. and Mrs. Tom
| visited Christmas Day with the
i daughter-in-iaw,
| Robert Callahun
and Mrs. Z. A. Venesley of Car-
rolitown R. D., and Jown Dumm,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Dumm, Nicktown, both employed
in Cleveland, Ohio, and return-
ing home at the time of the mis
hap for the holidays, were invol-
in the crash.
According to reports Arville
Rosencranz of Turtle Creek, op-
erator of a machine, skidded into
the car occupied by the lwo area
young men. Veneskey's Car was
damaged to the extent of about
$1000 and the Rosencranz ma-
chine was estimated at $2000
damaged as the resull of the
Both Mr. Dumm and Mr. Ven
eskey were treated for injuries at |
Armstrong Memorial Hospital in|
Kittanning. Mn Dumm had to]
have 4 or 5 stitches to close a|
laceration of forehead and
Mr. Veneskey sustained a frac-
tured nose and a laceration of
iMre.' P. J. Yanuta of Cleveland,
Phone Fireside 4-6339
Monday at the home of Mra
Thomas of Cleveland, Ohio, also
visited at the Malloy home on
Mr. and Mrs
ter and family
Otto Strittmat- |
of Indiana, Pa.
ndys mother, Mrs Rose Bearer,
her sister, Mrs. Grace Malloy
Mr apd Mra James Callahan
eee pt EB A A ES AT ir eset —_—
: Buek,
visited on Sunday in Johnstown |
at the home of their son and’
Mr. and Mrs |
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Churan of |
Astoria, Long Isiand, N.Y. spent |
{Christmas holidays with the
lady's rents. Mr and Mrs
James Callahan. Other visitors at
the Callahan home Christmas in|
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Robert But-
terworth of Bristol, Pa, and Mr |
and Mrs. Leo Berringer of 8i
Mr. and Mrs Sylvester Venes-
key of Cleveland, Ohio, announce
the birth of a son on Dec. 26
Mary Veneskey is spend this
week visiting in Cleveland, ja,
Magr. ¥. Turner of Punxsy-
tawney and Rev. Father Joseph
Sullivan of 8t. Francis College,
Loretto, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Ertter of Westmont were Christ.
mas dinner guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Bhar-
baugh. Father Sullivan and Mrs
Ertter are brother and sister of
Mrs. Bharbaugh.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gray and
family of Cleveland, Ohio, spent
Christmas at the home of their
parents Mr. and Mrs. Ligouni
and Mf. and Mrs. Norbert
Gray. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Owens Jr
and family spent Sunday visiting
in Lewistown at the home of Mrs
Owens’ parents, Mr. and Mr
John Short :
Master Sgt. and Mra. Jack Jac-
obs of Washington, D. C.. visited
here over the Christmas holidays
ut the home of Mr. and Mra Al
bert Sharbaugh and the lady's
mother, Mrs. Myers
Mr. and Mrs H M. Mohler
spent Monday, Tueaday and Wed-
nesday at Grier School, Birming-
ham where the state officers, de-
puties, masters, junior deputies
of the State Grange mel and in-
formation on all phases of the
Grange work was given
Mr. and Mrs. chard Mohler
and daughter, Debbie, of Fort
Recovery: Ohio, spent the Christ-
mas days with Mr. Mohler's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Mon-
Cpl. Leo Shank, son of Mr
Rose Bhank, returned this week
to his home for a 30-day furlough
after ng the past 17 mon-
ths in este and Leghorn, Italy.
Al the completion of his leave he
will report to Alabama.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Benny and
gon, dou Bt, 2nd daughter, Bar:
' ongahels City,
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shank
and sons, Charles Jr, and Eddie
of Ebensburg spent Christmas at
the home of Mrs. Rose Bhank.
Mrs. Grace Wharton and dau
gitar, Miss Camilla of Barnes
Mry and Mrs. Julian Bur
ley and daughter, Miss Patty, of
Punxsutawney, spent Sunday al
the home of Mr. and Mrs. U, A
Paul Springer of Butler, Pa,
Shep the week end at the home
his mother, Mrs. Mary Spring-
Miss Dolores Gray of Baltimore
Md, spent Christmas at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Gray.
Dennis Baker of Ebensburg R
D., spent Christmas at the home
of his nephew, Clem: Baker.
