Thursday, July 29. 1054 UNTON PRESS.OC URTER sn oi A PE hr SHS TA RSS SL TRL DI PU, SP LA LB ¢ DYSART Dietricks Observe Miners’ Hospital render mn” 00 MOUNTAINDALE SPANGLER Foie s 1 wurde ton, som, JUbY : # . je of the pup chor rehearsal wt 3 Announce Marriage of £3r Anniversary Patients’ Record rtd Mes. Craries B vanner Services for Dean Lucas |." "he Kiatnodist Sunday ¢ Fo i Bi ri at | Pr Local Couple Recently | Loret! i oretto, daughter July 21 : H id At ist C h Re hewt was held at Lakemont | 2 a ors Westminster: Pols ; : Following i tet of patients Mr and Mrs. Riair Woino, Bar e Bapt hure Park on Saturday iomsnip at 7.00 9 m. Karen Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Harold : i Re 2. itted and din a at the nesboro, son, July #1 Funeral services were held in Transportation will be furnishes | Saat ml ROUnce the marriage of their aau | Miners’ Hospital Spangler, from vl ra Tomy Bonanno. (he Mountaindale Baptist Chureh od for the delegates of the Fire hier. Helen Invee 3 eg # Talv 1 to July 28 ; fins neha bio 1 = Thestny aflernoos by Pu Jenne | Ladies Aux nary tn the og orden UG. Day ! : Ar pe : i : “TF. Rey St : eDonne Walt (easter of the Laitheran tion in Patton Wednesday . and Mrs Russe 1 kes Fb hia Zz i % EL : MEDICAL AMIE : wa ffey Bn § An ighter Fuly i ¢ oy ire h Giang we far Dein Lucas Eas will leave the Fire Hail on place The coup ~ A Pryce t ed on oo. ; Ref # la Mra Helen . I . F \ i . 3 14 as former Jock resident WR Was Wednesday MOrRing Saturday m rning $A : it pr FT if b 3; ; n ia ek. FE " wh . 415 Vin Westover willed in Cirand Rapides Mich The Fresbyleriah Sunday Ke nool Va. in the Church of Christ. Rev Fy >. BR | 5crings " NOMAS, 2. 2. . Saugnles Mr Lucas was a grandiwon of sicale will be held Saturday, July! Nathan W ; ol Ba yd satiet Lista Eta EAE s L CREAT the late Mrs Minnie Myers, a son 31 at Patton Recreation Park the dout rir ¢ rem ny. 2 2 I Tatry [iis h hi ele is om on July 2 Te Mrs Bianche fons Benton of ur and Mrs Robt. Nicholson th M: ae 118 }e0 whi 5 3} 5 Fates Hane x bs Bb 3 a ou Nn ’ J Eg 3 ve AK ron 0 ard AN AA EE aed ti of Allentown ANROUNCE He Bris graduates of a s fancy Ann Fro CH Tre Folitown, daughter, July 24 the former Amy LeteMer of of a son in Sacred Hea? Hospital School and Mrs Davison has com TE |. Boe Blare vs RD 0 hi Alfred Vermeulin | posndtmirg. Surviving are his mo in Allentown, July 19 Mrs Nich ed bie In titute. The 1 : is and Mrs Lena I ton A thon at : Eon ther. twn Brothers, Ralph and olson ia the former Thelma Rose § : i . : a . Junisr & Sater Maxine nnd hie’ Cadwell daughter of Mr. and reside in Dysart £ SURGICAL ADMITTED Rarneshore, son, July 24 : . : Sa Ro ‘ ris and th: vibhdren Terry Moan Rogen Canldhwel] Fane 1} » Fia : bar neta i Fist and Sally jounn Shovestull, who is em-| Announce Betrothal of | IN fishas) Prebitiio, Paiton: M 6LASG0 Military services wire neid at ployed in Philadeiphia spent the i fo He: a in : : a wa 1 Cemetery Tilasg on waak om her Carolyn Rose Naylor » Pearl Edwards. Evensharg: Ly sant Hi bgou Clifton Robert. San Ferando 3 i : road Spang ier 7 Cathe ¥ vs rd Ted 3s L# J y { 5 5 5 $ $ 37% Ls s Mr. and Mrs Harold Nayios : i : : Hid we ATE DON GWIN NOW (ORIFORAL lif, visited at the home of A announce the engagement of the ry a wa eT ta hi iren ro wa, I Ross, Mrs Foenitid fin do Mr and bDrother-in-law and sister Mr and, daughter Cars a Rose rm : a A Te 8 $id x &t 1 ryod Pi 4% . v4 =o? Youkers Wille t Rager Men. po 3 44 % } 2 \ § ho J Be 4 . Tohn (lark last wei J 3 , o! rrolilows Viki ted ! the Frank Harpstier 1 ey a SEY dirs Ward was recsived here Bun to Joseph H Huber, son , MRS. GEO. DIFTRICK : promoted to corpo: Wile merv- ord was recat : and Mis. Wolfe Huber of e, MA & MRS. GEO. PI SURGICAL DISCHARGED home over the week end nine rE Third Mar. 44¥ by Mrs Phillip Demi. of the Hill Mr and Mrs George Dietrick Mrs Kathryn Bpacht Hal .ngs re x. Wm MeO ellan we Division band feath of her hrother, Paul Little Miss Navior \ : } sletirated their 53rd wedding sn | Charles Carl, Dvsar! B.D» 52 op Tit ighter aed Mrs Margare : 3f FY Lauderdale Florida 4 ! . 