Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, July 01, 1954, Image 12

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    Pe § Shaan erie HPA oa
aes - ners ms ON AE A er 8
! Kean County : : : ) a ——— " ea i on —, ——————
| Wr. and Mrs. Bede Lantsy and | A surprise birthday party for oa re ae a and Home E : : jar covers and s:lf-sesling lids te! a widd Bow! and & short-Bandied
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Caprio of | Spangler spent Sunday visiting [at the homie of her sister. Mrs. | irises by Mrs. Amelia Kirsch | Advises Iasgrago ; to manage. A & table and |
Haven were week end visi- in town with friends and rela- Henry Dumm. last Wednesday Mrs Robert Kline Aad Mrs Ar [ your have not incresssd the chair for esting. drawing, or
ot the Martin Hoppel home. | tives | evening. Those present were: Mrs | thur Sherry firak. second and cafount of fire and other hazard painting is good investment, Mar.
: and Mrs Jack Flatie were | The following men attended | Joseph [himko, Mrs. J H. Coo: | {herd prizes : respectively : . fe WYEq WARY KYeRR ; meUrance on Your hore within gumrite ix Duvall, Penn State oxi
visitors in Ebensburg Sunday. | the Laymen's retreat at 8t. Fran- ney, Mrs. Merle Parrish, Mrs. E | : 0 “i Cambria County Heme the inst three years, you miy no! tension family life specialist, be- |
Mise Flaine Bartoletti of Nanty | cis College, Loretto, over the | J. MeCombie, Mrs Fred Ludwig, | : Beootmes segs #Rasane be adequately protected at pre | lives s : :
Glo spent a week's vacation at| week end: Louisa Ragley, Fred Mrs Marinus Dumm, Mra. Fran. Pheasants Suffer Cheek Jars gent prices, Sanna Black Fearn Chicken Barbecue
the home of Martin Wolfe, Sherry, Oerald Kirsch, Adrian |cls Ludwig and Mra Walter J, Modern haymaking is hard on - Before starting to can check Stale extension home manage Summer is chick barbecue |
_ Nick Petryshak and Mrs | Peters, Martin Wofe, John Nea Dumm, Mra Henry Dut and | Pheasant nests, reports Robert jare for cracks and nicks to be Ment spec inlist, reports | time. Here are Yow
Tabata ev of Bakerton spent len and Louis Kirsch. Mrs. Walter C. Dumm. A deli. Wingard. Penn State extension mute each jar will seal. Have jars! Feels Independent K the fire - low he |
An evening visiting relatives Mrs. M. G. Ragley was a Thurs cious lunch was served and Mia | Wildiife management scinlint. A clean and ready for the season Help the preschooler feel more ch iekeh won't oh Pod : : ‘
here. day evening visitor at the Louis | Durim received many nice fia recent stody showed 1 per cent Louise Hamilton, Pedin State ex- | independent at mealtime Give quriehy Constant att ton NE LY Sain, milking 4DMty.
Emery Phillips and daughter, Ragley home. A number of 4-H girls ¢ this | of rests broken up tetision nulritionist, suggests that Rhm a straight -handied spoon with needed whibe the ras a 8 | Mrasting. length of fe,
Barbara, of Nanty Glo spent Sun- | r and Mrs. Michael Volk and vicinity, accompani BY, CE = re i gon - wl a -— dk Binh -.. ary - | quality, and tempet ainent.
day afternoon at the Martin daughter, Patricia, were visitors | leader, Mrs. William Kirsch, ant! a
Wolfe residenc in town Tuesda ing. | Mrs. Trvin Hoppel snjoyed a trip | | 8
William Dunchack celebrated Mrs. Louts Ragley and daugh- | to Hershey last Thay: sn : ©THE FLOP FAMILY By Gwen
his: 13th birthday st his home | ters, Bonnie Lou and Wilda, were | Paul Dunchack is a surgical] Ton, DEAR — \ BURNED THE ROf wisps 0 4 .
on 5 I URNE OST 04a THINK | 4W0ULD- - | | MAKE 40IRSELE SO TafTaeAL.
