Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, December 09, 1954, Image 2

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    " uma aD Mgnity, Haamty, a a chance
ET your go vernal offers you
these, then and only then dis-
regard ed oy words.
“I It Sossats, may my message
be one of enlightment, hope and
ogee, Nig the postmasters
of Ades on N rn Cambria
area, the three t stamp on
{your Christmas cards and a re
turn address is vour surest way
or ng some of the cards
{from ending up in the dead let-
ter office.
In a combined statement the
up to date. This eliminates
‘worry about whether your
8 Srsatings were received bile
masters urged every-
Christmas curds
one to tie their
acing indies with all
the same way.
tach Iabels marked “All
delivery” or “all for
pared] Mor should be mailed
riier they stated. They re-
Dec. 5 for out of
and Dee. 10 for
In Christmas Show
First breodcast of an NBC.-TV
“Spectacular” planned sally
for the entertainment of the na-
tion's small-fry was announced
today by the Oldsmobile Division
of General Motors which has sec-
ured the right to “Bubes in Toy-|
and,” the famous Victor Herbert
The show. which has
od four generations of
and grown-ups, will be broad-
cast In and
It will be telecast locally over
station WIAC-TV, Johnstown,
Channel &
Embracing a number
familiar nursery
of the!
colorful story will be accompan- |
ied py one of Herbert's most |
merdorable scores which includes |
his perennial classic “The March
of the Tove"
Famous name Broadway
headliners who have rat |
been set to appear in the holi-
musical will add consider.
| to the program.
Scheduled to take part in the!
show are Dennis Day and Wally |
(Mr. Peepérs) Cox, while marion. |
the live actors. Television's Dave |
Garroway will serve as narrator |
for the festivities, which will be
Jragueced and directed by Max!
“Babes in Toyland’ is the four-
th in a monthly A, of specta- |
cular musicals which are present. |
ed under the auspices of Oldsmo- |
2 North Cambria
Young Men Enlist
Two Northern Cambria young
men enlisted in the U. 8 Abr!
Force through the Johnstown Re-
assigned to Bampson AFB, Gen-
eva, N. Y. for eight weeks of
basic training.
Enlisting recently were
Joseph P. Mig. 19, son of Mrs |
Margaret Lilig of Hg Schon He |
attended Spangler
and is a former yes of
Odor, 17. son of Mr
and Mrs
Lincoln St,
died fate Tuesday night. Dec. 7,
Brady, Rosebud merchant.
No burial »a ments had
been at time this
edition went to
Arrangements are in ¢
Hunter-Lioyd of Irvona. harp
4 pi
rhyme charact-
érs Rnown to everyone, the very
eties especially created by Bill |
and Cora Baird will perform with |
cruiting Station and have been |
Thom Products Company of
Cleveland. Ohio. pany ;
at her home. A wife of Howard | 7%
expats AA
A —
Dress Rehearsal Set
For 7 This Evening
Spangler Unit of North Cam-
bria igh School will present
“Comin d the Mountain.” a
| three-act comedy, at 8 p. m. Fri-
| day of this week in the school
| auditorium
if Cast will include Henry Ed
| minston, Valerie Zawiskie, Jac-
| jusiing Kiamar, Kathleen Kirk-
trick. Donald Nealen, Anita
ray. Robert Rematt, Tom Dun.
| hook. William Krehel, John Far
| vel Mary Margaret Smith and
| Bonnie Jones
Comprising the hillbilly band
| are Mary th Colbert, Gloria
| Salbego, Donald Nealen, Tony
| Bearpo and Jim Byrne
Stage settings and electrical
| effects will be handled by John
i Gach, ma r, assisted by Jim
| Lasteh, Richard Omorato, Joseph
| Minik, Peter Bernard. James Cons
i stant and George Kowal.
In charge of furniture and
rties are Mary Joce Kelly,
n and Margaret Weaner,
Publicity and tickets are head-
{ed by Charles Veil, business man-
ager, assisted by Tom Wyland,
enry Edminston., Anita Gray,
James Patrick, John Farrell, Re-
na Riva, Julia Delarre. Carol
ter and Bonnie Jones.
Children under 12 will be ad-
mitted to a dress rehearsal at 7
o'clock this SVening
HopeFire Company,
‘Barnesboro, Elects
John Mina Jr., was elected the
| president of Hope Fire Company,
rnesboro, at a meeling Tues
| day in the Barnesboro Fire Hall
{ He succeeds Lavion Loman.
Other officers are: Ben CC
| Wetzel, vice president; Robert N.
| Gobrecht, recording secretary;
|W. Ray Whited, financial secre
| tary; Richard H. Steele, treasur-
er; Maurice W. Tibbott fire
| chief; Edward Ligda, first assist.
ant chief; Mike Hassen second
| aanistant chief; James Tibbotl,
third assistant chief: Harry
| Plouse, chief engineer; William
| Tibbott, trustee for five years
and Jr. Meredith Davis trustee
: for thred years
4 In other business, firemen
hool | woreed to make donations to the
Cambria County Society for Pre-
vention of Tuberculosis and the
{ Salvation Army.
Jules Lefebure Sr.
71, Hastings, Dies
Hastings-Jules Lefebure, Sr.
. of this piace died at 2:30 »p.