8 . ; " {es { 1 fou Ll FY i] Tented 3 a . F : i ¥ Al Cresson 14 H gt tf Fa f RIVEres ry #1 Rigneda a their ! Frapnmoonnoh § FF ou ui & giennt % HN ¥ rank H RTPA ey Fy : . dy a : J : . i Wi and Mra wm Faige 4 4 PAINT HOw » $ B * wer L288 { MERE i wu i Be *y 3 % wr wi # versity of Pilltshurgh She 18 DOW hame hers ¢ i% irRey | Paar Edward Then ab ry fv} Bi INIDns recently bin ¥ By rea , ; amily of Punxsulawney visile employed as an English instructor mn 4 ; i tend relatives here Sunday jinmer was enjoyed By IN sel Pretuh atlon R FeLaLy Ree Ou wield Mra Mat He ho lane : nm. Haas te Poem Tommy, were recs visitor SF en ay TH ol Among thone from town who ith also serves FEC Te C5 ' N gathered oy COENEN rRic Mrs (irace Barnoasky Ra Fee ats ih Ansa Lender Al ttanded the wodding of Anthony | w strueior #2. Whenwood ph iy it day | BINTHS rx Beulah McClellan and son DIES IN nosrrr AL Kapeiuch and Beity Strishock ia in Altoona in the AER 2L Ls Attending the event were M: i warneabors Saturday wers: Mr Mr Huber a be ty the Air and Mrs Robert Killan and Kay | M ahd M 1 I Mrs Asdell McClellan o : i Lo ind Mra Stephen Kosticek, Mr \ i i hy Sry 1 i \ # a ried 1 ¥ i) Arde} a: tolian A ‘ - Spann Force Reserve Officers Tra ning init Alhert Kiloppet f Washing | Ebhensborg Hare Haroster visited with Mi | AL 4 4 Famray fo «hid Mrs Jeovomph Kape! seh and Bd 1 Corps is a student at itt UV. lten DD C: Mr and Mrs. Charl Mr. and M: on Salvo rank Harpeter Mondas night ¥ 1 Alona viRing # BAG Kapelven of Cleveland, O. and school of education where |} FOYE £f Pittaburgh. M ard | Barnesbogras, son uy If fe cnt gY " Clit i nik aid Armitied on 8 Myr and Mra Peter Sabet and ¥ We MY Madi Avell and > : 2 e . majoring in mathematics andiMrs Curtin Diels and family Mr and Mra Peter Kiem ax of Allemnansvilie and Mr. and nerd servies: were he I family of West Haxietom, FP re He . Fesurhed h “ has! Bjings vi Jind Mn Robert Newion of Rland Ea hey Ry ah ie The regular meeting of the K leng AF H i L% Where 1 i 3! fvietricR ahd 1 t Fd ¥& : ir ig red AM % I said SEF ar hea Sr Thrir scl y evening vis 1 : Freer J é m Fue § TER : Kpangler §-H Be tah Was Beli fant spenl a period of four weeks In art: Mrs Rose Naylor of Divsar? | Carroiltown daughter. July 19 : Fat the Liovd Morton home Fern tary : pow Wednesday Annette Kelly, vice training and is how employ ef in Mrs Marie Berrin ger of Dysart | : ad y fonemh ‘Vi . Boonen Seen tl oy . ; president on charge Anita Gray Pittsburgh Post ( R D ard Mr and Mr % Charlies Wid hte Mrs Snel a o en al tha 4 » a rh ori Bagaman Ms Fotapr® er rT and gave B report on the Cambria Ca . 5 i mil . Sates t TWH pis i i TUTOR Y # nie nare Hina a i pe , A - Ai Ri : of Pa — . | Mr and ' Paul Rice Com: home sins. Rober! and George ¢f Ra i= Council meeting of 4-H Clubs. Mr. and Mrs shard Logan - Emodore, B.D 1 son July 20 Mrs Janet Davis visited with ietle spent several dayr with the Plans were made for stiending and son. Dicky. and Joel Congo of | go unters. Gayle and Linda, of Mr and Mrs George Zeanchock | Mrs Flesnor Maines in Altoona. I8dy's parents Mr and Mrs Aus the ¢-H picnic in Patton Wednes- Richland spent several days Bl rmaceiand O. are visiting the | Barnesboro, son, July 20 Ken Hammond and friegds of tin Eakins fay. Members than worked om or ! i | th f ha $s g * 3 wr. 4 a 4 gF™ + 2 YY L Baltimore, Md and with M ; Lo. home of the former's grandpar Mr and