Mr. and Mrs Fred McGoughey
of Leetsdale visited over the past
weelt end al the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Laurer
Visitors at the home of Mrs
Barbara Hahn Christmas were
her son, Herman of Cleveland, O.,
and her sister, Miss Lucy Holtz
of F 5.
ating Mrs. Jack McCombie
Baltimore, Md, and Mr. .and
0.. with their
Mr. and Mrs. Van Mc-
James Dillon of University of
Newark, Del, is visit-
ing here over<the holiday vacation
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs
B! J. Dillon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fessler of
and Mr. O. F.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McDevitt
and daughters of Pit vis
ited over Christmas with the
Iady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.
Shia Weak 1 RE WIE MY: Jpeg.
s mother, Mra la Hegner
of Pines.
day furiough at the home of his
parents. :
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bearer of
mas were Capt and
Ryan and daughter.
Baltimore, Md. Mr
Richard Connell and
and Tom of Claymont,
Connell of Pittsburgh Miss Eihel
Donughue and Mr. and Mrs
Charles Ryan of Cresson and Mi:
sons, [Dem
we Dan
and Mrs. John Connell and daugh- |
ters. Mary Francis and Charlotte
of Ebensburg.
Dick Stich, employed in Cleve
jand. Ohio, visited Sunday wilh
Mrs Mallle Thomas and Mr and
Mrs. Frank Buck
Missea Jean and Delly Back
of Wilkinsburg and Miss Carolyn
atipdlent af Mt Merey (Col
lege. Pittsburgh, are spending the
holidays here with hei? parenis
Mr and Mra Fred B Buck Br
Mrs Annie Puck Mr and M
Wm R Mackey of Portage vis
ited Monday atl the home of Mi
and Mrs Fred B Buck Sr
Mr and Mrs Warren Thomas
Jr. announce the birth of a son
on Christmas Day, Dec 25, a!
Miners’ Hospital, Spangler
Visitors over the holidays a!
the home of Miss Cecelia Beverin
anim Mrs, Rose Harrigan were
| their niece, Miss Virginia Beverin
Mae Vogare |
8 Fikes ofl
and her aunt, Mrs
and Miss Cenevieve
New York City.
Mrs. Marguerite
Mrs. Pegzy Kiraine and son
Bart, and Mra Nell Thompson
and son visited Sunday in Fills
burgh with Mr and Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Owens Sr
and Mrs, RH. Bharbaugh spent!
Sunday in Duquesne with Mr. and
Mrs. John C. McGonegal,
Mrs Elizabeth Gahagan and
daughter, Thesera, and Judy
Bhort of Lewistown are spending
this week at the home of Mr
and Mra. Alfred Lie and Mr. and
Mra. Tom Owens Jr
Guests Christmas al
of Mr. and Mrs. LIL. B
were Mr. and Mrs Robert Bert.
ram and family, Mr and Mrz
Joseph Ertter of Cleveland, Ohio
Mr. and Mrs Wilmer Hollen
Dysart. Robert and Mrs Ertie:
the home
are son and daughter of Mr. and)
Mrs. Bertram
Mr. Vincent
deiphia spent the Christrnas week
end here with his wife and dau
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Owens spent!
ast Sunday visiting in Pills
Malloy of Phil
4 Anna Murphy
ing principal of John Carroll NM 8
Grade Schools, ix spending her
holiday vacation in Talmadge ©
with Mr. and Mrs Arthur
and. Mrs Boviand is a
of Miss Murphy
Mrs. Ann Heller of Akron, ©O
is visiting over the holidays with
her wmialer, Miss
and brothers,
Herman Vin-
Naomi Fees’ son-in-law
Mrs Michael |
Peggy. of
Sharbaugh, |
2a 3
SDETVisn- |
Boy- |
hiece {
A re —"
and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Hen
rv Meintel and family of Ford
(City. RD. spent the Christ-
mas holiday at Mrz Fees’ home,
Venesky, daughter of
and Mrs. Z. A. Venesky, un-
derwent a tonsil operation at the
Miners ‘Hospital Bpangler, on
Tuesday morning of this week.
