i a & oN &) Most everybody s happy on a honeymoon’ But if looks like this couple will STAY that wavy, Why? Well. for one thing, they know that SAVING makes the difference between wishing and having Already they've started an seesunt in this bank They ‘re all st on a program of systematic savings that will build solidly for their . . «. together. Why story’ in the pages of your savings account book’ future happiness not write yon own STO PEN “A GOOD BANK FOR YOU" FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF EBENSBURG Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation * Wea joiiad ihe sow Auseica Motors Fomily ond we're celebrating with a big . . . Th B= = - Donated Friday AY Blandburg A. Large Number Assist With Arrangements Forty pints of Blox] were do- nated at the semi-annual visit of the Red Cross Bloodmobile at the American lagion Home in Blandburg on June 11. A tots] of 52 persons reported to the mo bile. Reveral persons failed to keep their appointments for va rious reasms but there were several not having sppointments whe: walked In during the hours the Blodmobile was at the Home Dr Orlidge, reggent physician of the Memorial Hospital, Johns town, was in charge assisted by BE G learn MD. of Bland the following staff of registerad nurses Mrs Ruth fearn of Elandburg Miss A Mahon, Miss A Rawland Mrs DD Ober, Mrs A Hager and Mrs E Bucker, Gray lady Mrs Varner and Nurses Ald Mrs Delaca, all of Johnstown Mrs Flizabeth Wilkinson, local chairman for the dav, had as her assistant Mrs Sarah Bloom Staff helpers were: Margare! Cole, Esther Fortney, Ann Len der. snd Belly Scott, helpers: Addie Lightner, Dorothy Yingling, Mrs. Carl Hollen, Anny bury. and Marks Maude VanScoyoo, Edith Troxell, Roxie Nash, Leona Mul- holien, Annabelle Orbine Mrs Clarence Conrad snd Mrs Al bert Corrido. motor corps: Jean Wilkinson and Mra Wilmer Trox- ell. solicitors Sarah Bioom. Annabelle Orbine Esther Fortney eii. Mra Dorothy Mrs Carl Gathagan Larry Salyer, Carl Femsid Lighiner Evans Charles HescoxX pecames a mem. ber of the gallon club with visit of the Bloodmobile while several others have donated five Yingling and castodians Sihle Jr and typist: Hazel and six pints of whole blood to date The committees In Charge ap- preciates the help and the food contributed so generously by the fthe community and! citigens © Reade Township which helped to make the day a success The donors were DE-IN JAMBOREE PATTON, PA. canteen J CC. Anthony, Mrs John Troxs this | Thotnpson Wolf, Shore, Enlow Campbell Sr Bouch, Mildred wis, Bob Richardson eck, Eihel Scot MeCGiowan Eons Pier, Andrew Peldor Calvin Owin Holien, Blair Ricksrd. Cislr on Virginia Richardson George Botch Wilda landrus. Robert New: toy. Joseph Maloceo, Eugene Reynolds Wilner sekard Kyle oll. Harry Wilkinson Fred Trosell, Charies Hes cox. Robert Kovaloski, Esther adatie Lightner Elimabeth Seott Apple Clair gngling Jean ADsmorys fren Corrado Behmittie, Pred Sahn Lena Schmitile i Nellie Macke Carl Sible Jr Marrow Ha Bvans John Mescox and Clarence Conrad American Legion Makes July 4 Celebration Plans The Kuhn Post Tuesaday AeEIRON Ameri¢an op WIE Legion ta Pau held its meeting June § Conynander Varios paris were given snd te be made for the 4th celebration The following elected for the Charles [. Decker Robert I. Owin mander. Robert ond vice commander ocen, adjutant: Fred W. Frank, finaunos officer: J 1. Marks serv ice officer: B F Troxell, chap imir: John Hescox historian, Cal vin Thomas sergeant-at-arms plans are snnual officers were COMInE year commander first Joseph Mai w Yingh Chester | ks a r Van oop. | the weelt end with their grand Letcher, Verone Lightner, Ds- vid Lovell Elisabeth Wilkinson. Mary isfy and Mrs Willis Lovell and | Edward Bar Glenn | children, Jerry and Carol, Mrs | Helen | Leona i Mr. and Mrs John Letcher, | o Mr. and Mrs Max Lieb and and ! rare ranY pr. | spent the week end at their cabin | Wm J Msckey Aims | at Raystown Elaine and Louise Lewis spent parents, Mr. and Mrs Merle Reff- Puoriney | Joyew | ner. at Glasgow Christine Lovesly is home from school in Pittsburgh She is a daughtar of Mr and Mrs, Mike | Lonesky { Luectile Tonkin, | Betty | | Sending two weeks with My TW Friday ‘Mrs. Sherman Scott tin Bellwood Friday evening Mra Gail McClellan and daugh- ter returned home Sunday after and ra. Ralph Hymes at St Marys Miss Mary Bowman of Glas visited Shirley Brown on My and Mrs Robert Duke and were callers Mr and Mr E RR Seott and Mr. and Mrs Harry Wilkinson | fand children Mark and Cheryl | spent Bunday at Raystown Dam eommitise ™. | July i Vide OOM: Van Scoyocr, sec. : Spanik | wera Mr ‘of Erie My Mr and Mm» Fd Mountaindale visited at home Bunday evening : Mr