I WO OA jinto ft" and all parents attending received | ker information with enthusissm report aanounced that a member. i Thursday, November 18, 1054 RE ——— Around Patto Julia Yacos Explains Guidance Program comme: he soon rin T Loc * T Buck assistant superintendent 0 al PTA Xi i of schools in Cambria County ar nit ipal speaker and Christmas Misi Expect Teen Canteen Mune the primary groups i the _ direction of Ming To Open By Dec. bp ergo ! Services Friday for iin he her : Emile D. Lenglet. the Community Qi Powys a ‘mittee I lenglet Julia Yacos introduced by . e a resdent of the Mary Homivak Et eer Bue rey 3 init died an gt Bram chairman gave a very in-: No 8 in the Miners’ H teresting talk on ust what Wild | Spangler. His wife, Marie Guidance includes She expla away in 1850 that guidance ix not t subject Mr: Lengiel a but a service The services ren. ‘hese children Mrs. CA. Ren dered by guidance counselors are ner Beaver: Mrs Wayne Trip many they help teenagers to etl and Joseph, both of Deirolt understand thems Mich: Mrs. Herman Farabaugh themselves to situations make of Carfolltown and Gust of Pat their own decisions he ose v- ton RD A son, Emile reers best suited thei vidi teceased Also surviving vidual selves grandchildren and five Guidance cotinaelors grandchildren school schedules Mr lLenglet Tr subjects Hastings Local Bh school students find them. Workers of America and the es taking the wrong courses: Dads VFW of Rochester, Pa merely because “they were talked! Friends are being received at or perhaps their friends the Gust Lenglet home fare taking it and not because ton RD they are suited to it Too, when Néld at 9:18 a talking about carvers, there are St. Benedict's many things to consider Should own and interment they attend a trade school tech. in Fairview Cemelery, pical school. business school or Arrangements in charge of Mrs. Frank Callahan ORange 35-2652 {inion Press-Courler ORange 5-3181 date Jesse chairman, December meeting December 21 the Moose Hall Cogley Jr, stated thal will be Mr gram pro- thy held Patton-Chest its regular Tuesday evening at? the Mase Hall and in Twp 1 this % 1 f Pattan jemlay iia 3 passed ined fu rvived bs elves to £4 are Kreal clerk that pro ! member o United Mine Was a 183 Oe ire taken toa often mi. tomorrow Church, Carroll Pation the | college, liberal arts college. or! Stevens Funeral Home, Carroll | will homemaking be their career town and Patton The problem of financial aid tomes up. Here again the guid! ; ante counselors help by obtaming > rer information wt scholarships | pvailable. Advice is also given! on the different branches of serv.) Yes SC rge | fee. Our young people today at th - rs th 4 Rr nd paasoey | First Lieutenant! Helen Bearer daughter of Mr and Mrs WhAL branca they wid po.rer of Brewer Ave. | received an honorable of these points from the UU. 8 Army Nurse C« following two vears of service 14. Bearer took a six weeks basic training course at Gunter Alabama, and was seni to Ellsworth AFB, Rapid City, 8 D. where she was stationed ship of 318 members had been Re Bou _ EE til her discharge increase over last year's mem- Prior to entering 3 Miss Bearer, RN. bership. The al Pittsburgh Mercy Mrs. George C. Hoppel Jr. as|Mhere she was graduated from M13 Geo announced that thei : the hospital's school of nursing. teen canteen Would open in the poe, Wii spend a few months Eagles bullding «nn or about Nov 28. A doar-to-door drive wil held 1 the canteen Patton ps Mrs Clair Gill, membership | : in giving hor monthly un the Bryce with | relat! Mrs. Ida M. Proud, 135, gwge Res Jr. is} 131 on Pat- | Funeral services will be | ini | gory will Le made! i John ith | E J] discharge | ue i ghier, i these sisters and § if Nis was employed | Hospital! i Qn i here with her parents and among | Garden Club fo See Display On Monday Ls | ay thanksgiving rations wi te featured by the members at th Noavember nee! ng of the Patlon Sarden Binds Club Monday evening. Nn 22. at