Mrs Daniel Delfino Baltimore. M4. spen he week Mir and Murray MeCart heir sewing projects Fans sisier, a Surgical Patient onte. Mr and Mrs. Abraham Hale | Spangler. daughter. July 2 end with Mr. and Mrs Clair Re ‘ of pntingdon and daaghter Sunday visitors at the home of "3 Paliade Pi a Mrs. Tillie Cleaver, sister of | M and Mra Patric Lamon a ” Mrs Jane Wina snd daughter. Mr and Mrs. Joseph Falger ine f% Thelma Brown, a register “ , Sei ew i BY Mra Hazely Holcomb, will leave Spangler. daugh! Fisle MH ean Garman of Bellwood was PORK rooand grandehibdren, Hmmy oo clinded Mr and Mra TeRion ed nurse. Detroit, Mich, is visils 0, week for Williamsport where! Mr and Mrs lake L. Dav a Bunday visitor here Ri ifs Cartney of Buffaio, Plouse of Pitlabyrgh and Mr. and ng the Wm. Brown home she will supervise the cooking all Dysart RB D. daughter, July 21 Prawn Heverly of Bellwood vis ai pereling 1 genre at the Mrs Forrest Plouse of Ebensbarg. | disses Patty Ann and Dianne | pegaue Boys’ Camp, a division of | Rev and Mrs J M. Kennedy ited recently with Mrs Laura home hen # Winaue and dau Mrs Robert Caldwell is spends | Dietrick left Sunday to spend a) Mimionary Alliance Church Cherry Tree RD. 2. son. July 21 Sehmittle. her grandmother husband an ng some {ime visiting in Allen | vacation al the Robert Killan re- Mr and Mrs John Gibbons Mr and Mrs Marian Mores Mr anid Mr. Calvin McCariney nin SOM Lown sidence in Washington, b. C i and family and Marcellus Grimes Rarnesbhors son July 20 and family of Niagara Falls vis Mrs Alice Hannah Chester, Pa molored to Johnstiows Bundav | 1nd Handay a! the John M {4 visited at the Wm Brown home | where they visited with Mrs So ney home Rere Lars hore aller spending a ing 8 fow weska al ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. David Holland | nhie Grimes, a former Chest , Miss Fea McCartney, Alloons wise k vacation with Ber parc M- and Mrs Philip Demi £ ¢ «1 & y and Mrs Robt Winslow of Wap | Bprings resident 8 spending a week al her home ents Mr and Mrs Hownrd Gwin Mrs Winnie Hogan of Birming- &Y are spending a month in Calif-| Mrs Jay Nerville of North yr in Hollidavshurg iniar High ar wera of lhe : ar i! 5.1 Mrs i Carrollitown daughler Jui oo Bs Gowri, Whi Is am Billy Lawrencs has returned to walom, 0. Ras reo Big home in Meadville aller spend- - Ho Mrz Fina Fevnolds Mrs Ma Bil Kieppa of Altona spent Ran Ala visited al the hi sme | Mrs. Marvin Hate and Judy and) mens Hildebrand home. sda bel Glasgow and daughter and the week end al the homie of Ms f Ee of Donald visited in Johnstown. : Jarnes Letcher Jr visited at | there Joan Kuhn were recent visitors and Mra Arthur Smpdey Meadville tad relatives in Mrs. Paul Springer, Roselie Per- | Pittsburgh last week Way to got Bn Ailoona David Forsythe of Camp Mana Loy, day Ee ino and Mr. and Ses Bandy Per | Mr and Mrs Paul Mansfisld vo Bline Was a week ' Vim Bath William MITE. Wii gueal TY nis gg RA ino Yan ¥isital the former's | and family of Oakland N.Y. vis V Ye Fast shy 4 itor 5 Bis moiher Mra L Mae SERENE r a the few ik Flaps st : i H Paint n the durable. econom- aul ringer, a tient | eo Ged ; ONOMICS wad Church recently » i ; ‘ he BE a cera | “er corn rr me co ¥ Comat TIP] |, 5 amt Jon tempt, poops ars ee wore oc Church Nofices I] ica Seaveifs mouse paint that can be made Jimmy, Lee and Irvin Cavalel| Visitors recently at the Geo Mf Chester and Mra. Edward Pet. o,, er ambria. Va re viLlers in : ighest quality ingredients, expertly blended of Dysart and Eric Judd, Lester | Mansfield home were Mr and The SMART way to arrange Fach and Sanghier Debbie. of | yawn Tuesday Rlandbarg Evangriieal : H lity and John Cavalet, Dysart R. D.