Thursday, August 26, 1964 BEAVER VALLEY | Birthday Surprise Party For Preston McMillen A surprise birthday parly wa held for Preston MeM birthday at his home ! evening, Aug 13. A deli nch was served and all an enjovahie evening ceived many beautif gifts, The beautiful | birthday cake was baked Virginia Yeaglie. The guests were present Jill Rupp, Nan v 3 Marv Potulsching, lrene ; Sandra Kingston, Nancy Traveny | Alice Potutsching, Harriet Kings | tom Bland fie (ales [raw n Hes- | cox, Judy Kingston, Donna Jean | Bickford, Rita McMillen, Moilie | Wagner Jane Troxell, Wilbert} McMillen, Roy Dunlap, Ernest | Potutsching, Eddie Noel, Russell} Downs mmy Hamilton Gene | (ates, George Baum, Preston] McMillen Bruce Puniag ialr Downs, Walter McMillen (1 Baun Wavne [nn Ap ay miiton, Fred Lester, Rodger -Bic kKford, Bernard Zabinski, Clavie Yost, Carl Baum, Mrs Virginia Yeagle, Mrs Olive Troxell, Mr and Mrs Albert Duniap, amd Mi and Mrs James McMillen LE Robert McMillen has returned! to hiz home from a Weeks Vaca tion in Rossiter wilh his grand mother Mr and Mra Glen Houser of Altoona spent! a week endl wit} the lady's parents Mr. and Mrs Fllaine Stevens a wa - w oe u » PS OAS AH AI OR A ie —— Miss Joves Flemming of Chea ter visited Mrs Gertrude McocKes recently Miss Irene Gales has spent the past few weeks with Mr and Mrs Clarence Troxell and family of Mountaindale Mr and Mrs Cecil Black and louise Shope of Franklin, Pa pent a week end at their home| here | Mr and Mrs Earl Gillian and! daughter of Coalport were re tent visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Joe Everhart Mr and Mrs Marvin Gates of Cleveland. OO, spent a week end] here a! their homes Jimmy Gates and Roger Miles fipent a day recently wisiting re- Iatives and friends in Lebonan James Flemming of Buffalo, N. Y. was a recent caller with Mr. and Mrs Harry Harpster Miss Verla Kutruff of Johns town spent several days recently with her parents here I M. Le#ater has secured em- ployment in Coudersport. Pa Karen Hughs of Hollentown was a recent caller among friends | here. Mr and Mra Francis Gales and children of Fallentimber vise ted Mr. and Mrs Charles King ston recently «Martha Glass of Utahville, R | PD. spent a week end at the Zen- | : i Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Glass and ) of Fallentimber were recent at the Lloyd Gates resi- Janet It Lo x = 2 Drive With Caution! DANGER! School children ahead «— GO slowly . . . STOP accidents! This is the time of year when every motorist must redouble his efforts to drive safely and make the streets and highways safe for our children! Let's all pledge ourselves to make this the SAFEST 3C HOOL YEAR that our district has ever known! This means we must give the greatest possible co-operation to those officials who are on duty to protect all human life. It means paying close attention to laws and signals . . . driving at a sale speed always . . . and giving your fellow motorist the proper arm signals. When vou see the sign “SCHOOL ZONE,” always procecd with extreme caution, We all know that youngsters have a way of dashing heedlessly ito a street or out onto the road from a yard. It is up to you—the driver—to be on guard . .. to make our streets and play areas safe for our school children. Let's outlaw traffic tragedies! Heed the signals of the School Boy Patrol. Let's each accept the responsibilities for making our own district the SAFEST in the United States, not oudy-for School Children—baut for all pedestnians and motorists! DRIVE WITH CAUTION! Ey Take This 4-Point Pledge For School-Time Traffic Point 1: "1 Will Drive Slowly” When in the vicinity of schools, I will keep within the speed limit—or much less than that. I will be always ready to STOP in a flash—for that youngs- ter who may dart from behind a parked car, or the unpredictable ‘‘kid'' on his bicycle. I will execute all traffic hand signals. Point 2: "1 Will Observe All Si 1 will heed signs that warn me where to-and-from school traffic is heaviest. Before coming to & cross. walk, safety sone, or school ares—super- vised or not—I will give the proper hand signal, and if children are about to stop, come to a full STOP! Point 3: "1 Will Note fhe Time of Day” I will be doubly alert during the hours when school children are on the streets, aid when school buses are loading and unloading. Recess hours, lunch time, before and after school. These peak periods will find me ever watchiul—and prepared. In bad weather I will guard » Point 4: "1 Will Keep My Car Tip-Top” No matter how willing I am, I'll always remember that my car could be weak —just at the crucial moment. I will not handle the wheel unless I am certain that my car is in first-class mechanical shape. I will have it inspected and checked regularly, to be sure that it's in the best possible condition. NSURE YOURSELF — AND OTHERS — AGAINST TRAGEDY! THIS SPECIAL MESSAGE IS SPONSORED IN THE INTEREST OF GREATER SAFETY BY THE FOLLOWING: PATTON AUTO CO. * SERVICE STATION PATTON, PA.