Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, July 01, 1954, Image 1

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    Free Chest X-Rays Today
at Patton, Friday at Bakerton
Serving Northern
Vol. 61 No. 37 14 Pages — 2 Sections
District ‘Brothers
Attorney F itzger al Of Brush’ Meeting
Enters Hospital Tilt a
Lawyer Who Served As Counsel for U. S. Senate
Investigating Committee to Seek Data In Area
Attorney Benedict 8
ald of Washington, DD. C
the foremost lawyers in
tion. was expected to arrive
Patton Wednesday night of
week to protect the mmteresis
State Sen. John J Haluska
the Miners Hospital
Sand Representatives
h her
Fitzger- Fitzgerald was coming here via ries
one of a letier received early this week
the na- He since has been in contact with
in Fitzgerald by phone,
HHSC Will Cheek All Records
and According to Sen Haluska. the
tltorney will cheek all news
paper articles pertaining to Hox VRANIZe ATER
sey. Halusks and the Miners Hom Tuesday
gt will Invesiignte he sosirce FEE OY bE BGs
of all petitions signed by n
and mirses determine
in rows for cod fusion
BOY cosreion and boyeotting of
public Institution charges. and in
vestigate other phases of the com
¢ evening iy 6 al
(IST: at the Fox.
HE, American Legion,
Represeniali off
iintieer Fig
the mess
This news was released hy San
Haluska on Wednesday afternoon
of this week at the time this
newspaper went to press
well wm The
of the
“1 sf (Cares
x Hi
tf there
CYIReaga Tr
Attention is ealled tn the “As
I See I” column of Sen. Hal
ska on the cdionml pag. a
which he makes a report on his
rip to the cancer research lab
oratories In New York City.
S *
£ id AN iy
Hakerisn als
they A
Attorney Fitagerald was to ar ready
rive in Johnstown by plane Wed
nesday evening. and then
to Portage, and from thence to
Patten to spend the night He
is now returning from a trip to
los Angeles said Sen Hahasks
and also during the past week
has been in Florida and Boston
Meanwhile, the doctors and
staff members of the Miners Hos
pital al Spangler who signed the
petition demanding the removal
of Ben. Haluska as administrator
of the hospital apparently still
are bent on “walking out” if the
trustees do nol fire the Senalor
by July 15 only two weeks from
: today
Firemen List Names
Of Subcommittees
For "54 Convention
yin! BE
CADE Area Riso invited
The Carrollfown commenity
this week went all out In pro
molting » Brothers of the Brimh
unit. Monday evening a “pun
shat block” was erevted on
North Main Street, pear the
Feostoffice, and plans were for. [oon
mulated to have represestatives hey
from Irvons help with the im 13
mediate organization of the have
unit. The “punishment block” All
in Carrolltown and by-laws and [Perish
regulations were generously con. | (lef! righty. Mr. and Mrs
tributed to the town by the Martin Kibler. Mr and Mm Bd
Irvorua Fire Co. which observed ward Storm, Mr and Mrs Charles
its Sesqui-Cemtennial celebration (Conrad, Mr and Mrs. Flo Kelly
last month. Mr Mes lawrence Soilon
AL Toesdny's wrt and Mrs Herbert Ran
g dahl
will be sleled Me
Kour! set up the Carralilows
umit. It is hoped that all male
residents of Carrolitowp will turn
out for the important session. All
procesdas derived from the uni!
in Carrolltown will go toward the
mar bovs activit in that
The Bakerton Veterans
ign Wars announced to this sews.
Paper thal aver IB men in that
community have siready signed
Gp lo join such an organization
In Patton, efforts are now under
way lo get & sponsoring organi. | ¢
ralion fo Lack up a Brothers of
the Hrush outfit Although not
yeti official it is hoped to have
the Pation Sportsmen's Club baek |
nn Pat.
a dinner
a unig
mip Casy
from ihe
LO the
The Washington lawyer is
former prosecutor for the U7 8
Department of Justice and had
served as counsel for the late 17
8. Sen Charles Toby and U. 8
Sen. John Broker woo avdaued
Senate investigating commiliee
prior to Sen. Toby's death
This committee. at that time
said Sen Haluska, was investiga
Ling the American Medical As
sociation and various clinics
throughout the nation ax well as
looking in on fund raising groups |
for charity
_ Een Haluska first Jearned that
Big Curved Screen
Will Be Installed
Cmemascopic ‘Robe’
To Be Shown July 23
Installation of :
petite agi ia Br
: 1 0.
