Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, December 02, 1954, Image 6

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    | Oscar VanKokelberg,
HM. Mohler Sr. well-known
Currolliown resident celebrated
his STth birthday anniversary
Tuesday of last week, Nov, 13.
A party was held in his honor
al the home of his son and dau
Iter<in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H M
ohler Jr. which whom he re
sides. Attending the event were
the following:
Mrs. Cecelia Bpringer, Mrs
ra. Mich
stl Volk and daughter, Patty, Mr
and , Clarende Volk, all of
Carrolitown; Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Dillon and son, Regis, and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Grimes of Hast
ings am Mr. and Mrs. John Ra-
Prizes were awarded to Mrs
Bptinger. Mra. Clarence Volk, Mr.
rimes, and Mr. THllon.
Girl Scout Troop
Meets On Tuesday
A dy +l meeting of Girl Scout
Troop 179, Carrolitown, was held
Tuesaday evening of this week in
rooms ot She Prachia)
: . Peggy Campbell, president
in charge.
{bers attending and a cash gift
ans hosp!
i will be made
Siand entertainment will
: served,
1 entertained a number of friends
J {at their home last Saturday ev-
1 Mrs.
| went
re ABRASION 5 SHARP PO PVA: igen o et
Explorers Planning
4-Day Winter Camp
On Christmas Week
Unit for Older Boys
Schedules Bake Sale
Robert Steele, Barnesboro, the
shairman of North Cambria Dis
trict of Boy Seouts of America,
snd Michael Branstan, field ex-
secutive of North Cambria Dis
trict of Adm. Robert E Peary
Council, were guest speakers al a
joint meeting of Explorer Post 71
and its adult comimiltee Wednes-
day evening of lust week in the
basement scout rooms of Bt
Benedict's School
Both Me Steels and Mr. Bran
stan outlined tentative plans for
the newlv-organized Post, and al-
30 explained the Boy Scoul move-
ment and the Explorer movement,
how it operates, and how ad
yvancements can be made
George Butler, Post Advisor,
announced that follwing this
week's meeting, only boys atlend-
ng regular sessions Wiil be per
mitted to participate in the Post's
Plans were also advanced for
a four-day winter outing by the
members of the Post this month
The Explorer stouls will hold
four-day outing from Dec 27
Dec. 30, at Roslyn Lodge in East
Carroll Twp. The lodge is owned
by Dr. F. E Arble of Carroll
Plans were also advanced Tor
4 bake sale this Saturday after.
noon at 1:30 p. mu in the base
ment of 8t Benedict's church!
for the benefit of the pos!
# & »
12 Local Men to Be |
At District Meeting
Twelve members of the two |
separate commiliees in Carroll. |
town will atiend a regular meet.
ing om the North Cambria Dis |
trict of the Boy Scouls of Amer |
ira this Thursday evening, at |
7:30 p. m. in Barnésboro Fire!
Hall. In attendance will be mem- |
bers of the Trod
Committee of |
Boy Scout Trop 71 and members |
of the Post Committee of Expior-}
er Post 71
In attendance will’ be Paul
Sharbaugh, chairman, Joe Gol |
mice, Tom Owens Jr. Fred Owens |
and Mike Michrina, scoutmaster, |
and Oliver Stolz Jr. assistant’
scoutmaster, all of Troop TL, and
Richard Bradley, George Bender, |
Donald 2Zirn, George Houk and |
Herman Bender, chairman, and |
George Butler, Post Advisor, of |
Explorer Post 71. i
C. D. of A. Christmas |
Party to Be Held Here
Court 722, Our Lady of Victory
Catholic Daughters of American
will hold annual
party in Carrolitown.
According to an announcement
this week the party will be held
next Monday evening, Dec. 6,
beginning at 5:00 p. m. in the
basement social hall of St. Bene-
dict's Church. An exchange of
$1.00 gifts is planned for mem-
by the members will be made
for the India Missions.
Legion Auxiliary Plans
Gift Exchange At Party
The annual Christmas party of
the Ladies Auxilisry to Fox-
Peale Post 508, American Legion,
Saruitows will +A held in the
Legion next Wednepday ev-
Members are : ed to
bring with them Christmas cards
with three cent stamps which will
be sent to patients in the veter-
for their persons!
An exchange of BO-cent gifts
the party
include |
of Christmas carols, and
games, A funch will be
Entertain Guests.Here |
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Farabaugh
Thode present were: Mr. and
William Laurer, Mr. and
John Eckenrodé, Mr. and
Mr, and
Mrs. Edward Randall,
Michael! Mohler and Mrs
* and Mr. Eckenrode and
. Mohler.
