Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, June 24, 1954, Image 1

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Controversy Pages 1-B, 3-C
Vol. 61 No. 36
18 Pages
3 Sections
Ser ng
Northern Cambria
Count 'y
Cambria ‘Sesqui’ Plans Pastel Shades Provide Pleasing Effect In Church's Interior
Shifted Into High Gear “jg
Six Divisions Set Up to Take Care of Various
Phases of Celebrations
Ebensburyg A
the organization that
Cambria County's Sesqu
nial has now been st up, ACCOTH
ing to Joseph W. Davids
eral chairman of the
in charge of arranging lor
The festival will continue
one full week, starting on
18, with parades historic
displays, decoration, souvenis
celebrities all contributing
gala affa in the vara
munities of Cambria Co
Northern Cambria ar
ed to take a
this celebratic
Among outstanding eventls
will be a contest to select a
Sesqui-Centeaninl Queen. There
will be a day te honor
Cambria County's founding fa
thers, to be known as “Our
Fathers’ Day.” Other days will
be set aside to pay tribute to
youth, industry, veterans, farm.
ers, retafiers and officials.
Preliminary plans for the cole
bration commemorating the 15th
anniversary of Cambria County
were presentad to the Sesqui-Cen-
tennial at fs meeting Monday
evening of this week, June 2] at
Ebensburg YMCA. The John B
Rogers Company of Ohio is sup.
ervising preparalions for the af-
fair. eir agent, Wallace Laf-
forty, who will serve as general
manager for the Sesqui-Centen-
nial will be here for the nex!
meeting next Monday Eres
June 28 at Ebensburg YMCA
Six Bvislons are In process of
being set up to take care of the
varlons of the cvlebrs-
major port
Ww §
EaTarnlt f pe
iT &
eX bert
oO gctive part
Incorporation of the Sesgui-
Centennial has been ~eompleted
Free Chest X-Rays Next Week to Be
Cancer, TB, Bad Heart ;
an of
a! Age
® and
to Begm On August 16
papers Were trawn
ish Myers Ebenst
and properiy fied
ative DHvisian, cha
Joseph Ww aavidson,
Tibbnit, co-chairman
ing Commilles head
Myers and H Justus
heen named secrelary
The following commit
the Cor
siete TOF
je the Canmiria only
The ins
ii be
Apel has
etd 1p
tes Pape
Men! Abandon Those
Razors Until Aug. 21
(ilve your razors a rest
men, Cambria County's Sesgui-
Centennial colebration is pow
moving inte full swing.
According to a Proclamation
jssned Toesdny of this: week
by Pat Farrell, president of
the county board of commis
stoners, all males in Cambria
County of the age when shav-
ing is feasible, are to refrain
from shaving from this week
oatil Aug. 2).
Cambria Comnty will help to
celebrate Mas 150th anniver.
sary with a “Brothers of the
Brash” organization, and it is
hoped every commnnity in the
county will set up local onits
of this fun organization. Dom
emiek Tialiane, FEbeasburg, is
serving as chmirman of the
county beard contest,
Kangaroos Kourts, and Ye
Keystone Kop divisions are
requested for every commun
ity to emforce the regulations
The Prochuastion perinining
fo this pur? of the Sesgui-Cen-
teaninl Colebration will be
found on Page 3.C.
%) American Hearth Association has
agreed to cooperate with the PB
| unit and provide the follow-up in-
formation on the heart deviations
{to the individual and physician in-
I volved. The Cambria County Can
Hast- cer Sorfety will follow the same
procedure for any cancer devia.
| thomas.
{The THE Association will provide
all the follow-up for tuberculosis
| feviations and all other deviations
the Haart and Cancer Societies
The chest X-rays will be check-
nd for any abnormality in the
| procedures will follow those ap-
by the Bureaw of Tuber.