Grand Pram in Patton in time
of Cinstnascope
from July 23
sys mil EEN
Son §iag¥
§ y TINT jv
3 Ee
Bx pe
nity rn ye
of whom Reve
vn HWE
& foal SNOT
Baryied and
Sep sraiarts
f St. Monica's
Springs. they are
. { hheut ais
married or
reframe of
voRrs of
164 Ving
ery hers
meeting officers
5 +4 a » . ne
‘ ANG B Kangar : Kibiar and the fiver Ger
(tf several sub-com
mittees for the 1954 Convention
of the Volunleer Firemen's Axe
of Cambria County & Vicinity to
be held in Patton the first week
cof August were named this week
by the neral committee of the
Patton Fire Co
The convention committee of
the local unit sive sanounced
that it has secured
carnival of
of Fore!
The American Legion Celebra.
rt Week starting on Sunday af
‘lernoon and running (hroughoadt |
the entire week will be the great.
tot event of tr kind ever pre.
sesitad by the American Legion |
In Westérn Pesnytennia 4
for the
{ Among the Subcommittees for
. which members have been named
: afternoons. July 4th asd
" run through Saturday night July |
block” erected and and plans under | 10 It will opens with one of the
way for immediate [mation’'s outstanding Hill Billy
tion. In only three days & numn- {orchestras The orchestras is un. |
ber of other towns in Cambria (der the direction of the famous |
County have sent representativ. MOM recording artist. Jimmy |
es to Carrolltows In order that Walker He will bring with him |
they may get an Mea of how to nis Western Stars, featuring Sun- |
creed the various punishment of ‘Kit’ Carson They will open |
devices, in the Arena at 2:30 PM with
It was noted that a person their famous hill billy Jambores, |
must volunteer (0 become a mem- giving a completes show in Lhe |
ber of the Brothers of the Brush afternoon, and & complete who w |
And all men in this ares who wish in the evening, opening at 8 pm |
to take part in the Sesqui-Cen The American Legion will
tennial celebration of Cambria | present for the first the thelr
County are urged lo join in this | proposed American Legion Clr
| fun-making. once-in-a-lifetime ex- eon. This show will be the hest
| perience of its kind ever presented in the
For additions! information see Legion Arvens
[Maries printed on Page 5-B of
this a
Rev. Edw, Rohrbeck | Sc it
2 eee ma rom NEW Patton Pastor
Efficiency contests and “battle |
‘of the barrel” Gust C. Beunier, |
a Albright, George |
Sandy Rogers, Mark Al
a Lato Liither and Wil |
. co-chairmen, Al
¢ Masnica.
via. Char.
les Hopper, Frank Kinkead H J
Mul Leo Short. Ted Ot! and
Convention tets Ted Ott
H J ulligan. George
Gust Beunier, Columbus
ty contest committee, |
of which Mr. Lisheraili is chair.
man, and the registration com
mittee, of which Mr. Mulligan i |
iE 1r
The mid-way will be the In
Chest Springs Couples Have Total of 313 Years’ Married Life County Sesqui O
Legion Celebration to Start
Sunday, Continue All Week
‘Full Program Includes Large Midway, Circus,
isit By Army Vice Chief of Staff, A. L. Officials
| sociation
i tones,
| Donalvee, execulive secretary
Fre and Mrs. J Calvin |
vel Commitee Of the cal | Rev. Edwin Rohrbeck of State |
{ College was appointed (he new
| minister at the Trinity Meth |
| dist Church, Patton, by the Cen-
{ trad ivanis Antual Con |
| terence. This is his first i appomt- |
i ment mince
Attention this week is called to v,
two stories found on | Penns
Pages 6A of this issue of the 1951. He attended Carvett Bibl
— of tuo eal Institute, Northwestern Uni |
onup | versity Campus. Bvanston.
Celebrating ' and gradusted on June 14. 1964 |
Rev. Rohrbeck is married to the |
nag ed and Mr. and former Shaffer of Forty |
SBaskey of Car.’
of Penn
Only One of Hs Kind
Eh ne. ls aiao's graduste
State {
fest ever seen at the fair ,
featuring approximately 50 at.
tractions slong wilh two of the
nation's greatest outdoor MM
acts: the Barretls in thir Sante
(of death on the slender pole
feet in the air end i
| Valentines, three boys and a be 1
featuring |
high-flying acts
in his Dying
| return tricks blindfold, truly an
(act you'll sever forget. The Val
enlines were recently seen on tel
‘ovision as the featured sct on
| Top, the Sealtest Clreus of
| 2
{ 51
Commander, Sherman
Mason. The featured sidress will]
Cambria County
i. 1954
were married May 28
ne Monica's {hureh
Smrings They are the par
of four hildren three of
sre living. They Rave 158
grandebiltren and eight great
rand hho
Mr Stem and the former Mae
Contd wore united in marriage
in St Monica's Chamh an June
i 1002 ‘They are the parents of
five children. three of whony are
ving. There are 19 grandchil
dren and three preat-grandehil
Mr Conrad snd the farmer Nel
He Wharlisn were miarrisd Nav
12 IML, in Bt Francis Mavier's
Church, Bellview There were 8
children horn In this anon, seven
of whows are living They have
trate FD how
i Best
w Rey
ibe by Commander Selecky Vice!
