Thursday, August 5 1954 Hastings and Vicinity By GERTRUDE M. HOUCK Miss Lena Stevens Weds Alvin Chura The marriag Stevens and Aly Hastings, BR D Bernard's Church Saturday ing at 9 o'clock Mr seit of Mr and Mrs 1s The bride's parents are de Father Adalbert Kalst pastor. performed the doubler ceremony MASS n Cours fas be Wis O8ERB and Attendants Weare leen Dumm cousins of Miss Eileen Maluchnick bridegroom sang the nuplial Miss Kath rami 1 hn ON HONK bridegre ym anid Jaseph ne of the and the (isler and also tis her bro the bride ew nn of 4 of Given in marriage by ther, Richard Stevens wore a floor-length over taffeta Her ved! was attached to a and she carried a brides with a cascade of carnations breath and ribbon Miss pnd Miss OCisler wore gowns, the formers in and the iatter in blue with mat. ching headbands They carried colonial bouquets of pink and yellow carnations Breakfast waa served Chura home and dinner home of the brides sister Elmer Baum, Cherry Tree A reception took place in Boniface Grove hall . Upon return from a honeymoon teip, the newlyweds will reside or Hastings, R. D . rr 2» Parochial School To Open Aug. 30 8t. Bernard's Parochial of Hastings will, in line parochial schools throughout diocese, open for the 1854.55 ac. hool term on Monday, Aug 30 | Father Francis A McNelis, sup- | erintendent of parochial schools in the Alfoona Diocese recently announced the opening date The opening dale has been set a little earlier than other years to make it possible to complete the | term by the end of Lhe first week | in June All children who years of age by Aug. 30 are eh | gible for registration Children | who will reach their 6th birth. | day by Jan. 1 will be registered on a conditional basis. They must | pass mental or readiness tesls showing they have attained net net se | haby 4 § orchid the the Mrs D NY at al R the Schon with | if we Dremdnder will be six ginning of the school vear » vie AT MOOSE THEATRE. | i Clovernor's Palace ahoulder-length | band | ballerina | { produced i This emotionally {1s ent eighth {Carving toinbstones has been almos! | terated by the | i places of ploneprs i Cur Vania, | ticularly a it he learned the veil mental age of six years a! the be! + 0 Riddle Phone Chapel 17-4330 "Our Trip to Virginia Comes to An End Hal het Will Irg VER River buildings of 17 40 foray Hick ef | are the Ea 1a Pianta vv Here i810 1726 173 are gt if i Aer Brrish i% Yi % Ire kept fn heat Frederishurg £Y% Fields Betty “11 1: reps? K enmios E [ewis Washingtor Hochan Pats REE he and .af faohn and al phat) Henry eR MH Nr ® Ft f sila FET B= Here anid re farnon rent or i ity Ye the ef you step into the 18th the past BR vou vist the Capitol centiiry - gn 1705 restored al Williamsburg has beer its colonial appearance eft thar $0 nn buildings the miledong ar mile wide histori than 80 modern removed to make wavy sloration o ap 135 pa to ost Eighty and AFP 61 3 orginial sti » #rea st rect fires Were for the re tii Ol aver rihli ut reels recon st rad cron inl rea dong es buildings. famous gardens and greens listo % ns (Grea! The Common at Williamsburg June 30 to Rept intense, human of the creation of Hepubli has in hirw in iis A meri I'rama (ic . each year from warm story American of 150 and season the At Culpepper, where we stayed another night, we browsed throw gh a National Military reading inscriptions and epilophe on some of the Oglest oli during Cemeatery the eclemenls two centuries or more have marked the Heroen of lie in the they all COUnirys wars this peaceful spot. The large ment erected by the Keystone State our own beloved Pennayvl in honor of its dead in par gy mboli al and atirac. tive And, erate by the way. the COuonfed museum at Front Royal learn, had just about every of the Bouth’'s part in the Civil War except the yell, Now it has the yell, too J.T Malome of