Recent Production of 12 Mads
i tlen
i umbus,
“Christmas |
| Saturday evening at 7:00 p. m. at
Springer, Awards in cards
to Mrs. Laurer and Mra | the
a ca
resi - pee
i .
ARP A rR Ab SB A 0
a 0 ASR HO UR OM -
Mrs. Pasguale Freda the former
two children, FP
York Friday, Nov. 26, to
who is stat
join her
C. His wife is a daughter of Mrs
Annual Program
For Thanksgiving
Held At High-School
The annual Thanksgiving pro-
gram at John Carroll High!
Sehool, Carrolitown, was held last |
Wednesday afternoon, Nov, 24
according to an announcement by
Joseph V. Maucher Jr. supervis
ing principal. The program Was,
as follows: f
President Eisenhower Calls for |
Thanksgiving Gratitude, Joe Ter. |
rizzi; bass trio, “Come Yo Thank: |
ful People”, Jane Kelly, Lucinda |
Shero and Lois Farabaugh, The
anksgiving Observance, Frank |
Ladwig: clarinet guariel, "Prayer
of Thanksgiving”, Jean KEcken-|
rode. Confiie jaswick, Barbara!
Bodensky and Janet Holtz; How |
Do You See Thanksgiving? wri-|
by Miss Mastri and Meade
Arble. Pat Weakland, Dick Ben
der, Joyee Moriensen, Ed Shar |
baugh, Tony Wentz ard Ed La-
mont. !
Vocal saun, "Breaking in the |
Bluea” Eva Dranchak; saxophone |
quartet, “Hursley”, Mary L. Col- |
Janet Bilko, Ariene Zirn|
and Barbara Carroll; vocal quin- |
tel. “Thanksgiving for the Four
Fathers” composed by Sister
Camille Marie of ML Aloysius
LaRue Savior. Carvie Katerwas |
Mary Ann Sharbaugh, Ann Buck |
and Judy MeCann with Karen
Anderson al the piano
& 5B
Every Scout Passes
At Least One Test |
On Quting Sunday |
Bigning of advancement cards
for tests during an out-
ing Sunday afernoon, featured |
a meeting of Boy Scout Troop 71,0
Monday evening of this week in|
the Parochial School. Michael
Michrina, scoUlmaster, was in|
charge of the session. :
A total of 20 members of the!
Troop, three junior leaders of Ex-,
lorer Post Tl, and six adult}
caders participated in the hike |
and outing last Sunday afternoon.
The Troop was encamped for the |
afternoon on the Holy Name
grounds on East Carroll Twp. i
It was noted by the Beoutlmas- |
ter that Sunday's outing was!
very good as every Scout attend
ing passed as least one require. |
ment for advancement :
Jack Serafin of the Racoon
Patrol opened the meeting with
the Scout Oath John Hurley was!
entered into the Troop and was)
placed as a member of the Re}
coon Patrol :
Mr. Michrina also announced:
that Williams Houk of Explorer!
Post 71 will be the new senior
patrol leader of the troop
Plans for a candy sale by the {
troop were outlined and the sale’
will get under way in the very
near future. Patrol leaders were!
also given Christmas Beal window |
cards to place throughout the
community to help with the sale!
of Christmas Seals for the pre
vention of Tuberculosis. i
Mr. Michrina announced thal
the troop's patrol officers will!
meet in 8 Green Bar session this!
y on Main Street in|
order that plans can be made for!
troops activities for several
months to come. i
Oliver Stolz Jr. assistant;
his resi
Carrolitown Family Enroute fo Germany
je dr. and Margaret Rowe, sailed frosn New
at Frankfurt, Germany,
They will live there until early 1957, w
up. Sgt. Freda has been stationed A Ft. MeNair,
. Anna
i Baturday,
| Benedict's Church. All
will be appreciated
EE »
; vinited
i 8t
| ited here over the Thanksgiving |
cand Mrs, Eugene Sharbaugh
{of this place announce the birth
{ were in Pittsburgh last Tuesday
{where they Altended the alumnae
| HUrNes
| Hospital
| gistersd ntirse and a graduate of
a Pest
Rose Bishop of Carvolitown, and
. M/ P + Freda,
th Sgt. Pasquals Freda.
n Mis current enlistment is
Washington, D.