Commander Mason also will give |
an addross
Childe ’s Day is Saturday,
cial showing os the circus in the
Aron An the aftervioon
| tients fron the Altoona Veter |
ana’ Hospital
3.075 Free X-Rays
Are Taken to Date
In North Cambria
A total of 3075 free chest X- |
rRYs Dave Been taken in the
week and » half by the Cambria |
C County Tuberculosis & Health As.
in Northern Cambria
: males were:
pecording to Frank J
That totikl is aa of the toe |
this newspaper went {0 press
Hewwver, the free X-rays stiff |
are being taken in Patton this
Thursday, with the mobile unit
set up in framt of the ['nion
Press Courier office and spern-
fromm 1:96 te 3:00 and from
7 to 1:00 p. ma.
Tomorrow, Friday one of |
the two mobile units of the Na.
tional X-Ray Surveys will move |
to Bakerton. where it will be |
oncated in front of the Bakerton |
Inn during the same hours as are |
fisted above Next week, from |
20} Tuesday ehrough Priday. a amit |
will be located in Ebenab-ry
The X-rays are free and are |
avaliable for persons 15 years of |
age and ower. They will be check. |
ei by the cancer, tuberculosis
and heart sociation
Totals of the number of persons |
in Northern Cambria to date whe
have been X-rayed are:
de La
Patton J
The survey was taken in the
Bamesboro - Spangler area laws
week, in Currolitows and Hast.
fey oa Monday. and in Patton
and Colver an
section of 5 rural rod will be
fm edd.
pom. y in
Phster Building in Nicktows.
AER I Gh A be pb a J
Joi |
iy 10, whet: there will be & sper |
the various |
I Chow win tore,
ling Kriss Lumber Oo
Bingle Copy — Te
Haluska’s Report On
Kettering Institute, Page 1
Subscription Sums: Comers Camiria Sor 404
Includes Historical Pag
James Beadle Phots Patton
17 grandehildren and fonr
Mr. and Mrs Kaily
ried in SE Augustine October 1
1901, at St Augustine's Church
Mrs Kelly 8 the former Rose
Domiglass The couple are the nar.
ents of 13 chibiren 12 still hiv
ing. There are 51 grandchildren
and four great-grandehiidren
Mr. Sutton and the former Ru.
san Rlorm were married sa! Chest
Rprings in St Moslew's Church
April 38 1804 Bix of their nine
children are surviving - and 14
Mr. Randall married the for.
mer Elizabeth Himpsnn on Feb
14, 1901. in Healy Name Church
Fhensbry There were ne ehil
dren Born fo this gnion
Cl a ’
Were may
$11,615.09 Lowest
Bids for Projects
At Patton Schools
A total of $11 681500 will be
spent by Patton Borough School
Board for repairs and new equip- |
iment for the First and Second
Ward Geade Schools this summer
Divectors opened bide on six
different Br AL & meeting on |
win | :
den and pointing of the |
work. 8 the First Ward |
Grade School building
this Saturday at 130 p m to
PAwKrd the contracts
Low bidders and their bids on
the various are as follows
Pamting ft. Bakaiza and |
Hricko $1 8458.50 shectirical work
a Niebhauer Patton
op ton, $1 350.00:
| Co, Pat a0; Sooring
! Sherry Bros Patton. $1 137.23;
| window Sharbaugh Dey |
and their enti.
WOR and
Bros. Latrobe
Other nidders
| BurER by
Hf rvottn Co. Pittshurgh, $3.380; |
chard L LL. Price
[978 and Tony Sunseri Patton,
152.300; electrical - Benjamin 8
Stutzman, Johnstown, $278: foor- | w
Patton, |
Beatona Bros Pitts. |
$1338. window
| Pitta
| Water)
| Faek Pan
a. J A Co.
Tri - State
ga ss Ph $0
a ng C Ca he]
awn, $A 200. Ro
special Mmesting will be held |
P. Weity
Folks from Throughout County Expected to Take
Part In Nightly Spectacle Probably At Ebensburg
Plans are forging rapidly ahead ; have parts in the histories) pag=
for Cambria County's big Sesqui- | sant.
centennial Celebration at Ebens-! Al present. the beard
burg the week of Aug. 15 to 31. | contests of the “Brothers of
Annpsuncensent has pean made | Brush” are heing ~
the formal opening of the Hil COmuMInItion, and mach
observance will be — in the is seen and
various churches of the area on! about from the wives.