Armory. Miss recorded one on tape while he and ihis wife visited there recently The Mississippi! Confederate said from the late B A A a ny v velerap. on our oufney and while stop | evening | pint ot places of Interest we were | would be advisable That is, one | “Monte Carlo” with Merle amazed to see cars with license Oberon and Richard Todd th | feature for the Moose screen on | Friday and Saturday. | Sunday's ure will be “Tor Al Mark Ste- | A cartoon wi piates from about every state in the Union. as well which proves sitracted in great numbers by the | many natursl wonders and scenic be on both | beauty of the Grand Old Domin- | 3 on that tourists are -the State of Virginia ~~ New Low Cost COMPLETE EYE SERVICE ® Your Cholce of Any Style IRIS osnt Our Own Laboratory LT that! burving | | CRETINE | ard, i but the nu i and rebel | | can be as Canady, | second evening, | the better | from all | Friday i lo join i been changed to an hour iat mon. | Cpl. Lechene Works UNION PRESS. COURIER Out On Army Truck Cpl. Wilfred H. Lechene of Hastings performs preventive mainten- anes on A Armored brother, was stationed December. First of Pageant Rehearsals to Be Held Here Friday About 15 Men, 10 Women Needed Locally Hast rl Beaqu Haomelan wil grt night t time baal truck in Germany, Divison's Albert, at Ft Bragg. N. ( First par +0 tennial the refiearsal for the hialeoy pageant Alleghenies way here Friday clot henran set for 7 p m ings Cen hi the ey folks mel a ing here last ith Miss Betl- Ebensbiirg., pageant an. and Mr How. pageant firec lor Was rather small al foiks urged All wishing Lo lake the pageant! aml n al miacied are nviled 10 the & Friday at 8 a'clock for the rehearsal Abioul 15 meen and 10 women used in Lhe A group (af oCal the high school build Thursday evening, w ty Davis of charm ans. stant ribet Mare Ha lo participate part in remy COe #3 Rie i BH firs! Casi As the senile] ear} qui Week may lie pageanl w De evening during Bes everyone perhaps bo pari And so a rotaling cast Lie group could tak: part one even ing, another group could go the and so on Of course if some of CAR participale each evening. all Al least 400 or more will make up the cast over lhe county come to Lhe high school at RB o'clock the caf: | persons 80 or if you wish for | part in the pageant. A cavalcade of | from the Countyses! visited town iA few minutes Monday, on a our | of Lhe north of the county, 1 Little League Player Here Fractures Left Leg Jimmy, 12-vepr-old son of Mr and Mra. Edward Yeager, of this place, suffered a fracture of his lefl leg last Thursday while piay- ing in a Little Langues baseball where he in a mechanic 42nd Armored tives in Hastings, £3 § pre pate each the members Hastings | Sesqui boosters i i with Necond Nignal (=o Lechene, whose entered the Army in 1949 and , prior te arriving in Furope last game on jo Jos oii Ax cateh the Moose Jirmmy : i inner | The injured lad Miners Hospi! the imdb anid when Wak removed lo Kpangier Ried] in Ri where A ing rabiy. atl Kis Spang ding Lo repos Tennis Boosters to Meet Tomorrow In Hastings Park Members snd ed in seeing the cal Tennis fit RLY aliend a och on the Park will was p he & & red pp ral TEI VEry ier Rireet Ao f others Work al the Hirle progress ar possible are urged 10} meeling Friday at the mile designated fos al the Comunity case of an effort the intereat 5 FER £2 ¢ urls In ii f rain te tO Bold Nearny At tablish purposes gietl officers unit an opp plain 14 all | plain tr ail FCiub in ox {as well i $5 ns wr > iNGOOES ie BUS this trie! the oJ ing we ub a defini girnis ms well This will give Wiunily oo bhelier ex thine present just ex those present! ust ex. natruction of he Fey fulure will ie La Eon. and as as p mainlien Several definite sleps were tak (en during the pas! week in fur thering the construction of the | courts. The Municipal