here Friday, June 25 [visitors in Lor@tto Sunday after- | patient in Miner Hospital, |
Mr. and’ Mrs. W. J. Krumen- | noon | Spangler, where he underwent an | OTPATOES ARE 4S0664~ THE ON SUCH SHORT MOTE 7H WHILE | TELL
rr NET KN Z< 1 =
El mma Snir
acker and family spent Sunday at| Mr. and Mra Claire Westover | Gperntion last Wadnesday. (CAKE FELL ~ rv ,
the Norman lohr residence in| of Hastings spent Saturday eve Darrell Krug. accompanied by - AF AA
New Paris. | ning visiting Lena Schiereth here | Mr. and Mrs Sanford Lloyd of |
Mr. and Mrs George Keith ary Helen Farabaugh of Barnesboro motored to Phiadel. |
snd family of Virginia were Sat- Indiana spent the week end at phia over the week end and vis |
urday afternoon visitors st the | the home of their. parents, Mr | iled with the former's father, |
home of Miss Lena Schiereth {and Mrs. Rube Farabaugh. | Irs Krug. who is a patient in the |
Miss Anna Mas Kirsch of A. P. Kirsch and sons, Dave ' hospital there. :
Johnstown spent the week snd at | Ted, Clifford, Fran Farbaugh and Jutk Peters is attending school |
the home of her parents, Mr. and | Dick Hop are spinding e few! at the Catholic University at}
Mrs. Jacob Kirsch Hunting Club camp in McKean Washington, DC, for the sum. |
Mr. and Mrs. Rube Farabsugh days this week at the Nickiown mer jemester
cand daughter, Ann, visited in County | Mims Janet Smith, student nurse |
Johnstown Saturday. | Mr. and Mrs. George A. Lieb at State Torrence Hospital, spent |
Mary The lath 8 N_ andiand Mrs. RD Lovette visited! the wesk and here with ber par- |
Mary Ellen Welland, 8 N., of | Mra. Herman Pfiester in Altoona | ents, Mr, and Mrs Martin Smith |
, Pittsburgh Hospital School of | Sunday {| Miss Mary Eflen Norton is at-'
Nursing spent a day iast week! Mr. and Mrs Frank Smith and | tending the summer semester at |
gt their homes here ‘sons. Billy Joe snd Christie, of | SL Francis College, Loretto :
- Mr. and Mrs Ostan Gray of Tyrone were Sunday afternoon Week and visitors at the Wal |
Philipsburg were Wadnesday aft. | visitors at the home of Mr. and | ter lied home were Mr. and Mrr |
. ernoon visitors at the Lena Schle- | Mra. Martin Smith. | Joan MoCiosky of Guisetown #id |
t roth residence. i Mr and MIS. En Farabaugh | Mrs. James Hoy and Sughitern :
r. and Mrs. W. J Krumenack- spsnl Sunday srnoon Visiting | Mary Ellen anid Clete one |
‘ar apd family were recent visitors | relatives in Loretto. | maugh. AH SPAGHETTI - MY FAVORITE DISH ~ | |SHE'4 DELIGHTED To HALE. ou
‘at Blue Knob Camp | Mr. and Mra. Rube Lieb ats| mugene Kirsch Jr of Cleve | ER-AH- | BROUGHT A FRIEND HOME £TAul FoR DINNER, €0 ~
" Mr. and Mrs. Stantom Duman tended the reception of the new land Ohio, Was 3 week end visi- | T ' ;
"and family of Ebensburg spent members of the Third Order of [tor at the John Welland home. | 0 OINNER, DEAR = |
* Sunday evening st the Nome of | St. Francis Sunday. | Mrs. John Weiland entertained
ihe lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. | The many friends of Mrs. Bert! the members of her bridge club
‘ Rube Lieb. | Dumm are sorry to hear that she at her home Thursday evening. |
“ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parrish is a patient in Mercy Hospital, | Prises were won by Mra Gor |
5 Et a unday afternoon in New | Johnstown and wish her a speedy | dan Horvey, Mra. G. L. Krumen- |
i REA ns
! ~~
{ “— i
k ; with the Tom Flem- recovery. | acker and Miss Delores Kline. :
‘ing family Freddie Ludwig. Arthur Sher-| The Ladies Aid Society of |
' Week end visitors at the Her- | arvey spent iast | SL Nicholas Church held a meet. |
were Mr | week end fishing at the Nick- | ing Sunday evening At the con- |
nn Mrs. Charles McNulty and’ town Hunting Club Camp in Mé- chuion of the business seamion Lhe |
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