{Mir Rifas ray visitors at the
of Mr ard Mra Norbert
were their sons-in-law and
taiehiers, Mr and Mrs Charles
Hermanson and daughter, Virgin-
sa and Mr anid Mra Loans Nagle
f AREromn. a0
Wiss Joanne [ather of Cleve
Chior. and Mr. and Mrs Dare
eit Lothor of Hamburg, N. Y.
arid M sii Mis Robert Kelly
aril san. Robert Jr, of Nanty Glo
with their par-
MM ard Mrs, Urban Lulher.
: Mary Prosser. who is em
in Cleveland £3. spent
Christmas with her parents. Mr
and Mra Aaron Prosser of Baker
Crema Roads
Mr and Mrs Paul Morgan and
family of Pittsburgh visited over
spent Chrisimas
: the holidays with the lady's par-
fear town
Mre Carl Patehin and daugh-
Miss Jennie McKeaze Patchin
Loaf Cherry Tree were Runday vis
tors al the home of Mr. and Mra
IR J Inlion
Woes Hegenia Rutka, R N., of
ittshargh is spending a 10-day
her mother, Mrs
Rutka and Mr. and Mra
Faward Kerchenake
Mr and Mrs Joseph GCealsha
and mom. Mike, of Coniport, were
callers at the home of Mrs. Ame
celia Futka
Mr and Mrs Leo Kerchenske
df Cleveland. O., and Mr. and Mrs
Fonil Glasser znd son, Emil Je,
of Mongahelas (City spent
mas wiih Mr. and Mrs
Mark Bodenzk:
Bere Wilh his
Mrs Michael
i past Christ
ena and Mra. Gus Lee of
Varaliaon with
of Ohio visited
parents, Mr and
Peddenski over the
vias week ened. He was
Con panied
& Bere OY
EY. ® tan Barton
§ Pastir, of Colver
f the Podenakl
his cousin
and friend. Don
Also vistling
hame was Mrs
: Josephine DBodenaki's brother, Mr
{ Peter Laperynak! of Detroit, Mich
{ Oy the return trip Mra Josephine
: Prowtenai: and her ¥ oungest SON,
{ Richard, went to Detroit to visit
ih week with relatives They
¢ expectisd to return home Lom
Social Security Act, there's a pro-
vision. for persons unable to work
i for a long period because of to
tal disability. This a Known as
& disability “frees” and does not
payment of
the disabled worker
vol 85
involve the
to who
' rot
Christ |
Named Delegate
For Rural Festiva
Will Be In Pageant -
At State Farm Show
Selection of Mrs Blair Stoltz
of Ebensburg R. D. 1
home delegate from
County for the annual rural la;
jent festival Tuesday night, Jan
11 at the
Farm Show at Harrisburg, was.
announced by’ County Agent H |
C. Terndrop. Mrz Stoltz was se- |
lected for this role by the Cam
Bria County Pomono Grange of.
enisburg is Master
Each delegate is selected. in
recognition of her relationship
to some circumstance in the im
provement of agriculture and ro
ral living in the county Mrs
Stoltz is the daughter of Will
Farabaugh of Carrolitown R. D
who is charter member of the
Cambria County Pomona Grange
She, along with sgates named
f all of the other counties
in | state, will appear in an’
asfembly that will portray rural,
home life. : :
This, County Agent Terndrup
explains, wi
In the new amendments to the |
benefits |
will be one of lhe im of the
: 3
. $
the people Pennsylvania t
as rural jghout the first 100 years of
Cambria | Pistory.
County Agent Terndrup |
of the Agrious
1955 Pennavivania |
which H. € McWilliams of Eb | 0
Miles H Woodward, King
IN. C. and Patricia Marie
8t. Augustine.
| and Tha Jean Mir. Burmester
William R Stevens, Lilly. and
Leona M. Ilig Cresson.
To everyone, we send our best wishes for a New
Y ear filled with good health, happiness and success.
x 44”
x 127
1” x 18”
2 Dundee Guest Towels 16”
2 Dundee Wash Cloths 127
6 Dundee Finger-Tip Towels
& Herringbone Kitchen
Here's What You Gel
2 Dean River Percale Contour
2 Dan River Percale Pillow
2 Dundee Bath Towels 227
with the purchase of ANY new
While They
> str
— 09
A $1.89 VALUE
Our Hiandly getacqueinted offer to every
adult whe tomes in to wee a demamiretion
of the BLACKSTONE Automatic Washer,
a a