snd Mra Edward Kennedy | and chitldren of Altoona visited Mra Stella MeNelly on Sunday Matthew Balent of Buffalo spent the week end visiting his parents and fiancee Misi Mary [oteher of the Boyd home Beer. Beer: | Park | Sunday visitors at the of Mr. and Mra Stewart and Mrs Rossel and Mra Beers of Lyleville; Mr. and Mra Next meeting will be held June | 22 Al aliend members are urged to *. % =» Mr. and Mrs children ard Mrs evening of Bellwood visited Mr FE. R Scott on Friday Mrs Marie Bendsten and Pal au oo birth of a son June § Mra Stanton Pitts bath inst r Wormisysburg were visitors In visited Alex Rossi and | John Balsis and daughter. Nan cy. of Vandergrift. Paul Rickard Jr. of Fort Knox, Ky: Mis Pad Rickard Jr and deughter, Pa | mela Kay, of Juniata: Mr. and) Mrs. Paul Rickard Sr. Mr and | } and Mra Ernest Lovell of | relatives over the week end Mrs Dorothy Lewis and daugh- | (tern, Elnine and Louise rs Ruth Van Secoyoe snd children | {Roth Ann. Bobby and Cheryl! held a weiner roast at Sports men's Dam Friday evening Mr. and Mra Robert Van Scoy. oc and family Van Beoyoc visited Mr and Mrs Harold Grager st Tipton Mon da : Bobby. Garry and Jane Bmith, | students at Seotiand School, are! and Mrs Maude | oivit nd Mr ling i | day of Bunciay i Men Robert | Windber Feoers and dnughter Fiddiec Ann. of town : Mr and Mra Marion Walker RBprings annowsce the Wakk | er is the forme Alice Camipbedl Mrs. Louise Reardon and obi | dren. Fred Murshas and Pat of visited Mr and Mrs | Fred Frank on Bunday Fred re | mained to spend two weeks with his grandparents Mr and Mrs Durrell Miller of ARoona visited Mrs Norn Miller Wright of Pittsburgh ard Mrs Mike Ying | Thursday evening ami Fri inst weak i rs. Glenn Bloom and Mra Ernest I John Letcher Jr. were cull in i children of Mrs. Catherine Smith, | John i. of Ant ill wi -“-e Mr and Mra Mike Dudik weekend at their homes here Charles MeNuity Sherr | in r Cairolitown on Sunday. and | iapending the summer With heir (sfr und Mra Raloh Sell of | grandparents, Mr and Mra Cal | Youngstown. 0. visited Mr. and vin RAS [Mrs Fred Wilkinson over the ! Mrs. Rudy Spanik, Mrs June | geek end | MeNelly and Mrs Stella MeNelly | wu, and Mrs Edward Scot: | Visited Mr. and Mra Bawa | gp and Mr. and Mrs Harry Wi | | Kennedy at Altoona Monday eve- | [kimmon and children, Mark and | | ang LCheryl, were at Plahermun's Pa- | Be. William Forbes and Mrs | Porbes and children Billy, Garry! | racine last Thursday Mr and Mrs Stewart Beers | i and Diane, returned to the States | spent Saturday evening with Mr | i from Sendoi. Japan Sfc went to Japan November, and Mra Farbes and two left the | | Stites in September of 1982 Ih. Forbes | Mrs. John Ochranek and som | Altoona Sunday Caroline Rebekah will hold their meeting y. , % =. .- % 15 Due ) 1 4 Ty B. ." Irregular - * wines deetul 3.v Nylons s ean now ful 3-V Ny 3V Nylons Regular Sale Price $1.95 $1.56 $1.65 $1.33 $1.50 $1.20 $1.35 $1.08 $1.35 $1.08 now be you Nites, 814 to 9 i land Mra levi Beers at 1951, i ville Mr and Mra spent weveral Stella MeNelly Anna Jenna and daugh- | Robert R. Primel Cresson Principal C ont has 580 stu- dents in CHikdes 7 hrough 12 and ; i Lyle | Robert MoeNelly | ! of Cleveland, Ohio, ant was born in Japan in Septem hy with Mea rs § ST | and family | visited in Mr. snd Mrs. Dan Chapman and | Mrs. » [tors at the A. P. Kirdh residence | | Bishop were Misses Jane Liehb znd Janet |itors in Fbensburg. Lieb of Cleveland, Ohio spent Yel Mr. and Mrs E visited with Mr Mr and Mrs. en SuUnoaYy. Kirsh David, lowell and son, Donald | | son Donald of Creekside were vis- | yyq N. AP: ant Ang son were Friday evening vis- | sayn and Mrs V. weeks after shearing to give The most convenient time t6 treat sheep Tor extervial parasites ; — Livestock Spee ; is in the SpELEg ufter Frank | State Extension J. MeCombie alist. Wait ten days or cuts time to heal , § AN PO omar wove THIS SUMMER A = with a COOL keep your kitchen comfortable Ww There's nothing finer to help keep your thao a clean, fast, thrifty Electric Range. The heat goes imo the food you're cooking — doesn’t “spill” ower 10 heat your kischen— make cooking an snplessant chore. This summer enjoy all the advamages of 3 com forsable kitchen — and save time, money, energy with 3 new, modern Elertric Range. See your Rlectric Range Dealer soduy. “ PERNSTLVANIA ELECTRIC COMPARY WE, THE UNDERSIGNED ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALERS, SAY .. “ELECTRIC COOKING Is BEST For You” I. J. BEARER Kelvinator Ranges Apoli PHONE Fireside $-8171 CARROLLTOWN, PA. CHARLSON’S Furniture Store You Can Be SURE I It's WESTINGHOUSE Phone 282 BARNESBORO WOLF FURNITURE CO. RAGLEY Hotpoint — Crosley Rarges Phane SR