=ulosis Control of the State Dept
deviations will be turned over to!
and all follow-up
Pietured is the entirely new
interior of St. Beraard's ( hareh,
was completed carfier this week
LF 1
job on the shades,
Hastings, which
Done in pastel
Painting Project Completed
At St. Bernard's In Hastings
New Lightmg System
Also Has Been Installed
“MNhen I walk
inion Mail sow
if Tm poing straight Ley
U4 Ss Beautiful #
iady was beard 0 ex
olhet day Her won a5
graphically the beauty of Bt Hey
Bards Church sind receiv:
wiipdeted “face-lifling
The interior of the church
Been entirely melamor “wn wae]
an artistic paint ob,
iy w
ip 1 lhe £m
ial seeins a
dhe Fite
vary ahove The
if The Wills 8 3
with atiraets
mealaehing Tiga
seo R live nlervais
ular at-
pons or Way of
Here can Ye
of A Master
benulifully re
fraw porta
Pha ial
the wWawrk
fol 5 vd
[rated Toes
painted |
fiterioe kit
JEve Deen
Ano Ber
Sym t
Hr va
fied porthy
mew Hghling
i Ihe
erent is so Aang that St.
BE a rn ia ers should be
Each Wd every member
This writer compliments the
Seatena Studio of Pittsburgh on
the sxceilence of thetr work. The
Hght, restful colors are such o
distinct contrast lo the previous
ee a
dark color combinations. And the |
decorations portray troe artistry
The Sanctunry is especially al.
tractive, with ita eslling of lor.
quodse bine centered by a symbol
of the Third | of the Hoty!
Trinity God, the y Ghost. A
distinct change, pleasing to!
the eye is the baekground for.
the M4 Mar. The former gaudy |
by svive-
role grea in) shades And ;
eet ia the sancti. g
ne window ornamentation A la-
pastry piece below each window
. visible
, highly trae
also form back- |
Scheduled Tonight
for the side altars. Be
| The winner must be willing to Quentin Blake.
| Cambria County”
L «Friday, July 8 during the week |
iPhote Courtesy Ehessburg Moana ness Beralel)
vainly Commissioner Pat Farrell ssalles as he
Cambria €
| original
Years jailer
nm fart evervihing in the |
| pastor
In‘County Convention P
Single Copy — Te
Two Full Pages C
To Be Found In This
in Cambeia Oo
Camara Us
Patton Firemen List $1,225
3 Wmners Announced
In Blatchford Contest
Three winners have been an.
novinced In the “ldentify Your
§ ws cofilen: being conducted
by Blatchford Fumiture Co, Bar
| ing the pictures of their homes
F date are Ligourt
! Loan
| Boro
Picking up £5 bills for identify
the TumMmituire Arm's windows to
Lacey Carmil
Louis Vianvicsky, Buarmes-
asd Maurice Bender Car
reddit own
The firm
Ares Homes
Wews i
Hoxsey Question
Off On Issue That
photos if
in ils windows
Involves Hospital
Jury Studie Phos Pettos
the walls, statues and paintings were the
work of Seatena Studio of Pittabargh. The exter.
ior of the church also reomtly was ressovated
which really enables a worship
per 1o resd from his Missal with
wit decided eyestrain The hapd-
sore chtureh huminaries of Rweed.
ish alee! and satin crystal were
installed by Hastings’ expert ol
sctirician- Fred (Bucky: Veil
The oxterior of St. Bernard's
was also renovalad several mone
tha ago. when the work of paint.
