Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, October 21, 1954, Image 9

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    ASH a i; w——
EE ————
Largest General Weekly Newspaper Circulation in the Area
Established In October, 1898
Published every Thursday by Thos A Owens ahd Frank P, Cammarata
Press-Courier Bullding, 542 Magee Ave Pation Ps. snd entered as second
class mall matter May 7. 1808. at the postoffice at Patton, Ps
Act of March 3 1879
under the
Thomas A Owens, Editor
Subscription: $3.00 Yearly
in Cambria County,
$3.50 Outside County
Business Manager
Managing Editor
Circulation Manager
“NA |Asspchyridn
The endeavor of the Union Press-Courier is 10 sincerel represent og-
anised labor in ail efforts to obtain economic freedom terial for pu
Heation must be sighed Dy the writer as an evidence of good faith
The Union Press-Courier circulation district covers all of Northern Came
3s County and of Southern Clearfisld County. Published in No rn
bris and port-Irvons Bditions. - |
Whither? Whither’—Ye Statesmen!
On November 1, an important election is on the calendar All of
the nation's House of Representatives will be elected. as well as one-
third of its senators. Lik#wise, the same ratio will take place in the
State of Pennsylvania. In some respects, it is the most amazing pre-
election campaign we have ever witnessed It is even se topwy-turvy
in the Republican ranks of leadership, that about the only thing left
for the independent voter to do is to cast a ballot for the Democrats
~at least they seem to pretty well know what they are attempting
And statements made to the press last week by President
Eisenhower's Secretary of Defense Mr. Wilson, regarding his sent.
that while “he hatt & lot of sympathy” for the jobless in the
labor areas, he always “liked bird dogs better and kennel.
" places him in the position of being just about the greatest
to the Democratic campaign that even the most hopeful could
want. Can anyone imagine an unemployed miner with a home and a
family here in Northern Cambria, being able to desert them, and
travel hither and yon in search of employment ?
: , of course, whether the Republicans will be
However, when it :
days of this campaign. Some
most conservative Republican daily press
business” administra
he will live
“As | See It”
By . ..
For quite some time doctors
throughout the nation
at odds as to whether or not cig-
arette smokers might be afflicted
with cancer of the lungs
A few months ago &! a meting
held by the American
Association al l.os Angeles, one
of the outst and
ing M. D's was
lecturing on this
sub ject
ing the thous
ands of doctors
bled that cigar
ette smoking de
finitely was the
cause of lung
cancer. However,
while discussing
this subject, we
are informed
that the conven.
tion hall was so filled with cigs
telte smoke that while the speak.
er was heard he could not be
seen. Evidently those assembled
paid little attention if any. to
the lecturer
Not too far back a prominent
cigarette manufacturer kept ad
tertising on TV that five New
York doctors had gone on record
that their particular brand of
cigarelles was god for the
throat. Other doctors throughout
the nation were informing
public through TV programs that
Sifaratie smoking was not harm.
ful to humans So the battle rag-
od between the pros and the cons
and no one seemed to know who
was right and whiy.
Now we find the the Public
Health Cancer Association of New
York State a! a meeting held at
Buffalo recently, passed a resclu-
tion offered ‘by Dr. Morton L.
Levin, assistant New York State
Health Commissioner, that the
public should be informed that
this p has gone on record de
finitely stating that there was
sip between smoking
n ung cancer
Well, well, let us analyze
contents of this resolution. First
why do these doctors only refer
to cigarette amoking” It appears
tor un that water is water whether
we drink it out of a glass or out
of a cup and in the same sense
tobacco is tobacco whether it is
smoked in cigarettes, pipes or ci-
gars. Had these doctors gone on
record thal the using of tobacco
might show =a relationship with
lung cancer, we the American pe-
ople may have paid some atten
tion to their findings. But when
they refer to cigarette smoling
cnly, It appears to us that they
have beer’
Medical |
inform. |
who were aesen. |
the |
sufficient evidence of the relation. |
cigarettes |
the |
fare far off the beaten path nso.
far as true research Gevelopments
Pare concerned
i Could it be thal some
{dortors could be
of theses
interested in a
pipe manufacturing concern since
many of them are advocating pipe
smoking, even suggesting it
the feminine mex of our country’
{Do they assure us that if we
{take the tobacco contents of »
Cignretle and smoke it in a pipe
{that there will be no danger of
oontracting a lung cancer” Will
they assure us that if the same
tobacco 8 smoked In a cigar
| from that again we are free from
ithe anme danger
| Bometimes we wonder as to the
| findings of these so-called experts
{We often times wonder whether
ithe American people are gullible
{enough to accept their findings.