the Patton Moose Ralls Three prizes will be awarded for tha decorations M as Y vi Yeager for event Filection ivf oF Fi pm vn fray chHahuled at next Esty ine Ww. il he JdRIFHAan the the Ralph Holtz Bro ran Mra H Church Ladies Fete Bride At Shower Patton held : IY Wednesd 8. (ae go Ladies ot the lerian Church ots haw 10, in social the church in honor of Mrs [allemand § EYES eT Sw realy ane in xt Oy the 15 Theo fisre ath er. ne shes emand, wh Mrs Lal of many gifts Attending and Mrz Plummer dames Jessie ( nard, St Clair Montieth Burkey, Jim Burkey Mildred Albright, : Lam George Sunset Makepiece, Danny Steel and Norman Misses lethan and Markey Isabel R hue Mrs. Rose Dietrick 213 F Were mm ean was Hey Men Rar Walte Clark Heist, Josephine (ire lLoonard Ray Rhue Link, Ed Swisher Audréy the event Were Harve Opley Iahn i! Lacue and Heist, Cat) Cogley | | | | | erine an | At Sister's Funeral Mrs Rose Dietrick was Carn jege N. J on Tuesday INov. 8 when her slater | Marie (Keenan! Henry, 52 fucddenly nt home Garden Ave Camden Mrs Henry is survived by husband, Edward Henry, a Mrs. Norma died at 343 her dau brothers Philadelphia Patton: Den- Charles, Collings. Patterson, Rose [hetrick, Hazel ton wood, N. J: Patrick, John, all of Philadelphia, A requiem high masa was sung St. Joseph's Church, Camden Saturday, Nov. 13 Iaterment at the new 8: Mary's Ce | Helen Mra Was melery | Well Known Here, Dies | Mrs. Ida May Proud 75. i Ort Valley, di in the St. Jos! i eph's Hospital at Pontiac, on Tuesday, follow & lengthy illness Mrs was born in Centre| County, Pa, on Jan 13, 1879, a Owens Shunkwiler Proud was well-known Patton area. Mrs. Proud was a member of | the Patriotic Daughters of Am. erica at Patton. 4» IN list in the In the of class mothers BAe heen ligtag for the Clas of Jubiiahed Inst week for PCHS. rs. Norman Marshall should Mich. | Nov. 9 at 8:00 a. m. | daughter of the late Jacob and | Sophie Mrs. | | officers were § nan, Spangler; Revioe, and Fat McNally, Johns. | 8 of | town | trict president: Those from aliending the this area were funersd Mrs. Die trick. M nd M {and Mra. Linville of that city. SW fi. Dennis Kee og Linville served in Mrs. E J. Kane Officers installed | By Camp 221, POA Installation of officers was held iby Camp 221, P. O. of A. in the | Patton Moose Home Manday ev- { ening of this week. The following installed: Margaret Forsythe, dis Mrs Marie Bons, assistant district president; Mrs. FExlhel McConnell, president; Mrs Jennie Simpson, srastant presi dent; Mrs. Angela Srossac, vice president; Mrs. Georgeanna Lay- werts, assistant conductor; Mra Lora guard; Mrs. Ida Whiteford, EAA: Mrs. Mar aret Forsythe, past president: Sere Nellie Fregly, assistant past president. Following the meeting a lunch was served. The next meeting will be held on Monday, Dec. 8. "0 Mrs. Theodore Lallemand Honored At Shower Here Mrs. Luke Davis John Bosar were hostesses at a kitchen shower for their sister Mm. Theodore who was married recently. The shower was held Tuesday of this week Ea the home of their parents. Mr and Mrs. Norman Swisher. Many | 4 useful gifts were received and arved. & lunch was Mrs. James Attending Burkey, Mrs. Steve Baka Mrs. Mrs. Arthur Go- bart Mra Ces Keine re. Pau! Allison, Mrs. Frank Dietrick, Mrs. Frank Mra. Leo Prosser, Mrs. Fong ‘Burkey, Mrs. Gene Gan Mi ions oF Breton Yeager Mra evening | Mrs Barbara | i Benedict: ' Bt {Mra | Carrolltown, ft Mr called i ton Mew | L cipient of her | Milier, and | Mes | ‘cation visiting friends and rela James and i With her uncle and sunt, ae a wi UNION PRESS COURIER Mooseheart Choir ~| By 100 TV Stations An slations again child's cording Marvin Foite f The bopewd estimated from oomast feutitre the choir this Christmas ac. ty word received fram Kaus Moose booking di- 104 television to const wil Moosehesrt television exclusively Ben wn Was Program pro for the Chriat. filmed in the Mooseheart (1117 House the only Children's Cathe the world and offers minutes of