ng was undertaken The adifice
i BoA in oa state of excellent den
dition beautiful without and als
ay Withee
Decticated March
Bernards’ Church
or Vincent Senlemmer
ihe interior received its
paint and decorative job
The new “Tace” far surpssses the
2. 1924
reraaine] in the
state until
144, while Futh-
OSB was
t John J
Doctors Threaten to
Quit; Senator Counters
atmosphere of
tension it Rovering Over the
Miners’ Hospital at Spangler as
combatants in the Haluska-medi-
cal staff controversy reached a
momentary ull, after charges and
counter-charges. all arising over
the Hoxsey Method of treating
cancer, and allegations made by
Renator Hajusks thet doctors in
the area were adamant any
nlerest. hit couched in rather
strong language
As 4 reaniit the tors
tAreatensd 10 quit the facilities of
the hospital after July 15 f
Renator Haluska does not resign
ad administrator The Senstor
Ras accused the ITwwtors or at
wast some of them, of guestion-
able praciives in the past at the
hospital, which is denied bv Dr
W. ID Hall president of the
Medical Staff
An mounling
Associate staff Drs. Gerson
(Paden, William HW Livingston
{Joel Goldman, Joseph A. IV Aless
iandro. Albert DeMatties OGliver
Mattas, Arthur 8 Brumbaugh,
Rilenakey, A. J Edelstein
| Elwood W,. Stitse! and Robert H
Beard compsitioe of the county wait.
ND rs LR
| Carrolltown Legion
patron Sant |
‘Queen’ Selection
Al least five lnclion will |
ibe enternd in the competition for 3 second term
‘a "Carrelitown American Legion Patton Local ar
| Quesn” to be beid Thursday even- and Cluy Workers oe
I SI BA oper
organo Mme we
Cammarata Again
Named President
Local Clay Workers
Carmmm San will serve
of Midas
nited Brick
America. |
of this week at # o'clock in! Mr Caramarata wah reelected at |
| ing
the Fox-Penle Post 5308 Home at 4 meeting Monday n
i Carralitown.
In addition to names turned In Bagles Home Patlon
to Commander Andrew CeschindX (ther
thease names have been turned
at the post home.
Annas Marte Glova, St. Bea
Bt of this
wee Order of |
inn the Frat
officers include John!
In Watkins, vice president: Carmen
' Zungall, recording secretary; Le
Luther, treasurer: Peter Bo
diet; Bernive Kilne and Patricia back. financial Sucrutury nnd Ro- |
Kline, boil of Carvelltown
| BD: Dorothy Weber. Carrell
toswn, and Evelyn Natrige, East saittee are Arthur
Carrell Twp.
| represent the post at the contest
{for “Miss American ae
ta be
long county American Legion Cel |
shrytion = the Fairgrounds in
“gible are single Kira 18 to 20
iyears of age who in the
R. bert Fox,
Elsctind to the grievance com.
Paul |
Lsadore Weakinad and
Byrone Selfridge |
was elected district delegate for
the locil “A second
he named at the next meeting.
Sen. Jolin J Haluska, Patten,
attended a portion of the session
and adiressed the group
The local, numbering about 175
membais, is made up of employ.
o of abun Clay & Manufactur-
" Faas tr
NaS tion
Kaabii i
Dental staff Drm J J Sakon
Stephen M. Kukucks and H B
Huspitap | tal pharmacist Paul Wat. |
tera, ;
Meanie the United Mine
Workers of America are taking |
Mteps lo
i for some
| hospital elsewhere, if the institu
Don is without doctors. And at |
least two ares union organisations
this week smapounce in this news |
paper they ate backing Senator
Haluska's stand }
now stands Senator
| Haluska says he will not resign; |
rand the staff says they won't |
(work if he doesnt. The Nurses at |
| the Hospital are wit thholding any |
action presently. :
a the first page of the sec
tion of this issue will be |
Fond ne ros own comment an the |
{ matter,
and = reprint of a letter sent
this new by the Camberin
County Association in!