Sunduy, Aug. 15. | There seems 16 be no |
On Monduy, Aug. 16. activi | © * Popularity of this sve
ties of the week will get under. | Beto enuis: Gir Seat
way. Fach night during the | Sod Brownies will
early history and development = SUratiohs of first aid =
of Cambrian County will be pre. Sctivithes
welled, probably at the Ebens-
burg Cambria Stadiom In Fb
Alma featuring the week will he
day uvvenis when fire compan
WE, service organizations de
nd individaals will loin in eta.
Eng parades and other spectacles
Fach community in the county
is expectad to have its own acti
vitien, although many residents
nil parts of the county will
Sterling Mine No.
At Bakerton Closes -
Faltering business in the coal
industi'y has forced the closing |
of another large North Cambria
A street dance ia
with best
Fbenshurg's Lake Rowena,
water carnival as well an
hax derby, pet parade
events Prises will totel I~
A “queen” will be selected
reign over lhe event
ing day also is expected to v
highlight, when a parade of BS
and floats. and charactors.
be staged at Eben 4
Car bumper signs will be 4
to help defray expenses.
Af 18 o'visek next
ea oS
pets on cement
con, will be at the County 8
TCA, and wil remit ally
te answer any
a amd
f Fares
ald In
The county commities 4
others will sweet in the oa
730 p mm next Tuesday to f
ther plans for the observance |
interested persons are invited
attend the meetin ee
Mr. Lafferty will
Sterling Coal Company an.
notincdd last Thumday it cessed
aperations a! the firm's Mine 8
in Balerion last Wednesday,
Dennis J Keenan, general SEE
erintedent. attributed the suspen.
gion to lack of orders He added
that production has been dropping
for past several! months
When the mine shut down, pro-
fuction had been reduced to about
100 tons daily, with a complement
52 emploves. In peak years |
the operation employed some $00
men Gnd mined 2000 tons of
Lower Kittanning “B Seam” coal
per day :
Mr Keenan said the company
i# hopeful that Mine § may he re |
opened next fall
Meanwhile, the firm's Mine |
contines. to operate {
(average of three days & week |
: The mine employs about 310 men | ¢
approximately 3.300 Hi
arrive in Hi
{ and
Buck's Furniture Store in Pat. |
ton took on & new appearance |
vellow brick front on the bul
on Filth Ave was tom sway
from. by a new red brick store
The council plans to
for bids in the near future.
Mrs. Nancy C. Tntuas
4: Tri-State Water. |
Ebensburg. $3.
shades Richard |
i La Price, Ehsnabury. $1578 :
| Bros. $7. 740.70 and Edward Bra-|
vin, Altoona, a 30.300.
Raymond J. Biller,
Former Garage
Operator, Expires
Raymond J. Biller. aged fifty.
fix yomss, for many years prope.
ctor of Biller's Garage on Fifth
Avenue, Pallon, and an automo
bile mechamie, died gst Sunday
at the Miners’ Hospital, in
gler. Mr. Biller had ben in a
henith for a long period
The decensed was a native of
Patton and was born
vives him. Alwo. surviving are his |
widow, Hilds, two daughters, |
Mrs. Gorn Ingram and Mrs Bo |
Miller, as well as three
grandchildren. He was a brother
of Prancis. Elaine. Loretto and
Mrs. John Shatranik, all of Ake!
wn. Ohio:
Marcellus, of ¢
Mr. Biller helt membership in
Patton Lodge. No. 488 Loyal Or.
der of Moose and Patton Asrie |
No. 1244, Fraternal Owider of Ea-
Ries Friends iS Were received at
the Ward Puperal Home Services
Patton, and
were held at nine o'clock an Wed- |
in St
Interment was |
8 Cemetery, Car
oR A soo
Orvis Hurd, 85. of La Jowe, is
in Miners’ Hospital
: Mrs. Nancy C. Thomas of Bin (1
dbarg, a widow since 1985,
made her own living without the |
en: She prides :
| that she was able to. tals of )
financially since her hus
nan the inte’. Fhoman, dnd
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
& story and restaurant in |
i burg since IDO2 T
| the business even while Mr. Tho
ET atved as foreman for Hare
i bison alltsr Refractory. After
Chis death. Mrs Thomas continued
operating the store and made her.
self fnancially independent.
Mra. Thomas is the former |
Nancy Troxell, i
| lute Alec and ;
| near Clasgow! She is the tanith
Lehild i a family of eleven
| ren.
and Mrs. Thomas
marrisl Nov. 18, 1898,