{regarding these cures and diseases
(us final We venture to say that
[more doctors smoke cigarettes
than any other profession on
enrth. Surely, if for one minute
they thought it was so dangerous
they certainly would abolish this
Now naturally we are not in a
position to confirm or condemn
Any reasoning siong these lines
that cigarette amoking creates
teancer of the lungs Bat we do
believe that if cigaretie smoking
is dangercus that pi and cigar
smoking must be placed in the
same category. If the doctors take
the position that pipe and we
smoking is cancerous {ree then
we definitely must take the posi
tion that cigaretlis smolting falls
in that category
Our reading public can now
readily understand how certain
cures or sutions are now ar
rived at. suse, nothing definite
{has been proven to make us be-
i Heve that their opinions are wor
{thy of consideration, because sone
of these same medicos have gone
on record that the Hoxsey Method
of treating cancer. in their opin.
ton, is worthless. But like cigar- |
.#lle smoking, they have never tn |
‘ken the pains to thoroughly in- |
| vestigate the Hoxsey product and
method 10 make Certain that it
has no value before a wholesale
| condemnation by their groups
| We sincerely believe that be-
(fore any product is frowned up|
{on by the medical association it
ishould first be ly and
impartially investigated not by
opinions, but by facts. Until or-
| ganized medicine really and truly
| follows such a pattern, the public
will have little faith in their op
dh and findings»
Mrs. W. H Y
ward Cassidy Mrs. Dave
Weakland visited with relatives
in Patton on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Abel
came here from Baltimore Md.
lo visit relatives over the week
end. In the service, Mr. Abel
recently arrived in the States
srmany. His wife is 3 Ger-
re 5
ployed in Pittsburgh, were home
over Sunday.
to attend the 10th monthly no-
vena for Marian Year in
of Our Blessed Mother and St
Therese of Lisieux, the Little Mo
wer, which opens Friday at the
Loretto Carmel and will continue
ito Saturday. Oct. 30, inclusive
Novena devotions will be daily in
the public Chapel at 4 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. James SUtts and
shilren of atten, 4 and Mr. and
rs. Regis Summerhill
were guests ay al the home
of the Iadies parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Stitts of East End
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Miller and
Siberts of Duke .
Mr. Yd Mrs 1. M. Kline, ac-
[in Altoona Wednesday
| kre
his initial
etn I —,
te University, State College is!
pending the week at her home
FP. FF Yahner was admitted tn
Miners’ Hospital, Spangler, Fri
day for observalion and returned
te his home herd on Sunday
Members of Bl. Bernsrd's Ries
wed Virgin Mary Sodality will
have “Living Hosary rehearsal
Friday evening following October
Sevalions al Welk in the eh
Sunday will be observed as Mis
won Bundavy
Mr and Mrs
Regis Conrad and
thildren. of Rijver Springs Md.
wnd Mrs Ellamorie Sheehan of
Aitoma visited here the past
werk at the Albert Gill and Pred
341] homes
Mre OCuy Commons
jghter Amy. Mm J Walter Skil
ington, Mra FG. Pontzer Mrs
Minn Feters and Miss Emily Wat.
ters were in Altoona. on ednea.
ny of last week
And orchids to Jack Rue of the
Johnstown paper on winning fire:
prize in the retent Press Photo
exhibit with hin picture entitled
Nuxt Wednesday is Teddy Ro-
tsevelt’'s birthday. Former presi
dent Theodore Roosevelt was born
et. IV, 1858, and died Jan 8
Bt. Peter is the patron saint
of locksmiths hecause he holds
ihe key to heaven
Dr. and Mrs. Louis McCauley
of Punzsutswney were callers in|
town Friday evening
Mrs. Paul Binder and Mrs. Ar
thur Lantzy of York spent the
week ~nd al the Binder home on
Spangler Bt
Mrs. FP. J Hosk was a visitor
of last
Miss Emily Watters of Pitts
burgh spent & few days last week
here al the home of her grand
parents, Mr. and Mra Guy Come
A reorganization muatng of
Hastings VFW Drum and Bugle
Corps for old and new members
will be held in the Post Home
on Friday evening, Ot 29, at
B00 a m All those
invited and urged
mee ng
. * »
"Why Women Sin.” al the opera
house might.