February of this vear i
For a complete picture of
very Important matter be
sure you fal articles printed
on Pages 1-8 and 3C of this
ro AAR
Lightning Strikes
‘| Home At Hastings
Lightning Strack the Paul Sau |
ay home Hastings shortly |
before § o'clock Tuesday
[during ws electrical storm
| of
2 Parades, Beauty Contest, Plus =
Competitions Week of August ol :
Wal 4 $1 a
will be awarded by
inteer Fire Uo No }
annual convention of the Vole
Ley Firemen s Association of
Cambria County & Vidinity
Formal announcement of the
prige list will be made al a meet.
mg of the county crgunization to
be hebd in Ashville this Thursday
Patton Sremmen will be hosts
for the countywide svont during
the week from Somday, Aug. 1,
to Saturday. Aug. 7. with
seething planned for every
might in he week
Plans tor duty call for
SEP rem on Sunday. a
bediily contest an
vert hoes SLO R
town parle on Wednesday, and
the gigenlic firemen's convention
rade on Thursday svening
This will be in addition
of "he Harrell” contests
held sach svening with the
county championship Team be
determined on Saturday evening.
Bodh the “durktown™ parade
and the main convention parsde
wre swheduled to begin at 7:00
po Mm. (DST) sharp, seconding
to the general convention com.
mittee of the Patten Fire Ceo
Thin commities
Ted Ott as chairman, and MH
Mulligan, George Manica,
Beunbs. Columbus Lisheralli
Burkey and John J Bender
Thess men will head
sibeaimmit lees, members of which
Are presesitly being selected
in ald lon the ume] county
firemens’ uni! memorial services
be held Wednesday morming
Aug A at Grand Theatre this
vear he actus] convention week
Lael will start off with memorial
servioes in BU Mary's Church at
Patton at 7 30 p m Bundsy. Aug
t. for living and deceased mem.
contly organisation
in cash prises
Patton Vol.
during the
int yw ide
Tuesday, oon.
and a Ar
bers of he
Another event which is sure
to re a Mt this year will be the
wear nemi-formal dress “All
will tw numbered sccording te the |
order their names gre received
Judiging will be based on a
maximum of 10 points for ie.
in composed of
with a
a of
cml firs
MIRRMCU res, $e
sames of the frams SANONN
Three well qualified judges
outEide The area will offwlial
Although dirs for the —
banguet of both the oy
10 WE A :
wi ora and £
anni vt ade
on gown, B
This banguet at
fodloow he memorial
Wadnesday morning. Aug 4
ihe DusiBeas eubonis and
of county officers in the
noon. Dancing will be featured
the evening v.
Efficiency contests will be
ff Thursday afternoons
abet 2 O06 owl, and ned
single. double amd triple ne
Patton Fire Co always
pil ont” when IL promotes
thing. and this is sure to
in plans the unit has Wm
the convention parsde on
Any evening of coavention
and $125 {eo firemen wld
The compiete prise lst to ps
5 Aas follows $
Bands and
bands first, $1080. and A
$50: junior bands first, $100,
second 88 drone Corps
$108. and second 350
For ¢ cmpanies which sre
bers of (the Cambria © county
sociation: Best sppesring ©
pany with 30 or more men.
75; second 850. and third,
company coming
18 or more men. $15:
drum corpe:
the Cambria County
Best appearing company with >
ar more men frst. $50 and see
en Page A
Ture So
Miss ory Moscher Vel now Mase
Nid hospitalisation |
9 miner patients in the |
an well as statements of |
ia number of others in interest, |
Vir vears Miss Mary Maucher
Oarrolitown has been well
| know in the nursing
heart condition,
However, her career in nursing |
was interrupted when she an.
awered & more important call at’
‘home Her mother died when she
was IS years old, and she took:
Yon the: dhilgation of rearing Ber
younger brothers and
When that obligation. was
fulfilled she went back to
profession of nursing.
(her |}
but most of her time in the field
was spent as a private nurse. In
spit; of her ill health, she still
Ros put on amergency cases. byt
her condition does not permit
her to work
en 1h: CAD
pwn, a daughter of Dr y an
{Blum} Maucher
rieif Rad a desire to study: me~
She: and her Sh Marcella,
avy continued
to operate ihe|
father's death, and. both
Store 4
ther, eS ———
or’ TE he re
. !
‘a sister and a musician
Miss Maucher had
in the welfare of her