Authority has allotted an area of ground G2 by 138 feel. which will be sufficient consinst three re. gulation courts The bull doer working at the park has already ! spent several hours in leveling ol to this area with st) i |! a H a little more | ‘jast weelt at the Dave Weakland Bome in East End | than half yet to be finished The | club is still seeking voluntary | laborers to assist them in com pieting the work and to set the proper drainage system It is hoped 10 have the work completed this fall All are asked who desire. to {learn more about join: ng the club i by contacting any of the follow. {ing people, personally, by phone | Lor by mail. Jim Farabaugh, Andy { Holtz, Paul McDermott, Ralph Holtz and Bill Soisson La Announce Engagement Of Miss Betty J. Kopera Mr. and Mrs M1 I. Kopera of 8t. Boniface announce the en. Ragement of their daughter, Betty Jane, 10 Evan Jenkina, son of Mr. and Mrs Daniel Jenkins of Pat- ton. The wedding wil be a fall event. A of Hastings-Elder High School, class of 1953, Miss Kopera is an employee of the Phillips-Jonea Plant in Patton Mr. Jenkins is with the UJ. 8 Na- vy at Norfolk, Va LM. Kline Earns Orchid | As Top Tomato Grower ~- Top tomato grower of the vie- {Inity is a term which can justly be applied to I. M. Kline, and so we'd like to give “Izzy” the or shid this week. Hix tomato plants in the garden at his home on Spangler St. look like trees gro: wing sturdy and stout and some of the prize specimens bear at least 30 fine large-sized tomatoes «5 9 te AR guests daughter, Miss Kathryn Pontser. Mr. and Mrs. George Allport, their daughter Susan and son of Bethichem are visiting oe at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Commons. Father Paul Hritz recently and and priest Stephen John Ferrance of Cleveland, OO. spent the week end in town with relatives and friends. Father Hri- tz. a relative of the Albert Mas aros family, said the 5:30 mam in 8t. Bernard's Church Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. I. M Kine, Mr and Mrs. Donald Parrish, : Satighter Karen and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dumm and daughter Jan- ice were visitors Sunday at Blue Knob, near James Yahner of Read oA SING PRAISE By GERTRUDE M. BOUCK All zighis rejerved) Sing praise to the name of the fair Keystone Stale I Where heroes have battled to | Majestic i To right | in sun-dappied glens the shy team | make cur land great With bounty unequaled its area is Flew! Here natural resources enrich every crest the mouniains seme lofty, some low Bright! streams whisper homage as onward they flow ih. dear Pennsylvania sing her praise We'll tell of her wonders as VOudes We raise let's all Bing praise for the Biate with a picturesque charm Embracingly favored by Gods loving arm Her rivers are famed both story and song (The Blue Juniata goes praving along) How pleasant the woods and the bordering mead, Wher harvests a-plenty from need, Bing praise for the weather sing praise for the soil Sing praise for the heaith-giving Bir as we toil in insire Gs Sing praise for the shadowy pur. pies of night, For mendows dew -pearied in the dawns early light | For dogwood that covers the whale countryside and to left, for the bride: Me redbud and laure]! an annual tryst keep jel peed I ing prove for arbutus sabloom base | Cas : | Ring Every spring. inhale the sweel (ragrance as privises we sing prisine for the grandeur that (a has bestowed, | We're proud that we've made this State our abode rent | Where ruffed grouse and swallows | | Wikd unnrnbered are found. turkeys and quail in the woodiands abound he wren and the bluebird each ypoytully sings { And the lark pours his clarion song ss he wings Aflcmt in the air =» the bobolink's | call a - praise then to Penn's Woods, ¢ $ od § $0 1 vl § the | § fairest of all : | An eagles sail upward in proud of. | fight