The local freight run has been
taken from the crew located at
this place.
The Cambria County Teachers
Institute will be held on Nov. 16
to 3 inclusive at Ebensburg
Sibert and Beveridge have
ned a new pod room in the
I 1. Binder roceri on Beaver St
The Hastings Water Co. has
fire hydrants in front of
. Rice's offive and Commons
More for private use in case of
A number of vicinity folks plan | fire.
Jas. Commons and sons have
tommenced the erection of thelr
bowling alley building. They ex-
pect to have it in operation with-
in & month. 4
The Junior Bund received their
new instruments on Monday and
have started rehearsals. There are
100 members and all are steady
yourg fellows. We predict for
them a bright future
“Olid Farmer Hopk
offering at the opera house Sat.
wrday evening and a large aud
tence was there to greet him.
Mm. E. Norine Law of Detroit,
Mich. famous temperance lecturer
{will deliver a lectare here Nov. |
at 2:30 5 m., either open air, or
in the M. E Church in case of
Mrs. Frank Yahner has sold
here to Orville E
interesled |
to altend |
h ———— - —
Miss Nell Mahaffey. who has
{been the guest of her sunt. Mrs
(A.B Clark, left on Monday for
{ her home.
I Mrs WC Reese of Patton visi-
{ted herve at the home of her dau
Ehter, Mrs. Will R Kibler, on
Mrs. Amanda Notley has rented
the living rooms over the Luther
& Binder Millinery store and will
wcenpy the same.
Wm. Sibert has purchased the
rifle range gallery near the Park
House. and is now instructing
our citizens how to shoot .
Mr. Harry Dugan of Barnes
boro held the boards at the PRR
depot this week du the ab-
sence of Ticket Agent Drifhart
Ace has been notified that she is |
one of the successful convestants
in the Grit guessing contest ;
D. J. Houck and Andrew Geus
returned home Tuesday from sc |
Louis where they have been for!
jsome time sight-seeing at the big |
| fair. g
Mrs. louis Sodmont and son, |
Louis purchased tickets of Ed A |
etn i —
of this pb |p.
| Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Kirkps- | for the top
frien spent
in Altoona i
Mr. and Mrs
wo on :
Miller of Chest “ §
a few days »t :
Mr. and Mrs Robert
Goodfellow gw left this morning |
i for their old home in um :
Mrs. A. CG. Neff hry re]
Jennie have returned fromm Alto
ona after i & few days!
with Mrs Neff's daughter, Mra |
W. C. Dawson. :
Mr. B B Hoyt of Johnstown, |
general superintendent of the Mo |
untain Supply Co. was at the
Hastings store this week.
Messrs. Prank Donahue of
roflitown and Frank McAnuilt
Barnesboro, accompsained by th
t Sunday with J. :
Notley family here.
Annie, daughter of Mr. and
i Mra. Benjamin Ritter, entertained
iguite a number of her little fr.
iends Wednesday evening. it be
ing the 11th anniversary of her
Mr. J. LL. Fry of Gien dower |
Mr. Bril
bell a prominent Jumber dealer.
was in town Wednesday morning
Mr. and Mrs E
attended the weddin
harts sister, Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rematt and
family of Spangler. Mr. and Mrs |
Rematt and family of Sp-
and Mr. and Mrs Pete
Dandrea of Altoona were visitors
at the home of Mr and Mrs
Frank Delso on Bunday
Mr. and Mra Frank Pinalli and
family of Alcona, Mr. and Mr
Clem Delstire and family of Eb-
ensburg and Mr and Mra Ray-
tire and son of Has |
(dive low-cost financing an important part
in your home plans. We will arrange a mort.
gage loan to meet your needs and save yon
money. Allinone monthly payments, geared
to your income, will steadily reduce the
amount of youggloan and take you safely and
securely to fresand.clear home ownership.
Come in.
gesesting Stay
. A,
be coming out with
Well, they could
oe ot
seven-cylinder car!
4 : ot"
- &
rs ennin asanns®
¢ v .