Dec. 8, in the Min-
Louis Cidor of 406
Barneshoro. He is a
former Barnesboro High School
Charles of New Jersey. Also sur
vived by five grandchildren. He
was a brother of Mra. Alex Le
gros and Joseph. both of Hast-
be held at 2:30 p m.
in Ha $ Methodist
Waiter Skillin
he form of
Ladier Auxiliary to Vodmakr
Post 808, American Legion. Bar- |
cent amployesy Sicouiit ag
this one evening event
urged to te
the final formulation of
for the community party which
nounced Welt
has been an
day evening, Dec. 22, tTp om
at re nipant.
port Odd Fellows Lod-
ge 781 will hold its annual Christ.
mas Party at the lodge rooms on
Toenddy. Dec. 21. Comuittess oo
the agenda are Rented |
Bell, Clyde Sackett
t Wednesday, Dec. 15, de-
ted "8.D Day" by President
Eisenhower's Action Y committee
for Traffic Safety, is a day to
demonstrate that traffic a ts
can be reduced materially when
ail motorists do their part
Plans for the armual Christmas
Party were discussed at the mee-
ting of the Builders’ Class of the
Irvons Methodist Churéh which
was held last Wednesas) evening
Dec. 1, at the home of Mra. Hitty
Robison. The party, sctedpied for
Wedneaday, Dec. 15, at
will be in the form of a pm a
dish dinner, and will pe Neld in
the basement of the Irvona —
The continuation a making
Christmas fts highlight ¢
5 of ineT Bet Girl
1. held Inst
1, at
Coalport. The opening exercises
were conducted, and afterwirds
Mrs. R. O. Rupp, dirpoted
a of activities with the
Irvona's Borough Council last
Wednesdany, Dec. 1. at its re
gular oathly posinel]l meets
took care of routine business and
talked over the flood control sit-
uation ain.
Counclimen Buying thelr dis-
cussion priject
to help th x flonds of the Clear
field Creek noted that nothing
has been dome lately. Seon after
the flood in early 1 Jocal of-
fictals were promised a flood con
tro! project, along with the Coal
pont and the Chesler HiL-Philips- |
second annual
Show” will be
Rotary Club o
on the st
the BCI for High School on!
Tuesday evening, Dec. 28, at 8:10
o'clock. Rotary President
Hell will serve ns Master of
emonies, and Rotarian rity
John F. Smith i+ serving as the
General Chairman. Hammond or
fan music will be
J hanted by
Coalport-Irvons |
provided by
argaret 8. Bloom of Irvona |
well known musician of thi ar
ea, who will present an Organ
recital ana fumish background
music, as well a3 aOCOMPARY pro- |
night in the Christin and Mia
OnAary Alliston Chureh, Coa :
Taylor of Ri yn "ve
ited on Sunday with
and sunt, Mr. and Mrs oy
i, mec On
of Coalport takes this oppurtun-
ity of expressing its sincere Ap-
: yg and
Hl | groupe
Church mak
“Amnteur |
the |
of the auditorium ol |
- i
starting at 7 p.m.
rade will A up Mai
to the center of the business
tion at Bell's Drug
tree. The festivities of the
will continne when Santa
bis two helpers will
treats for the children In case
of inclement weather, San
visit the children at the
Fe Hall
rade will be headed by
the B High School Band, under
the direction of Robert IL. Bal-
instrumental instructor of
will icipate
Flowing fhe parade the :
Chorus, under the
instructor of local schools,
Christmas carols.
community Christmas tree §
which i» approximately 30 feet:
| with its some 120 multi-
bulbs, illuminates. the cor-
ser of Bei's Drug Store, Main |
Street. The tree was set up and
decorated on Friday, Dec.
the tree committee, headed by
Herman Adam and Dick Adam
fitrings of lights across the main
streets of the community add to! }
New Trends
In Sweaters
3, by |
THE long torso jook is very
much at hohe in sporis and
casual clothes because of the
Chane! designs which have in
fluenced the whole range of cur
rent fashion. It is very evident
in this sweater of fine lamb's
wool in orange with charcoal
trim. The skirt is of chavvoal
. gray tweed flecked in orange, »
Bicely. handled and good color
scheme. The alit sides of the
Sweater have a button closing
Good country twosome.
t to be
ng ting committee this week
of the
been contacted for
the parade’
BO Sr High MSchont Buildings
mi the evening of
of the most OR exciting new vars
ever to sit under 3 Uhristmas
Rupp's bring them to you at SALE Prices
to clear our stock | | |
WG. $3.90 VALUE
y Twin Dolls ......$2.95 |
Large 26” Dolls SEERRRRRER.
REG. $2.90. 34.00, $5.05
Stuffed Toys . $1.95, $3.95, $4. 95
Tot's Wheelbarrows .......$2.95
REG. $13.06 & 6.05
Shoo-Flies ........ $8.95 &.$4.95 |}
REG. 8450 & S08
Rocking Horses . . $3.95 & $4.95 |
REG. $22.00 WOOD
Stake Body Wagons... $18.95
Sidewalk Bikes .........$18.50 |
REG. $1.00 VALUE
Pull Toys... o.oo. 080
REG. $2.40
Sturdy Blackboards ....... $189
REG. $1.35 VALUE
Giant Roll Gift Wrap. ........99¢
Come and get Rupp's Christmas Gift
te you. A beautiful vase. Just come in
Nothing to buy! Aduits only!
Main Sret