delightful Ca | Fins {anions of Ceend dral in hi in rel HiA frigais telea sed ati time ant & A onally for the] year, the film won of program directors | nation, Many sa the program | planning to again | vas! the acclaim ali the tions which carried VEAY Are th OGVer ant iW it tis The pro rian ih yeir audiences | “The | is & holi- | directed director of voice | Sormet musical oom eddy star. P OF gan accompani ment is by + Evelyn Pahnke | organ instructor at the Child (ty This event i through the paym Moone mien bers Mrs. Bernard ) Klemams Honored On Birthday Mrs Bernard Klemann was! guest of honor atl a birthday purty held at her home Tuesday Attending were: Mr and Bernard Klemann and dau ghier. Carolyn, and son, Ber. nurd John: Mr. and Mrs Karl Kiemann and children, Everett John, Earl, Edith Ann of B8t Mrs James Platko of Ann, California; Jim Emerick | and Bud Miller of 8 Benedict Mary Catherine Dowev Mrs. Ann Molnar and Mrs. Howard Hoover, Mr. and Mrs Otis Plouse and Mr. and Mra William: Balley and daughter, Elizabeth, all of Pat- A delicious hunch was served end Mra Kiemann was the re. many lovely gifts & La Mrs. Albert L. Haluska On Two-Week Vacation Mrs Albert LL. Haluska is en. joying an extended two-week va gram is as Album day fantasy in Ey Mooseheart's Hal! Young entitled and ius made ponaibie § ent of dues by © i Bi At Warren and Cleveland Cleveland she visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrington, and her cousins. Mr. and Mrs Oscar Kna- ble. This coming week end she will be foined by her husband and daughter, Ellen. From Cleve: lend they will motor to Chicago, 111, where they plan to visit Dr. | tives Ohio Eu hospital train with Mr. ka during World War IL . " » | Patton Students Receive Gregg Awards for Month Gregg awards for the month of October in the Commercial De- partment of Patton-Chest Twp. High Schos! were announced fo- day by school officials, as fol- lows: Shorthand Connie Hoover, word certificate. Typewriting Connie Hoover, 50-word pin and certificate; Lois Rogers, 47-word certificate and Florence Dietrick, 42-word certi- ficate. on alus- 8) *® ODD FELLOWS TO MEET The Odd Fellows Counly meet- ing will be held on Saturday. Nov. 20, at 8 p. m. at the Lodge Hall, Patton. Entertain. ment will be provided and re freshments served. All members wives or friends and Rebekahs are cordially invited to attend. REPUBLICANS TO MEET Fourth District Republican Club will hold ita regular meet ing on Friday, Nov. 19, at 8 p m. in the Moose Home Officers will be nominated. Plans will be made for the Christmas party. Dues are now payable. CBU MEETING TONIGHT The LCBU. will hold its re- Jular meeting at the Sons of ay Home tonight, Thursday, 30 p. m. A social will fol . the business Meeting. Mitchel! Conn. Lucas of Hartford t the week end with his mother, Mrs. Esther Lucas On Sunday ke was accompanied back by his mother who will spend a few weeks with her son and his wife. Mrs. Lucas will also be admitted to a clinic in Bos Mr. and Mrs. Sam Heed and and. tually ed ast from Beech Avenues to Linwood Avenue. ton, D. C, spent with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Sadie Crothers. Born to Mr. and Mra Jack Wise of Suding. Pa. No a daughter, n. on Mrs. Wise is the former dred Warner. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cramer Chambersburg and Fat War- week end with Mra. Cramer and Pal Warners Liana, Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Helen Bianchi of Huning- ton, Mw Y.. returned to her home last Friday after spending & weak with her mother and sis ter, Mrs. Mary and Mrs. Peter Sharkey at Patton . and Mrs. Norman Simmons {near ‘To Be Presented | | mother Pa | week i Mr | fliers) { Henry al {amden | Bala { Flielo | daughter | Y. weeks bool training at nt the Edward end home of Mr Mra town and Mrs family of week end with Mrs Mre Amandus Westrick John Hmithhauer of Trafford visited Ins! week at hone of Mr and Mrs Tomlinson at Patton BD Jack Wise