on high Let plaadits swell Joudly right up | to the shy, | We thunk Thee. O Lord for the land thal we love, Pray. always smile down Slate from above, For though (ar away we some limes may roam ir hvmughts harken back to the place we call home So praise to our Commonwealth sing of ber fame, an our | Forever and ever sing praise to { cONrLs | i her name - * . Mr ang Mrs Fred Bedmmon Jr of Washington, D C., spent the {wok end with selalives here. Mr amd Mrs James McNelis, thelr som, Dick and Mm 1 L Binder and fer Noss al- tended 8 McNelis reunion Sun- da Mt ht 10a) fan sent rome and Mrs. Woodrow Wylas! and "Mr and Mrs Jack Wyland snd children of Cleveland, ©, and | Mrs Joseph BSolnosky and children of Bamesboro visited one day Mrs. Ray Teklnaky and daugh- ter of Philadeiphin, Mise Anna Marie Rubus of Naugatuck, ! Conn. and Donald Rubus of De | tredt, Mich. were here a few days | visiting atl the home of their par- ents. Mr. and Mrs Michast Rubus Former U 8 President Her- bert Hoover will be 80 years oid on Tuesday He was born Aug 19, 1874. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Stritl. matt and children of Palton visited Sunday at the home of the former's mother, Mra Elizabeth Strittmaltier of East End Mr. and Mrs Charles Eriter and children of Carrolitown visil- ed Sunday at the McDermott re- sidence in East End Miss Nanetie Donahue of Pills h was at her home in East over Bunday. Atty. and Mrs John Lantzy of Spangler wisited Sunday al the KK. H. Kelly home in East End Mr. and Mrs Ted Holtz their BON, , und Mr. and Mis Dave Weakland and family en- joyed an outing Sunday a! lhe Cook's Forest State Park Mr. and Mra. James McNelis of Detroit, Mich, announce the birth of a som, Christopher, on July 2% Recent births which we forgo! to jist are as follows: A daugh- ter was bom to Mr. and Mrs Jack Heatherdale In the jer WI July 18. Mr. Hea ie manager of the A nay P. And Mr. and i Ewanik annouice of a son in the same like a path | i Yi» —_— I a Hr Bs mj } { | visited with relatives here over dr. {the past week end August, the eighth month of | ithe year is dedicated to the Im- | ! | maculate Heart of Mary After aspen several weeks | in Cincinnati jo. at the daughter, of her son-in-law snd daughter. | Tree visited here : Mr and Mrz William Brenan. | hner home Wednesday evening Mrs James McNelis has returned last week | to her home here | Mr Rady > Diffenbach and oN Jaren Buchanan was the ony aren of iver Springs. Md - who never married the ndy's parents, Mr. and Mrs | Mrs Ruth Pontzer wom the Michael Rubus sore award when Mrs Gertrude. Mr. snd Mrs Ralph M Houck entertained the “Bridge | and Seughters were visitors Foursome” Saturday afternoon Patton Wednesday evening of last Mrs W at the Houck home on Fourth | week. | Run visited here for Avenue Mm John AB was a visitor With her and Mrs Waiter Yahner A Weok. Mr in Altooma Wednesday of last [wart M Miss Betty Davis of Ebensburg | - v Shetr Ro Hit was # caller In town last Thurs fortune to et a args rodd fall on one of his Mr and Mrs Ha Fosig and 98 ening od Jack, Joe and Jeanne and Mr and | Kern Houck and daughter, caused a very day Mrs Robert Houck and son Bobby Lynn Ann visited with relatives Me all of Akron. O. and Mr and in Bethesda Md. a few days ws F. Mrs. Warre mer and daugh. Week. Mr Ty 154MeE na ugh | Mr. and Mrs. Gordon announce the Peaansylvania Coal a si an orting Sunday at the Lea ‘ihe birth of a daughter m Miners Co mer Grove, near the Leamer Hospital Spangler, July 37 Mr John Reems of home Mr and Mrs James McMullen A puaest here of Nis i nic will be held next Gy Chub ple | 31 in the Spangler Hospital "Athi ou amb alk {July 11. at the Patton Park James Rubus of Banning. Calif come Ae Mins Grace Cunningham, genial is visting here with his parents, : and capable Hastings young lady. | Mr. and Mrs Michael Rubus