M. Edwards, Carreliltown. |
gseoutmastnr, was in charge of th |
recreation] period. The mueling |
was closed with Pledge of Allegi- |
ance 1 the Flag by David Fara. |
Commitiee members in attend.
ance at Monday's session were
Joseph Golmiez and Fred Owens
Explorer Post 71, Carrolltown. |
will sponsor & bake sale thir]
fee, 4 beginning at}
if the basement of Si
Kinds of
1:30 p. m,
taked gods will be sold
patronage of the general
A hous: warming wes hid on
Saturday evening al the home of
Dr. Harry Bauer and Dr. Camilla
Hauer of Flick Ave. A number of
jocal people atlended. The Couple
received riany tice gifls
s » &
Mr. and Mra. John Dillon and
gon, Ronnle, of Sidman and Mins
Phyllia Clayeomb of Summerhill
Sunday evening ai the
home of Mr. and Mra Ligouri)
Paul Tripodi, student at St.
Vincent (College, Latrobe, wisited
Sunday al the home of Mr. and
Mra. Michael Michrina §
Robert Sharbaugh, student ut
Vincent College, Latrobe, vie |
holidays with his parents, Mr. |
Mr. and Mra James Drury of |
Harrisburg spent Thanksgiving |
holidays here at the home uf!
| District Attorney and Mira Frad
‘Feea. Mri
Drury and Mrs Feds!
are matets i
Miss Anna Murphy, supervising |
principal for East and West Car-|
rofl schovls of John Carroll Joint
District, spent the Thankagiving |
holidays in Philadelphia with hur
niece Mr. Catherine Leonard and
with her nephew and his wills,
u;. and Mrs. Fred Myers of Now
Mr. a2d Mrs. William Youn
and family of Barnesboro spe
Thanksgiving with Mra. Young's
mother, Mra RE Stolz i
Mr. and Mr Williams Cullshin
and family, Nancy and Tommy,
of Detroit, Mich, and Mr. ang
Mrs. Edward Churan of Astor.
New York, spent the Thankagiv-
ing hollaays with their parents
Mr and Mrs. James Callahan.
Misses Jean and Dolly Buek of
Pittsburgh and Miss Carolyn
Buck. sida as ML Mercy Call
ege, Pith « spent Thanksgiv-
ing hollARSeT with thelr parenis
Mr. and Mra Fred Buck. Other
uesls at the Buck honwe were
ra. Buck's sister, Mrs Bem
Jones, and her son-in-law and dee
ter, Mr. and Mra. George Bsa
tedo of Wilkinsburg. rm.
Joseph Luther of Baltimore
Mi, spent the week end here
with his aunt. Mra Clem Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ertter of
Flick Ave, announce the birth of
a son, Nov. 21 at the Miners
Hospital, Spangler.
r. and Mrs Wiliam 2Zadal
of a son, Now. 24. at Miners
Hospital, Spangler.
r. and Mrs. Urban Luther
hasta to their family at
their home here Thankugiving.
Present ut the family event were
Miss Joanne Luther of Cleviand
Ohio; Mr. ami Mrs. Darr! Lo.
ther of Hamburg. N. Y.; Mr. and |
Mrs. Wilkam ther and sons,
Billy and Dawe, and Duane Luth-
er of Lackawanna N. ¥. and
Mr. and Mrs V. J. Miller of Ak-
PO CT Mra. Raph H
rani I's.
family, Brenda. Ralph Gre
Hegner's mother, Mrs. Stella Heg-
i Md, was a week end guest at
| burgh returned to her home after
| spending the week with her mo-
{ present is on the sick hist
! Nursing
her Bome hete after spending the
| ter<in-law,
Ling guests af the home of James
of his brother and sister-in-law,
gory and Ronnie, visited over tie
week end in Butler, Pa, with Mr.
ner, and Mrs. Hegntr's father!
W. W. Ammon. Mr. Ammon re
cently won first prize in a iri
county art show which included
Butler, Beaver and Lawrence
Counties. The title of his oil
painting was “Rocks and Trees”
Mrs. Rove Arble refurned on
Saturday after visiting = week in
Philadelphia with Miss Cecelia
Flick and Mra. Victorias Walsh.