and sos, Bobby Reading. Pa, spent a short inant week a! the (just home Bobby remained here will spend some titne with grandparents, Mr. ard Mrs Warner Mr and Mrs and son Gary State College with law and daughter Richard Fisher Himaell Wharton vm, BD OC spent rn Patton Jerry Volk ard Bucky Pittsburgh vis ern a! Marie Volk Mia Faward and Mrs Blarne abhor and irc of Lhis p ti Mra woe i and Mr and the Thonias H Fhersburg spent 3 eral 1 ot ard his {Mier spent Bunday thelr Mr and M2 of the Washing week end Lani = f ted over the pad the home of Kane of Rey Dennis Keenan of Mri. Rose [Dig gliended the Marie N. J Boe imal LAY Bisse] Panahue of Wright Diavian, Ohio visited over ths werk end al the home of h mather, Mra George Donahue Fired A. Kohnley and Carl guint toile in the ninth { Johnstown Oldtimers Baseball An | sociation ban i al lant Wednesday Memorial Mra E4 Kopera Jenell, of Brookivn, visite] over the week with Mr Kopera's parents Mr and Mrs John Kopera at Pal ton R D» Ladies of 8 will sporsor a day, Nov. 21 A lunch will awarded All tend Gerald Mil 1 5 Nuvy. fel the War Mr. and MN Boniface Church card party Sun in the YMI Hall be served and prizes afe invited to atl lier Beaman in completed a Bainhri Ww is spending 14 the hotne Mea D tudoiph and Hoover left this Tuesday Potter County where they go bear punting while there Md. and nos leave al Mr. and Patton R Joseph ' of his parents Robert Miller of Lawrence fixe Those who bagged turkeys the | past 1¢ Ib Joseph Boyle ‘near Westover of Patton amd George Miller of Loretlts killed their tutheys at Potter County each turkey weighing 10 pounds John Sherry, a 8 i turkey »? Clinton County. and Walter Me Connell Bt. Boniface werk were ene turkey Rudolph ivf Patrick Sunseri of Youngstown | the and Ohio, spent last week home of his parents Mra Joe Sunser Mr. anil Mrs Edgar Callahan and children, Phyllis and Philip visited cover the week end at the home of Mrs Callahan's par. ents. Mr and Mrs al Webster Springs, W.Va Charles Becker of 8: Boniface il on Sunday at Mr. who was critically ir much improved Mrs. Pete Sass Wayne, of Irvona, spent Tuesday with her parents and Mrs Anthony Thomas Mrs. Oscar Binder spent ther-daughter week at St beth College Convent, N where her daughter. Gretchen, a student Mr. and Mrs Nov and son, Curtis, attended funeral last Friday of Mra [da Froud, at Lewistown, Mr. and Mrs Philip Gers and children, Alice and Gregg. of Lewistown visited over the week end al ths home of Mra ers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Swisher Mr. and Mrs John Cochran of Johnstown and Mr and Mm Fred Graher of Vilentin were Sunday aM ps. £8 m.. niributions for St gt ona will be offered at Sunday morning» Jetvite. The ha Toiity Methodie Church . Bdwia NH. Rohrbick, Minister wll Shyreh oii roth 1 43 od m. FT i ivi: eR p Prod Semin Prints "and snd win, this: alter st holy rebhexiraal Par this Mot odin Church. . Oalvary Baptist Charch, Relllys John T. Drury. Pastor : Heke, iy Eohbp ride mpt ad . » 3 Union Thanks: Niry view at a Methodist * First Baptist Charch, Patton Johan T. Inury. * a pe P. oe nrelistic CBee 4 TAMBINIOUS Rounsiey of | jories | i Jones | Cuu the visit | Warne | tetint | Wharton | BON Mrs | {Keenan | Laur § annual Johnstown. | $ ang ena | the! Ritin die dyin | will | camping | Opha Loh i the same } 0G Wa y WAM | for 15 00 prow rae by th tune In Sunday frou the Sperisi Alas fans from 9°30 id Trath Are spornsOred ta Patton Apathy Of Public On Veterans Day Scored By Legion Next Month’s County Meet to Be At Patton lack of to interest in the obhaery Was sored ties of a meet Parkhill tance of Veterans Day {bn Cambria {the American Legion Ling Monday n cht | post Home In dis and ils significance i Hernard Ar i hit at {toward the day | America's war Three county | rived Century | tion of obtaining E wernbera during | i minty Camm a1 Le Clery Jomey ho erivaniam chairman public's apathy aside 1 ho dead Legionnaires re. Hares in recogni 1% or 