has received em ent in Reg- Mr. and Mrs Harold Fosig and ster of Wille hael J. Hart. | Jack, Joe and Mary Jean of Ak nett’'s office. Cambria County ron, O. spent several days the Courthouse, Ebensburyg. past week here with Mrs Fosig's Mr and Mrs A. PF Baker snd parents Mr and Mrs T. A Yah Mr and Mrs. Alvin Thomas visi ner and in Cherry Tree with her of ted with relatives in Hollidays- | brother-in-law and sister Mr. and | burg last Thursday Mrs. Warren Liamer : Due to the Firemen's Week George Bernanos spoke a grea | activitian this Thursday evening truth when he. mid. “When we | at Patton. when Piremen’s Parade deliburately shut our eyes 10 & | will feature, the regular meeting truth, we always end up by hat- {of Hastings Borough Council has ing it.” heen postponed until the follow-| A number of Hastings people ing evening Friday. Aug 6 at! Lr to attend the Marian Hour [7p m 7 p m August 11 im St {| The y Hastings Eider High School Nays Church, Patton, when | Band will be sponsored this Thur. | veneration of the “Piigim Vergin, i jo i er SA — sm PR RR SA PA Rave returned from a visit lon were up at the Coumtyl | Monday en a and Mrs T A. Yahner which will epen fext A jolly party of 17 ‘had a hay ride over tore Wednesday evening. DJ Houck had & very 5 some porch built on the south shies the American House Jos | The, Hating fay a | horough limits, and the piping = | being laid an fant an the | are being completed Seventeen foreigners from were up at Ebensburg and Became naturalized A them were: Chas Hetrick, H Smith and Robert Carte puaet have to sday evening by the Hastings Fire beautiful statue of Our Lady of ompany in the competitive Fire Fatima, will conclode the services men's Parade at Patton Mra Jack Pongonia and dau! | Mra P. O. Holtz entertained ghter, Pat, spent several weeks rnembers of her bridge club at! recently’ visiting with the lady's | her horne here last Thursday ev- setar, Men ire Liccordo in ry score awards going to Mrs | - wy. Edward Cassidy, Mrs A. J. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Liccordo | Howek. Mrs. A. J Dillon and Mra and Bill Gienburg of New York [Fred Solason Mrs Houck also City and Mr. and Mrs Jack | received the travel prize | Pongonis and danghter. Pal are . Mr and Mrs. E A Holtz and | visiting in H * at the home | family attended an annual picnic | of their parents, Mr. and Mrs Al Liast Thursday at Recreation Park, | bert Lubert ( Patton, held webu Bogs gg Life In | surance C Holtz a a} Fifty Years Ago Hr tear. Sunday Near Coalport Fhensbu Moms taken fran the Slee daughter Barbara and son Randy, | Herth, Coints News A Lorain, Ohio, motorist iof Canton, O., were guests last | Angus 5, caped injury last Sunday Mr and Mrs B jeibauer. | (and a good game is expected a uUNY pole on Rate Mr and Mra BJ. Niebauer, | Min Alice Adash of PRUDGEED Sout Sail eu. of pa { Eleanor Niebauer and Charles D. J. Houck hed business in| Substationthet his ear Fretinik enjoyed an Suing Wed- | Phensbury Monday istlie Mewart 330 ocdeck Property Jus MoNehs and Patrick Da a oat urday Mgmt Ohio Motorist Crashes | Mr and Mm James Cassidy of | rg and John Cassidy Na! eh here ai the home of Mr... Nitktown will play ball here soon when his car falled to 8 ‘ and Mrs Edward C | Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock | gotiate a curve and : J i Sr. ‘Jr. ard children, Mr and Mrs | is the gueat of Miss Bessie Gor Edward Lewis Gallaher #8, Robert Lantzy and childrem, Miss don | state police of the WK | nesday of Mim Asm Schade of Irwin in| vent down 3m smb Moshanson Park at the home of her cousin, The accident oecurred one day last week Mr and Mm C ast week at the T A. Yahner Mrs O ‘A. Siler of North East | has been spending some time here atl the home of her daughter. Mra | FC Peters Mr. and Mrs B J Niebauer. | Genuine RAND-McNALLY ROAD ATLAS