| Mrs Ray Dick, Altoona: Mr and | your air trip is through daitimore, MA. spent the pas recently | Blandburg: Mr and Mrs John | Carmelll DeAngelis of New Bri Mansfield. Pittaburgh and Mr. and Conn, is visiling with her Mrs Jack Turner, Philipsburg ts, Mr. and Mrs Dominic! Mr and M FAgar Share vis wgt Wen Rivest Js spent 3 : Angelis of this lace i The Johnstown ted Friday al the Kienn Shore few fi vys with ! & Paarenia MM: Mount Tian Evangefienl ; 4 olin Mrs. Florence Aw = who han DEAN | Nome 7 ; an ' M: i: Win Be ont : Hs ' There's o Dealer Meor You Mrs Marion Bolinds and Mrs NJ. 18 visiting with her rand | mer Jews 5 Wolf. Pastor : beauty. Available in Super Outside White — that » ¢ ful 4 nw ard Saad Ax P-Bgndey Chore ‘ Edward Peterson and daughter patents Mr, and Mrs Howard. Sendey Ava. J-Sukdey Checel | stays white—and a full range of popular colors. re FeRiie In MTS £ | N & y a ol ih ; EA : provide a smooth, lustrous finish of lasting 5 . : week at their home here Moan Sherry Blraftton of Diden Latheran Charch, Blandburg : 8 week camping at ¢ ance Mrs Sheman Scot! and Tereasa | "Ee $ their y at 28 ss Mm vis is HE EAT Lutheran Church, Glasgow Been living In Newark, N J. for ; . 6 - . mm and som, Gary. of Akron O vis | Ferry to Jearn of the ilinews of Mr. and Mrs Jack Hommer of ™ tad a day wilh relatives here Travel & Reservation Serviow | John Schmittle and ail wish Rim Ch T V. McCartney was a Sunday; tioned af Langley Flald Va Rev 3 , woit Puatoy . # * . I . a olf FE a eit —_ ? several months, refurmed howe | visitor at John McCariney home, Miss Roenayne Kaoller of Hand. Sunday, Ane Suna nd Mr. and Mrs John Desion and| Mr. and Mrs Roxie Inatrare or | Friends and neighbors were burg visited here Sumday Senocl of #3 am. snd The Services | . : Lh a ; Glasgow wers Mondihy vilors a! Mrs. Jennie Venturs of New! 134 Main Street, | 8 apesdy recovery the Calvin Gwin home. - : | Mam Street, CARROLLTOWN Rochelle, N. Y. is spending a Joh P i Mra John Troxell and daugh- Mr and Mra Gian Fortawy of R Te ; few weeks al the home of her! nstown, ennsyivania. ter, Ren, were Comiport visitors South Gate Calif, are visting rents, Mr and Mrs Candido ne! Saturday relatives in Mounlsisdale » m Sunday Behsol Jumes Mr. and Mrs Mario Boilo of Washington, D. C.. Mr. and Mrs dello Mio and Mr and Mr Ps Dominic Boito of Akron. Ohio | - i je ' : : : " sikh e py RE Fi Tg f were week end visitors recently FrEv ee gd ! i ; soit Sun jis Mra. Joseph Bergamanschi, post. master, of this place, spent a week visiting with Mrs Victor | Reduce at FL. Lee and Mrs Wm Beckmann of Park Rid= N J Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Matish and children of Dysart visited a: tn Eimer Briggs home recently Ra Reduce of FL. Lee N. J. is ng bis summer va- cation wit his Fandparents, Mr and Sera Rh Jones Br rEamuschi. 4 RATA] visited itn friends in Lindora and Scott. Mr. ad Mn. James Peno of Bear and Jt: Ad. were recent viasit- a ares: Mr. and Mrs. Marit Fontanello the birth of a daughter Week at Altoona Mercy Hos- RM AKE a look, if you please, at the car price three.” And each month [irms and the styling ot are changing his- Buick’'s new position. tric sales standings. Lt takes solid worth to bring this shout Take a look at the beauty and the buy lot more automobile per dollar in Buick called Buick—the car that is forging ahead than in other cars. per ta new sales heights in the 1954 _. But it also takes the glamorous new tomor Take a look at the new best seller that has row styling that is Buick today. If takes moved into the “Big Three” of the nation’s for top sales leaders—into that very exclusive circle that for two decades has held only the so-called “low-price three.” For today, as national sales figures for the first five months reveal, Buick is outsell ing all other cars except two of these “low-