1853 They Paul the general gar? fr are Jd. C Gles and FZ achionicy y isvalliten Presentation ohn FF. McGrat? fthe Grand Voilure of tia $0 ft = Paul Lirias § TO be given this fvania to post iting the m ' histarien The com pelilion ¥ being sired by the department fieal commitles FC Bdwad Orb chairman, reported Lhat 120 membership quota has been set at 10.3181 1885 membership stands al 3.15 Possibility of organizing Legion bassakeiball and leagues was discussed by Moriev, activities chairman Marley said leagues will ganized i sullicient posts interest in the protect Enrollment al has hit 508, according port by Pdwin (Greene chairman A total of 43 students will be graduated this year from the orphans’ school He Pennsviva Digterict 20 > cosine special awards will year Penney! Bigtorians submit. Jone 8 County) * wid tal in ut spon ETE #5 s Ur oF Mr Te Oo a re Christmas Walter J chairman fo { und Joseph LeRalrman, lasued f tountly posls aid teams Next meeling Tuesday, Dec 21 {MAKE A WILL One of the most In | urments & farmer ne In ii! and testament the situation, the j 10min service of Peiinayiva- {ria State Univermity fecen y pub- { lished Circular 433% entitled “Have You Mads Your Willi?" Get it | from your county extension off. gift fun «1 Stinson, state emergency Laroces, AR appeal Wo organize first. will in Patton ariant doo witural ex- Mr | : oo : Eliza- | XY. in: i raan Swisher the ate prices. No, it does not cost ¢ small fortune to ob- tain the very finest in dia- mods! See our famous value collection, to | of | To Head Colver’s ‘Read Feather Unit i i lager i has i Colver 3 i | resigned upon his recent appoint. | { ment : | Ebenstury [head of the Chest hoard of fOr anthracite more | Leman, | ard Henry | g waa ae hy i repreasnting | ITE ; An conprehensive powt histor. { membership | District | } wf Present | zt ye | junior | bowling | Fritz | OF i yoilce i Seotland RBehood | cagnimitiee | urged posts {to contribute to the school's 5 ce distri t 16: 8 2 be heid is his last Recognizing Moose Unit Plans To Entertain Kids Hats off Clad of Lodge 176 Loval Order of Moose will spon sor its annus] Christmas K party Sunday. Dec 1% in Moos Home. Plans for the event mapped and commitice chai named at a meeting in Barnesbos Moose Home John Hollows was named gens eral chaimmman Other “ommidies ‘heads include Joseph Bonstests, purchasing and arrangements; Fete Kutsick., entertainment: Paul Arotin, packing, and Bill Begenyi, refreshments The club feted 1.800 yvoungeters ut the 1943 party In other bush ress at the meeting. three new members were admitted Next meeting will be hold Nov 21 a ‘he Moowe hall | Stuart L. Dillant Stuart 1. Miant, inf Cedver bosn general man Blore Company rinsed president of Crynnyunity The former viee president cooks (Charles Buterbaugh. BEC wie ¥ me superintendent of Came brim County C(hildrén's Home Mr. Buterbaugh had served as diver The man tors fisr the vast fwo years new president also is chair Hd the finan committees The resigration was submi earlier this paonth at the first re port meeting on the progress of the ectrrent fund csmbalign The Cheat han pet $4509 ag iis goa the vear Coehairmen of the drive sre Melvin H end Frank Lagana tied i CLEAN UF GARDEN For better disease cofitred In Kir ng | the home garden, use a fall cleans op suggests Allen Bauer, ens Riatle extension plant pathologist. Ta Most of the serious dinesses of i | home garden crope Ho ive aver win ter in old, dead plan { oye The cerler of the worl industry is orate Lackawanna County wt dove Rad PATTON. PA FRIDAY & SATURDAY — NOV. 19 & 20 ——edON OUR GIANT SCREEN Ren IT {1 SUNDAY & MONDAY — NOV. 21 & 22 ON OUR GIANT SCREEN BEY Tas, off | \ "0 1 ALSO . WORLD NEWS & NOVELTY a TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY — NOV. 23 & 24 — ON OUR GIANT WIDE SOREEN — . FOX NEWS, COLOR CARTOON & NOVELTY CASH NITES - TWO DAYS. FOR ALL KIDS FROM 4 to M4 pi i Serb CRNA: 0 i SR oS he i dh a i id El Ce ITS ANT WIE SCREEN...