Fleck of Baltimore
the home of Mr. and Mra. M. D
Mrs Blanche Nest of Pills
ther, Mra Margaret Ager, who at
Mr and Mrs Richard Bradley
day held at
St. Joseph's
Bradley is a re
Bt, School of
Joseph Hospital
Mra Mary Clealik returned io
past two months in the state of
Indiana with her son and dangh
Mr and Mra 2
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eriter of
West mont were Thankagiving
Day dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Bharbaugh. Mrs
Ertter and Mra Sharbaugh are
Mr. and Mrs Bernard Yeaglin
and family of Chicago, TL, visit-
od last week with the lady's par
ents, Mr. and Mra. Pat Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Toms Owens Jr
and family spent Thanksgiving
Day in lewistown with Mra
Owens parenta, Mr. and Mrs
John Short
Mrs. Rosie McNuitly and son
P. MeNually, were Thankagiv-
MeNulty and
Dysart R D
H. T. McNulty was the guest
Pat MeNulty of
Mr and Mra EL. W. McNulty of
Bridgeport, West Virginia.
Mr. and Mrs William Lang of
Cleveland. Ohio, and Orrin Fagan
and daughter. Miss Catherine Fa-
gan of New York City visited
recently with Mr. and Mra. Alvin
Ladisn Ald Society of 8: Ni
cholas Church held their regular
monthly meeting Sunday evening
After the meeting cards were
played and Junch was served
prize was awarded to Mrs
Merie Parrish. Card prizes were
won by Mrs WW. Kish Mr
Fred Bechel Mrs John Weiland
and Mrs. A. PP Kirsch
Week end visitors st the home
of Mr. and Mrs Rupert Fars
baugh were Mr. and Mrs Ray
Farabaugh snd danghter. Linda,
Leo Farabaugh and son. Joe of
Washington, D. CC: Miss Ann
Farsbugh of Cleveland, O.; Mins-
es Helen and Mary Farabaugh of |
Indiana and Pvt Francis Fars
baugh of Fort Knox, Ky.. who ia
spending & 14-day leave and then
will return to his base in Ken-
fucky i
J h of Portsmouth, |
Va. and Dave Harlan of Nor-|
folk. Va.. spent the week end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mar
tin . Dave Harlan return-|
ed to Jeannette on Sanday where
he is a senior stadent in high
school there. Joseph and Colleen
: him to Jean | §
& week 3
with his parents Bere and then
netie. Joe i»
will return to Virginia
pen Day at
the home Louis
t ;
of Mr. and Mrs
© Mrh. Genevieve Huber and Mrs. |
the home of Miss Marie Hogue
Janet Lieb of Cleveland, Ohio
spent the holidays at her home
Mr. and Mrs. R. GC. Lied and
to visit
and Father Al)
Gloria Kirsch of Pit H
w end at Ber here.
P. Kirsch and sons Dave
Pvt. Norman, Gordon Har-
, Durrell Krug
of ,
ning visitors at the Home of
Lenn Schiereth
Pvt. Richard
Mr. and Mrs Jacoh Kirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Freddy Kirsch, Mr.
and Mra Ceriid Kitsch Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Kirsch, Mr. and Mrs
Lewis Kirsch, Mr. and Mra. A. PP.
Kirsch, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
and their families and
Mrs. Ellen Dumm stiended the
wake of Philip Kirsh of Aloons
on Monday.
Miss Bonnie Lou Ragley of ML
Alloys Junior College spent the
week end at her hotpe here
Mr. and Mra A.
were Wednesday vit
home of Fred Mosel |
spent Thursds
Ms . . Qarnld Kiruch
Mr. and Mra
Mrs. Ola Krotenderfer and Ter-
ry Cops of Spangler were Batur-
visitors in town.
Mrs. Willams Westrick and
daughter Denise of Patton R. D
were Sunday visitors In town
Mrs. Genevieve Huber and Mra
of Mr. and Mrs. Ra
Please turn to 2-8
additional Nicktowlh News.
Capt. Louise Wha
On Leave At Home
Capt. Louise Whalen, da
of Mr. and Mrs. Michael E
en, Spangler, is Sending a BB
day leave al her prior to
departing ou a three-year tour of
duty in pe.
The officer was stationed for
the past 24 yeurs at Walter
Reed Army Hospital, Washington,
D. C. She was night supervisor
for the entire hospital during the
past year.
Capt. Whalen, » 1909
Sf oor io ; YC
Rarer corps In TNE She
The couple will live
- 0
Music by
Barry Cole
SRS SA A ———
a -—
The Airliners
The Knights
of Rhyt
The Cavaliers
You Play . . . WE PAY!
RRS J i -
in the land via OUR
The Cavaliers
Turkeys Dec. 11 & Dec. 18